What examinations to pass at the gynecologist. Gynecological tests. Should a pelvic exam be included in routine gynecological exams?

The result of the treatment in gynecology, as well as in any other area of ​​medicine, as you know, largely depends on the correct diagnosis. Therefore, the most careful attention should be paid to rational and complete diagnostics. Our clinic offers the most modern methods comprehensive examination in gynecology. The doctor will carefully listen to your complaints, develop a research plan, based on the results of which he will prescribe the necessary therapy.

Examination methods in gynecology

  • Gynecologist's consultation
  • Gynecological examination (examination)
  • Colposcopy (simple, extended, video)
  • Ultrasound of an expert class (2D, 3D, 4D, doppler)
  • Analyzes (smears, PCR, blood, cultures, etc.)
  • cytological screening
  • Biopsy of the cervix
  • Endoscopy

It is important to remember that a girl should visit a specialized clinic and undergo a complete examination by a gynecologist not only when complaints appear. Preventive examination by a gynecologist twice a year is a rule that every woman must adhere to. modern woman caring about your health. Our clinic offers several Prof. medical examination (minimum, standard and extended), which can be done at a convenient time for you.

Detailed information about the main diagnostic methods in gynecology, prices for services can be found on the pages of this section.


Clinic of Gynecology and women's health
Contacts: Kutuzovsky prospect, 35 Moscow.

A woman's health is, above all, the health of her children and family. In order to always control the state of her health, a woman at any age needs to undergo a planned one. Preventive visits to the doctor are recommended once a year. If a woman has previously had problems associated with the gynecological area, a visit to the gynecologist every 3-6 months is indicated.

Standard examination by a gynecologist

Don't skip your scheduled checkup! In the absence of complaints, the gynecologist usually prescribes a standard set of procedures and tests to the patient. Research methods include:

1) Bacterioscopy (general urogenital smear) is taken from the urethra, cervix and vagina with a special disposable spatula. This analysis shows the composition of the microflora, the presence of infections and inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.

2) Pap test (smear for cytology) is taken with a disposable small brush outside and inside the surface of the cervix. The cells themselves are examined directly in order to find among them atypical cells that can cause precancerous and cancerous diseases.

3) For the same purpose, colcoscopy is performed - a visual examination of the epithelium of the cervix from the side of the vagina. This study is carried out using a special device - a colposcope. The procedure is painless and lasts only 10-15 minutes.

4) Bimanual examination is a traditional type of diagnostics, which is included in the planned examination by a gynecologist. The method consists in inserting the second and third fingers into the woman's vagina for the purpose of palpation. internal organs. Bimanual examination allows you to determine the general condition of the organs, to identify inflammatory processes, the onset of pregnancy, diagnose uterine fibroids (benign tumors), adhesions, cysts, endometriosis (growth of uterine wall tissues) and a number of other diseases.

Complete gynecological examination

If during the initial examination, violations of the internal organs, a deviation from the norm in smears and cultures, or the patient has specific complaints, the doctor prescribes a complete gynecological examination, according to the nature of the problem.

Ultrasound (ultrasound) is one of the most accurate diagnostic methods. In gynecology, three main types of ultrasound are used:

- transabdominal (traditional) ultrasound examination is carried out along the anterior abdominal wall and carries some inconvenience: for better visualization of the pelvic organs, it is necessary to conduct an examination with a full bladder;

- transvaginal ultrasound is performed by introducing a special sensor directly into the patient's vagina, which allows for a more accurate diagnosis of the pelvic organs;

- Ultrasound of the ovaries is performed both with an abdominal and transvaginal sensor and allows you to fix the size, position of the ovaries relative to the uterus, existing changes and the presence of formations.

Also complete gynecological examination often includes an examination of the condition of the patient's mammary glands. The initial examination consists in palpation of the chest to detect seals, sore spots, swelling. These deviations may indicate the presence of neoplasms that occurred due to hormonal disruptions. If seals are found, the gynecologist prescribes an ultrasound of the mammary glands to the patient and a subsequent visit to the mammologist.

