Sleep flush feces. Seeing feces in a dream. Own excrement in a dream

Feces in a dream, few will call a pleasant sight. However, in fact, this dream is a good sign, portending an increase in profits, promotion and improvement in material well-being. You can find out more about why feces dream with the help of our dream book.

Miller's dream book gives an unambiguous definition of what feces dream of. This means large profits and successfully completed projects that at first glance seemed unprofitable and failed. For people working in the service sector, the vision portends a major deal that will bring solid income in the future.

Seeing feces in a dream and feeling their unpleasant smell indicates that the dreamer's relationship with others is very strained and is on the verge of war. Searching for the source of the smell, according to the dream book, personifies the intentions of people to interfere in the personal life of a sleeping person. The advice of these personalities is very unpleasant and does not bring any benefit to the sleeping person.

For farmers and people involved in the agricultural business, feces promise a good harvest or offspring. Those persons who have invested their money in someone's growing business will receive quite impressive dividends.

Accidentally seeing feces in a dream is a symbol that the dreamer shows weakness in resolving controversial issues, and for the most part focuses on the opinions of other people who take advantage of this. The dream book advises getting rid of this weakness and starting to train your willpower. You need to learn how to say “no” to obsessive people who can soon sit on their necks and live off a sleeping person.

Since the interpretation of sleep - feces, comes down to making a profit, you should pay attention to the nature of the occurrence of shit and whose it is. Animal feces in a dream symbolize the beginning of a money business, a successful project, or a successful financial investment.

Dream Interpretations interpret in two ways what human feces dream of. On the one hand, such a dream portends a negative attitude of surrounding people towards a person, conflicts or squabbles. On the other hand, there is an opportunity to earn solid money with the help of people who in reality are inveterate opponents.

Actions with bowel movements

Many dream books almost identically interpret the meaning of sleep - feces. Stepping on feces or smearing clothes in them promises an increase in salary or a bonus. However, seeing yourself sick in a dream, where you have to take feces or urine for analysis, is not a very good sign, symbolizing losses and poor financial situation.

If a person had to clean up feces in a dream, then the dreamer is somewhat dependent on someone. Very often this person is one of the heroes of the dream.

Dream Interpretations interpret in two ways what feces in the mouth dream of. On the one hand, the vision speaks of a person’s ability to earn decent money thanks to his eloquence, on the other hand, this picture can express a person’s greed, on the third, it promises the dreamer’s emotional and verbal restraint.

Falling into feces (or falling into the toilet) promises a person an unpleasant situation, the threat will be disgraced in front of a large number of people. The dream book advises not to respond to provocations in the near future, to be extremely restrained and patient.

Now let's find out together if your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night.

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    I’m sitting in the toilet on business, and shit slowly began to rise from the toilet, but strangely, it was not repulsive, it didn’t stink, it didn’t cause disgust ... I was scared, now it will come out of the toilet and I will have to clean everything.

    Hello! Today I had an unpleasant dream, in a dream I had to end up in a dirty, incomprehensible toilet, I could not get out of it. I remember the toilet was gloomy, not a toilet but some kind of hole in the floor. A human head was lying next to this hole, for some reason I threw it into this hole. Shit erupted from this hole, and it said something. I found a stone next to me, began to try to plug this hole, in the end I got smeared in shit, but I didn’t let everything out, everything that was seething there. I ended up being let out of that closet because I was able to close it. What could this mean?

    I dreamed that I was wandering somewhere: the streets, visiting, here and there, I meet many acquaintances along the way and all this time I vomit shit. That's just like a butt in place of the mouth, straight tears. And I try to hide it from everyone, to do it so that no one would notice. The dream ends with the fact that the last pile of shit that erupted from my mouth was in the air mattress of acquaintances, through a hole, at the place of its inflation, some kind of trash, and you will never forget such a dream, never, now.

    • Aha-ha the funniest comment, the main thing is that the mattress does not burst! It seems to me that this dreamed about the fact that you do not like your friends.

      I had a dream - I went to a public toilet, and it became clogged and all the feces floated, and I cleaned it with my hands. The blockage was removed and the hands were clean.

      I dreamed that I accidentally put on panties before reaching the toilet, then in the toilet I wrapped this feces in toilet paper and threw it into the trash can.

