The most effective drugs for anemia. Effective medicines for anemia. Changes in the skin and its appendages

Iron preparations for low hemoglobin in adults and children are a common medical prescription. Coming to the pharmacy, a person is lost from the abundance of drugs. They differ in the valency of iron (bivalent or trivalent), in the type of iron compound (organic - huconates, malates, succinylates, chelate forms and inorganic - sulfates, chlorides, hydroxides), in the method of administration (oral - tablets, drops, syrups and parenteral - intramuscular and intravenous forms).

If in the treatment of anemia the best iron preparation is recommended to you by a doctor, then for a preventive increase in iron stores in the blood, you often have to figure out all this disgraceful variety on your own. We will deal with the analysis of drugs that are effective in iron deficiency.

Reasons for the development of iron deficiency

The body contains 3 to 5 grams of iron. Most of it (75-80%) is found in red blood cells, part of it is in muscle tissue (5-10%), about 1% is part of many body enzymes. The bone marrow, spleen, and liver are storage sites for reserve iron.

Iron is involved in the vital processes of our body, so it is so important to maintain a balance between its intake and loss. When the iron excretion rate is higher than the iron intake rate, various iron deficiency states develop.

If a person is healthy, then the excretion of iron from our body is insignificant. The content of iron is controlled mostly by changing the level of its absorption in the intestine. In food, iron is present in two forms: Fe III (trivalent) and Fe II (bivalent). When entering the digestive tract, inorganic iron dissolves, ions and iron chelates are formed.

Chelated forms of iron are best absorbed. Ascorbic acid contributes to the formation of iron chelates. In addition, fructose, succinic and citric acids, amino acids (for example, cysteine, lysine, histidine) help iron chelation.

Causes of iron deficiency:

  • Decrease in the efficiency of iron absorption in the digestive tract (increase in the speed of food passing through the digestive tract, the presence of inflammation in the intestines, surgical interventions on the intestines and stomach, digestive disorders, etc.);
  • An increase in the body's need for iron (during intensive growth, pregnancy, lactation, etc.);
  • Decreased iron intake due to nutritional characteristics (anorexia, vegetarianism, etc.);
  • Acute and chronic blood loss (gastric bleeding with ulcers, bleeding in the intestines, kidneys, nasal, uterine and other localizations);
  • As a result of tumor diseases, prolonged inflammatory processes;
  • Decreased synthesis of iron transport proteins (for example, transferrin);
  • Destruction of blood cells with subsequent loss of iron (hemolytic anemia);
  • Increased intake of calcium in the body - more than 2 g / day;
  • Lack of trace elements (cobalt, copper).

The body constantly loses iron with feces, urine, sweat, hair, nails, during menstruation.

The male body loses 0.8-1 mg of iron per day. Women lose iron more during menstruation. For a month, women lose an additional 0.5 mg of iron. With blood loss of 30 ml, the body loses 15 mg of iron. Iron consumption is significantly increased in pregnant and lactating mothers.

Losses of iron in excess of 2 mg/day lead to the development of iron deficiency. Since the body is not able to replenish more than 2 mg of iron per day.

Iron deficiency often occurs in women also because their iron stores are 3 times less than in men. And the incoming iron does not always cover the costs.

In Russia, the hidden deficiency of iron in some areas reaches 50%. Almost 12% of girls of childbearing age have an iron deficiency condition. 75-95% of all anemias in pregnancy are iron deficiency. Iron deficiency in pregnant women can lead to weakness in labor, miscarriages, excessive blood loss during childbirth, reduced lactation, and a decrease in newborn weight.

The use of iron supplements in pregnant women to reduce the risk of developing anemia is justified in the third trimester, and the intake is continued 2-3 months after delivery. Additional sources of iron are not given to term newborns in the first 3 months. Premature babies are given iron supplements at an earlier date.

The required daily intake of iron in boys is 0.35-0.7 mg / day. In girls before the onset of menstruation - 0.3-0.45 mg.

What can reduce the intake of iron with food:

  • Excess phosphate in food;
  • Oxalic acid found in some plants;
  • Tannin, which gives a tart taste, reduces the absorption of iron;
  • Tea reduces iron intake by 60%, coffee by 40%;
  • Phytate found in wheat bran, rice, nuts and corn;
  • Too much fiber in food
  • Substances that neutralize the hydrochloric acid of the stomach - antacids;
  • Egg white, soy and milk protein;
  • Some preservatives, such as EDTA.

Rules for taking iron supplements

Iron preparations are used to reduce the risk of iron deficiency, as well as in the complex treatment of anemia.

Traditionally, treatment begins with oral tablet forms. Preference is given to drugs that can give fast growth hemoglobin in the blood with a low risk of side effects.

Usually begin with the appointment of high dosages of iron: 100-200 mg / day. A similar amount of iron is able to compensate for the costs of the body for the formation of the required amount of hemoglobin. When exceeding the dosage of 200 mg / day, side effects are much more common.

If the drug is chosen correctly, hemoglobin returns to normal in 15-30 days. When the blood counts reach the desired values, the iron preparation is continued for at least 2 months to replenish iron stores (in the bone marrow, liver, spleen).

How to take iron supplements correctly:

  • Before meals or during meals. Bioavailability does not depend on the time of day, but there are recommendations to take in the evening;
  • It is recommended to drink clean water;
  • You can not drink milk, coffee, tea due to a decrease in absorption;
  • You should not combine oral iron preparations with agents that block the production or neutralize the action of hydrochloric acid: antacids (baking soda, phosphalugel, almagel, gastal, rennie, etc.), proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole, etc.);
  • Iron preparations affect the action of some antibiotics, so taking these drugs should be separated in time by 2 hours;
  • The intake of iron supplements is not compatible with the use of alcohol. Alcohol enhances iron absorption and increases the risk of iron toxicity;
  • Iron absorption will not be affected by magnesium (magne B6, magnelis, cardiomagnyl, magnesium chelate), but extreme calcium dosages of 2 grams or more can reduce it.

Features of iron preparations

In the case of iron deficiency anemia, preparations of two (Fe II) and trivalent (Fe III) iron are taken. Preparations with Fe II have a higher bioavailability than trivalent. Molecular iron in these preparations is enclosed in organic and inorganic compounds, which also differ in their bioavailability and tolerability (frequency of side effects).

I. Inorganic ferrous salts

The most common representative of the inorganic iron compound in preparations with Fe II is ferrous sulfate. It is characterized by relatively low bioavailability (up to 10%) and frequent side effects associated with irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Such iron preparations are usually cheaper than analogues in cost. The most popular representatives that can be found in pharmacies: Sorbifer Durules, Aktiferrin, Aktiferrin compositum, Ferro-Folgamma, Fenyuls, Tardiferon, Feroplekt. To increase the bioavailability of iron, ascorbic and folic acid are often included in the composition.

Pharmacies will provide you with a rather modest choice if you want to buy an iron preparation with ferric chloride. Ferrous iron, which is part of the inorganic salt, will not please with a bioavailability of 4%, and does not guarantee the absence of side effects. Representative: Hemofer.

II. Organic ferrous salts

Combine higher bioavailability of Fe II and organic salts, bioavailability can reach 30-40%. Less common side effects associated with the use of the iron preparation. Medications are well tolerated during pregnancy and lactation. The disadvantages include the higher cost of these drugs.

