Do string beans cause bloating. String (asparagus) beans: what are its benefits and possible harm to humans. Green bean recipes

String beans are a legume with a high protein content. Initially, the product was used for cooking. After all, it has a low calorie content. String beans also had a decorative value: flower beds, arbors, and park areas were decorated with a weaving plant.


String beans have the following components: nicotinic and ascorbic acid, B vitamins, carotene. The composition of the product includes minerals: magnesium, chromium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus. These components are necessary for proper metabolism and healthy human body.

A useful property of green beans is the presence of easily digestible proteins and complex carbohydrates. The plant is rich in fiber - a valuable and required component for dietary nutrition.

The benefit of the product is that it does not absorb harmful substances from environment. String beans are considered a harmless food product.

Other components of the leguminous plant destroy the influenza virus. Therefore, during epidemics, green beans must be included in the diet several times a week.

Carbohydrate metabolism is normalized with the help of zinc, which is also part of the product. Copper stimulates the production of hemoglobin.

  • atherosclerosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • urolithiasis disease.

The leguminous plant is able to restore the hormonal background, calm the nervous system, cure anemia, improve the process of the liver, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The composition of the product includes a component - arginine. Thanks to this substance, green beans are a valuable food product for diabetics, the calorie content of which is very low. Beans can lower the amount of sugar in the blood. It is necessary to include the product in the diet of oncology patients, heart patients and tuberculosis patients. Beans have beneficial properties that are necessary for the treatment of the reproductive system in men.

The main benefit of green beans is manifested after heat treatment. The product is often used in cooking. It is served as a side dish for fish and meat dishes or as an independent dish. By including green beans in food, you can not think about the poor condition of nails, skin and hair.

It is considered correct to use a product with herbs and vegetables. The benefits of green beans are palpable in the treatment of gallbladder diseases and for raising immunity. The value of the product is that it is one of the factors of longevity due to the content of folic acid.

The benefits of green beans is the ability to fight breast cancer. Beans, the beneficial properties of which extend to the genitourinary system, help to remove stones from the kidneys, cleanse the body. The plant has a diuretic effect, is beneficial for edema.

The use of the product in the presence of components that are often used in cosmetic products. The value of the product lies in the fact that it is able to fight deep wrinkles. A mixture of beans and lemon will make the skin fresh, healthy and supple.

Beneficial features product allows you to use it for diseases of the oral cavity. Eating green beans reduces the risk of tartar and plaque formation on the teeth.


Although green beans have beneficial properties, they can harm the human body. The use of the product may lead to flatulence. To avoid this, the legume must be subjected to a longer heat treatment or soak the beans in a soda solution.

The harm of green beans is that it causes gas formation in the human body. Do not use the product for people with gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Beans may be harmful to people with pancreatitis and cholecystitis. It is not recommended to eat raw beans, they can have toxic substances.

Harm can be caused by bean dishes if they are overloaded with animal fats or proteins. Due to the compounds of these components, asparagus beans are difficult to digest by the body.


String beans are low in calories.

There are 24 kcal in 100 grams of green beans.

The calorie content of the product depends on the mass. The data is presented in the table:


Although the calorie content of the plant is low, the use of the product has contraindications for people in old age. It is not worth taking dishes from green beans for those who have high acidity. gastric juice.

The product has contraindications for people with improper bowel function. Eating bean dishes in such cases is necessary in small doses and very rarely.

Almost all dishes with beans provoke an increased formation of gases in the body. Therefore, in the process of preparing these dishes, it is necessary to add components that eliminate the symptoms of bloating. These can be dill or cumin.

With pancreatitis, the bean plant is categorically contraindicated. You can use it only if the person is in the recovery stage. Then you can take boiled beans without adding oil and spices.


The benefits of the product are undeniable, so the leguminous plant is actively used in folk medicine.

A decoction of dried and crushed pods is used for rheumatism, edema, kidney disease. Powder from the seeds of the product treats burns and deep wounds.

