How to constantly keep hemoglobin normal. Products that increase hemoglobin: iron sources of animal and vegetable origin. The Best Foods to Increase Hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is a complex iron-containing animal protein that serves to carry oxygen to the tissues and organs of a living organism. If hemoglobin is lowered, the body begins to work for wear and tear, in emergency mode. This pathological condition is called anemia. The level of hemoglobin is determined using a complete blood count. In this article, we will consider which foods to increase hemoglobin should be included in your diet, but first we will determine the signs of anemia and the causes of its occurrence.

Signs of low hemoglobin

A slight decrease in hemoglobin is accompanied by general weakness, increased fatigue, dizziness, pallor of the skin. If the level has dropped more seriously and the body suffers from a lack of oxygen, shortness of breath appears at the slightest physical activity, the pulse quickens, the nails are deformed, the condition of the hair worsens, the skin has an unhealthy shade.

Chronic anemia leads to diseases of the heart, lungs, premature aging of the body. That is why you should not let the situation take its course. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment, but it should be borne in mind that iron preparations have such an inevitable side effect like constipation. Therefore, it is better to review the diet in advance and adjust it.

Causes of a decrease in hemoglobin

  • hidden internal bleeding;
  • sudden loss of blood;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • excessively frequent blood donation as a donor;
  • unbalanced diet.

Products to increase hemoglobin

Regardless of the severity of the disease, diet is essential. It is a mistake to believe that you can continue to eat anyhow, drink pills and hemoglobin will return to normal. Moreover, the iron contained in synthetic products is very poorly absorbed, and this can be a waste of money.

So, the basis of nutrition is iron-containing foods. In terms of iron content, meat still remains in the first place. The best level of assimilation has beef tongue. Next fit veal, turkey, rabbit meat, venison. Beef liver gives a good result, but you need to be sure of its quality. The best way to prepare the liver to increase hemoglobin is as follows: cut the liver into thin strips, pour boiling water over it and fry quickly, stirring. The bottom line is that the liver cannot be cooked for a long time, otherwise there will be no effect.

Best fit sea ​​fish fatty varieties: salmon, salmon. From seafood, shrimp and shellfish have proven themselves well. When cooking, it is also necessary to minimize heat treatment, it is better to salt the fish. And there is another very effective product that raises hemoglobin in short time, - black caviar, although red is also suitable.

Fruits and vegetables

Plant foods, alas, are a poor helper here. But fruits and vegetables are needed because of their vitamin value. In particular, vitamin C helps the absorption of iron, so citrus fruits, apples, sauerkraut, berries, especially cranberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries. Good results are given by persimmon, figs, peaches, pumpkin. Of the vegetables in the first place - beets, it should be in the diet every day. Also, you can not do without greens: parsley, celery, spinach. It is necessary to use freshly squeezed juices of beets, carrots, pomegranates.

Of the cereals, buckwheat is best suited. The way it is prepared plays a big role here. The main rule is not to cook buckwheat. When cooked, it loses all its beneficial properties. It is necessary to fill it with warm boiled water, and after 2-3 hours it is ready. Can be soaked overnight. There is also a very effective recipe: you need to wash and dry buckwheat, grind it in a coffee grinder and consume it with water, or add it, for example, to cereals in the morning.


Phytotherapy will help improve digestion and increase hemoglobin, since often the cause of anemia lies in work disorders. gastrointestinal tract. Herbs that can increase hemoglobin levels contain vitamins B6, B9, B12 and trace elements copper, cobalt, manganese, nickel. Such herbs include nettle, mint, dandelion root, creeping wheatgrass, narrow-leaved fireweed (willow-herb).

Some foods slow down the absorption of iron. First of all, it is coffee and black tea, as well as dairy and sour-milk products. Their use should be limited or even temporarily eliminated. Alcohol and smoking should also be avoided.

Table of iron content in food

How much iron do you need: women - 18 mg, during pregnancy - 30 mg, men - 10 mg.

An example of a menu for a patient with anemia for a day

A person with anemia needs to eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day.

  • soft-boiled egg;
  • 2 sandwiches with cod liver pate;
  • sweet black tea.

Snack: apple

  • cucumber and tomato salad dressed with olive oil;
  • borsch;
  • chicken with buckwheat;
  • rosehip tea.

Afternoon snack: pomegranate juice

  • boiled fish with mashed potatoes;
  • sweet tea + biscuits.

Vegetarians with anemia should include foods rich in vitamin B12 in their diet. It's milk, cheese, eggs. If a person adheres to lacto-ovo vegetarianism, that is, he does not eat eggs or dairy products, he needs take synthesized vitamin B12 at 10 mcg per day.

