Personal readiness for marriage and family relations. The issue of marriage readiness. Family purpose. Formation of attitudes towards marriage and childbearing

Readiness for marriage- an integral category that includes a whole range of aspects. 1. The formation of a certain moral complex - the willingness of a person to take on a new system of duties in relation to his marriage partner, future children.

2. Preparedness for interpersonal communication and cooperation. family is small group, for its normal functioning, the coherence of the rhythms of the life of the spouses is required.

3. The ability to be selfless in relation to a partner.

4. The presence of qualities associated with penetration into the inner world of a person - an empathic complex. The role of the psychotherapeutic function of marriage is growing, the successful implementation of which is facilitated by the development of the ability to empathize, empathize with the emotional world of a partner.

5. High aesthetic culture of feelings and behavior of the individual.

6. The ability to resolve conflicts in a constructive way, the ability to self-regulate their own psyche and behavior.

33. factors and conditions of family well-being Psychobiological compatibility. We are talking about "indefinable inner sympathy", which can be based on such clear reasons as admiration for talent, success, social position or external aesthetic ideal. Marriage without spontaneous attraction usually does not guarantee a successful marriage.

The most successful marriages are those people who value reliability, fidelity, love for the family and strong character in their partner. In the “ideal marriage”, spouses most often have such personality traits as restraint, hard work, caring, selflessness and flexibility of behavior.

Factors that have an indirect impact on the well-being of married life. It is important to know what were the marital relations of the parents of the chosen one, what is the family way of life, the material level of the family, what negative phenomena are observed in the family and in the character of the parents. Even a small family trauma often leaves a deep mark, forming negative views and positions in the child. Sometimes insurmountable conflicts are inevitable where partners differ diametrically in their worldview.

Education. Higher education does not always increase the level of stability of family relations. Even in a marriage concluded between two young people who graduated from higher educational institutions, conflicts can arise, which, if they are not resolved in a timely manner, will give rise to a divorce. However, the intellectual level and characters of the partners should not differ excessively.

labor stability. People who frequently change jobs are characterized by instability, excessive dissatisfaction, and an inability to build long-term relationships.

Age determines the social maturity of partners, readiness to perform marital and parental duties. Psychological compatibility of subjects is a multilevel and multidimensional phenomenon. In family interaction, it includes psychophysiological compatibility) personal compatibility, including cognitive (comprehension of ideas about oneself, other people and the world as a whole), emotional (experiencing what is happening in the external and internal world of a person), behavioral (external expression of ideas and experiences ); compatibility of values, or spiritual compatibility.

34. premarital factors are: place and situation of acquaintance of young people; first impression of each other (positive, negative, ambivalent, indifferent); socio-demographic characteristics of those entering into marriage; duration of the courtship period; the initiator of the marriage proposal: boy, girl, parents, others; the time of considering the marriage proposal; marriage status; age of the future couple; parents and the attitude of the latter to the marriage of their children; dynamic and characterological features of the spouses; family relationships with siblings. It has been established that they have a beneficial effect on marital relations: acquaintance at work or in educational institution; mutual positive first impression; courtship period from one to one and a half years; the initiative of the marriage proposal on the part of the man; acceptance of the proposal after a short deliberation (up to two weeks); accompaniment of marriage registration with a wedding celebration.

35 . Harmony of family and marriage relations from the point of view of personal parameters, several basic elements are determined: the emotional side of marital relations, the degree of affection; the similarity of their ideas, visions of themselves, partners, the social world as a whole; the similarity of communication models preferred by each of the partners, behavioral features; sexual and, more broadly, psychophysiological compatibility of partners; general cultural level, the degree of mental and social maturity of partners, the coincidence of spouses' value systems. Harmonious marriage presupposes the social maturity of the spouses, preparedness for active participation in society, the ability to financially provide for their family, duty and responsibility, self-control and flexibility.

36 Marriage Compatibility: Essential Components Many psychologists believe that marital compatibility is the most important condition for the stability and well-being of a married couple. Compatibility is partly determined by its researchers through satisfaction: "If for harmony, sympathy is a secondary element in the assessment of interaction, then for compatibility, sympathy (as satisfaction with relationships) is the main element." “Compatibility can be described mainly by two characteristics included in the affective component of interaction: indicators of subjective satisfaction with a partner (psychological sign) and indicators of emotional and energy costs of an individual, a participant in communication (physiological sign).” At the same time, the emotional background of the relationship is accompanied by some, perhaps, the maximum emotional and energy costs of the communicating partners. In conditions of non-formalized relationships (intimate-emotional), the optimal interaction will be one that is characterized by maximum satisfaction of partners with relationships, duration of communication, frequency of contacts.A. N. Obozova singled out four aspects of marital compatibility, the need to separate which, in her opinion, is justified by the difference in their inherent criteria, patterns and manifestations: spiritual compatibility - characterizes the consistency
underlying components of partner behavior: attitudes
value orientations, needs, interests, views,
assessments, opinions, etc. (the main regularity of the spiritual
capacity - similarity, similarity of the spiritual ways of the spouses); personal compatibility - characterizes the correspondence of the structural and dynamic features of partners: the properties of temperament, character, emotional-volitional sphere: one of the criteria for personal compatibility is a conflict-free distribution of interpersonal roles. The main pattern of this aspect of the compatibility of spouses is the complementarity of the structural characteristics of partners; family and household compatibility - functional features of marriage partners: consistency of ideas about the functions of the family and the corresponding way of life, consistency of role expectations and claims in the implementation of these functions. Criterion - efficiency of education of children; physiological compatibility. Signs of physical, including sexual, compatibility are the harmony of caresses of a man and a woman, bodily contact, satisfaction from intimacy.

A clear conceptual apparatus of the study is the key to a successful practical study of the topic. That is why, to begin with, we define the main terms that will be used in our study. The main terms in our study include the concepts of "marriage", "family", "psychological readiness for marriage".

In the scientific literature there are different approaches to the definition of "marriage" and "family". Depending on the science (psychology, sociology, etc.), various definitions of these concepts are given. In our study, we will give a brief analysis of various approaches to the institution of family and marriage based on psychological literature, which will allow us to take a broader look at the phenomena under study.

It should be noted that in the psychological literature there is no generally accepted definition of the concept of "family". The family is both a small group and a social institution.

Traditionally, the family is defined as a system-functional association of significant and emotionally close people on the basis of marriage, kinship and parenthood.

As S.I. Hunger, the family as a social institution, is a model of social relations, a reflection of the current state of the individual, socio-psychological characteristics and the possibilities of its self-disclosure in the historical picture of the development of society.

As noted by V.M. Tseluiko, a family is a small social group whose members are related by marriage and family relations, common life, mutual help and moral responsibility.

The main characteristic features of a family as a small group are:

- marriage or family ties between its members;

- common life;

– special emotional, legal and ethical relationships;

– lifelong belonging to a family group;

- heterogeneous composition of the group: age, gender, personality, social status, professional differences;

- increased emotional significance of family events.

The family structure is considered as a set of elements and relationships between them. The structure of the family includes the number and composition of the family, the totality of relationships between its members. The structural elements of the family are systems such as marital, parental, sibling and individual subsystems (sets of family roles that allow the family to perform certain functions, ensuring its vital activity).

The family is a system whose coordinated functioning is carried out through the assimilation and performance of the expected role by each of its members. The normal functioning of the family is possible only with the correct distribution of roles and responsibilities between its members.

1. Economic (material and production), household.

2. Reproductive (childbearing and reproduction of the population).

3. The function of parenting..

4. Sexual-erotic.

5. The function of spiritual communication,

6. The function of emotional support and acceptance.

7. Recreative (restorative).

8. The function of social regulation, control and guardianship (in relation to minors and incompetent family members).

At its core, the family performs its main function of "emotional refuge", which means that a person has a sense of value and usefulness.

To other functions of the L.B. Schneider refers:

- providing the opportunity to feel love, which relieves loneliness, makes it possible to fully (not only bodily, sexual) acceptance of a person;

– provision of resources for self-actualization;

- providing an opportunity to experience the joy of fatherhood and motherhood;

– ensuring regular sexual life with a regular partner;

- joint housekeeping.

Based on family functions, G. Navaitis names several groups of needs satisfied by the family:

- the needs that are associated with fatherhood and motherhood;

- the needs that are associated with the creation and maintenance of certain material conditions for the life of the family;

- the need for physical and mental intimacy.

Family relations are regulated by the norms of morality and law, the basis of which is marriage - “the legitimate recognition of the relationship between a man and a woman, which is accompanied by the birth of children and responsibility for the physical and moral health of family members” .

Officially, the marriage is registered in the civil registry offices. Thus, the responsibility of husband and wife for the quality of their family life is fixed before the law, and the state guarantees the protection of the family, fatherhood, motherhood and childhood.

