What is a sports energy drink for a child athlete. Energy sports drinks: benefits, harms and precautions. Sports drinks or water: which is better

Energy drinks in sports

general information

Danger of use


general information

Energy drinks, or energy drinks, are non-alcoholic drinks that have an anti-sedative, that is, tonic effect. Energy drinks are especially popular among people involved in sports: according to CRIOC (Centre de Recherche et d "lnformation des Organizations de Consommateurs), over the past two years, the number of young people who have used energy drinks to improve their sports performance has doubled.

Energy drinks can be purchased almost everywhere (grocery stores, fitness centers, cafes and nightclubs) without any restrictions. Cheer up in the morning, endure an intense workout, have fun with friends all night long - drinking an energy drink for this has become business as usual. Much of the popularity of energy drinks is due to a successful marketing strategy. In advertising campaigns, consumers are promised an "explosion of energy", overcoming the boundaries of the possible, a surge of physical and mental strength. Manufacturing companies are sponsors of major sporting events. Thus, the use of energy tonics is associated, especially among young people, with an active lifestyle, with sports, with movement.

However, the ergogenic effect of such drinks is an illusion, since energy drinks use the body's reserves, and are not sources of energy in themselves.

sports drinks

Energy the drinks

Popular brands

Gatorade, Powerade

Red Bull, Adrenaline Rush, Bern

What action does the manufacturer promise

Restoration of water-salt balance in the body after intensive physical activity

Increasing endurance and improving athletic performance

Active Ingredients

glucose, electrolytes

Caffeine and / or its analogues (taurine, glucuronolactone, etc.), sugar, plant extracts

real action

Prevent dehydration, replenish salt reserves in the body

Temporarily accelerate heart rate, increase blood pressure; can cause dehydration.

Composition of energy drinks

As a rule, all energy drinks contain caffeine or its analogues and a large amount of sugar. In addition, energy drinks may include taurine, vitamins and sugar.

The composition of some energy drinks (per 100g of product):



Red Bull


Adrenaline Rush


red devil


Energy value, kcal









Carbohydrates, g









Taurine, mg









Caffeine, mg









Ascorbic acid (C), mg









Niacin (VZ), mg









Pantothenic acid (B5), mg









Pyridoxine (B6), mg









Folic acid (B9), mcg









Glucuronolactone, mg









Theobromine, mg









Inositol (B8), mg









Riboflavin (B2), mg









Guarana extract, mg









L-carnitine, mg









D-ribose, mg









Ginseng extract, mg


















*according to BusinesStat


Caffeine, despite its prevalence, is by no means a harmless substance. In small doses, it has a stimulating effect on nervous system, in large - causes addiction, similar to a drug. One-time use of caffeine at a dosage of 150 mg per kilogram of body weight leads to death.

On average, a 250 ml jar of energy drinks contains 80 mg of caffeine. However, more and more often energy drinks are sold in 500 ml jars and contain 160 mg of caffeine, respectively. The maximum safe daily dose of caffeine for an adult is 200-400 mg, depending on the state of health and age.

It is not always possible to accurately determine the amount of caffeine contained in a drink, since in addition to caffeine, the composition may include, for example, guarana, which contains caffeine itself. Therefore, doctors recommend completely abandoning energy drinks for people suffering from increased excitability, insomnia, and hypertension. The rest is recommended to consume no more than 1 jar of energy drink per day.


Theobromine is close to chemical composition caffeine and has a similar stimulating effect on the heart muscle. Theobromine also has a strong diuretic effect.

Taurine and glucuronolactone

Taurine is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine. It is one of the main components of bile, found in small amounts in the human body in various tissues, mainly in muscle. Taurine is involved in the regulation of fat and calcium metabolism and is synthesized in sufficient quantities by the human body. Taurine is an almost obligatory component of energy drinks, however, the dosages of taurine in energy drinks exceed the daily allowance several times. For example, on average, one jar contains 600-1000 mg of taurine, with the recommended daily allowance of 400 mg.

