Pregnancy calendar definition. Terms of pregnancy: obstetric and embryonic - how to determine and not get confused in terms. How is the baby doing? Photos, videos and useful information

Pregnancy is a physiological process during which a new human body resulting from fertilization. Pregnancy in women lasts an average of 280 days (40 weeks, which corresponds to 9 calendar months or 10 lunar months).

1 week of pregnancy. Pregnancy Calendar

In fact, she hasn't gotten pregnant yet. But obstetricians consider the gestational age and the due date from the first day of the last menstruation, since the egg begins to mature in the ovary, preparing for the upcoming fertilization.

2 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy Calendar

The female germ cells are active for one or two days, and the spermatozoa remain viable for about 3-4 days. Therefore, the period of time when the sperm and the egg can meet under the most favorable circumstances...

3 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy Calendar

You have ovulated and the egg is fallopian tube ready for fertilization. Fertilization is the fusion of male and female germ cells, as a result of which the set of chromosomes inherent in man is restored and a qualitatively new cell is formed ...

4 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy Calendar

The outer layer of the embryo begins to produce a hormone called chorionic gonadotropin. It is he who signals the mother's body: pregnancy has come, you need to rebuild!

5 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy Calendar

The length of the embryo is 1.5-2.5 mm, in shape it looks like a cylinder. The fetus receives the necessary nutrition from the mother's blood. From its cells, the so-called germ layers develop, from which tissues and organs are formed very soon. The chord is laid - the forerunner of the spine ...

6 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy Calendar

The heart has already formed and began to beat! The brain and spinal cord are laid. Eye sockets are formed, the rudiments of arms and legs appear. The embryo resembles a tiny auricle and is surrounded by a small amount of amniotic fluid...

7th week of pregnancy. Pregnancy Calendar

The baby has grown up - now its length is 9-13 mm. The fetal liver becomes the center of hematopoiesis. The esophagus and trachea, the anterior wall of the abdomen develops. Just starting to form small intestine and chest...

1-2 weeks

Starting from the first week menstrual cycle, so at this time it is difficult to talk about the actual pregnancy. However, obstetrician-gynecologists do not start counting from the date of fertilization of the egg, but from the first day of the cycle. Ovulation occurs, then conception, and only from the third week it will be possible to safely talk about the onset of pregnancy.

It's time to take care of your health, get rid of bad habits, switch to proper nutrition, go in for light sports (but only with the permission of a doctor). These measures are very important for the health of the future baby, who in nine months will delight the world with his presence.

3-4 weeks

Child. A fertilized egg has already received all the important information about the future little man: the color of eyes, hair, skin, gender. Now she moves through the fallopian tube and enters the uterus, where the embryo will develop. By the end of the fourth week, it will reach a size of 1 mm.

Mum. A woman has the first signs of pregnancy: increased basal body temperature, feeling tired, drowsiness, increased appetite, change in taste preferences, nausea, intestinal upset, frequent urge to urinate. Intolerance to hotel odors may occur. Possible bloody issues but don't be afraid of them. It's time to take a pregnancy test.

5-6 week

Child. The baby has already formed the main vital organs at this time: heart, liver, kidneys, lungs. And that's when his heart starts beating! You may hear a heartbeat on an ultrasound. Arms and legs begin to form. The length of the embryo already reaches 4 mm, the volume of amniotic fluid is about 3 ml. Visual organs and cartilaginous tissues are formed. The placenta is actively growing.

Mum. In a woman during this period, nausea and irritability may increase. The state of the body is similar to what happens before menstruation. Time to visit a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary tests.

7-8 week

Child. The umbilical cord is fully formed, providing blood circulation between the mother and child. Little hands and tiny fingers begin to form. At this time, the sex of the child is determined. The face, nose, nostrils are formed, auricles, upper lip. The epidermis is formed. The embryo slowly straightens, grows and reaches a weight of 4-6 g, a length of 1.5-2 cm.

Mum. The uterus increases to the size of an orange, so the woman gradually develops a tummy and feels tight clothing. You need to protect yourself from stress, lifting weights, sudden movements. On ultrasound, you can see the first movements of the baby.

9-10 week

Child. The fetal head is still tilted forward with the chin pressed against the chest. The stomach begins to work, and it already produces gastric juice. The baby has facial expressions, eyelids are formed, but the eyes are still closed. The tail is completely gone. The stage of the embryo ends and from now on the baby is called the fetus. Milk teeth begin to develop. Now it weighs 7-8 g, length - 2.5-3 cm.

