Why does memory loss occur after alcohol? Why there is memory loss after alcohol How to avoid memory loss after drinking

It often happens that after alcohol, drunk in large quantities, memory disappears. In this case, it is difficult to remember something, only some fragments of past events emerge. This phenomenon is interesting to science and is being actively studied. There are several reasons why you don't remember anything after drinking.

Alcoholic amnesia is quite common as it happens to almost everyone. People who have been abusing alcohol for a long time are accustomed to this feature of the body. But those who drink very infrequently may be surprised by the resulting amnesia. It is believed that alcohol and memory are two incompatible concepts, so a person suffering from alcoholism needs treatment.

Doctors divide alcohol amnesia into 3 types:

  1. Alcoholic palimpsest. Memory impairment is most common in people suffering from alcoholism. In this case, a person forgets individual fragments of what is happening, but remembers what happened after alcohol intoxication.
  2. Narcotic alcohol amnesia. This type of amnesia can occur in both alcoholics and healthy people. A person after a strong intoxication falls asleep and remembers absolutely nothing after.
  3. Total alcohol amnesia. It is observed in people suffering from the third stage of alcoholism. Everything that happened while drinking alcohol is forgotten. In this case, immediate treatment is necessary.

Important! A person's memory can be severely impaired by excessive drinking. If you are concerned about memory loss after alcohol, this indicates the development of alcoholism. In the initial stages of the disease, memory lapses after alcohol occur only after its excessive amount, but then the alcoholic forgets about everything even after drinking a small amount of alcohol.

Why does memory loss occur after drinking alcohol?

To understand what treatment should be carried out with alcoholic amnesia, it is necessary to know the causes of its occurrence. Any alcoholic drink contains ethanol. This substance adversely affects human health.

Alcohol, which negatively affects the entire body, affects the brain to a greater extent. Alcohol impairs memory, since the ethanol it contains destroys the cerebral cortex, which causes such failures:

  • the reaction slows down;
  • memory worsens after alcohol;
  • there is a temporary clouding of the mind.

There is a special area in the brain - the hippocampus, which is responsible for the formation of memories and short-term storage of information. Alcohol affects memory and the hippocampus negatively, thereby causing disturbances in memory recording. The influence of alcoholic beverages on memory provokes the same negative consequences as trauma and mental illness. And the more serious the injury, the stronger the amnesia will be. After a concussion, a person does not remember many things that happened before the accident. The same thing happens with the alcoholic.

The memory loss that arose during alcohol intoxication also negatively affects a person’s life itself. He begins to behave inappropriately, does not control his actions. Injuries of unknown origin often appear.

Memory recovery and prevention of alcohol amnesia

After a person sobers up, he will want to know what happened to him. Unfortunately, narcologists say that there is no way to completely restore memory.

Before drinking alcohol, there are certain factors that should be considered to help reduce memory lapses from alcohol:

  • Drink on an empty stomach.
  • Do not mix multiple types of alcohol.
  • Accompany drinking alcohol with lemon juice.
  • After taking a large dose of alcohol, take activated charcoal.

Scientists have proven that after drinking strong drinks, short-term memory suffers. It is she who helps to remember the information received within an hour.

In order for the restoration of brain function to occur, drugs are prescribed to strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. It is also recommended to take vitamins and nootropics in order to restore the normal functioning of metabolism in the brain tissues and produce a full-fledged treatment.

In order to prevent, a number of such procedures are performed:

  1. giving up alcohol, smoking, sleeping pills and antidepressants;
  2. the use of foods that are good for the brain (nuts, fish);
  3. active lifestyle and regular walks;
  4. moderate physical activity.

Comprehensive treatment of the body after prolonged alcohol intake will help restore memory. It is also important to completely abandon the use of alcohol and follow all the recommendations prescribed by the narcologist. It will not be possible to restore forgotten events, but it will be possible to significantly improve memory.

Often "events" are not complete without a glass of wine or other alcoholic beverage. After drinking alcohol, a person feels relaxed, the feeling of fear disappears. From the point of view of the drunk, he becomes more eloquent and "smart".

However, alcohol only has a temporary "buff" effect that will later require a portion of your health in return. In addition to the internal organs of the digestive tract and liver, especially in the process of drinking alcohol, the nerve cells of the brain suffer. In addition, if you learned something long and hard the day before, you will have to say goodbye to new knowledge.