Marriage is a free, equal union of a man and a woman, which is concluded in compliance with the conditions established by law, the purpose of which is the creation of a family, entailing mutual personal and property rights and obligations.

According to A.G. Kharchev, marriage is "a historically changing social form of relations between a man and a woman, through which society regulates and sanctions their sexual life, establishes their marital and parental rights and obligations" .

The signs of marriage are:

- the union of a man and a woman;

- voluntary basis and mutual consent of marriage;

- the existence of equal rights and obligations for each of the spouses in marriage;

– marriage in compliance with the rules established by law.

Thus, the family is an association of significant and emotionally close people on the basis of marriage, kinship and parenthood, assuming a common life, mutual assistance, and duties. Family relations are regulated by the norms of morality and law, the basis of which is marriage - a free and equal union of a man and a woman, which is concluded in compliance with the conditions established by law. The term "family" denotes a complex characteristic of a complex system of relationships between spouses, their children, and other relatives. The term "marriage" is used in the context of only two spouses.

Having defined the meanings of the concepts "family" and "marriage", let's move on to a review of modern views on the term "psychological readiness for marriage". It should be noted that the psychological literature does not define the concept psychological readiness to marriage as a separate phenomenon.

From a methodological point of view, the concept of "psychological readiness" implies an understanding of a person as a self-organizing system. This level of analysis allows us to talk about the systemic determination of various types of human readiness. Here, readiness is associated with a change in lifestyle and, accordingly, with a change in the image of the world, and therefore readiness manifests itself as a complex psychological education leading to systemic changes (self-organization) of both a person and her entire lifestyle (S.V. Zholudeva, V E. Klochko, I. O. Gilova, etc.). In the theory of open self-organizing psychological systems, which was developed by these authors, there are grounds for presenting readiness as a manifestation of human self-organization.

The next level - the second - S.V. Zholudeva defines it as “objective”, since it involves the use of the concept of “psychological readiness” as some special activity or, more broadly, behavioral state of readiness. At this level of analysis, researchers, as a rule, study the features of the psychological content and psychological structure of specific types of readiness.

In domestic psychology, there are two main traditions of studying psychological preparedness. These are different aspects of readiness for various types of activities (most often professional), as well as various aspects of readiness in the context of age-related personality changes.

The first direction is mainly activity. This refers to the readiness of a person to various types activities (working, sports, scientific, military, pedagogical, managerial, etc.). Within the framework of the direction of activity over the years, two main approaches to the interpretation of the phenomenon of “psychological readiness” for human activity have been manifested.

One of the first made an attempt to classify all theories of the study of "psychological readiness" A.D. Ganyushkin. He divides them into functional and personal approaches.

Representatives of the functional approach consider readiness for activity as a state of mobilization of all psychophysiological systems of a person, ensuring its effective implementation. The psychological readiness of a person for activity is interpreted as a holistic personal formation that has a certain structure and includes various components, including: motivational, cognitive, emotional-volitional, operational-behavioral as a set of skills, abilities and personal qualities that are adequate to the requirements, content and conditions of activity.

In the second direction, psychological readiness is considered in the age aspect, where it is characterized by the child's desire for a new and, therefore, more adult position. Significant empirical material has been accumulated in psychology, in which the category of “psychological readiness” is studied, primarily in connection with age periods that meaningfully reflect their psychological specificity.

The concept of psychological readiness for marriage is widely considered in family psychology in the context of readiness for family life, to fulfill family functions.

In the study by S.V. Zholudeva, psychological readiness for marriage is understood as a dynamic psychological formation, including value orientations, marital motivation, ideas about the marital hierarchy, marital attitudes and expectations, ideas about marital relations].

In the work of L.B. Schneider, readiness for family life is defined as a system of social psychological attitudes personality, which determines the emotional psychological attitude lifestyle, values ​​of marriage and family.

Psychological readiness for marriage is considered as an integral characteristic that combines psychological motives, knowledge, skills, personal qualities that ensure the construction of relations between spouses in marriage.

Thus, having studied various approaches to the definition of the concept of "psychological readiness", we can conclude that the main characteristics that determine "psychological readiness" for something include: motivational, cognitive, emotional-volitional components of the personality structure. Based on this, in our work, we will define the psychological readiness for marriage as a certain degree of psychological and personal maturity of the individual, which allows building marital relations.

"Psychological readiness for marriage among student youth..."

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation





Department of Counseling Psychology

Psychological readiness for marriage among students


4th year students of 461 groups of direction 37.03.01 "Psychology" of the Faculty of Psychology.

Baidenko Elena Alekseevna Supervisor Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor M. M. Orlova signature, date Head. department of d. pskh. D., Associate Professor T.V. Belykh signature, date Saratov, 2016 Introduction Research relevance. The problem of young people's readiness for family life has been relevant for a long time, its various aspects are reflected to one degree or another in the works of such domestic scientists as V.E. Kagan, D.N. Isaeva, B.I. Govako, V.M. Tseluiko and others.

Mainly, the urgency of this problem lies in the fact that in the most difficult period of its formation, a young family is faced with the harsh conditions of modern Russian reality.

Psychosocial unpreparedness of young people for family life, psychological overload, as well as emerging difficulties in solving everyday problems and other negative factors often become causes of conflicts in young families, contributing to the destruction of family foundations and leading to the inevitable breakup of families.

This process is largely due to the increasing negative factors of external influence on young people's ideas about family values:

the depreciation of the traditional family lifestyle, the obsessive propaganda of alternative forms of marriage and family relations, the decline in the prestige of the family, the unwillingness to have and raise children, the tendency to divorce and the lack of desire to save the family, etc.

In modern realities, for the stable development of society, the trends and prospects for the development of young people, including the problems of increasing and preserving the younger generation, are of priority importance, primarily because the future is behind them. Under these conditions, the most important place in the system of social relations is occupied by the preparedness of young people for marriage and the family as the main unit of society.

Obviously, the most favorable time not only for educational activities, but also for creating a family is the period of study at a university. During this period, young people have not only wide opportunities to choose their professional preferences, but also often a marriage partner. Common interests, life and professional goals, similar value orientations - all these factors contribute to the creation of potentially sustainable families.

At the same time, it should be noted that marriage and family relations can be sufficiently stable only if young people are psychologically ready for family life, i.e. they have a system of socio-psychological attitudes and ideas that determines their emotionally positive attitude to family and family values.

According to Russian psychologists, the socio-psychological readiness of a person for marriage means the awareness and acceptance of a whole range of requirements, duties and social standards of behavior that govern family life. Such standards may include readiness and desire for constructive interaction and cooperation, understanding of their rights and obligations in relation to a partner, children and other members family system, willingness to take responsibility for the upbringing of children, recognition of the rights of each family member to equality and self-realization. However, such readiness cannot be achieved immediately and depends on many factors.

First of all, the most significant is the need for psychological readiness and the ability to perform social roles, in particular, husband and wife, and then father and mother. Socio-pedagogical research shows that the basis of ideas about personal life for many young people is an orientation towards creating their own family in the future. At the same time, one should not forget that the life scenario, in which ideas about the family are preserved, is formed from childhood. For a child, the family acts as a model and natural basis for his existence, in which he receives ideas about the culture of interaction, about traditions and rules, and attitudes towards others. In the family, basic moral norms and value orientations are formed - learned in the family at an unconscious level, they remain for life. However, these ideas are not always true, since negative patterns of interpersonal interaction in the parental family can significantly affect the psychological readiness for marriage, as a result of which it has significant differences.

The study of psychological readiness for marriage is in demand in modern conditions of increasing the role of out-of-family orientations. AT scientific research there is a lack of use of the concept of psychological readiness for marriage. This is the reason for the choice of topic.

The purpose of this study is to identify the specificity in the readiness for marriage of girls and boys.

Hypothesis: we assume that girls and boys have differences in psychological readiness for marriage.

In accordance with the goal and the proposed research hypothesis, the following tasks are supposed to be solved:

to analyze domestic and foreign literature on the research problem;

consider the concept of family, marriage and marital relations;

to analyze scientific approaches to understanding and interpreting psychological readiness for marriage family relations;

to choose diagnostic methods adequate to the subject of research;

to analyze the motives for marriage in different groups of subjects;

determine the socio - psychological type of personality, compare the readiness for marriage among students and formulate conclusions.

The object of this study is the psychological readiness for marriage, the motives for marriage, the socio-psychological type of personality of young people of student age, in the amount of 50 people (25 girls and 25 boys).

The subject of the study is the supposed specificity of psychological readiness for marriage depending on gender.

Research methods: bibliographic method; survey method (questionnaire); psychodiagnostic method; method of calculus of information processing.

Research methods:

Test card for assessing readiness for family life (Author Yunda I.F.);

Test to determine the socio-psychological type of personality (Author Miniyarov V.M.).

