What foods are high in estrogen? Foods that increase estrogen. Blackcurrant and raspberry leaves

The uninterrupted work of the body is one of the conditions for cheerfulness and excellent well-being. If everything is in order in the body, then you want to redo all the things in the world, and even a little more. Health is strength, energy and beauty, so you need to take care of your body and provide it with all possible support.

Take at least. Hormonal imbalance is something that can bring a significant disruption to the functioning of the body, and bring a lot of undesirable manifestations. So, the lack of female hormones in women threatens with health problems and appearance. At the same time, you can’t just run to the pharmacy for pills - a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

However, you can prevent the problem by using proper nutrition. are found in foodstuffs in sufficient quantities to avoid ingestion hormonal drugs.

What is estrogen and what is the danger of its deficiency in the female body?

are a group of hormones produced by the ovaries. Estrogens begin to be intensively produced in girls and during puberty, and their level decreases only after 40–50 years (this is an individual process that depends, among other things, on the woman’s diet and lifestyle).

Estrogen in abundance is a regular menstrual cycle, interest in life, healthy libido, smooth skin and beautiful body shape. In general, estrogen is the Woman herself, young and beautiful. What happens if there is not enough estrogen? It's simple:

  • There may be failures in menstrual cycle. Failures mean not only the irregularity of the cycle, but also such manifestations as excessively abundant or too meager periods, as well as the occurrence of bleeding in the middle of the cycle.
  • The desire to live and explore the world will be replaced by the desire to stay at home. And it is better to lie down, because it causes rapid fatigue. A constant feeling of fatigue combined with a depressed mood is a direct path to depression, which is also a symptom. low level estrogen.
  • Decreased sexual interest. And then it will disappear altogether.
  • Body weight may begin to increase steadily. And it would be okay in proportion, but the waist will begin to increase most of all.
  • The skin will begin to decline - with a lack of female hormones, it becomes dry and thin, and age-related changes are more likely to appear on it. You can also forget about a good complexion.

The lack of estrogen has more dangerous consequences. For example, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and osteoporosis, as well as the occurrence of tumors of the ovaries and uterus, increases.

But let's not talk about the bad: the problem can be prevented, which means you can stay beautiful and cheerful longer!

Foods containing estrogen

It is useful for every woman to know which foods contain estrogen, so as not to forget to add them to her table. If it is present (all of the listed symptoms are present), then it is better to consult a doctor. You may need medical treatment.

However, there will be no harm from products containing female hormones if you do not eat them constantly and in unlimited quantities.

  • Fruit. The most valuable fruit in terms of female hormones is apricot, which contains lignan, which has estrogenic activity. Whether fresh or dried, or even in the form of jam, apricot is the leader among fruits in terms of estrogen content. Red grapes, dates, apples, plums and pomegranates will also be useful.
  • Vegetables. First of all, it is cabbage: cauliflower, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. In addition, estrogen can be increased by eating pumpkin, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and carrots.
  • Legumes. These are soybeans, lentils, peas, beans. It's no secret that soy is added to many foods: for example, meat products, mayonnaise or yogurt. So their use can also affect the level of estrogen in the body.

  • Nuts and seeds. From seeds, flax and sunflower seeds are most useful, and from nuts - peanuts.
  • Herbs. First of all, this is hops: you can make decoctions and teas based on it, or you can just drink beer (it should be remembered that a woman drinking more than 300 ml of beer per day and more than once or twice a week is more likely to cause health problems than bring benefits ). Other herbs useful for the female body: sage, chamomile, ginseng, licorice and mint.
  • Seafood. They themselves do not contain female hormones, but help to increase their production. These are shrimp, oysters and fish.
  • Dairy products. This is milk and cream, and all their derivatives: cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese. It is only important to remember that for the good of the cause, these products should not be fat-free.
  • Other products - mushrooms, bran, cereals, coffee, garlic, some spices and herbs.

All of these products contain beneficial women's health substances and hormones, and their use in reasonable quantities will bring indispensable benefits to the female body.

Hormone abuse - what can it lead to?

It should be remembered that excess, like lack, is also an extreme, and extremes are not useful. This is true for hormones as well. can lead to consequences no less unpleasant than its lack:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • uniform compaction of the breast (the so-called stone breast);
  • deterioration of the skin condition: rashes may occur;
  • deterioration in the condition of the hair, as well as their loss;
  • psychological instability during the day and sleep disturbances at night;
  • decrease in hormone production in the body.

