What substances cause cancer. What causes cancer? Cancer Risk Factors

The oncologist surgeon debunked the most popular myths about oncology

Doctors say that there are more than two hundred types of malignant tumors. And each has its own predisposing factors. The surgeon-oncologist of the European Clinic Vyacheslav Lisovoy specifically told the site what factors provoke the development of the disease and how to avoid danger.

Factors provoking the development of cancer

1. Reduced immunity- a key factor in the development of oncology. Cancer cells are formed in the body of every person, and almost always a stronger immune system destroys them itself.

2. Exposure to carcinogens. This term itself - "carcinogen" - is formed from two extremely clear Latin words. Cancer, that is, cancer, and generare, to give birth. Cancer can be caused by physical phenomena. For example, X-rays, streams of charged beta and alpha particles. Many have heard of dioxins. They are formed, for example, during the burning of household waste - it is probably not worth breathing such smoke. Tars in tobacco smoke - chemical carcinogens - are also active provocateurs of the disease.

In addition, viruses can exacerbate the situation. For example, human papillomavirus increases the risk of developing cervical cancer, and hepatitis B and C viruses increase the risk of liver cancer.

3. Chronic stress. Well, it's simple here - horny nervous system reduces human immunity. Read on for point number one.

4. Wrong lifestyle: indiscriminate eating, smoking, alcohol abuse, overweight.

Provocateurs of various types of cancer

Our expert is sure that oncological diseases are rarely inherited. Basically, people acquire them on their own, without wanting to.

Smoking, for example, provokes oral cancer or lung cancer.

Alcohol, spicy foods can lead to cancer of the esophagus or stomach.

Absence breastfeeding, hormonal failure often cause the development of cervical cancer in women.

And excessive exposure to the sun leads to the risk of skin cancer.

Myths about cancer that can cost lives

We have collected the most popular questions that people ask on the Internet about oncology. Our expert helped answer them.

1. Cell phones cause cancer?

Mobile phones do not affect the risk of developing cancer. This is all nonsense, - says Vyacheslav Lisovoy, an oncologist surgeon at the European Clinic.

2. Is cancer inherited?

This is also not true, says the doctor. - Certain mutations, gene disorders can be transmitted, which subsequently increase the risk of developing a malignant tumor.

3. Can you get cancer?

It is forbidden. But here there is a nuance - you can become infected with a virus, which subsequently increases the risk of developing cancer. This happens with hepatitis B and C viruses or with the human papillomavirus.

4. Can you cure cancer with baking soda?

That's bullshit. Never self-medicate! Always follow the instructions of oncologists.

Every person should know what causes cancer. In fact, malignant diseases do not always have any specific causes, but there are some risk factors that will be discussed below.

The main things to avoid are:

  1. The influence of toxic substances that destroy the body.
  2. Lifestyle that does not meet the correct standards (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages in excess).
  3. Nutrition exposed to the damaging effects of genetically modified foods and chemical substances.
  4. Ultraviolet and strong solar radiation.
  5. Ecologically polluted environment.

Foods that cause cancer

To protect yourself from the occurrence of malignant formation, it is recommended to adhere to a certain diet:

  1. Avoid foods that feed a cancerous tumor or microbes in its structure (refined sugar, refined flour, fatty dairy products, etc.).
  2. Trans fatty acids and partially hydrogenated oils have a strong effect on (margarine, french fries and just about any processed food).
  3. Chlorinated water, fluorine and alcohol directly increase the risk of mutations in the DNA structure of cells. For example, chlorine destroys many phytonutrients and other nutrients causing damage to the body.
  4. by reducing immune resistance.
  5. It is recommended not to abuse foods that distract the immune system from focusing on (heavy-to-digest meat foods).
  6. Purified salt becomes a clear danger, which can cause red blood cells to stick together. Because of this, they cannot pass through the arteries. Thus, the body begins to absorb less oxygen, and, accordingly, produce less hemoglobin. Gradually, cells that lack nutrients can turn into anaerobic, that is, malignant. The only exception is sea salt, but within reasonable limits.
  7. Some foods are particularly susceptible to fungi known to be carcinogenic. These are peanuts, cashews, rice and other long-term storage cereals.
  8. Carbonated drinks contain a lot carcinogens.