Glucuronolactone is one of the natural metabolites of glucose in human body. It is also found in cereals, red wine, and some vegetable resins. Glucuronolactone does not have tonic properties, it only slightly improves the excretion of toxic metabolic products from the body. In energy drinks, glucuronolactone is contained in dosages hundreds of times higher than its natural daily intake with food. How such high doses affect the body is unknown.


L-carnitine is a vitamin-like amino acid. It is synthesized in our body in the kidneys and liver, from where it is then transported to other organs. Taking L-carnitine enhances the destruction of fat in the body, lowers cholesterol, and increases stress resistance. Thanks to elevated level release of energy, insomnia may develop while taking carnitine.


D-ribose, a monosaccharide, is found in many energy drinks. There is a suggestion that taking ribose increases endurance and provides energy to the muscles. However, there are no reliable studies confirming this fact.


Maltodextrin, or molasses, is a carbohydrate that is added to energy drinks to prevent discoloration of the final product and increase its energy value. However, in fact, maltodextrin is a mixture of starch and glucose and has the same properties: it increases the secretion of insulin in the body and increases the energy value of the product.


All energy drinks are supersaturated with sugar: there are about 9 lumps of sugar per 250 ml. For comparison, a can of soda contains 6 lumps of sugar.

Excessive consumption of sugar has a lot of unpleasant consequences, including:

  • destruction of tooth enamel;

  • excess weight;
■ deterioration of bowel function, increased flatulence, stomach cramps; ■ allergic diseases; ■ metabolic disorders;

Enlargement of the liver; ■ diabetes mellitus.

Regular excessive consumption of refined sugar can cause an addiction similar to alcohol: sudden changes in blood glucose levels lead to a sharp change in mood, increased fatigue, decreased performance, and the body begins to crave more sweets.



Therapeutic use

Estimated effect of use

Side effects (occur when using high doses of the substance or due to individual features organism)


Central nervous system stimulator

How citrate is used to treat sleep apnea and bronchopulmonary dysplasia in premature babies

Increases physical




tones up with

overwork or


Nervousness, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, tachycardia, palpitations, indigestion, nausea, hypokalemia, paralysis, hallucinations, increased

intracranial pressure, cerebral edema, epileptic seizures, acute skeletal muscle necrosis, cardiac arrhythmia


A South American plant that contains a high dose of caffeine, theobromine, theophylline and tannin.


It has a stimulating effect due to a large number caffeine, promotes weight loss


A derivative of cysteine, involved in the regulation of fats and calcium.

Used to treat alcohol withdrawal, heart failure, cystic fibrosis, hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis

Marketed to maintain good vision and to prevent heart failure by lowering blood pressure

Side effects of overdose have not been studied.


Amino acid

Increases concentration and reduces and reduces

hyperactivity in some children. L-acetylcarnitine is non-stimulant and is used to treat stage 1 attention deficit disorder in children. May be used to prevent heart disease.

Used to speed up metabolism and increase stamina

In high doses, it causes nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea. There is evidence that L-carnitine provokes seizures in patients with epilepsy.

Ginseng (Jinseng)

east asian plant

It was believed that ginseng is able to improve memory, increase stamina, strengthen the immune system.

Improves physical performance

Ginseng overdose symptoms: diarrhea, uterine bleeding, headache, dizziness, hypertension, hot flashes, insomnia, irritability. Some of these symptoms may be caused by the phenylbutazone and aminopyrine used in the treatment of ginseng.


Alkaloid from the Central African yohimbe tree.

Considered an aphrodisiac. Formerly used to treat diabetic complications, depression and erectile dysfunction

Accelerates metabolism, tones, uplifts mood.

When taken in small doses, it can cause hypertension, in large doses, hypotension, tachycardia and even death.

Danger of use

Energy drinks and alcohol.