Mum. Women often experience mood swings. The waist is rounded, 2-3 kg is added in weight. The hair becomes dry, the skin is smoothed. The work of the heart becomes more frequent, because now it pumps about one and a half liters of blood per minute.

11-12 weeks

Child. The head still takes up half the size of the entire fetus as the brain grows rapidly. The kidneys begin to produce urine. The baby reaches a weight of about 13 g and he already has real fingers on the arms and legs, the rudiments of nails are developing. The length of the fetus is 4-5 cm. The formation of the iris of the eyes occurs. He starts to open his mouth. It's time to undergo the first ultrasound examination and get to know the child, as well as to exclude possible congenital anomalies.

Mum. By the end of the 12th week, a woman should register for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic and undergo appropriate examinations by a doctor. It is very important to take vitamins for pregnant women. And most importantly - at this time, toxicosis completely disappears.

13-14 weeks

Child. The baby has a sucking reflex. He turns his head and moves his arms, somersaults, although these movements are still imperceptible. Often on ultrasound you can see how he sucks his thumb! The child grows and its weight becomes about 43 g, and the length is 6-8 cm. The genitals become clear-cut. An embryonic fluff appears - lanugo.

Mum. Finally, the tummy becomes noticeable, a longitudinal brown strip appears on it. Freckles appear and dark spots. Constipation may occur. The uterus rises from the pelvis into the abdominal cavity, the appetite of the pregnant woman increases significantly.

15-16 weeks

Child. The baby's hair begins to grow on the head. He actively swims in the amniotic fluid, which tends to be updated every 3 hours. The baby passes urine every 45 minutes. On the 16th week there is a chance to feel the first movements of the baby! The muscles of the face have already formed. Marigolds begin to appear, a grasping reflex appears. Weight - about 100 g, length - 12 cm.

Mum. It is worth taking care of your body and buying oil against stretch marks. It is very important to visit the dentist, because your body is now actively giving calcium to your baby, so teeth can deteriorate. It's also time to buy special clothes for pregnant women.

17-18 week

Child. The weight of the baby is 140-190 g, the length is 14 cm. Most of the bones have already been formed and continue to strengthen. The child may swallow amniotic fluid. He already hears well, so you need to talk to him more often, turn on soft music. During this period, you will definitely feel the movements of the child, which cannot be confused with anything.

Mum. A woman's breasts enlarge and colostrum can be produced. Future mom may suffer from constipation, so you need to eat more fruits and fresh vegetables. Urination becomes more frequent, as the uterus presses hard on the bladder.

19-20 week

Child. The baby's body is covered with primordial fluff, the arms are extended, he turns his head in different directions. The placenta moves into the depths of the uterus. The rudiments of permanent teeth appear. The growth of the baby slows down, from now on subcutaneous fat appears. A generic lubricant is formed that covers the folds of the skin. The baby turns towards the light. A second ultrasound study is being carried out, which allows you to accurately determine the sex of the unborn baby. Its weight is about 300 g, length is 16 cm.

Mum. The back receives a significant load, so you should monitor the correct posture and wear comfortable shoes without heel. Brown or red stripes (stretch marks) may appear on the abdomen, thighs, and chest.

21-22 weeks

Child. The kid learns to bend and unbend the arms, legs, grab himself by the heels. Pads with nerve endings appear on the fingers. Eyebrows are marked on the face. The amount of blood in the body increases. The liquid it captures turns into a solid. It will remain in the intestines until childbirth. The weight of the baby is 360-430 g, length - 28 cm.

Mum. The first half of the pregnancy went well. The uterus changes its shape, stretches. Lying on your back is bad for the baby, he may suffer from a lack of oxygen. Increased libido. Since the fetus is well protected, sex cannot harm the baby.

23-24 weeks

Child. The weight of the baby reaches 500-600 g, length - 30 cm. Most of the time he sleeps, taking short breaks for wakefulness. The skin is a little saggy, as the fat layer has just begun to grow. He pushes with his legs from the inside, floating in the amniotic fluid. Eyelashes appear on the eyelids. The respiratory system is developing. Also, the baby is more and more sensitive to the world around him.

Mum. A woman may experience training contractions at this time, manifesting themselves in the form of short-term painless contractions. Weight gain is rapidly increasing and reaches 5 kg! There may be heaviness in the legs.