Therefore, you should not make your menu entirely from products with female hormones, it is much better to make a balanced diet that will include various foods in adequate quantities.

And you also need to be critical of the supplier of the products that fall on your table: if a poultry or dairy farm is accused of using hormones, then it is better to bypass their products. The hormones that are used there will certainly not be beneficial to health.

And a little about men

In the male body, estrogen is also produced: by the adrenal cortex and testicles, as well as by the conversion of testosterone. Unlike women, as men age, there is not less estrogen, but more. However, there is nothing to envy here: for men from such a gift there are only problems. Under influence excess weight, as well as with unlimited consumption of beer and coffee, men are faced with an excess of estrogen, which is just as harmful for them as it is for women.

As a rule, this happens just in adulthood, due to a decrease in testosterone levels. It all starts with a growing belly and bad mood(and this is not always interconnected, because an excess of estrogen negatively affects the mental state of a person), but ends with impotence, heart problems and a high likelihood of strokes.

Thus, every man should double-evaluate his diet and consider whether he is on the path to hormonal imbalance.

Knowing which foods contain female hormones, you can adjust the level of estrogen in the body, and this will improve your well-being and appearance. However, it is important to know the measure so that you do not have to regret later. If you have the slightest doubt, it is better to visit a doctor or take tests for hormones (or both). Finding a hormonal imbalance is unpleasant. To aggravate the situation with ill-conceived or excessive actions is also a shame.

The hormone estrogen plays an important role in a woman's life. With its deficiency, weight gain, deterioration of the skin of the face, fatigue and depression are observed. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain its level throughout life. To do this, women take hormonal drugs prescribed by a gynecologist, or resort to means traditional medicine. In addition, there are many products containing estrogen that women are advised to consume regularly.

What is it for?

IN female body there are several hormones at once, among which the main ones are distinguished: estrone, estrogen and estriol. The most active is estrogen. If a woman has a hormonal deficiency from birth, then she has to replenish the hormone from the outside. In such girls, menstruation begins late, the development of the mammary glands and genital organs lags behind. In the case of a sharp lack of hormones, a decrease in the size of the uterus up to infertility can occur.

Sometimes a hormone deficiency appears in adulthood and then a woman experiences insomnia, weakness, memory impairment and concentration. Her mood often changes, and during her period she experiences pain in the lower abdomen.

One of the purposes of estrogen is to prepare for pregnancy with the subsequent bearing of a full-fledged child. The hormone forms the primary and secondary genital organs, creates the necessary environment in the vagina and expands the uterus to the desired size. With enough of it, the figure looks feminine, with an even distribution of body fat, sufficient breast size and good skin.

How to raise?

In case of any deviations, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. He usually prescribes hormonal drugs, as well as vitamin E, which regulates sexual function. In addition, estrogens in foods and herbs may well cope with its deficiency and raise the background to the proper level. It should be borne in mind that a sharp increase in the hormone can provoke adverse symptoms:

  • A woman has jumps in blood pressure from very low to high.
  • The skin becomes oily like that of a teenager and covered with blackheads and pimples.
  • The weight starts to increase.
  • Pain appears in mammary glands as well as bloating.
  • The woman constantly experiences fatigue, dizziness and coldness in the limbs.

If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, the consequences will be even sadder. Often, an excess of the hormone due to foods containing estrogen leads to the appearance of malignant tumors in the organs of the reproductive system. The hormonal background should be at a certain level, without sharp fluctuations. Only then will the woman feel healthy. Therefore, the use of drugs or products containing estrogen, women should be dosed and very carefully.

Foods with estrogen

In addition to food, very many some medicinal plants. They can be brewed into tea and consumed throughout the day. Unlike medications containing a synthetic hormone, estrogen in food is much milder and safer. He doesn't call side effects and does not affect kidney or liver function. Scientists divide them into three groups, according to hormonal activity: coumestans, isoflavonoids and lignans. Even ordinary coffee, which many women consume daily, also contains this substance. Each of the products should be considered separately.

Beans, soybeans and peas

Among legumes, soy contains the most hormones. Unfortunately, it is highly discouraged to consume a lot of soy due to the fact that most of it is a product of genetic modification. Therefore, it is preferable to buy locally produced beans or lentils. They also contain a sufficient amount of a useful substance that can restore hormonal levels. In addition, beans are a supplier of many useful trace elements, including zinc, which contributes to the improvement of the reproductive system. All legumes are indispensable sources of vegetable protein and the rare element tryptophan, which fights depression in the autumn-winter period.