Useful properties of green beans are necessary for inflammation of the kidneys. The plant juice contains components that ensure the normal release of insulin for the maintenance of the digestive organs.

The mass of green beans is effective in diabetes. A decoction of the plant is recommended in the presence of diseases of the pancreas in the body.

Infusion of green beans is used for dropsy. Seeds, shells and pericarp of green beans are often used in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis.

Beans can enhance the process of secretion of gastric juice. The plant in the form of gruel is a dietary remedy, which is often used for gastritis with reduced secretion of the gastric gland.

Dry and liquid extract of a legume plant can lower blood sugar.

Bean powder talkers are used to increase lactation. Also, this mixture is used as a diuretic and enhances the tone of the uterus.

The product is often used in cooking. Its calorie content is low, so it is an excellent component of various dishes: salads, soups, pates, meat and fish dishes. Also, asparagus beans are used as an independent dish.


The storage conditions of the product affect its quality.

In areas with favorable climatic conditions, green beans are packed in bags and stored in a dry, cold place. This method of storing the product is suitable for a small amount of harvest.

During the winter thaw, pests lay larvae that can begin to develop. But frost contributes to their destruction. By this method, the beans are self-cleaning.

Freezers are often used to store the product. Due to the very low temperature, the pests die, and the beans are stored for six months.

Ripe bean beans can be shelled, dried, and placed in canvas bags. Put chopped garlic cloves and dill seeds there. This way of storing the product will save it from the formation of mold.

Bags of asparagus beans can be placed on the loggia, if in winter time the temperature in this place is low.

A good option for storing green beans is to heat them in the oven. You need to spread the beans on a baking sheet in a thin layer and place them in the oven for a few minutes. When exposed high temperature the nutritional value product is saved. Pour the dried seeds of the plant into a jar and store at room temperature.

The nutritional value

Nutritional value of green beans:

100 grams of product
calories 30.89 kcal
Fats 0.97 gr.
Saturated fats No
Polyunsaturated fats 0.99 gr.
Monounsaturated fats No
Cholesterol No
Sodium 6.49 mg
Carbohydrates 7.3 gr.
Cellulose 3.49 gr.
simple carbohydrates 1.3 gr.
Squirrels 1.76 gr.
Vitamin A 13,62%
Calcium 3,57%
Vitamin C 27,21%
Iron 5,48%

Vitamins and minerals

String beans include vitamins and minerals. These components bring great benefits to the human body.

Vitamins in the product are presented in the table:

The product contains macro- and microelements:

The benefits of beans in the presence of a large range of vitamins and minerals. The composition of the product proves that the plant has one disadvantage - a high sugar content.

String beans are a very useful legume, the calorie content of which is low. The beneficial properties of the plant should be appreciated by those who adhere to healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition. The product must be included in the menu if it is not contraindicated for the human body. Dishes with beans have a delicate taste. The product is easily digestible. It can be used by both children and adults.

Legumes are extremely popular in cooking. That is why domestic summer residents and gardeners strive to grow them. They are increasingly interested in green beans, the pods of which have a pleasant delicate taste. It is not necessary to peel its grains; the whole juicy pod, which has great nutritional value, is eaten.

Green beans are called immature legume pods. As a rule, asparagus varieties fall under this definition. It is green beans that have the best taste and have a huge supply of useful trace elements.

It is characterized by long pods. If you buy a ready-made frozen product, then you need to pay attention to the fact that they are not increased in volume. Otherwise, the product may contain coarse fibers.

The beans should break with a characteristic crunch, be juicy and young. They are slightly sweet in taste.

Biochemical composition of the pods

Vegetable refers to dietary products . It is recommended for people who are overweight.

The plant has a unique property not to absorb harmful substances from the environment. That is why it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly products.

Compared to the common varieties of this bean, the green bean is not as rich in protein, however, the content vitamins a few more. These include:

  • B vitamins;
  • groups of vitamins PP, A, C and E;
  • acids necessary for the body;
  • cellulose;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats.

The composition includes many minerals:

  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • chrome and many more.