There is also an opinion that the development of anemia can be facilitated by chemical insecticides that are used to treat agricultural fields. If possible, it is better to use only home-grown vegetables and fruits in your diet.

In addition to the diet, you need to walk outside in any weather, lead an active lifestyle: walk, run, play outdoor games. Positive emotions also play an important role in recovery. A good addition to the diet will be a trip to the sea or to the mountains.

Despite the fact that the diet can significantly increase the level of hemoglobin, with a progressive disease, proper nutrition alone will not do.

Particular attention should be paid to the problem of anemia if pregnant women and children suffer from it.

Many people face such a problem as anemia during their lives.

Many people face such a problem as anemia during their lives. Too much low level hemoglobin in the blood is a sign indicating an iron deficiency.

To effectively compensate for its deficiency, a number of measures must be taken, among which the first place is occupied by the consumption of products that increase hemoglobin.

What is fraught with low hemoglobin for our body?

Hemoglobin is a shaped element of blood thanks to him, every cell of our body receives the oxygen necessary for growth and development. Without iron, which is the main component of hemoglobin, all of the above becomes impossible.

Therefore, immediately after the laboratory test showed low hemoglobin content, we recommend that you switch to the active consumption of products that contribute to its growth. By the way, according to statistics, it is an unbalanced diet in most cases that is the cause of anemia.

The daily rate of iron to increase hemoglobin

In order for the lack of iron not to affect the coordinated work of our body, it is necessary that this element enter our body daily. The daily intake with food is 1.5 mg. However, sadly, doctors state the fact that only a negligible fraction of this useful substance (10%), obtained from food, is safely absorbed by our body. Therefore, we should try to ensure that the rate of its consumption per day is at least 15 mg. For different categories people, as well as depending on gender, this indicator may vary.

So, for example, for men it should be 10-15 mg, for women 15-20 mg, for mothers expecting a baby - at least 30 mg per day.

What foods increase hemoglobin?

Products that are a source of iron for humans should without fail be on our daily menu. Especially people with anemia should pay attention to this. Here is a list of what you should be eating every day to help normalize your blood count.

  1. beef meat- an excellent source of iron, even super-useful rabbit meat in this sense does not effectively compensate for the lack of this trace element. Meat also contains vitamin B-12, which helps maintain normal levels of iron in the body. Red meat is the best source of hemoglobin.
  2. The largest amount of iron is found in liver. Since this is a hematopoietic organ, its consumption stimulates the saturation of our body with iron, and it does not matter at all what kind of liver you eat, cattle, pork or chicken. But not only meat and offal increase hemoglobin.
  3. egg yolks are another very rich source of iron. Egg yolks are rich in iron and help in the production of hemoglobin.
  4. Vegetables are also its indispensable source for humans. you can lift hemoglobin with regular beets. At the same time, to achieve a lasting positive effect, you will have to use it for quite a long time - for a month. To do this, eat salads prepared with the addition of boiled beets as much as possible. The daily intake of this vegetable should be about 200 grams. You can simplify your task, for this you need to drink about 30 g of freshly squeezed beet juice daily.
  5. Cereal crops have always been famous for their high content of valuable trace elements, and iron is no exception. Buckwheat is a very valuable product that contains quite a lot of iron, It is quickly digested and also contains a large dose of protein, which is also very useful for our body.
  6. Do you want to quickly increase hemoglobin? Choose those varieties apples, which quickly darken in the place of the cut. This circumstance indicates an increased content of iron in the fruit. Include apples in your daily diet and remember that for optimal results, you need to consume about 0.5 kg of this tasty and healthy medicine per day.
  7. Another fruit that is indispensable for iron deficiency is pomegranate. It is necessary to eat its fruits, as well as drink pomegranate juice. In addition to being a hemoglobin-boosting product, it also contains a fairly large dose of vitamin C.
  8. Other fruits are also an excellent source of iron. The fruits contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and iron. Fruits rich in iron - watermelons, grapes, grapefruits, tomatoes, apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries and avocados.
  9. Walnut and pistachios also help to restore the lack of trace elements and iron as well. To do this, it is enough to eat 100 grams of nuts per day, preferably with honey, since the fructose contained in it will help the absorption of nutrients.
  10. legumes, such as peas, white beans contain a good amount of iron. Pumpkin seeds also help increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  11. Dairy, such as milk, buttermilk, cottage cheese and cheese are good sources of hemoglobin.
  12. Spices- thyme, cumin, oregano, basil, cinnamon, sage are rich sources of iron. Therefore, be sure to include these spices in your diet.
  13. Dried fruits, such as dried apricots, prunes, dates and raisins are great way increase hemoglobin.
  14. Rose hip, from which an infusion is made and drunk in the morning. Take a thermos, dried rose hips at the rate of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of berries in a glass of boiling water, let it brew and take 1/2 cup or a whole glass 1 time per day.
  15. Great news for chocolate lovers. Chocolate and cocoa powder can significantly increase hemoglobin levels.

