Causes, forms and methods of treatment of polyphagia. What is polyphagy? Polyphagia in a child nervous system

POLYPHAGIA(from the Greek polys - a lot and pha-gein - eat, devour), polyphagy, excessive introduction of food into the body, observed both in normal or on the verge of pathology and normal processes (for example, in young men in a period of increased growth, in persons long-term starving), and during processes that are clearly pathological. In a narrower sense, P. is understood only as an abnormally large intake of food due to one disease or another. In most cases, P. is observed in diseases with an increased need for the body in nutrients oh how is that. takes place in diabetes mellitus (especially with its so-called "skinny" form) and with Bazedov's disease, and sometimes P, is one of early signs these diseases, and its degree serves to a certain extent as an indicator of the severity of the stalemate. process. Closely related to this in origin is P., which is observed during recovery from acute infections, especially from typhoid fever. Clinically, P. of the last kind is a favorable symptom, since it speaks of a fracture of the disease and of vigorous reparative processes in the patient's body. In all these cases, P. is determined by the true need of the body for the introduction of food. Along with this, P. occurs on the basis of false hunger. This is observed for example. sometimes with secretory neurosis of the stomach, especially with increased release of HC1 (hyperchlorhydria, gastrosucorea, gastric ulcer), when frequent meals relieve the patient of discomfort in the pit of the stomach, then sometimes with neurasthenia and hysteria, when, despite the abundant introduction of food, b-noy notes lack of satiety (see Lkoria, apleetia). At last there are instructions on P. at nek-ry mental b-ny, in particular at weak-minded people, and sometimes at tumors of a brain. The feeling of hunger in some cases P. can reach an extreme degree, called bulimia(cm.). At the heart of, if not all, then most of P.'s cases are disorders of the nervous system in the form of a decrease in the function of its individual parts [eg. anesthesia of the nerves of the stomach in nervous patients with P. on the basis of a lack of satiety (Boas)] or in the form of an increase in this function, as for example. accepted in relation to cases of bulimia with the true need of the body for the introduction of food. Lit.-cm. lit. to Art. Bulimia. B. Ilyinsky.

See also:

  • POLYCHROMASIA, polychromatophilia, the appearance in the peripheral blood of polychromatophiles, erythrocytes stained with azure-eosin or Giemsa paint in a smoky, gray-violet color due to their ability to simultaneously perceive both acidic and basic colors. ...
  • POLYCYTHEMIA, a disease of the blood system, accompanied by a prolonged and progressive increase in the number of red blood cells in the body. For the first time, a case of this b-ni was described in 1892 by Vake-zom ...
  • POLLAKIURIA, pollakisuria (from the Greek pollakis-often and ouron-urine), a synonym for tamur-riya, frequent urination, a symptom of a wide variety of pathologies. states. As a rule, P. is based on an increase in the sensitivity of the walls of the bladder. Most often, this increased ...
  • POLLUTION(from lat. pollutio-smearing), the eruption of the seed that appears b. hours in a dream; P. is usually preceded by a dream of erotic content; with P. without a dream of erotic content, one must reckon with the fact that the dream could be ...
  • SEXUAL LIFE in the biological sense, covers a huge range of complex phenomena, the study of which is the content of a significant part of modern biology. Numerous phenomena concerning the physiology and pathology of the pancreas cannot be understood without knowledge ...

Diabetes is often associated with polyphagia, which is an abnormally increased appetite. This article talks about the reasons that cause increased hunger in diabetics.

Did you know?

The frequent appearance of hunger in diabetics is explained by the inability of glucose molecules to enter the cells of the body.

Polyphagia is an increased intake of food. This is one of the most common symptoms of diabetes, which is characterized by an uncontrollable feeling of hunger in a person, leading to a significant increase in appetite. Patients with polyphagia often complain of frequent bouts of hunger. The insatiable hunger associated with polyphagy causes a person to consume excess food every time they eat. Therefore, even after a heavy meal in the evening, diabetics can feel a strong feeling of hunger early in the morning.

Polyphagia and diabetes

As already mentioned, polyphagia is often associated with diabetes, a disease that is usually characterized by abnormally high blood glucose levels. Diabetics often eat more than usual. They tend to feel hungry more often, and as a result, they eat too much.

At healthy people the food you eat is converted into glucose, which is used by the body's cells to meet their energy needs. Glucose plays the role of fuel for cells, allowing them to perform their functions. The hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas, ensures that glucose enters the cells.

In diabetics, glucose does not enter the cells. This can occur either due to a lack of insulin, or due to the insensitivity of body cells to the actions of insulin.

In either case, glucose absorption does not occur. A certain amount of glucose is always present in the bloodstream. However, since the cells are not able to absorb it, it accumulates in the blood, and despite a large number of glucose circulating in the bloodstream, its deficiency occurs in the cells.

The reaction of cells to a lack of glucose is manifested in the form of frequent bouts of hunger.

Glucose depriving cells are primarily responsible for excess hunger in diabetics. So when the body's cells can no longer hold glucose molecules, they tell the brain that there is a lack of glucose. In order to stimulate the hypothalamus in the brain, and eventually form a person's desire to eat, cells use hormones such as leptin and orexin. Thus, the signals of hunger sent by the cells of the body and then received by the brain are what causes excess food intake in diabetic patients.