  • The combination of organic salts of iron, copper and manganese gluconates is presented in the French preparation Totem, which is available as a solution.
  • Combination of ferrous fumarate and folic acid hidden in a capsule of Austrian origin - Ferretab.
  • A complex composition of chelated forms of ferrous gluconate, ascorbic acid, synergistic herbs can be found in Iron Chelate- bad American production. It is not a drug, but serves as an excellent source of easily digestible iron with virtually no side effects.

III. Inorganic ferric compounds

They are characterized by low bioavailability of these forms of iron (up to 10%). The most common form of release is injectable.

This form of drugs solves the problem of manifestation of side effects associated with irritation of the mucosa. gastrointestinal tract. But it adds a number of necessary conditions for the implementation of the drug and the associated side effects and complications. They are the drugs of choice for severe forms of anemia, with pathologies of the digestive tract, leading to a decrease in iron absorption.

The route of administration (parenteral - intravenous or intramuscular injections, oral - tablets, drops, syrup or solution) does not affect the availability of iron itself. Safer - oral, parenteral prescribed according to indications.

The active substance is complexes with iron hydroxide. Folic acid is used as an excipient. Popular representatives: Ferrum Lek, Maltofer, Maltofer Fall, Biofer, Ferinject, Ferroksid, Ferropol, Venofer, CosmoFer, Likferr, Monofer.

IV. Organic ferric compounds

Presented by the Spanish drug Ferlatum in two modifications: with and without folic acid. Available in the form of a solution for oral administration.

List of iron preparations for low hemoglobin for adults and children

Name /
The form
Inorganic salts of Fe II
Sorbifer Durules /
tab. 320 mg /
Sulfate 100 mg/tab. Vitamin C
Aktiferrin /
caps. 300 mg/
Sulfate 34.5 mg/caps. L-serine
drops /
30 ml
9.48 mg/ml
syrup /
100 ml
6.87 mg/ml
compositum /
caps /
5.9 34.5 mg/caps. L-serine
folic acid,
Ferro Folgamma /
caps. /
Sulfate 37 mg/caps. Ascorbic,
folic acid,
Fenyuls /
caps. /
Sulfate 45 mg/caps. Ascorbic,
pantothenic to-ta,
Ferroplex /
dragee /
Sulfate 50 mg/dr. Ascorbic acid
Tardiferon /
tab. /
Sulfate 80 mg/tab.
Gino-Tardiferon /
16.33 Folic acid
Ferrogradumet / (Serbia) tab. /
Sulfate 105 mg/tab.
Feroplect /
tab /
Sulfate 10 mg/tab. Ascorbic acid
Gemofer / (Poland) drops /
Chloride 44 mg/ml
Organic Fe II salts
Totem /
solution /
Gluconate 50 mg/10 ml copper gluconate and
Ferretab /
caps. /
Fumarate 50 mg/caps. Folic acid
Iron Chelate /
tab. /
14.52 Chelate, gluconate 25 mg/tab. Ascorbic acid,
calcium chelate,
collection of synergistic herbs
Inorganic compounds Fe III
Ferrum Lek /
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
syrup /
100 ml
50 mg/5 ml
tab. chew /
100 mg/tab
Maltofer /
tab. /
Hydroxide 100 mg/tab.
syrup /
150 ml
10 mg/ml
injection solution /
100 mg/2 ml
drops /
30 ml
50 mg/ml
Maltofer Foul/
tab. /
100 mg/tab. Folic acid
tab. /
Hydroxide 100 mg/tab. Folic acid
injection solution /
2/10 ml
Hydroxide 50 mg/ml
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
drops /
30 ml
Hydroxide 50 mg/ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 100 mg/5 ml
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 100 mg/5 ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 200 mg/2 ml
Organic Fe III salts
solution /
Succinylate 40 mg/15 ml
Ferlatum Fall/
solution /
Succinylate 40 mg/15 ml calcium folinate

Complications and side effects when taking iron supplements

The most common complications associated with the digestive tract:

  • feeling of bloating;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • vomiting, feeling of nausea;
  • stool disorder (diarrhea or constipation).

The severity of these symptoms depends on the amount of iron that is not absorbed in the intestine. Accordingly, the higher the bioavailability of iron in preparations, the better the tolerability of the treatment and prevention of anemia.

Iron preparations often stain the feces dark or black. Black stools, usually a sign of bleeding, this case it simply indicates that some part of the iron has not been assimilated and does not portend any threat.

In some cases, iron preparations affect the color of the teeth, leading to the appearance of a temporary dark plaque. This property spoils appearance teeth. To prevent plaque, it is recommended not to dilute liquid forms of iron with anything and to thoroughly brush your teeth after taking it.

There are also allergic reactions and intolerance to individual components of the drug: the appearance of itching, rash, urticaria, asthma. You should immediately stop taking the drug and seek help from a doctor.

In case of violation of the technique of administering injectable forms of drugs, it is often found:

  • the appearance of abscesses;
  • skin staining at the injection site;
  • atrophic changes;
  • the appearance of painful seals in the injection area.

When injected, an overdose of iron in the body is more common.

Excessive intake of iron can lead to an overload of the body with it - hemosiderosis. Often this condition occurs in men. They do not lose as much iron as women and often get it from some alcoholic beverages (ports, cognacs, red wines, ciders). Certain types of cider in some European countries may contain 16 or more mg of iron per liter.


With iron deficiency anemia, for successful treatment, it is necessary to take iron supplements, use time-tested folk remedies. Otherwise, the patient complains of general weakness, and more frequent fainting becomes an unpleasant surprise for him. It is required to act immediately, especially since iron in tablets and ampoules is sold freely and in most cases is available to the patient at a price, it is dispensed without a medical prescription.

What are iron preparations

These are medical preparations of various forms of release, the active component of which is iron, which is necessary for the restoration of hematopoiesis. It is possible to determine the iron deficiency state by a blood test, and the patient himself feels internal weakness, other signs of anemia. This is a disease that needs to be treated, otherwise the consequences and complications apply to all internal organs, systems. As an effective prevention, you can use vitamins with iron for women and men, systematically or seasonally increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Classification of iron preparations

If anemia is detected in a patient, doctors prescribe drugs with iron in a full course, which can be equated according to the principle of action to multivitamin complexes. Depending on the method of administration of the daily dose, there is a conditional classification of characteristic drugs, which additionally differs in the speed of the onset of the therapeutic effect, recovery. For example, tablets for oral intake act slowly, while the effect of injectable drugs is more rapid and productive. A more detailed classification is presented below.

For oral administration

When anemia occurs, iron preparations are prescribed in the form of capsules, tablets or dragees. It is indicated to take such medications orally, while not chewing, drinking plenty of water and not violating the prescribed daily dosage. When ingested, active substances reach the stomach, from where they are absorbed and distributed through the systemic circulation. This does not happen quickly, and the expected therapeutic effect is sometimes very frustrating with its mediocrity.

The optimal dose of iron entering the patient's body should correspond to 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight. It is not recommended to overestimate it, since there are side effects, medical contraindications. Below are the best of the best medicines available in tablet form:

  • Ferroplex;
  • Maltofer;
  • NovaFerrum;
  • Theozol;
  • Tardiferon.

parenteral therapy

With extensive intestinal pathologies, the process of iron absorption with its further distribution through the blood is disrupted. In such cases, the patient is prescribed parenteral therapy with the involvement of drugs with a capacious iron content. It is appropriate to perform similar injections for stomach ulcers and iron intolerance, as a valuable component of immunity. The maximum allowable dose in such a clinical picture is 100 mg, there are contraindications. Below are the most effective liquid preparations with iron for injections:

  • Venofer;
  • Zhektofer;
  • Ferbitol;
  • Ferrlecite;
  • Ferrum Lek.