25-26 weeks

Child. The formation of neurons around the neural tube is completed. The baby is active until late in the evening and sleeps soundly in the morning. He clenches his fists, and at this time it is determined whether he will be left-handed or right-handed. The fetal heartbeat can be heard even without special devices. The lungs are fully developed. In the jaws, 20 rudiments of milk teeth are formed, and under them - 20 rudiments of permanent teeth. The remaining 12 are formed after birth. Weight is 660-800 g, length - 35 cm.

Mum. The uterus has enlarged and presses on the diaphragm, displacing the stomach from abdominal cavity. This causes stomach acid to rise up into the esophagus and cause heartburn.

27-28 week

Child. The baby's skin is getting wrinkled. The vibrations are getting stronger. If the baby is born at this time, his chances of survival are 85%. The child tries to breathe on his own, developing his lungs. He still has enough room to turn into the correct position - head down. Weight - 900-1100 g, length - 37 cm.

Mum. Female forms are more rounded, the level of cholesterol in the blood rises. During sitting, the uterus compresses the vena cava, which leads to a lack of oxygen and dizziness. Training uterine contractions become more frequent. It is worth finding time for a good rest.

29-30 week

Child. The baby's nostrils are freed from mucous plugs and amniotic fluid enters them. He already knows how to open and close his eyes, reacts to bright light. The immune system begins to work. The child excretes about 500 ml of urine per day. Movement visible on ultrasound chest. Enamel appears on the teeth. The weight of the baby reaches 1300 g, length - 39 cm.

Mum. The kidneys work in an enhanced mode and may not be able to cope with the amount of fluid entering them, which may cause edema. The organs next to the uterus are getting tighter. The weight of the expectant mother is actively increasing, movements become more clumsy and relatively slow.

31-32 weeks

Child. The baby becomes plump, so he is preparing a protective layer from temperature changes in the future. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum and reach their final position. The child reacts to strong sounds from the outside, despite the fact that the amniotic fluid creates a kind of plug in the ears. The kidneys are already working well. The nail plate reaches the fingertips. Weight 1600-1900 g, length - 42 cm.

Mum. A woman may experience swelling and dilation of the veins in her legs, so you need to control fluid intake and take walks in the fresh air. At this time, a Doppler study of the baby's circulatory system is carried out.

33-34 weeks

Child. The baby becomes cramped in the womb, so he moves less often than before. The child continues to consume calcium from the mother's body, which is so important for the formation of the skeleton. A skin pattern appears on the fingers and toes. The skin is now less red, and the hairs on the head become thicker. The weight of the baby is 1900-2400 g, the length is 45 cm.

Mum. The woman develops shortness of breath, as more oxygen is consumed for two. The gums become soft, bleeding, gingivitis may occur. Forgetfulness and distraction appear. It is worth keeping calm in any case, because the baby subtly feels the mother's feelings.

35-36 weeks

Child. In the last weeks of life in the womb, the fluff begins to disappear in the baby. The skin acquires a pink color and smoothes due to subcutaneous fat. Cheeks become plumper, this will help in the future to receive food in the right amount. The amniotic fluid acquires a sticky and viscous consistency. Internal organs continue to improve. The weight of the baby is 2400-2600 g, length - 47 cm.

Mum. To reduce sleep problems, it is advisable to consume less liquid at night. In case of heartburn, you need to eat in small portions, but often. The time is suitable for attending courses for pregnant women, choosing a maternity hospital, an obstetrician.

37-38 week

Child. The baby has already turned its head down. It loses its original fluff and there is much less lubrication. Sometimes he scratches himself, making awkward movements with his hands. His lungs are ready to breathe air. A mother-to-be can feel her baby hiccuping in her tummy. Its weight is 3000 g, length - 50 cm.

Mum. The pregnant woman's belly sank, now breathing has become much easier. The uterus has increased as much as possible, its volume is 4-5 liters. Pregnancy can already be considered fully full-term. Now labor activity can begin any day, so things in the hospital should be collected in packages.

39-40 week

Child. Most newborns appear with long nails, because by this period they have fully grown. The activity of the child slows down, because it has long been crowded and dark in his tummy. His intestines are filled with original feces - meconium, which will come out, most likely, after birth. The length of the hair on the head is about 2 cm. Average weight the child is 3200-3500 g, length - 52 cm. The baby is completely ready for birth - meet the main person in your life!

