Using the criterion as the development of science. The concept of social progress. Preparing for the successful passing of the exam in social studies




Intellect Center


Dear high school students!
Various forms of tests have long been part of school practice. You probably already had to write both certification tests and final ones. Since 2000 held in schools Russian Federation A unified state exam for a full secondary school course, which also involves the use of test items. Introduced in Russian schools GIA (State final certification for the course of the basic school).

This collection aims to acquaint you with the structure of tests in social studies, as well as give recommendations for solving each of the types of tasks.

The main task of the collection is to help you prepare for the Unified State Exam for the high school course in social studies. The assignments cover the entire course "Social Studies" of the secondary school and are developed in accordance with the normative documents that determine the subject content.

Options for working with course materials may be different. You can both at the lesson with the teacher and at home, in the course of independent work, analyze and solve the tasks given in the collection. The number of tasks for each topic allows you to use various ways their applications.

The collection includes types of assignments, both those already used in the unified state exam in social studies, and those that were experimentally tested in individual schools, were used to conduct current and final control in the course of the main school in school practice, were included in sets of assignments for subject school olympiads.


Section "Society"


For tasks A1 - A20, circle the number

correct answer.

Which of the concepts listed in the list unites, generalizes the rest in meaning?

Society in the broadest sense of the word means

^ A3
The influence of natural factors on the development of society can be illustrated example:

An example of the constructive interaction of human society with nature is

In which of the following sentences is the concept of "society" used in the sense an association of people living in certain territory, population of the country" ?

^ A6
Society as dynamic system distinguishes the sign:

A conference on the problems of education development was held in the capital's center. Data were presented that the average age of teachers in the country is approaching 50 years and 85% of the teaching corps are women. Young people and men do not go to work in school because of low wages. This example can be used to illustrate the relationship between such areas of society as

^ A8
What series of concepts, terms and social facts is associated with political the life of society?

^ A9
Are the following statements about social institutions correct?

BUT. In the process of its development, society generates certain social institutions.

B. Each social institution is associated with objectification, people's understanding of certain needs.

What series of concepts, terms is associated with the industrial stage in the development of society?

Social scientists believe that India is a country in which elements of traditional society. What statement can serve as an argument for such a conclusion?

^ A12
With the help of criteria like development of scientific and technical potential of society can be seen as progressive


AT early XIII in. nomadic Turkic-Mongolian tribes invaded the flowering valleys between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers. They devastated and destroyed cities, cut off trade routes, devastated fields and canals. Which form of social change can be illustrated by this example?

^ A14
Which of the following statements can be substantiated inconsistencies in social progress?

^ A15
Are the following statements about shapes correct? social change?

BUT. The destruction of former social relations and the emergence of qualitatively new ones is a characteristic sign of a social revolution.

B. A variety of social revolutions are scientific and technical revolutions, leading to the emergence of fundamentally new ways of human interaction with nature.

The integrative (unifying) processes of modernity have found their manifestation in (in)

^ A17
AT modern world There are several types of global problems. To political global issues applies

Global ecological problems modernity associated with

^ A19
Consider a chart containing information about the distribution of groups of citizens of country A by standard of living and income.

Standards of living

Choose among the given characteristics of country A. the one that reflects the information reflected in the diagram.

Are the following statements about globalization correct?


Globalization is a process in which only the leading countries of the world can be interested, for other countries, it is an absolute evil, it is not able to have any positive impact on these countries.


Globalization can make a number of economic sectors in developing and poor countries uncompetitive.


only A is correct


only B is correct


both statements are correct


both statements are wrong

^ Answers to the tasks of part A
Read also:
  1. C2 Expand on three examples the scientific conclusion that social conditions affect the nature and form of satisfaction of primary (biological, vital) needs.
  2. D) a graph that can be correctly colored with two colors
  3. II. General characteristics of the art of Ancient Egypt, periodization
  4. II. Systems whose development can be represented using the Universal Scheme of Evolution
  5. III, IV and VI pairs of cranial nerves. Functional characteristics of nerves (their nuclei, regions, formation, topography, branches, areas of innervation).

1. the abolition of serfdom in Russia in 1861

2. distribution information technologies in modern society

3. elimination of class privileges

4. non-proliferation treaties nuclear weapons

Which of the following can be attributed to the contradictions of social progress?

1. the development of technology leads to the emergence of both the means of creation and the means of destruction

2. the development of production leads to a change in the social status of the worker

3. the development of scientific knowledge leads to a change in human ideas about the world

4. human culture undergoes changes under the influence of production

Social development is characterized by all the features below, except for one. What?