Dried apricot or apricot

This fruit boasts a fairly high estrogen content. In addition, apricot is the leader in the amount of vitamin A, which is responsible for the beauty and health of the skin, as well as vitamin E, which contributes to longevity and youthfulness. It is recommended not only to eat fresh fruits, but also to eat dried apricots and drink juice from apricots.

Flax seeds and oil

This plant contains great amount polyunsaturated acids omega 3 and 6. To date, flaxseed oil is considered the best product for replenishing estrogen. It is recommended to drink one tablespoon every morning linseed oil on an empty stomach The seeds of this plant can be ground in a coffee grinder and added to all dishes before eating. Doctors do not recommend increasing the daily intake of flax seeds and oil, as this product is extremely biologically active and its excess can lead to swelling.

Natural coffe

At one time, a study was conducted that showed that in women who prefer coffee, the level of estrogen is markedly increased. The abuse of this drink often leads to an increase in the fat layer on the thighs and lower abdomen. This is one of the drawbacks of overworking hormones, which is sometimes quite difficult to get rid of. In short, if you want to increase the level of estrogen, it is advisable to add 2-3 cups of weak coffee per day to your daily diet. For women suffering from high blood pressure you can use decaffeinated coffee.

herbal teas

Of the herbs that can boast a high content of this substance, the following are distinguished: licorice (plant root), pharmacy chamomile (inflorescences), linden flowers, hop leaves, sage and ginseng root. What is more estrogen? The leader of the plants is sage. Herbs are brewed, as a rule, as follows: one tablespoon is poured with boiling water in an amount of 150-200 mg.

If herbal tea is prepared from the roots of a plant, then it is advisable to preheat it in a water bath. To do this, put two tablespoons of dry chopped root in a liter jar and pour two glasses cool water. Next, the jar is placed in a pot of water and heated on the stove. The water in the pot boils and thus heats up the water in the jar. The drink is simmered for one hour. The liquid is filtered and drunk like regular tea. Such a drink is useful to use with apricot jam or dried apricots.

Estrogens in beer

Is there estrogen in beer? Very often you can hear the opinion that the drink contains a sufficient amount of female hormones. There is some truth in this. This alcoholic drink is made using hops, which, as already mentioned, do contain the female hormone. However, its quantity is so small that more than 500 liters of intoxicating drink are required to maintain the daily norm. In addition, this product contains a huge amount of low-quality alcohol, preservatives and flavors. Therefore, using beer to maintain hormonal levels is not only inappropriate, but also harmful.

Milk and dairy products

All milk products contain phytoestrogens. It is difficult to say which of them contains the largest amount of the hormone. You can replenish its reserves with the help of cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and whole milk. In the menu of a woman, dairy products should be present daily, in any available form. The estrogens in milk are well absorbed.

fresh cabbage

The highest amount of the hormone is found in broccoli and cauliflower. From other types of this vegetable, you can also get the necessary hormone. Will bring the greatest benefit fresh cabbage, and much smaller - fried or boiled. Certainly, this is one of the most useful products for women. Nutritionists say that sauerkraut, salted and pickled cabbage also contain a decent amount of all the necessary substances, including phytoestrogens.

poultry meat

Despite the obvious benefits, doctors do not recommend eating poultry meat, as it contains residues of growth-stimulating drugs, antibiotics and other undesirable elements. Therefore, only women who run their own households can use poultry meat to obtain estrogen. In this case, there will be complete confidence in the safety of the product and its benefits.

The benefits and harms for women of this product are very often discussed by dietitians. In addition to other advantages, the seeds also contain the necessary hormone. But not only pumpkin seeds contain this substance. Phytoestrogens can also be obtained from sunflowers. True, pumpkin seeds contain much more of them. In addition, nuts are also used to maintain hormonal levels. As a rule, estrogen is present in all popular types of nuts.

Useful bran

With a low level of the hormone, it is extremely beneficial for women to consume foods containing estrogen, such as bran bread. A small amount of bran can be put on a plate with soup, porridge, pilaf and even mashed potatoes. In stores you can find bread with bran, and even chips containing this product. In a word, it is absolutely not difficult to get bran in modern conditions. In addition, they are an excellent product for weight loss, which helps restore gastric motility. Bran starts the process of cleansing the intestines from feces, due to which the whole body heals.