For intravenous administration

This is a better appointment for progressive anemia, since the maximum concentration in the blood of iron reaches 30-40 minutes after the injection. Kneading the stomach, the valuable components of the drug immediately begin to restore the disturbed circulatory system, somewhat change the composition of the blood. Such drugs are available in the form of injections, and are used more often as emergency care for a patient with pathologically low hemoglobin. From the best side, the following medications have proven themselves:

  • CosmoFer;
  • Infed;
  • Ektofer;
  • Ferinject.

Vitamins containing iron

For prevention, the doctor prescribes modern multivitamin complexes that contain iron in their natural composition. Such drugs can rarely cause side effects, but it is also important to follow the recommended daily doses. Among the advantages of such an appointment, it is necessary to emphasize that the intake of characteristic drugs exceeds the absorption of dietary iron by 20 times. However, the result of treatment and prevention depends not only on the dosage, but also on right choice multivitamin complex.

For women

When choosing reliable vitamins, it is important to once again make sure that the concentration of iron prevailing in the composition is able to fill the daily need of the body for such a microelement. Only in this case, the treatment will be as effective as possible, will not harm the general state of health. Effective multivitamin complexes include the following pharmacological products, which can be freely purchased at any pharmacy:

  • Complivit Iron;
  • Elevit Pronatal (allowed during pregnancy);
  • AlfaVit Classic;
  • Vitacap (allowed for pregnant women);
  • Teravit.

For men

Iron-deficiency anemia can progress in the male body. Treatment should be timely, otherwise, among the signs of a characteristic ailment, doctors focus on joint pain, sleep and appetite disturbances, fatigue and increased drowsiness. Proper nutrition is not always able to restore the hemoglobin in the blood, so the basis effective treatment become medications for anemia on the recommendation of the attending physician. Here are effective medicines in a given direction:

  • Velman;
  • Complivit,
  • Vitrum.

The use of so-called "stimulants" to raise the level of hemoglobin is necessary at any age, otherwise the disturbances in the body due to iron deficiency anemia become chronic. The development of the disease at first is expressed by general weakness, but then there are more serious consequences for immunity and the entire organic resource. Sitting on a therapeutic diet and eating food from iron products, the desired result cannot be achieved in full. Additionally, it is recommended to use the following medications in a specific clinical picture:

  • totem;
  • Tardiferon;
  • NovaFerrum;
  • Ferroplex;
  • Hemopher.

For kids

Taking such medications in childhood is indicated with great caution, since a violation of the daily dose can lead to the development of dangerous diseases in the child's body. Therefore, such an appointment should be previously agreed with the attending physician, and the doses should be determined according to the age category of the clinical patient. For a child, it is appropriate to use the following medications:

  • Aktiferrin (capsules from 7 years old);
  • Heferol (from 12 years old);
  • Ferroplex (allowed from 3 years old);
  • Tardiferon (tablets from 6 years old);
  • Hemofer prolongatum (according to the weight category of the young patient).

Ferrous preparations

The active component of such medicines is ferric sulfate or chloride, which is rapidly absorbed into the systemic circulation, long time maintains an increased concentration in the blood. Children are recommended trivalent iron, safer for health. Medicines based on iron salts are supposed to be taken in a daily dose of 200 mg. The following are reliable options for what a cure for anemia involving ferrous iron might be:

  • Sorbifer;
  • Hemopher;
  • Maltofer;
  • Gino - Tardiferon;
  • Aktiferrin;
  • Ferrum Lek.

Pregnancy and iron supplements

If a woman is diagnosed with B12-deficiency anemia in an “interesting position”, the doctor prescribes drugs with the presence of iron, an additional intake of folic acid. Take such medicines strictly according to the instructions, otherwise, through ignorance or negligence, you can harm the intrauterine development of the embryo. The main goal is to increase hemoglobin, prevent oxygen starvation and fetal hypoxia. More often, the doctor recommends drugs Elevit Pronatal and Vitacap, produced in the form of tablets. The following are valuable recommendations for pregnant patients:

  1. Prophylactically, the dose of the medication chosen with the doctor should not exceed 30–40 mg of iron per day.
  2. Iron deficiency anemia progressing during pregnancy is treated with 100-200 mg of iron per day.
  3. If the disease was formed before pregnancy and acquired a chronic form, during the 9 months of gestation, it is supposed to drink 200 mg of the glands.

Which iron supplements are best?

When buying any medication, the patient is counting on the positive dynamics of the aspen disease, and drugs for the treatment of anemia are no exception. Some patients are sure that the solution for intravenous administration (iron in ampoules) is a panacea, while others choose a more gentle way of using the drug - syrup or tablets. In any case, the characteristic medication and its daily doses should be prescribed by the attending physician. Below are the favorites of such new generation pharmacological products:

  • Sorbifer Durules;
  • totem;
  • Heferol;
  • Hemopher Prolangatum;
  • Tardiferron.

Admission rules

Before choosing from the catalog, ordering and buying a medicine in an online store, you need to decide on the form of release of the medicine, the relevance of such an acquisition and the permissible daily doses. This is necessary to reduce the risk of side effects, accelerate the positive dynamics of the underlying disease, rapid and final recovery. Here are valuable recommendations for patients who will be taking medications containing glands in the chemical composition:

  1. If these are tablets, do not chew a single dose, but swallow it whole, while drinking plenty of water. Drops for oral administration can be pre-dissolved in water and then drunk.
  2. best method introduction of iron into the body - intramuscularly or intravenously (using a dropper), since in this way the process of absorption of active components is accelerated, the absence of irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Before buying a medicine in tablets or vials, you need to determine the valency of iron. For example, for better absorption of ferrous iron, vitamin C is needed, and trivalent iron requires special amino acids (serine).

Side effects

During treatment, the general condition of the patient may suddenly worsen. This is due to a systematic violation of daily dosages, or the body does not tolerate such active components of the prescribed medication. Side effects are temporary and require immediate correction of daily dosages. If such valuable recommendations are ignored, the clinical picture only worsens, and the symptoms of the pathology become more pronounced:

  • problems from the digestive tract, represented by indigestion, bloating, chronic constipation;
  • pathology of tooth enamel, which becomes faded and brittle, and teeth may even begin to collapse;
  • on the part of the skin, doctors do not exclude allergic reactions in the form of a rash, urticaria, skin itching.

How to choose

It is important to start choosing not from the price of a medical product, but from the concentration of iron, which prevails in each tablet. It is very important not to harm health, besides, the excess of the characteristic trace element is still not absorbed by the body. Therefore, the name of the medication should be additionally agreed with the doctor, to avoid iron overdose. Other equally relevant selection criteria are detailed below:

  1. Compound. For treatment, it is desirable to focus on the concentration of iron in the preparation; for prevention, you can give preference to multivitamin complexes for general strengthening of the whole organism.
  2. Release form. Iron supplements are easier to take in tablet form. However, if you need a quick action, it is better to stop the choice on injectable drugs with rapid entry into the systemic circulation.
  3. Manufacturer and cost. Such nuances of conservative treatment, prevention need to be discussed on an individual basis. However, it is worth noting that domestic products of medicines are no worse than imported ones.