New data on the causes of cancer

Recent research in oncology led the WHO to report that processed meat products, in particular sausage, sausages, ham, bacon, etc., as well as red meat are capable of. The report states that just 2 slices of bacon daily (50g) increase by 18%. Particularly sensitive to these products are the intestines, pancreas, prostate and mammary glands.

cancer and red meat

Due to the fact that meat and sausage were put on a par with smoking and asbestos for the level of danger, this forced people to figure out exactly how Does meat cause cancer?

Scientists recommend not to refrain from all types of meat, but only from red. It includes beef, veal, pork, lamb, horse and goat meat. The warning is due to the fact that red meat contains high levels of omega-6 fats, as well as other carcinogens obtained during the raising of livestock. It is about the quality of feed and crops for animals raised on the farm. An analysis of the components of animal nutrition revealed the presence of pesticides, antibiotics, genetically modified ingredients for rapid growth livestock.

However, the harm of red meat is defined as 2A, which stands for a probable carcinogen, while processed meat is group 1.

cancer and sausage

If there are still disputes about the dangers of meat, then everyone agrees with the danger of sausage. So why sausage causes cancer? The answer is simple:

  1. During the processing of meat, chemicals are added to it to increase the shelf life (nitrates, preservatives, etc.). So, for example, ham, salami, meat pates are made.
  2. A significant amount of salt and fat is added to the sausage, which is also very harmful to health.
  3. The process of making sausages rarely includes good meat, more often it is all kinds of substitutes for it. The most commonly used is soy, which in most cases is represented on the market by a genetically modified product.

Therefore, if you want to enjoy some delicious meat product, it is better to cook it at home.

Cancer triggers in consumer products

Every home has household or personal care products that can cause cancer due to the wide range of carcinogens and substances contained in them. When using them, you need to be especially careful. These are the means:

  1. Talc for infants is a risk factor for testicular, ovarian and lung cancer.
  2. Some women's foundations and powders containing talc, lanolin, parabens, triethanolamine.
  3. Toothpastes with high levels of fluoride.
  4. Hair conditioners containing formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, etc.
  5. Some Hair Dye, the ingredients of which are formaldehyde, diethanolamine, phenyl. The influence of hair dyes on the occurrence of Non-Hodgkin's, etc. has been proven.
  6. Household products containing silicon dioxide, silica, etc. This is the majority of detergents for washing, dishwashing, disinfecting, bleaching.

Do hormones cause cancer?

Many studies elucidating the relationship between hormones and cancer have concluded:

  • Elevated estrogen levels increase cancer risk mammary gland in women, which is associated with an increase in the density of organ tissues.
  • Women who take the hormone estrogen-progestin are more likely to get sick for others.
  • Estrogen therapy may increase the risk of disease.
  • Imbalanced levels of hormones affect the occurrence of colorectal cancer and thyroid cancer in both men and women.
  • Hormones can provoke malignant formations of the prostate and testes.
  • Endogenous and exogenous hormones lead to increased cell proliferation, creating an opportunity for additional genetic mutations.

Does pregnancy cause cancer?

This question is raised in connection with information about the not very positive effect of certain hormones on the female body during the period of bearing a child. Changes in female body activate all metabolic processes which may lead to the development of malignancy. But this pathology does not occur by itself. Rather, it is not a cause, but a consequence of a violation of the normal functioning of the body and hormonal imbalance.

Pregnancy can also provoke breast cancer, which is associated with hormonal changes and the preparation of the breast for feeding.

There is also a certain fast-growing type of cancer that is directly linked to pregnancy complications. It affects the placenta and is called trophoblastic cancer.

AT modern world it is better to refrain from everything, what causes cancer, and go to more natural remedies and the right way of life.

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By the way, professional oncologists agree that the term cancer is an extremely free interpretation of various malignant tumor processes in the body. There are more than two hundred diseases treated as cancer, and a cancerous tumor can develop in any part of the body, and in any type of its biological tissues.

