What is better to eat with PMS. Nutrition for PMS and other phases of the cycle. What foods should be avoided during PMS?

Physiological processes in the body affect well-being and other aspects of life. Every woman is faced with such a physiological process as menstruation every month. Often, menstruation is associated with poor health and not very pleasant sensations. Since this is a natural process, it is necessary to learn how to keep yourself in good shape and well-being. It is very important to eat right during monthly cycle so that you get all the necessary nutrients and facilitate your participation. Nutrition during PMS and nutrition during menstruation is an opportunity to improve and control your well-being, as well as maintain your health.

Since menstruation is associated with blood loss, it is first necessary to consume foods that promote blood formation. During PMS, as well as during menstruation, irritation and mood changes are observed, which means that it is necessary to eat foods that help fight apathy, irritation and depression.

Nutrition rules for PMS:

- Be sure to have breakfast. A breakfast of whole grains, fruit juice, and light protein foods will do the trick. Useful flakes (oatmeal, corn, etc.)

- Consume foods that contain vitamin D and calcium. These two components will help you get rid of severe pain, and improve your overall well-being, preventing the occurrence of depression.

Don't eat a lot of simple carbohydrates. Cravings for sweets are common for this period, but you must beware of overusing simple carbohydrates, it is advisable to replace them with complex carbohydrates. The abuse of sugar and other simple carbohydrates will only worsen your condition.

- Drink clean water, you can green tea or rosehip tea.

- Eat less salt, as water retention in the body can cause swelling.

- Eat fruits and vegetables.

- Don't overeat.

- Eat foods that contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, as vegetable oils, some types of fish, etc.

- Eat foods that contain fiber, they improve digestion and relieve you of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

- Consume foods that contain vitamin E. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, seeds, nuts. Foods that contain this vitamin can help fight breast pain and discomfort, reduce irritation, and help fight fatigue.

- Consume foods that contain B vitamins and magnesium, especially foods that contain vitamin B6 are beneficial. The sweetness that contains magnesium is halva.

- It is useful to consume foods that contain vegetable protein, including legumes.

Harmful foods for PMS:

- Products that contain caffeine.

- Sugar, muffin, confectionery and other foods that contain simple carbohydrates.

Alcoholic drinks

- Fatty animal products

— Fast food

— Soda

- Spicy, salty, fatty foods.

Useful products for PMS and menstruation:

— Bananas

— Legumes

- Buckwheat

— Brown rice

- Potato

- Apples

This trouble happens to most of the fair sex every month. Yesterday you were cheerful, affable and friendly. And today, instead of a charming nymph, Mr. Hyde in a skirt looked out of the mirror.

baba yaga syndrome
Nothing special happened, you just have premenstrual syndrome (PMS) again. This affliction affects 30-40% of women between the ages of 19 and 45. Those at risk are primarily those who are between 25 and 35. The main symptoms of PMS - depression, irritability and drowsiness - are associated with nervous tension. And his first sign is sudden mood swings. At this time, for no reason, some panicky horror begins to overcome, someone cannot concentrate on anything, the more receptive simply cry quietly or, conversely, beat the dishes in anger ...

Of the physical symptoms at this time, there are headaches, swelling, pain in the muscles, joints and chest, tachycardia, lethargy and apathy, weight gain, general weakness and an increased need for sweets ... However, there are also such sufferers who find everything these symptoms immediately.

To prepare the body for the upcoming hormonal changes and cope with them unnoticed by others, without making their life hell, you can think over a rational diet in advance. Then the physical and emotional disorders that inevitably accompany PMS can be easily overcome. Proper nutrition during this period - great way take control of the situation. After all, it is much better to at least try to manage the "bad" days than just forget about them.

Moth food
Already a week before the inevitable transformation into a monster, you begin to feel a breakdown. Don't despair - there are a few tricks you can use to minimize energy wastage. First of all, it is necessary to stabilize the fluid content in the body, prevent sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels and maintain a normal amount of cholesterol.