      The edge of the toilet is smeared with someone else's shit, and I'm sitting next to me and I'm afraid to get smeared, I feel disgust. And then she wrote and flowed down her legs. People saw it, I'm ashamed. All sleep in a public restroom. A mixture of feelings of shame and disgust. What does it mean?

      26-Mar-2017 Olga:

      I dreamed that I went with my sister to visit a relative, and he gave us each a glass of vodka and a poop to eat. My sister calmly drank and ate shit, and so did I, but then I thought that something was wrong and woke up. As I recall a dream - disgust.

In general, in a civilized society, it is not customary to talk about this out loud, but, as they say, you cannot command dreams. Some people have bunnies on the lawn, others have famous Hollywood heroes, and still others have human feces. It is worth considering the last dream in more detail.

General interpretation of sleep with human feces

It is classically believed that the excrement that a person sees in his dream promises him an increase in financial level. In other words, such dreams speak of well-being in the implementation of certain plans that will be associated with financial costs.

The most favorable dreams are those in which feces are visible in nature, on, in the countryside. It is especially good if rural residents see such dreams. This tells them that the year promises to be fruitful. In addition, it is manure that is considered the best fertilizer for the soil.

excrement according to Miller's dream book

An American psychologist named Gustav Hindman Miller claims that human feces dream only of good events. According to him, dreams in which a person contemplates his own feces promise him material profit, a considerable inheritance, and cash income.

If children's excrement, then soon she will become pregnant. Men who saw feces in a dream, in the future, can take a solid position in society, as well as move up the career ladder. If an elderly gardener dreamed of bowel movements, then a rich harvest is not far off.

If in a dream you get profusely dirty in your own feces, then in reality you can get rich solidly. Shaking off your own feces - to get rid of annoying problems.

What does Sigmund Freud say about this?

The cult psychologist of all times and peoples, Sigmund Freud, associates dreaming of human feces with a dirty and dissolute life. In such dreams, he does not see anything positive. Freud believes that such pictures are a warning: perhaps in reality some people delve into the dreamer's "dirty linen". In this case, he needs to be very careful in communicating with unfamiliar interlocutors.

Sigmund Freud does not exclude the possibility that latent pedophiles dream of children's feces. In this case, the psychologist calls to take your life seriously, think about its meaning and, if necessary, turn to a psychologist for help.

Family dream book

In general, feces, according to this dream book, speak of the maximum concentration of a certain experience in some of the areas of the dreamer's life. If the feces are liquid, then some material problems are not far off. Examine your own excrement in a dream - to respect from others.

Dreams in which feces dreamed are simply impossible to call pleasant. But, despite this, their value is favorable. Such a dream promises financial profit and rapid career growth. To find out more accurately what feces are dreaming of, you need to turn to the dream book, but only after the entire night scenario has been reproduced in memory.

Dreams in which feces dreamed are simply impossible to call pleasant.

For an accurate interpretation of night dreams in which fecal feces were dreamed, many details must be taken into account. It is on them that the meaning of what they see depends:

  • to smell them - relations with other people are quite complicated;
  • to see feces by chance - the dreamer experiences certain difficulties, solving problems and relies more on others than on himself;
  • look for where the unpleasant smell comes from - soon someone from the inner circle will unceremoniously intervene in the life of the sleeping person;
  • calla animal - a new business will be as profitable as possible. There comes a favorable period for investments;
  • human feces - conflict situations will arise, others treat the sleeping person badly;
  • get dirty - salary increase, bonuses;
  • submit for analysis - the occurrence of financial problems;
  • to remove them is dependence on another person;
  • fall into them - soon you will have to get into a very unpleasant situation and even be disgraced.

There is poop in a dream - you should think about your own habits, maybe something needs to be changed.

Feces in the dream book (video)

Seeing human feces in a dream: why is it

A person can dream of anything, but those night dreams in which it is possible to see a person's feces are of particular importance.

Their meaning may be as follows:

  • a big pile - a large cash replenishment is expected. Perhaps soon he will be lucky enough to win the lottery or find a well-paid job;
  • falling into an outdoor toilet is a difficult period in life. The dreamer will not be able to influence the development of events, no matter what efforts he makes;
  • to get smeared in them - the goal that was set will soon be achieved;
  • on the bed - an acquaintance with a very influential person, thanks to whom all financial problems will be solved;
  • in the toilet - you can get a very easy profit;
  • children's, in a pot - a good investment;
  • on the floor - the dreamer is very naive, for this reason he may soon experience financial difficulties. To save his finances, he needs to look realistically at life.

