Headache from road causes. Smut pain: The cause of a migraine depends on how it is treated. We all know placebo, it's the same, but vice versa: there is a completely harmless object or phenomenon, but a person believes that it can affect him, and it does not

It happens that the day did not work out in the morning - the head is splitting, you want peace, a lot of painkillers and no work. What could have caused the pain? There are many reasons. Some of them are impossible to influence, but there are those that are easy to eliminate.

Here are eight of the most common causes morning headaches and how to deal with them.

Reason #1: You didn't get enough sleep.

The human body needs an average of 7-8 hours of sleep per day. If you usually stick to these indicators, but one day suddenly sleep less, your body will start to panic, and the reaction of this will be the same headache.

"AT in a state of panic, the body increases the production of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, which have a strong stimulating effect on the body. As a result, the heart rate increases, the pressure rises, and the head begins to hurt.» - Dr. Salvatore Napoli from New England Center for Neurology.

In such a situation, any remedy for a headache will help. But if you still feel irritated after that, take a 20-30 minute nap (longer sleep will make you lethargic and incapacitated). Go to bed early in the evening so you don't have a headache the next morning.

Reason two: You slept too long

If sleep deprivation causes headaches, does long sleep have the opposite effect? Nothing like this! According to Dr. Napoli, if you sleep more than 9 hours, the level of the hormone serotonin in the brain decreases. Because of this, cerebral circulation worsens - a headache occurs.

Such pain is typical for those who like to sleep on weekends. A tablet, of course, will help in this case too. But an easier and safer way to avoid this type of headache is to set an alarm. And let it work even on a day off, no matter how crazy it may seem to you.

Reason Three: Low Endorphins

The lowest level of "hormones of joy" - endorphins - falls just in the morning. And for some people, it can cause headaches. Low levels of endorphins lead to lower levels of other neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

« Because of this, the vessels of the brain narrow, blood circulation worsens, and a headache occurs.", - explains Mark Horsendy from migraine center in dallas.

Scientists don't yet know why these chemical reactions cause headaches in some people and have no effect on others. According to Dr. Horsendi, the best remedy in this situation, physical activity is considered. Exercise and endorphins will rise.

Reason Four: You drank too much last night

Hangovers are one of the most common causes of morning headaches. And this does not mean at all that you drank a lot6 for some, a couple of strong drinks are enough. Alcohol leads to dehydration of the body, because of this, the volume of blood flowing to the brain cells decreases, and the head begins to split. In addition, alcohol impairs sleep, which also causes morning headaches.

Plain water or electrolytic drinks that restore water balance will help to correct the situation. And vitamin C will help the liver to remove alcohol from the body faster.

Reason #5: You snore

Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea - the cessation of breathing during sleep. A person may stop breathing for 20-30 seconds several times during the night. " At such moments, less oxygen enters the brain., says Dr. Horsendi.

Scientists believe that due to a lack of oxygen, the vessels of the brain expand, blood flow increases, intracranial pressure rises, which causes a headache. You may not even be aware that your breathing is interrupted in your sleep, especially if you sleep alone.

If you suspect you have sleep apnea, see your doctor. He will prescribe a special examination that will identify the problem. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will have to resort to special means that force air under pressure into the airways and create a constant positive pressure.

Reason six: You under- or overdrank coffee

Caffeine is essentially a mild drug. If you used to drink coffee regularly, but at some point decided to get rid of caffeine addiction, your body will need time to adjust to this.

« The absence of caffeine leads to the expansion of blood vessels in the brain, increased blood flow and headaches.”, explains Dr. Napoli.

Such symptoms occur in avid coffee lovers, accustomed to start the morning with a cup of coffee. So if you're trying to kick your caffeine addiction, don't do it abruptly. It is better to reduce the amount of coffee you drink in the morning gradually to avoid headaches.

Reason Seven: You are depressed

Headaches caused by depression can occur at any time of the day, but are more common in the morning. It's connected with low level serotonin. Moreover, depression causes sleep disturbances. And if you sleep too little or too much, you may get a headache in the morning.

Analgesics can temporarily eliminate pain, but it is still better to get rid of the cause, and not the effect. Antidepressants or therapy can help manage depression and return to a normal life. After that, the headache will recede.

Reason eight: You have high blood pressure

According to Dr. Horsendi, high blood pressure can also cause headaches. With a pressure of 140/90 and above, headache is a standard symptom. At the same time, as it turns out, many people do not even suspect that they suffer from hypertension - until obvious signs appear. However, headaches are often associated with other causes, without giving due importance to the alarming symptom.

If headaches become regular, see your doctor. Hypertension complex treatment including medication, diet, exercise, and even a complete lifestyle change.

Most often, morning headaches are the result of completely ordinary causes and are easily treatable. But in rare cases, they can be a symptom of a serious medical condition, such as a brain tumor or aneurysm.

If headaches bother you more and more often, and it doesn’t matter if it happens in the morning or at any other time of the day, consult a doctor.


When to see a doctor urgently:

There were pains that had never been before.

Headache does not subside for more than three days.

The pain appears as a flash, in the form of a sudden "explosion" in the head.

Along with the pain, there are visual impairments, speech disorders, coordination of movements, and so on.

Along with the pain, the body temperature rises, the neck becomes inactive.

Vomiting occurs, but there is no feeling of nausea.

She overtakes us at home, at work, in line at the checkout. Persistent, intermittent, intensifying ... It does not allow us to live normally. Who is this enemy of our well-being?

I have a headache…

How many times a headache overtakes us, only we ourselves know. She comes regardless citizenship, professional skills or social status. Headache haunts both the poor and the rich. Salesmen, professors, cleaners, top managers, insurance agents, entertainers, politicians, and even the doctors themselves. really different. But is there any chance at all to win the fight against her?

How to help yourself?

It is hardly necessary to explain what kind of mood a person is in who is tormented by a headache. It is difficult to find a place and comfort for yourself because of the cracking skull. However, there are several tricks that will help reduce discomfort, as well as allow you to quickly get rid of uninvited pain. Depending on the place, time and situation in which we find ourselves, we have several options to choose from.
When our head hurts, the last thing we want is to be in a company, especially a noisy one. We are looking for peace. And it's good if there is a quiet corner for us - just when we need it. Therefore, when your head hurts, it is best to give yourself time for a short nap.

If there is someone close nearby, it will be good if he gives you a pleasant massage of the back of the head and shoulders. This procedure will help us to relax and feel much better.

For some, a cold mustard plaster placed on the back of the head helps.

Maybe, warm bath? Is there nothing better than immersing your whole body in a full warm bath with fragrant foam. Such bathing will relax you and you will feel unearthly lightness. This is the best vacation in the comfort of home.

As a last resort, when other remedies fail, or when we don't have the right conditions to get a good rest, a bath, or a massage session for a nasty headache, we can use pain relievers.

When is a headache a warning sign?

It's not always because we had a bad day or because we drank too much coffee during a busy day at work. Sometimes the head literally beats the alarm. Because such pain can sometimes be the cause of very serious illnesses and then a visit to the doctor is obligatory.