Mum. The woman suffers from insomnia, she has a pull in her lower back. The cervix begins to shorten and open. The uterus puts more pressure on the bladder. False or real contractions may appear. Childbirth occurs with an error of 1-2 weeks earlier or later than a certain date.

41-42 weeks

Child. The baby is fully developed, all its organs function properly. He continues to grow and gain weight, in his tummy it became very crowded. The bones of the skull continue to strengthen, which can make it a little more difficult for the baby to pass through the birth canal. You need to count the number of movements per hour, and if it is at least 10, everything is in order with the baby.

Mum. Until the end of the 42nd week, the pregnancy is not considered post-term. If the baby has not been born by this time, there is no reason for concern yet. Labor activity can be stimulated by long walks, leaning forward, sex with her husband. If you have not given birth by this time, practice breathing techniques, give valuable instructions to relatives - and quickly to the delivery room!

If you have landed on our site, it means that you have new life and you are ready for new discoveries! We congratulate you on this incredible event and invite you on an exciting journey of 280 days.

Perhaps you are excited, joyful, you are overwhelmed with delight, emotions go wild and you want to shout about this fantastic news to the whole world. Or maybe you are confused, and this pregnancy was a complete surprise for you. Perhaps you are a wise mother of three or four kids, or maybe you are just getting ready to learn this sacrament. In any case, we are ready to provide you with invaluable support, to spend these unforgettable forty weeks with you, to open up new facets of your condition that you did not even know about, or to become guides and give you the experience thanks to which you will understand that pregnancy this is the best state in a woman's life, and this time can be spent in an interesting, fun and healthy way - for you and your baby!

Pregnancy lasts approximately 9 months, or 40 weeks, or 280 days. But it is correct to calculate your gestational age - by week! Obstetrician-gynecologists start counting the gestational age from the first day of the last menstruation, since in most cases it is difficult to determine the exact date of conception. This is called obstetric gestation. The embryonic period is 14 days shorter, since conception occurs at the time of ovulation. To avoid confusion, doctors start counting only by the obstetric gestational age, i.e. from the first day of your last period. Enter your last period start date at the top of the page, and our calendar will calculate your obstetric gestational age, your estimated due date (ED), tell you how many days have passed and how many days are left.

📅 Every week, our pregnancy calendar will automatically change and show up-to-date information for your due date. We also advise you to keep your pregnancy diary on our website, where you can track your weight - weight gain charts will help you with this. You can also record important events for you - visits to obstetricians, the date of the first movement, ultrasound data, or add photos of your tummy at different times!

It's always nice to have allies in any business! So in pregnancy, it is worth starting to communicate with future mothers, and it is especially interesting if they have the same gestational age as you. You can discuss any events, prepare for childbirth together, choose maternity hospitals, buy things for babies and equip rooms for babies. Believe me, you will learn a lot of new things and such relationships may even develop into a warm friendship. The geography of communication between pregnant women is quite extensive, you will probably be interested to know how expectant mothers live in other cities and even countries! To do this, join ours!

Intrauterine development of the child by weeks

What will our pregnancy calendar give you? All pregnant women, even those for whom this is not the first experience, are interested in knowing what is happening in the baby inside you. You will know when a baby is called an embryo, and when a fetus, when he has arms, legs, when his heart starts to beat and he hears your voice for the first time, and also when you finally know whether it is a boy or a girl! The calendar lists all the stages of a child's development by week. For example, you can track your child's height and weight each week.

Find out what your child looks like in each week of his development.

Each week you will be presented with unique photographs taken in utero by Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson.

This talented photographer took his first unique shots back in 1965. He spent ten years filming the evolution of the embryo from conception to birth.

He invented various devices and achieved his goal in one of the clinics in Stockholm by adapting a microcamera and a microilluminator to the end of the cystoscope tube. I shot thousands of unique shots right in the bowels of the uterus and now you can follow the development of your baby week after week!

Change in a woman's body by week

What new things can you learn about yourself? It's no secret that every week a woman's body will begin to change. In the calendar for each week of pregnancy, you will learn about what is happening inside you, how all your organs adjust to the needs of the growing uterus, how the brain manages and controls your pregnancy.

belly growth by week

Probably, all women are interested in comparing their tummy with the tummies of other mothers at the same gestational age. Every new week you will see wonderful photos of expectant mothers, which we have selected especially for you!