According to its composition, it is considered a unique plant that can saturate the human body. At the same time, the number of calories consumed is reduced to a minimum.

Useful properties of green beans

On the human body, a vegetable has very beneficial effect. It has long been used in folk medicine to cure bronchial asthma, normalize metabolism, and treat rheumatoid.

The cosmetology did not stand aside either. Our ancestors used a leguminous vegetable to eliminate skin rashes. In addition, these legumes have a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. High content of argenine has a positive effect on the condition of people suffering diabetes.

In terms of its effect, argenin is similar to insulin, which is why drinking a liter of bean and carrot juice helps the body begin to produce it on its own.

Green beans contain high percentage of iron. Thanks to this, it contributes to the production of red blood cells in people suffering from anemia. But you should not abuse legumes, so as not to harm your health.

Pregnant women just need to eat this vegetable. Thanks to her actively fetal nerve cells are formed. In addition, this product helps improve visual acuity.

In chronic hypertension, regular consumption of beans helps to reduce blood pressure. The use of green bean by men suffering from male diseases also has a beneficial effect.

Harm from use

No matter how positive and useful green beans may seem to you, they have a number of contraindications for use and, in addition to benefits, can harm the body. So, it is not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcer and gastritis.

Those who suffer from such ailments should be very careful:

  • colitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

In no case should you eat raw pods, as they contain pheazin.

It is toxic and can cause serious poisoning. To avoid this, beans need boil for 5 minutes.

Under no circumstances should green beans be consumed by people allergy sufferers both on the beans themselves and on certain of their components.


The use of green beans is quite wide. I use it in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. This product must be included in the diet of diabetic patients. It promotes the natural production of insulin. For this purpose, a decoction is also used.

People suffering from cardiovascular disease You should also eat green bean pods. The use of this product also has a beneficial effect on increasing hemoglobin, stimulating work nervous system, liver and kidneys.

Due to the low calorie content, the vegetable is very widely used in dietary nutrition.

From it is prepared great amount dishes, preparations and semi-finished products. It is difficult to say for the preparation of which dishes this leguminous plant cannot be used. The neutral taste of the fruit allows you to experiment with a variety of dishes.

Vegetable can be combined with both meat and fish dishes . Even the most demanding and sophisticated gourmets will be satisfied with its taste.

Even in the most sophisticated restaurants you can find green bean dishes. As a rule, it is steamed, but pre-soaked in salt water. This is done so that the product does not lose its rich color.

You can save the pods by freezing. To do this, they are washed, crushed, dried and placed in containers or bags for freezing. The shelf life of such a product is about six months. At any moment, even in snowy winter, you can enjoy the taste of a healthy product.

Growing a vegetable is quite easy. She is unpretentious, does not take up much space on the site. You can plant a crop between other plants.

Its taste qualities are very high, and the content of useful substances and microelements is simply huge. That is why now many gardeners are trying to allocate an area in order to plant such a valuable crop. The scope of its application is unusually wide, and ethnoscience This leguminous plant has long been used in medicinal purposes.


String sugar beans are an incredibly healthy low-calorie vegetable with many health benefits.

During the use of the plant, mankind has found areas of application for it: gardens and gazebos have been decorated with flowering bean stalks, chopped fruits have been used as a rejuvenating agent, and experienced chefs have been turning juicy pods themselves into masterpieces of culinary art for centuries.

For what virtues has this vegetable been so valued for several centuries? What are the benefits of fresh and frozen green beans, is there any harm to health and contraindications for use? Let's figure it out!

Useful properties for men and women

The main part of the plant that is used in food and medicine is young green or yellow pods with small oval grains.

Compared to other types of beans, legume less protein content(it is only 2.5% in 100 g of vegetable).

But in terms of the amount of nutrients and fiber thin young pods are the undisputed champions.

The vegetable contains 11 vitamins(including, retinol, a complex of B vitamins) and 14 essential trace elements (, etc.).

Useful properties of green string beans - that these substances are involved in the metabolic processes of the body and the hormonal system.