To get started, make it a rule to drink as much as possible more water– at least 2.5 liters per day. This will help maintain the body's water balance. It is also good to eat plenty of moisture-containing vegetables and fruits, such as lettuce, fennel, celery, tomatoes and citrus fruits, melons and watermelons, and drink more freshly squeezed fruit juice instead of coffee and tea. Caffeine is now your main enemy: it retains fluid in the body, which leads to swelling. As for herbal teas, they are not only a great alternative to coffee. Mint tea, for example, has a beneficial effect on the stomach, preventing intestinal disorders, which are not uncommon during this period.

If your stomach is especially sensitive to changes in the body affected by PMS, use only natural laxatives - prunes, figs and dried apricots - and give up raw vegetables, which will be difficult for him to digest. It is better to steam them, boil them or grill them.

Another unpleasant symptom of PMS is an increase in body volume (the moth has turned into a “dead head” butterfly) and, even worse, weight, sometimes up to 1-3 kg. This grief can also be dealt with if you start actively consuming bifido- and lactobacilli contained in some dairy products, for example, in various bio-yogurts. It is also good to eat more fish rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Including it in the diet not only improves mood, but sometimes relieves pain. Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, trout, tuna, sardines, herring and mackerel neutralize inflammatory processes occurring in the body, and, in addition, help to restore the heart rhythm.

PMS is also terrible because you always want chocolate. This won't be much of a problem, as long as you eat quality chocolate high in cocoa beans in reasonable amounts. Better - little by little, and only after eating, then the sugar will be absorbed more slowly. Otherwise, a sharp rise in blood glucose levels will be replaced by an equally sharp decline and you will feel a breakdown. But simple carbohydrates and sugars that quickly increase insulin levels (they are found in cakes, cookies, ice cream, jams and syrups) should be avoided altogether. Insulin "signals" the kidneys to retain more sodium, and as a result, fluid builds up in the body. It also promotes the storage of fats in adipose tissue, which leads to an increase in body weight. Finally, when insulin levels are high, more “bad” prostaglandins are produced, which increase pain and inflammation, raise blood pressure, and cause discomfort.

According to American scientists, overweight women suffer from PMS most of all - they are more likely to eat foods high in sugar and starch. Women who have gained or lost more than 10 kg of weight and, oddly enough, are constantly on diets are also at risk of PMS.

Alexandra Mikheeva


Teriyaki Tuna with Ginger
(2 servings)

What do you need:
2 tuna steaks
1 st. l. olive oil a few coriander seeds, fresh lime and lettuce
For marinade:
1 st. l. soy sauce
1 st. l. sake
1 st. l. Sahara
1 st. l. finely chopped ginger
a pinch of dry red chili

What to do:
Mix all ingredients for the marinade. Put the tuna steaks in a bowl with the marinade, turn over several times so that the marinade completely covers the fish. Cover with cling film and leave to marinate room temperature 2 hours
Heat a non-stick frying pan over high heat. Pour olive oil and fry steaks - 2 minutes each. on each side if you like well-done fish, or 1 minute if you want it to stay pink in the middle. Be careful: when the fish gets into a hot pan, the marinade will splatter in all directions. You don’t need to add a lot of salt - coriander, ginger and lime already enhance the taste. Serve with coriander seeds, lime slices and a fresh green salad.

Premenstrual syndrome is a complex set of symptoms that occurs on the eve of the next menstruation, lasts 2-14 days, ends in the first days of the menstrual cycle and consists of three main groups:

1 Metabolic and endocrine disorders
They are associated with a decrease in progesterone and prolactin, an increase in estrogen in the II phase of the cycle.

Such hormonal changes lead to fluid retention in the tissues, causing swelling, weight gain, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

An increase in the concentration of prostaglandins stimulates sweating, flatulence, chills, pain in the lower abdomen.

Also at this time, tissue susceptibility to the hormone insulin changes, which stimulates the growth of fat cells, activates the hunger center in the brain. Therefore, on the eve of menstruation, appetite increases, it draws on flour and sweets, and body weight increases.

2 Changes in the psycho-emotional sphere
These are exactly the manifestations that others immediately pay attention to - irritability, tearfulness, mood swings, anger, aggression, despondency, and so on.

