Pregnancy 20 weeks wiggle how often. The fetus and its changes. week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby

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The 20th week is an important stage in the course of pregnancy. Half of the term is left behind, and a real realization comes to the woman that the most important event in her life will soon happen - the birth of a baby. At this time, the behavior of the expectant mother changes somewhat, she focuses on her feelings, expects support and attention from those around her.

The grown tummy does not yet cause severe discomfort, but has already acquired a rounded shape and has become clearly visible. Mom can still devote time to her favorite work and daily chores. The baby, meanwhile, is becoming more and more active, and the woman feels his movements and is in a happy expectation of a meeting.

20 weeks pregnant is how many months

Since one obstetric month is equal to four weeks, then 20 weeks is 5 months of pregnancy, and with next week It's been going on for 6 months now. At this stage of the development of pregnancy, the age of the fetus from conception is 18 weeks.

By this time, the enlarged uterus has already reached the navel. Her growth stops at the 20th week. However, this does not mean that it will remain the same size until the end of the term. It will continue to increase due to the stretching of the muscle tissue. That is, its volume will grow, and the walls will become thinner. If we compare the volume of the uterus at the end of pregnancy with its initial volume, it turns out that it has grown 500 times!

The skin of the abdomen gradually stretches more and more, while the umbilical fossa is smoothed out. Due to changes in pigmentation, the vertical middle stripe on the abdomen appears more clearly. Some women may develop hair growing from the pubis towards the navel.

The breasts at this time are noticeably heavier. With light squeezing of the nipple, colostrum may already appear, thick, but in small volumes.

As the uterus moves higher and higher, the organs in the abdominal cavity. And they, respectively, put pressure on the diaphragm, which is why future mother breathing problems may occur. Do not worry, respiratory discomfort will disappear with time. This will happen when the fetus moves deep into the pelvic cavity. In addition, the uterus compresses the mouth of the ureters and the bladder, which leads to difficulty in the outflow of urine.

Due to the grown belly in the body of a woman, the center of gravity is mixed. And this means that the posture of the expectant mother becomes different. The abdomen with the pelvis now protrude forward, and the shoulders are slightly laid back. To reduce discomfort, it is desirable for women at this time to control weight gain. Also, the load can be reduced if you completely abandon shoes with heels and rest more often.

The metabolism of a pregnant woman changes. On the 20th week, disturbances occur in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium - two very important elements for the body. Therefore, short-term sunbathing will be useful for expectant mothers in autumn and winter. One session should last no more than three minutes. Against the background of a lack of calcium and phosphorus, there is a softening of the sacro-femoral ligaments, cartilage, synovial membranes. Due to this, the diameter of the entrance to the small pelvis grows, that is, the body prepares for childbirth. There may be some problems with the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, you need to be especially careful about your well-being at this stage.

Feelings of a woman at 20 weeks pregnant

At this time, most women already feel the baby's movements. They look like the subtle touch of soft cat paws or the flapping of light wings.

Also in the 20th week, you can already feel the training false contractions, known as Braxton-Hicks contractions. No need to panic about this - they are not a threat to the child.

As the baby begins to secrete more and more products of its metabolism into the mother's body, the woman's emotional background may change. The expectant mother shows sharp mood swings.

Due to a strong increase in the load on the spine, pulling pains are felt in the back. They are much more pronounced in women who have gained excess weight. At this time, the ligaments of the uterus are stretched, due to which the expectant mother from time to time may experience pulling or stabbing sensations in the lower abdomen on the sides. Most often this happens when a woman gets up. Such pains are not long-term and should not cause alarm.

Discharge from the genital tract at 20 weeks pregnant

At this stage of pregnancy, normal discharge has a uniform consistency, light gray or white, and has a slight sour smell. Any changes (appearance of pus, clots of mucus, cheesiness) indicate the presence of some kind of infection. Therefore, you can’t leave them unattended, be sure to see a doctor and go through the necessary diagnostics.

The most alarming sign is the presence of blood in the discharge. Such a symptom may indicate placental abruption or placenta previa, and may even be a signal of a miscarriage that has begun. There are also cases when spotting is associated with erosion of the cervix.

In some women, the discharge becomes yellowish, with an unpleasant odor, itching and other uncomfortable sensations. Most likely, this means that the woman's microflora has been disturbed, and colpitis has appeared. There is no serious cause for concern. Colpitis is treated quite easily with medications that are acceptable during pregnancy. If the discharge has a greenish tint, then the woman's problem is more serious. It is possible that she contracted gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. In this case, the doctor's consultation should not be postponed.

Pregnant belly at 20 weeks pregnant

By the 20th week, the waist of the expectant mother is practically not noticeable, and the tummy becomes round. Up to 300 ml increases the volume of amniotic fluid. The fundus of the uterus is about two fingers below the navel. Due to the increase in the abdomen, the skin is tightened, which can lead to stretch marks - a cosmetic problem that upsets many women. Therefore, try to find time for regular skin care. And then after childbirth your body will be as young and attractive as before.

Weight gain at 20 weeks pregnant

The weight of a pregnant woman is necessarily estimated in dynamics. At the 20th week, the gynecologist will ask you to weigh yourself and compare the results with the previous ones. Remember: now is not the time to worry about your figure! First of all, you need to think about the baby. That is, gaining a couple of extra pounds is not as dangerous as not gaining them. And best of all, of course, when weight gain is within the normal range (0.3 - 0.5 kg per week). And the total weight gain by this time should be in the range of 4-6 kg.