All brain functions are interconnected and memory is the main resource for human intelligence, are stored there:

  • our childhood memories that condition our psyche;
  • academic knowledge;
  • professional skills;
  • all the information that we use to solve problems in thinking.

Alcohol in general affects all human cognitive abilities, including attention, thinking, perception and memory.

Memory impairment from alcohol consumption ranges from mild impairment to prolonged amnesia. It all depends on:

  1. how strong was the alcoholic drink;
  2. drinking different types of alcohol at the same time;
  3. drinking alcohol on an empty stomach contributes to the fact that ethanol enters the bloodstream very quickly and rapid and deep intoxication occurs;
  4. Drinking alcohol while taking medications has a particularly damaging, often unpredictable effect.

After drinking alcohol, a person feels a surge of energy. But in the course of prolonged use, temporary organic and cognitive-psychic changes in the brain become noticeable. A person in a state of intoxication has a violation of coordination of movements due to the fact that alcohol has penetrated into the zone of the occipital cortex and the vestibular apparatus. The vestibular apparatus is associated with the stabilization of the balance of the body relative to the support and how the sensory system influenced the correct perception of the sense organs.

Alcohol affects memory in a negative way, protecting a person from all the information of the current moment. This is manifested in the selective recall of semantic information. In a normal state, a person remembers all the events of his day - good and bad. Under the influence of ethanol, the memory function of the brain changes against the background of the mental one. All unpleasant events disappear from the field of consciousness, in their place comes a feeling of euphoria and pleasant impressions. Alcohol thereby contributes to the displacement of bad memories, relegating them to the last plan.

Perception, which is associated with memory function, also changes. Not all the details of the environment begin to fall into the field of perception of the current moment. Except for the most desirable and powerful ones, all the others drop out. Thus, the present moment is divided into several fragments. At the same time, the field of perception narrows quite strongly, a person begins to talk about only one thing that is of interest to him at the moment, and only this is fixed in his memory.

Organic brain disorders and memory

Many scientists have investigated why memory disappears after drinking alcohol? This phenomenon was associated with the fact that ethanol destroys the nerve cells of the brain. In the absence of regeneration, nerve cells die and memory is lost along with them. However, Spanish scientists and other scientists from foreign countries have found that alcohol does not destroy neurons themselves, but destroys neural connections in the brain.

Violation of the functioning of brain regions

The hippocampus is responsible for storing and remembering information in the brain. The hippocampus has a paired structure and is located in the temporal lobes on each side. The nerve cells of this part of the brain convert the signals of the head cortex into long-term and short-term memory, and they are recoded in the hippocampus. When intoxicated, neurons in the hippocampus begin to isolate themselves from other neurons. There is an inability to retain anything even in current memory.

When alcohol is consumed, some neuron cells begin to produce steroids. Steroids make the connection between the neuron cells of the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex inaccessible. In other neurons of the brain, the potential of the impulse of the nerve cell begins to fade, and its duration also decreases. Maintaining the potential of the cell is a necessary condition for the implementation of cognitive processes, including memorization. There are memory lapses after alcohol.


Alcohol is a powerful toxin. In this case, memory is lost after alcohol due to severe brain intoxication. Alcohol begins to change the type of synoptic transmission (turns on drug-dependent receptors) and the neuron stops working in the right direction. This can create pseudo-hallucinations.

Violation of the blood supply to the brain. oxygen starvation

The brain, like any other organ, receives its nourishment through the blood. Under the influence of alcohol, the blood changes its composition. Blood cells begin to accelerate their movement through the vessels, for a while the condition of the blood improves. However, after a short time, the water balance in the body begins to be disturbed, red blood cells lose their negative charge, which helps them repel each other, and they begin to accumulate and connect.

Thrombi from clumped red blood cells

The membranes of the blood cells begin to rupture. The contents of the cells begin to flow into the cavities of the vessels, forming glued hemoglobin lumps. With the destruction of red blood cells in small vessels of the brain, it leads to their thickening and the formation of a blood clot. Without access to blood, brain hypoxia sets in and nerve cells begin to die. The loss of neurons leads to structural changes in the brain and memory. Atherosclerotic memory loss occurs after alcohol. In addition, along with alcohol, all vitamins are washed out of the body: vitamin C, vitamin B6.

Memory loss before and after drinking alcohol

Many people wonder how memory disappears after alcohol? Difficulties in remembering the events of the previous evening are more often transferred to the next day. Psychologists call this phenomenon amnesia. Drinking one bottle of vodka is tantamount to a head injury in a car accident.