During this period, the level of the hormone of joy, serotonin, decreases markedly, which contributes to a deterioration in mood and the formation of depression.

3 Vegetative-vascular disorders
AT this case cephalgia, dizziness, weakness, nausea and vomiting, increased blood pressure and accelerated heart rate, muscle and joint aches, leg cramps, and abdominal pain come to the fore in the clinical picture.

The occurrence of PMS is associated with hormonal factors, improper selection of oral contraceptives, diet, insufficient intake of vitamins and trace elements, and is the result of absolute or relative hyperestrogenism in the II phase of the cycle.

Experts pay special attention to the possibilities of the microelement magnesium (Mg) in the correction of premenstrual illness, clinically they are similar to the symptoms of hypomagnesemia (low amount of the element).

These include:

  • Anxiety, tearfulness, mood lability;
  • Fatigue, apathy, insomnia and drowsiness;
  • Increased pressure and frequent pulse;
  • Poor portability physical activity, prostration;
  • Migraines, cephalgia;
  • Dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Muscle cramps and spasms.

Scientists have found that in patients with PMS in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle, the level of magnesium decreases, the calcium content increases, which is not the case for those who do not suffer from a cyclic disease.

This is what underlies the drug treatment of the syndrome, when, in addition to oral contraceptives, Mg preparations are prescribed. This therapy shows good clinical results.

Mg in the human body:

2 reduces insulin resistance, preventing the activation of the center of hunger and increased appetite, inhibits the excessive growth of fat cells.

3 suppresses excessive synthesis of prostaglandins, reducing abdominal pain, headaches, mastalgia, dyspepsia.

4 carries out normal nerve transmission, the work of smooth and skeletal muscles, the coordinated functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous system.

Low levels of Mg in the blood have several causes. This may be insufficient intake of it with food, impaired absorption due to a number of physiological characteristics(pathology gastrointestinal tract, genetic defects leading to non-binding of Mg in the body), increased loss of Mg, the use of certain foods and drugs that prevent the maintenance of the element in cells.

However, having knowledge of the benefits of Mg, each of us can correct the lack of it in our own diet.

Let's figure out what should be the food for PMS.
With the right diet, we can reverse most of the side effects of PMS. With food, we receive enough essential trace elements, vitamins, all those substances that help PMS to flow more easily.

The diet recommended by nutritionists during PMS includes foods rich in Mg.
These include wheat bran, wheat germ, lentils, beans, peas, cereals, seafood, pumpkin seeds, nuts, fish, green fruits, persimmons, vegetables, bananas, etc.

View table

NameMg content
mg per 100g
Percent Daily Need
Sesame540 mg135%
Wheat bran448 112%
Tea (dry brew)440 110%
cocoa powder425 106%
Sunflower seeds (seeds)317 79%
Cashew nuts270 68%
Buckwheat (grain)258 65%
pine nut251 63%
Buckwheat flour251 63%
Oat bran235 59%
Almond234 59%
Soy (grain)226 57%
Buckwheat (kernel)200 50%
Peanut182 46%
Sunflower halva178 45%
Mash174 44%
sea ​​kale170 43%
Milk powder non-fat160 40%
Hazelnut160 40%
Buckwheat (prodel)150 38%
Barley (grain)150 38%
Milk powder 15%139 35%
Oats (grain)135 34%
bitter chocolate133 33%
Red granular caviar129 32%
Oat flakes “Hercules”129 32%
chickpeas126 32%
pistachios121 30%
Walnut120 30%
Rye (grain)120 30%

It is also necessary to remember about the ban on certain foods in the II phase of the menstrual cycle.
For example, sugar, fats, soybeans and others lead to an increase in the severity of PMS manifestations.

A common symptom of PMS is craving for sweets, it occurs due to a drop in glucose during a high activity of the hormone insulin. Hypoglycemia causes hunger, anxiety, drowsiness.

An increase in sugar levels during PMS causes uncontrolled consumption of sweets. Such fluctuations in hypo- and hyperglycemia lead to a gross metabolic disorder, which can cause obesity, impaired glucose tolerance, followed by the formation diabetes 2 types.