* arterial hypertension. When arterial hypertension appears in the arena, the head usually hurts in the morning. It's not our imagination or nightmares that are causing this headache, it's essentially high blood pressure. We feel pain in the back of the head, and after we stand up, it most often disappears.
* Meningitis. In the case of this dangerous disease, the headache is very severe and is accompanied by additional symptoms. If, in addition to pain, stiff neck, fever and nausea appear, then a doctor's consultation is necessary.
* Injuries. Headaches almost always appear after severe injuries. They can be caused by a fall or an impact. Pain does not always appear immediately

Most often, it overtakes the victim even a few weeks after the unfortunate incident.
* Tumors. Although the headache itself is not the main manifestation of a possible brain tumor, it still belongs to its symptoms. If we can rule out other causes of such pain, and it is accompanied by vomiting, then it is possible that this is a symptom of a brain tumor. But the main symptoms of this disease are paralysis or epileptic seizures.
* Sinusitis. If we become infected with a virus or we have a bacterial inflammation, then very often there is pain in the sinus region. The disease is easy to recognize, because in addition to unpleasant discharge from the nose, we feel a strong and unpleasant pressure on the forehead.
* vision problems. Very often, a headache indicates problems with vision. Misdiagnosis, the inability to detect such a problem and the lack of treatment leads only to increased pain.
* Teeth. Inflammatory conditions in the jaw area are often the cause of severe headaches.
* Degenerative processes of the neck. They appear mainly in the elderly. In addition to the headache, there is pain in the back of the head and dizziness.

In what case should you contact a doctor? If the headache is accompanied by eye pain, inflexibility of the back of the head that prevents us from touching the chest with the chin, problems with control over our limbs, speech or balance disorders, high body temperature, and also when the pain that appears increases very quickly and does not help self- treatment. In such situations, you do not need to hesitate, but immediately visit a doctor who will direct you to further perform detailed tests.

Can headaches be avoided?

There can be many reasons for a headache. Sometimes we become its victims because of our inattention, neglect or adverse external conditions. Is there any chance to completely avoid it? Well, maybe not completely, but we can always limit it considerably. What should be done and what should be feared so that headaches torment us as rarely as possible?

* Avoid stress as much as possible. Stress is perhaps the biggest threat modern world. The greatest, because although it does not affect us externally, it mercilessly devours us from the inside. And, of course, it is the greatest threat to our health. It is its impact that causes a number of unpleasant and painful ailments and diseases. The worst thing is that it is difficult to hide from it - it manifests itself in every area of ​​​​our daily life. It haunts us not only in the professional field, but often destroys our personal lives to dust ... The only way to contain its crushing power is to "harden" against some stressful factors and the ability to relax. Therefore, we will try as much as possible not to succumb to stress.
* Limit coffee consumption. Once upon a time, scientists spoke only about the harmful effects of coffee. As the newest say Scientific research, it contains life-saving antioxidants that delay the aging process of the body. One cup of not very strong coffee daily should not cause any harm to our health. However, excess coffee is harmful yes - the point of view about this is unlikely to ever change. How many cups can you drink daily? After all, we swallow this energy drink not only early in the morning, but also before noon, in the afternoon, and sometimes even in the evening! Any time of the day, from our point of view, is suitable for coffee. But it should be noted that its excessive consumption can lead to many ailments, including headaches.
* Avoid breathing exhaust and tobacco smoke. Severe pain overtakes visitors to smoky cafes or motorists after forced inhalation of exhaust at a gas station. However, despite everything, often we do not stop contact with these toxic substances! Because, although no one most likely wants to voluntarily inhale the exhaust, supplying the body with harmful cigarette smoke is most often our voluntary choice. Still, we are forced to inhale tobacco smog like passive smokers. But it does not have a stalemate. If we do not smoke ourselves, and someone does not know how to treat it with respect and tries to treat us to his smoke, we do not hesitate to reprimand him. And if we have fallen into the clutches of addiction and cigarettes are our daily delicacy, then we will think about whether it would be better for our health to break with such an insidious friend. Not only because of possible headaches, but also because of the much more serious consequences of smoking, which are neoplasms and heart disease.
* We don't stoop. As children, parents and teachers at school told us many times "Don't stoop"! But why, as adults, we do not know how to be full masters of our body? Do we have the right posture? After all, we often stoop as if a concrete slab suddenly settled on the back of our head. In this position, it will not be necessary to wait long for the onset of a headache. And with it, dangerous deformities of the spine.
* Let's rest our eyes. Often we do not realize that a headache can be caused by overworking our eyes. For this, it is enough that our work requires us to be constantly under artificial lighting or intensive work in front of a computer monitor, and a headache can haunt us day after day. Therefore, it is also important to take breaks from working with the computer, avoid artificial light as much as possible, and, in addition, give our eyes a break from time to time. Sleep is best suited for this, but contemplation of green mountain ranges, forests, or lotion from eyebright will also work well.
* Let's make time for rest. Minutes of respite sometimes fall out to us very rarely. But it is they who allow us to maintain the correct pace of work of our entire body. The course of both regenerative and disease-causing processes in the body depends on how long it lasts, and whether we rest at all. When we overwork ourselves too much and don't take care of enough sleep, a headache is the first and quite natural reaction of our body.
* Avoiding noise. It is very difficult to find silence nowadays. This seemingly normal silence. Noise is the hallmark of today. It is a signal that life around continues, but sometimes it seriously harms our health. After all, noise not only causes headaches, but can also weaken our hearing. Therefore, sometimes it is worth escaping from the street hubbub. And avoid noisy and shrill discos. And leave the mp3 player on the table. And if noise is a daily part of our work, it is necessary to use appropriate ear protection and more often than usual to go out into the calm bosom of nature.
* Don't get angry. A quick surrender to negative emotions means a very quick onset of a headache. Of course, anger is natural, because it allows you to unload the accumulated negative emotions, but very able to take matters into their own hands. Sometimes we get angry for no reason at all. Therefore, in order to reduce the chances of unpleasant headaches, we try not to get angry and avoid nervous situations.

Headache was, is and probably will be one of the ailments that, despite all our tricks, will overcome us from time to time.
And if traditional methods of dealing with a headache do not help, then maybe it is worth using therapy with sex? Until recently, it was thanks to the proverbial headache that women avoided intimate relationships, and today scientists have already proven that sex is one of the best cures for headaches. Might be worth trying this method as well?

There is a common belief that headaches should not be tolerated. Another, it turns out, is possible, namely, does the headache stand alone?

Kirill Skorobogatykh

To come to an answer, it is better to start with what kind of headaches are. In general, there are a lot of them - more than 200 species, all of them are counted and ordered in International classification headaches. In this classification, it is important for patients that all headaches are divided into two types - primary and secondary.

Secondary - this means that the head hurts from another disease, it is only a symptom of it. For example, sinusitis: a person has snot, fever, but also headaches in the forehead. Or, for example, there was an intracranial hemorrhage - there will be a terrible headache. There are a lot of such variants of secondary pains, but, fortunately, they are rarely found statistically - no more than 10%.

And 90% is a group of primary headaches, that is, independent diseases. And we must first of all understand what kind of pain it is in order to decide whether it can be tolerated or not.

Thunderous pain, when the peak of its intensity rises to 10 points out of 10 possible in a few seconds, is a very serious symptom, you should not endure it, you should run to the ambulance if the person is still conscious.

A tension headache, for example, is quite mild, a score of 3, without concomitant symptoms of nausea and vomiting, pressing, can occur at the end of the working day and go away by itself when a person goes outside. In this case, it is not necessary to immediately take the pill.

And with migraines, the situation is as follows: the sooner a person begins to stop the attack, the sooner it will completely end.

- And how to understand whether it is a secondary or primary headache?

The first task of the neurologist is precisely to exclude secondary pain. This is important because then the underlying disease needs to be treated. There are such "red flags" that allow us to suspect that a headache is a symptom of another disease.

The features are as follows: the appearance of a thunderous headache; headaches that occurred after 50 years; a sharply changed nature of the headache - for example, it was pressing, as if the head was being squeezed by a helmet, and now it began to hurt somewhere behind the eye; the pain began to be accompanied by lacrimation or nasal congestion; if the headache began to be provoked by sneezing, coughing, straining, occur during sudden physical exertion; pain provoked by a change in body position - a person lies, his head hurts, he got up - it became easier or vice versa; headache and fever.