1. it is an endogenous process,

2. it is a reaction to changes in the environment,

3. has a pronounced direction,

4. it can be compared with the growth and development of a living organism,

5. it leads to an increase in the changing value to which it concerns.

Dialectical, revolutionary or spasmodic change is a variant:

1. social development,

2. cyclic process,

3. evolution,

4. social progress,

5. cultural trauma

Which of the following concepts unites, generalizes the other three?

1. progressive development

2. degradation

3. social progress

4. cyclical

Progress means:

1. Cyclic development

2. Return to the golden age

3. Moving forward

4. State of stability

J. Condorcet and A. Turgot considered the criterion of progress:

1. Improvement inner peace human

2. Development of the mind

3. Development of productive forces

4. Increasing the power of man over nature.

A thinker who considered the criterion of progress the legal structure of society:

1. F. Schelling

2. J.J. Rousseau

3. A. Saint-Simon

A rapid leap from one state of society to another is called

5. progress

6. revolution

7. stagnation

8. evolution

French Enlightenment philosophers believed that:

9. the criterion of progress is the development of science, culture, reason, enlightenment of the people

10. the unity of the world is not determined divine beginning, but the development of the human mind

11. society is steadily moving along the path leading to an order based on law and reason


2) cyclic circulation

4) progress



1) social progress

2) social stratification

3) social adaptation

4) social mobility


1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong


1) the death of the custom of blood feud

2) the invention of writing

4) success in space exploration

6. Insert missing word:

7. Are the following judgments about social progress true?

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong


9. Are the following judgments about social progress true?

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong


1) modernization 3) revolution

2) evolution 4) reform


1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong


1) counter-revolution 3) revolution

2) reform 4) counter-reform


1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong


2) revolutionary changes

3) gradual processes

4) spasmodic changes


1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong


1) reform 3) revolution

2) restructuring 4) stagnation


1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong


1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong


2) division of labor

3) the emergence of the state

4) all of the above

20. With the help of such a criterion as the humanization of society, one can show a progressive


2) mitigation of legal liability


1) stagnation 3) regression

2) progress 4) modernization


3) the degree of increase in human freedom


2) moving back to less perfect

3) change for the worse

4) transition from simple to more complex


2) an increase in the number of psychological problems of a person with the development of computer technology

25. Set match:

Character traits

Forms of social progress

1) reform

2) revolution


social reform; stagnation; social


1) progress 3) modernization

2) stagnation 4) regression


3) perestroika 1985

4) all of the above


A) actual character


Determine what provisions of the text are:

A) actual character

B) the nature of value judgments


Determine what provisions of the text are:

A) actual character

B) the nature of value judgments

Workshop "Social Progress"

1. The terms "improvement", "forward movement" refer to ideas about the development of society as

1) regression

2) cyclic circulation

3) directionless process

4) p progress e

2. Are the following judgments about social progress true?

A. Modern ideas about social progress confirm its inconsistency.

B. The concepts of "progress" and "regression" are conditional.

1) true only A 3) Both statements are correct.

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

3. The development of society, which is characterized by the transition from lower to higher, is

1) social progress

2) social stratification

3) social adaptation

4) social mobility

4. Are the following judgments about the nature of social change correct?

A. All changes in society are in line with social progress.

B. The pace of social change is accelerating.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

5. With the help of such a criterion as the improvement of people's morality, it is possible to show the progressive nature of

1) dieback custom blood feud

2) the invention of writing

3) the doctrine of the separation of powers

4) success in space exploration

6. Insert missing word: (manual)

"The industrial revolution is the replacement of ___ labor by machines, manufacture by factories."

7. Are the following judgments about social progress true?

A. B modern era progress has covered all areas public life.

B. Traditional society is not characterized by social progress.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

8. A characteristic feature of regression in society is

1) the transition from lower to higher

2) movement n back to less perfect

3) transition from simple to complex

4) moving forward to a more perfect

9. Are the following judgments about social progress true?

A. One of the criteria for social progress is the sustainable economic growth of most states in the modern world.

B. The most obvious manifestations of social progress are in the sphere of material production.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) is only true B 4) both judgments are wrong

10. Definition: "The process of transition from a traditional, agrarian society to a modern, industrial society" refers to the concept