Frequent weakness, rapid fatigue, lack of appetite, drowsiness, heart rhythm disturbances, low blood pressure are signs of a decrease in hemoglobin. Vitamins, normalization of nutrition help to increase its level in the blood.

What is hemoglobin

As part of the red blood cells of the blood of erythrocytes - a combination of protein with iron atoms.

In the body, it takes various forms:

  • the form in combination with oxygen is called oxyhemoglobin, it gives the arterial blood a bright red color;
  • the so-called reduced form, when oxygen is delivered to the tissues;
  • carboxyhemoglobin, a form in combination with carbon dioxide, which causes venous blood to become dark in color.

The function of hemoglobin is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body, bind carbon dioxide, and return it to the lungs.

Its high content in the blood is typical for residents of highlands, climbers, whose body is adapted to rarefied air, poor in oxygen. Thus, low hemoglobin is raised physical exercises, intense walk.

Norm in the blood

The level of hemoglobin in the blood determines general analysis blood.

Norm values:

  • for men 130-160g / l, the lower limit is 120, the upper limit is 180g / l;
  • for women 120-140g / l, in pregnant women the lower limit of the norm is 110g / l;
  • in children, the indicators depend on age, up to 18 years they gradually rise to normal "adult" values.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin

Anemia (anemia) is not a disease, but a symptom of a health pathology, which is accompanied by a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

General signs of anemia:

  • sleep disorder;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • excessive whiteness of the skin and mucous membranes, "cyanosis" of the lips;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • leg cramps;
  • increased heart rate.

Before treatment and changing the diet, it is worth understanding the causes of low hemoglobin.

Causes of anemia

iron deficiency. This type anemia accompanies perverted appetite. I want to eat earth, clay, paper, chalk, inhale the unpleasant pungent smells of gasoline, paints, damp tobacco ash. Nails are brittle, concave, mucous membranes are inflamed. The skin is dry, with cracks. Hair fall out. Weakness of muscle fibers is the cause of voluntary urination. A characteristic sign of iron deficiency is increased sensitivity to cold, hands and feet are constantly cold, and frequent colds. The child's lag in growth and development, lethargy, illness.

deficit folic acid(vitamin B9) as a result of an operation on the intestines, long-term use of medications against seizures (Phenobarbital), alcohol abuse. In adults, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, frequent heartbeats, inflamed tongue, lack of appetite, headache or dizziness. Memory impairment, irritability, icteric condition.

The level of hemoglobin is increased after prolonged feeding of a child with goat's milk, in which there is little vitamin B9. To prevent this type of anemia, change milk mixtures, donor milk.

Deficiency of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). With this type of anemia, coordination of movements is impaired. Changed gait, stiffness, clumsiness. Disturbed sense of touch, false tingling of the skin. Bright red, "varnished" tongue. The condition requires an increase in hemoglobin.

Acute or chronic form hemolytic anemia- a group of diseases associated with the massive destruction of red blood cells. The body enhances their synthesis. Symptoms are similar to cholelithiasis: red or brown urine, yellowness of the skin and sclera of the eyes, delayed child development.

The exact cause of anemia is identified by a hematologist who treats diseases of the blood system. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to take a biochemical blood test.

Hemoglobin raises the adjustment of the diet, the intake of vitamins.

Increased hemoglobin in iron deficiency

This type of anemia requires divalent heme iron, the body completely absorbs this form. There is a lot of it in meat food, kidneys and liver.

Plant foods contain trivalent non-heme iron - legumes, buckwheat, whole grains, parsley, nettles.

To convert the trivalent form to the divalent one, vitamin C is needed, it is abundant in greens. Legumes are best combined with vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Raspberries are the champion in iron content. Hemoglobin is increased by pork and beef liver, veal, spinach, buckwheat, wheat bran, rolled oats, pomegranates, prunes, apples, plums, peaches, dried apricots, rose hips, brewer's yeast, cocoa, seafood, potatoes baked with skins, black currants, cranberries, nuts .

Pomegranate juice increases hemoglobin, but is dangerous for constipation.

Do not consume iron-containing foods with calcium, which slows down the absorption of iron. Refuse or reduce coffee, black tea, cheese.

How to increase hemoglobin with B9 deficiency

Proponents of plant foods get enough folic acid. There is a lot of it in beef liver, legumes, citrus fruits, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, melons, watermelons, apples, green onions, peas, beets, carrots, oats, buckwheat, millet, walnuts, yeast, cottage cheese, cheese, liver, egg yolk, grapes, pomegranates, apricots, black currants, bananas, kiwi, turnips.