Plus, doctors are alarmed by neurological symptoms when a neurologist examines a patient with a special hammer and he does not like reflexes. In such cases, the patient undergoes an MRI or CT scan of the brain, sometimes in a special mode that allows you to see the vessels. No other studies are needed, but people come with whole folders and a bunch of tests, there are repeated electroencephalography, rheoencephalography, x-ray of the skull, duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck, in which changes are found that are declared the cause of the headache, but in fact are a variant of the norm - for example , different speed of blood flow in the right and left carotid artery or tortuosity of the artery. These are not the reasons for the onset of a headache, although for some reason they often say so. Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck is generally needed in extremely rare cases.

So, if we did not find such "red flags", we have a primary headache. How do we diagnose further? Our diagnosis is based on the characteristics of the pain, there is no analysis that would allow us to say - something has changed here, so this is such and such a diagnosis.

Look, migraine. What are the diagnostic criteria? Headaches are more often unilateral, throbbing, of medium or high intensity, limiting physical activity - pain increases when bending over, for example. Pain must be accompanied by nausea and/or discomfort from light and sound. It is a misconception that it is always one-sided, a migraine can be on both sides, if the pain is throbbing, strong enough and a little sick.

The diagnosis is based on the doctor's ability to pull the symptoms out of the patient. Without any treatment, migraine attacks last from four hours to three days, migraines most often bring patients to the doctor, other types of primary pain are either very rare or milder.

Tension headache is actually more common, but it is not so intense, without nausea and photophobia, and if a neurologist's appointment is also paid, then this is an additional barrier.

Ate a chocolate bar - a migraine begins

- What is a migraine?

Migraine is a violation of the brain, it is not something with blood vessels or the cervical region, as is often believed. Any headache is realized through the trigeminal nerve system. If you have a toothache, then the endings of the trigeminal nerve are irritated, then, as if by wires, all this goes to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain - the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, then - already through other wires - it gets into the gray matter, into the zone that is responsible specifically for tooth, and we are aware of the pain in the tooth.

The pain from a blow to the nose, for example, is also realized. The nucleus of the trigeminal nerve is like a box with electric machines in an apartment, all wires, all pain impulses go there. With a migraine, there are formally no such incoming impulses, the nucleus and the trigeminal nerve become active on their own, suddenly, and send upward signals about pain for which there is no reason.

Why the nucleus falls into such a state of activation is a question that is still being studied. We understand that there is a hereditary predisposition, there is a set of genes that determines that in this person the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve will react this way to some provocateurs.

In about 80% of cases, people note that migraine attacks are provoked by something. The most common - emotional stress: nervous - got an attack.

Or at the beginning menstrual cycle in women, if you haven't had enough sleep, you're hungry, or you've drunk red wine. These factors unbalance the trigeminal nerve system.

It has recently become clear that when there is no pain yet, there are already changes in the brain - before the headache phase, the hypothalamus is activated. Sometimes patients say that they feel in a few hours or even days that the pain will be - this is called the prodromal phase of migraine.

It is accompanied by such, for example, symptoms: people are defocused, their mood deteriorates, yawning occurs, seething in the stomach, they often run to the toilet. These symptoms are not specific to migraine and can be on their own, but many people can tell when an attack is coming. And these symptoms are in the zone of responsibility of the hypothalamus, as well as eating behavior, by the way: some people want sweets, they eat chocolate, migraines begin. But not because a person has eaten chocolate, the process has already begun before that. And these brain disorders - migraines - are not visible with a conventional MRI.

- That is, such a patient should be meticulously questioned, and not sent for an MRI?

If we don't suspect a secondary headache, we should ask, yes. Because there are indirect symptoms. For example, migraines often go away during pregnancy - in about 80% of patients. This is not a diagnostic criterion, but it is very characteristic of migraine.

That is, it is important to look at the patient's life history. Attacks can become more frequent, turn into chronic migraine, when the pain occurs more than 15 times a month. In women, migraine occurs three times more often - this is due to sex hormones, but it is not completely understood how and why they affect. In men, migraine, of course, also occurs.

Citramon, antidepressants and ... botox

- And what about people suffering from migraines?

The key is to have realistic expectations. Migraine cannot be cured, it is not appendicitis. She can go away on her own for a period in her life, and after five years she can return. We have nothing to cut off in the head, but we can treat it.

The first approach is to stop the attack, that is, remove pain, nausea, discomfort from light and sounds. What is used for this? Conventional painkillers (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). There is an idea that if such a drug helps, then this is not a migraine - this is a myth, in many cases ordinary painkillers are enough. If the pain attacks do not respond to this therapy, we resort to special drugs - triptans. They only work for migraines and will not help with back pain, for example. Antiemetic drugs can be added to them, since nausea is sometimes very disturbing.

Criteria for evaluating treatment - the attack went away within two hours and did not return within two days. Then we picked the right drugs. But if the attacks do not stop or occur more than four times a week, we offer the patient preventive therapy - the regular use of certain drugs to make the attacks rare and better responsive to treatment.

What is used for this? Several groups of drugs have been proven effective - some antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, blood pressure drugs used by cardiologists, and even Botox.

The mechanism of action of these drugs has nothing to do with the name. That is, you need to understand that we are not treating wrinkles, not depression, not high blood pressure, just some drugs have shown their effectiveness in migraine in clinical trials.

In the late 1980s, scientists discovered a certain protein that is a key neurotransmitter in the brain in migraine, then figured out how to influence it, and made drugs that block this protein or its receptor. These are injectables - an injection is given in the stomach or shoulder once a month or every three months. The procedure reduces the number of headache days. In the United States, the first such drug was registered in May of this year, it appeared in pharmacies in July, and thousands of migraine sufferers have already started using it. In the US, it has a colossal cost - about 7 thousand dollars a year, but there it is covered by insurance. We are waiting for him to show up.

- Therapy with antidepressants or Botox is cheaper?

Yes. Botox is more expensive than other drugs, somewhere in the region of 40-50 thousand rubles every three months. There are drugs that cost 100 rubles and have been used for decades.

- And why then someone chooses Botox?

Here they are already entering individual characteristics choice of prophylactic therapy. We focus on the positive and possible side effects that these drugs can give.

The patient has other conditions - such as increased or decreased blood pressure. And if this is a girl with a pressure of 90 over 60, and she will be prescribed more beta-blockers, her pressure will completely collapse. Amitriptyline will be great for people with sleep disorders, but it causes tachycardia and those who already have it will be uncomfortable.

These new injectables are currently known to cause the least number of side effects- Yes, there are no such long-term horizons for monitoring safety, only about three years of observation. But we are waiting for this new therapy, because there are difficulties with the selection of drugs for patients, and it solves some of the problems. All these drugs are prescription drugs, and only a doctor should prescribe them, there is a whole list of side effects, you need to look at what is happening with the patient.

Headache "for the weather" and "from the vessels"

- And can the head hurt because of the weather? Is there weather dependence?

Indeed, many patients complain of pain when the weather changes. Studies have been conducted, but there is no evidence that a change in pressure by 40 mm of mercury in our Central Russian upland leads to any physical changes in the body.

This does not happen - there is no connection between the strength of the wind, solar flares, pressure changes and headaches. In an airplane, the pressure drops much more, but no one struggles in writhing from a severe headache, by the way. There may be a nocebo effect here.

We all know a placebo, it's the same, but vice versa: there is a completely harmless object or phenomenon, but a person believes that it can affect him, and it somehow affects.

For example, one person in a study is given a saline solution, and another is given a drug, and even saline can cause a rash all over the body - this will be the nocebo effect. A person read that tomorrow there will be a flash in the sun, he has negative expectations, and they are realized in the form of a headache. So this can be explained at least with some scientific point vision.