1m oderniz ation 3) revolution

2) evolution 4) reform

11. Are the following judgments about the regression of society correct?

A. Regression is a global process that characterizes the movement of human society throughout historical time.

B. Regression - a backward movement of society, a retreat from the conquered positions, a return to the previous level.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) true only B 4) both judgments are wrong

12. Definition: "A radical qualitative revolution in the entire socio-economic and political structure of society" refers to the concept

1) counterrevolution 3 ) the revolution

2) reform 4) counter-reform

13. Are the following judgments about the criteria for social progress correct?

A. The improvement of people's morality can be a criterion of social progress.

B. The development of the human mind can be the criterion of social progress.

1) only A is correct 3) both are true judgments

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

14. A characteristic feature of evolutionary changes in the life of society is (are)

1) regressive orientation

2) revolutionary changes

3) gradual n processes

4) spasmodic changes

15. Are the following statements about revolutions correct?

A. Revolutions are transformations that do not affect the fundamental foundations of society.

B. Revolutions are always long-term.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both statements are wrong

16. Definition: “A change in any aspect of social life that does not destroy the foundations of the existing social structure of society” refers to the concept

1) p form 3) revolution

2) restructuring 4) stagnation

17. Are the following statements about reforms correct?

A. Reforms tend to affect all countries.

B. Reforms always take place "from above", are carried out by the government, albeit under pressure from the broad masses of the population.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) true only B 4) both judgments are wrong

18. Are the following statements about modernization correct?

A. Modernization is an incorporation

of a given country to the culture, technology and scientific achievements of an industrial society.

B. The basis of modernization is the development and spread of the culture of "modernity": market relations, rational values, prudence.

1) only A is correct 3) both statements are correct

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

19. Progress in the history of mankind of the primitive period is

1) the transition from cattle breeding to agriculture

2) division of labor

3) the emergence of the state

4) all of the above

20. With the help of such a criterion as the humanization of society, one can show a progressive


1) development of computer technology

2) mitigation of legal responsibility

3) discoveries in the field of nanotechnology

4) changes in the procedure for parliamentary elections

21. The decline of crafts and trade in Russia after the Mongol invasion is an example

1) stagnation 3) p egress a

2) progress 4) modernization

22. The highest criterion of social progress from the point of view of modern representatives is

1) development of productive forces

2 moral, spiritual and moral state of society

3) degree increasing human freedom

4) the development of the human mind

23. A characteristic feature of progress in society is

1) the transition from higher to lower

2) moving back to less perfect

3) change for the worse

4) transition from simple to more complex

24. What example illustrates the inconsistency of social progress?

1) increase in human life expectancy with the development of medicine

2) an increase in the number of psychological human problems with the development of computer technology

3) the growth of the urban population with the development of transport

4) Facilitate people communication with development mobile communications and computer networks

25. Set match:

Character traits

Forms of social progress

A) destruction of the foundations of the existing social order

B) active political action of the masses

B) purposeful transformation of any aspect of public life

D) the presence of a goal to transfer the leadership of society into the hands of a new class

E) preservation of the fundamental foundations of the existing system

1) reform

2) revolution

26. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "progress". Find a term that is not related to the concept of "progress".

social reform; stagnation; social

the revolution; community development; modernization. 27. The decline of the Roman Empire after the invasion of the barbarians and the formation of barbarian kingdoms on its ruins is an example

1) progress 3) modernization

2) stagnation 4) re gressa

28. An example of modernization is

1) Peter's reforms of the XVIII century.

2) Stalinist industrialization of the 30s. 20th century

3) perestroika 1985

4) all listed nye

29. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) Society is the product of the combined activities of many people. (2) According to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, only people are able to voluntarily and consciously unite in society, which makes a person a “political animal”. (3) As a way of people's existence, society must perform a set of certain functions, for the implementation of which appropriate organizations (institutions) and relations are formed. (4) In our opinion, one of the most topical problems of our time, on the solution of which the future of mankind depends, is the problem of the relationship between society and nature.

Determine what provisions of the text are:

A) actual character 13

B) the nature of value judgments 24

30. (1) Mankind as a whole, in our opinion, has never regressed, but its progress may be delayed and even stopped for a while. (2) French philosopher-educator J-A. Condorcet recognized social progress, considering it as a criterion for the development of the mind. (3) Progress is going on in many directions in all areas of human activity and at the same time it has side effects, unpleasant, negative consequences. (4) It is believed that the concept of progress in modern conditions is increasingly being transformed in the direction of enriching it with humanistic characteristics.