Tomatoes and eggplant

Phytoestrogens can be obtained not only from cabbage, but also from other vegetables. For example, a sufficient amount of phytohormones is found in tomatoes and eggplants. Moreover, in tomatoes, their number practically does not change during heat treatment. In a word, even eating ketchup, tomato paste or juice, you can replenish hormone stores. Eggplants are recommended to be used in salted or pickled form.

Rules of use

When maintaining a hormonal background, it is extremely important to take into account some rules for the use of products containing estrogen by women:

  • In order to keep it at the proper level all year round, you should eat fresh berries or fruits. Almost all of them contain a different proportion of phytoestrogens. Some of them (for example, apricots) are leaders in the amount of the hormone.
  • Women with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer should be careful not to increase their estrogen levels. The fact is that this hormone provokes the development of a tumor.
  • More than two cups of coffee a day provoke a noticeable increase in the action of hormones, which is bad for the figure.

Herbal teas from popular plants, chamomile, lime and sage, should also be limited. Often, women during a cold drink too much herbal tea, which can adversely affect overall well-being. Therefore, if weakness, insomnia, irritability and nausea are noticed, then it is better to refrain from further use of the drink. Thus, the benefits and harms for women of pumpkin seeds, coffee, legumes, cabbage and other products will depend on their quantity.

The lack of female sex hormone in the body affects the health of men and women. Scientists have found out certain norms for the amount of the hormone, within which a person feels normal, has no health problems, but if there is a hormone deficiency, it is necessary to increase its amount with the help of special preparations.

You can increase the level by special nutrition, in the products of which there is estrogen. Quite often, you can increase the level of the hormone by using special herbs. A table in which the rate of hormones in the body is calculated helps to detect an imbalance after taking tests.

List of foods rich in natural estrogen

The presence of estrogen in various foods. Table of the richest ingredients.

This is not the whole list of products with natural estrogen. You can raise estrogen with animal products, however, doctors do not recommend doing this. The fact is that meat and dairy products arrive on store shelves already with hormonal supplements and antibiotics. This is due to animal feed, which is fed to cattle for the fastest growth.

How to consume foods containing estrogen?

Important: The estrogen-rich foods and herbs previously listed in the table should not be consumed excessively. This can cause increased tissue growth, which is dangerous for women with a genetic predisposition to cancer.

Eating high estrogen foods requires a healthy endocrinology system that can naturally work to control hormone levels. To maintain the endocrine system, you need to eat environmentally friendly products. This is the key to the full functioning of the body.

Estrogen in foods and herbs. Usage table

Products Consumption
Flax-seedIt is used in ground form, adding to cooked dishes, or taken with honey, drinking plenty of liquid. You can consume 2 tbsp per day. l. ground product.
Lentils (beans)Helps to cope with depression and increase estrogen levels. Porridge is cooked from lentils, the cooking time is a little more than a quarter of an hour.
CoffeeWomen who consume more than 400 ml of coffee per day have elevated level estrogen. In more than half of the cases, including this drink in the daily diet, the amount of the female hormone increases by more than 75%.
ApricotYou can use this product daily throughout the year - this is not only health, but also longevity.
HerbsDecoctions and teas are prepared from herbs.

Women who suffer from being overweight should not get involved in the use of estrogen to raise their estrogen levels. coffee drinks. Otherwise, the weight may increase.

Useful herbs to raise estrogen levels

Often, to raise estrogen, women seek help from folk recipes- the use of herbs.

Self-medication with herbs can adversely affect the health of the body. Only a doctor, after the results of the tests, can pick up food and herbal teas to raise the level of this hormone.

The selection of phyto-decoction or medicinal collection is determined by a specialist.

Recipes for decoctions, teas and tinctures to increase estrogen

Phytohormones present in herbs give high results during treatment. Female hormones are found in the upland uterus, horsetail, sage, cimicifuge, raspberry leaves, cuff, Chinese angelica, red clover and other plants.

Here are some cooking recipes medicinal products at home:

  • Raw dry raspberry leaves 300 ml of boiled water is poured, steamed for about 1 hour, filtered. This dose is designed for the day, you need to take small portions until the evening. The next day, a fresh infusion is prepared.
  • Cuff and plantain, or rather, their seeds are an effective collection in the treatment of a lack of female hormones. The raw material is poured with boiled water, allowed to brew, taken three times a day before meals.
  • Wild yam with raspberry leaves insist 50 minutes using a steam bath. Phyto infusion is taken in tablespoons, one at a time before meals.
  • Prutnyak fruits are crushed, steamed with boiled water, kept for 1 hour, taken all day in small portions.