With sufficient intake of the listed products, folic acid is synthesized by the microflora of the large intestine - it is not necessary to increase hemoglobin.

Vitamin B9 destroys sunlight, heat treatment.

Fresh legumes contain substances that prevent the breakdown of proteins and slow down digestion. The use of legumes in sprouted form improves their absorption, avoids flatulence.

Sprouting wheat grains increases the content of folic acid, B vitamins by 4 times. Total 50g useful product contains the daily requirement of vitamin B9.

The lack of folic acid causes the abuse of coffee, tea, smoking, alcohol.

Vitamin B9 is necessary during pregnancy, regulates the formation of embryonic nerve cells, and helps to increase hemoglobin. Folic acid is prescribed before conception, continue the course after pregnancy.

Treatment of anemia in B12 deficiency

If the cause of anemia is a deficiency of cobalamins, to increase hemoglobin, include veal or beef liver, oysters, herring, sardines, salmon, egg yolks, soy products. Vitamin B12 is less in pork, beef, chicken, hard cheeses, seafood, seaweed, milk, greens and vegetables.

Include vitamin complexes in the diet to eliminate vitamin B12 deficiency and increase hemoglobin with a predominance of plant foods in the diet.

For better absorption of vitamin B12, calcium is needed, which is rich in dairy products.

The source of cyanocobalamin is beer yeast, ask at the pharmacy. Their intake restores the production of B12 in the intestine, increases hemoglobin.

Modified: 05.12.2019

Hi all! Let's talk today about products to increase hemoglobin.

I decided to fully analyze the topic of low hemoglobin in my blog.

In previous posts, we found out the causes and symptoms of low hemoglobin, and also talked about how to raise hemoglobin at home.

During this time, I have received a lot of new information on this important issue, so it's time for a new article, which will be new, interesting and (I really hope so!) That the information you need that will be useful to you

Therefore, today I propose to consider in more detail products to increase hemoglobin and their beneficial properties.

From this article you will learn:

The Best Foods to Increase Hemoglobin

Such an important element as iron must enter our body every day.

Iron is part of the red blood cells and is responsible for the binding of hemoglobin to oxygen in order to ensure healthy and free cellular respiration.

From the lack of an element in the body, anemia develops. To avoid it, it is necessary to eat foods with a high content of the iron element in their composition.

Iron is involved in the construction of hemoglobin itself, as well as in transporting oxygen with it to all organs of our body.

If there is enough iron in the body, it means that there is enough oxygen in the cells. So, we are cheerful, cheerful, active and healthy!

Also in this article I want to highlight such important questions, how:

  • how much iron should an adult get per day to be healthy,
  • what foods contain iron, and how much,
  • which products are considered "leaders" in terms of the content of this element,
  • what is "heme" and "non-heme" iron, and why is it important to know,
  • causes of poor absorption of iron from food,
  • how to improve the absorption of this element into the body from the food taken,
  • as well as many other important issues.

What is hemoglobin?


(from other - Greek αἷμα - blood and lat. globus - ball) - a complex iron-containing protein of animals with blood circulation, capable of reversibly binding with oxygen, ensuring its transfer to tissues. wiki

The daily amount of iron needed to consume

An adult man should consume at least 10 mg per day. this element, and adult woman- at least 18 mg. During pregnancy, the need is doubled, and should be at least 33 mg.

Is it possible to raise the level of hemoglobin with food?

According to experts, a diet that includes foods rich in iron is enough effective way raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

BUT!!! This is possible only if the hemoglobin level is not critically low and does not require rapid recovery.

In this case, correct usage, for a long time, indeed, can increase the level of hemoglobin.

In this case, both vegetable and animal proteins play an important role.

What foods increase hemoglobin in adults?

Iron is found in both plant and animal foods.

In order to be sure that the intake of iron in the body occurs in sufficient quantities, you just need to pay due attention to whether we eat enough of those foods that are considered “record holders” for the content of this important element.

Below I have listed these "record holders" in descending order.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that, despite the fact that there are foods that contain a lot of iron, and there are foods that contain much less of it, you should try to eat a fairly diverse type of food daily, and not “sit down” exclusively on those who are at the top of this list! That is, simply put, you need to eat both pistachios and raspberries!

Friends, I sincerely advise you to print this list and keep it “at hand”, somewhere in the kitchen, especially at first. As a cheat sheet, so as not to forget, because the list is still long ...

When I at one time became interested in this issue and began to study it, I did just that - I printed it out and attached it to the refrigerator with a magnet, very convenient!