What then do these people who have a headache with changing weather - drink ibuprofen and not think about it?

This means that the person has some type of primary headache. It's not the weather that's to blame, he didn't get enough sleep, he missed a meal. You need to go to the doctor, some kind of diagnosis will appear. And look closely at what other factors were in those days. There is no type of headache associated with nocebo or weather dependence, you need to diagnose what kind of pain it really is.

- Then another widespread diagnosis is vegetovascular dystonia.

Oh yeah. There is a persistent myth that blood vessels affect headaches. It is very common, the second such is the connection of a headache with the neck. Vessels have practically no effect on headaches, impaired blood supply to the brain does not cause pain - the brain is devoid of pain receptors, it cannot physically hurt.

I sometimes give patients this example to dramatically emphasize this thesis: there are neurosurgical operations when the tumor comes very close to the speech zone, and in order to preserve speech, surgeons perform an operation with awakening. A man with an open skull, doctors slowly cut off the tumor and talk to the patient in order to understand when speech begins to be disturbed. Ischemia of the brain does not lead to pain. We saw posters in the subway - how to determine a stroke? Ask the person to smile, raise their hand, say something. There is nothing about a headache, that is, a violation of the blood supply does not cause pain.

But there are headaches associated with vascular damage - for example, aneurysm. It ruptured - a person has an internal hemorrhage and a terrible, very intense headache. Or an arteriovenous malformation has arisen, when the arteries and veins do not properly connect into such a huge tangle, squeezing everything in the brain. And there will be pain because of it. Or an injury in a car accident, when the vertebral artery is stratified from a blow - there will be intense occipital pain. But these are all acute, emergency situations.

And vegetovascular dystonia is a Soviet-Russian diagnosis, such a hodgepodge that includes a bunch of real diagnoses - anxiety disorders, dizziness of various nature, headaches, depression, somatoform disorders.

Why is it placed? One of the versions is as follows: neurologists do not have the right to make a psychiatric diagnosis and treat it. Although it is very simple: a patient comes in with an obvious anxiety disorder - why not put her in therapy? Why call a psychiatrist for this?

And for a formal bypass, the code of the International Classification of Diseases can be used - “other diseases of the autonomic nervous system". This diagnosis belongs to the "neurological group", but allows you to prescribe some "psychiatric" drugs. In fact, of course, in the International Classification of Diseases, this code does not mean “vegetovascular dystonia”.

The vegetative system regulates what we do not control with consciousness - the tone of the intestines, heart, sweating and many other functions. And she can really suffer - for example, with diabetes. One of the complications of diabetes is constipation: due to high sugar, the fibers of the parasympathetic autonomic system are affected and the intestines stop moving normally. Sometimes the vegetative system stops working normally - there is dry mouth, constipation, fainting if a person gets up after he has been lying down. That is, we understand that there are lesions of the autonomic system, but we don’t understand why - and for this there is a special code in the classification, which they began to use in due time to prescribe treatment. And then it stuck like that.

Osteochondrosis can be delivered to almost anyone

- In fact, such patients were simply not dealt with normally?

In general, yes, this is a hodgepodge of different diagnoses - therapeutic, neurological, psychiatric. They need to be dealt with. If a person has a somatoform or depressive disorder, it is better to start with a psychiatrist, but for this the person himself must be well versed in medicine, which is strange to require from him. Therefore, the entry point can be neurologists, they are more accessible and no additional worries are associated with contacting them. Although, in theory, the therapist can figure out which specialist to refer the patient to.

But neurologists often encounter osteochondrosis - this is another phenomenon of our reality. This is not a diagnosis. Osteochondrosis itself - what is it? These are changes in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae that most people have. It's natural, it's like skin - at 10 years old one, at 90 years old - another, and we don't put any diagnoses on it because of this. The same with the spine: the presence of a hernia, any protrusion does not carry much information.

There is such a type of headache as cervicogenic - in Latin it means "associated with the cervical region." It is rare to make such a diagnosis, you do not need an MRI or an x-ray of the cervical region, but you need a clinical connection between the impact on the structures of the cervical region and the headache: for example, when turning the head or during palpation at the reception. If after that there is a typical headache for the patient, then we say: yes, there is a connection. Then we block it with anesthetics, thus once again making sure that this is the source of pain.

- That is, a person with osteochondrosis does not need to do anything about it?

See what this person is worried about. He did not just go to do an x-ray, on which they saw osteochondrosis - something must be hurting. You need to figure out why and what hurts him. But osteochondrosis in itself is nothing, it can be put on almost anyone.

Neck pain is a very common symptom that office workers come with. The reason is most often in excessive tension of the neck muscles during a long stay in a fixed position. In some cases, we see a combination of neck pain and headache. And here the question is: are these two separate diagnoses or one? After all, a migraine attack can also begin with pain in the neck. When the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve is activated, the muscles of the neck reflexively turn on. Then people feel that their neck is “stuffed”, they want to stretch it, and then after 30 minutes or an hour a migraine attack begins, and they connect it to the neck. In fact, the neck in this case is secondary. People start going to chiropractors, but that won't help migraines. The neck may get better, but the headaches won't go away.

Description of the drug "Teraflu". What helps? Instructions for use, analogues

Many are familiar with the drug "Teraflu". What does he help? We will talk about this in the presented article. From it you will also learn about the form in which the mentioned medication is produced, what is included in its composition, whether it can be taken with breastfeeding, as well as during pregnancy, what analogues it has, and so on.

Forms, description, composition, packaging

In what package is the drug "Theraflu" sold? What does this drug help with? We will give answers to these and other questions a little further.

The drug in question goes on sale in several forms. Let's consider them in more detail.

The drug "Teraflu" (powder with berry flavor) is intended for the preparation of a solution that is taken orally. This bulk medicine consists of yellowish, white, gray-violet and pinkish granules. It also allows the presence of soft lumps. After dilution of the drug, the aqueous solution (opaque) has a pink-violet color.

The active substances of this medication are paracetamol, phenylephrine hydrochloride and pheniramine maleate. The composition of the medicinal powder also includes sucrose, red dye, acesulfame potassium, blue dye, maltodextrin, natural raspberry flavor, silicon dioxide, natural cranberry flavor, sodium citrate dihydrate, citric acid, magnesium stearate and calcium phosphate.

In what packaging is Teraflu powder produced? 1 sachet of this drug contains about 11.5 g of the drug.

There is also a local drug "Teraflu" (spray). Instructions for use of this tool says that it is available in the form of a colorless and transparent solution with a pleasant mint aroma.

The active ingredients of this medication are lidocaine hydrochloride and benzoxonium chloride. Also included in medicinal product also includes auxiliary substances in the form of ethanol, glycerin, hydrochloric acid, peppermint oil, menthol and purified water.

In what package is the local preparation "Theraflu" (spray) sold? Instructions for use of the drug are enclosed in a cardboard box containing a polyethylene bottle with a spray nozzle.

Features of the powder preparation

Cold powders are the most effective. "Theraflu" is a combined remedy. Its effectiveness is due to the composition. This drug has antihistamine, antitussive, analgesic, vasoconstrictive, sedative, bronchodilatory and antipyretic effects. It quickly reduces the severity of symptoms of colds.

Under the influence of the active substances of the drug, hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity and nasopharynx is eliminated. Also, the drug reduces local exudative manifestations, swelling and narrows the lumen of the vessels.

The principle of action of paracetamol is to disrupt the formation of prostaglandins, which occurs due to non-selective blocking of cyclooxygenase enzymes. This substance selectively affects the thermoregulation center, changing the threshold of thermosensitivity. Due to this effect, it has antipyretic, analgesic and slight anti-inflammatory effects.