The use of energy drinks mixed with alcohol, for example, a vodka-energy cocktail, is a serious blow to the body.

Excessive doses of caffeine present in the cocktail weaken the feeling of intoxication in a person and lead to uncontrolled drinking. According to research by the Belgian Conseil Superieur de la sante, drinking alcohol with energy drinks 3 times increases the risk of alcohol intoxication and 4 times increases the likelihood that a person will drive, despite the amount of alcohol consumed.

The use of energy drinks weakens the feeling of intoxication, but not the intoxication itself!

Energy and sports.

Energy drinks, even if marketed as sports drinks, are not recommended while exercising. They do not relieve thirst - on the contrary, their use before, during or after training increases dehydration. Also, taking energy drinks during intense physical activity is fraught with possible problems with the cardiovascular system.

Despite all the promises of manufacturers, the use of energy drinks during sports is dangerous to health!

Energy and health.

Energy drinks have a fairly strong stimulating effect on the body, so they are not recommended for people suffering from arrhythmia and mental disorders.

The British Committee on Toxicity in its report claims that taking caffeine at a dosage of 200 mg per day (~ 2.5 cans of energy drinks) during pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage. Energy drinks are also not recommended for breastfeeding mothers.

Energy drinks are often carbonated, which negatively affects digestion and can cause stomach upset.

Energy drinks and doping control.

Energy drinks do not contain prohibited substances and are safe from the point of view of doping control.

Interaction with drugs.




Do not use yohimbine while taking tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), bupropion, phenothiazine, clonidine, stimulants, decongestants (vasoconstrictor drugs), and other drugs that lower blood pressure

Ginseng (Jinseng)

Do not use ginseng while taking warfarin. Ginseng interacts with phenelzine, may interact with estrogens and corticosteroids; reduces blood glucose levels.


  • Energy drinks have no therapeutic value.

  • The influence of many components that make up energy drinks is not well understood.

  • Excessive passion for energy drinks is dangerous for health!

  • Abuse of energy drinks can provoke: irritability, heart palpitations, insomnia, depression, mood swings, etc.
Energy drinks can increase dehydration when consumed before, during, or after intense exercise.

Energy drinks should not be consumed by children and teenagers!

Today, sports drinks are becoming more and more popular in bodybuilding. This became possible due to the fact that useful substances dissolved in water are absorbed by our body much faster than any food or mixture. It is worth noting that such drinks will be especially useful for those who are just starting to seriously engage in bodybuilding, since such a drink will quickly restore the energy and mineral balance of a novice athlete.

For accomplished professionals, such a drink will be less useful, since the volume contained in it nutrients less than what is needed for recovery after training with significant loads. Therefore, most professional bodybuilders use sports drinks as an additional source for quick minerals and energy.

There is a wide variety of sports drinks on the market today. Depending on the goal pursued in training, you should choose a drink. So, the predominance of caffeine and taurine in the composition of the drink increases muscle tone, and drinks based on guarana and synephrine are used in the fight against excess weight.

In general, all sports drinks used in bodybuilding can be divided into three main groups:

- fat burning;

- energy;

- isotonic;

Energy Sports Drinks

For people who go in for sports after a hard day's work, a certain physical and energy exhaustion is characteristic. Quickly restore strength for training allow energy drinks. One of the main reasons for the appearance of a feeling of fatigue is a decrease in the number of neurotransmitters in the body. These substances are responsible for the transmission of impulses between cells, and a person feels better, the higher the speed of their transmission. The main task of energy drinks is to raise the level of neurotransmitters in the human body.

The composition of almost all energy drinks includes the following substances:

- caffeine;

- guarana extract;

- taurine;

- ginseng;

- damiana.

It should be noted that the quality energy drink should also contain a number of vitamins: C, B1, B2, B6, B12 and PP.

All energy drinks are conditionally divided into tonic and carbohydrate.