Here is the amount of iron in milligrams that is contained in 100 grams of the food itself:

  • Pistachios 62
  • Dried white mushrooms 38
  • Molasses 20.5
  • Liver (pork) 20
  • Brewer's yeast 19.1
  • Sea cabbage 18
  • Pumpkin seeds 14.5
  • Cocoa (beans) 12
  • Lentil 12
  • Sesame seeds 12.5
  • Light beef 10.3
  • Liver (beef) 9.2
  • Liver (chicken) 8.8
  • Green buckwheat 9
  • Egg yolk 7.3
  • Dried peas 7
  • Halva sesame (sesame) 7
  • Heart (chicken) 6
  • Beans 6
  • Beans 5.9
  • Blackcurrant 5.9
  • Tongue (beef) 5
  • Dried dried apricots 4.6
  • Almond 4.5
  • Peaches 4.4
  • Rye bread 4
  • Raisin dark (blue) 3.9
  • Spinach greens 3.9
  • Quail eggs 3.5
  • Beef (meat) 3
  • Walnuts 3
  • Black caviar 2.8
  • Corn 2.5
  • Bitter dark chocolate 2.2
  • Apples 2.2
  • Chicken (meat) 2
  • Lamb and pork (meat) 2
  • White wheat bread from premium flour 1.7
  • Raspberry 1.7

Let us consider in more detail the list of products that can effectively increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Protein foods to increase hemoglobin

  • Meat and offal. Especially the liver

The largest amount of iron is found in red meat - lamb, beef, veal, as well as in beef and pork liver. In addition, meat is a source of vitamin B12, which affects the formation of red blood cells containing hemoglobin.

Rabbit meat and turkey meat are considered excellent sources of iron. To save useful properties, the meat should be fried over high heat, but not stewed, since iron is destroyed during prolonged heat treatment.

  • leguminous plants
  • Apples

A tasty and healthy source of iron - you need to eat at least 500 g of apples daily. In season, it is necessary to include peaches, apricots, citrus fruits, strawberries and strawberries in the diet.

  • Carrot and sour cream salad

Such a simple and affordable dish as carrot salad with sour cream will not only help increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, but also have a positive effect on vision, due to the high content of vitamin A.

  • Pomegranate juice

It will be useful to introduce into the diet, if necessary, it can be diluted with water.

  • Chokeberry and wild rose

Decoctions from these berries contain a record amount of vitamin C and iron, and also have excellent tonic properties and may well replace morning coffee or tea.

If you add lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey to the rosehip infusion, you get an effective and pleasant-tasting remedy. It should be taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.

  • Walnuts

When eating foods, remember that in order for iron to be absorbed into our body, it is necessary to consume foods with vitamin C.

Friends, if you want to get rid of the problem iron deficiency anemia, improve the absorption of iron from food, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, then approach this issue COMPLEXLY:

  1. Eliminate all possible reasons the appearance of anemia.
  2. · Identify the causes of poor absorption of iron in your body and eliminate them.
  3. Connect not only the right power to solve this problem, connect ALL the possible resources listed above, and you will definitely succeed!!!

How to quickly and safely increase hemoglobin?

I want to disappoint you right away, there are situations when it is very difficult to quickly increase hemoglobin

This is especially not possible with products.

  • Preparations

To do this, they resort to taking appropriate medications. They are prescribed exclusively by a doctor based on blood test data.

Ferrous iron preparations are considered the most effective: this form is well absorbed and allows you to achieve a stable increase in hemoglobin.

For example, the drug TOTEMA based on organic salt of 2-valent iron (iron gluconate II) and essential microelements - copper and manganese, manufactured by Laboratoire Innotech International.

The unique composition of the preparation TOTEMA maximally corresponds to the physiology of iron metabolism, where manganese and copper are iron synergists.

Today, most doctors consider TOTEMA the drug of choice for rapidly increasing blood hemoglobin levels. But remember, don't self-medicate.

Remember that the more iron you take at a time, the less your body will absorb it, and it can also be very dangerous because iron, once it enters the body, is not excreted from it itself, but lies in the so-called “depots”. ".

Excess spare iron can provoke the development diabetes, serious illnesses liver, heart and even breast cancer.

  • vitamins

For prevention, you can take vitamins with iron.

In the process of treatment with iron preparations, it is worth remembering that sometimes an increase in the amount of hemoglobin is observed not earlier than after a month of treatment.

I hope this information will help all those who were looking for an answer to the question of how to raise hemoglobin in the blood at home.

This is the information I have today for you, friends.

And if you have something to add to this material, be sure to share your information so that we can draw up a more objective view of this problem.

Write your opinion in the comments, share your stories of hemoglobin recovery in the blood.

Share this article with your friends on social networks, we will spread important and necessary information about how to be Healthy together!

Good luck to everyone and see you soon! Bye!

Approach your health consciously and be healthy!