At the same time, the vegetable does not absorb harmful substances from the environment - any dishes prepared from it will be environmentally friendly.

Another advantage - minimum calorie content combined with high fiber content, absence and monounsaturated fats.

This makes the tasty pods good for weight watchers to eat.

The unique composition of the product allows the use of beans even for medicinal purposes. Boiled vegetable is useful at:

men eating beans will help eliminate violations in the genital area, and women– ensure healthy hair and nails, cope with breast cancer, reduce swelling and increase milk production.

Even dentists consider vegetables useful, as its use reduces the intensity of plaque formation on the teeth, the appearance of tartar.

When and how best to use

The young pods of the plant are considered the most delicious., which should be elastic, crispy, light green or yellowish in color.

You can collect them already in the middle of summer. Overripe beans are tough and lack juiciness.

Unlike peas, raw bean pods are not used for food. However, you need to cook the vegetable for a short time (5-6, maximum - 10 minutes), after cutting the ends on both sides and removing hard veins.

It makes no sense to boil the pods - the dish will lose most of the nutrients, but it will acquire unpleasant fibrousness. It is better to add very young pods boiled until half cooked to salads, after drying them after cooking.

Boiled beans can be fried in butter- in this form, the dish is suitable as a side dish for meat or fish, can be combined with other vegetables.

Cooked pieces can be frozen.- then you can get a shock dose of vitamins even in winter.


We figured out how useful green beans are for the body of men and women, but there is harm that it can do to health.

All legumes have the ability to cause flatulence, therefore, if there are both, and problems with the duodenum, the use of the product should be abandoned.

Do not get carried away with beans with an unstable stool.

Do not eat raw pods: the product contains harmful substances that leave the vegetable during cooking.

Like other bean dishes, beans should be included in the diet no more than three times a week, adding natural spices (dill) that reduce gas formation during its preparation.

Alternative applications

Juice squeezed from the pods- an excellent remedy for combating bursitis (a chronic disease of the skin and joints) and inflammation of the kidneys.

plant extract in any form is indicated for diabetics.

A decoction of crushed pods- a proven remedy for rheumatism, swelling, kidney disease, problems with the pancreas. Seeds and leaves of the plant are also used for treatment.

plant seed powder used to make talkers that can be drunk to improve lactation, strengthen the uterus, provide a diuretic effect.

The ability of beans to rejuvenate the skin has been known since the time of Cleopatra. For the manufacture of effective mask from wrinkles at home, boiled pods should be crushed to a pulp and mixed with a few drops of lemon juice.

What's important - this mask will never cause allergies, but will provide a tonic and whitening effect, relieve dark circles under the eyes.

How to select and save

Fresh pods should be firm and crispy, rich green or pale yellow. Overripe vegetables are paler and larger - they should not be taken, they are less tasty, have more fibers.

Cooked beans can be stored in the freezer for up to six months., reheating as needed. Freezing also helps to get rid of pest larvae.

The program “Live healthy!” tells about whether green string beans are useful, what properties it has, about cooking methods:

Even just boiled for 6-10 minutes and watered butter or pods fried in a pan with spices are very tasty.

And if desired, other dishes can be quickly prepared from beans.

celery, 1 garlic clove, cut in half. Vegetables are stewed until soft in a pan with vegetable oil.

Added to vegetables 400 g of any minced meat and 100 ml, the alcohol is evaporated. 250 ml is added to the stew tomato paste, spices to taste. The entire contents of the pan are stewed over low heat until cooked.

At the end of cooking, boiled beans are added to the dish, everything is mixed and infused for 20 minutes.

legendary green lobio

Remove the veins from 1 kg of green beans, wash the vegetable, cut into pieces, boil in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Strain through a colander, and at this time fry in any vegetable oil one onion, and bitter green pepper.

Add the pods to the contents of the pan, pour the dish with three beaten eggs, mix, then simmer on the fire for two minutes.

Mix the finished lobio, sprinkle with chopped garlic, herbs to taste (, savory, basil, etc.), salt and pepper.