The main content of the work The family, being a special psychological system, acting as a subsystem of the "society" system, has been and remains the main source of social and economic development of society. It produces and reproduces the main social wealth - a person. At the same time, the family also acts as a tool for meeting the diverse individual needs of the individual - spiritual, material, physiological, psychological.

Marriage is a traditional means of forming a family and social control over it, one of the tools, ways, ways of self-preservation and development of society.

readiness for marital relationships is based on a conscious need for psychological intimacy with another person and is a complex formation that covers cognitive, motivational and emotional-volitional components. It is characterized by a system of socio-psychological attitudes of the individual towards marriage and an orientation towards building stable, positive relationships in the family.

Its necessary basis is the ability to build family relationships without losing one's own "I", on the one hand, and without imposing it on others, on the other: to satisfy the need for love not by dissolving the personality of one partner in the personality of another, but by developing respect (for to yourself, to a partner, future children), find the context of interaction, communication, mutual respect, and also be able to work on yourself and relationships.

Thus, the readiness of young people for family life provides for the formation and development of constructive marriage-family attitudes, strengthening the focus on the family lifestyle, mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities associated with building harmonious marriage and family relations.

Based on the results of the work, it was revealed that in the youth environment there is a certain trend associated with the division of power in the implementation of basic family functions. This is a kind of departure from the traditions and norms of family and marriage relations inherent in patriarchy. While traditional gender stereotypes are in demand only when choosing a marriage partner, moreover, among girls they are actualized in the expectations of a more mature, older potential partner, and among young people - in expectations of manifestations of a maternal position from a future spouse.

The trends identified in the work make changes to the existing theories of marriage choice, in some cases confirming them and supplementing them with new facts.

So, the analysis of the literature on the research problem allows us to define psychological readiness for family life as a holistic integrative psychological education that ensures the successful entry into family life and its implementation for the individual, has its own structure with functional connections between the components.

The need to study the readiness for marriage of young people is determined by the fact that adolescence is a sensitive period for the development of family values ​​and marriage. The higher the level of readiness, the more successful the adaptation to family life, the easier mutual understanding is achieved, the greater the chance that the relationship will be harmonious.

As the first method of research in this work, the bibliographic method was used, which is necessary for the theoretical analysis of the data available in the literature on the problem of interest to us. The result of applying this method was the writing of the theoretical chapter of this study, as well as the construction of hypotheses on which the experiment was based. As part of the study, the bibliographic method was used to determine the psychological content of the phenomenon of psychological readiness for marriage.

In the course of the experimental work, the method of questioning, psychodiagnostics and the method of mathematical processing of the data obtained were used.

The questionnaire method is considered one of the most efficient ways of collecting primary information. It is a set of questions, each of which is logically related to the main task of research 1.

This method in our study allowed us to obtain information about the motivation for marriage of the subjects, as well as the degree of coincidence of motives in girls and boys. It was implemented using the methodology "Motives for marriage" (Author Golod S.I.). (Cm.

Attachment 1). This technique consists of 9 motives. Each subject had to choose no more than 3 motives from the presented list.

The psychodiagnostic method was implemented using the following methods.

Test for determining the socio-psychological type of personality (Author Miniyarov V.M.). (See Appendix 2). Using this technique, we identified what type of personality is characteristic of each subject.

As a condition for performing the test, each subject must choose one of the personal qualities that are opposite in value. If it was not possible to comply with the first condition, then in the case of 50% of the manifestation of both qualities, a negative one should be noted. If the positive quality was manifested to a greater extent, but there was also a negative one, then both qualities could be noted. If personal qualities were not observed, then they were not noted.

The following methodology was used:

Test card for assessing readiness for family life (Author Yunda I.F.).

This technique allows you to determine the readiness of future spouses to perform family functions: creating a positive family background, maintaining respectful, friendly relations with Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M .: Aspect Press, 2008. - S. 56.

relatives, raising children, intimate life spouses, establishing a healthy family and household regime, etc. In addition, using this technique, you can outline the prospects for the well-being of family relationships.

The task for the subjects was to choose in each of the proposed 10 situations one of the 3 answer options.

Methods of mathematical processing of the received information. As part of the methods of statistical analysis, descriptive statistics, Student's t-test were used. These methods allow you to test, prove or disprove the proposed research hypothesis.

In addition to the methods of statistical processing of the results of the study, in this work, methods of visual presentation of the results (tables, figures) were used.

The socio-psychological type of personality affects the psychological readiness for marriage, but does not depend on gender.

When analyzing the results obtained, one cannot ignore the lack of honesty, which actually determines the decision to enter into marriage. In such questions, the respondent is quite often not sincere, and sometimes the person acts, perhaps on the basis of the idea of ​​an ideal family. We can say that these data are, most likely, approximate and indicative.

Thus, the conducted studies made it possible to determine that psychological readiness for marriage is formed under the influence of various socio-psychological types, motives, however, the gender of the respondents does not affect the final result of the study. This partially refutes the hypothesis put forward and proves that girls and boys have differences only in the motives of psychological readiness for marriage.

Completing the analysis of the data obtained, we can conclude that the results of the methods used need additional revision, since an error was made in the formation of the sample - the study was carried out mostly among friends and acquaintances. In this situation, there was also no possibility of anonymity.

It should be noted that taking into account these key conditions in further research will allow us to see a more detailed and accurate picture of readiness for marriage, including among student youth. After all, the creation of a family is a complex, multifaceted process that forms the basis of our society, its future, which is why it needs increased attention from researchers.


The core of the socio-cultural environment that forms the personality, the primary element of society is the family. It translates to the personality the foundations of general and everyday cultures, determines the needs and interests, relations with others, forms the basic qualities of the individual.

The main function of the family is the continuation of the human race, that is, the birth and upbringing of children, the transfer of spiritual, moral and cultural heritage to a new generation. The family ensures the development of the individual throughout a person's life. The nature of the family, its spiritual and moral health largely determine the character of a person, the correct upbringing of the younger generation and, ultimately, the development of the whole society.

The traditional means of creating a family to this day is marriage, remaining the most important institution that regulates relations between the sexes.

It is marriage that is considered the only acceptable, socially approved and legal form of the relationship of spouses. However, numerous studies of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of marriage and family relations suggest that a stable family can be created without a certain readiness of young people for family life. Family life, opening up opportunities for personal growth and happiness, at the same time makes a lot of demands on him. Among the factors that determine the stability of young families is the readiness of young people for marriage. This is a system of socio-psychological attitudes of the individual, which determines the emotional and psychological attitude to the way of life, the values ​​of marriage.

The need to study the readiness for marriage of student youth is determined by the fact that this period can be called a sensitive stage in the development of family values ​​and marriage. The higher the level of readiness for marriage at this moment, the more successful the adaptation to family life, the easier it is to achieve mutual understanding between the spouses, which means more chances to create a prosperous family.

In accordance with the tasks set before us, we tried to reveal the main approaches and concepts to the study of the family, marriage and marital relations, conducted an analysis of the study of the motives for marriage among students. The influence of the socio-psychological personality type of girls and boys on the psychological readiness for marriage was determined.

The motives for marriage can be viewed not as a short-term emotional impulse, but as a long-term process, as a result of which the views, attitudes and orientations formed in a certain environment encourage people to intensify their activities in the direction of satisfying their social and natural needs in marriage. Among the motives for entering In marriage, both sexes are most often noted: love, commonality of views and interests. Young men more often note motives: to become independent from the parental family, the desire for family comfort, and some even the presence of a living space with their spouse. Such motives as the unplanned expectation of a child, the material security of the future spouse, the desire to take care and the desire to have children are most often singled out by girls.

In general, we observe a positive trend in the orientation of young people towards creating a family based on love, spiritual intimacy, but do not forget that there are marriages of convenience. Girls want to see a wealthy person next to them young man, and young men pay attention to the fact that the wife has her own living space.

In addition, it can be assumed that most boys and girls have an overestimated self-esteem of themselves as a future family man, that is, they consider themselves ideal future spouses who do not need to improve, and at the same time expect that their partner will change and adapt to them, as they have never been married before.

It should be noted that such high demands on a partner and high expectations for a future family among boys and girls can lead to significant disagreements and disappointments in future family life.

As for the socio-psychological type of personality, a harmonious personality type prevails among the total number of respondents.

In addition, girls, unlike boys, are more often representatives of the sensitive and introverted type. Individuals of infantile and anxious psychotypes were equally divided by gender, 4% in each group.

Thus, it can be assumed that this study can be continued as part of the study of psychological readiness for marriage, in conjunction with the motives for marriage, taking into account the socio-psychological type of personality of young people of student age. As well as the alleged specificity of psychological readiness for marriage depending on gender. However, it is necessary to take into account the mistakes made and correct inaccuracies in the application of the methods used to obtain the most accurate and correct results, which, in turn, could be used in the future when developing programs that help increase the effectiveness of preparing students for marital relations.