Pheniramine maleate has an anti-allergic effect on the human body. After binding to histamine H1 receptors, this substance eliminates the effects of histamine. In practice, such an effect is manifested in a decrease in local signs of respiratory tract infection, which manifest themselves in the form of mucus hypersecretion, mucosal swelling, lacrimation and itching in the nose.

Phenylephrine hydrochloride is a selective alpha 1-agonist. After binding to the receptors of blood vessels, this substance causes their local narrowing, that is, vasoconstriction. As a result, the patient eliminates such unpleasant signs of a cold as redness of the mucous membrane and swelling. In addition, the drainage of the middle ear and paranasal sinuses is improved, and nasal secretion is normalized.

It should also be noted that ascorbic acid is included in some varieties of the Teraflu preparation. Such a component is designed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as increase the defenses of the immune system. This element is an antioxidant and is actively involved in the protection of cell membranes.

Pharmacological properties of the local drug

Theraflu for the throat is very often prescribed in the form of a spray. This is a combined preparation intended for topical use. It contains an antiseptic and local anesthetic.

Lidocaine is called a local anesthetic, which significantly reduces pain symptoms in the throat during inflammation (including when swallowing).

As for benzoxonium chloride, it is a quaternary ammonium salt. Due to the cationic structure, it has membranotropic activity, and also has an antibacterial effect on gram-positive microorganisms (to a lesser extent on gram-negative ones). Also, this component has antifungal and antiviral activity against membrane viruses, including parainfluenza, influenza and herpes viruses.

Indications for use

Cold powders are used for infectious and inflammatory diseases (for example, SARS and influenza), which are accompanied by high fever, headache, chills, fever, nasal congestion, runny nose, muscle pain and sneezing.

As for another form of the drug, it is used for diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity:

Contraindications for use

Now you know what indications for use the drug "Teraflu" has. From what this medicine helps, we told above. However, this medication also has contraindications. These include the following:

  • portal hypertension;
  • simultaneous use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and beta-blockers;
  • diabetes;
  • alcoholism;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • breastfeeding period.

These prohibitions apply to powder medicine. As for the spray, it can not be used:

  • during pregnancy;
  • in childhood (up to 4 years);
  • when breastfeeding;
  • with hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug;
  • with hypersensitivity to ammonia compounds.

It should also be noted that with extreme caution, these funds are prescribed for severe diseases of the kidneys or liver, atherosclerosis (pronounced) of the coronary arteries, arterial hypertension, blood diseases, angle-closure glaucoma, lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, pheochromocytoma, prostatic hyperplasia, bronchial asthma, congenital hyperbilirubinemia and hyperthyroidism.

Application methods

Theraflu should not be used while breastfeeding. The attending physician must inform the patient about this.

Powder preparation should be taken only inside. The contents of one sachet are dissolved in an incomplete glass of hot boiled water. After dissolving the powder, the liquid is slowly consumed while still warm.

If desired, a little sugar can be added to the finished solution.

You can take powder medication at any time of the day. However, the best therapeutic effect is achieved after taking the drug at bedtime (that is, at night).

If the treatment does not lead to the disappearance of the symptoms of a cold within three days, then you should contact your doctor.

If you have been prescribed a spray for the treatment of the throat, then you need to use it for no more than 5 days. For adults, this drug is prescribed 4 sprays 4-6 times a day.

As for babies aged 4 years and older, they should do no more than 2-3 sprays 2-4 times a day.

Spray "Theraflu" is sprayed in the oral cavity in the vertical position of the can.

Cases of overdose

An overdose of Theraflu powder, the price of which is indicated below, can cause nausea, pain in the epigastric region, vomiting, and also have nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic effects. In more severe cases, patients develop hepatonecrosis, liver failure, increased prothrombin time, elevated liver transaminases, coma, and encephalopathy.

As a treatment, the victim is washed with a stomach and given activated charcoal.

If an overdose occurred due to the use of a spray, then a person may experience a feeling of nausea, followed by vomiting. In this case, you need to drink milk or eat egg white whipped in water.

Side effects

"Theraflu" during pregnancy can be taken only if the intended benefit to the expectant mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

As a rule, the drug in question is well tolerated by patients. However, in some cases it can cause such allergic reactions like skin rash, urticaria, itching and angioedema.

Also, the side effects of the Teraflu medication include increased excitability, decreased psychomotor reactions, sleep disturbance, stomach pain, drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, increased blood pressure, vomiting, urinary retention, palpitations, paresis of accommodation, dry mouth and increased intraocular pressure.

With prolonged use of the drug in high doses, it has a hepatotoxic effect. In this case, the blood picture is disturbed (thrombocytopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis).

It should also be noted that the Teraflu spray often contributes to the appearance of irritation, which is temporary. When using the medication for more than 14 days in a row, the patient may experience a reversible color of the teeth or tongue in brown. Also, in isolated cases, allergic reactions such as urticaria, swelling of the larynx and face occur.

drug interaction

Now you know in what forms the Teraflu medication is produced. From what this drug helps, we also found out. However, before using it, you should definitely familiarize yourself with its drug interaction:

It should also be noted that the effectiveness of benzoxonium chloride, which is part of the spray, decreases with the simultaneous use of anionic active agents (including toothpaste). But ethanol increases the absorption of this active substance.

Analogues and price of the drug

Analogues of the drug "Teraflu" are the following drugs: "Asterisk Flu", "Maxicold Rino", "Stopgripan", "Coldrex", "GrippoFlu", "Rinza", "Influnorm", "Fervex" and others.

How much does Theraflu powder and spray cost? The price of this medicine is quite high. For 10 bags of a powder preparation, you will have to pay about 300-350 rubles. As for the spray, you can buy 30 ml for 250 Russian rubles.

"Theraflu" or "Fervex": which is better?

It is rather difficult to answer the question posed. After all, both of the drugs presented are designed to short time eliminate the symptoms of SARS and influenza. According to patients' reviews, these funds equally effectively cope with the task. However, according to the majority, Theraflu performs much better, since it contains all the necessary active ingredients to eliminate the signs of infectious diseases. Although many experts note that Fervex should not be written off either. Due to the presence in it a large number vitamin C, it helps to increase immunity, which ultimately leads the patient to a full recovery. However, in its composition, Fervex does not have any components that would help with nasal congestion. Moreover, it is the most expensive of all the above drugs.

Thus, only an experienced specialist should decide how to treat a cold, based on the symptoms of the disease and medical examination data.

What helps Theraflu

Theraflu is a complex, widespread drug that helps to quickly cope with the main manifestations (symptoms) of colds and flu.

This medication has pronounced analgesic (pain relievers), antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, as well as decongestant properties.

Timely use of Theraflu helps to significantly improve the general well-being of the patient, while eliminating headaches, fever, severe chills, muscle weakness, pain in the eyes, runny nose, sore throat, etc.

The drug is characterized by a fairly rapid onset of its drug action (on average from 15-20 minutes) and lasts, as a rule, for 6-8 hours.

The main active ingredients that are part of Theraflu are ascorbic acid, paracetamol, as well as pheniramine maleate, which have all the necessary (above listed) medicinal effects.

The main indications for the use of Theraflu:

  • colds (ARVI, acute respiratory infections);
  • flu;
  • symptomatic relief of headache, high body temperature, muscle weakness, chills, sore throat, etc.

Attention: before long-term use of this drug, it is recommended to consult a qualified physician!

This drug is produced in the form of a soluble powder in sachets for the preparation of the necessary medicinal solution.

How to drink Theraflu?

For adults and children over 14 years old, you need to take this drug 1 sachet, dissolving in 1 glass of hot or warm water, no more than 3-4 r. for a day.

The minimum interval between doses should be at least 3-4 p. for a day.