Here you can get a sufficient amount of information on almost all questions that interest you. From that - "Why do I run to the toilet so often?" to “Which side is best to sleep during pregnancy?” and "Can pregnant women walk in heels?". You will understand how to eat right, what daily routine to follow, what to wear, how to cope with toxicosis, when to pack a bag for the hospital, what to buy for a newborn and much more!

Pregnancy is a time when you should not interrupt your sports, you just need to redirect them in the right direction, or if you have never thought about it before, it's time to start doing it. healthy lifestyle life. You can start practicing yoga for pregnant women and special gymnastics according to the video lessons presented in the calendar.

medical reference book

The calendar provides you with the medical information you need to help you understand the signals your body is sending you. Find out what awaits you at the doctor's appointment, understand why these checks are necessary and what questions to ask the doctor or midwife. You will be able to schedule visits to various specialists, even if your ailment seemed minor to you before. Remember, now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for another small life, and you just need to take better care of yourself in order to prevent possible complications. Each new week you will find a new description of the norms of your baby's ultrasound, as well as an exciting video of this study.

Pregnancy is a touching and at the same time exciting period in the life of every family. In anticipation of meeting with the baby, it is important to know what changes are taking place in the body of the mother and baby. Our pregnancy calendar will help with this.

If you are in doubt whether you are pregnant or not, go through.

  • Negative test result? Maybe it's not time yet, try it later.
  • The test showed positive result? Congratulations!

In the calendar you will find the most important information and helpful tips. Here you will find out what happens to your baby in every week of pregnancy, in every trimester. The calendar will tell you what feelings a mother may experience during pregnancy, as well as under what conditions you need to be vigilant.

First, the calculator will help calculate the gestational age and the approximate date of delivery. To do this, you need to enter the first day of your last period, as well as the length of your cycle. Recall calculation of the menstrual cycle: you need to take the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the last day before the next menstruation (inclusive). Usually averages are taken. A normal menstrual cycle is 28 plus/minus 7 days.

The calendar is divided into 3 stages - trimesters (1 trimester = 3 months). Each trimester includes weeks of pregnancy. Yes, it is in weeks, not months, as many of us are used to, that pregnancy is measured. And mom needs to get used to it, because the gynecologist will calculate the term in this way. In our calendar calculator, the gestational age is also calculated in weeks.

First trimester - 1-12 weeks of pregnancy. This period is the most responsible. The first 2 weeks of pregnancy are theoretical, they are needed for ease of calculation. Fertilization has not yet occurred. But in the third week, the nuclei of the germ cells merge and a small “pea” appears in the tummy. The baby has not yet formed any arms or legs, but from the moment of fertilization it is endowed with a soul. In the first weeks of the first trimester, the mother's immunity decreases so that her body does not perceive the baby as something foreign. Often there are symptoms of toxicosis. By the end of the trimester, the baby looks like a person, only very small. The doctor recommends an ultrasound.

Second trimester - 13-26 weeks of pregnancy. Toxicosis is over, during this period there is less risk for the baby. Mom's tummy is round. Very soon, she feels the first tremors - the stirring of the crumbs. Toward the end of the second trimester, it is recommended to repeat the ultrasound examination.

Third trimester - 27-42 weeks of pregnancy. The baby grows, and his "house" increases. In some cases, it becomes difficult for the mother to breathe, because. the uterus rises very high. It goes away before childbirth. Closer to the cherished day of childbirth, immunity decreases again. So the hormonal background is being rebuilt, preparations are underway for an exciting meeting with the baby.

A baby is considered fully term at 38 weeks of gestation. Most often, childbirth occurs at the 38-40th week, but there are cases when the pregnancy is delayed up to 41-42 weeks. This is quite normal, especially for primiparous mothers. We have included these weeks in the pregnancy calendar so that we can continue to be with you until the birth.

The doctor observes the mother and baby throughout the entire period of pregnancy in order to track the slightest violations and cope with them in time.

This calendar is compiled on the basis of the actual gestational age, that is, from conception. The obstetric term, the one set by gynecologists, is ahead of the real one by 2 weeks. Consider this.

In the first week of pregnancy, the egg and sperm merge, a zygote is formed, from which the chorion (placenta) and the embryo ( future child). At conception, the sex of the baby is determined.

The second week of a baby's life is marked by the fact that the zygote finds a place in the woman's body where it will develop. It is implanted in the wall of the uterus or other organ (then ectopic pregnancy). In the urine and blood of a woman is determined chorionic gonadotropin(hcg).