In psychology, quantitative and qualitative memory impairments are noted. With quantitative violations, events are forgotten before or after a change in the traumatic state. For example, with moderate alcohol consumption, the ability to memorize new information is reduced both before and after drinking alcohol.

There are times when psychological factors interfere with memory recovery. At the moment of intoxication, a person does things that are unacceptable for himself, because the parts of the brain responsible for controlling behavior are turned off. A person does not understand that later he will be ashamed of himself. Already after being sober, the psyche blocks these memories.

Qualitative violations: replacement of the fallen events with fictitious ones. Early events can take the place of later events, it is possible to replace events with hallucinatory visions. Amnesias can be partial or complete. In people who indulge in alcohol infrequently, amnesia occurs only in case of extreme intoxication.

With a temporary disturbance of consciousness under large doses of ethanol, everything that preceded the moment of sleep is often not remembered, since alcohol consumption causes the most significant impairment of short-term and working memory.

When trying to restore a picture of the past, side associations arise that interfere with the process of remembering. Semantic connections, logically conditioned memorization are quickly broken. With partial amnesia, individual details fall out of memory, but the main line of events is more often restored.

With severe alcoholism, whole events and days begin to fall out. And already destruction of long-term memory begins. There is a depletion of psychic forces. Mechanical memory prevails. In chronic alcoholism, global structural changes in the brain begin. Often the brain starts to dry out. In this case, the memory is not recovered.


Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones. It is better to completely refrain from drinking strong drinks. Instead of regular "gatherings", spend time on your development.

Alcoholic amnesia is common in people who abuse alcohol. Moreover, it is dangerous not only for the person who has undergone it, but also for the people around him. This term can be found in the medical literature under the definition - perforation amnesia or palimpsest.

Palimpsest is a pathological condition characterized by alcohol intoxication followed by partial memory loss. At the same time, the memory of such a person is compared with a “flap”. A drunk person loses individual memories, details, events. Alcoholic amnesia is a broader concept, and the symptom will be a complete lack of memory at the time of drinking alcohol. A patient in this condition should be registered with an appropriate medical institution, since amnesia during alcohol intoxication is the main component of chronic alcoholism.

It is worth noting that a single case of memory loss due to excessive drinking of alcohol may be the norm in people who rarely drink alcoholic beverages. In this case, there can be no talk of any alcohol dependence.

Clouding of consciousness, loss of memory, disorientation in space and other unpleasant symptoms do not always occur. There are several predisposing factors that affect the occurrence of the above clinical picture:

  • Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach;
  • Degree of alcoholic beverage;
  • Large dose;
  • Mixing alcoholic drinks.

As you can see, the causes of amnesia are diverse and sometimes correlate with each other, aggravating its course.

So why does memory disappear after alcohol abuse? Everything is explained by the effect of alcohol on the hippocampus, which is responsible for the whole system of memories and their storage. Memory loss after alcohol can be deliberately provoked by people who were in a strong emotional shock, and this condition can be considered physiological, provided that alcohol intake is not systematic. Often in the morning a person feels broken, tired, ashamed, guilty. Psychological discomfort caused by a memory failure worsens the patient's well-being. That is why drinking alcohol is so dangerous in depression, because a deceptively elevated mood only temporarily has an “analgesic” effect on the soul.

Treatment for alcoholic amnesia

Treatment should be directed at the cause of alcohol amnesia. Completely two different approaches will be observed to a patient who abuses alcohol constantly, and to a person who is in a difficult life situation.

As a rule, treatment by a psychotherapist/psychiatrist can help a patient of the second type. It is mandatory to consult a psychotherapist with further identification of the reasons that served as a weighty reason for addiction to alcohol.

The main principle of treatment is the complete rejection of alcoholic beverages and drugs, if any.

To relieve alcohol intoxication, intravenous detoxification solutions, oral activated charcoal, and B vitamins are prescribed to strengthen the nervous system. In other words, with chronic alcoholism, a complete cure is impossible - only its individual symptoms are stopped. In parallel, nootropics, sedatives, antidepressants can be used - if there are indications.

The treatment of alcoholism also includes the rehabilitation of patients through the appointment of occupational therapy, acupuncture, massage or yoga courses. However, the effect of these procedures is also not very effective, because if the patient does not want to be treated, there will be no long-term remission.