Table of foods with high levels of estrogen

Estrogen in foods and herbs: the table indicates the food richest in female hormones:

beans, seeds Vegetable, fruit fruits Products with selenium that normalize the performance of the endocrine system
SoyaAsparagusMushrooms, eggplant
Beans (red)Carrot, tomatoPumpkin
Pumpkin, linseed, sesame seedsBeetroot, cucumberGarlic, mustard
soy productDates, pomegranate, applenuts

Estrogen lowering foods

Foods high in sulfur promote the removal of estrogens from the body and cleanse the liver. The body is responsible for metabolic processes breaks down estrogen.

Sulfur is located:

Thanks to resveratrol, found in the skin of red grapes, and proanthocyanidin, which is present in the seeds of these fruits, the production of estrogen in the body is blocked. For the use of red grapes, it is recommended to give preference to varieties with seeds.

A complete rejection of alcoholic beverages helps to remove the female hormone from the body.

Due to the large amount of fiber in the composition of figs, the use of this product can reduce the level of estrogen in the body. In addition, the product perfectly copes with excess body fat and relieves the risk of cancer mammary glands.

Citrus fruits contain vitamin C. Thanks to antioxidants, the product replenishes the body with phytohormones, helping to break down synthetic estrogen.

Important to remember! The use of large amounts of peanuts and cabbage creates poor conditions for the absorption of iodine and zinc, excessive consumption of soy contributes to the complete absorption of calcium.

To increase the level of the female hormone in the body, a full-fledged work of the reproductive system is required. This requires regular sexual intimacy, in the absence of a full sexual life, estrogen is produced in small quantities.

Aromatherapy is an auxiliary option to increase the amount of estrogen.

With an increase in hormones, supervision by a specialist is required., as a large number of hormones are harmful to health.

An important factor in stabilizing the hormonal background is an acceptable body weight. Insufficiency or excess of body fat in the body leads to an imbalance in the hormonal background. Too large or too thin women have problems with the production of eggs.

You should also stop using nicotine and caffeine. Smokers have impaired levels of estradiol - this is the main steroid.

When restoring the hormonal background, it is necessary to avoid excessive physical stress, especially for girls who play sports at a professional level. Of course, movement and physical exercises are necessary, but in moderation. Preference can be given to jogging, swimming, aerobics, dancing.

In the fight against the restoration of hormonal levels, an important role is played by the vitamin balance of the body. Vitamin C stimulates the performance of the adrenal glands, it is found in greens, currant berries, ascorbic acid can be taken from synthetic agents.

The action of vitamin P is aimed at enhancing the activity of vitamin C. A group of vitamins B, relieves the symptoms of a deficiency of the female hormone, activates the performance of the adrenal glands. For the production of estrogen, you need to take vitamins E and K.

Of all the tips for raising the level of the female hormone, you can decide that for healthy lifestyle life should adhere to proper nutrition, lead an active lifestyle, do not abuse alcohol. If a hormonal failure has occurred, you cannot make decisions on the use of medical therapy on your own, for this there are doctors.

Estrogen in foods and herbs. Product table in this helpful video:

Products containing estrogen - the hormone of female youth:

During menopause, there is a hormonal imbalance. With an increase in estrogen levels, convulsions occur, insomnia is observed. With a sharp decrease in the content of sex hormone in the blood, the following consequences appear: a decrease in bone strength, fatigue. D To eliminate these complications, hormonal drugs are often used. But when using such medications, side effects often occur. In some cases, preference should be given to estrogens present in food. They allow you to compensate for the deficiency of female hormones.

Flax seeds contain a lot of fatty acids and dietary fiber. The product helps lower cholesterol levels. Flax seeds contain a large number of isoflavones. The product can be added to a variety of foods:

  1. Yoghurts;
  2. Salads;
  3. Sweet pastries;
  4. Kashi.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds contain lignans that help balance estrogen levels in the blood. The product also contains quite a lot of fiber, minerals and vitamins.

Based on sesame seeds, you can make a delicious sauce. The product is actively added to meat and vegetable dishes.

Estrogen-rich foods include soy milk. It helps to reduce pain during menstruation. Soy milk can be added to milk porridge. This product replaces ordinary cow's milk.


Estrogen-rich foods include walnuts. They are high in fatty acids, protein and nutrients.