The average duration of Theraflu treatment depends primarily on the severity of the course of a particular inflammatory disease of the body and is no more than 3-5 days.

Remember: if after a regular 3-day intake of Theraflu the main symptoms of the disease do not decrease at all, then you must definitely consult a doctor!

Contraindications to the use of Theraflu

  • increased sensitivity of the body to the main active medicinal substances of this drug;
  • children's age up to 14 years;
  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • portal form of arterial hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
  • acute renal or hepatic failure.

Side effects of Theraflu

The most common side effects with long-term use of this drug are:

  • local allergic reactions (urticaria, increased skin itching);
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • violation of urination (it is extremely rare);
  • heart palpitations;
  • arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure);
  • short-term pain in the epigastric (subcutaneous) region of the stomach.

With the development of any of the above side effects, it is recommended to completely stop further use of the drug, and also, be sure to consult a doctor!

In this article, we looked at what Theraflu helps from, as well as how to take it correctly.


Theraflu: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Teraflu

ATX code: N02BE51

Active ingredient: pheniramine + phenylephrine + paracetamol (pheniramine + phenylephrine + paracetamol)

Manufacturer: Novartis Consumer Health (Switzerland)

Description and photo update: 08.10.2017

Prices in pharmacies: from 161 rubles.

Theraflu is a combined remedy with analgesic, antipyretic and vasoconstrictive action. It is used to eliminate cold symptoms.

Release form and composition

Dosage form - powder for the preparation of a solution for oral administration: granules (possible presence of soft lumps) pinkish, yellowish, gray-violet and white, with taste wild berries(11.5 g each in six-layer bags, in a cardboard bundle 1-8, 10, 12 or 25 bags).

When the powder is dissolved in 225 ml of water heated to a temperature of 75 ± 5 °C, a pink-purple solution is formed, opaque, with a berry smell.

Active ingredients in 1 sachet:

  • phenylephrine hydrochloride - 0.01 g;
  • pheniramine maleate - 0.02 g;
  • paracetamol - 0.325 g.

Auxiliary components in Theraflu composition: calcium phosphate, sodium citrate dihydrate, magnesium stearate, sucrose, acesulfame potassium, silicon dioxide, maltodextrin M100, citric acid, brilliant blue dye E133 (FD&C blue No. 1), charming red dye E129 (FD&C red No. 40 ), natural cranberry flavor Durarome (861149 TD2590), natural raspberry flavor WONF Durarome (860385 TD0994).

Pharmacological properties

When using Theraflu, an analgesic, antihistamine, bronchodilatory, antitussive, antipyretic, vasoconstrictive and sedative effect is observed.


Phenylephrine hydrochloride helps to reduce swelling, reduce local exudative manifestations, eliminate hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, nasal cavity, narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels.

Pheniramine maleate is characterized by a weak anticholinergic, antihistamine, sedative and antiserotonin action, representing a blocker of H 1 -histamine receptors. This leads to the suppression of rhinorrhea, itching of the eyes and nose, sneezing, elimination of hyperemia of the mucous membranes and swelling, a decrease in the severity of allergic reactions, narrowing of the lumen of the vessels.

Paracetamol belongs to non-narcotic analgesics and has analgesic, antipyretic and mild anti-inflammatory effects.


Theraflu effect appears 20 minutes after oral intake and continues for about 4.5 hours.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Theraflu is used for the symptomatic treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases accompanied by chills, high body temperature, headache, muscle and joint pain, sneezing, nasal congestion and runny nose.


  • diabetes;
  • sucrase / isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • alcoholism;
  • portal hypertension;
  • simultaneous reception of beta-blockers, tricyclic antidepressants or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs);
  • age up to 12 years;
  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
  • arterial hypertension;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries;
  • congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert, Dubin-Johnson, Rotor syndromes);
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • blood diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • severe liver or kidney disease;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • prostatic hyperplasia.

Instructions for use Theraflu: method and dosage

Theraflu is taken orally by dissolving the contents of the sachet in a glass of hot boiled water. Sugar can be added to the drink if desired.

1 sachet = 1 dose.

No more than 3 doses are allowed within 24 hours. The interval between doses should be at least 4 hours.

You can take the drug at any time of the day, but best effect noted at evening reception (at night).

If there is no improvement within 3 days, you should consult a doctor.

Side effects

  • allergic reactions: urticaria, itching, skin rash, angioedema;
  • nervous system: decrease in the rate of psychomotor reactions, sleep disturbance, drowsiness, irritability, dizziness;
  • digestive system: dry mouth, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure (blood pressure), palpitations;
  • others: urinary retention, increased intraocular pressure, paresis of accommodation.

With long-term use of Theraflu in high doses, there are violations of the blood picture (thrombocytopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis), nephro- and hepatotoxicity.


Overdose symptoms are due to the presence of paracetamol in Teraflu and appear when more than 10–15 g of this substance is ingested. These include: loss of appetite, pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, in severe cases - hepatonecrosis, increased activity of hepatic transaminases, liver failure, encephalopathy, increased prothrombin time and coma.

As a treatment, it is recommended to perform a gastric lavage within the first 6 hours after ingestion, 8–9 hours after an overdose - to introduce the patient with precursors for the synthesis of glutathione-methionine and SH-group donors, after 12 hours - acetylcysteine. Medical assistance is vital.

special instructions

During drug therapy, it is recommended to stop drinking alcoholic beverages (due to an increased risk of developing a hepatotoxic effect) and to refrain from performing potentially dangerous species activities, including driving.

Do not take the drug from damaged bags.

drug interaction

  • ethanol, sedatives, MAO inhibitors: their effect is enhanced;
  • barbiturates, rifampicin, carbamazepine, phenytoin, zidovudine and other inducers of microsomal liver enzymes: the likelihood of a hepatotoxic effect of paracetamol increases;
  • glucocorticosteroids: the likelihood of an increase in intraocular pressure increases;
  • uricosuric drugs: their effectiveness decreases;
  • indirect anticoagulants: their effect is enhanced;
  • tricyclic antidepressants: sympathomimetic effect is enhanced;
  • halothane: increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias;
  • guanethidine: its hypotensive effect decreases, alpha-adrenergic stimulating activity of phenylephrine increases;
  • antiparkinsonian drugs, antidepressants, antipsychotics, phenothiazine derivatives: increased risk of side effects such as urinary retention, dry mouth, constipation.


Analogues of Teraflu are: Teraflu Immuno, Teraflu LAR, Teraflu Extratab, Teraflu Bro, Teraflu Extra, Fervex, Coldrex, Grippocitron, Astracitron, Rinza.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 °C.

Shelf life - 2 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is released without a prescription.

Reviews about Theraflu

According to reviews, Theraflu effectively copes with the symptoms of influenza and SARS, but does not affect the pathogens themselves. Also, some patients and doctors note its negative effect on the liver. However, in situations where it was necessary to urgently improve the condition against the background of a cold, Theraflu proved to be good.

The price of Theraflu in pharmacies

The approximate price for Theraflu is 192‒213 rubles (4 sachets are included in the package) or 344‒397 rubles (10 sachets are included in the package).

Theraflu: prices in online pharmacies

Theraflu lar tab. d/rassas orange n16

TheraFlu LAR №16 tablets

Theraflu extratab N10 tabl

TeraFlu for flu and colds lemon №4 sachets

Theraflu lar lozenges n16

Theraflu extratab tab. n10

TheraFlu LAR Menthol №20 tablets

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "Medicine".

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

More than $500 million a year is spent on allergy medications in the US alone. Do you still believe that a way to finally defeat allergies will be found?

In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove neoplasms.

The well-known drug "Viagra" was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Smiling just twice a day can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Over the course of a lifetime, the average person produces as many as two large pools of saliva.