However, one way or another, the effect on the body that causes cancer, or rather, its various forms, is associated with regular and long-term cell damage. Therefore, the known causes of the onset of cancer are grouped according to the types of effects on the body as a whole - for example, one of the most common habits that lead to oncology - smoking - causes lung cancer, larynx cancer, lip cancer, etc.

So, what should be discarded to maintain health, what causes cancer?

A large-scale study of the factors in the development of oncology has made it possible to identify several groups of causes of disruption of the normal functioning of body cells:

  • Genetics - this includes genetic failures inherited from parents;
  • Lifestyle - pernicious habits of a person that destroy the cells of the body by external or internal influences, the degree of physical activity, a combination of stress and rest;
  • Environment - what we eat, drink, what we breathe, what we are in contact with;
  • Biology - infections and viruses, the impact of which contributes to the development of cancer.

Let's take a look at some of the causes of cancer in more detail.


Almost the largest number registered cases of cancer caused by the use of substances unnatural for the body. The champion among cancer risk factors is smoking, already mentioned at the beginning of this article. In addition to the direct contact effect of heat and components of tobacco smoke with the mucous membranes and lungs of a person, the components of tobacco smoke continue their harmful effects, having already entered the bloodstream. However, not only the chemistry, but also the physics of cigarettes causes cancer - when a “cancer stick” is smoked, a radiation cloud is created around the smoker, the radiation background of which exceeds the natural one, which in turn also contributes to the development of cancer.

Another habit is alcohol consumption. Modern research has proven that alcohol is the cause of not only liver cancer, which is forced to constantly work “at the limit”, coping with the consequences of the ingestion of a toxic substance, albeit not in high concentration, into the body, but also causes hormonal changes that stimulate the development of such types of cancer. like breast cancer and ovarian cancer.


Insufficient sleep also causes cancer. And this is due not only to the amount of sleep, when lack of sleep reduces the overall protective properties of the body, but also to the quality of rest. Namely, modern studies of breast cancer statistics have revealed that sleep in partial darkness is a significant factor in increasing the risk of developing breast cancer.

A sedentary lifestyle that leads to metabolic disorders also undermines the strength of the body from the inside, and excessive exposure to the sun is one of the main reasons for the development of melanoma, which is characterized by high mortality due to the aggressiveness and inconspicuousness of the first signs.


Many of the known processes of tumor development are caused by hereditary causes. However, modern medical science speaks of an unfair press focus on genetically determined cancers, which, in fact, are not so common.

The predisposition to develop tumors can be determined using a number of tests, of which there are more and more every year. However, it should be remembered that even a positive answer about the presence of genetic mutations does not at all mean that such heredity will cause cancer.


But age-related changes can cause cancer. On the one hand, the body's defenses decrease with age, the impact of harmful factors accumulates, and on the other hand, the cells themselves can undergo genetic changes with age, which can also lead to the development of oncology.


It is those substances that most people will name as an answer to the question “What causes cancer?” Indeed, they are a factor in the development of a significant part of the registered cases of cancer.

Salts of heavy metals (especially mercury and lead), pesticides used in agriculture, mycotoxins, nitrogen-containing salts (nitrites, nitrates) - cause damage and mutations in cells, and also deal a serious blow to the defense mechanisms in the body, giving the green light to tumor processes caused by other factors.


The most dangerous from the point of view of the content of carcinogens, physicians call such foods as:

  • dairy products;
  • bakery products;
  • sausages and sausages, especially smoked meats;
  • sweets, sweet "soda";
  • semi-finished products;
  • hard and processed cheeses;
  • artificial sweeteners and colors;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fast food products.


But not only the composition, but also the intensity of nutrition has a direct impact on the likelihood of developing cancer. Both starvation (or an unbalanced diet) and overeating, leading to obesity, eventually cause hormonal disorders, often contributing to the development of tumor processes.

Obesity is most often responsible for cancer of the reproductive organs in women and rectal cancer in men.

ionizing radiation

However, despite the scientific name, among all cases of cancer caused by ionizing radiation, the largest number of diagnoses on the conscience of radiation, and the ordinary sun. More precisely, the UV rays that a person receives while in the sun


Every sixth case of oncology is caused by exposure to viruses. The most dangerous are HPV (human papillomavirus), responsible for the development of cervical cancer in women, and hepatitis viruses, leading to liver cancer.