Healthy nuts are put in salads, yogurt, ice cream, fruits. The product goes well with cookies or sweets.

Peanuts also belong to estrogen-enriched foods. Peanut butter is made from this product. Peanuts are eaten both roasted and raw.

The vegetable is enriched with isoflavones, which help cleanse blood vessels. Garlic reduces cholesterol levels, prevents the development of heart pathologies. Vegetables are added to the following dishes to improve their taste:

  • Soups;
  • Roast;
  • Meat;
  • Pasta;
  • Salads.

Garlic gives the listed
above dishes have an unusual taste and pleasant aroma. The use of a vegetable should be abandoned in case of individual intolerance to its components. The product should not be used in the presence of the following pathologies:

  1. Haemorrhoids;
  2. Epilepsy;
  3. Chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  4. The presence of a pronounced tendency to allergic reactions.

Beans to normalize estrogen levels in the body

White beans contain natural estrogens. The product is rich folic acid, calcium, iron.

There are many ways to eat white beans. The product can be added to soups, salads. Beans are often eaten boiled or put in a variety of snacks.

Black beans help increase fertility in the fair sex. These products are an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein. plant origin. Black beans can be added to salads or soups. The product goes well with cucumbers or carrots.

Peaches are enriched with phytoestrogens. Fruit contains a lot of nutrients. The product prevents the occurrence of cancer and stroke.

Fruits can be put in the dishes listed below:

  • oatmeal;
  • pastries;
  • Yoghurts;
  • Cocktails.


Tofu is made from soy milk. The product helps to increase the content of estrogen in the body. Tofu cheese can be called a universal product. It is used in the preparation of soups. Tofu cheese is fried with vegetables, original snacks are prepared from it.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits contain high concentrations of female hormones. The product helps to improve well-being in the presence of severe premenstrual syndrome, prevents premature aging.

In order to enhance the therapeutic effect of estrogens, which are contained in various foods, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Creams are used as an aid essential oils(nutmeg, anise, geranium). You can take a bath with aromatic oils.
  2. After a few weeks after the inclusion of foods rich in phytoestrogens in the diet, it is recommended to re-analyze to determine the content of estrogens in the body. In the absence of pronounced changes, the daily menu should be adjusted.
  3. Estrogen-rich fruits and vegetables retain their beneficial features during short heat treatment.
  4. Great attention must be paid to the choice of appropriate food products. Harmful hormonal additives may be present in meat, and nitrates in vegetables.
  5. From vegetables, a woman is recommended to give preference to tomatoes, from fruits - apricots.
  6. In the diet of the fair sex, high-quality dairy products should be present. In this case, the risk of malignant tumors in the breast area is reduced.
  7. The level of estrogen in the body increases with the use of red wine in small doses. The drink reduces the likelihood of the occurrence of the cardiovascular system. Red wine goes well with a variety of foods: roasted peanuts, peaches, strawberries, tofu cheese.

Products from products with estrogen

A food product such as garlic can be eaten not only fresh, but also pickled:

  • The vegetable is pre-prepared: washed and placed in a separate glass jar.
  • Garlic cloves must be poured with pre-made brine. To prepare it, you need to take 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt, sugar, vinegar.
  • Then pickled garlic should be sterilized for 10 minutes.
  • After the specified time has passed, the jar of garlic must be rolled up with a lid.

Garlic - useful product nutrition. The vegetable not only normalizes the level of estrogen, but also improves blood circulation. Garlic helps lower blood cholesterol levels. It promotes blood thinning. Means made on the basis of a healthy vegetable prevent the formation of blood clots. They have a pronounced vasodilating effect.

In order to normalize the level of estrogen in the body, it is recommended to use the following recipe:

  1. You need to chop 250 grams of garlic;
  2. 200 ml of honey of a liquid consistency are added to the resulting mass;
  3. The finished mixture is infused in a room protected from moisture and sunlight.

With a decrease in estrogen levels, compote should also be prepared to help quench thirst and make up for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. A drink made from dried fruits reduces the feeling of hunger. But it should be drunk in moderation. Dried fruits contain a lot of glucose. To prepare a drink, the following products are needed:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 350 ml dried apples;
  • 100 grams of dried apricots;
  • 100 grams of prunes;
  • 300 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid.