AT Western countries most tonic drinks are medicines and, therefore, they can only be purchased at pharmacies. In our country, they are sold without restrictions. But it is not recommended to use them in large quantities, as this can have negative consequences (insomnia, depression, etc.). Therefore, before using tonics, you need to consult a specialist.

Carbohydrate drinks are used to replenish energy during and after exercise. Due to their structure, complex carbohydrates in the human body break down gradually, which makes it possible to maintain the level of glucose in the blood at a sufficient level.

Among the most popular energy drinks today are XXI Power Guarana, Lady Fitness Turbo Fit, Leader Marathon.

fat burning drinks

The main ingredient in fat burning drinks is L-carnitine. The peculiarity of this element is its ability to influence the increase in the permeability of cell membranes for fatty acids. Thus, it increases the absorption of fat in the body for energy purposes without increasing the rate of breakdown of adipose tissue. The start of taking fat-burning drinks is characterized by a fairly rapid loss of adipose tissue, which in some cases reaches the level of 10 kg / month.

There are practically no side effects in these drinks, however, before you start drinking any drink, you need to carefully study its composition.

Among the fat-burning drinks today, the most popular are L-carnitine, Power L-carnitine, Lady Fitness Carni Fit

Isotonic drinks

During intensive training, the athlete loses about 1 liter. liquids. Isotonic drinks are designed to effectively satisfy the loss of fluid in the body and replenish the reserves of vitamins and salts in the cells.

Also, isotonic drinks can be used as an additional source of carbohydrates.

In general, special side effects from these drinks is not observed (except when the athlete's body is negatively predisposed to the individual components of the drink). Therefore, when choosing an isotonic drink, you should study its composition.

Among the isotonic drinks today, the most popular are Lider Isomineral, XXI Power Isotonic, Lady Fitness Iso Fit.

As a conclusion, it is worth noting that taking sports drinks during bodybuilding will allow you to maintain a balance of fluid, energy, minerals and vitamins in the body.

Sports energy drinks have become increasingly popular in recent years. Their task is to provide carbohydrates for increased endurance. Energy drinks delay fatigue, maintain blood glucose levels. Let's talk about how to choose a sports energy drink and what rules to follow when using it.

Caloric content of sports energy
The first thing you should pay attention to is the calorie content of the energy drink. As a rule, energy drinks contain ordinary sugar or glucose. If there are about 40-60 calories in 100 grams of energy, then you can drink it instead of a cup of coffee before a morning workout. Thanks to this drink, you will quickly wake up and restore glycogen stores.

If you're on a diet, choose low-calorie energy drinks, usually labeled "diet."

Energy drinks containing more than 60 calories per 100 grams cause an insulin surge. This, in turn, increases blood flow. Such drinks should be consumed with great care, they are intended for professionals who experience increased stress in strength training.

The composition of the sports energy
The choice of a particular energy drink directly depends on the purpose for which you need it. If the energy drink contains taurine, caffeine, beta-alanine, glucose, ginseng, it is designed to increase muscle tone and endurance.

For fat burning, energy drinks with green tea extract, guarana and synephrine are suitable. Sometimes in the composition of such drinks there are yohimbine and tyrosine, which turn the energy drink into a thermogenic.

If you do not have enough energy for a workout after a hard day, choose a sports energy drink with B vitamins, guarana and glucuronolactone.

But the main ingredient in any energy drink is caffeine. It is versatile: increases concentration, burns fat and improves muscle tone.

Sports energy drinks have been heavily criticized, but more often than not, their opponents appeal to cases of overdose that prove nothing. In some countries, sports energy drinks are not sold at all, but this is due to distrust of the consumer: often people mix such drinks with strong alcohol, turning them into real poisons.

Energy drinks certainly have a positive effect on training process. Many people take the time to gym only after the working day, and the high intensity of the training is sometimes unattainable without a power engineer.

The first and main disadvantage of any sports energy drink is a natural diuretic effect, which can lead to dehydration. So remember to drink enough fluids.