Determine what provisions of the text are:

A) actual character 3

B) the nature of value judgments 124

31. (1) Reform is any degree of improvement in some area of ​​life, carried out simultaneously, through a series of gradual transformations that do not affect the fundamental foundations. (2) According to most researchers, reforms can be both progressive and regressive (reactionary). (3) From the point of view of Soviet historical science, since reforms are always carried out "from above" by forces that already have power and do not want to part with it, the results of reforms are always lower than expected. (4) However, the degree of reform reforms, in our opinion, can be very significant, even change social order.

Determine what provisions of the text are:

A) actual character 1

B) the nature of value judgments 234


Are the following judgments about social progress true?

A. The concept of "social progress" reflects the direction of social development.

B. The results of social progress are contradictory.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

A5. Are the following judgments about the regression of society correct?

A. Regression is a movement forward towards something more perfect.

B. Regress always has a spatial and temporal characteristic

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) true only B 4) both judgments are wrong

Definition: "Directed development, which is characterized by a transition from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect" refers to the concept

1) stagnation 3) regression

2) progress 4) modernization

11. Are the following judgments about the criteria for social progress correct?

A. The level of development of productive forces can be a criterion of social progress.

B. The level of development of social institutions, including science and culture, can be a criterion of social progress.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both are true judgments

4) both judgments are wrong

13. Are the following judgments about social progress correct?

A. Progress in one area of ​​social life may be accompanied by regression in another.

B. Social progress can be graphically depicted as an ascending broken line.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

15. Are the following judgments about the essence of revolution correct?

A. A revolution is a change (transformation, reorganization) of any aspect of social life that does not destroy the foundations of the existing social structure.

B. Revolution is the gradual transition of society from one state to another.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments wrong

17. Are the following statements about reforms correct?

A. Reforms can take place in all spheres of public life.

B. Reforms may change the social structure or types of economic activity.

1) only A is correct 3) true both judgments

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A5. Are the following judgments about social development correct?

A. Humanity as a whole has never regressed.

B. The forward movement of mankind could be delayed, stopped.

1) only A is correct 3) both statements are correct

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

Are the following statements about revolutions correct?

A. The revolution is spasmodic.

B. Revolutions are always short lived.

1) true only A 3) Both statements are correct.

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A3. Are the following statements about the progress of society correct?

A. Progress is a global process that characterizes the movement of human society throughout historical time.

B. The concept of "progress" is not applicable to politics and religion.

1) only A is correct 3) both statements are correct

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A1. Are the following statements about modernization correct?

A. Modernization - a revolutionary transition from pre-industrial to industrial society.

B. Modernization is carried out through complex reforms extended over time.

1) only A is correct 3) both statements are correct

2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

22. Are the following judgments about social progress correct?

A. Progress in various areas of public life is not the same pace.

B. Progress in some areas of public life can be combined with regression in other areas.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Part 3 (C) (Baranov collection V-19)

Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C4.

“Society is the most complex social organism and it is impossible to evaluate it in a one-dimensional coordinate system. It is necessary to use a group, a set of criteria, each of which would modify the leading (main, decisive) criterion in relation to different periods human history and to certain spheres of society.

It should be borne in mind that in publications on this topic, social progress and social progress are usually considered as synonyms. Meanwhile, they are not identical, as well as the relations connected with them. Social relations are only a part of social relations. Consequently, social progress includes progressive changes both in the social sphere itself (relationships between classes, intra-class changes, relations between town and country, physical and mental labor, the development of the social class structure of society and the political superstructure), and beyond it: production (economic), ideological, foreign policy and other relations. This means that the criteria of social progress should also capture broader phenomena and processes than social ones proper.

In order for a general sociological criterion of progress to be established, it is also necessary to define an area of ​​social activity that would have no alternative. This means that such an area cannot be eliminated in any society, in any historical epoch.

She must be one common feature, an indispensable property for any society, and a fundamental, decisive area, without which its existence and development is impossible. Another requirement for it: the continuity of operation, which ensures the continuity of society, and hence the objective possibility of comparison, comparison of levels of development”

(Migolatiev progress and regression: philosophical aspect

// Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2004, No. 3. S. 81-82).

C1. How can one objectively evaluate a particular society? What is the reason for this way of assessing it?

C2. Based on the text, indicate the difference between the concepts of "social progress" and "social progress". Which one is broader in content?

SZ. Specify the enduring, eternal factors (“an area of ​​social life that would have no alternative”) of the existence of society, its evolution?

C4. Formulate a general criterion of social progress in the conditions of modern civilization. Explore its social meaning.