The cost of drugs with a concentration of iron in the natural composition is different, but doctors strongly recommend not to save on such an important acquisition, your own health. This is explained by the need for rapid positive dynamics, which will help to avoid serious complications of iron deficiency anemia. Below are the prices of both cheap medicines and expensive ones that meet all the stated requirements of the clinical patient and the attending physician. So:


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment, based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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It belongs to the most common ailments and occurs in people of any age category. Low level hemoglobin affects well-being, reduces activity and performance. Whatever the causes of the disease, but iron preparations for anemia must be present in therapy. Pharmaceutical companies offer many names and formulations of this group of medicines.

Why does the body need iron?

Iron is a unique trace element that is vital for the body. As part of hemoglobin, it is involved in the supply of every cell and organs with oxygen. The normal functioning of the circulatory system without iron is simply impossible. In addition, the element is necessary for the process of cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of cells of the protective (immune) system, and the neutralization of accumulations harmful products in the liver.

Iron deficiency leads to a serious pathology - iron deficiency anemia, which affects about 20% of humanity. The disease is most dangerous for newborns, pregnant women, adolescents.

Iron deficiency: causes

Iron deficiency can develop for the following reasons:

  • malnutrition, obsession with strict diets;
  • blood loss of various etiologies (including those caused by peptic ulcer, hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhage);
  • severe blood loss during menstruation in women;
  • a period of rapid body growth in children and adolescents;
  • pathology of the female reproductive system (myoma, endometriosis);
  • surgical intervention.

In order to restore the balance of the microelement, it is necessary, first of all, to seek medical help, undergo diagnostics, and pass laboratory tests. A qualified doctor will select a treatment regimen and prescribe the best iron preparations. With anemia, it is important to eliminate the cause that led to the development of the disease.

Iron deficiency anemia in children

The lack of an element is fixed even in newborn babies. This can provoke a number of undesirable consequences, because from the end of the last trimester and in the first year of life, the development of brain structures occurs. Iron deficiency, lack of oxygen in the body can lead to physical and mental retardation, weakening of protective functions (immunity). At primary school age, this will manifest itself in the form of inattention, rapid fatigue, and a decrease in learning abilities.

During the childbearing period expectant mother it is necessary to control the level of hemoglobin, since iron deficiency is often associated precisely with its lack in the body of a woman. In premature babies, pathology develops much faster.

In adolescence, iron deficiency anemia is associated with intense growth. The onset of menstruation in girls also affects its appearance. The body at this time needs the most correct and balanced nutrition.

Iron preparations for anemia for children should be prescribed by a pediatrician, taking into account the age of the patient and the individual tolerance of all components of the drug. Preference will be given to funds in liquid (syrup, drops) or tablet form. The therapeutic course can last from 6 to 12 weeks (taking into account the degree of anemia). In some cases, the treatment of the baby may be delayed for six months.

Women are at risk!

Almost every woman has an iron deficiency. This is due to regular blood loss (menstruation), a lack of foods enriched with trace elements in the diet, pregnancy and breastfeeding (during these periods, iron should be supplied to the body in double quantity).

Anemia is fraught with serious consequences during gestation:

  • hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
  • disturbances in the development of the fetus;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • premature birth;
  • weak labor activity.

The woman will be prescribed iron supplements for anemia, which must be taken until the hemoglobin level returns to normal levels. It is also necessary to review the diet and introduce foods containing a large amount of iron.

What are iron preparations?

In medicines, iron (non-heme) is present in bi- and trivalent forms. The first type is better absorbed by the body, and it is also more bioavailable. When taking ferric iron, it must be borne in mind that such products should contain an antioxidant (for example, ascorbic acid), which will convert it into a divalent form.

Medicines based on iron hydroxide polymaltose (III), compared with sulfate, are safer, well tolerated and rarely cause side effects. In any case, without a doctor's prescription, it is forbidden to take iron supplements for anemia. An excess of a trace element in the body can lead to undesirable consequences: it will begin to oxidize and infect the cells that it meets on the way. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis and undergo an examination.

When are iron supplements prescribed?

It is impossible to defeat iron deficiency anemia without iron-based drugs. Only a small part of the required amount of this element is absorbed with food.

Drug therapy is started when the following symptoms of iron deficiency are detected:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • pallor of mucous surfaces;
  • peeling and pallor of the skin;
  • glossitis, stomatitis;
  • severe hair loss;
  • fragility of nails;
  • perverted taste preferences (the desire to eat chalk, clay, eggshells, paper);
  • dystrophy of the nail plates (in the advanced stage of anemia);
  • frequent colds against the background of reduced immunity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • low hemoglobin values;
  • palpitations with little physical exertion.

Only a doctor can tell you which iron preparations are best taken for anemia. The dosage and duration of therapy are selected individually (depending on the level of hemoglobin and ferritin in the blood serum). It is impossible to increase the daily dose of iron, as this will lead to its overabundance and provoke the development of serious pathologies in the body.

Iron preparations for intramuscular administration for anemia

Parenteral administration of iron preparations is indicated when standard therapy does not improve the patient's condition. Intravenous or intramuscular administration is prescribed by the attending physician and is carried out under strict control over the further reaction of the patient.

Parenteral administration of drugs is prescribed for individual intolerance to oral iron preparations, stomach ulcers, malabsorption and the need to quickly replenish the lack of a microelement (severe anemia). This method of treatment can cause serious complications in the form of allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, abscess at the injection site, iron deposits on the internal organs.

Iron preparations for anemia, the names of which are given below, are used for intramuscular administration.

  1. "Jektofer" - a complex compound of ferrous iron with citric acid and sorbitol, 100 mg per ampoule.
  2. "Ferrum Lek" - ferric hydroxide with dextran, 100 mg per ampoule. Before initial use, it is necessary to conduct a tolerance test (¼ dose is administered).
  3. "CosmoFer" is a preparation containing ferric iron in combination with dextran. It is used for both intramuscular and intravenous administration.

How to choose iron preparations?

For patients diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, it is preferable to take drugs in the form of tablets. This will help avoid staining the enamel of your teeth. For better absorption, it is necessary to choose products that contain ascorbic acid. Particular attention is paid to the dosage. It is optimal to use 80 mg of iron to avoid the negative consequences of an overabundance of the element.

The best iron preparations for anemia: reviews

The pharmaceutical market offers great amount drugs with iron in various forms of release. Customer reviews indicate what to choose effective drugs iron for anemia and the doctor should calculate the dosage necessary in a particular case. The most effective products based on ferrous iron include:

  • "Sorbifer Durules" (Hungary).
  • "Tardiferron" (France).
  • "Aktiferrin" (Germany).
  • "Totem" (France).
  • Ferroplex (Hungary).
  • "Hemofer Prolangatum" (Poland).
  • "Heferol" (Macedonia).

Ferric iron preparations belong to a new generation. They were designed in such a way as to minimize side effects and overdose.

The following iron preparations for iron deficiency anemia are considered the best for the body:

  • Ferrum Lek (Slovenia).
  • "Maltofer" (Switzerland).
  • "Venofer" (Switzerland).
  • CosmoFer (Denmark).
  • "Fenyuls" (India).
  • "Likferr" (Russia).

In addition to taking iron supplements, it is necessary to review the diet and introduce foods that will promote the absorption of iron from medicines.