If there are neoplasms in the cervix or atypical cells are found after a Pap test, the doctor may prescribe a biopsy - taking a small piece of tissue for detailed analysis. As a rule, anesthesia is not required during the analysis, since there are no pain receptors on the cervix.

A biopsy will determine the nature of the cells and make an accurate diagnosis. Only when all analyzes have been carried out, all risks and options have been taken into account, confirmed or refuted, can we assume that the full gynecological examination passed.

Do not forget that the best protection against any disease is a careful attitude to your health, maintaining a proper lifestyle, as well as observing elementary norms and rules of personal hygiene.

Taking care of your reproductive health is essential to a woman's life. Feeling nervous and anxious before a gynecological examination is quite natural, especially for the first time. Knowing what to expect and preparing ahead of time can help reduce your nervousness. Prepare a list of questions in advance about any problems you have and options protection from unwanted pregnancy. Remember that your conversation with the doctor is confidential, so you can be completely calm and discuss any concerns you may have.


Preparing for an inspection

    Sign up for an appointment. Regular check-ups should be scheduled between the last and future periods. Otherwise, the doctor will not be able to conduct a complete examination.

    Take a bath or shower as usual. You need to take a bath or shower within 24 hours of the date of the appointment, and you should not use hygiene products that you have not used before.

    Take an escort with you. If this makes you feel more comfortable, bring a family member with you, such as your mother, older sister, or friend.

    • Your family member or friend may wait in the waiting room or come with you into the examination room.
  1. Prepare your questions in advance. You will have the opportunity to ask a question about your reproductive or sexual health. These may include questions about different methods of contraception, safer sex, sexually transmitted diseases, physiological changes in your body and about future possible problems.

    Put on a shirt. The gynecological examination garment is open at the front so that the doctor can examine your breasts.

    • These shirts are made from a special paper material. Additional paper covering can cover the area below the knees.
  2. The first step is to examine the mammary glands. The doctor will feel your breasts in a circular motion.

    Sit in a special chair. You need to place yourself so that your feet lie on special supports.

    Visual inspection. During this procedure, the doctor examines the vaginal and urethral area for signs of irritation, infection, or tissue changes. The urethra (urethra) carries urine out of the bladder.

    • The doctor will examine these areas, then may feel the tissue for a more detailed examination. For example, if the labia is inflamed, the doctor may examine them in more detail in order to identify possible abnormalities.
  3. Get ready to insert the dilator. Next, the doctor will introduce a special tool, a gynecological retractor. It can be plastic or metal. During the insertion of a metal dilator, you will feel cold when the instrument comes into contact with the skin.

    Learn about what a Pap test is. After the doctor has examined your vagina and cervix, he will insert a small swab or brush through the hole in the dilator to take a few swabs from your cervix for analysis. This test is called a Pap smear and is not recommended until age 21.

    Palpatory examination. On the next step examination, the doctor will insert one or two fingers into the vagina while pressing on the abdomen.

    At the end of the examination, consult your doctor again. After completing the inspection, you will be able to take off your shirt and change into your clothes. The nurse will take you to the doctor's office or waiting room, or the doctor will tell you about the results of the examination in the same room.

    • The doctor will study in detail the results of the examination in your presence and answer your questions. They will also write a prescription for you if needed, such as birth control pills.

Further actions

  1. Ask your doctor when your next appointment is. Tests such as a Pap smear are usually taken every two years. However, if this is your first visit, a Pap smear is recommended every year to make sure everything is in order with your health.

    See your doctor if you have any concerns. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, vaginal discharge, burning sensation, bad smell, severe pain during menstruation, or bloody issues between cycles are the reason for contacting a gynecologist.

    Do a self-examination of the mammary glands. Your doctor will show you how to properly examine your breasts for possible tumors. You should have these checkups regularly and tell your doctor right away if you find a lump or lump in your breast tissue.