Family life, opening up opportunities for personal growth and happiness, at the same time makes a lot of demands on him. Among the factors that determine the stability of young families is the readiness of young people for marriage. This is a system of socio-psychological attitudes of the individual, which determines the emotional and psychological attitude to the way of life, the values ​​of marriage.

1. The formation of a certain moral complex - the willingness of the individual to take on a new system of duties in relation to his marriage partner, future children. The formation of this aspect, in our opinion, will be associated with the distribution of roles between spouses.

2. Readiness for interpersonal communication and cooperation. The family is a small group; for its normal functioning, the coherence of the rhythms of the life of the spouses is required.

3. The ability to selflessness in relation to a partner. The ability for such a feeling includes the ability for appropriate activity, based primarily on the qualities and properties of the altruism of a loving person.

4. The presence of qualities associated with penetration into the inner world of a person - an empathic complex. The importance of this aspect is related to the fact that marriage by its nature becomes truly psychological due to the refinement of a person as a person. In this regard, the role of the psychotherapeutic function of marriage increases, the successful implementation of which is facilitated by the development of the ability to empathize, empathize with the emotional world of a partner.

5. High aesthetic culture feelings and behavior of the individual.

6. The ability to resolve conflicts in a constructive way, the ability to self-regulate their own psyche and behavior. The ability to constructively resolve interpersonal conflicts, their use for the development of interpersonal relations of spouses is considered decisive in the process of mutual adaptation of the newlyweds 2 .

In the process of life itself, children learn from older generations a lot of knowledge about relationships with a person of the opposite sex, about marriage, about the family, and learn the norms of behavior. They early begin to develop feelings of camaraderie, friendship, honor, dignity. This contributes to the formation of ideas about love as the highest human feeling, about marriage and family relations. All this is very valuable, but at the current pace of life, the natural mechanism for transferring such knowledge is no longer sufficient. Therefore, an important place should also belong to the special preparation of the younger generation at school and in the parental family for the creation of their own family in the future; to perform marital and parental duties; to the upbringing of children.

One can agree with I.V. Grebennikov, which, respectively, preparation of the younger generation for family life should include the following main aspects:

1. Social, revealing the policy of the state in the field of marriage and family relations and demography, as well as containing data on the social essence of marriage and family relations, the purpose of the family, family values, social roles of spouses and parents.

2. Moral and ethical, including the education of the following moral qualities: friendly attitude towards members of the opposite sex; respect for mother, father, elders and younger; child-rearing needs; responsibility, fidelity, honesty, restraint, kindness, compliance; sense of duty to the spouse, family, children; culture of intimate feelings.

3. Legal, focused on familiarization with the basics of legislation on marriage and family; with key points family law; with the duties of spouses in relation to each other, to children, to society.

4. Psychological, forming concepts of personal development; about the peculiarities of the psychology of interpersonal relations of youth; about the psychological foundations of marriage and family life, the ability to understand the psychology of other people; development of feelings necessary for married and family life; possession of communication skills.

5. Physiological and hygienic, including knowledge of the physiological characteristics of male and female organisms; characteristics of sexual life, personal hygiene issues, etc.

6. Pedagogical, including the formation of ideas about the role of the family in raising children, its pedagogical potential, the specifics of family education, the educational functions of the father and mother, and ways to improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

7. Economic and economic: arming with knowledge about the family budget, culture of life, housekeeping skills, etc. Comprehensive education of a family man is carried out under the influence of various socio-pedagogical and psychological factors. Many researchers, emphasizing the multifactorial nature of this process, single out among them the family, school, community of peers, fiction, funds mass media, community, church. The process of raising a family man, like any other similar process, is a set of educational interactions. At the same time, these interactions are purposeful (teacher - student) or spontaneous (teenager - peers).

Of paramount importance in these interactions is not only the impact on the pupil, but also his response. It also does not remain unchanged, it changes, develops. All this cannot be ignored when organizing work with youth.

Thus, the preparation of young people for family life is a complex of comprehensive interactions with parents, teachers, peers, with other people, with the media of culture and the media, as a result of which there is an awareness of the features of marriage and family relationships, the development of appropriate feelings, the formation of ideas, views , beliefs, qualities and habits associated with readiness for marriage and family life.

2.3 The purpose of the family. Formation of attitudes towards marriage and childbearing

Among the many aspects of the problem of forming the psychological readiness of young people for family life, one of the most important is the correct understanding by young people of the role of family and marriage in modern society, which, in turn, is associated with the peculiarities of the formation of their attitudes, orientation towards marriage.

Why does a person need a family? This question is rarely asked by mature, adult people, but quite often by young people. At the same time, the concept of "family" has its own inner content for each individual. For a child, this is his mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandparents, uncles and aunts involved in his upbringing. For a young man after marriage, it seems that the family is first of all he and his young wife, then children.

Numerous aspects of the family have different meanings for the individual. The family provides a person with complete psychological and physiological comfort, performs the functions of an "emotional refuge". In the family, a person experiences a sense of his usefulness and value. A lot of human tragedies played out on the wave of a person's feeling of his "uselessness". The family allows everyone to feel their uniqueness, their originality, their "need" in full.

Each person is fatally and infinitely alone in this world. We come and go, our stay in this life lasts a very short time. We still don't know our hour of death. Modern man lives with a sense of the temporality of his stay.

In the uniqueness of human existence, in the uniqueness of his personal qualities, there are two sides:

1. Fear of getting lost, going unnoticed, "unnecessary";

2. The desire to overcome loneliness, to become valuable, "needed", loved and irreplaceable.

The more demanded, needed and valuable a person feels, the more chances and strength he has to overcome loneliness. Everyone wants to be loved. K. Jung wrote that a serious cause of mental disorders and diseases is "blocking of mental energy"; this happens when a person, moving away from difficulties, does not fulfill his life calling. Love in the family relieves loneliness, makes it possible to fully (not only bodily, sexually) accept a person. It is the family that provides a person with all the resources for self-actualization.

In addition to the need to be loved, each person strives to love himself. In youth, the decision to marry is caused by the desire of young people to dream of long-term spiritual and physical intimacy. Here the family acts as a marriage, creates opportunities for the manifestation of feelings of humanism and love. Marriage orientation is the most important value orientation of young people before marriage in the first years of their life together. Over time, sooner or later, the spouses have a need to have children, the desire to be parents. This need is realized in the forms of motherhood and fatherhood.

For the family, for each of the spouses, the social and psychological side of fatherhood and motherhood is important, that is, the responsibilities for the care and upbringing of offspring that adults assume.

In addition, the conveniences of family life are manifested in the joint housekeeping by family members (first spouses, then children help), delicious home-cooked food, clean and well-groomed clothes, shoes, and comfortable housing.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

"Volga State Social and Humanitarian Academy"

(PGSGA) Faculty of Psychology Department of Age and educational psychology Diploma work Completed by: 5th year student Anastasia Senecheva Supervisor:

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor N. Yu. Eremina Samara 2014

1.1 The concept of psychological readiness for marriage

1.2 Student age as a sensitive period for marriage

1.3 Features of the socio-psychological type of personality as a factor in psychological readiness for marriage Conclusions on the first chapter Chapter 2. Experimental study of the relationship between the features of the socio-psychological type of personality and psychological readiness for marriage

2.1 Characteristics of the sample and research methods

2.2 Analysis of the results of the study Conclusions on the second chapter Conclusion List of references Appendices

Introduction Research relevance. In the unstable conditions of our time, people need values ​​that can be hoped for and that are not destroyed under any political and socio-economic turning points. Such eternal values ​​are, of course, in personal relationships - friendship, love, and especially family. Family life for a person opens up opportunities for personal growth, happiness, but at the same time presents many requirements for him. The willingness of young people to marry is one of the most important factors determining the stability of a young family.

The personality of a young person, integrating the acceptance of the value of the family as a social institution, special knowledge and skills in the field of family relations, family pedagogy, interpersonal communication, represent the readiness of young people to marry. Such readiness is structurally represented by emotional, cognitive and motivational components. The allocation of these components in the structure of students' readiness for family life is explained by the basic needs of adolescence (cognitive, emotional, motivational, evaluative-volitional and needs for activity and communication).