Oxygen starvation affects the development of babies and can lead to grave consequences. Therefore, it is not surprising that many parents are looking for the best iron preparation for anemia, which will be well received by the child's body and quickly restore hemoglobin levels. The duration of treatment should be at least 2 months.

For the younger age category of children, iron preparations in the form of drops and syrup are suitable. Babies from birth to 2 years old can take Hemofer, Aktiferrin, Maltofer. They are also prescribed to premature babies in whom anemia develops by the 2nd month of life.

In the period from 2 to 5 years, for the treatment of iron deficiency, it is convenient for a child to give medicines in the form of a syrup (Ferronal, Ferrum Lek, Aktiferrin). Older children can take iron in tablet form to avoid yellow staining of tooth enamel.

The dosage is calculated strictly by the pediatrician, and it is forbidden to exceed it. If the doctor has prescribed a complex iron preparation, there is no need to additionally give ascorbic acid to the child.

The drug "Tardiferon": brief information

Faced with the problem of anemia, it is necessary to know which iron preparations for anemia will have the most positive effect and will not cause disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Attention should be paid to the drug "Tardiferon" with prolonged action.

The composition of the drug contains the substance of mucoproteosis, due to which the active component of ferrous sulfate is released more slowly, which ensures good tolerability. Ascorbic acid provides absorption, the process of which begins in the small intestine and does not adversely affect the gastric mucosa. Assign "Tardiferon" if necessary, treatment or as a prophylaxis of iron deficiency.

The drug is allowed to be used by children from 6 years of age and women in position (from 4 months of pregnancy). Using the remedy according to the doctor's prescriptions and without increasing the recommended dosage, you can not worry about the occurrence of side effects.

The drug "Maltofer": description

The best iron preparations for anemia are produced on the basis of Fe (III). "Maltofer" refers to this group of medicines. A significant advantage is also the variety of forms of application: drops, syrup, tablets (chewable), parenteral solution and oral liquid. Each type has its own dosage of the active substance.

Chewable tablets are specially designed for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Drops and syrup is the ideal form for pediatric use. The drug is highly effective, which is confirmed by positive feedback from patients. "Maltofer" quickly increases the level of hemoglobin in both children and adults. The course of treatment for iron deficiency can be from 2 to 5 months.

Despite good tolerability and rare cases of side effects, "Maltofer" is prescribed only by a doctor (like other iron preparations for anemia). The names of the analogues of the remedy: "Ferrum Lek" and "Aktiferrin".

The drug "Hemofer"

Another anti-anemic agent based on ferrous iron. Available in the form of yellow-green drops. It can be prescribed for infants, including those born prematurely, during pregnancy and lactation, in the presence of iron deficiency anemia or for the purpose of prevention.

The daily dose of "Hemofer" is calculated depending on the age of the patient. For adults, it should not exceed 200 mg per day, and for children - no more than 3 mg per kilogram of weight. Side effects of the drug in the form of abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, bouts of nausea, vomiting often occur with an overdose.

In order to avoid darkening of the tooth enamel, it is recommended to take Hemofer drops with a straw. After drinking, drink juice or water. The drug contains glucose, so it is necessary to control the sugar level in patients with diabetes.

Interactions of iron preparations with other medicines

Before using antianemic drugs, it is necessary to warn the attending physician about treatment with other drugs. Iron preparations for anemia are not used with enzyme drugs, chloramphenicol and tetracyclines. The absorption of the microelement in the gastrointestinal tract will be reduced: carbonates, phosphates, zinc salts, antacids.

The concentration of iron in the body rises sharply with simultaneous estrogen therapy. It is undesirable to combine non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with anti-anemic drugs. This will enhance the negative, irritating effect on the mucous surface of the stomach.

Nutrition during treatment with iron preparations

Therapeutic diet is another key to successful therapy. Products in the daily diet should not block the effect that iron supplements have on anemia. Reviews of experts indicate that caffeine (black tea, coffee, cocoa), milk, whole grains, some vegetables (beets, cabbage), legumes, nuts should be excluded from the menu.

The nutrition of a patient with iron deficiency should be as varied as possible and consist of foods containing a large amount of this trace element. Of particular benefit will be the daily consumption of red meat, liver (pork and beef), fish. It is advisable to cook such products for a couple. The amount of fat must be limited, because they inhibit the process of hematopoiesis. Sausages, sausages and minced meat dishes are also excluded.

It is necessary to consume fruits and berries containing vitamin C for better absorption of iron in the body. It is better to replace strong tea and coffee with juices, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions.

  • Why do we need iron preparations;

  • Why does a person need iron in the body, and how is its deficiency formed;

  • How iron tabletsdifferent from injections;

  • What kind iron supplements for anemiabetter: with ferrous or ferric iron;

  • What features doesmedical treatment for anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is the most common form of anemia (90% of all recorded cases). It is diagnosed in every third child and in almost all pregnant and lactating women. Patients with IDA are always prescribed replacement therapy - this ispreparations containing iron,for oral and parenteral administration. The success of treatment largely depends on themedicine for anemiathe patient will receivedrugs for anemiamust be selected individually, taking into account age, the presence of concomitant diseases, the rate of decrease in hemoglobin and tolerability different types therapy.

Drugs for iron deficiency anemiafill the daily need of the body and lead to the accumulation of deposited reserves of the microelement in the liver and muscle tissue. The dose of the active substance in them is much higher than a person can get from food. This allows you to quickly restore the level of hemoglobin to normal.

The role of iron in the human body

The normal content of iron in the body of a healthy adult is about 4 grams. Most of it (2.5 g) is part of hemoglobin, the rest is in the liver, muscles and bone marrow. The trace element is constantly consumed, so 10-20 mg of iron should be supplied daily with food.

The need for women is about twice as high as for men, this is due to the fact that female body loses more iron (due to menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding). Therefore, women are often prescribed preparations for raising the content iron in the blood for preventive purposes.

Iron functions:

    Transporting oxygen to cells- an iron molecule in the composition of hemoglobin is able to attach oxygen molecules and give them away;

    Hormone production- iron is involved in the work of the thyroid gland;

    Metabolism - iron is necessary for the work of many enzymes responsible for cholesterol metabolism, immune responses, hematopoiesis;

    Physical activity and muscle growth- iron is part of myoglobin (the main protein of muscle fibers).

The lack of iron obtained from food may not manifest itself at first, since at this time the body will use up the deposited reserves - this stage is called latent iron deficiency, it is difficult to detect without special tests. If you start takingiron supplementsat this stage, the treatment will be quick and effective, and the consequences of the deficiency will not affect health in any way. When the lack of a microelement becomes apparent, the concentration of hemoglobin will decrease, and the erythrocytes will acquire a hypochromic color. If no action is taken, the disease will progress, an anemic syndrome will appear. It presents with a number of symptoms:

    pale skin;

    dizziness, headaches;

    Fatigue, apathy, sleep disturbance;


    Fragility of hair and nail plates, dry skin.

These symptoms are characteristic of all types of anemia. IDA can be identified by specific signs: spoon-shaped nails, perverted perception of tastes and smells, painful “jams” in the corners of the mouth.

Causes of iron deficiency

Deficiency is formed under the influence of physiological (natural) and pathological processes.

Why is there a deficit?

    iron enters the body in insufficient quantities with dietary restrictions (vegetarianism, raw food diet, diet, malnutrition);

    the need for a microelement has increased (the period of active growth of muscle mass, pregnancy, lactation);

    the body loses iron mechanically (acute and chronic bleeding, heavy menstruation, surgery, donation, bloodletting for therapeutic purposes);

    the function of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired, due to which iron is not able to be absorbed ( various diseases stomach and intestines: gastritis, ulcers, Crohn's disease, etc.);

    congenital iron deficiency due to anemia in the mother during pregnancy.