HCG rates at 20 weeks pregnant

There is no need to be careless and think that all legal drugs are completely safe. They are prescribed only in cases where the benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risks to the child. Therefore, do not self-medicate!

Examinations and tests at the 20th week of pregnancy

The 20th week of expecting a baby is the deadline for the second screening. The first scheduled screening is carried out at the beginning of pregnancy at -14 weeks. The second screening involves a biochemical blood test, known as a triple test. At the same time, the content of hCG, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein in the mother's blood is determined. In addition, a pregnant woman undergoes an ultrasound scan.

As usual, the woman gives general analysis blood, urinalysis and glucose profile. A woman is also given a coagulogram (blood clotting test). It is very important in blood tests to pay attention to such an indicator as the level of hemoglobin. The diagnosis of anemia is not just an indicator of a woman's poor health. With a drop in hemoglobin, the fetus experiences a lack of oxygen. And this can negatively affect its development.
When analyzing urine, pay attention to the level of sugar and the appearance of protein. If the tests are bad, the woman is sent for a kidney examination.

Ultrasound at 20 weeks pregnant

With the help of ultrasound, the state of the placenta is assessed, the amount of amniotic fluid is determined, and pathologies in the development of the child are excluded. By this time, the hard palate and lips of the child are already formed. Therefore, the cleft lip and similar defects are clearly visible during the study. To make sure that the fetus develops correctly, the specialist evaluates all fetometric parameters: the size of the head, tummy, and the length of the bones.

The doctor also pays attention to the condition of the internal organs of the baby. Particular attention is paid to the heart, since its defects are not uncommon. The gender of the baby is clearly visible.

Ultrasound photo at 20 weeks pregnant


Features of multiple pregnancy at week 20

Quite often, at this time, doctors diagnose polyhydramnios in one of the children. One of the twins usually gets more nutrients and therefore develops faster. There is a difference in weight. One baby urinates more, which is why polyhydramnios occurs. You should not worry much about this - after the birth, the child will catch up with his brother or sister.

IVF pregnancy at 20 weeks

If mom took progesterone, now it's time to cancel it. But only with the permission of a doctor! In IVF pregnancy, ultrasound is also performed at the 20th week. With its help, pathologies of intrauterine development are excluded.

20 weeks pregnant: video

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Pregnancy is a wonderful and unforgettable time in the life of every woman. The normal duration of pregnancy is 40 weeks. The 20th week of pregnancy is a kind of milestone, which means that half the journey is already behind. Most women note that this period is the most comfortable for them. The emotional background is returning to normal, the toxicosis of the first months is over, the tummy has not yet grown much and does not provide great inconvenience. At week 20, expectant mothers begin to feel the first movements of their baby.

What happens to the baby at 20 weeks pregnant

The baby is growing and developing. It's already fully formed. All body systems and internal organs are being improved. The respiratory, digestive, nervous systems and the hematopoietic system are fully functioning. Meconium (original feces) begins to form in the intestines. The baby's heartbeat is perfectly audible on ultrasound. The limbs have taken their final shape. Marigolds appeared on the fingers of the arms and legs. The first hairline is formed on the head. The weight of the fetus is about 350 g, and the height is about 24 cm.

This week, the baby has a blink reflex. The facial expressions of a small face become more pronounced. On ultrasound, you can observe how he closes his eyes, smiles and frowns. From the bright light, the baby begins to move. This is because photoreceptors begin to appear on the retina of his eyes.
The baby begins to hear the sounds that surround him. Early development specialists advise future parents to start communicating with him, sing children's songs, read poems and fairy tales. Also good effect will produce calm and beautiful music.

At week 20, the baby's skin becomes denser. The sebaceous glands begin to work on the production of original lubrication. This lubricant protects the baby from the liquid environment in which he is in the mother's stomach. During childbirth, primordial lubrication will facilitate its passage through the birth canal.

What does a woman feel at 20 weeks pregnant?

The 20th week of pregnancy is a time of discovery of new sensations. The fetus is already quite old, there is not enough space for it in the uterine cavity, and the expectant mother begins to feel the first movements of her baby. If the pregnancy is the second or third, then the woman feels the baby move a little earlier. The child responds to the touch of the mother's hands on the stomach, pushes against the walls of the uterus, moves his legs and arms. His movements are more and more noticeable every day.

A pregnant woman should be very careful about this phenomenon. If the child pushes too actively or, conversely, does not make itself felt for a long time, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. The active behavior of the fetus indicates a lack of oxygen. In this case, the woman is admitted to the hospital and a course of therapy is prescribed to saturate the blood with oxygen. This should be taken very seriously, as a lack of oxygen can adversely affect the development and health of the unborn child. The lack of activity of the baby is much more serious. It is better to call an ambulance and immediately go to the maternity hospital. This indicator is the first sign of intrauterine fetal death. If a woman begins to feel the baby's movements, she should continue to feel them throughout the rest of the pregnancy.

If the obstetrician-gynecologist confirms the diagnosis of intrauterine death of the child, the woman is admitted to the hospital and the fetus is removed. This operation is performed on the day of admission or the next day to avoid inflammation in the pelvic organs. After that, the woman is prescribed a course of rehabilitation therapy and tests to identify the cause of fetal death. Obstetrician-gynecologists recommend refraining from subsequent pregnancy for at least a year.