  • Be honest with your doctor, even if you feel embarrassed. Information about what hurts or bothers you, including sexual life, will help the gynecologist to choose the most optimal methods of treatment.
  • As a rule, gynecological examinations are carried out by qualified specialists. However, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and midwives may also perform a routine examination.
  • You can bring a family member or friend with you as support. Try to be honest with questions about your sex life, smoking habits, and possibly drugs.
  • During the examination, try to breathe deeply to help you relax. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • You must understand that a man may turn out to be a gynecologist, but for them this is quite a common examination procedure. A female nurse will be with you during the examination. If you do not want a male to examine you, please let us know before you make an appointment.
  • In addition to the gynecological examination, a standard mammogram may also be included. It is currently recommended to have an annual mammogram if you are over 50 years old, as the risk of breast cancer increases with age.
  • If this is your first gynecological exam and you don't want your parents to know about it, get an exam at a specialized family planning center or local teen clinic. These facilities have specialized, trained staff who respect your right to privacy, although different states have different privacy policies regarding adolescent health. Your doctor will be able to explain everything to you in detail.
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions. Get over the feeling of embarrassment and shame and ask about everything that interests you.
, Deutsch: Sich einer gynäkologischen Untersuchung unterziehen, Francais: passer un examen gynecologique, Netherlands: Een gynaecologisch onderzoek ondergaan Bahasa Indonesia: Mempersiapkan Diri untuk Pemeriksaan Ginekologi, ไทย: เข้ารับการตรวจภายใน , العربية: إجراء فحصل نسائي شامل

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At history taking in gynecological patients pay attention to:


Family history;

Lifestyle, nutrition, bad habits, working and living conditions;

Past illnesses;

Menstrual and reproductive functions, the nature of contraception;

Gynecological diseases and operations on the genitals;

History of present illness.

When taking anamnesis, special attention should be paid to patient's complaints. The main complaints in gynecological patients are pain, leucorrhoea, bleeding from the genital tract, infertility and miscarriage. First, they find out the time of the appearance of the first menstruation (menarche), menstruation was established immediately or after some time, what is their duration and amount of blood loss, the rhythm of the appearance of menstruation. Then they clarify whether menstruation has changed after the onset of sexual activity (coitarche), childbirth, abortion, how menstruation occurs during a real illness, when was the last menstruation and what are its features.

All numerous violations of menstrual function can be divided into amenorrhea and hypomenstrual syndrome, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia and algomenorrhea.

Amenorrhea - lack of menstruation; observed before puberty, during pregnancy and lactation. These types of amenorrhea are a physiological phenomenon. Pathological amenorrhea occurs after the establishment of the menstrual cycle due to general and gynecological diseases of various origins.

Hypomenstrual syndrome It is expressed in a decrease (hypomenorrhea), shortening (oligomenorrhea) and a decrease (opsomenorrhea) of menstruation. Usually this syndrome occurs in the same diseases as pathological amenorrhea.

menorrhagia - bleeding associated with the menstrual cycle. Menorrhagia occurs cyclically and is manifested by an increase in blood loss during menstruation (hypermenorrhea), a longer duration of menstrual bleeding (polymenorrhea) and disturbances in their rhythm (proyomenorrhea). Relatively often, these violations are combined. The occurrence of menorrhagia may depend both on a decrease in uterine contractility due to the development of inflammatory processes (endo- and myometritis), tumors (uterine fibroids), and on ovarian dysfunction associated with improper maturation of follicles, corpus luteum or lack of ovulation.

metrorrhagia - acyclic uterine bleeding that is not associated with the menstrual cycle and usually occurs with various disorders of ovarian function due to impaired ovulation processes (dysfunctional uterine bleeding), with submucosal uterine myoma, cancer of the body and cervix, hormonally active ovarian tumors and some other diseases.

Menometrorrhagia - bleeding in the form of heavy menstruation, continuing in the intermenstrual period.

Algodysmenorrhea - painful menstruation. Pain usually accompanies the onset of menstrual bleeding and is less common throughout menstruation. Painful menstruation is the result of underdevelopment of the genital organs (infantilism), incorrect position of the uterus, the presence of endometriosis, inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, etc.