The dish is eaten warm or cold. Can serve as a good side dish for meat dishes.

String beans are an amazing product: with skillful preparation, it can be used in salads, first courses, side dishes and even desserts.

What is important - such food will bring great benefits to the body, give the necessary supply of nutrients at any time of the year.

String beans are the most common young beans with immature fruits and delicate green wings. To date, the valuable and harmful qualities of the product have been studied far and wide, so it will not be difficult to find information regarding this. To bring the body only benefit, follow all recommendations for admission and consider contraindications.

The composition and properties of green beans

  1. Several varieties of this type of bean are widely known, which are successfully cultivated and supplied to store shelves. French beans are considered the most popular green beans, it is they who have a fully balanced chemical list of substances.
  2. It is worth noting immediately one most valuable property of beans - it does not absorb toxic substances, which means it is considered completely natural. The fruits are not amenable to genetic modification, which makes them even more useful.
  3. Environmentally friendly product concentrates a lot of vitamins, including folic acid. This is vitamin B9, which is necessary for the hormonal environment of men and women, adolescents, pregnant women and new mothers, the elderly and other categories of citizens.
  4. Contains many minerals. A special place is given to iron. This mineral improves blood quality, prevents anemia, and raises hemoglobin.
  5. Copper, which accumulates in large volumes in green beans, has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, joints, cartilage, teeth, nails, ligaments and muscles.
  6. Molybdenum removes phlegm from the respiratory tract, facilitates the course of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. Beans are highly valued by smokers because they reduce nicotine cravings.
  7. Magnesium, which is also found in green sprouts, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, contributes to the normalization of the nervous system, and fights exhaustion. This mineral is necessary for a person for the correct functioning of the heart and brain.
  8. All vegetables and fruits contain a lot of dietary fiber, including fiber. Beans improve the absorption of food, prevent its fermentation in the digestive organs, fight constipation and bloating. Partly for this reason, beans are a welcome guest on the table for losing weight.
  9. The composition of the product includes sulfur, without which the proper functioning of the intestines is impossible. And zinc controls men's health, is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism and transforms sugar into energy.
  10. The beneficial properties of beans become possible due to the accumulation of potassium in a large volume. The mineral substance must be supplied with food in order to ensure the correct functioning of the heart and the entire circulatory system.
  11. Beans perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, so they can be carried with you and consumed during snacks. So you can not only support proper nutrition but also stabilize your weight.

The use of beans

Very often, green beans are used for therapeutic purposes for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

  1. On the basis of crushed and dried raw materials, traditional healers prepare decoctions, which are subsequently used to treat kidney ailments, relieve swelling, and eliminate pain in rheumatism. Compresses with the same decoction effectively cope with deep wounds, fungus, burns, eczema, psoriasis.
  2. Especially often beans are used when the kidneys are inflamed in patients. The composition of the juice contains many anti-inflammatory and bactericidal substances that facilitate the course of ailments. In addition, beans, due to the diuretic effect, remove sand from the organ cavity.
  3. Fresh fruits should be eaten by patients diagnosed with diabetes. Incoming compounds control blood sugar levels, improve insulin absorption and, as a result, the course of the disease. Beans treat ailments of the prostate and pancreas.
  4. Based on the pericarp, valves, seeds and the fruits themselves, healing infusions are made that help to cope with dropsy. The same remedy treats pancreatitis, and also improves the patient's condition in a chronic illness.
  5. Green beans enhance the production of juice in the stomach. Against this background, digestive activity improves, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed, constipation and swelling are eliminated. Doctors prescribe beans for admission to those people who have been diagnosed with gastritis against the background of low acidity of the stomach.
  6. Not without the use of plants in the sphere breastfeeding. It will be useful for new mothers to know that the composition enhances the amount of milk, regulates its fat content, and eliminates possible bitterness. The latter aspect often causes the baby to refuse the breast.
  7. Of course, it makes sense to consider the use of beans for culinary purposes. Low calorie content allows you to add beans to the menu of obese people and just those who follow their figure. Thanks to the accumulation of fiber excess weight gradually disappears without stress for the body.
  8. Bean juice is used to treat skin problems, kidneys, joints. The extract is useful for people with diabetes, and the decoction improves the secretory functions of the pancreas. In order to remove excess liquid, it is necessary to make talkers from seed powder.
  9. Beans have rejuvenating properties, so this quality is enjoyed by the representatives of the fair half. To rejuvenate the skin, it is necessary to apply a gruel of ground seeds and water to the face. This mask makes the oval pronounced, fights wrinkles and dehydration.
  10. Decoctions based on bean leaves are used to combat hair loss in men and women. It is enough to rinse after the usual washing of the head. Also, the tool will eliminate dandruff and normalize the production of fat.