The growing belly is already clearly visible to others. If you look at the photo of the tummies, you can see that by the twentieth week of pregnancy they are already quite large and rounded. The tummies are more noticeable in thin women. Under the pressure of the growing uterus, the internal organs of a woman are compressed towards the spine. Therefore, the expectant mother during this period may notice such unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy as shortness of breath and heartburn. You should not be afraid of this. All symptoms will disappear immediately after delivery.

At the 20th week of pregnancy, women often complain of pain in the back and lower back. Pain is felt due to the fact that the tummy grows, the weight increases and the center of gravity shifts. With complaints of such pain, obstetricians-gynecologists advise doing special exercises and wearing a bandage. Of course, these unpleasant sensations will not go away completely, but it will become much easier.
For the entire period of pregnancy, a woman should normally gain about 15 kg. By the 20th week of pregnancy, weight gain should be an average of 5 kg. When measuring this indicator, obstetricians-gynecologists take into account the texture of a woman. If she is thin, then a little more weight gain is allowed. Expectant mothers need to ensure that weight gain during the week does not exceed 500 g. Excessive weight can complicate the course of childbirth.

Due to the increased weight, the expectant mother may experience leg cramps. Sometimes they can be quite painful. Should be preferred comfortable shoes and completely stop wearing heels. Give your feet more rest. Ideally, the legs should be placed slightly above the level of the head. The blood will drain from the limbs, and it will become easier.
Pregnant women need to be very careful about pain in the abdomen. Even with the appearance of mild pain, you should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. At the 20th week of pregnancy, uterine tone is often observed. This is very dangerous, since prolonged uterine tone can lead to tragic consequences. In the event that childbirth occurs at 20 weeks, the baby will not survive. Therefore, at the first signs of uterine tone, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If the obstetrician-gynecologist confirms the diagnosis, the woman will be referred to a specialized department of the maternity hospital. There she will be prescribed a course of therapy aimed at removing the tone of the uterus.

If, along with pain, a woman notices bloody discharge from the vagina, she should immediately call an ambulance. In this case, the help of an obstetrician-gynecologist is needed as soon as possible. Bloody issues from the vagina may indicate placental abruption. If vaginal discharge is not accompanied by pain, it is most likely cervical erosion. This is not considered an indication for emergency hospitalization, but you should go for a consultation with your attending obstetrician-gynecologist. Yellow or green discharge indicates an infection or inflammation. This may be accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina. To identify the cause and undergo a course of treatment that is safe for the child, you should consult a doctor. Douching or any other kind of self-medication is strictly prohibited. All this can negatively affect the health of both the expectant mother and her baby.

An ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy can show the sex of the baby.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman at 20 weeks pregnant

Nutrition at the twentieth week remains the same as in the rest of the gestation period. It must be correct and balanced. Preference should be given to vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, low-fat varieties of fish, meat and poultry. It's best to steam everything. Avoid fatty and fried foods. From drinks, preference should be given to non-carbonated water, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, weak teas. Alcohol and energy drinks strictly prohibited. At this point in your pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe an extra multivitamin. The baby is growing, he needs more and more nutrients.

Medical supervision of a pregnant woman

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman had to go to an obstetrician-gynecologist every month. After the twentieth week, visits to the doctor will become more frequent. Normally, you need to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist after the 20th week of pregnancy 2 times a month. At this time, the doctor will prescribe all the necessary tests and ultrasound of the fetus.

Conclusion and wishes for expectant mothers

In general, the 20th week of pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman. The toxicosis of the first months is over, the tummy does not interfere and allows you to enjoy the usual things, the emotional background has practically stabilized. So that nothing overshadows this idyll, the expectant mother should be very careful and responsible about her health. She must remember that the life and health of her baby at this stage of his development depends entirely on her. Do not neglect the advice of obstetricians and gynecologists. Some mothers want to quickly find out what gender they are carrying. Ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy will be able to answer this question.

Should be lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right and spend more time outdoors. You can meet other pregnant women or find and read interesting pregnancy forums. You can chat on them, look at photos of tummies and discuss exciting issues. Pregnancy is an amazing and wonderful period in the life of any woman. You should enjoy every day, so that later you can remember with pleasure and tell your baby about how his mother was waiting for him. We wish health to all pregnant women and their babies. And most importantly - easy childbirth for everyone!

Bearing a child is a wonderful time of anxious expectation of the birth of a new person into the world. The 20th week of pregnancy is characterized by relative stability, your body has come to terms with its role. Toxicosis is behind, and there is still almost half of the path not traveled ahead.

What examinations are coming at this time, and what they will show. A list of useful tips and tricks will help you cope with possible difficulties and enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest.

Pregnancy 20 weeks

The 20th week of carrying a baby is the middle of the second trimester and the entire pregnancy. You have already got used to your condition, especially since this period is one of the most favorable.

  • The child continues to actively develop, gain weight. All his organs and systems are formed, but he is not yet capable of life outside the mother's body;
  • The tummy is already noticeable and continues to grow, shifting the center of gravity. Feelings at the 20th week of pregnancy are generally positive, the appetite is excellent, the mood is stabilizing;
  • An expanding belly puts pressure on the spine, which can cause unpleasant lower back pain. Read about it in detail in the article >>>;
  • It's time to start doing gentle, supportive exercises. They will help strengthen the muscles and will serve as an excellent preparation for the upcoming birth. Follow the course>>>

This is an e-learning course that you can access online. By doing simple exercises, you will train your breath and body for the upcoming labor pains.