Nutritionists recommend that in order to avoid weight gain during this period, replace fast sugars (cakes, flour, sweets) with complex carbohydrates - whole grain bread, cereals, some durum wheat pasta, rice, buckwheat, etc. It is advisable to use a large number of fruits and root vegetables to maintain stable glucose levels.

increases soreness of the chest, leads to insomnia, increased irritability and anxiety. Therefore, with PMS, it is better to replace coffee with analogues (from chicory, seeds, cereals), or drink a decaffeinated drink.

Excess salt

retains water in the tissues, causing swelling and engorgement of the mammary glands. Therefore, it is advisable not to oversalt food on the eve of menstruation, not to consume a large amount of sodium chloride - chips, snacks, salted nuts, smoked meats, canned food, etc.

Chocolate, alcohol

can also exacerbate PMS. Mood swings, anxiety increase, swelling of the legs and face may increase. Tyramine, which is found in chocolate, cheeses, red wine and beer, provokes migraine, which is a frequent companion of premenstrual syndrome.

Animal fats

provoke an increase in cholesterol in the blood, contribute to rapid weight gain. Even nutritionists advise to abandon the use of energy drinks, preservatives, fast food.

In this way, proper nutrition with PMS is one of the methods of dealing with this disease. A competent combination in the diet, additional intake of vitamins and microelements, daily routine, sufficient sleep will allow women to more easily cope with the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, perhaps even without resorting to medical care.

Premenstrual syndrome brings a lot of discomfort. These few days in a woman's life can change her appearance and general condition so much that she subsequently becomes ashamed of her own behavior. However, any manifestation of PMS can be corrected, including through the formation of an optimal diet.

What to look out for with PMS

Premenstrual syndrome is a set of disorders associated with the neuropsychic, vegetative-vascular and metabolic-endocrine activity of the body. All this translates into a number of symptoms that affect the well-being and behavior of a woman for the entire period of PMS. These symptoms include:

  • irritability and aggressiveness;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pressure fluctuations;
  • development of depression;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • puffiness;
  • headache;
  • general decrease in working capacity;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • increased appetite and thirst;
  • nausea;
  • indigestion, bloating, etc.

But it is worth noting that a strong manifestation of these symptoms is typical for only 10% of women. In the remaining 90% of PMS, although it makes itself felt, it is easier for women to tolerate. An important fact is that the appearance of similar symptoms immediately before the onset of menstruation and their continuation after it does not speak of PMS, but of pathological disorders in the woman's body, which should be a signal for a serious medical examination.

The reasons for the worsening of PMS symptoms are often vitamin deficiency and a lack of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet that a woman adheres to. Therefore, it is very important in the premenstrual period to take care of the correction of precisely these moments in the diet.

If you approach the preparation of a diet for PMS as the formation children's menu, you can't go wrong. A delicate and attentive approach is needed here, because for the period of PMS, a woman’s body needs special nutrition, more vitamins and minerals that can normalize the functioning of the endocrine system and metabolic processes, stabilize the production of hormones necessary for good health.

Particular attention should be paid to those products that can potentially stop depression attacks, that is, they contribute to the production of serotonin. If this moment is missed, all other PMS symptoms can worsen several times over. The best anti-depression foods are sugary, high-carbohydrate fruits, dried fruits, honey, and most seafood. From these ingredients, you can make one or two dishes that you will constantly use during PMS.

Gynecologists and nutritionists advise at the time of premenstrual syndrome to increase the number of complex carbohydrates consumed up to 75%, and, on the contrary, significantly reduce fats and proteins. Therefore, in the daily menu for PMS, it is better not to use red meat and fatty foods. It is also worth avoiding chocolate, spices, alcohol and products containing caffeine. But you can and should give preference to foods high in fiber, fresh fruits and juices. It is especially good to use lemon and carrot juice with cream.

Do not neglect PMS phytotherapy. Herbal teas very well relieve tension, relieve muscle and vascular spasms, improve brain function, helping to focus on daily activities. A number of fees are aimed at reducing pain and normalizing pressure, improving sleep and digestion. Particular attention should be paid to chamomile tea, lemon balm and mint, collections with motherwort.