Today one of the most terrible diseases are oncological tumors. Millions of people suffer from cancer. This is due to the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world and other important factors. It is very important to know how you can protect yourself from the disease. Of course, you cannot completely protect yourself, but you can try to avoid those things that can provoke cancer.

You hear a lot every day interesting information associated with the causes of cancer. But is everything we hear true? A lot of myths wander around the Internet and in the fashion magazines that we read. So let's separate reality from mythical tales that can distort our vision. It's time to find out what's true and what's fiction.

Real unrealities: myths that are still alive


In the late 70s, studies were conducted that showed that ethanol rinses can cause oral cancer. Doctors argued that rinses make oral tissues susceptible to carcinogens.

Is it true? Maybe it's time to ban all mouthwashes? And now the American Dental Association assured that the evidence is not supported by worthwhile arguments. And in this case, it's time to consider the harmfulness of mouthwashes with a high alcohol content. And why are they more dangerous than those products with a lower alcohol content? All this is rather vague.

Mouthwashes are safe for human health. This hygiene product is essential for your mouth. But using 10 times a day is also not worth it. Dentists recommend rinsing your mouth 2-3 times a day after meals, and without swallowing liquids. Smokers are advised to use an alcohol-free mouthwash.


Many watch their figure, and know the value of food. You have to pay for every pie you eat! In the early 1950s, carbonated diet water appeared. At this time, studies confirmed that this water causes cancer. And then it was forbidden to sell diet water.

It was found that in laboratory rats the sweetener saccharin causes tumors. But it was not banned, and products with its content continued to be produced.

The US National Cancer Institute states that there is no evidence that saccharin and cyclamate are involved in the development of cancer. True, cyclamate is still considered a banned carcinogen, but saccharin has been excluded from the list of banned foods.

Deodorants and antiperspirants

How many interesting "facts" can you hear about the dangers of deodorants? Some studies have shown that the paraben and aluminum found in antiperspirants mimic the hormone estrogen. And in large quantities, it can cause the development of breast cancer.

But is it true? There is still no confirmation of this theory, so this statement is just speculation. In 2004, porabene was found in tissue samples from breast cancer. Nearly 99% of people expose themselves to rabies, which they get from foods and cosmetics. And there is no evidence that they can harm health.


In 1995, one of the popular books "Clothes that kill us" was published. And they argued that women who wear bras put themselves at great risk. After all, underwear contributes to the development of breast cancer. Bras can accumulate toxins, and this causes breast cancer.

So maybe down with bras? In fact, this theory is not scientifically confirmed. But women who don't wear them have less dense breasts, which reduces their risk of developing breast cancer.

What triggers the development of cancer?

washing powder

If we evaluate the danger of washing powder and its impact on health, then out of 5 points it can be safely put a solid three. The powder contains 1.4 dioxane. After getting rid of heavy stains, the powder leaves toxic substances on things. Dioxane causes liver cancer in rats. Research is still ongoing.

This chemical cannot be found on powder labels. It's not a detergent component, it's an impurity. Doctors recommend purchasing environmentally friendly washing powder. If the label has names such as "ETH", polyethylene glycol, polyoxyethylene, this may be a sign that the powder contains dioxane.

Bread, french fries, chips

There is such a wonderful substance as acrylamide. It is used for cleaning Wastewater, and it's found in chips, bread, delicious donuts, and french fries. Foods rich in carbohydrates release asparagine during heat treatment, which reacts with sugar. This forms this substance - acrylamide.

When used, this substance can lead to DNA mutation. Potato lovers are advised to soak the potatoes for a couple of hours before eating, and cook at lower temperatures.

brown rice

This product can be considered the most dangerous. Recently, studies have confirmed that brown rice contains a large amount of toxic metal, even more than white. This substance is arsenic. To avoid health problems, rice should be thoroughly rinsed before eating until the water is completely clear. When cooking rice, increase the amount of water by three times.


Many people try to get rid of this bad habit - smoking. To do this, they came up with electronic cigarettes, they are very similar. Even those that can cause cancer. Nitrosamines have been found in some brands of cigarettes. These are carcinogens that can cause tumors. Therefore, it is worth giving up any cigarettes.