Baby development at 20 weeks

  1. At week 20, the growth of the crumbs is about 20 cm and it weighs from 190 to 340 grams;
  2. During this period, subcutaneous fat in the baby actively accumulates. The heartbeat is perfectly audible through the obstetric tube and is about 130 - 150 beats per minute;
  3. At 20 weeks of pregnancy, the development of the fetus continues: it actively moves in the uterine cavity, sucks a finger, yawns, turns its head, swallows amniotic fluid;
  4. During this period, the intestines, kidneys, and spleen begin to work independently;
  5. As a result of functioning digestive system, meconium begins to form;
  6. Taste buds are improving, and the baby already distinguishes between the food consumed by the mother;
  7. The baby's skin thickens, and the sebaceous glands produce a special lubricant that protects it from the aquatic environment of the uterus and during childbirth will facilitate easy passage along the paths.

Mom's well-being

Uterine size

  • The size of the uterus increases to 21 cm, about the level of the navel;
  • A growing belly at the 20th week of pregnancy compresses the mother's abdominal organs: intestines, liver, kidneys, diaphragm. This can make you short of breath, heartburn, constipation, and swelling of your hands, feet, and face. Tell your doctor about this for advice on how to improve the condition. And how to get rid of heartburn, read the article >>>

Pain at 20 weeks

Any pain during pregnancy should be discussed with a gynecologist.

  1. At this time, a miscarriage rarely occurs, but if the stomach pulls at the 20th week of pregnancy, and the pain becomes cramping, call an ambulance urgently!
  2. Frozen pregnancy is insidious in that it can proceed without pain. It is very important to carefully control your condition, listen to the baby's pushes that he produces daily (related article: ?>>>);
  3. The uterus at the 20th week of pregnancy is at the level of the navel. It is quite large, plus the increasing weight of the expectant mother: all this can provoke pain in the back, cramps in the legs, and increased general fatigue.

Bleeding Discharge

  • Normally, discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy has light color, a homogeneous structure with a sour smell and, perhaps, their slight increase is a normal phenomenon. A cause for concern will be green or yellow discharge with mucus, itching, burning in the vaginal area, which is typical for genital tract infections. Such a disease is subject to immediate treatment;
  • The most serious for the life and health of the child will be brown discharge at the 20th week of pregnancy, with an admixture of blood or even worse: open bleeding with simultaneous sharp pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. This condition is typical for the onset of abortion or placental abruption. Urgently call an ambulance!
  • If you notice slight spotting after a gynecologist's examination or sexual intercourse, while there is no pain, then cervical erosion makes itself felt.

Feelings at 20 weeks

At the 20th week of pregnancy, what happens to mom? What feelings prevail?

  1. A rapidly growing belly can cause stretch marks on the skin, which you can fight with the help of effective external products sold in abundance in pharmacies or specialty stores. What is the best way to deal with this problem? Read the article >>>;
  2. Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, you may periodically experience false contractions, as a rule, they pass quickly and do not cause concern, the body is preparing for childbirth;
  3. The tone of the uterus (petrification of the abdomen) is a frequent occurrence during this period, the cause may be nervous or physical strain(read the article >>>);
  4. Movements at the 20th week of pregnancy are becoming more active and noticeable. Your child is already developing an individual sleep and wake schedule, and it may not coincide with yours.

I am often asked - at 20 weeks, how often should the baby move? There are certain tests for baby movements, but they refer to later stages of pregnancy (a separate article on the site will be released soon). Why?

While the baby is still small and you may not feel some of his movements. When the child weighs about 2 kg. , then here you will definitely not miss his cute blows to your liver and kidneys and will be able to fill in the schedules during the day. For now, just focus on what the child needs to do on a daily basis.

He can move more often, reacting to loud sounds, noise, music. The fetus at this time feels the state of the mother (anxiety, excitement, joy) and reacts to it with energetic manifestations.

Narrow issues of pregnancy


The body of a pregnant woman works in an enhanced mode, immunity is significantly reduced, almost everyone has a set of chronic ailments that worsen during the gestation period.

Against the background of inflammatory processes or infection, the temperature may rise at the 20th week of pregnancy.

  • If the increase is insignificant, within 37 0 with a slight, and there are no other symptoms, then this is considered a variant of the norm, as the body's reaction to an interesting situation;
  • With an increase in temperature above 38 0 and its long-term preservation, it turns out Negative influence on the nervous system and fetal tissue, blood circulation in the placenta is disturbed. It is very important not to delay the disease, but to diagnose it in time and receive competent professional treatment.

Cold at 20 weeks pregnant

Rarely a pregnant woman manages to go all the way of bearing without colds. If this happens to you, then do not self-medicate, but immediately seek medical help.

The placenta at the 20th week of pregnancy is quite mature and effectively protects the baby from the harmful effects of drugs and the consequences of diseases, but this does not mean that you can abuse potions uncontrollably, carelessly treating your health.


If there are no contraindications, sex at the 20th week of pregnancy is allowed, but choose positions without pressure on the abdomen and with less intensity. Any unpleasant or painful sensations should be the reason for stopping sexual intercourse and finding out the cause of this phenomenon.