At the time of premenstrual syndrome, it is necessary to make a balanced light diet. It is important to maintain the water balance in the body, for which it is necessary to completely abandon canned food, pickles and pickled foods, drink clean water as thirst arises. Don't overeat with PMS! This causes additional discomfort, can provoke attacks of aggressiveness and worsen sleep, not to mention a direct disruption of the digestive system.

Foods to Help Manage PMS

When choosing foods to relieve PMS symptoms, you need to pay attention to the sources of vitamins A, C, group B, magnesium, iron and unsaturated fatty acids.

1. Bananas. They contain a lot of useful carbohydrates, quickly satisfy hunger and give energy, improving mood. Ripe bananas contain three basic amino acids - tryptophan, methionine and lysine. The latter is involved in the processes of tissue repair, strengthening of collagen bonds and promotes the absorption a large number nutrients.

2. Dates and dried figs. Richest sources of carbohydrates, potassium and magnesium. This combination determines the beneficial effects of these products on the central nervous system. Regular use of these dried fruits during PMS helps reduce the stressful effect of the syndrome on the body and normalize the production of sex hormones that relieve menstrual pain.

3. Green vegetables - cucumbers, zucchini, sweet peppers, Savoy, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, lettuce, Chinese cabbage and fresh herbs. Should be in the diet of women in PMS as rich sources of vitamin C, E and dietary fiber, which are important for cleansing the blood and proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. natural yogurt and low-fat cream should be the main sources of protein during PMS, as they favorably affect the female reproductive system, relieving pain and improving the flow of menstruation. Natural low-fat dairy products promote the active absorption of vitamin A from other products and make the meal more nutritious. This category includes low-salted and unsalted cheeses - Adyghe or mozzarella.

5. Tofu cheese. Vegetable equivalent dairy product made from soy milk, rich in B vitamins and has a low calorie content, which is ideal for a woman's diet in the premenstrual period.

6. Buckwheat, legumes can serve as the main source of replenishment in the body of magnesium, iron and potassium. The vitamin composition of these products promotes hematopoiesis, normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, reducing irritability and increasing attentiveness.

7. Sprouted wheat grains are a rich source of vitamin E. Use them as an ingredient vegetable salads, eat for breakfast together with a small piece of steamed fish or tofu.

8. Marine fish - salmon, trout, perch are very rich in iron, phosphorus and calcium. They contain the optimal amount of proteins and fats, which are well absorbed by the body during PMS. But a particularly valuable element of the composition sea ​​fish are healthy omega-three fats, the optimal use of which allows a woman to maintain composure and feel comfortable throughout the duration of PMS.

9. Seafood - seaweed, mussels, squid, shrimp. All these are real natural antidepressants that will help maintain efficiency, avoid signs of fatigue on the face and behavior, improve general condition, and normalize the production of thyroid hormones.

10. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, cashews, almonds, and walnuts are all the richest sources unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which are extremely important for a woman's body during PMS. To improve your condition, it is enough to eat about 50 grams of seeds or several large nuts a day.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine website

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Much has already been said about the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. For each woman, they are individual: someone suffers from a headache and high blood pressure, someone becomes extremely irritable and whiny, and some even experience fear of death from. Doctors say that an important factor in eliminating or leveling the symptoms of PMS is proper nutrition during and before menstruation. Before answering the question of what can and cannot be eaten during menstruation, you need to figure out what is the cause of the symptoms that occur.

If you try to briefly answer the question, what is the cause of the discomfort, you get something like: “Hormons are to blame for everything!”. Full menstrual cycle can be divided into two phases: follicular and luteal. At the end of the maturation of the follicle, ovulation occurs, which starts the corpus luteum phase. Then, if pregnancy does not occur, menstruation begins.

Each stage of the cycle is accompanied by the entry into the blood of a certain hormone from the following list:

  • follicle-stimulating;
  • luteinizing;
  • estrogen;
  • progesterone;
  • prolactin;
  • androgens.

Each of these hormones performs a specific task, and sharp fluctuations in their levels in the blood cause all those unpleasant symptoms that almost every woman knows about.