Millions of bacteria are born, live and die in our intestines. They can only be seen at high magnification, but if they were brought together, they would fit in an ordinary coffee cup.

Caries is the most common infection in a world that even the flu cannot compete with.

Our kidneys are able to purify three liters of blood in one minute.

Most women are able to get more pleasure from contemplating their beautiful body in the mirror than from sex. So, women, strive for harmony.

Human bones are four times stronger than concrete.

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In 5% of patients, the antidepressant clomipramine causes orgasm.

In addition to people, only one living creature on planet Earth suffers from prostatitis - dogs. These are really our most faithful friends.

The liver is the heaviest organ in our body. Her average weight is 1.5 kg.

During a sneeze, our body completely stops working. Even the heart stops.

It would seem, well, what could be new in such a hackneyed topic as the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS? Everyone has long known how old "grandmother's" methods, that.

Theraflu - instructions for use, indications, contraindications, side effects, analogues, reviews, prices

Theraflu - what is this drug, what does it consist of and when is it used?

Ingredients of Theraflu

Theraflu preparations differ in composition and form of release, however, they are all multicomponent and are intended to alleviate the patient's condition with various colds accompanied by elevated temperature, runny nose, lacrimation, headache, pain and sore throat, cough, aching joints and other unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Release form and composition various kinds teraflu

11.5 g of powder in a combination sachet.

Paracetamol 0.325 g, pheniramine maleate 0.02 g, phenylephrine hydrochloride 0.01 g.

Theraflu for flu and colds

22.1 g of powder in a sachet of combined material.

Paracetamol 0.325 g, pheniramine maleate 0.02 g, phenylephrine hydrochloride 0.01 g, ascorbic acid 0.05 g.

15 g of powder in a sachet of combined material.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 or 25 sachets in a carton box.

Theraflu for flu and colds extra

22 g of powder in a sachet of combined material.

1, 10 bags in a cardboard box.

Paracetamol 0.650 g, pheniramine maleate 0.02 g, phenylephrine hydrochloride 0.01 g.

Theraflu extra plus

4 g of powder in a sachet of combined material.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 or 25 sachets in a carton box.

Paracetamol 0.650 g, phenylephrine hydrochloride 0.01 g, ascorbic acid 0.05 g.

2 g granules in a sachet of combined material.

10 sachets in a carton box.

Ascorbic acid 0.1 g, zinc gluconate 0.05225 g, purple echinacea extract powder 0.08 g

hydroxycinnamic acids not less than 0.003 g.

Tablets, 10 pieces per pack.

Paracetamol 0.650 g, pheniramine maleate 0.004 g, phenylephrine hydrochloride 0.01 g.

Tablets, 8 pieces in a blister.

1, 2, 3 blisters per pack.

Benzoxonium chloride 0.001 g, lidocaine hydrochloride 0.001 g

Tablets, 10 pieces in a blister.

1, 2 blisters per pack. Or 6 pieces in a blister,

3 blisters per pack.

Cetylpyridinium chloride 0.002 g, lidocaine hydrochloride 0.001 g.

30 ml spray in a bottle with a spray device and a protective cap in the package.

Benzoxonium chloride 0.2%, lidocaine hydrochloride 0.15%.

Ointment for external use in tubes of 40 g per pack.

Rosemary oil 5%, eucalyptus twig leaf oil 5%, Balsam of Peru 6%, racemic camphor 12.5%.

Action and types of teraflu

Paracetamol in Theraflu

Pheniramine maleate in Theraflu

Phenylephrine hydrochloride in Theraflu

Ascorbic acid in Theraflu

What is the effect of Theraflu preparations?

Theraflu is a medicine that is used to treat the manifestations of viral and colds. With its use during the period of illness, the patient feels much better. Given that the duration of a cold, on average, is 3 to 7 days, this drug is a good adjuvant to maintain a satisfactory state of health of the patient during this time.

Theraflu has the following effect:

  • Antipyretic. An increase in body temperature with a cold is a common occurrence. Such a reaction occurs in response to the poisoning of the body by the waste products of viruses, most of which cannot withstand temperatures above 38.5 - 40 degrees Celsius and die. However, for many patients with chronic cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurological and some other diseases, even a slight rise in temperature is dangerous. Paracetamol, which is part of the drug, has a pronounced antipyretic effect.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is a protective reaction of the body that occurs in response to the damaging effect of various factors. In the case of SARS or influenza, such factors are viruses. Paracetamol, which is part of the drug, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Painkiller. Pain accompanies inflammation with a cold. It can be a headache, joint pain, muscle pain, sore throat. Paracetamol, which is part of the drug, has an analgesic effect. For the same purpose, theraflu in the form of a spray, lozenges contains lidocaine hydrochloride, which is a local anesthetic. Its action disrupts the permeability of cell membranes, which leads to anesthesia as a result of the blockade of pain impulses.
  • Decongestant. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, increased secretion of mucus is a frequent companion viral infections. Phenylephrine hydrochloride, which is part of Theraflu, fights these symptoms by providing a vasoconstrictor and decongestant effect.
  • Antiallergic. Sneezing, watery eyes, swelling, nasal discharge, and other allergy symptoms occur when a person has a cold. To reduce these symptoms, Theraflu contains pheniramine maleate, which has an anti-allergic effect.
  • Antiseptic. Dosage forms of theraflu drug, such as spray, lozenges, acting locally, contain substances ( benzoxonium chloride or cetylpyridinium chloride), which have a pronounced antibacterial effect. They are able to change the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria, which disrupts the mechanisms of their respiration and leads to death. They also have antifungal and antiviral activity against enveloped viruses.
  • Antitussive and expectorant. Theraflu drug in the form of an ointment, due to its plant components that have an expectorant and antitussive effect, helps to alleviate the patient's condition when coughing.
  • Immunostimulating. Theraflu immuno drug, thanks to its constituent components ( zinc, vitamin C, echinacea), is able to increase immunity and effectively resist viral attacks during epidemics.

Theraflu preparations in powder form in sachets ( )

What is Theraflu Immuno?

Spray teraflu lar

Theraflu lar lozenges and Theraflu lar menthol

Ointment teraflu bro

Theraflu analogues

Teraflu analogues

Theraflu is a popular imported cold medicine. Due to its balanced composition, it has proven itself to reduce the symptoms of SARS and influenza. However, if it is not available in the pharmacy, the pharmacist may offer a replacement drug with a similar effect.

Theraflu analogues are the following drugs:

  • coldrex;
  • antiflu;
  • maxicold;
  • influenza for colds and flu;
  • stopgripan and others.

All of the above drugs differ in origin, but have a composition similar to teraflu. Paracetamol is used in various amounts as the main active ingredient in each of them. They are available in powder, tablet or spray form. Their cost is slightly lower than that of Teraflu preparations.

To relieve the symptoms of a cold, also apply:

  • fervex upsa;
  • upsarin upsa;
  • rhinzasip;
  • koldakt flu plus;
  • antigrippin and others.

It should be noted that aspirin acetylsalicylic acid), ibuprofen, nimesil and other one-component NSAIDs have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Each of these drugs has its own optimal scope, but they can also be used during a cold. However, before using any medicine, in order not to harm yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.

Coldrex and Theraflu

Anvimax and Theraflu

Today, the pharmaceutical market is saturated with domestic and imported cold medicines in various forms. When prescribing such combined drugs, doctors take into account the individual characteristics of the patient. They take into account the chronic diseases he has. In accordance with this, they select one or another drug with a certain composition and amount of active ingredients in it. Theraflu is approved for use from 12 years of age. Its composition and amount of paracetamol allow the doctor to individually select the most effective drug (teraflu, teraflu from flu and colds, teraflu extra, teraflu from flu and colds extra) without causing side effects in the patient.