Alcohol at 20 weeks

In modern medicine, the fact of the negative effects of alcohol during pregnancy on the child has been proven. Even small doses of alcohol cross the placenta, causing irreversible effects on the brain, heart and blood vessels, the fetal nervous system, and are the cause of the formation of pathologies, anomalies, and a predisposition to alcoholism.

Examination of mother and child

Ultrasound at 20 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound is carried out as part of an important second screening, which makes it possible to evaluate the fetus at 20 weeks of gestation, in particular:

  1. general course of pregnancy;
  2. whether the size of the baby matches the gestation period;
  3. find out the condition and volume of amniotic fluid, the structure and maturity of the placenta;
  4. the location and work of the internal organs of the fetus;
  5. a thorough examination of the heart for defects;
  6. the presence of chromosomal defects;
  7. find out the gender of the baby.

Ultrasound reveals the presentation of the fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy, it can be pelvic or head. The baby is still small and can take different positions in the uterus during the day. Closer to childbirth, babies usually fit as they should. The fetus takes the correct head presentation by the 30th week of gestation, or a little later.

Know! Don't worry if you're diagnosed with a breech presentation at 20 weeks pregnant. It is unlikely that this position of the baby is final, besides, only 3-5% of women have such an anomaly before childbirth due to favorable factors.

  • The cervix during pregnancy of 20 weeks should normally decrease to 4–4.5 cm. If the cervix is ​​less than 3 cm long, there is a risk of miscarriage, since it is not able to hold the fetus in the uterus, it may begin to open earlier than the expected due date.

In such cases, at the discretion of the gynecologist, sutures may be applied or a special obstetric ring may be put on. Women with such a pathology are under the tireless supervision of doctors and should minimize physical exercise, in particularly serious situations it is necessary hospital treatment in order to prolong pregnancy.

The placenta is responsible for the normal growth and development of the child, protects against infections, provides oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, her condition is especially examined by ultrasound. For various reasons, pathologies are possible in the location of the child's place.

  • For example, a low placenta during a pregnancy of 20 weeks. Don't worry ahead of time. Most often, the placenta rises higher towards a later date, otherwise this condition threatens the risk of bleeding and detachment of the organ.

The fetus suffers from not getting enough nutrition and oxygen. If the baby’s place does not rise for childbirth, then doctors offer a method caesarean section as the only way out of the current situation.

Every mom wants to know the boy or girl settled in her tummy. The gender at the 20th week of pregnancy is determined by the ultrasound doctor almost unmistakably, since the genitals of the child are already clearly formed.

Lifestyle at 20 weeks pregnant


The nutrition system of a pregnant woman should be based on the principles of regularity, naturalness and usefulness of food. A full breakfast, lunch, dinner and two light snacks are recommended. Overeating contributes to the set excess weight, which will adversely affect childbirth, but starving is also harmful.

Be sure to include in your diet:

  1. boiled lean meat and fish;
  2. abundance of vegetables and fruits;
  3. cereals (especially oatmeal and buckwheat);
  4. variety of dairy products.

The norm of weight at 20 weeks of pregnancy in a woman increases from about 3 to 5 kg, but this is very individual indicator. Some women gain from 5 to 8 kg for the entire period of gestation, others - all 20.

For a week, a safe gain is up to 500 g, depending on the initial body weight. If your weight has grown above the allowable values, then a low-calorie diet is necessary in order to avoid health problems.

Prepare food safely by boiling, stewing, roasting. Eliminate frying and smoking, and also reduce the use of salt, which retains excess fluid in the body, causing swelling. Replace sugar with fruits and berries.

Eat allergic foods with caution: honey, chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries. It will be extremely harmful to eat food with various additives, dyes and preservatives.

To create your own healthy and healthy diet, read the e-book >>>

In it you will find a list of foods that should be in your daily diet + a list of foods to prepare for an easy birth.

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus increases intensively, which increases the load on the functioning of the entire female body. Carefully monitor your health and be attentive to all new and unfamiliar sensations in order to report them to your gynecologist. The following tips will help you insure against many troubles and safely spend the remaining gestation period:

  • Perform a set of special exercises for pregnant women, visit the pool, this will relieve tension from the spine, improve blood circulation and increase immunity;
  • Start listening to a course on preparing for childbirth >>>;

This is an e-course that you can watch at home. You will learn about the difference between false contractions and labor, when it is time to go to the hospital, what stages the birth consists of and what will help you survive the contractions as easily as possible.