In order to avoid memory loss after alcohol, it is necessary to adhere to the norms of "drinking culture":

  • The dose of alcohol should be moderate;
  • Drinking alcohol is not allowed on an empty stomach;
  • In addition to alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible;
  • To reduce the likelihood of memory loss and improve the general condition, it is recommended to move, dance, walk in the fresh air as much as possible;
  • Drinking one type of alcohol will significantly reduce the risk of developing alcoholic amnesia;
  • The higher the degree of alcohol, the more likely it is that alcohol amnesia will occur;
  • After the feast, you need to take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

If the memory disappears once, then this condition will not be considered pathological. It will be enough just to give up alcohol or take it in moderation and prevent memory lapses in the future.

Good preventive measures would be proper rest, sleep, healthy eating and avoidance of all kinds of stressful situations. It is much easier to prevent the development of alcoholism than to treat such patients throughout life to no avail.

Why, after drinking, some people do not remember what happened to them the day before? Amnesia is the result of a malfunction of the brain due to the effect of alcohol on the nerve centers in its cortex. A drunk person either performs complex actions (for example, drives a car), or gets into ridiculous situations (sings or dances, behaves cheekily, which is completely uncharacteristic for him when sober). He is sometimes even able to somehow guess the way home. But in the morning after drinking, he cannot remember what happened yesterday, with whom he drank and for what reason.

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Memorization of sounds, images, events occurs due to the fact that external stimuli act on the neurons of the brain located in its cortex. Traces of these effects persist for a long time, sometimes for life. With the help of receptors (nerve endings), information is transmitted to the part of the brain responsible for memory. Repeated stimulation of neurons triggers memories of what happened before. Under the influence of alcohol, the brain produces biologically active substances (steroids) that can block the transmission of information to these centers of the brain. Ethyl alcohol affects the receptors, distorts their normal functioning. Connections between neurons are broken.

How much alcohol do you have to drink to have memory lapses? It depends on many factors, including:

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at the dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. ACTIVE METHOD

  • Health status;
  • Body mass;
  • Age;
  • Lifestyle, the presence or absence of the habit of drinking.

The speed and degree of intoxication is also affected by how long ago a person began to consume large doses of alcohol.

Some people have little to no amnesia when drunk. A person with a strong character, even after a long drink, can remember everything that happened yesterday. And a weak-willed type, accustomed to follow the circumstances, if he got drunk, he turns off quickly, does not remember anything. Alcohol may not affect a person if he feels responsible for someone close to him who is in the same company. Everything that happened the day before, he can remember in detail.

Memory loss sometimes occurs under the influence of stress, when the brain seems to specifically turn off memories, limiting their harmful effects on the body. Amnesia can occur not only when drinking alcohol, but also as a result of taking drugs. The simultaneous use of drugs and alcohol increases harmful symptoms, including hastening the onset of amnesia. The effect comes faster if alcohol is consumed simultaneously with certain medications.

When alcohol is abused, a person's intellect weakens, he loses professional skills. Memory lapses lead to the gradual degradation of personality.

Memory loss in alcoholism

One of the symptoms of alcoholism is memory loss. Alcohol addiction occurs as a result of long-term use of large doses of vodka, beer or other alcoholic beverages. As a result of drinking, a hangover occurs, the symptoms of which are headache, nausea, and vomiting. A person cannot restore in memory what happened the day before. At the zero stage of alcoholism, the physical ailment disappears with the use of a small amount of alcohol. Gradually, drinking-hangover becomes a habit, the body craves new portions of alcohol. A person turns into an alcoholic, degrades as a person, weakens physically, does not remember anything from what happened yesterday.

The constant effect of alcohol on the brain leads to the fact that the alcoholic weakens all reflexes, he is unable to remember anything, waking up after drinking. One of the manifestations of progressive alcoholism is the appearance of binges. Drinking is a special condition in which a person loses the sense of reality, lives in an imaginary world of nightmares. They can drive him insane. Doses of alcohol increase, periods of drunkenness become more frequent. Waking up after a binge, the alcoholic does not remember anything. Rejects what close people tell him, forced to endure his drunken antics. For some time he can be in a sober state, and then again plunges into an unreal existence. The memories of what he experienced during the previous binge are completely erased from him.

At the last stage of alcoholism, a drunken person develops a condition called delirium tremens. Complete loss of memory, terrible visions, aggressiveness towards the closest people. He can't remember who they are.