A person can dream of anything, but those night dreams in which it is possible to see a person’s feces are of particular importance.

Get dirty in your own feces in a dream

Night visions have a favorable meaning, in which a person falls into his excrement or gets dirty. Most often, such a dream promises wealth, but in addition to this, the dream book gives several other meanings of the dream:

  • one should be more vigilant in solving problems. Due to carelessness or rash decisions, many failures are possible;
  • pay attention to your own health. Problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are not excluded;
  • big profit;
  • revelry.

Night visions have a favorable meaning, in which a person falls into his excrement or gets dirty

Seeing animal excrement in a dream

Often in dreams one can see not human feces, but animals. Naturally, such night dreams will mean something else. Depending on who owns the excrement, the dream may portend the following:

  • canine - cooperation with a partner will be fruitful;
  • cow - the harvest this year will be very high;
  • mouse - one of the important objects for the dreamer will soon break down, but this breakdown can be easily eliminated;
  • feline - significant changes are possible in the financial environment. They don't have to be positive at all;
  • bird - a significant improvement in the financial situation, it is possible to receive an inheritance or a significant increase in wages.

If dog excrement in a dream - cooperation with a partner will be fruitful

Defecate, go to the large village toilet or toilet bowl

Even those dreams in which you have to empty yourself have a special meaning. They cannot be ignored, but when interpreting, it is imperative to take into account all the details without exception. Absolutely everything matters, even how the toilet looked and what actions were performed in it:

  • defecate, but get pretty dirty - a considerable amount of money will be received. The income will be easy, the dreamer will not even have to make the slightest effort;
  • a wooden toilet in the village, into which the sleeper fell - all things will be as successful as possible, luck will accompany the dreamer in all endeavors, it is possible to conclude a deal on very favorable terms;
  • embarrassment due to the lack of partitions - in the past a person had an unpleasant experience and because of this he cannot confidently go towards his goal to this day. You should get rid of the shame that has been tormenting you for many years and try to prove yourself from the best side, to realize yourself as a person;
  • look for a place to defecate there later - a person is trying to realize plans that will subsequently bring considerable profit;
  • walking around big and at the same time talking with someone - in order to realize your plans, you will need the help of others, you should not refuse it;
  • the process of defecation on the toilet - you will be able to show your natural talents. It is thanks to them that it will be possible to get the maximum profit;
  • empty with a large crowd of people and not feel embarrassed at the same time - the dreamer has earned authority, has a fairly high position, others listen to his opinion;
  • suffer from constipation - the sleeper cannot easily express his opinion;
  • diarrhea - before expressing your opinion and acting, you need to think it over well;
  • walking around in a public toilet - it is possible to receive a cash bonus soon;
  • the village toilet is already overflowing with feces - in order to achieve financial well-being and achieve maximum success, titanic efforts will have to be made;
  • look at the village toilet from the outside - you should consult a doctor and conduct a full examination, serious health problems are not ruled out.

Even those dreams in which you have to empty yourself have a special meaning.

Sitting in such a toilet for a long time - a person lacks vital space.

Feces in Miller's dream book

One of the most popular dream books says that such night dreams promise financial profit. All plans will soon be realized without much effort. Good luck in all matters will certainly accompany the dreamer.

Such a vision is of particular importance if a businessman or a large investor saw it. All investments will bring him maximum profit, bonuses will also be accrued, the interest rate will be increased.

Why do feces dream (video)

Night dreams, in which feces are seen, are most often described in dream books as harbingers of financial well-being, unexpected profits. But this is far from the only meaning of such unpleasant, disgusting night visions. To get an accurate answer, it is necessary to take into account whose feces it was, where they had to be seen, what emotions accompanied the dream and many related details. Only after a full analysis of what you see can you learn about the true meaning of night visions. If you respond to them in time, correctly interpret and begin to act actively, then only favorable changes can be expected in life. Despite the mass of negative emotions from such a dream, its meaning is already very positive. All problems will remain in the past, and the future life will be prosperous and happy.

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Quick jump to interpretations

Feces in a dream is not a very pleasant sight. However, such a dream portends material wealth, an increase in profits and other cash receipts. To give the dream a more complete interpretation, you need to pay attention to the type of feces, as well as the dreamer's actions in a dream.