Iron in the human body plays an important role, so physicians around the world are concerned about the growing trend of iron deficiency in people. According to data recently published by the WHO, 60% of the world's population is deficient in iron, and 30% of its deficiency is so great that we are talking about a disease - iron deficiency anemia. Hemoglobin Boosting Foods Are a Safe Alternative drug treatment iron deficiency states at the initial stage of the disease, for the prevention and improvement of the effectiveness of therapy.

Iron is not synthesized in the human body. Its supply is provided by food. Recipes and products to increase hemoglobin have been of interest to healers since ancient times. In medical papyri ancient egypt, and later in medical treatises Ancient Greece and ancient rome there are recipes for the treatment of anemia with products that increase hemoglobin. In ancient medicine, watercress juice, milk, and grape juice were used to increase hemoglobin levels. The great Muhammad Hussein Shirazi in the treatise "Mahzan-ul-adwiya" ("Treasury of Medicines") advised taking carrots for anemia. In Russia, anemia was treated with linden tea with honey and wine. In England, biscuits with red wine were prescribed for anemia. To prevent anemia, Mesopotamian healers prepared medicine by placing a copper cylinder with an iron rod in a ceramic vessel. The juice of sour berries and fruits poured into such a vessel was enriched with iron, this effect is known in physics as "electrocorrosion".

The human body contains ~4 g of iron. Of them:

  • 75% is part of the red blood cells in the form of hemoglobin;
  • 20% is stored in cells for a "rainy day";
  • 5% is found in muscle tissue and in enzymatic systems.

At proper nutrition a person does not experience a deficiency of this element. But this rule works if in childhood the body was able to deposit a sufficient amount of Fe.

With food, our body receives most of the nutrients, including iron. But most of the diet contains it in an inorganic form, so the bioavailability of Fe in most foods does not exceed 30% (average 10%).

In plant foods and medicines, iron is contained in an inorganic form, represented by ions of two and trivalent Fe. Its bioavailability is 8-15%. In organic or heme form, iron is bivalent, so it is absorbed almost completely - by 40-45%. In the diet, it is an insignificant part of the total element obtained with food - 7-12%. But it has a high degree of bioavailability and its digestibility practically does not change under the influence of other products. When compiling a diet for enriching the body with iron, one should choose not only products with the largest amount of it, but also take into account the form of entry and the body's ability to absorb it.

But there are substances in the body that prevent iron from being absorbed to the maximum extent.

These are polyphenols, tannins, caffeine and calcium, which are present in large quantities in:

  • dairy products;
  • coffee;
  • red wine;
  • Coca Cola;
  • chocolate.

It is not recommended to combine with them the intake of products with a high content of inorganic iron. On the contrary, the joint intake of heme and inorganic iron, that is, vegetables and meat, increases the intake and absorption of iron up to 5-10%, while from a vegetarian diet it is absorbed from 1 to 7%.

The absorption of iron from food is influenced by the state of the gastrointestinal tract. So, for example, with gastric ulcer and a decrease in the level of acidity gastric juice iron absorption is significantly reduced.

What foods increase hemoglobin in adults?

Animal and vegetable products can increase hemoglobin in adults.

During heat treatment, the amount of Fe decreases, so nutritionists advise eating more fresh vegetables and fruits. But they will not be able to provide the body with the necessary amount of iron due to the inorganic form.

Table of herbal products

Plants contain no less iron than animal products, but it is much less absorbed by the body. 3-8% of iron is absorbed from vegetables, and 2-3% from fruits. Therefore, the risk of developing anemia in vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists is higher than in meat eaters. Among plant products, there are also "leaders" in terms of Fe content. The table shows herbal products in raw and thermally processed form:

Product nameAmount of iron (mg/100 g)
raw/fresh productfried/boiled/dried
- peas7 1,3
- red beans7,9 2,2
- white beans10,4 3,7
- spotted bean5,1 2,1
- soy5,2 5,1
- lentils7,3 3,3
- Turkish peas (chickpeas)6,2 1,1
Greens spicy
- dill6,6 4,9
- parsley6,2 2,2
- cilantro1,8 0,5
- basil3,2 0,8
- wheat5,4 3.5 (bread)
- oats4,7 4.2 (flakes)
- sorghum4,4 -
- wild wheat3,5 -
- rice4,5 3.6 (boiled)
- corn2,9 1,7
Nuts and seeds
- sesame14,5 14.5 (fried)
- cashew nuts6,7 6.0 (fried)
- hazelnut4,7 4.4 (fried)
- peanut4,6 2.3 (fried)
- pistachios3,9 4.0 (fried)
- almond3,7 3.7 (fried)
- Walnut2,9 -
- pumpkin seeds8,8 8.1 (fried)
- sunflower seeds5,3 3.8 (fried)
- flax seeds5,7 -
- morels12,2 -
- chanterelles3,5 -
- champignons0,5 1.7 (boiled); 0.3 (fried)
- color1,6 0.7 (boiled)
- Beijing1,3 0.3 (boiled)
- brussels1,4 1.2 (boiled)
Asparagus2,1 0.6 (frozen)
Spinach3,0 1.5 (pickled)
Sorrel2,4 2.1(boiled)
Potato0,9 0.3 (boiled) 1.0 (in uniform)
Jerusalem artichoke3,4 -
Beet0,8 0,8
Fruits and berries
Olives- 3.3 (canned)
Currant5,2 3.3 (dried)
Strawberry6,5 -
Raspberry5,8 -
Apricot4,9 2.7 (dried) 4.8 (dried apricots)
Raisin- 2,6
Pear3,4 2.1 (dried)
figs0,3 2.0 (dried)
Apple2,2 1.4 (dried)
Banana0,8 1.1 (dried)
Prunes- 0,9