A theoretical analysis of the literature shows that there are not enough works aimed at studying the psychological readiness of young people for marriage. Conventionally, three areas of research could be identified. Of course, most often the question of readiness for marriage arises within the framework of the problem of preparing young people for marriage (Grebennikov I.V., Dubrovina I.V., Kovalev S.V., Kozlov N.I., Razumikhina T.M., Torokhtiy V. S., Schneider L. B. and others). Another direction can be considered the study of the problems of age-related development of the personality (G. S. Abramova, G. Craig, A. A. Rean, E. Erickson, etc.). The third direction is the study of various problems of family life, for example, the periodization of family life, the conditions for the “right” choice of a partner, the conditions for a successful marriage, as well as the causes and characteristics of marital conflicts (Grebennikov I.V., Obozova A.N., Sysenko V. A., Shapiro B.Yu.). At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that only from the perspective of preparing young people for marriage, the question of psychological readiness is posed directly as a problem, in other areas this topic is only indirectly touched upon.

With all the undeniable theoretical and practical significance of the studies conducted on the problem of the formation of psychological readiness for marriage among young people, it should be noted that the study of the relationship between the socio-psychological type of personality and readiness for marriage was not the subject of a special study. Among the many problems that arise in the study of psychological readiness for marriage, it is necessary to investigate those that are associated with the identification of his psychological readiness, which ensure the formation of a future family man's readiness for marriage.

The contradiction between the need to study the components of psychological readiness for marriage and the presence of features of the socio-psychological type of personality, and insufficient theoretical prerequisites in psychological science for the formation of psychological readiness for marriage, becomes obvious.

The desire to find ways to resolve this contradiction determined the problem of our study. In theoretical terms, this is the problem of determining psychological readiness, which ensures the formation of systemic settings for marriage. In practical terms, the problem of identifying the psychological components of psychological readiness for marriage in accordance with the socio-psychological type of personality.

Object: psychological readiness for marriage Subject: the relationship between the characteristics of the socio-psychological type of personality and psychological readiness for marriage in the youth environment Purpose: to identify the relationship between the characteristics of the socio-psychological type of personality and the psychological readiness for marriage is a system of attitudes towards marriage, and the psychological components are the adoption of a new system of duties in relation to your marriage partner, future children and responsibility for their behavior, understanding the rights and dignity of other members of the family union, recognition of the principles of equality in human relations, the desire for cooperation and everyday communication, the ability to adapt to the habits and character traits of another person and understanding his mental states, motivation for marriage and attitude to the requirements and responsibilities in family life, then there are differences in psychological readiness ti to marriage among young people, depending on the characteristics of the socio-psychological type of personality.

1. Conduct an analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the research problem.

2. Select a package of diagnostic methods that are adequate to the subject of the study.

3. Conduct an empirical study that reveals the relationship between styles of family education and psychological readiness for marriage.

4. Analyze the obtained empirical data and formulate conclusions.

The practical significance of the study lies in determining the relationship between the characteristics of the socio-psychological type of personality and readiness for marriage. The results obtained can be used in the practice of family counseling in the formation of marriage and family relations among young people.

Research methods: to solve the tasks and test the hypothesis, a set of complementary methods adequate to the subject of research was used:

1. Theoretical method (analysis of psychological scientific literature);

2. Empirical methods (method "Motives for marriage" author Golod S. I., test "Unfinished sentences" author's version of Saks-Sidney modified by Zaeko T. A., method "Scale of love and sympathy" Rubina Z., adapted by Gozman L. Ya. and Aleshina Yu. E., "Test to determine the socio-psychological type of personality" author Miniyarov V.M.);

3. Methods of mathematical processing of research results.

The base of the study was young people (50 people): 25 boys and 25 girls aged 20 to 23 years.

Structure thesis corresponds to the logic of the study and includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

Chapter I. Theoretical analysis of scientific approaches to the problem of forming the psychological readiness of young people for marriage

1.1 The concept of psychological readiness for marriage Preparing young people for marriage, for future family life is an integral part of common system education of the next generation. However, until recently it was believed that a young man of a certain age is completely ready for a family. However, many sociological and pedagogical studies have convinced us that this is not the case, and therefore the readiness of young people to marry and start a family should be the goal of psychological work.

Among the factors that determine the stability of young families, Moskvicheva I.L. emphasizes the readiness of young people for marriage. This is a system of social and individual relations that determines the emotional and psychological attitude to the way of life, the values ​​of marriage. Readiness for marriage is an integral category that includes a number of aspects:

The formation of a certain moral complex - the willingness of a person to take on the responsibilities of a new system in relation to their partner, future children. The formation of this aspect, in our opinion, will be associated with the distribution of roles between spouses.

Readiness for interpersonal communication and cooperation. The family is a small group; for its normal functioning, the coherence of the rhythms of the life of the spouses is required.

Opportunity to donate in relation to a partner. The ability to feel this includes the possibility of appropriate activities based primarily on the quality and properties of the altruism of a loving person.

The presence of qualities associated with penetration into the inner world of a person is an empathic complex. The importance of this aspect lies in the fact that marriage by its very nature is more of a psychological effect of a person's sophistication as a person. In this regard, the role of the psychological functions of marriage, which contributes to the success of the development of the ability to empathize, to feel the emotional world of a partner.

High aesthetic culture of feelings and behavior of the individual.

The ability to resolve conflicts in a constructive way, the ability to independently regulate their own psyche and behavior. The ability to constructively resolve interpersonal conflicts and their use for the development of interpersonal relations between spouses plays a decisive role in the process of mutual adaptation of the newlyweds. Moskvicheva I. L. Motivation for marriage and intra-family values ​​of modern youth // Youth in the conditions of social economics. reforms: Proceedings of the international. scientific-pract. conf., 26−28 Sept. 1995.- St. Petersburg, 1995. - Issue 1. — P.104−105

The starting point of a person’s readiness for marriage and family, in accordance with the opinion of S. V. Kovalev, is an active understanding of the social significance of one’s actions, certain obligations to oneself and others, as well as responsibility for the family and children, voluntary acceptance from family life of the hassle and limitations of personal freedom. In addition, he notes an important indicator of psychological readiness for family life - the presence of a project for a future family life. It is expressed in the need to see oneself in the future as self-fulfilled, loved and happy, but any dream is achievable only in those cases when it is supported by a real plan of action, which, in addition to the desired goals, also includes the ways and means of achieving them. Kovalev S.V. Psychology of the modern family. Book. for the teacher. - M .: Education, 1988.

Considering psychological readiness through the prism of the conditions of a normal marriage and a strong family, A. G. Kharchev, M. S. Matskovsky note that such conditions are:

* mutual desire for understanding that a person develops in childhood and for the improvement of the interests of a loved one;

* emphasis on another person and psychological readiness to understand him as himself, manifests itself in the ability and desire to see, observe, understand, respect the characteristics, habits, preferences of a loved one;

* openness as a willingness to open one's thoughts and feelings in order to discuss difficulties and mistakes;

* the ability not to shift responsibility for one's behavior, on the other hand, a certain level of criticality;

* internal installation on the joint nature of the potential to create comfort at home;

* installation on mastering housekeeping skills and abilities;

the ability to design an optimal and realistic model of their future family; General idea of ​​the moral and psychological climate in the family;

* moral qualities, such as responsibility, fidelity, honesty, humility, kindness, humanity and a sense of duty to his wife (husband), family, children;

* Awareness of the need to balance family and social responsibilities. Kharchev A. G., Matskovsky M. S. Modern family and its problems. -M.: Lawyer, 1993

Associating the success of marriage with readiness for it, and first of all with a person’s lifestyle and its prototype, Schneider L.B. believed that, first of all, it is necessary to have a sense of community and be socially adapted. He also argued that all the abilities and inclinations of the inability to love and marriage are embedded in the prototype, which is formed for the first years of life. Knowing the quality of the prototype may indicate difficulties that arise in later adulthood. In addition to the usual qualities of social adaptation, the relationship of love and marriage requires from the partner an exceptional feeling of sympathy, the ability to identify with another person and empathize with him. Shneider LB Psychology of family relations. — M.: April-Press, 2000

These prerequisites are:

* experiencing the presence in oneself of the power of one's own "I", the ability to influence one's own "I", to act not only spontaneously, but also according to the obligation taken towards oneself and others;

* creativity, family life - it is "each other's creativity and work together community - a common home for two different, but common souls";

* the feeling of the creator in oneself as an experience of one’s integrative capabilities, the presence of intellectual potential as an opportunity to differentiate various manifestations of life, freely experience and express one’s feelings, manage relationships with the aim of creating, the existence of a concept of life, experiencing the purpose and meaning of life, the uniqueness of life (one’s own and another person);

* skills and achievement of goals, organization of activities "in accordance with the expediency common to all family members"; desire to build this new life, that is, the desire to live with another person as a family. Aleshina Yu. E. Satisfaction with marriage and interpersonal perception in married couples with different experience of living together: Abstract of diss. …cand. psychol. Sciences. - M., 1985