A long-term iron deficiency negatively affects human health: immunity decreases, the brain and heart suffer from hypoxia, which leads to a deterioration in their performance, physical weakness is observed due to muscle atrophy, metabolic processes exacerbate chronic diseases. Anemia in pregnant women leads to complications in childbirth and postpartum period, in children to a delay in psychomotor development.

According to recent studies by American scientists, anemia suffered during life increases the risk of developing mental disorders in old age.

To avoid consequences, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment.Modern iron preparationsallow in short terms make up for the lack of trace elements and bring blood counts back to normal. Treatment should be as effective as possible, so it is important to choose the right one.preparations containing iron.

Remedies for the treatment of anemia: which is better pills or injections

Medications for iron deficiency anemiaavailable in three main forms:

    Tablets for oral administration (the most preferred option);

    Drops or syrup for oral use (recommended for young children);

    Injections for parenteral administration (if it is impossible to take the tablet form of the drug).

The most comfortable and safe formiron booster drugs- tablets. They can be used at home. Unlike drops, a tablet, if not chewed, will not stain the enamel of the teeth.

Children under a certain age are not able to swallow a whole tablet, so it is advisable to use syrup or drops for treatment.Liquid iron preparationsit is better to take it through a tube so that the active substance does not get on the teeth.

Intravenous and intramuscular injections are used to increase iron in patients with gastrointestinal pathologies and malabsorption. The method of treatment is faster than taking pills, butparenteral iron preparations can causepronounced side effects.

Before starting treatment for IDA, it is necessary to find outwhat are the best drugs for anemiaexactly in your case. Since there is no universal prescription for this disease.

Iron tablets: name, price, effectiveness of drugs

Anemia pillsmost often contain ferrous sulfate, there are preparations based on ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous chloride - these are inorganic and organic metal compounds.Modern iron preparations for anemiacan be produced exclusively from natural raw materials - animal hemoglobin ( hemobin).

Tablets containing ironshown to patients with mild to moderate anemia. They are taken at home, under the supervision of a specialist and with a regular blood test for the level of hemoglobin, serum iron, red blood cells.

Compare pills famous brands and definewhat is the best iron supplement.

Table 1. Tabletediron preparations. Scroll, price, efficiency and other indicators.

Criteria for evaluation Hemobin 990 rub. Maltofer (chewable tablets) 300 rub. Sorbifer Durules 470-650 rubles.
Contents iron in 1 tablet 0.3-0.5 mg* 100 mg 100 mg
Compound purified animal hemoglobin, vitamin C iron polymaltose hydroxide ferrous sulfate, vitamin C
Side effects not detected pain in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea, color. tooth enamel, urticaria diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, nausea
Contraindications individual. intolerance to components. anemia pills with ironmaltofer should not be taken with polyarthritis, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, impaired erythropoiesis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypersensitivity children under 12 years of age, hypersensitivity, ill. gastrointestinal tract
Interaction with food does not react antacids, calcium, vitamin E reduce the ability to absorb the drug these iron tablets for anemiaworse suction. combined with antacids
1-6 mg 200-300 mg 100-200 mg

* Iron from the preparation is absorbed several times better, therefore the content of the microelement in it is lower than in analogues, respectively, the daily dose is lower.

Criteria for evaluation Ferrumlek 300-500 rubles. Fenyuls ( iron capsules) 175-380 rubles. Hemofer Prolongatum 100-200 rub.
Contents iron in 1 tablet 50 mg 45 mg 105 mg
Compound ferrous sulfate, maltose ferrous sulfate, vitamin C ferrous sulfate
Side effects diarrhea, nausea urticaria, dizziness, sometimes: dyspepsia darkening of tooth enamel, diarrhea
Contraindications hypertension, liver disease, hemochromatosis sensitivity to the active substance, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis these medicines for iron deficiencycontraindicated in hemolytic anemia, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, in children under 12 years of age
Interaction with food given medication containing irondoes not react antacids, calcium, magnesium reduce absorption bicarbonates, calcium, phosphates, fiber reduce the ability. to suction
Daily dose for the treatment of IDA 100 mg 90-180 mg 105-210 mg

Which iron preparations are better absorbed by the human body? Those that contain vitamin C in their composition, which promotes absorption, and do not react with food and other medicines. This is very important point, as it directly affects the effectiveness of treatment.

Anemia pillsit is recommended to take half an hour before or after a meal, but at the same time, the gastrointestinal mucosa is intensely irritated. If the patient is difficult to tolerate therapy, he is allowed to drink drugs during meals. But in such cases it is necessary to chooseiron preparations latest generation , which do not form insoluble compounds with substances from food.

Inexpensive pills for anemiaare produced on the basis of an inorganic iron compound - ferrous sulfate. This substance is foreign to the human body, so the digestive tract will reject the drug - hence the side effects. From this, the percentage of assimilation of the active substance decreases. In addition, this compound is toxic, an overdose is extremely dangerous.

Important! When choosing a tool, it is important to pay attention towhich drug has more ironand how well it is absorbed.

Modern iron preparations - no side effects. They are more expensive, but are made from natural hemoglobin. The bioavailability of the active substance is very high, for example in Hemobin it reaches 90%.

What pills to take for anemiayou choose, but do not self-medicate, be sure to consult your doctor, as not all drugs are safe.

Iron preparations in drops and in the form of syrup

Liquid forms of iron preparations, such as drops, suspensions and syrups are intended for children from birth.Iron preparations in syrup, drops are produced on the basis of ferric and ferrous iron in the form of iron hydroxide. The principle of action is the same as that of other forms of pererol preparations.

anemia cure for childrenRecommended to be taken with meals. Trivalent iron is less likely to react with substances from food.

liquid iron medicines:

    Maltofer (this one is producediron (III) preparation in vials, each drop contains 2.5 mg of iron);

    Ferrum Lek (this medicine represents liquid iron (III) in syrup);

    Fenyuls (iron (III) drops);

    Hemopher ( preparation containing iron (II), for children in the form of drops).

Anemia drugs for childrenmay also be available in tablet form. But in this case, the tablet will need to be crushed and mixed with food or liquid beforehand. For example, Hemobin allowed for babies up to 1 year. This is one of the mosteffective iron preparations for children.The tests were carried out on the basis of numerous medical and scientific centers Russia. During which the therapeutic effect and the absence of adverse reactions were proven. In addition, the remedy is natural and safe. The iron in it is not toxic, since it is present in the body in exactly the same form, which means it is a familiar compound that is easily absorbed.

Important! At anemia in children, drugsshould be selected only by a specialist!

Iron-containing drugs for anemia in the form of injections

Iron injections for iron deficiency anemiaare indicated only in cases where the body does not absorb oral forms of drugs or with a pathological decrease in hemoglobin. Injectable forms always contain ferric iron. The drugs are administered intravenously and intramuscularly. The maximum concentration of iron in the blood is reached in 30-40 minutes.

Iron preparations intravenously, list:






Iron preparations for intramuscular administration for anemia:


    Ferrum Lek;


injection formsiron preparations available in ampoules . Using them on your own is strictly prohibited. itmost effective iron supplements for anemia, but at the same time, the most dangerous - they can cause anaphylactic shock.