14. Which of the following judgments about the relationship "civilization - culture" are correct?

A. Civilization - adaptation to the conditions of the natural environment; culture is the creative attitude of man to the world and to himself.

B. Civilization is a being; culture to a greater extent - due (duty to be a man).

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

15. Are the following statements correct (indicate the deepest rationale)?

A. Unification (bringing to uniformity) of civilization is unacceptable, since this is hindered by existing socio-political barriers, state sovereignties.

B. Unification (bringing to uniformity) of civilization is unacceptable, since civilizational diversity is just as necessary for the stability and development of human society as genetic diversity is for nature.

1) only A is true

2) true only B

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Civilization is:

A. A certain stage of social development.

B. High level of culture and upbringing.

B. A set of certain norms that distinguish one community of people from another.

D. A special state of society with rights and freedoms.

1) correct A B

2) right B D

3) correct A B C G

1) refusal of the death penalty for crimes
2) success in space exploration
3) smoothing social inequality in society
4) fortifications rule of law

A2. Which of the following characterizes art as distinct from science?
1) identification of patterns of development of nature and society
2) theoretical solution of worldview problems
3) reflection of the world in artistic images
4) the use of concepts and theoretical provisions

A3. The teacher is preparing for a math lesson. He uses textbooks teaching aids.
The subject of this activity is
1) lesson
2) teacher
3) mathematics
4) study book

A4. Are the following judgments about the connection between society and culture correct?
A. Culture arises and develops in the process of human social activity.
B. The emergence and development of culture is not connected with the material and production activity of man.
1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

A5. There are several meanings of the concept "economy". Which position illustrates economics as a science?
1) opening a new grocery store
2) calculation of changes in demand for small cars
3) provision of medical services to the population
4) expansion of the network of cafes and confectioneries

A6. In country Z, coal has ceased to be used in the energy industry. Most mines closed, miners lost their jobs. What type of unemployment is observed in country Z.?
1) cyclic
2) structural
3) friction
4) seasonal

A7. Surplus state budget- This
1) low exchange rate of the national currency
2) excess of expenses over income
3) inability to fulfill debt obligations.
4) excess of income over expenses

A8. Are the following statements about taxes correct?
A. Direct taxes are mandatory payments to the treasury from the income and property of citizens and enterprises.
B. Indirect taxes are levied to the treasury only if the income of citizens and firms exceeds the costs.
1) only A is true
2) only A is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

A9. social group, the position and behavior of whose members are regulated by regulatory documents, is called
1) small 3) formal
2) large 4) reference

A10. Are the following judgments about the social roles of a person correct?
A. The social roles of a person are determined by his social status.
B. The performance of a social role is personal.
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

With the help of such a criterion as the improvement of people's morality,

Can be progressive

1) success in space exploration

2) the death of the custom of blood feud

3) the theory of the rule of law

4) deciphering the human genome

The transition from manual to machine labor exemplifies

1) social revolution

2) public reforms

3) scientific revolution

4) social progress

3. Are the following judgments about social progress correct?

A. In the modern era, progress has embraced all areas of public life.

B. Traditional society is not characterized by social progress.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

4. Are the following judgments about social progress correct?

A. One of the criteria for social progress is the sustainable economic growth of most states in the modern world.

B. The most obvious manifestations of social progress are in the sphere of material production.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Revolution and reform are

1) social institutions

2) forms of social transformations

3) elements of society as a system

4) types of social connections

Reform, unlike other forms of social change,

1) affects all spheres of public life

2) usually carried out by the authorities

3) represents a sharp qualitative change

4) involves a radical renewal of social relations

Revolution as a way of social progress

2) as a rule, carried out at the initiative of the authorities

3) is always associated with a change in the form of the administrative-territorial structure

4) involves sharp qualitative changes

Multivariance of social development (types of societies)

Traditional society is characterized

1) dominance of the partner type family

2) the predominance of community relations

3) the predominance of serial production of products

4) implementation of the scientific and technological revolution

The industrial society is characterized

1) informatization of public life

2) the predominance of the rural population

3) the leading role of the church in society

4) the growth of the urban population

3. Which of the signs characterizes a post-industrial society?

1) the emergence of mass culture

2) development of information technologies

3) estate type of stratification

4) dominance Agriculture

Write down the word missing in the diagram

Answer: information

Threats of the 21st century (global problems)

Global demographic issues include

1) the spread of alcoholism among young people

2) decline in fertility in economically developed countries

3) activities of international terrorist organizations

4) the need to dispose of human waste