In the context of the concept of identity, Rubinshtein S. L. considers the psychological conditions for building long-term relationships with another person. According to him, at the stage of minors (from 12 to 19 years old), a person finds the ego of identity as a sense of inner identity and integrity, which provides true, as the ability to be true to one's promises and affections, despite the inevitable contradictions in the value system, the ability to accept and comply with morality, ethics. At the next stage - at the beginning of adult life (from 20 to 25 years old) he develops the ability for new interpersonal relationships, on one pole of which is intimacy, and, on the contrary, isolation, which provides the ability to love. The achievement of identity as a certain level of personal maturity Rubinshtein S. L. considers as a necessary condition for a lasting marriage. Very dangerous for marriage is the unattained identity of the individual. In this case, the desire to get married may be dictated by the need to verify or find one's own identity in or through another person. Rubinshtein S. L. Fundamentals of General Psychology - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002

As part of the study of other problems, Silyaeva E.G., based on research on the conditions for the preservation of young couples, suggests considering readiness and attitudes through the prism of psychological skills. According to its position, psychological readiness for marriage is a system that determines an emotional and positive attitude towards family life. The ability to change one's lifestyle, the ability to marry, as the presence of certain personality traits - understanding, caring, active kindness, empathy, creativity in relationships, the ability to cooperate, communication skills, high ethical culture, which implies tolerance, acceptance of another person as he is yes, the ability to suppress one's own egoism; perception and assimilation of the whole complex of requirements, duties and standards of behavior that regulate family life. Silyaeva EG Psychology of family relations with the basics of family counseling. - M .: Academy Year, 2002

In the context of social psychology, Sysenko V. A. approaches the definition of psychological readiness for family life through understanding the socio-psychological characteristics of marriage and the family as a micro community and socio-psychological factors in the formation and stability of marriage. According to Sysenko V.A., on the one hand, marriage and family in a person are associated with the highest level of expectation of warmth, mutual attention, depth of understanding, completeness of emotional contact and joy mutual love. On the other hand, the institution of marriage does not entail a rigid division of duties. The main factors in the formation of marriage and its stability are the psychological content, completeness and harmony of relations that develop between spouses. Therefore, Sysenko V. A. proposes to define psychological readiness for marriage as readiness for adequate representation and action in a real, rather than imaginary family environment, for an adequate attitude towards each other, for the very choice of a life partner, for joint overcoming of difficulties, crises, conflicts that inevitably arise on the path of life. The author makes the main emphasis on readiness for an adequate perception and understanding of marriage. Sysenko V. A. Stability of marriage. Problems, factors, conditions. - M .: Finance and statistics, 1981

Shapiro B.Yu. when studying the typical difficulties faced by young people at the stage of a couple, he noted the following, that the role of preparedness of future spouses in choosing a partner is important. The most dangerous, in his opinion, is not realizing the motives in choosing a life partner, which arise under the influence of traditions and socially approved standards (for example, focus on the external data of a partner, focus on the “romantic love scenario”). Shapiro B.Yu. describes the so-called “love trap”: a sense of duty (to communicate for a long time, parents know, everyone agreed, and everyone is happy, promised to close); intimate happiness (based on the myth that marriage is the basis of a harmonious sexual compatibility); pity or gratitude. In addition, these can be marriages “out of frivolity” (the desire to move from the infantile category of a child to the category of adult family people, to leave the parental home) and “stimulated” marriages "(as a rule, due to premarital pregnancy). Ignorance of motives reduces responsibility. Most often, marriage is not used as an independent meaning, but as a way to meet other needs.This, in turn, is a source of problems during the formation of a couple.That is why Shapiro V.Yu. considers work aimed at understanding motives to be the most important preventive measure. young people to marriage. Shapiro B. Yu. From dating to marriage. - M .: Medicine, 1990.

The motivation for marriage, according to SV Kovalev, contains at least five types: love, spiritual intimacy, material calculation, psychological compliance, moral considerations. The study of the influence of family satisfaction on marriage motivation confirms the importance of the first two reasons. Among those who married for love and community of views, they are most satisfied and least dissatisfied. The unity of these two motives is important. Disappointment with family and marriage turned out to be more likely among those who focused solely on their feelings without the spiritual community of spouses necessary for their preservation.

According to some researchers, in many cases love is a factor preventing the preservation of the family. “First of all,” says Sergey Kovalev, “in love, we are not looking for a spouse, but for a loved one. Forgetting that we must live with not only this wonderful feeling, but with its subject and carrier - a very specific person who has a unique mental world, an image of his "I", temperament, character and personality traits, which is why the merger of two "I" is not always leads to the appearance of one "We". Secondly, under the guise of romantic love, we often forget that no matter how much a couple loved each other, in their family, they will not just perform the usual functions of every couple."

The West German psychologist Chernov, A, argues that when the expectation of love becomes the primary motive for marriage, the main meaning of family life with its daily work, caring for small children reduces the death of these illusions, which often leads to the search for a new love partner. Chernov A. Strategy of marriage. “If everyone married only for love, then humanity would die out” // Vedomosti. - No. 5 (1045). - January 16, 2004

Eidemiller E. G. and Yustitsky V. V. hold a different view on the relationship of love and marriage, presenting it in the description of the mechanism of “emotional identification with the family”. The authors consider the emotional relationship of sympathy as a cementing force in family relationships. They note that the relationship of sympathy to some extent neutralizes the state of frustration that arises in interpersonal relationships, including in the family. It is easier to adapt to the frustrating features of the character of the spouse. Eidemiller E. G., Yustitsky V. V. - Family psychotherapy - Publisher: Medicine, 1990

The degree of emotional closeness, as pointed out by Peter A., ​​is a special quality of this family, and it is difficult to imagine any other group where such qualities will be developed to the same extent. Describing this side of family relationships on the example of parental love, speaking about the various and numerous misconducts of the child, A. V. Petrovsky notes: “At the same time, any misconduct does not at all cause a dispassionate attitude of parents towards itself. And this can go on for weeks, months. One gets the impression that the currents of indignation coming through the holes in the ship of trust are pumping out powerful pumps of parental love.

In many respects similar in psychological essence, according to Eidemiller E. G. and Yustitsky V. V., is the action of sympathy in marital relations. In this respect, the effect of "dissolution disappointments". Relationships of sympathy cause an increase in interest in the object of sympathy (for example, the person who loved). It should be emphasized that this benevolent interest, associated with the desire to help, to rejoice or grieve together, in turn produces greater mutual frankness and, accordingly, increases sympathy. Hence the importance of sympathetic relationships in the prevention and mitigation of interpersonal conflicts in the family. Eidemiller E. G., Yustitsky V. V. - Family psychotherapy - Publisher: Medicine, 1990

At present, marriage is voluntary for two young people who, even though they are economically dependent on their parents, often do not commit their intentions to them. Speaking of marriage, we must not forget that the desire to marry and the willingness to marry are not the same thing. According to psychologists, the moral and psychological readiness of a person for marriage means the perception of a number of requirements, duties and social norms behaviors that govern family life.

These include:

willingness to take on a new system of responsibilities in relation to their marriage partner, future children and responsibility for their behavior;

understanding of the rights and dignity of other members of the family union, recognition of the principles of equality in human relations;

the desire for everyday communication and cooperation, coordination of interactions with a representative of the opposite sex, which in turn implies a high moral culture;

the ability to adapt to the habits and character traits of another person and understanding his mental states.

High ethical and psychological culture, having the ability to be tolerant and condescending, generous and kind, to accept another person with all the quirks and shortcomings, to suppress selfishness ("https: // site", 9).

All these abilities are indicators of a person's ability to quickly change their behavior in response to changing conditions, tolerance, stability and predictability of their behavior, the ability to compromise.

Noting the high importance of the readiness of each person for marriage, Druzhinin V. N. notes that the strength and fate of marriage depends on many factors, since two personalities enter into it with their complex psychological and physiological characteristics. It is very important for married people to be socially and psychologically mature individuals.

Psychological maturity, according to V. N. Druzhinin, includes the absence of excessive selfishness, aggression, and vice versa - the features of accessibility to admit one's own mistakes and the desire for continuous improvement in marital relations. Druzhinin VN Psychology of the family. - 3rd ed., corrected. and additional - Yekaterinburg: Business book, 2000.

The set of factors that ensure the maturity of a person in family relationships and, therefore, is an indispensable element in preparing young people for family life also includes: communication skills; possession of psychotechnics of communication and self-regulation; psychological support; good nature and quickness in a quarrel; tolerance for the shortcomings of another; ability to overcome conflict situations; desire and readiness for the appearance of children and joint care for their development, upbringing and education; social activity of family members and their ability not to become isolated in a narrow circle of family affairs; the ability to forgive. Such maturity is not achieved simultaneously and depends on many factors. The first factor is the need for psychological readiness and ability to fulfill the role of husband and wife, and then father and mother. Each social role includes certain expectations that apply to its performers. Thus, the role of readiness for husband and wife is the accurate knowledge of these expectations and the desire to realize them. Druzhinin VN Psychology of the family. - 3rd ed., corrected. and additional - Yekaterinburg: Business book, 2000

In addition to psychological readiness, the most important components of the family are the functional role of the relationship between a man and a woman. In the recent past, it was the man who performed the most difficult physical work and was morally responsible for the welfare of the family. Now there is a significant gap between the traditional concepts of "male" and "female" family roles and the actual distribution of responsibilities in the family.