Why is his condition dangerous for the people around him? When an abstinence syndrome (delirium tremens) appears, an alcoholic may have an obsessive desire to kill himself or relatives. A manic idea appears as a result of delusional communication with an imaginary interlocutor, pushing him to such actions. After the seizure, he can't remember anything.

Types of amnesia in alcoholism

Amnesia in alcoholism is divided into 3 types:

  1. Partial (fragmentary) amnesia. A person forgets not everything that happened to him the day before, but individual episodes. He remembers only what was in between. This condition is typical for most alcoholics at stages 2-3 of alcoholism;
  2. drug amnesia. It is expressed in complete loss of memory, occurs with severe intoxication. The person is in narcotic oblivion, plunges into sleep. A similar condition can occur in a healthy drinker who has taken too much alcohol;
  3. Total amnesia after drinking. It usually occurs in the third stage of alcoholism. A person loses his memory completely, cannot understand anything that happened to him during and after drinking.

Is it possible to restore memory

Amnesia after drinking often leads to the fact that a drinker finds himself in an unpleasant situation. For example, he can quarrel with someone, get into a fight, wake up in an unfamiliar place, with empty pockets and a black eye. After drinking, he may end up in bed with an unfamiliar woman, after which he will need to visit a venereologist.

What to do if the memory disappears?

For an alcoholic, the only way to restore memory is to abstain from alcohol, treatment. A person must realize in time what awaits him if he does not part with his harmful addiction. There are effective methods to rid him of drunkenness.

In order to restore his memory after drinking, he needs to go to a narcological clinic, undergo a course of health therapy to restore brain activity, and treatment for alcoholism.

Amnesia when drinking alcohol occurs due to a violation of neural connections that provide information storage. The work of the brain is blocked by steroids produced with the participation of ethyl alcohol. Memory lapses are inevitable. Some antitumor drugs can prevent the formation of steroids.

To restore the normal functioning of the brain, products containing vitamins are used. Vitamins of group B play a particularly important role. They are able to accelerate the process of enriching the brain with oxygen, and activate the work of the central nervous system. These substances are involved in the synthesis of amino acids that make up nerve cells. Treatment is carried out within 2 months. Vitamins are taken as tablets or injections.

Neurotropes (drugs that improve blood circulation, as well as the supply of oxygen to brain tissues) have an effective effect. They are able to improve brain function, weaken the effect of toxins on it.

Neuroprotective drugs are also used to improve metabolism in the brain and restore nerve cells.

Of great importance for the restoration of memory is proper nutrition, the use of fortified food.

Smirnova Olga Leonidovna

Neurologist, education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Work experience 20 years.

Articles written

Memory lapses after alcohol are common. Scientists around the world are studying the effect of alcohol on the brain. It is difficult to determine the exact causes of memory impairment, since under the influence of ethyl alcohol, the work of not only the brain, but also other organs worsens.

Why there is a problem

Not after every drinking a person experiences memory problems. For such a problem to arise, a combination of several factors is necessary. Whether memories of past events disappear depends on:

  1. How much ethyl alcohol has entered the body. The dosage of alcohol that causes intoxication is individual for each person. It depends on body weight, age, general condition of the body. To lose memory after alcohol in an elderly person, a much smaller amount of a drink containing alcohol is needed than for middle-aged men with a normal state of health. Sometimes it is not even possible to recover the lost information.
  2. Ethanol intolerance.
  3. Strongholds of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol with a high degree quickly leads to the appearance of signs of amnesia.
  4. Whether the person has eaten food before or not. High-grade drinks that a person takes before meals are absorbed into the circulatory system faster. Therefore, intoxication sets in quickly. Ethanol destroys the body more strongly if a person has not eaten anything before taking it.
  5. What was taken in combination with alcohol. If a person drank drugs, took drugs and drank alcohol at the same time, then the likelihood of amnesia is much higher.

It is important to remember that everyone reacts differently to certain drinks. Two people can drink the same amount of alcohol, but one will not remember anything the next day, and the other will not experience such a problem. Similar problems can disturb regardless of age.


Memory loss after alcohol is common. Almost everyone has experienced this at least once in their life. If alcohol consumption occurs regularly and in large quantities, then they do not even pay attention to it. But rarely drinking people, the manifestations of amnesia are very surprising. Doctors say that with a constant intake of alcohol in the body, one should not hope that the memory will be normal. Therefore, those who suffer from alcoholism must undergo treatment.