Before starting treatment,medicine for anemia in ampoulesadministered in a test dose. Therapy is possible only in the absence of side effects. Preparations in this form have many contraindications. Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of doctors.

Generations of iron preparations. Ferric and trivalent iron

Which iron preparation is betterchoose depends not only on its form of release, but also on the composition. Iron-containingdrugs for anemiain Russia are divided into generations.

Generations of iron preparations:

    First generation preparations based on inorganic salts and iron oxides (Soviet drugs for anemia). Their negative impact on the intestinal mucosa and toxicity has been proven. They are prescribed less and less, however, they are still used, as thischeap anemia pills.

    Second generation iron preparationsproduced on the basis of organic iron compounds (ferrous gluconate, fumarate). Safer drugs, but ineffective.

    Third generation iron preparations (complex preparations of iron), based on organic compounds, with additives that improve the beneficial effect.

    Fourth generation drugsiron preparations that do not irritate the digestive tract), produced on the basis of liposomal iron. Safe and non-toxic.

Today it is recommended to use for anemianew generation iron preparations(2-4). They are less likely to cause side effects, interact less with food components and are better absorbed.

To modern effective iron preparations includes hemobin . But its composition is unique - purified hemoglobin from the blood of agricultural animals (containing heme ferrous iron) and ascorbic acid. Due to the natural composition, this remedy is safe even in the treatment of babies under 1 year old and pregnant women. itgentle iron supplementyet highly efficient.

Another criterion to help determinewhat is the best iron to take for anemia- valency of the metal in the composition of the drug.The drugs used in the treatment of anemia can be produced on the basis of ferric and ferrous iron.

Ferric iron preparations, names:

    Ferrum Lek;

    Iron preparation F erlatum;



What are the drugs for anemia contain ferrous iron:

    Sorbifer Durules;






In the human body, iron is present in the divalent form. It is this form of drugs that gives a more pronounced therapeutic effect. But in most drugs indicated with iron deficiency in the bodycontains non-heme ferrous iron. It is absorbed only partially, because of this, the patient has to take large doses of tablets and endanger the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Heme Iron (Animal Origin) Found in Dietary Supplement Hemobin , while the iron molecules in it are already associated with the protein, due to this, the developers managed to achieve 90% of the bioavailability of the active substance. Doses when taking Hemobin are several times lower than when taking other drugs. The product is free of allergens. Before getting into the drug, natural hemoglobin undergoes a multi-stage filtration from impurities.

To datedrugs in tablets more often contain ferric iron. It is considered to be safer. But it absorbs worse. For assimilationferric iron preparations for anemiaascorbic acid is needed, which converts iron into a divalent form. Can be taken separately or purchasediron supplements with vitamin C in composition.

What is the best iron supplement to take?: more effective or safer - the doctor should determine based on the patient's condition, the rate of hemoglobin decline, the presence of diseases of the stomach and intestines, and other factors that may affect the outcome of treatment and tolerability of therapy.

There is also an alternative -Russian iron preparation Hemobin . At the moment, it is registered as a dietary supplement, but the effectiveness and safety have already been confirmed by many studies in scientific and medical centers in Russia. Registration as a medicinal product is a matter of time. But many patients need help today. Therefore, while the drug is sold only directly from the manufacturer.

Drugs for the treatment of anemia in women

Women are in a particular risk group for developing anemia. Therefore, abouttreatment of anemia in women and iron supplementsfor them it is worth talking separately. According to statistics, they are the most likely to suffer from anemia.

Predisposing factors for a decrease in hemoglobin in females:

    Increased need for trace elements and vitamins during pregnancy and lactation;

    Abundant and unstable menstruation;

    Diseases of the internal genital organs, accompanied by bleeding;

    Multiple and repeated pregnancies;

    Food restrictions, diets;


Iron preparations for women, if they are not pregnant can be any. But during the period of gestation, it is necessary to select specialanemia pills for pregnant women. They must be safe not only for the mother, but also for the unborn child.

Important! Hemobin passed a series of tests, during which it was found that there was no negative impact on the development of the fetus and the body of a pregnant woman.

Iron supplements for anemia in pregnancy:


    Sorbifer Durules;





Some anemia medicines for womenshould not be taken in certain trimesters of pregnancy, as a rule, restrictions apply to the first trimester. Assignpills for anemia during pregnancya specialist should, since it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors and features of the course of pregnancy, so as not to harm the baby and mother.

Due to the high risk of anemia due to iron deficiency, women are advised to take regularvitamins with iron in tablets (listpopular means, given in the next chapter) as a preventive measure.

The effectiveness of iron-containing vitamins in anemia

Often, patients with anemia try to be cured with vitamins, which contain iron. Butvitamins with iron tablets- is not iron supplements for anemiabut a means to prevent disease. The iron content in them does not exceed 15 mg, while the therapeutic dose is 100-200 mg. They are not suitable for treatment.

Important! It is forbidden to take vitamins with iron in high doses, as they contain a complex of other substances, the excess of which can harm health.

Medications for anemia in adultsand children are monocomponent, and contain, in addition to iron, only excipients. Vitamin complexes withiron tablets intended for preventionlack of vitamins and minerals. They are prescribed for children during the period of active growth, puberty, women during pregnancy and lactation. With already identified anemia or latent iron deficiency, takeiron supplements for adults and children.

Vitamins with iron in tablets drug names:


    Complete iron;

    Multitabs classic;

    Centrum from A to Zinc;


The daily dose of iron in these vitamin complexes is from 5 to 15 mg (depending on age and gender) - this amount is sufficient for malnutrition, diet, with an increased need for a trace element. If taken regularlyinexpensive vitamins with iron, you can protect the body from the development of anemia. Iron deficiency can often be predicted. This condition is especially common when:


    profuse menstruation;

    Active sports and muscle growth;



    In children born prematurely;

    surgical interventions;

    Blood loss (external and internal).

Before taking vitamins with iron in tablets from the list of drugsabove, you should consult a specialist.

Some iron supplements for anemia(in lists above) are already outdated, however, they are sometimes prescribed by doctors for treatment, since they are inexpensive, but at the same time they are quite effective. But stillbest cure for anemiashould combine high efficiency and safety. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to modern iron preparations, and getting advice from several specialists.

Note! Biological food supplement Hemobin suitable not only for treatment, but also as a prophylaxis of IDA in people at risk. The dosage is calculated according to the age of the patient.

Reading 7 min. Views 4.5k.

For the treatment of IDA, i.e. iron deficiency anemia, you need to take medications that contain the component of the same name. Otherwise, the person will feel weak, frequent fainting will appear.

Iron preparations for anemia are available in the form of solutions, tablets or capsules. They can be purchased at pharmacies at an affordable price. The active compound of such drugs is iron, which will restore hematopoiesis and have a beneficial effect on the general well-being of the patient.

Classification of iron-containing preparations

There are several classifications of such drugs. Depending on the method of administration, the drugs are divided into parenteral and oral. The latter should be taken orally - through the oral cavity. This applies to bi- and trivalent iron.

Parenteral drugs for anemia are given by injection into the muscle. This applies to ferric iron with the addition of sucrose, sodium gluconate and dextran.

Depending on the mechanism of absorption, medicines are saline and non-salt. Trivalent agents always belong to the latter category. These are such complex compounds as polymaltose and sucrose hydroxide. An example of the first is Ferrum Lek and Maltofer, and the second is Venofer.