Glucose-hungry cells also cause diabetics to eat more food than they normally would when they eat it.

Not surprisingly, diabetes is often described as a disease that causes starvation of glucose at the cellular level and leads to polyphagia. So, frequent episodes of polyphagia indicate uncontrolled diabetes. Therefore, effective control of diabetes is the key to controlling polyphagia. A sedentary lifestyle does nothing to help keep diabetes under control. Daily Execution exercise and the use of foods recommended for diabetics often helps to get glucose into the cells and reduce hunger pangs. Not enough serious attitude exercise is the biggest mistake diabetics make. Exercising and following a healthy diet is an extremely important habit. Maintaining an active lifestyle is all it takes to manage diabetes and control polyphagia.

Polyphagia is a pathology that involves excessive consumption of food. It is characterized by uncontrolled appetite and a continuous feeling of hunger. The disease can be caused by endocrine pathology, alimentary failure or a psychogenic factor. The problem indicates that serious disorders are occurring in the body. They need to be diagnosed as early as possible to avoid obesity and other consequences.


Even if polyphagia itself does not pose a danger to humans, it indicates pathological processes occurring in the body. According to statistics, women are more prone to this disease than men.

The most common reasons it can occur are:

  1. 1. Violations of psychogenic states. Experiencing stress, a person often loses a sense of proportion.
  2. 2. Alimentary pathologies. They can be caused both by a lack of certain substances, and by problems in their assimilation.
  3. 3. Endocrine pathologies. When humoral regulation fails in the human body, violations of all metabolic processes. The most common reason for this is diabetes.

Polyphagia is one of the first signs of this disease. This is explained by the fact that sugar molecules in this disease are not absorbed by the cells of the body. In this case, the tissues experience continuous hunger. Signals about the lack of nutrients are sent to the brain, which encourages a person to eat food.

In women, this pathology can manifest itself as a result of hormonal disorders after childbirth, which often leads to a sharp increase in weight.

Forms and diagnostics

Among the forms of polyphagy, pathological and physiological are distinguished. The first arises due to violations of the system, which is responsible for the feeling of satiety. The second develops due to prolonged starvation, during increased body growth or in the last stages of infectious diseases.

Pathology can be diagnosed thanks to the following data:

  • blood chemistry;
  • CT scan of the brain, endoscopy;
  • blood sugar test;
  • history study.

Treatment and prevention

Therapy should be directed to the causes that caused increased appetite.

If you have depression or bulimia, you should consult a psychiatrist. He will appoint effective treatment and psychotherapy sessions.

In diabetes, insulin is indicated. The patient's condition must be constantly monitored.


Polyphagia is an eating disorder characterized by increased appetite and gluttony. A person feels a constant need for food.


By itself, the symptom does not pose a danger to life and health, but due to the fact that it is only a sign of a more serious disease, it should not be ignored. A sign of a serious pathology is a situation where polyphagia is accompanied by a decrease in body weight.

Causes of occurrence:

Causes given state can be different, they can be divided into 3 groups.
Psychogenic disorders. As a result of a number of pathological mental states, there is a violation of an adequate assessment of the amount of food eaten, and in some cases this behavior is a way to deal with stressful conditions.
Alimentary violations. With this pathology, for any reason, the intake of nutrients into the body stops or becomes insufficient. The reason can be both their deficiency in the incoming food, and various violations of the enzymatic systems responsible for their absorption in the human body.
Endocrine pathology. As a result of a violation of humoral regulation in endocrine pathology, all types of basal metabolism can suffer. So, for example, in diabetes mellitus, glucose metabolism is disturbed, and in thyrotoxicosis, the metabolism of the body as a whole is accelerated.


In the presence of such symptoms, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital, where the most complete examination of the patient is carried out in order to establish the cause of this clinic.

Polyphagia- eating disorders, manifested by increased appetite and voracity. A person feels a constant need for food.

The causes of this condition can be different, they can be divided into 3 groups.

  • Psychogenic disorders. As a result of a number of pathological mental states, there is a violation of an adequate assessment of the amount of food eaten, and in some cases this behavior is a way to deal with stressful conditions.
  • Alimentary violations. With this pathology, for any reason, the intake of nutrients into the body stops or becomes insufficient. The reason can be both their deficiency in the incoming food, and various violations of enzymatic systemsresponsible for their absorption in the human body.
  • Endocrine pathology. As a result of a violation of humoral regulation in endocrine pathology, all types of basal metabolism can suffer. So, for example, in diabetes mellitus, glucose metabolism is disturbed, and in thyrotoxicosis, the metabolism of the body as a whole is accelerated.

By itself, the symptom does not pose a danger to life and health, but due to the fact that it is only a sign of a more serious disease, it should not be ignored. A sign of a serious pathology is a situation where polyphagia is accompanied by a decrease in body weight.

In the presence of such symptoms, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital, where the most complete examination of the patient is carried out in order to establish the cause of this clinic.

see also


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    Polyphagia: Polyphagia (symptom) is an eating disorder characterized by increased appetite and gluttony. Polyphagia (ecology) the use by the body of a wide range of victims as food ... Wikipedia

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