Pathological discharge from the genitals is called whiter. Beli can be both a symptom of gynecological diseases and a manifestation of pathological processes not related to the reproductive system. Beli can be scarce, moderate, plentiful. They can be milky, yellowish, green, yellow-green, gray, "dirty" (with an admixture of blood) color. The consistency of whiter is thick, viscous, creamy, foamy, curdled. It is important to pay attention to the smell of secretions: it may be absent, it can be pronounced, sharp, unpleasant. The patient is asked if the amount of discharge increases during certain periods of the menstrual cycle (especially in connection with menstruation), whether the discharge is associated with sexual intercourse or a change of partner, does not appear

whether contact bleeding after intercourse, as well as under the influence of provoking factors (after stool, weight lifting).

Grade reproductive (childbearing) function the patient allows you to get data about her gynecological well-being or trouble.

It is important to find out:

At what year of sexual life and at what age did the first pregnancy occur;

How many pregnancies were there and how did they proceed, was there a cystic drift, ectopic pregnancy and other complications

How many births there were and when, were there any complications during childbirth and in the postpartum period, if so, which ones, was there an operational benefit;

How many abortions were there (artificial in the hospital, for medical reasons, out-of-hospital, spontaneous) and when, were there any complications during the abortion or in the post-abortion period, what treatment was carried out;

When was the last pregnancy, at what age, how did it proceed and how did it end: urgent or premature birth, artificial or spontaneous abortion, were there any complications during childbirth (abortion) or in the postpartum (post-abortion) period, if any, then what, than and how the patient was treated.

During inspection, the following characteristics are determined.

Body type: female, male (tall, long torso, broad shoulders, narrow pelvis), eunuchoid (tall, narrow shoulders, narrow pelvis, long legs, short torso).

Phenotypic features: retrognathia, arched palate, wide flat nose bridge, low auricles, short stature, short neck with skin folds, barrel-shaped rib cage and etc.

Hair growth and condition of the skin.

Condition of the mammary glands. Assessment of the mammary glands is an obligatory component in the work of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Examination of the mammary glands is carried out in two positions: 1st - the woman is standing, her arms hang down along the body; 2nd - raises his hands and puts them on his head. On examination, the following are evaluated: the size of the mammary glands, their contours, symmetry, the condition of the skin (color, presence of edema, ulceration), the condition of the nipple and areola (size, location, shape, discharge from the nipple or ulceration). Discharge from the nipple can be watery, serous, hemorrhagic, purulent, milky. Hemorrhagic discharge is characteristic of intraductal papilloma, purulent - for mastitis, milky - for hyperprolactinemia of various origins. In the presence of secretions, it is necessary to make a smear-imprint on a glass slide.

X-ray mammography is the most common and highly informative method for examining the mammary glands. Plain mammography is advisable in the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle. Application-

This method is contraindicated in women under 35 years of age, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

For the differential diagnosis of a number of diseases of the mammary glands, artificial contrasting is also used - ductography. This method is used to diagnose intraductal changes. An indication for ductography is the presence of bloody discharge from the nipple.

For the study of young women, the most informative is ultrasound (ultrasound). Its promising addition is dopplerometry. Ultrasound in combination with color Doppler mapping (CDC) allows you to identify tumor vessels. Currently, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are also used to diagnose diseases of the mammary glands.

Determination of body length and weight needed to calculate body mass index (BMI).

BMI \u003d Body weight (kg) / Body length (m 2 ).

Normally, the BMI of a woman of reproductive age is 20-26 kg / m 2. An index of more than 40 kg/m 2 (corresponds to IV degree of obesity) indicates a high probability of metabolic disorders.

With overweight, it is necessary to find out when obesity began: from childhood, at puberty, after the onset of sexual activity, after abortion or childbirth.

Abdominal examination can provide very valuable information. It is carried out in the position of the patient lying on his back. When examining the abdomen, pay attention to its size, configuration, swelling, symmetry, participation in the act of breathing. If necessary, the circumference of the abdomen is measured with a centimeter tape.

Palpation of the abdominal wall is of great practical importance, especially for the establishment of pathological neoplasms. Tension of the anterior abdominal wall is an important symptom of peritoneal irritation; observed in acute inflammation of the uterine appendages, pelvic and diffuse peritonitis.