The process of preparing a drink that increases estrogen levels is quite simple:

  1. Dried fruits must be thoroughly cleaned.
  2. Products are washed under the tap and dried on a small towel.
  3. The required amount of water is poured into a container made of enamel. It must be brought to a boil.
  4. Apples and pears are added to boiling water. Compote is boiled over low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, prunes, dried apricots, citric acid, sugar are added.
  6. Compote is boiled over low heat for 25 minutes.
  7. After that, the drink is cooled. It is recommended to strain the finished compote through a sieve.

With a reduced content of estrogens in the body, you can also prepare a dietary bean salad. To do this, the product is pre-filled with cold water for 2-3 hours.

Estrogen in foods for women is responsible not only for an attractive appearance, but also for well-being. It is important to maintain a healthy balance of the hormone in the body, and for this you need to know where it is found the most.

What foods contain estrogen

The sex hormones estrogens are often called female, this is due to the fact that it is in the body of women that they predominate and are responsible for both well-being and external attractiveness. The condition of hair and skin in women, the functioning of the reproductive system and libido depend on their level. With a normal amount of sex hormones, the likelihood of trouble-free bearing of a child increases, and recovery after childbirth is accelerated.

Estrogens are independently produced in the body of women by the adrenal glands and sex glands. Hormones also come with some foods:

  • sour milk and soy;
  • nuts, cereal seeds and medicinal herbs;
  • vegetables, fruits and dried fruits;
  • legumes;
  • some drinks, such as coffee.

Food of animal origin contains sex hormones similar to those synthesized by the human body. Plant foods, which are mainly used to maintain hormonal levels, contain phytoestrogens. These are non-steroidal substances that resemble conventional hormones in chemical structure.

Advice! Controlling the level of female hormones with natural estrogens in products is much more convenient than taking the appropriate chemicals. Foods containing phytoestrogens have a milder effect on the body and less often give side effects.

Foods high in estrogen

Among the many products that contain natural estrogens, a few can be especially distinguished. They contain the most analogues of female hormones, respectively, and they need to be given the most attention in the diet.


Female sex hormones are present in cereal seeds, especially in sesame and flax seeds. To get your daily dose of phytoestrogens, just eat 1 large spoonful of small seeds.

You can get your daily dose of estrogen from just 1 tablespoon of flax or sesame seeds.

The benefits of sesame and flax will bring not only reproductive system women. Additionally, they will help cleanse the intestines of toxins, contribute to weight loss and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

Important! Estrogens in products for women 40 and older are also present in sunflower and pumpkin seeds, but in much smaller quantities. It is less convenient to fill the deficiency of hormones with their help.


Fresh nuts are a rich source of isoflavones - naturally occurring phytohormones. For women's health, it is especially useful to use:

  • pistachios;
  • almonds and cashews;
  • walnuts.

Nuts are an affordable source of plant phytoestrogens

To get the daily rate of estrogen, it is enough for a woman to eat only 30 g of pistachios or 100 g of almonds and cashews. Nuts should be eaten raw, not roasted. During heat treatment, some of the useful substances in the composition are destroyed.

soy products

Estrogens are present in all soy products - milk substitutes, meats, yoghurts and cheeses of soy origin. To replenish the level of estrogen, it is enough to eat about 100 g of tofu cheese or drink 1 glass of soy milk per day. For the hormonal background, this will be very useful.

Just a glass of soy milk provides a daily dose of estrogen


Plant phytoestrogens are present in varying amounts in almost all vegetables. Most of them contain cauliflower and broccoli, it is not for nothing that it is believed that the regular use of these products has a beneficial effect on the splendor of female forms.

Also, to obtain estrogen, you can use tomatoes and eggplant, garlic, cucumbers and beets, carrots and celery. The big advantage of vegetables is their low calorie content, they do not harm the figure.

Phytoestrogens are found in cabbage, tomatoes, as well as garlic, celery and other vegetables.

Dried fruits

Useful foods high in estrogen are dried fruits, in particular dried apricots, dates and prunes. True, when using them, women need to remember about the increased calorie content of dried fruits and observe small dosages.

Attention! Dates are not recommended for women with diabetes, they contain too much sugar.

You need to use estrogenic dried apricots and prunes carefully, these products are very high in calories.


Fresh fruits are rich not only in vitamins and minerals, but also in phytohormones. Most estrogens in products for women 50 and older can be found in apricots and peaches, pomegranates and papaya, grapes and cherries.

You can get female hormones, including from fruit juice. But this applies to freshly squeezed drinks with a completely natural composition. Store-bought juices contain too many preservatives and flavors, and the content of nutrients in them is low.