  1. Beans are famous for their excellent cleansing qualities. If you systematically eat raw materials, you can soon say goodbye to unwanted kilograms. Beans in a short period of time will cleanse the body of toxins and harmful compounds.
  2. Systematic reception allows you to normalize activities metabolic processes in the body. Beans are recommended for people who suffer from slow metabolism and similar problems.
  3. The most valuable property of raw materials is considered to be antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. Beans effectively cope with viral diseases and seasonal beriberi. Raw materials protect the body from respiratory ailments.
  4. The rich composition of beans allows its use in official medicine in the fight against dysbacteriosis. In addition, the raw material copes well with inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity and respiratory organs.
  5. If you regularly eat green beans, you can not worry that cardiovascular pathologies will develop. Therefore, the product is recommended to be included in the daily diet for people who are prone to strokes, heart attacks, anemia.
  6. In addition to the above, beans are needed in without fail eat the representatives of the stronger sex. The product strengthens men's health and solves many problems with sexual function. Also, the composition normalizes the activity of the genitourinary system.
  7. Systematic eating of beans has a positive effect on appearance person. After some time of eating the product, hair and skin are noticeably improved. Beans are famous for their antibacterial effect. The product is used to get rid of various fungal infections.
  8. Experts recommend including green beans in the daily diet of all diabetics. The product normalizes glucose levels. The unique components of beans are involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates. As a result, the patient feels physically much better.
  9. Beans are used in the treatment of urolithiasis, various types of edema and cystitis. The product is famous for its good anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. The study showed that regular intake of beans helps patients improve their condition with oncology.
  10. To fight infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, you need to take a decoction based on bean pods. Also, the systematic eating of the product prevents bad breath. Raw materials clean teeth from tartar and plaque.
  11. String beans are recommended for women to include in their diet. The product has a positive effect on the hormonal background, stabilizing it. Beans suppress unpleasant symptoms in menopause. Raw materials strengthen the nervous system, helping women to easily cope with stress.

The benefits of green beans during pregnancy

  1. The product is recommended to be included in the diet of pregnant women. Beans have a lot of useful components necessary for the development of the fetus. A huge plus of raw materials is that it does not belong to heavy products.
  2. Eating green beans regularly improves the activity of all internal organs. This phenomenon is especially important for the fair sex during pregnancy. It is important to know the measure of the product being eaten. The menu should be varied.

Damage to string beans

String beans are useful for a healthy human body. But in the case of existing ailments, the product can cause tremendous harm.

Therefore, raw materials are forbidden to eat with cholecystitis, pancreatitis in the acute phase, gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, colitis and intestinal dysfunction.

String beans should be included in the diet in the absence of contraindications. In this case, the product will bring great benefits to the person. It is important to observe the daily norm of the product and eat beans only when cooked.

Video: useful properties of green beans

It is difficult to imagine a product that would bring many benefits to the body and at the same time be easily absorbed. String beans are appreciated by everyone who plays sports, monitors health and strives to lose weight.

What are string beans?

Legumes are among the fastest growing. Green young unripe beans are called green beans. The second name of the plant is asparagus.