General interpretation of sleep

Seeing feces in a dream and smelling them suggests that a person’s relationship with loved ones is very strained and is on the verge of war. If, for this reason, the dreamer tries to find the source of the smell, then in reality strangers will begin to interfere in the life of the sleeper and give him unsolicited advice.

If the sleeper is engaged in farming and animal husbandry, then seeing feces in a dream is a favorable symbol. It indicates that a rich harvest awaits a person.

Interpretation of sleep depending on actions

The dream is deciphered in more detail, given the dreamer's actions in a dream:

Get dirty in your own feces

If in a dream a person gets his hands dirty in his own feces, then in reality he will deserve an increase in salary or receive a bonus from management for good work.


To get dirty in someone else's feces, on the contrary, is an unfavorable symbol. Such a dream portends conflicts, quarrels, threats and other difficulties with others.


Defecate in a dream - try to make money legally and honestly. If in real life the dreamer was offered to earn "easy" money, then you should not agree - this can lead to serious consequences.


Wash off human feces - find out someone's secret. But you should not rush to tell everyone about it, otherwise you can attract trouble into your life.

Keep in hand

Holding someone's feces in your hands is disappointing due to the person's high expectations.

Dirty yourself and your clothes

To stain yourself and clothes with feces is not a very favorable sign that portends losses and poor financial condition.

step into bowel movements

Step into someone's feces - get into an unpleasant situation and disgrace yourself in front of a large number of people.

There is excrement in a dream

The feces in the mouth indicate that the dreamer has the opportunity to earn money, but does not make any effort to do so.

Clean up faeces

Cleaning up feces after someone means being dependent on the opinions of others.

Type and description of feces

The appearance of feces can say a lot.

human feces

Seeing human feces in a public place in a dream is an auspicious symbol that portends a profit to the sleeper. Every penny invested in the business will bring a person even more money.

Step on someone's feces - find an additional part-time job in addition to the main place of work.


Children's feces in a dream symbolize profit and success. However, in order to achieve financial well-being, a person will have to make a lot of efforts.

own faeces

A person's own feces in a dream symbolizes an improvement in financial condition. For businessmen, such a dream portends a major deal that will bring considerable income in the future.

Alien excrement

Other people's excrement is a sign of deterioration in relations with colleagues at work. Soon the dreamer will face an unpleasant situation that will lead to conflict at work.

Animal excrement

Depending on which animal's excrement was seen in a dream, the dream can be interpreted in different ways:

  • dogs - to a new interesting acquaintance with a hardworking person with whom in the future a person will begin to cooperate closely;
  • feline - to positive changes in financial condition;
  • bird feces are a symbol of success and prosperity. In the near future, the dreamer will have the opportunity to earn good money;
  • livestock - to increase efficiency and good luck in business;
  • wild animals - to the breakdown of some important item without which it is difficult for a person to do in everyday life;
  • insect waste - all troubles and difficulties will soon end and a white streak will come in the life of the sleeper.

Location and setting

If a person dreams of a bowel movement, this promises him a successful completion of the case. However, it should be remembered in what environment the process took place:

  • village toilet - in order to achieve its goals, a person will have to make great efforts;
  • toilet - management will appreciate the efforts of the employee in dignity and write him a bonus;
  • in bed - to an unexpected replenishment in the family. Perhaps one of the relatives will marry in the near future;
  • in all places - to receive a large amount of money;
  • the smell of feces - to attempts to restore justice in a controversial situation;
  • a lot of feces - to an attempt to hide something from a loved one.

The process outside the home is respected among colleagues. At one time, the sleeper was able to earn authority.

Interpretation of dreams according to various dream books

Miller's dream book

A dream in which a person saw feces portends him a quick and easy enrichment. Perhaps the sleeper will win a large amount of money in the lottery or receive an inheritance. However, the money will be spent so quickly that a person will not understand where they have gone. The dream warns the dreamer that he should learn to be more careful with money and not waste it.

Loff's dream book

Watching children's excrement in a dream means the dreamer's complacency. But on the other hand, feces are a good symbol. A person at this stage of life is completely satisfied and happy.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga's dream book interprets a dream as something shameful and shameful. Perhaps soon a person will find himself in an awkward situation and he will be ashamed of his behavior in front of people for a long time to come.