There are analogues of female hormones not only in fresh fruits, but also in natural juices.


To maintain a normal level of estrogen, you can eat any legumes - beans, green peas, black and white beans, lentils. Only 150 g of beans per day will completely compensate for the lack of sex hormones in women. But before eating, beans and beans must be boiled; only peas are allowed to be consumed fresh.

About 150 g of legumes per day is enough to control hormonal levels


A good source of estrogen for women in products are herbs from the medicinal category. Among them can be listed:

  • chamomile and sage;
  • licorice root and hops;
  • ginseng and linden flowers;
  • arnica and red clover.

Herbs are used in dried form, teas, infusions and decoctions are prepared from them. Herbal remedies have a strong but mild effect and help to cope with the deficiency of sex hormones in women no worse than synthetic drugs.

Sage tea calms well and also compensates for the lack of estrogen.

Most good effect gives tea based on sage - a large spoonful of herbs is brewed in 500 ml of boiling water and insisted for half an hour, and then consumed throughout the day at short intervals. You can also prepare decoctions of hops, plantain, dried raspberry leaves and mint.


Natural coffee contains a small amount of estrogen for women. It is impossible to regulate the hormonal background only with its help. It would be necessary to take a drink in large quantities, and it is recommended to limit the daily consumption of coffee to 2 cups.

Coffee contains analogues of female hormones, but drinking more than 2-3 cups a day is not recommended.

But for maintaining good estrogen levels in women, coffee is helpful. With reasonable use, it does not harm the hormonal system, but it improves digestion and raises vigor.

Dairy products

Milk-based products contain estrogens of animal origin and therefore have an increased value. Sex hormones are not only in the milk itself, but also in natural kefir, yogurts, butter and hard cheeses.

If a woman is not allergic to lactose, animal estrogens can be obtained from dairy products.

Eating dairy products is good for hormonal levels in women. But at the same time, milk and its derivatives will have to be abandoned if you are lactose intolerant, in which case it is better to limit yourself to plant phytohormones only.

Table of products containing estrogens

The table helps to evaluate products that increase estrogen in the female body. It lists foods with the maximum content of female sex hormones:


soy yogurt

sesame seed

Soy milk


Sunflower seeds

Olive oil



white cabbage


Interestingly, about 53 mcg of estrogen is found in 100 ml of red wine. However, it is not recommended for women to increase the level of hormones with alcohol. It is only permissible to drink the drink on holidays and in very small quantities.

Rules for the use of products containing estrogen

Natural estrogens in food can support hormonal levels in women. But you need to use them in accordance with several rules:

  1. Eating natural estrogens in foods is a must on a regular basis. A single use of healthy vegetables, fruits or seeds will not help normalize hormonal levels.
  2. Products containing estrogen should be of high quality and fresh. It is especially important to pay attention to naturalness, only vegetables without nitrates and soy products without GMOs are useful for the hormonal background.
  3. When choosing products with phytoestrogens, it is recommended to adhere to the principle of seasonality. In summer it is better to eat more fruits and vegetables, in winter pay attention to nuts, seeds and dried fruits.
  4. Eating vegetables and fruits with a high content of estrogen hormones should be fresh, the same goes for seeds and nuts. During heat treatment, some of the nutrients in the composition of the products are destroyed, so they no longer have a pronounced effect on the hormonal background.
  5. Dairy products can be a valuable source of animal estrogens if they are high in fat. Skimmed milk, kefir, cottage cheese and cheese are useful for the figure, but they practically do not affect the state of the hormonal system.

Products containing estrogen for menopausal women are beneficial for the whole body. With age, the hormonal background begins to change, and this is reflected not only in the fertility of a woman. Joints and blood vessels, cardiac and nervous system. Plant-derived estrogens in foods are gentle on the body and do not have the side effects that often occur with artificial hormonal supplements.

Phytoestrogens from products are suitable for mild hormonal regulation

When using estrogenic products, it is important to adhere to the principles healthy eating and do not exceed reasonable dosages. If you consume too much soy, milk, vegetables or fruits, it will cause damage, first of all, to digestion.

Attention! Taking vegetable estrogens in vegetables, fruits, nuts and soy is recommended for prevention and for minor hormonal disruptions. If we are talking about serious violations, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy under the guidance of a doctor.


The estrogen in women's foods is very helpful in keeping the body functioning healthy. Simple and affordable vegetables, fruits and nuts help maintain a normal hormonal balance, and herbal remedies based on herbs are used even in treatment.

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