Wrinkle-resistant fabric

When we buy a new dress or shirt, it's worth checking the fabric. No, not strength, but how it wrinkles. If the fabric, after it was wrinkled, immediately straightened out, then we can conclude that it was treated with formaldehyde. It is worth refraining from such things or carefully wash it. Formaldehyde can cause cancer. One wash can reduce formaldehyde emissions by up to 50%.

There are about 200 different types of cancer. The cancer process can start and hit any type tissues of the human body.

Oncology is a general name for a complex group of all cancers, the development of which is provoked by a variety of causes and factors. In this article, you will learn in detail about what causes cancer what are the most dangerous and common risk factors for cancer.

What causes cancer? Reliable information

The description of the most famous, as well as dangerous root causes of the development of oncology, which you did not even suspect before, will come from and include:

  1. genetic reasons.
  2. Lifestyle factors (bad habits, diets, physical activity will be taken into account).
  3. Condition and factors environment(for various types of chemicals and radiation).
  4. Certain types of infections and viruses.
  • lifestyle, smoking

Many cases of respiratory system cancer are directly related to excessive and long-term tobacco use. In addition, smoking is considered the most dangerous source of several risk factors at once - in addition to physical poisoning of the body, a person is additionally exposed to chemical radiation. So it became known that one pack of cigarettes contains about 8 microsieverts, which is equal to about 800 microroentgens. This amount of exposure in one day can create a real background radiation around the smoker. And what can we say if a person smokes more than one pack of cigarettes a day?

  • Genetics

Some types of malignant cancerous processes are triggered by the direct cause of genetic heredity. In simple words, - in such cases are inherited. But still, most types of oncology do not have a direct genetic predisposition, that is, their development is not associated with the genes that we inherit from our parents.

Only a small proportion of tumors arises from hereditary states. If cancer is widespread in your family, perhaps cellular mutations will be passed on from one generation to the next .

In order to determine whether you have a predisposition to cellular mutations, oncologists recommend taking a special test that allows you to determine if a person has hereditary mutations that can increase the risk of activation of certain types of cancer. But you also need to keep in mind that the presence of hereditary genetic mutations does not necessarily mean that you will inevitably develop a cancerous process.

  • Age

With age, the risk of getting cancer increases several times. This is because the changes that occur in cells and are responsible for their division can become malignant with age. In addition, with age, a number of genetic changes occur in the cells, which can also lead to the development of oncology.

  • Carcinogens

Pesticides, heavy metals, polycyclic hydrocarbons, dioxides, mycotoxins, nitrites, nitrates - components of this terrifying list, which today are the main and most aggressive cause of cancer and cellular mutations, are part of such ordinary and daily food products as :

  1. Dairy products.
  2. Bread.
  3. Sausages, sausages and other sausage products.
  4. Smoked products.
  5. Sweets.
  6. Meat and meat products.
  7. Semi-finished products.
  8. Sweet sparkling waters.
  9. Solid and processed raw materials.
  10. Artificial sweeteners and colors.
  11. Alcoholic drinks.
  12. Fast food.
  • diets, obesity

An improper diet, which is also often found during a person's stay on a diet, can lead not only to depletion of the body and metabolic disorders, but also to complex hormonal disorders that can contribute to the development of the oncological process.


Moreover, obesity is also one of the risk factors that especially clearly threatens nulliparous women with oncology of the reproductive organs, and men with rectal cancer.

  • ionizing radiation

Cellular mutations can also develop as a result of exposure to ionizing solar radiation. It has long been known that this is a direct result of exposure to aggressive ultraviolet rays, which a person receives in huge doses while under the open sun.

  • Viruses

More than 15% of all cases of oncology are directly related to the action of viruses in the human body. These include:

  1. HPV (human papillomavirus), which causes other equally aggressive types of cellular mutations in women.
  2. Hepatitis B and C viruses that cause liver cancer.

What Doesn't Cause Cancer: False Factors

All the information that the following factors cause cancer is false.

  • Mouthwash.
  • Hair Dye.
  • Cell phones.
  • Deodorants and antiperspirants.
  • Women's bras.
  • Laptops and computers.