In reality, the most ordinary Russian families bear the brunt of domestic work by a woman. This often creates psychologically stressful situations, especially in young families. Therefore, the factor of family stability may be the rational distribution of responsibilities.

Boys and girls who are preparing to tie the knot must be taught to identify, set and accordingly solve together with other family members the tasks and problems associated with family life so that the moral and ethical content of the decisions made is realized in adaptive and enriching ways for themselves and others. Kopystyanskaya K. R., Osetrova N. V. Motives for creating a family and refusing to marry // The family in the ideas of a modern person. - M .: Education, 1990. - S. 23−45

Summarizing this paragraph, we can say that in general, the positions of the researchers reflect three main ideas: the psychological readiness of the individual for family life is an integrative education that includes many components; psychological readiness is crucial for success in solving problems that arise in the process of family life and work. An analysis of the literature on the problem of psychological readiness for marriage and the definition of psychological readiness that we already have allows us to define readiness for marriage as a holistic integrative psychological formation that provides the individual with a successful entry into family life and the implementation of family life (it is based on a certain level of maturity of the individual), which has own structure with functional links between components. Thus, the psychological readiness of students for marriage is considered by us as a system of attitudes towards marriage, and the psychological components are the adoption of a new system of duties in relation to their marriage partner, future children and responsibility for their behavior, understanding the rights and dignity of other members of the family union , recognition of the principles of equality in human relations, the desire for cooperation and everyday communication, the ability to adapt to the habits and character traits of another person and understanding his mental states, motivation for marriage and attitude to the requirements and responsibilities in family life.

1.2. Student age as a sensitive period of marriage Adolescence is a period of pronounced social needs. A person in adolescence has a great need, the need to integrate his various manifestations of life, I - he feels how he experiences the possibility of this orientation over the course of life, but integration requires strength, we need energy, which allows us to overcome the failure of various manifestations of life, its global inconsistencies. Adolescence is the age of growth in the strength of the I, its ability to express and maintain its individuality; at this time there is already a basis for overcoming the fear of losing, I am in a group activity or intimacy, or friendship. In these circumstances, I want to try my hand, through confrontation with other people, the young men to find the exact boundaries of their psychological space, protecting them from the danger of the destructive influence of another. Kirilenko M., Yatsenko A. Marriage: motivation and forecasts // Mirror of the Week. - 2004. - No. 37 (512). - September 18-24.

Unlike all previous concepts, with the help of which youth traditionally remained in childhood, it was first called Vygotsky L. S. "the beginning of a mature life." Later this tradition was continued by our scientists. Students as a separate age and socio-psychological category were singled out in science in the 1960s by the Leningrad Psychological School under the leadership of Yu. E. Aleshin in the study of the psychophysiological functions of adults. How the age category of students is associated with the stages of adult development, representing a “transitional phase from maturation to maturity” and is defined as late adolescence - early adulthood (18-25 years). The selection of students within the era of maturity - adulthood is based on a socio-psychological approach. Students are a separate age category. This age is a special period in life. Student age, according to Aleshina, is a sensitive period for the development of the main sociogenic potentials of a person. Aleshina Yu. E. Satisfaction with marriage and interpersonal perception in married couples with different experience of living together: Abstract of diss. …cand. psychol. Sciences. - M., 1985

Studies have shown that further development occurs during student age. mental development of a person, a complex restructuring of mental functions within the intellect, the entire structure of the personality changes in connection with the entry into new, larger and more diverse social communities (Aleshina Yu.E., Dvoryashina M.D., Granovskaya L.S., Lisovsky V.T. ., Zimnyaya I. A., Kon I. S. and others). The study of the structure of human development in student age as a period of intensive intellectual development, the formation of educational and professional activities, the study of the role of a student entering a new "adult" life allows us to talk about the mental characteristics of student age. From the point of view of general mental development, students are a period of intensive socialization of a person, the development of higher mental functions, the formation intelligent systems and personality in general.

Age-related neoplasms are qualitative shifts in personality development for different age stages. They are manifested in the features of mental processes, states of personality traits that characterize the transition to a higher degree of organization and functioning. Neoplasms of adolescence cover the cognitive, emotional, motivational, volitional psyche. They are also considered in the structure of personality: in interests, needs, inclinations, character. The meaning of life is the most important new formation of early youth. Kovalev S. V. notes that during this period of life the problem of the meaning of life becomes global, comprehensive, taking into account the near and far future. Also important is the emergence of a new growth in the life plans of young people, and this is manifested by establishing a conscious construction of their own life as a manifestation of the beginning of the search for its meaning. Kovalev SV Psychology of modern family. Book. for the teacher. — M.: Enlightenment, 1988

The period of adolescence has long been regarded as a period of preparation for human adulthood, although in different historical eras he was given a different social status. Youth is unequivocally assessed as a stage of complete physical, puberty and social maturity and was associated with growing up, although knowledge of this period developed over time and in different historical societies, was marked by various age restrictions. Age is influenced by the social system, on the other hand, the individual himself in the process of socialization learns, accepts new and leaves old social roles. Pointing to the social conditioning of mature ages, Silyaeva E. G. believes that the periodization of a person’s lifestyle, starting from adolescence, no longer coincides with age periodization and becomes personal. The psychological content of youth is associated with the development of self-awareness, solving the problems of professional self-determination and entry into adulthood. In early youth, cognitive and professional interests, the need for labor force, the ability to make life plans, social activity are formed, the independence of the individual, the choice of life path is affirmed. In youth, a person asserts himself in the chosen business, acquires professional skills, and it is in youth that professional training ends, and, consequently, student time. Silyaeva EG Psychology of family relations with the basics of family counseling. - M .: Academy Year, 2002

During study at the university, it coincides with the second period of youth, or the first period of maturity, which provides for the complex formation of personality traits (the works of Ananiev B. G., Dmitriev A. V., Kovalev S. V., V. T. Lisovsky and others. ). A characteristic feature of the moral development of a person at this age is the strengthening of conscious motives. Noticeably higher qualities that are needed to the full in the senior classes are purposefulness, determination, perseverance, independence, initiative, self-control. Growing interest in moral issues (goals, lifestyle, duty, love, devotion, etc.).

This period is characterized by the completion of the growth process, leading ultimately to the flowering of the body, which creates the basis not only for the special position of the young person in learning, but also for the development of other functions, roles and claims. From the point of view of developmental psychology, the university of age-related changes and functions inner world and self-awareness, restructuring of mental processes and personality traits, changes in the emotional-volitional system of life. Silyaeva EG Psychology of family relations with the basics of family counseling. - M .: Academy Year, 2002

Youth is the period of life after adolescence to adulthood (age limits are arbitrary - from 15-16 to 21-25 years). This is the period when a person can go from an insecure, inconsistent child who claims to be an adult to actual adulthood.

In youth there is a desire for the other sex. This desire can overshadow, despite the understanding, knowledge, beliefs and already formed value orientations of a young person. Youth is a period of life when other feelings can be dominated by an all-consuming passion for another person.

During this period of life, a person decides in what order he will apply his abilities to realize himself in work and in life itself. At the same time, the growth trend of student marriages can be considered a sign of the times and a peculiar characteristic of the student environment. Supporters of student marriage give their arguments. Today in society there are serious economic reforms, the growing pace of social, emotional and moral emancipation of young people, becoming puberty, occurs earlier. All this raises a number of moral-psychological and medical-biological questions. In this regard, the family is a unique microenvironment for students in the sense that it allows them to constantly satisfy a number of vital needs in love, rest, intellectual communication with the chosen one, psychological comfort, etc. The combination of educational and family activities depends to a large extent on type of organization of family life, which, in turn, is related to the level of preparedness for marriage. Akhmazova OA Consensual marriage among young people: problems and motives // II All-Russian Scientific Conference Sorokin Readings 2005 / Future of Russia: Development Strategies. - December 14-15, 2005

A student family is created as a result of the active search of young people for a close and dear person, necessary for a happy, fulfilling life. The nature of the future marriage is largely determined by a number of reasons that led to the conclusion of the marriage union. In the works of Soviet sociologists Golod S.I. Fainburg Z.I. Kharcheva A. G. and others showed that the predominant motive for the marriage of young students, the motive for marriage among students is love and spiritual, ethical and aesthetic values ​​​​and expectations close to it. There is a fairly large selection of motives underlying the decision to marry - this is love, common interests, coincidence of tastes, lifestyle, material considerations, etc. At the same time, each specialist uses his own "set" of the most significant motives from his point of view.