  • Hygienic procedures in the form of washing are not recommended to be carried out with the help of a shower, so that water does not enter the vagina, and douching is completely prohibited;
  • From this period, colostrum begins to stand out from the mammary glands, the body prepares to feed the child. Do not specifically squeeze out the liquid. Just wipe with a tissue if you accidentally spill. On this issue, I also recommend reading the article >>>;
  • In case of exacerbation of varicose veins of the legs, in agreement with the doctor, use means from the formation of blood clots, wear compression underwear, keep your legs on a slight elevation several times a day;
  • Try to collect good mood. Look for positive emotions in art galleries, museums, classical music, literature. Enough to walk in the fresh air and relax.
  1. If your stomach hurts at the 20th week of pregnancy, even slightly, never pull, do not expect it to go away on its own. Even if everything seems to be in order, act immediately and quickly, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor;
  2. For back pain, rest more, for a while forget about high heels(by the way, about how long you can walk in heels, read the article: >>>). Regularly unload the spine with all available methods, keep the correct posture;
  3. From the 20th week of pregnancy, it is not recommended to sleep on your back, as the fetus and uterus clamp the inferior vena cava, which will lead to poor blood supply and even fainting. Accustom yourself to sleep on your side - this is the best option during the gestation period. Other poses - only after childbirth;
  4. During mass epidemics, viral or colds, do not visit public places take care of your health, remember that the full growth and development of the child depends on your lifestyle;
  5. Stock up on permitted safe remedies for heartburn;
  6. With frequent constipation, set up an appropriate diet, with plenty of vegetables. If there are no allergies and contraindications, prunes, dried apricots, beets, apples, one-day kefir and other products help well.

Having learned how the 20th week of pregnancy differs, what happens to the baby and mother at this time, we conclude in general about the favorable course of gestation.

The happy period can be overshadowed by some troubles, but with timely lifestyle correction and seeking qualified help, everything can be resolved easily.

That's half the pregnancy! Recently, the test showed you 2 strips, and already your baby is about 15 cm long from the crown to the tailbone, and as much as 25 cm from the head to the heels! Weighs about 300 grams. (From this week, the length of the fetus will be calculated from head to toe.)

Pregnancy 20 weeks: changes in your body, helpful tips, as well as everything about the development of the child at the 20th week of pregnancy - weight, height, movements, developmental features.

  • The skin thickens, becoming four-layered
  • The heart beats at a frequency of 120-160 beats per minute, it can be heard with a stethoscope (a special listening tube).
  • The sebaceous glands produce a waxy secret or primordial lubricant, the baby's body is covered with laguno (soft hairs)
  • In girls, the uterus has formed (there is no vagina yet)
  • The nervous system continues to develop
  • The endocrine system is involved in all processes occurring in the body of the crumbs.
  • Furrows and convolutions form in the cerebral cortex.
  • The thickness of the placenta is about 21 mm, the location is individual
  • Nails and hair continue to grow
  • The spatial organization of the brain begins to form
  • The lungs are in the first stage of formation
  • The head has become more proportional to the body

your baby

You can understand whether the baby is sleeping or awake according to its degree motor activity. Pay attention to the number of shocks, because both strong activity and excessive calmness indicate an oxygen deficiency problem.

What does a baby do in the womb

  • Responds to light and sound
  • Swallowing amniotic fluid
  • Sneezes, hiccups
  • Thumb sucking, smiling, frowning
  • Plays with the umbilical cord, pushes against the walls of the uterus
  • Waving arms and legs
  • Has taste buds, able to distinguish the food you eat.

Changes in the body future mother and possible sensations

  • The uterus is at the level of the navel (it will grow up by 1 cm per week), the tummy is rounded.
  • Heartburn and shortness of breath. The uterus presses on the internal organs, diaphragm and lungs
  • Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). Occurs due to increased blood flow to the area. The discharge should be white or light yellow. If itching, burning, yellow or green discharge with an unpleasant odor, consult a doctor immediately.
  • Phlebeurysm. Appears for reasons such as weight gain, uterine pressure on the vena cava, or increased blood circulation.
  • The optimal weight gain is 3.5-4 kg. Now you need to monitor nutrition, as the next weeks the child will grow rapidly, your weight will also increase.
  • Frequent urination. The uterus presses on the kidneys.
  • The breast has greatly increased, and the areola circles have become darker. Colostrum is secreted from the nipples (it must not be squeezed out!)
  • Backache. due to a change in the center of gravity. You should monitor your weight, wear low-heeled shoes, sleep on a hard mattress, and do special exercises.
  • Itching in the abdomen. May appear due to stretching of the skin on the abdomen. Use special lotions and creams.
  • I began to snore. Due to the fact that the nasopharynx swells. You need to sleep on your side, raising your head with pillows.

Tips on 20 weeks pregnant

  • You should drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day (in the absence of kidney problems and if there is no swelling)
  • Limit salt intake so that the child is not born allergic
  • Undereating and overeating is bad
  • Eat more calcium (cottage cheese, cheese, milk) as your child's bones get stronger
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Eat vitamin A (carrots, lettuce, milk, fish oil), its absence or lack can lead to miscarriage.

This is the time of

20th week of pregnancy is the middle of the 5th month or 2nd trimester

At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to actively develop, it moves, spins, yawns, rolls over and twitches the umbilical cord from time to time. The skin is formed from four layers, the sebaceous glands produce a lubricant that fills the folds on the body of the fetus.

Light guns on the body, allows the lubricant to last for a long time and protect the child during his maturation. Therefore, it is washed off only after the baby is born. During this period, the formation of the cardiovascular system continues, the mother can hear the baby's heartbeat with the help of a sound tube at a doctor's appointment. The weight of the fetus ranges from 300 gr.

What happens to the child

Despite the fact that his eyes are still closed, he is already reacting to light. At the end of this period, the weight of the fetus reaches 300 grams, and the length is 25 cm, its skin thickens, and the lubricant on the skin serves as a protection against liquid, which subsequently will help to make it easier and safer to be born.