In the third week, pregnancy tests “stripe”, the woman begins to delay menstruation and toxicosis. On ultrasound, most likely, the fetal egg will not be seen yet, it is too small. But the signs of pregnancy are already appearing. And a very tiny embryo begins its development. He has a well-defined body and head.

At the 4th week, the length of the embryo is 2-4 mm, and the fetal egg is about 1 cm or a little more. On good ultrasound equipment, they are clearly visible. If everything is normal, the fetal egg has an even shape. If there is a detachment of the fetal egg, the doctor poses a threat of spontaneous miscarriage. Most often, pregnancies are interrupted at this time due to severe fetal chromosomal abnormalities.

In the fifth week, the heart begins to work in the fetus, and it is its beats that are the main evidence that the pregnancy is developing. It's time to register with a gynecologist and be sure to read the calendar by weeks of pregnancy.

At 6 weeks, the embryo weighs about 5 grams and is about 20 mm long. It grows by a millimeter per day. Almost all of his organs are formed. There are even convolutions in the brain. And facial features are becoming more distinct.

At 7 weeks, doctors stop calling the little man an embryo. Now he is a fetus. And they will remain until the very birth. The baby is very mobile in the uterus, moving with might and main, surrounded by amniotic fluid, but mom does not yet feel his movements. The fruit is still very small.

At 8 weeks, the size of the baby can be compared to prunes. While the baby, but the body is already formed. There are even tiny nails on the hands. In the future, all organs and systems will only improve.
Nine weeks is the minimum period at which the doctor can see the so-called genital tubercle in the fetus and suggest its gender. The accuracy of this "prediction" depends on the experience of the doctor and the quality of the equipment used.

The next week is marked by the first screening - ultrasound plus a blood test. The baby has grown so much that the doctor can accurately diagnose possible chromosomal abnormalities in him.

Week 11 is the last on which the screening will be informative. Don't forget to pass! The baby is growing at a fast pace. He began to bleed, and colorless fluffy hairs appeared on his head.

On 2D ultrasound at twelve weeks, the baby now looks more like a small humanoid, but on 3D, facial features are visible. True, there is still not enough fatty tissue, and the baby's face looks very thin. The first innate reflexes and facial expressions appear.

All 9 months of pregnancy in 4 minutes.

Over the next week, some mothers begin to feel the first movements of the babies. Mostly these are women who are not the first baby. The growth of children reaches 10 centimeters, and the weight is 50 grams.

At 14 weeks, the sex of the baby is clearly visible on the ultrasound. There shouldn't be any mistakes. However, sometimes it cannot be determined if the baby is in an uncomfortable position. Babies at this gestational age begin to make respiratory movements and squint if a source of bright light is directed to their mother's stomach.

By the fifteenth week, a pregnant tummy begins to appear in mommy. You have to buy clothes for expectant mothers or suitable for a rounded tummy.
The placenta by this time is fully formed, protects the fetus from infections and serves as a transmitter of nutrition and oxygen from the mother's body.

16 weeks is a special period in the development of a child, since the thymus gland is formed in him - this is a temporary organ that gradually, over the course of 30 years of life, disappears in all people. In addition, the brain is actively developing, and the bones begin to accumulate calcium.

At seventeen weeks, some mothers will notice that their shoes have become small or narrow. This is due to swelling of the legs. temporary phenomenon.
The fetus develops the rudiments of molars. He already has tactile sensations, touch. Therefore, he likes to feel his body.

18 weeks is the ideal time for a second ultrasound screening. The baby is already large and most of the markers of chromosomal abnormalities are visible. Almost all women already feel fetal movements and it is at this time, on ultrasound, that they will find out who they are waiting for - a boy or a girl. The approximate height of the fetus is 20 cm, and its weight is close to 400 grams.

The baby is becoming more and more like an ordinary newborn, however, very small and thin. At nineteen weeks, he is already swallowing amniotic fluid and urinating in it. Spinning in the uterus with might and main. Can daily change head position to transverse or pelvic. At this time, doctors do not pay attention to the presentation of the fetus.

Twenty weeks of gestation is marked by an improvement in the child's hearing. He quite clearly, as far as possible, hears the beat of the mother's heart and her voice. You can understand how a child hears if you completely lower your head into the water and ask someone to say something. That's how he hears through the amniotic fluid. And yet, this is the period when the fetus reaches a weight of 500 grams, and if he is born now, doctors will be required to fight for his life.