Keep in mind that energy drinks contain substances that have a maximum daily dosage. Carefully study the composition of the used sports energy drinks to establish a safe rate of their use.

Sports energy drinks are contraindicated for children and adolescents, the elderly, pregnant women and people with any chronic diseases.

Drawing conclusions
The article dealt exclusively with sports energy drinks. Ordinary energy drinks have little to do with them, don't forget that.

If there is any doubt, get tested for any diseases. Do not forget that if you use energy wisely, they will give an extremely positive effect and will not harm your health.

The rhythm of the big city dictates its conditions to us. Hours of vigil at the computer, intense mental activity, intense sports loads as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle - fitness or just tormenting the exercise bike according to the schedule - all this accumulates some kind of hopeless fatigue on the exhausted city dweller.

Cups of tea and coffee consumed to maintain tone, a bottle of beer after an intense workout in the gym - we are not the first to think about how harmful it is. But what can change in this vicious circle of encouragement and goading of an exhausted organism?

Energy drinks are what today persistently offers the consumer, exhausted by Narzan.

So, let's try to figure out what kind of miracle drinks they are, and how good are they? By definition, this miraculous cocktail should cheer up a tired body. The invigorating element is good

known - mainly caffeine. However, modern energy fashion prefers extracts of exotic plants, such as ginseng or guarana, to caffeine. Unlike caffeine, guarana extract is gentle on the stomach, releases much more slowly and does not cause allergies.

If you have never heard of this category of drinks, then you are clearly in the minority - it is well known to drivers making long journeys, students on sleepless nights before a session, club youth calculating their strength until the morning. And, of course, for athletes whose strength after long workouts is replenished by the so-called functional drinks.

By the way, sports drinks also exist - their task is simply to replenish the supply of fluid in the body. But after all, during intense physical exertion, the body loses not only water, but also a lot of vital substances.

Therefore, one sports drink is not enough, the body needs additional recharging. Namely, energy drinks instantly awaken activity. True, there is a huge gap between the existing energy and sports drinks! Some are designed to have a powerful energy effect on your body, others - to restore the loss of moisture. You need something in between that combines the best qualities and functionality of these two categories of drinks.

And there is such a drink - this is a drink " Tsunami"! It combines the best qualities of both energy and sports drinks. Helps to energize after training and restore the loss of essential trace elements. A drink with a lemon-bitter taste refreshes well and quenches thirst.

The main feature of the drink is precisely that its main energy effect on the human body is not caffeine (although it is also present, but much less than in other energy drinks), but the active herbal extracts that make up it. In addition to the guarana already known to us, in " Tsunami"It also includes herbal ingredients: ginkgo biloba, ginseng and mate.

« Tsunami» contains vitamin C and a number of B vitamins, minerals and natural orange juice. Generally natural ingredients always dearer to the heart. Nowadays, this is not just a tribute to fashion - but also a very important component of the diet of a city dweller completely starved of artificial products.

Drink " Tsunami» not only improves physical well-being, but also stimulates mental activity: improves memory, increases the ability to perform monotonous long-term work.

Of course, everything has its reasonable limit. There is a safe recommended daily dose - no more than 2 cans per day (0.33 ml). After all, everyone reacts differently to caffeine, guarana and other components of the drink. This must be taken into account.

There are also contraindications for people suffering from increased nervous excitability, hypertension, insomnia, impaired cardiac activity and children under 12 years of age.

But for most of us, those who strive to do and try a lot, who need more energy, who love to discover new things all the time, who prefer outdoor activities, who want to achieve more and get the most out of life - an energy drink " Tsunami' will be a good help.

Mate - Paraguayan tea, contains caffeine, promotes weight loss, eliminates hunger and thirst, contains vitamins A, B, C, riboflavin, biotin, iron, calcium and many trace elements - only 24 vitamins and minerals and 15 amino acids, improves mood and enhances libido.