Alcoholic amnesia can occur in the form of:

  1. Palimpsest. It is difficult for a person to compare the events of the previous evening if he constantly drinks alcohol. There is a loss of individual fragments from the memory, but the alcoholic remembers perfectly well what happens after taking drinks.
  2. drug amnesia. You don't need to be addicted to alcohol to develop this problem. It is not alien to healthy people. Under the influence of a certain portion of alcohol, a person gets drunk. After the onset of sobering up, the memories of the last evening are erased.
  3. Total. It is detected in the presence of the third stage of dependence. A person does not remember anything from what happened while drinking alcohol. In this situation, it is important to immediately treat.

Excessive alcohol intake significantly worsens the state of memory. If a person cannot remember anything after a feast, then this indicates the beginning of the development of addiction. At first, failures occur if a person drinks a lot, but gradually the condition will worsen, and even small doses of alcohol will contribute to the development of amnesia.

Dangerous Consequences

It used to be widely believed among scientists that under the influence of ethanol, the death of brain cells occurs. It was believed that it was for this reason that the cognitive field narrowed in alcoholics, dementia developed, hands trembled, signs of aging appeared ahead of time.

But recently it has been experimentally proved that poisoning cells with alcohol does not cause their death. According to animal studies, the hippocampal region suffers most from toxic effects. It is in this part of the brain, located in the temporal lobes, that current information is stored and memories are formed.

In the hippocampus, information fragments are rewritten, memories cease to be short-lived and remain for a long time.

When ethanol enters the nerve cells in this area, their functioning is blocked, but they do not die. Because of this, electrical impulses are not correctly transmitted along the circuits of synapses. This leads to a violation of the process of encoding and redistribution of information.

But not all neurons are blocked. A certain part of them, under the influence of alcohol, begins to intensively produce steroids, which do not allow recording information objects. When the cells begin to produce steroids, memories stop forming.

Therefore, the fact that memory disappears after alcohol is explained by the fact that large doses of alcoholic beverages help to turn off the recording of memories for a certain time. Such a pause can last for several minutes or hours. Usually, it is not possible to recover the failure.

It is important to prevent the development of such phenomena, as they can cause adverse consequences. As a result of drinking alcoholic beverages:

  • dangerous pathologies develop;
  • the functioning of the brain is disrupted;
  • the work of vital organs worsens;
  • feeling weak;
  • headache constantly;
  • memory is broken.

The development of such failures occurs differently for each person. If a person drinks alcohol for a long time, then large portions of alcohol are needed to impair memory. When he sobers up, a certain amount of memories are restored before the next feast. But this significantly worsens the state of the brain, so it is important to permanently stop taking alcoholic beverages.

Nothing is known for sure about the causes of such adverse reactions after drinking alcohol. Scientists have not yet succeeded in studying the mechanisms of action of ethanol. Many dwell on the idea that the substance has a negative effect on many organs and systems.

Treatment and prevention options

If memory disappears when intoxicated, then treatment should be carried out. After the intoxication has receded, the person wants to know what happened. But narcologists say that there are no ways to fully regain lost memories.

In order not to have to think about how to restore memory after drinking, you should take into account the influence of certain factors that reduce the likelihood of such failures:

  1. Drink alcohol only after meals.
  2. It is necessary to give preference to one type of drink per evening, since mixing them will lead to the development of negative reactions.
  3. After drinking large portions of ethyl alcohol, you need to take activated charcoal at a dosage of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight.

Scientists have found that drinking alcohol has a negative impact on short-term memory. It is she who is responsible for remembering the events that occur within an hour.

To restore the functioning of the brain, doctors recommend using drugs that strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. Relief can be achieved with vitamins and. They contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the brain tissues, and improve the condition of the brain.

For preventive purposes, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • you should give up alcohol, cigarettes, do not take sleeping pills and antidepressants;
  • include foods that are good for the brain like fish and nuts in the diet;
  • lead an active lifestyle and regularly walk in the fresh air;
  • provide yourself with moderate physical activity.

Thanks to complex treatment, even after prolonged use of alcoholic beverages, memory can be improved. Also, do not continue to take alcohol and follow all the doctor's recommendations. You should not count on the restoration of forgotten events, but it is possible to improve the memorization process.

Why memory disappears when drunk, no specialist can say for sure. But to avoid worsening the situation, you need to avoid alcohol.