Pods with thick walls in which the beans have not yet reached their normal sizes, It is customary to pluck for cooking. In stores, the culture is found in frozen or canned form. For the winter period, this is acceptable, although the benefits of such beans are less. AT in large numbers raw green beans can be harmful. Therefore, the usual cooking options are:

  • extinguishing;
  • cooking;
  • processing by steam or waves of microwave ovens.

When using technology to create dishes with green beans, it should be taken into account that with prolonged exposure to microwaves on the product, they harm the culture: part of the vitamins is lost and the structure is destroyed.

The maximum benefit of the product appears only after moderate heat treatment. It is able to wake up in the product those components that improve the functioning of various human systems.

Serve ready meals from beans can be hot and cold. Combined with soy sauces or lemon juice it acquires new notes, which are successfully used by the best chefs.

Useful components of the product

Beans, like other vegetable crops, are easily absorbed by the body. Its main benefit is not to satisfy the feeling of hunger, but to saturate a person with protein.

The plant contains almost all the essential amino acids that are needed for the construction of body tissues and cells.

Additional benefits of green beans include:

  • in abundance of carotene, calcium, and also phosphorus;
  • in the content in a sufficient amount of zinc, magnesium, sulfur and iron;
  • in the presence of selenium, iodine;
  • in the presence of ascorbic, nicotinic and folic acids;
  • in the content of vitamins of group B, PP.
  • reduce the level of nervousness and improve the functioning of the nervous system as a whole;
  • increase work capacity;
  • get rid of anemia;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • cleanse the intestines and increase resistance to infections.

The product also allows you to successfully fight the symptoms of atherosclerosis, urolithiasis and pyelonephritis.

The beneficial properties of green beans make it possible to recommend it to patients with diabetes mellitus. It has few calories - only 24 kcal per 100 g, and its components reduce sugar levels with regular use of the product. Protein in 100 g is almost 21 g. Its absorption in the human body averages 63%. This is much higher than in the case of meat products.

Culture can reduce harm to the body from the treatment of cancer and tuberculosis. To do this, it is enough to eat dishes with its inclusion at least twice a week. There are studies proving the product's ability to fight breast cancer.

Men who are more sensitive to stress that harm their potency should also consume green beans. It reduces the risk of prostate diseases, having a beneficial effect on the entire genitourinary system.

The benefits of the plant are known not only to nutritionists and doctors who recommend a product for regulating human health, but also to cosmetologists. The latter know that the legume can improve the condition of the skin and get rid of the first wrinkles.

In combination with pepper, green string beans can significantly increase the metabolic rate. This quality is relevant for people who are overweight, as well as individuals after 30 years. Do not add a lot of spices and oils. In combination with them, the protein product can give a different reaction.

Possible consequences from the consumption of the product

Any product can harm the body if abused. Mono-diets with beans - not best idea. Even the benefits of protein are not an argument in defense of such a diet.

Like any bean product, it can cause excessive gas formation. Particularly sensitive individuals may even feel pain in the lower abdomen. Therefore, the daily portion should be no more than 150–200 g. In such a volume, harm is unlikely.

For the same reason, older people and pregnant women should refuse to include green beans in their diet. Nursing mothers and young children should delay taking this product. Babies have a hard time with gas formation due to the immaturity of the intestines. After two years the situation is normalized.

The product can cause an exacerbation of such chronic diseases as:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammatory bowel processes.

If doctors found hyperacidity and diagnosed with "gastritis", then harm from green beans is also possible.

This product rarely causes allergies, but it cannot be ruled out. Individual intolerance is also possible. The benefits of including legumes in the daily menu should be determined on a case-by-case basis.

In fried form, the use of beans as an independent dish or side dish is less desirable from a health standpoint. If the habit cannot be changed, you can reduce the amount of oil or replace vegetable oil with olive oil.

Vegetarians and diet conscious people tend to look younger when they eat green beans. If there are no contraindications, it is worth stocking it up for the whole winter. The side dish, unique in its properties, will support the body during attacks of the flu virus and colds. String beans will give energy, which is lacking in conditions of lack of sunlight.