Phytin, a substance found in soy flour, rice, and cereal bran, impairs the absorption of iron from plant products. Phytates are a form of "storage" of phosphates and minerals found in plant foods. They are direct inhibitors of iron absorption and the activity of "inhibition" depends on their amount.

Another type of iron inhibitors are polyphenolic compounds. They form insoluble compounds with Fe and prevent its penetration into the blood.

The largest amount of iron is found in dried porcini mushrooms. The second place is occupied by legumes. They are "leaders" precisely because they contain fewer inhibitors than, for example, cereals.

Then in the "top" vegetable sources iron is located leafy greens, root vegetables and cruciferous. Fragrant herbs and spices also contain "braking" substances.

Fruits and berries take the fourth place, but in some berries after drying, the iron content increases. These are dried fruits, raisins, dried apricots. In vegetables, heat treatment reduces the level of metal. from fruit the largest number iron "stocked up" apples, pomegranates, peaches.

For those who control weight, nuts and dried fruits are an excellent “snack” and a substitute for sweets.

Table of animal products

In animal products, heme iron is more fully absorbed than inorganic. But among them there are products that are recognized leaders in terms of Fe content. The liver contains the most iron, but in different animals it “stores” different amounts of this necessary element.

Among seafood, oysters and mussels are the richest in Fe.

The table shows the levels of iron in various animal products:

Product nameIron activity (mg/100 g)
- veal14
- pork12
- chicken9
- beef6,8
- beef3,1
- mutton2,6
- turkey1,6
- pork1,8
Milk and dairy products0,2-0,08
chicken eggs1,75
Seafood and fish
- mussels6,7
- oysters5,4
- shrimps1,7
- sea fish~2,9
- River fish~ 0,8
- anchovy4,6

Dairy products contain calcium, which makes iron absorption very difficult.

Nutritionists advise combining foods containing organic and inorganic iron - meat with vegetables, cereals with vegetables. This allows more iron to enter the body, as different mechanisms are used to absorb heme and non-heme iron.

The body itself regulates the absorption of an inorganic element - if it is enough, then it is absorbed in a smaller volume from plant foods. And the absorption of organic iron does not depend on the level of its content in the body.

What vitamins promote the absorption of iron?

In food, in addition to inhibitors, there are also activators of iron absorption. Vitamin C has the greatest activating power of inorganic iron. Non-heme iron is found in plant foods in bi- and trivalent forms. Fe + 3 is practically not absorbed; in order to convert it to Fe + 2, a reducing agent is needed. Vitamin C is such a reducing agent.

In order for iron to be absorbed from food in full, it is necessary to include foods that contain ascorbic acid in the diet. At least 75 mg of the vitamin should be supplied to the body daily.

Among the products of plant origin, the leading positions in terms of iron content are occupied by those that contain a large amount of vitamin C:

  • in all types of cabbage;
  • in papaya;
  • strawberries;
  • cantaloupe;
  • kiwi;
  • sweet pepper;
  • parsley;
  • green onion;
  • fuck.

There is a lot of ascorbic acid in natural freshly squeezed juice from:

  • cranberries;
  • citrus;
  • pineapple
  • blackcurrant.

During heat treatment, vitamin C is destroyed, so meat and fish dishes must be combined with fresh vegetables.

But the absorption of iron and its intake in large quantities does not guarantee an increase in hemoglobin. In order for iron to bind to protein, forming hemoglobin, vitamins B–B9 and B 12 are necessary. They are found in liver, seafood, dark leafy greens, cheeses, eggs, beans, and whole grain products.

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of products.

Daily intake of iron

The intake rates of this element necessary for the body are calculated taking into account its bioavailability and depend not only on gender, but also on:

  • age;
  • state of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • natural blood loss during menstruation;
  • the need to provide iron to the fetus during gestation and breastfeeding.