Love as the emotional basis of marriage prevails over other motives. In marriage, love remains the highest value for most spouses. The preservation of mutual love of spouses in marriage is one of the subjective characteristics of the successful functioning of the family. On the basis of a strong, positively colored emotional connection of the spouses, all the difficulties of the difficult period of adaptation are overcome. The nature and intensity of emotions determine the level of "social optimism" of the spouses, namely, resistance to adverse external living conditions for the family, especially material and domestic ones.

Love must be genuine and effective, i.e., it must involve "not receiving egoistic satisfaction, but experiencing joy through the joy of another person, enjoyment through the reflected pleasure of another." The authenticity of feelings provides for respect for the rights and dignity of the spouse, his interests, the spiritual closeness of the spouses.

The emotional side of marriage for young couples is of paramount importance. Family satisfaction of each of them is associated with the nature and strength of feelings. No material conditions, nor the opportunity to continue studying without the additional difficulties that arise with the creation of a family, have no effect on marital satisfaction as much as the character and strength of feelings of the young spouses of students.

A connection has been established between the preservation of a feeling of love in marriage and the nature of the use of free time: a fair distribution of household chores between spouses allows increasing the leisure time of a family woman. Positively colored communication is of great importance for preserving and strengthening the feelings of young spouses. Communication is a necessary condition for a full-blooded, internally rich and emotionally rich life. Gurko T. A. Gender approach in the sociology of the family // Sociology of gender relations / Ed. Z. Kh. Saralieva. - Ivanovo: ISU, 2003

Long-term sociological studies of the social orientation of young people show that radical changes in socio-economic and socio-cultural orientations have occurred recently. They introduce certain changes both in the structure of the value orientations of young people and in the content of marriage and family attitudes. Thus, in the structure of value orientations of young people for many years, psychological meanings prevail: communication, love, family. Recent studies show that the value of the economic nature, focusing on a high standard of living and personal well-being are beginning to take priority in the structure of value orientations, gradually replacing the value of the psychological nature, which still remain valid for 83% of respondents as core values ​​and dreams. about " true love". The high importance of family life in the structure of value orientations of young people is preserved, only 2% of respondents are oriented towards celibacy. However, young people associate marriage with the achievement of economic independence, which is necessary for creating a prosperous family, so a relatively small group of respondents (11%) is guided by early marriages.

A stable, prosperous family can only function if young people are prepared for a joint family life. Young marriages are characterized by the initial entry into the world with each other, the distribution of labor and family responsibilities, solving housing, financial issues and problems related to the management of the general economy and everyday life, the process of acquiring life experience. This period of family life is the most difficult and dangerous in terms of family stability.

Young families today live in very difficult economic conditions. Most young people at the beginning of their married life face problems that they may have heard about before, but have not thought about how to solve them. In particular, such a small budget as a young family has requires special care in housekeeping, so at least elementary knowledge and skills are needed. Students are called upon to multiply the moral and spiritual potential of society, and for this they must be created the necessary conditions. Kratokhvil S. Psychotherapy of family-sexual disharmony. — M.: Medicine, 1991

Summarizing this paragraph, we can say that students in terms of their numbers are one of the most significant groups of young people, on the development of which the future of society and the country as a whole depends. Therefore, the study of young families of students and the most favorable time for their creation is very important, because youth, in particular the student age period, from the standpoint of physiological and psychological readiness, is considered the most favorable for creating a family and giving birth to first-born children. Student marriages, in most cases, show a high degree of cohesion, based on common interests, group identities, certain subcultures and lifestyles. But at the same time, the weak social readiness of young people for family life, psychological overload and increased demands on a partner often lead to conflicts that destroy the foundations of the family. In order for young people to be able to harmoniously build their relationships in a future marriage, they need to know the features of communication, interpersonal relationships in a modern family. The openness of the family, its focus on the past and the future will create a real basis for the transition to a new society that needs a strong family mechanism.

1.3 Features of the socio-psychological type of personality as a factor in psychological readiness for marriage In each historical era dominated by their educational systems, which were aimed at the formation of a certain type of personality.

Studying the conditions of upbringing and socio-psychological personality types based on a strictly determined process, you can choose certain styles of family education. The style of family education should be understood as the most characteristic ways associated with the relationship between the child and parents, who use certain means and methods of pedagogical influence, which is expressed in a peculiar manner of verbal treatment and interaction. (See Attachment).

The axiological approach to society can be considered a person from the standpoint of its own significance for society, that is, it determines the social orientation or, more precisely, the orientation of the individual towards social values. This is an intermediate component in the structure of personality N. D. Levitov and A. G. Kovalev defined as an integral and leading component of the personality's character.

Therefore, there is reason to consider the question of how, under what conditions and circumstances, a certain type of personality is formed. Analyzing the conditions for the formation of personality types, it is possible to single out the main forms of relationships between parents and the child and the outside world, which we subsequently formed the basis for the classification of family education styles.

These main forms of relations with the child and others are:

the attitude of parents to the activities of the child;

attitude of parents to the use of methods of punishment and reward;

attitude of parents towards the child;

attitude of parents to other people;

the attitude of parents to the formation of moral values ​​in a child;

attitude of parents to the mental activity of the child.

On the basis of the existing forms of attitude towards the child on the part of the parents, the following styles of family education have been identified: permissive, competitive, reasonable, preventive, controlling, sympathetic.

Thus, the result of educational styles can be considered the emerging socio-psychological type of personality, the styles of family education, in turn, are influenced by objective and subjective factors and genetic characteristics of the child. The choice of the style of family education by parents is influenced, first of all, by temperament, the traditions in which the parents themselves were brought up, scientific and pedagogical literature, which has both positive and negative meaning, since every parent pays attention, first of all, to what justifies his relationship with the child.

Conclusions on the first chapter In the process of studying domestic and foreign scientific literature on the basis of research, it was found that the positions of researchers reflect three main ideas:

the psychological readiness of the individual for family life is an integrative education that includes many components;

psychological readiness is crucial for success in solving problems that arise in the process of family life as an activity.

Theoretical analysis of the literature on psychological readiness for marriage as a holistic integrative psychological education that provides the individual with a successful entry into family life and the implementation of family life (it is based on a certain level of maturity of the individual), which has its own structure with functional connections between components. The psychological readiness of students for marriage is considered by us as a system of attitudes of people entering into marriage, the psychological components are the adoption of a new system of duties in relation to their marriage partner, future children and responsibility for their behavior.

Understanding the rights and advantages of other family members as a cell of society, recognition of the principles of equality in human relations, willingness to cooperate and everyday communication, the ability to adapt to the habits and character traits of another person and understanding of mental states, motivation for marriage and attitude to requirements and responsibilities in family life.

A change in the process of choosing a spouse and attitudes towards marriage in general, as the expectations and demands that are placed on young people and on family life have increased. The choice is mainly based on personal qualities, not social characteristics. Based on the study of literature, it can be concluded that male and female representatives assess their readiness for marriage differently, but there are also differences in the representation of the future husband and wife. In our work, we assume that, depending on gender characteristics, there are differences in the psychological readiness for marriage among young people.

Students in terms of numbers are one of the most significant groups of young people, on the development of which the future of society and the country as a whole depends. Therefore, the study of young families of students and the most favorable time for their creation is very important, because youth, in particular the student age period, from the standpoint of physiological and psychological readiness, is considered the most favorable for creating a family and giving birth to first-born children. Student marriages, in most cases, show a high degree of cohesion, based on common interests, group identities, certain subcultures and lifestyles. But at the same time, the weak social readiness of young people for family life, psychological overload and increased demand for a partner often leads to conflicts that destroy the foundations of the family. In order for young people to be able to harmoniously build their relationships in a future marriage, they need to know the features of communication, interpersonal relationships in a modern family. The openness of the family, its appeal to the past and the future creates a real basis for the transition to a new society that needs a strong family mechanism.

Chapter 2

2.1 Characteristics of the sample and research methods Sample size, 50 people: 25 boys and 25 girls aged 20 to 23 years.

The study was carried out in several stages. On the preparatory stage, we conducted a review of the literature, studies, thematically close to our study, which allowed us to determine the problem, object, subject and purpose of the study, formulate our hypothesis and tasks, and selected research methods. At the main stage, during the experimental work, in combination with the analysis of scientific provisions on the characteristics of psychological readiness for marriage among young people, the research hypothesis was tested and refined. As part of this phase, research work was carried out. At the final stage of empirical data obtained from a comparative analysis of experimental data, they were subjected to mathematical and statistical analysis. The results of the study were presented.

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Based on the materials of the dissertation research, 13 publications were published. 8. The results obtained during the study allow us to formulate the following conclusions