Schiller's dream book

A dream in which a person sees dried feces on bedding symbolizes his dissatisfaction with his own life. A person should pull himself together and try to change something. Such actions will bring positive results.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

Seeing human feces in a dream and being disgusted is a positive sign. If the feces were fresh, then in the near future the dreamer will make a major purchase.

Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras

Touching someone's feces in a dream - to deception by loved ones or friends. Do not immediately get upset, the deception will be revealed in the very near future.

Lunar dream book

To see dog excrement in a dream - to the troubles that a relative will have. The dreamer will have to make every effort to help him. You may need to use some links.

Aesop's dream book

If a person dreamed of the feces of an unknown animal, then in reality the sleeping person will be deceived by a colleague. Someone wants to take the position of a dreamer and is trying with all his might to set him up.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

If in a dream a person began to defecate and at the same time feel discomfort, then in real life he needs to devote more time to work affairs and at the same time not forget about his family.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Find traces of feces on the body and start wiping them - to reveal the secret. Someone from close friends started rumors about a person and spreads them behind his back.

Seeing feces with worms is an unfavorable symbol that portends negative changes in life.

Gypsy dream book

To see human feces in a dream - to material prosperity. It is possible that a person will no longer have to worry about money for the rest of his life.

Modern dream book of N. Stepanova

Feces in a dream are a reflection of the essence of the sleeper. If a person dreamed of a large but neat pile of feces, it means that pleasant changes at work await him soon. Perhaps this is due to the increase in wages.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Dense feces that do not emit an unpleasant odor are a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Such a dream is especially favorable for businessmen - their business will begin to develop rapidly.

Noble dream book

To see feces in a dream according to a noble dream book is a positive sign. Very soon, the sleeper will suddenly become rich, without making any effort. Perhaps the dreamer will win a large sum in the lottery or repay a long-forgotten debt.

Chinese dream book

If the sleeper relieves himself in the wrong place, then in reality his new project will be rejected by the customer. Unfortunately, the dreamer will not be able to justify the hopes of the leadership.

Psychological dream book

Liquid feces in a dream promise problems. Over time, troubles will begin to grow like a snowball, and it will not be possible to cope with it without outside help.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Falling into a village toilet in a dream and getting dirty in feces is an unfavorable symbol that indicates to the sleeper that he is throwing a lot of money down the drain.

A dream in which the sleeper stepped on a pile of excrement portends him a change of place of residence or work.

It is quite difficult to find a person who would not know what feces are dreaming of. Everyone knows that seeing feces in a dream is for money. However, this is not always the case. It is necessary to take into account the many nuances of a dream that can slightly change the course of interpretation.

Feces in a dream can hardly be called a pleasant sight. But in fact, such a dream is a good sign that portends an increase in profits, career advancement or service, as well as an improvement in material well-being.

For a more detailed meaning of such a dream, one should study the interpretation of several dream books at once.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Evolution has changed quite a lot every inhabitant of the planet. Now we, unlike animals, perceive feces as something unaesthetic and unpleasant. But such a situation occurs only in reality. In a dream, a bunch of poop - to wealth, success or good luck. But it's not always so good. Some dream books do not accept general meanings. Some interpreters believe that any vision has both a negative and a positive side, so you need to remember all the details of sleep. But how do popular dream books interpret dreams with bowel movements?

Esoteric dream book

According to this dream book, feces in a dream portends the dreamer various troubles and meanness. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the origin of feces is of great importance.

According to Freud

Generally, see a lot of feces in a dream indicates that the dreamer has many different problems related to his personal life. But at the same time, a person does not want to involve outsiders to solve these problems, as he is afraid of gossip and betrayal.

Interpretation of Tsvetkova

Seeing human feces in a dream- to unexpected profit, gift or inheritance in real life. Most likely, in the future, a person will not need to worry about his financial situation, as he will be favored by happiness and good luck. This edition says that it is best to see children's feces in a dream, as they mean that any action, even obviously losing ones, will bring a big profit to the person who had the dream.

Interpretation of the Wanderer

This edition of the interpretation of dreams suggests that shit in a dream portends enrichment. But wealth will not fall from the sky, the dreamer will need to make every effort to do this.

Interpreter of Medea

Feces in a dream are reflection of the real essence of man. If the dreamer dreamed of a large, neatly decorated pile of feces, then this means that in the near future pleasant changes in the service await him. Dense feces, which does not emit a fetid odor in a dream, is a symbol of wealth, stability in life. If, during a trip to the toilet, a person experiences pain and any other unpleasant sensations, then this indicates that in reality a black streak will soon come. In this case, problems will haunt the dreamer for a long time.