Currently, in pharmacies you can find the domestic anti-cold drug Anvimax, which, in addition to paracetamol and vitamin C, contains antiviral components. It, like Theraflu, has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic effects. Moreover, due to its constituent substances ( rutoside trihydrate, calcium gluconate, loratadine monohydrate and rimantadine hydrochloride) it has an angioprotective and antiviral effect. However, it should not be used in children and adolescents, as well as people who have contraindications to its use.

Any medication can help to overcome the disease or cause complications if it is used inadequately. It must be emphasized once again that in such a responsible matter as treatment, the choice of medicine should be carried out by the doctor. Even in the case of cold preparations, the patient can choose at his own discretion only the taste of the powder for the preparation of a drinking solution or lozenges.

How to distinguish theraflu from a fake?

Medicines that are in demand, unfortunately, are counterfeited. Theraflu belongs to this category of medicines. Therefore, it is necessary to buy these drugs only in pharmacies, where, if necessary, a person can ask for documents confirming their quality. You should not buy medicines from the hands at a lower price or "shares".

Signs of a fake Theraflu drug can be:

  • spelling errors on the packaging and in the instructions for use;
  • illegibility of inscriptions and images on the packaging;
  • damage to the integrity of the package;
  • non-compliance of the barcode with the country of the manufacturer;
  • lack of information about the manufacturer;
  • lack of registration number;
  • lack of expiration date and other deviations.

If the proposed medicine is suspicious, you must ask the pharmacist for a declaration or certificate of conformity for it. By the number and date of the declaration on the website of Roszdravnadzor, you can check whether this medicine is registered.

Indications for the use of Theraflu preparations

In what cases is it effective to use Theraflu in the form of powder in sachets ( teraflu, teraflu from flu and colds, teraflu extra, teraflu from flu and colds extra) and teraflu extratab?

Therefore, when choosing a particular drug, it is necessary to clarify its composition and strictly follow the recommendations for the dose and regimen of the drug. If, in response to taking the drug, the body temperature remains high or rises, then this may indicate the development of a more serious illness than a cold. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

When should I take Theraflu lozenge or spray?

These drugs are effectively used in otorhinolaryngology ( ENT practice) and in dentistry. They disinfect the oral cavity, tonsils and reduce pain in diseases of the throat, gums, and various inflammations in the mouth.

Indications for the use of teraflu lar in the form of lozenges or spray are the following diseases:

  • angina;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis and others.

In what cases is Theraflu Bro applied?

The ointment, sold under the brand name Theraflu, is designed to reduce cough in diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. It acts locally, reduces inflammation and excruciating cough, kills microbes and viruses, promotes sputum discharge. As a rule, it is used as an additional remedy for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases. In chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, this remedy can be used independently.

Theraflu bro is used for such diseases as:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • SARS, influenza and others.

Most often, a headache is “wake up” by overwork and worries. And by and large, the body does not care what caused it - the need to quickly finish the quarterly report or dig up beds in the country. The body is on strike with a headache. Doctors call her that -.

An attack can begin with a slight pain in the temples or, conversely, crawl from the back of the head. Such pain begins as pulling, aching. Usually increases rapidly and compresses the entire head. At the same time, the impression is that someone is tightening the invisible hoop tighter and tighter.

What to do?

If you are at work:

At the first symptoms, take an analgesic.

Middle and index finger in a circular motion, lightly pressing, massage the temples.

If you are at home:

Try to do without pills.

Use essential oils mint, lavender, etc.

Drink sweet tea with lemon.

Take a warm bath or hold your head under warm water (but only if you are sure that your pressure is normal!).

Draw the curtains to dim the room and try to get 2-3 hours of sleep.

Important! Headache pills should not be taken more than 2-3 times a week. If seizures happen more often - it's time to see a doctor!

For two scenarios

If the pain starts on one side of the head and slowly but surely expands, if the blood beats in the temples, the forehead splits and you feel dizzy (you feel sick, your palms get cold, the light and sounds cause rage), you most likely have a migraine. Anything can provoke her attack - a change in the weather, a glass of wine, any conflict, etc. Often a migraine begins before critical days, when hormonal balance is disturbed.

In men, cluster headaches cause similar symptoms. Most often, this is the reaction of the body to an evening with friends with a plentiful dose of alcohol, a large number of smoked cigarettes.

What to do?

Take a pain reliever (better - in the form of a fizzy drink, then it will work much faster).

Massage - massage the temples in a circular motion with the tips of your thumbs for 1-2 minutes.

Lie in bed, put an ice pack wrapped in a towel on your forehead (no ice - frozen food from the refrigerator will do). Keep the compress for 10-15 minutes.

Sometimes the pain is soothed and a heating pad with hot water, put it in bed under the feet.

Sleep in a dark room for 1-2 hours.

Important! If repeated more than 2 times a month, visit a neurologist.

A threat to white-collar workers

If you spend the whole day at work at the computer, your head may hurt not only from the screen or stuffiness in the room. The most "popular" is cervical osteochondrosis.

Its characteristic features are paroxysmal, excruciating headache, which usually begins in the occiput, and then spreads to the crown and temples; dizziness, nausea and even fainting with a sharp turn of the head; noise in ears. Usually, these symptoms are accompanied by others - pain in the shoulder, forearm, hands; numbness, burning, tingling in the arms or legs, which is associated with lesions of the spine - hence the difference between this type of headache and others.

What to do?

Emergency assistance is the same: compresses on the "affected area", massage, etc.

Gymnastics, which can be performed without getting up from a chair, will also help to relax the tension of the muscles of the neck, and therefore relieve pain. Tilt your head slightly forward, place your palms on your forehead. Push your head into your hands. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the same, pressing your fingers on the temples. And now - on the back of the head.

Sitting on a chair, lower your arms along the body, take your head back and slowly turn it to the left. Freeze in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise with your head turned to the right.

Important! In this situation, it is necessary to treat not the head, but the cervical spine. And in order to slow down the development of the disease, you need to contact a neurologist or orthopedist.

hyper and hypo

- a frequent companion of vascular disorders accompanying hypertension and hypotension. True, it manifests itself in different ways.

With hypertension, the “epicenter” of pain is most often the back of the head. Any, even a slight jump in pressure caused by a change in weather, can provoke an attack, physical activity and even dieting.

What to do?

Take a blood pressure medication prescribed by your doctor.

A good way to reduce pressure is beet juice. But, after squeezing it, you need to withstand at least forty minutes, otherwise it can cause a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Massage whiskey.

Lie down for an hour or two.

Important! If the pain intensifies with high pressure, dizziness, a feeling of fog in the eyes, urgently call an ambulance! This may be a hypertensive crisis, dangerous for its complications, including stroke, coronary insufficiency, pulmonary edema.

With hypotension, the headache can be different - dull, pressing, and maybe paroxysmal, pulsating, capture the entire head or appear in the frontal, parietal, occipital region.

What to do?

The simplest but effective remedy- a cup of strong, sweet and hot tea or coffee.

Pinch your earlobe. Even better is a massage. Massage auricles, palms, feet, nail phalanges fingers on all sides.

Raise straight outstretched arms up and sharply throw them down. Then raise your arms up and keep them raised until you get tired.

If you are at home, it is a good idea to lie on your back with a high pillow under your feet or do some exercises by raising your legs at a right angle and lowering them.

Important! For a hypotensive person, there is a high probability of fainting, being in a stuffy subway car or in a queue.

Harbingers of fainting - palpitations, a feeling of dizziness ... Try to sit down as quickly as possible (do not hesitate to ask to give you a seat), lower your head below your knees, breathe evenly, but not deeply. And don't rush to get up when you feel better. Rest for half an hour.