The 20th week of pregnancy is characterized by the feeling of the baby moving by the mother. It is during this period that the baby is already actively making itself felt and the mother fully feels that it is developing in her. new life. The child moves and makes pushes with legs and arms, swims, pushing from one wall of the uterus to another, reacts to a sharp noise.

Every day the movements become more tangible and obvious. A woman should pay attention to the nature of these movements, if they are too frequent, or very rare, it is worth consulting a doctor, the child may not have enough oxygen.

From this moment, the pregnant woman begins, feels unpleasant feelings and pain. Unpleasant sensations, heartburn, shortness of breath, constipation and urinary incontinence cause pressure from the growing uterus on the organs inside the body. After the birth of the child, they will pass, and the woman will be able to safely forget about this discomfort.

Pain in the lumbar region and back, which are caused by a shift in the center of gravity due to an increase in body weight, will also pass. Due to the fact that the load on the joints increases, pain in the back area also manifests itself. To remove it, doctors recommend doing special physical exercise which are able to normalize the condition of the spine. At the same time, it is worth refusing to wear uncomfortable shoes and heels.

This will help reduce the overall load on the spine, so later it will stop bothering you with pain. Also, quite common is the presence of cramps in the legs. It appears due to weight gain, and with it an increased load on the legs. In order to get rid of these unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to give the legs a rest more often and do relaxing baths and massage for the feet.

Belly and uterus at 20 weeks pregnant

This period is called the border of bearing a child, since the total gestational age is 40 weeks, so the expectant mother must understand that half of the necessary path has already been passed. At this time, you can visually see the presence of pregnancy in a woman, which is manifested in the raising and rounding of the abdomen, the waist begins to lose its clear outlines and curves.

Undergoes changes, and the skin on the body of the expectant mother in the abdomen. Due to the increase and elevation of the uterus, breathing is difficult, and red spots appear on the abdomen. Over time, this passes, due to the fact that the fetus changes its location and enters the pelvic area. At this time, it is very important to use means that prevent the appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen. All kinds of ointments, creams, oils and gels allow a woman to keep her skin in the state it was before pregnancy.

It is recommended to purchase such funds at a pharmacy or stores specializing in this category of goods. It is necessary to use them 1 - 2 times a day, rubbing with light movements into the thighs, abdomen and chest. It is worth remembering that the main condition for the use of such funds is constancy.

Vegetable oils (almond, olive) can become an optimal replacement for expensive pharmaceutical products. Before using any prophylactic agents of this kind, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist so that their use does not harm the health of the woman and child.

At the 20th week of pregnancy, "false contractions" occur, which manifest themselves in periodic uterine contractions. A woman should not worry when observing this process in her body, because this is all just a manifestation of the preparation of the uterus for future childbirth. During this period, the uterus grows, and with it the stomach. The abdomen is at the level of the navel, and the bottom of the uterus is located 12 cm above the pubic symphysis.

Photo of the tummy at 20 weeks


Highly important point in the course of pregnancy is the passage of ultrasound and the delivery of tests. It is they who are able to track the entire picture in the woman's body and establish the condition of the child, understand how the fetus develops. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother should be examined by a doctor not once, but twice a month.

At this time, ultrasound is performed to determine the condition of the fetus and its development. With the help of ultrasound, it is already possible to determine the sex of the child, the condition of the placenta, the presence of unwanted anomalies or defects in the body of the fetus. The examination can show how the internal organs of the fetus (liver, stomach, lungs, intestines and other vital organs) are formed. At this stage, the heart is very carefully examined, since it has recently become the object of the occurrence of pathologies and deviations in the normal development of the child.

At week 20, the fetus already has almost fully formed organs, which, over the next remaining period before the onset of childbirth, will improve and reach their optimal functioning. The respiratory organs, circulatory and digestive systems are fully functional, and the heartbeat is heard more and more clearly, even with the help of a stethoscope.

The nervous system is functioning, the baby is making active movements, spinning in the mother's stomach. Appearance the fetus becomes more and more pronounced, nails appear on the arms and legs that have acquired clear outlines, fluff begins to appear in the place where the eyelashes and eyebrows are located, and the first hairs begin to appear on the head. The baby can already hear the surrounding sounds, so from now on it is important for the expectant mother to start talking to the baby, sing lullabies and children's songs and avoid loud sounds.

Ultrasound at 20 weeks


If at this time a woman has abdominal pain, then this is a very dangerous signal. Whatever the nature of the pain, it is very important to consult a doctor in order to avoid an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can lead to a miscarriage. If a woman felt severe pain in her abdomen, then visiting a doctor is a necessity that does not need to be delayed, because the life of a baby can be the price.

If, along with pain, the pregnant woman also noticed bloody or brown discharge, then this is an indicator of a threatened miscarriage. Allocations with an admixture of blood without the presence of pain may indicate the process of abruption or placenta previa. Bloody discharge after intercourse or a gynecological examination indicates the presence of cervical erosion. Green and yellow discharge of a curdled consistency indicates the presence of an infection in the woman's body.

Accompanying signs of its presence is itching and burning of the skin in the vaginal area. Having found such signs, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist to take an analysis and prescribe the necessary treatment for an existing infection. In this case, you should not self-medicate, as there is a great danger of harming the health of the child. The optimal color is grayish discharge with a milky tint, having a sour smell and a uniform consistency. They are the signal that the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

Weight at 20 weeks

By the 20th week of pregnancy, a woman's weight gain of 5-7 kg is considered normal. If this figure is greater, then the subsequent development of the child and the forthcoming birth may take place with complications. A pregnant woman should pay attention to this process and ensure that the weight gain is within 500 grams per week.