How often do you take a blood test?

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    Only on the prescription of the attending physician 30%, 667 votes

    Once a year and I think it's enough 17%, 372 vote

    At least twice a year 15%, 324 vote

    More than twice a year but less than six times 11%, 249 votes

    I monitor my health and take it once a month 7%, 151 voice

    I'm afraid of this procedure and try not to pass 4%, 96 votes


The salt group includes sulfates, gluconates, chlorides, ferrous fumarate. An example is Totem, Hemofer, Ferromet, Ferroplex. Absorption is best for drugs with sulfate, worst of all - for chloride-containing substances.

For the treatment of iron deficiency in the blood, drugs with a divalent and trivalent element are used. The first option has better bioavailability, so that the active ingredient is almost completely absorbed by the body. In connection with this property, preparations based on iron of the 2-valent type are produced in dosage forms for oral use.

Triatomic turns into diatomic upon contact with an oxidizing agent. The standard is ascorbic acid. Iron in the small intestine is attached to a special protein that will transport it to the liver or bone marrow (i.e., blood-forming organs).

Iron absorption is influenced by various factors. Bioavailability may decrease under the influence of certain products (refers to milk and tea).

Medications also work. For example, preparations containing calcium, as well as Tetracycline, Levomycetin, heartburn remedies, which belong to the antacid group (Almagel, Maalox), worsen the bioavailability.

The best absorption of iron will be due to fish, meat and lactic acid. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the body removes excess iron to a limited extent, i.e. an overdose increases the likelihood of poisoning.

Ferric iron preparations

A large number of iron-containing drugs have been developed for anemia, a list with the names of which you need to know. The most popular options are as follows.


The preparation includes iron hydroxide complex. There are several dosage forms. You can buy the drug in this form:

  • Syrup. Sold in 150 ml, and 1 ml contains 1 mg of the active ingredient.
  • Drops. In this case, 1 ml of the solution contains 50 mg of the active ingredient.
  • Solution. Sold in small containers of 5 ml with 100 mg of iron.
  • Tablets. They contain 100 mg of the active ingredient.

Liquids are allowed to be given to a child from birth, and tablets from the age of 13.

Maltofer does not darken the teeth, helps with anemia. It is recommended to drink the medicine with juice or another drink.


An effective drug for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, in which there is a glandular compound of the protein type. Sold as a brown liquid with a specific aroma. The protein part does not allow the appearance of irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, so that the risk of unpleasant symptoms is reduced.

The tool is sold in small containers of 15 ml, and the active ingredient in them is 49 mg each. The solution is supposed to be taken after meals. Therapy can last more than six months if there is bleeding of the uterus or hemorrhoids in chronic form.

Important information: How to treat sickle cell (sickle) anemia and its symptoms

Ferlatum-Fol is a modification of the drug. The product has the appearance of a colorless liquid with a cherry aroma. In addition to the glandular compound, calcium folinate is present.

This medicine should be taken before or after a meal. If there is an individual allergy to fructose or milk protein, then the medicine should be used carefully.

Among the best preparations with ferric iron is Ferrum Lekt. Contains polymaltose complex.

Sold in the following dosage forms:

  • Tablets. Each contains 100 mg of the main ingredient.
  • Syrup. Packaged in containers of 100 ml. 5 ml of the solution contains 50 mg of the active ingredient.
  • Solution for injections. Packaged in small containers of 2 ml; each contains 100 mg of active ingredient.

Tablets are supposed to be chewed, but can be swallowed whole. They can be divided into several servings if necessary. Medicine in the form of syrup is measured with a special spoon; it must be taken with juice or water.


Drug therapy for anemia in adults involves the appointment of Venofer. The drug is intended for parenteral administration. The preparation contains additionally sucrose. Sold in ampoules of 5 ml.

For the treatment of anemia, the solution is injected into a vein by drip. The remedy is used in cases where it is urgent to fill the lack of deficiency or it is impossible to administer iron by mouth. It is also prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract in an acute form.

Ferrous preparations

2-valent iron drugs are used more often than trivalent ones.

The following drugs are popular for anemia:

  • Totem. The taste is acceptable. In addition to iron, the preparation contains copper and manganese. The tool is allowed even for children over the age of 3 months. Due to the use of Totem, the enamel of the teeth may darken, so it is best to dissolve the liquid from the ampoules in water (you can use juice). After taking the medicine, be sure to brush your teeth.
  • Aktiferrin. In addition to iron, the preparation includes a special amino acid that improves the absorption and transport of the main active ingredient. You can buy the product in the form of capsules, syrup, drops. The drug is completely safe during lactation pregnancy. But keep in mind that it darkens the enamel on the teeth. Because of this, it is not recommended to use the medicine undiluted. If the container with the drug is opened, then the shelf life is only 30 days.
  • Hemopher prolongatum. The dosage form is a dragee. Contains only an iron compound, suitable for children over 12 years of age. Should be taken on an empty stomach. If there are signs indicating irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, then it is allowed to use after meals.

In addition, iron of the 2-valent type is contained in such preparations as Gino-Tardiferon, Sorbifer Durules, Ferro-Folgamma, Fenyuls, but they have a complex composition.

vitamins with iron

Popular are such vitamin preparations with iron:

  • Maltofer Fall is a modification of Maltofer. It can be purchased in the form of tablets that are chewed. It contains not only a polymaltose complex with iron of the 3-valent type, but also a vitamin compound B9.
  • Fenyuls is a complex remedy that helps with iron deficiency anemia. It contains not only a compound of iron of the 2-valent type, but also vitamins C and group B. Thanks to this form, the active ingredients are better absorbed. The active ingredient is microgranules, which are filled into the capsule. Thanks to this form of release, the components dissolve more slowly and do not irritate the layer of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ferro-Folgamma is also a medicine of 2-valent iron, which contains vitamin compounds B12 and B9. The medicine is well absorbed in the intestines.
  • Sorbifer Durules is a medicine containing not only 2-valent iron, but also vitamin C. Suitable for children over the age of 12 years. Capsules should be swallowed whole and not chewed. Consume - 30 minutes before meals and drink water. The tool affects the speed of response, so it is better not to drive vehicles or other devices during such therapy.
  • Gyno-Tardiferon is a medication that is often prescribed during pregnancy. The composition contains not only a glandular compound, but also vitamin B9. Dosage form- tablets. It is allowed to take the remedy for children from 7 years. You need to drink plenty of water after taking the medicine. Due to the presence of folic acid, it reduces the risk of miscarriage; the drug has a beneficial effect on intrauterine development.
    • Compound. Be sure to take into account the concentration of iron in the preparation. Excess will not be absorbed, and may cause unwanted effects. If you plan to take medication for prevention, it is best to choose multivitamin products with iron content.
    • Release form. The easiest way is to take pills. If you need to reduce the effect on the intestines, then capsules are suitable. But when it is required to immediately eliminate the lack of a compound in the body, then injections are given.
    • Manufacturer and price. Such moments are discussed individually, but it must be remembered that products manufactured in Russia are no worse than foreign ones, and the price of such drugs is lower.

    In order not to harm your own body, you need to consult a doctor - he will prescribe the appropriate drug.

    Pregnant women are usually prescribed Totem, Sorbifer, Ferrum-Lect, Maltofer. Aktiferrin, Ferroplex, Tardiferon, Hemofer prolongatum are more suitable for children.