Why Appetite Increases

There are different theories to explain this. If we discard all unscientific, based on rumors and conjectures, then the following will turn out: under the influence of a certain combination of hormones, some brain structures are activated (the reticular and limbic systems, the hypothalamus), they send signals to organs and systems in order to prepare female body to pregnancy.

The hunger center also receives such a signal. This explains why you want to eat right before and during your period. Moreover, there are no identical taste preferences. Someone may want a sweet product, someone salty, and some dream of steaks. One thing in common: you always want to eat a lot.

But do not think that such behavior of the body is an immutable rule. Often you can observe the exact opposite picture: women are tormented by nausea and even vomiting. Therefore, increased appetite is not the saddest thing when menstruation occurs. It is necessary to determine what is during menstruation, and what must be excluded.

What not to eat during menstruation

Despite the individual manifestations of PMS, there are several rules that must be followed in order to reduce the number of unpleasant symptoms. It is always necessary to try to eat a balanced diet, but during menstruation this is especially important, since right product directly affects well-being.

Often women complain about. You can get rid of these troubles by excluding from the diet a product that increases gas formation: legumes (peas, beans, soybeans), White bread and flour products yeast dough. By the way, if the figure is expensive, the last product should not be eaten on other days.

Edema occurs if the fluid withdrawal mechanism does not work well. In order not to provoke water retention in the tissues, it is necessary to exclude everything salty, smoked, spicy and pickled. Along with this, you should increase your fluid intake by choosing the food that is allowed.

Forbidden products can also include alcohol, strong tea, coffee and carbonated drinks. Many doctors do not recommend to get involved in chocolate during this period. it dangerous product, especially for women predisposed to mastopathy.

Do not overload the stomach with heavy food, there is a lot of fat. This is a product such as whole milk, sour cream, butter, pork. Some experts advise limiting your intake of vegetable fats as well. The only exception is linseed oil. This product, on the contrary, is useful when menstruation has begun.

What to eat during menstruation

In the first half of menstruation, the body needs a lot of carbohydrates. To help your own metabolism, you should choose a product that has a high energy value, but contains so-called slow carbohydrates:

  • durum wheat pasta;
  • cereals (with the exception of polished rice and semolina);
  • whole wheat bread.

Doctors also recommend eating more vegetables and fruits. Fiber makes the intestines work better, so you can avoid digestive problems that menstruation is to blame for. As for the sweet, the forbidden chocolate can replace a product such as banana, peach, persimmon and dried fruit.

In the second half of menstruation, the body stops burning fat in an increased mode. During this period, it is worth adjusting the diet, including foods rich in protein in the diet. In this case, seafood and fish are suitable.

Nuts and buckwheat will also provide invaluable help. It will not be superfluous to note that all these products contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They perfectly cope with the role of antispasmodics and will help reduce pain not only during menstruation, but also in the premenstrual period.

Since doctors advise to exclude tea and coffee from the diet during menstruation, you can replace them with herbal teas and mineral water without gas. If possible, one should choose for the same reasons such useful product like melon and watermelon.

As for dairy products, doctors do not have a consensus on this matter. Dairy products, especially yogurt, are considered to be definitely useful during menstruation. It can be consumed in quantities exceeding the usual twice.

How to reduce appetite

Why during menstruation you want to eat more than usual, of course. But women put in a lot of effort to look attractive. Most often, the main factor in this race for beauty is the fight against overweight. To the question of how to act in order not to gain weight, there is only one answer: to play sports and reduce the daily number of calories.

And if the willpower for regular classes is normal for the majority, then it is far from always possible to cope with the desire to eat something tasty. As it became clear, often it is not the lack of character that is to blame, but the characteristics of the female body.

There are two ways to avoid gaining weight when it comes to hormonal fluctuations. You can follow a strict diet and try not to overeat by choosing a product from the list of allowed foods. It's difficult, but doable. Can you start taking hormonal contraceptives. They will help not only adjust the cycle, but also remove the feeling of hunger. Of course, only the attending physician can prescribe such drugs.