Taking into account the above factors, the daily norm of iron is:

  • 15-20 mg for women;
  • 27-33 mg during pregnancy;
  • ~10-12 mg for men.

There are conditions in which the rate of iron intake should be increased. It:

  • profuse blood loss due to trauma, surgical treatment, chronic bleeding, donation;
  • significant physical activity;
  • living in highlands.

An increased rate of iron is necessary for children, since they need a large amount of this element to create a “reserve”. Newborns need a daily intake of Fe in the amount of 0.25 mg until the age of 6 months. After six months, babies need 4 mg of iron daily, and from one year of age to adolescence, the norm gradually increases, reaching the daily volume in adults at puberty.

Products that increase hemoglobin in children

In newborns and children up to a year, an increase in hemoglobin is provided by breast milk. Despite the fact that human milk does not contain much iron (0.04 mg/100 g) and a lot of calcium, which hinders the absorption of iron, its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is 50%. This helps to get the required amount of the substance.

Other types of milk - cow's, goat's not only contain less iron (0.02 mg / 100 g) than breast milk, but worse absorbed (10%). Therefore, if breastfeeding is not possible, special mixtures should be used to increase hemoglobin in children. The iron contained in them is absorbed better than from other types of milk, but worse than from women's. Fortified infant formula has an iron content of 0.6 mg/100 g and absorption of 20%.

With the introduction of complementary foods, the diet should be based on the absorption of iron:

Product nameIron content (mg/100 g)Digestibility (%)
Beefheme - 1.2
non-heme - 1.8
Rice porridge on the water0,4 2
Raw carrots0,5 4
Fortified wheat flour products1,7 20
Iron-fortified cereals12,0 4

In complementary foods, meat should be introduced after six months. To increase the absorption of heme iron from meat up to 50%, it must be combined with vegetable purees. Natural juices, fruit and berry purees also stimulate hemoglobin synthesis in children.

In order for a newborn to form a sufficient supply of iron for the first six months of life, it must be supplied in sufficient quantities from the mother's body during pregnancy.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

During the gestation period, the level of iron is very important, since it is necessary not only for the synthesis of hemoglobin in the body of a woman, but also for the deposition of the element in the body of the fetus. Due to the low absorption of iron from synthetic preparations, its intake into the body of a pregnant woman should be provided with natural products.

The diet of a pregnant woman should contain meat, liver, offal, fish rich in heme iron. Moreover, they must be fresh and not be frozen, long-term storage.

The source of non-heme iron and vitamin C are apples, dried apricots and natural juices, especially pomegranate. It must be diluted with water so as not to increase the acidity of gastric juice. Products that increase hemoglobin during pregnancy are buckwheat and oatmeal cooked in milk with the addition of nuts, oilseeds. It is not recommended to introduce iron-rich legumes and cabbage into the diet of pregnant women, as they can cause increased gas formation.

During the gestation period, a physiological decrease in immunity is noted, therefore, products that can cause allergic reaction- oysters, mussels, citrus fruits and strawberries.

If there is no allergy to honey, then a pregnant woman can make a paste of dried apricots, raisins, figs, dates and walnuts. All components, taken in equal proportions, are passed through a meat grinder, mixed with honey and lemon juice. Such a product rich in vitamins and iron can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time and eat 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day.

Effective products for the elderly

According to studies in the elderly, the intake of nutrients and energy is only 35-40% of the required, and the diagnosis of "anemia" occurs in 40% of the elderly. As we age, the absorption of iron from foods decreases. Before deciding how to increase hemoglobin in the elderly, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the decrease in iron absorption in this age group.

The level of micronutrient intake is affected by:

  • physiological restructuring of the body;
  • loss of dentition units;
  • digestive disorders;
  • blood loss in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • systemic diseases;
  • lack of material resources;
  • mental disorders;
  • limiting the ability to self-service.

All this leads to insufficient intake of nutrients with food due to a decrease in its volume and quality. Same way common cause anemia is a deficiency of vitamin B 12 and folic acid (B9). In order to increase the synthesis of hemoglobin, it is necessary to consume foods containing not only a high level of iron, but also vitamins C, B9 and B12. To restore hemoglobin levels in elderly patients, it is necessary that 150-300 mg of ferrous iron enter the body with food.

But in old age, it is rarely possible to stabilize hemoglobin levels only with a diet high in iron. As a rule, in the presence of systemic diseases that impede the absorption of iron, its additional administration in the form of medications is necessary.

Iron metabolism in the human body is a complex multilevel system. To maintain the amount of hemoglobin at a physiological level, it is necessary to take into account many factors that affect the intake, absorption and transport of iron. The correct composition of the diet largely solves the problem of anemia at different ages.