Liquid feces in a dream promises existing troubles, to which new problems will be added. Perhaps a person no longer needs to rely only on his own strength, but should seek help from his close friends or colleagues.

If the dreamer relieves himself in a dream in the wrong place, then this means that the project of the sleeping person will soon be rejected at work. Most likely, in this case, the authorities expected something more from him, but the dreamer could not justify the hopes placed on him.

Noble Edition

According to the noble dream book seeing feces in a dream is a good sign, especially if the pile didn't disgust the person. According to his interpretation, some kind of profit awaits a person in the near future. At the same time, money, one might say, will fall from heaven. Of course, this phrase should not be taken literally. Most likely, some old debt will be returned to the dreamer, or it will be an unexpected bonus at work, or perhaps an inheritance awaits him.

If in a dream the dreamer stepped into a pile of feces, then this promises a change for the better. If a person recently quit his job, then in the near future he will have a more prestigious position.

What did the Maya say

According to Maya's dream book, dreaming of one's own excrement speaks of early changes in personal relationships. Most likely, the dreamer is expected to quarrel with his partner, but the dreamer himself will be the culprit. If a bird shit on a sleeping person in a dream, then in real life monetary rewards await him. However, these rewards will not be particularly large.

Ancient English interpreter of dreams

According to this edition, seeing your own feces in a dream is a bad sign.

If the dreamer is smeared in feces in a dream, then this is a signal of a strong drop in status in life. Many friends and acquaintances will turn their backs on a person, but one must try to survive this period, as well as get rid of painful problems as soon as possible.

If the poop was scattered around the sleeper, but at the same time he did not get dirty in them, this means that in real life he will have the opportunity to make good money. Most likely, the dreamer will not take advantage of this opportunity.

If in a dream a person cannot normally wipe himself off after an act of defecation, then in reality he got into a good mess, and he will have to answer for his sins for a long time.

The dreamed shit in the hands is a signal of good profit and financial well-being.

What will Meneghetti say?

The interpretation of this sonic suggests that defecating in a dream is a reflection of something in real life. Most likely, a person is simply dissatisfied with his own life and believes that his existence is meaningless, and his actions are useless. In this case, the publication recommends visiting a psychologist.

Miller's interpretation

And why dream of human feces according to Miller's dream book?

If the dreamer accidentally saw feces, then this is a signal that he shows weakness in resolving some controversial issues. For the most part, a person is guided by the opinions of others who take advantage of this. Miller's dream book in this case recommends getting rid of such weakness and starting to train your own willpower. It is necessary to learn how to refuse obsessive people, who in the near future may sit on the dreamer's neck and live off him.

What else do feces say in a dream

To give your dream a correct interpretation, you need to try to remember a few details, for example, who owned the feces: children's, your own, animals or birds.

Animal feces

Usually , animal feces lead to money and other profits. But here it is also necessary to take into account the fact to which animal the feces belonged. If you dreamed of cat feces, then this suggests that in reality you should be careful. There is a high probability of danger to enter the wrong path.

If you dreamed a lot of dog feces, then such a dream suggests that you need to be careful. There is a chance to get involved in a dubious business, after which a person will feel shame, and will also be disgraced.

Own feces

And why do you dream of your fecal masses? When interpreting such a dream, it is necessary to take into account the color, quantity and environment. If the feces were liquid, then they symbolize the internal state of a person. Liquid feces in a dream mean that the dreamer will go unnoticed. It can also talk about betrayal by loved ones. Perhaps the sleeping person will be undeservedly slandered.

A solid feces in a dream means that the dreamer wants to help someone with deed or advice, but the offer will be rejected. The same interpretation follows if the sleeper decides to poop, but he is tormented by constipation.

If you dreamed of feces in your mouth, then this suggests that the dreamer is too illegible in his expressions.

If the sleeper fell into feces or fell into the toilet, then this promises an unpleasant situation, a threat to be disgraced in front of a large team. Dream Interpretations advise not to react to provocations in the near future, to be patient and restrained.

In general, human feces indicate that the dreamer is too conservative. He needs to take a fresh look at the world around him.

If the dreamer wipes his own excrement in a dream, then you need to think about your past. Most likely, someone has information about the life of the sleeping person. And he does not wish the dreamer well.

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