During pregnancy, you need to follow a diet and eat a balanced diet. The principles of nutrition during this period remain unchanged, as well as throughout pregnancy. It is desirable to eat food in small portions, but often. Fractional nutrition will keep the metabolism at a high level, which contributes to the efficient processing of all food entering the body, while preventing the processes of decay in the stomach.

Based on the fact that during this period of pregnancy, a woman is no longer worried about toxicosis and she has an excellent appetite, it is very important that food during this period be as natural and healthy as possible. A woman should diversify her diet so that it contains a large number of vitamins and minerals of natural origin. In terms of calories, breakfast and lunch should be complete, and light dinner and less calories.

The basis of the menu during this period should be:

  • lean meat and fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • milk products;
  • porridge.

It is best to boil, bake, stew foods or steam them. It is necessary to exclude fried and smoked foods. If a woman wants to eat, whatever harmful product, then it is recommended to replace it with a healthy alternative, for example, the desire to eat chocolate can be satisfied with fruit. Where in the first case the body would receive useless carbohydrates, and in the second, useful vitamins and fiber.

By eating carrots, fish, broccoli, a pregnant woman can get natural vitamin A and folic acid, cereals will fill the body with vitamin B, and buckwheat will enrich with such a valuable element as iron. It is recommended to reduce the amount of salt consumed so as not to cause water retention in the body and prevent the appearance of edema.

Sex at 20 weeks pregnant

At this point, a pregnant woman should not give up her sexual life. Having sex is quite acceptable if there were no contraindications from a doctor. In this case, it is worth considering some nuances, namely:

  • choose sexual positions that exclude pressure on the stomach;
  • be less intense in movements;
  • listen to your feelings.

If discomfort and pain occur, it is necessary to stop sexual intercourse and consult a doctor as soon as possible.


It is necessary to donate blood, urine in order to determine the level of sugar in the blood, prevent the development of anemia and identify hidden inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Along with them, ultrasound is performed, which can take place in combination with a biochemical blood test. It allows you to determine the level of the hCG hormone and detect abnormalities in the development of the baby.

Frozen pregnancy

One of the dangers that can happen during this period is the fading of pregnancy. The onset of fading can be determined by the stopped movements of the fetus and a non-growing belly. If such factors occur, a woman should consult a doctor and conduct an examination in order to establish this fact. When a fetal fading is detected, a woman is hospitalized in order to remove the fetus from the mother's body, which from that moment becomes dangerous to the woman's health.

The danger of fetal freezing is that a woman may not immediately determine this fact, while a frozen fetus will already cause intoxication of the woman's body. After the complete removal of the frozen fetus, the woman must again undergo an examination and make sure that the fetus is completely removed from the body. Preparing for a subsequent pregnancy, a woman needs to study the causes of the onset of fading and subsequently do everything possible to protect herself and the life of the child from this danger.

The causes of fetal fading can be different, ranging from hormonal disorders and stress, to alcohol and drug abuse. During this period, a woman should not despair and give up, it is very important to establish the cause of what happened, and restore health over the next year. According to doctors, in a year it is possible to plan the next pregnancy, which, after the restoration of the woman's health, can be successful.

In order to prevent repeated fading of the fetus, it is necessary to adhere to all the rules specified by the doctor, avoid stress, and get rid of bad habits. If a pregnant woman has noticed the presence of a prolonged tone of the uterus and pain in the lower abdomen, then this is a signal that it is necessary to take measures to preserve the pregnancy. A child who is born prematurely at such a time may not survive.

Given the presence of a threat at the time of pregnancy, every woman should responsibly approach this issue. At the doctor's appointment, it is necessary to ask all the questions that the expectant mother has, because it is better to get the opinion of a specialist, and not to draw information from unverified sources.

It is very useful to perform special sets of exercises for pregnant women, spend more time outdoors, adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, say goodbye to addictions and be less stressful. It is important from the first days of pregnancy to mentally tune in to the upcoming motherhood, attend courses for the expectant mother. It is necessary to talk with your baby and love him even before he is born.

Twin pregnancy at 20 weeks

That's half the pregnancy. But for a woman carrying twins, it's even more so, since few pregnant twins carry them all 40 weeks. Most give birth before 37 weeks.

Both fetuses have already grown significantly, and the woman often feels their active movements. True, most of the time the twins sleep, and when they wake up, they actively move, since there is still enough space in the womb, and they swallow amniotic fluid.

Children's intestinal is already working. It digests dead skin cells that float in the amniotic fluid, but for now, all the digested waste products are collected in the large intestine. Meconium is formed there, the so-called original feces. The fetus will get rid of it in the first day after birth.

And the twins also pee in the amniotic fluid - this is part of the cycle of their renewal, because in twenty-four hours the composition of the water changes several times. It is important to note that when carrying twins, polyhydramnios of one of the developing fetuses often occurs. It happens like this:

If the placentas are connected to each other by a kind of vessel, or bypass, more blood can flow to one baby. Because of this, he urinates more and, as a result, gains more weight. Because of this, twins are born with different weights and heights. medical methods this cannot be corrected, but this situation does not pose a danger to the fetus. Usually a baby with a lower weight necessarily gets it after birth.