By the 21st week of pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat is easily heard using a special wooden tube - an obstetric stethoscope. The baby continues to grow. Fat is deposited around his organs. This is necessary for their normal functioning after birth.

At 22 weeks, the weight of the fetus is about 700 grams, and the height is 22 cm. An intrauterine day regimen is being formed. Usually the baby at this time sleeps during the day, involuntarily rocked by his mother, and is awake at night.

By twenty-three weeks, the baby's hearing has improved so much that he can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar voices. The vocal cords are formed, and subcutaneous fat is deposited. If you now do a three-dimensional ultrasound, you can clearly see the face of the child and understand which of the parents he looks more like.

At 24 weeks, the baby can distinguish between light and darkness, reacts to flashes of light. But the eyes are still devoid of pigment. It will show up in about a month. But the final color of the eye will be formed only 4-6 months after birth.

At 25 weeks, the weight of the fetus approaches one kilogram, and the height is about 40 cm. In the future, the baby will not grow so actively in length, at birth, full-term babies have an average height of 50-55 cm, but in weight they will gain at least 1.5- 2 kg.

At the 26th week of pregnancy, the hair of the fetus acquires an individual shade, they are no longer snow-white. The lungs are actively developing, but if the baby is born now without medical preparation (dexamethasone injections to the mother), then he will be able to breathe only on a ventilator.

At twenty-seven weeks, the fetus occupies the entire uterine cavity, therefore it is less likely to turn upside down and back. Nevertheless, it is too early to worry about his presentation. By the way, the doctor can easily determine the position of the fetus at this time by palpating the belly of the pregnant woman on the couch.

If you do an ultrasound at the twenty-eighth gestational week, then mommy can see how her baby sucks her thumb! This habit will remain with him even after birth. The sucking reflex is very important for the first months of a baby's life. And the fetus has learned to cry, and sometimes real tears flow from its eyes!

At 29 weeks, the weight of the fetus is approximately 1.5 kg, and the height is about 45 cm. No special organ development occurs anymore. In fact, only the lungs develop. They form a surfactant - a substance that will not allow them to stick together after birth.

Thirty weeks is the ideal time to complete the mandatory third ultrasound. The doctor looks at how and how accurately the child is developed, whether the uterine-fetal blood flow is in order, whether there is enough amniotic fluid. And also, puts the approximate weight of the fetus. Depending on these data, it can be assumed whether there is a trend towards the birth of a large child.

At 31 weeks, the fetus is so developed that it is able to see and hear well. True, in utero, his eyes are almost always closed, since keeping them open in the water is not very comfortable. In boys, the testicles descended into the scrotum. And the appearance of the genitals in girls became common - the large labia covered the small ones.

On the next week the fetus undergoes a jump in the development of the immune system. She actively produces antibodies. The adrenal glands also function, which form a steroid hormone.

At 33 weeks, the baby weighs about 2400 grams, almost like full-term. And, most likely, he will be able to breathe on his own if he is born at this time. However, while he is immature, and mommy should try to "hold on" for at least another 3 weeks.

Next week is the beginning of the last month of pregnancy, the eighth. The weight of the fetus is approximately 2700 grams, and some babies have already gained 3 kilograms each. The bones on the baby's head are movable to make it easier for him to be born. Almost all the children lay down with their heads down. But even if the baby is in a breech presentation at this time, there is still hope for his coup, if there is not too little amniotic fluid.

35 weeks - some babies are born at this time. But although officially they are eight months old, born ahead of time, in almost one hundred percent of cases they do not require rehabilitation and are not in the children's department or intensive care after birth, but in the ward with their mothers.

39 weeks. More often these are those who ovulated a little later than the standard 12-14 days of the cycle. At the same time, babies are born at a completely normal weight. If the fetus feels good on ultrasound, actively moves, the woman’s cervix is ​​not “oak”, she is placed in a hospital and waiting for the independent onset of labor.

40 weeks of pregnancy from conception or 42 obstetric, the last one that doctors can give to wait for the onset of labor. But more often this week they are stimulated.

Interactive pregnancy calendar

In order for the program to compose your personal calendar pregnancy, enter the date of the first day of your last period. In this exact way, all obstetrician-gynecologists calculate the gestational age.

So you can find out what to expect in a particular week of pregnancy. It is very interesting. Try it!