Percussion complements palpation and helps to determine the boundaries of individual organs, the contours of tumors, the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Auscultation of the abdomen is of great diagnostic value after cerebrosection (diagnosis of intestinal paresis).

Gynecological examination carried out on a gynecological chair. The patient's legs lie on supports, buttocks - on the edge of the chair. In this position, you can examine the vulva and easily insert the mirror into the vagina.

The normal (typical) position of the genital organs is considered to be their position in a healthy sexually mature non-pregnant and non-nursing woman, who is in an upright position, with the bladder and rectum emptied. Normally, the bottom of the uterus is turned upward and does not protrude above the plane of the entrance to the small pelvis, the area of ​​​​the external uterine os is located at the level of the spinal plane, the vaginal part of the neck

uterus is located downwards and backwards. The body and cervix form an obtuse angle, open anteriorly (position anteverzio and anteflexio). The bottom of the bladder is adjacent to the anterior wall of the uterus in the isthmus, the urethra is in contact with the anterior wall of the vagina in its middle and lower thirds. The rectum is located behind the vagina and is connected with it by loose fiber. The upper part of the posterior wall of the vagina (posterior fornix) is covered by the peritoneum of the recto-uterine space.

The normal position of the female genital organs is ensured by:

Own tone of the genital organs;

The relationship between the internal organs and the coordinated activity of the diaphragm, abdominal wall and pelvic floor;

The ligamentous apparatus of the uterus (suspension, fixation and support).

Own tone of the genital organs depends on the proper functioning of all body systems. A decrease in tone may be associated with a decrease in the level of sex hormones, a violation of the functional state nervous system, age-related changes.

Relationships between internal organs(intestine, omentum, parenchymal and genital organs) form a single complex as a result of their direct contact with each other. Intra-abdominal pressure is regulated by the friendly function of the diaphragm, the anterior abdominal wall and the pelvic floor.

Suspension apparatus make up round and wide ligaments of the uterus, own ligament and suspensory ligament of the ovary. The ligaments provide the median position of the uterine fundus and its physiological inclination anteriorly.

To fixing apparatus include sacro-uterine, utero-vesical and vesico-pubic ligaments. The fixing device ensures the central position of the uterus and makes it almost impossible to move it to the sides, backwards and forwards. Since the ligamentous apparatus departs from the uterus in its lower section, physiological inclinations of the uterus in different directions are possible (lying position, overfilled bladder, etc.).

Support apparatus it is represented mainly by the muscles of the pelvic floor (lower, middle and upper layers), as well as by the vesico-vaginal, rectovaginal septa and dense connective tissue located at the side walls of the vagina. The lower layer of the pelvic floor muscles consists of the external sphincter of the rectum, bulbous-cavernous, ischiocavernosus, and superficial transverse perineal muscles. The middle layer of muscles is represented by the urogenital diaphragm, the external urethral sphincter and the deep transverse muscle that lifts the anus.

Examination of the external genitalia: condition and size of small and large labia; the condition of the mucous membranes ("juiciness", dryness, color, condition of the cervical mucus); the size of the clitoris; the degree and nature of the development of the hairline; condition of the perineum; pathological processes (inflammation, tumors, ulcerations, warts, fistulas, scars).

They also pay attention to the gaping of the genital slit; inviting the woman to push, determine if there is any prolapse or prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus.

Examination of the vagina and cervix in the mirrors(Fig. 1.1) is carried out by women who are sexually active. Timely recognition of diseases of the cervix, erosions, polyps and other pathologies is possible only with the help of mirrors. When viewed in mirrors, swabs are taken for microflora, for cytological examination, a biopsy of pathological formations of the cervix and vagina is also possible.

Bimanual (two-handed vaginal-abdominal) examination carried out after removing the mirrors. Index and middle fingers one hand (usually right), dressed in a glove, is inserted into the vagina. The other hand (usually the left) is placed on the anterior abdominal wall. With the right hand, the walls of the vagina, its vaults and the cervix are palpated, volumetric formations and anatomical changes are determined. Then, carefully inserting fingers into the posterior fornix of the vagina, the uterus is displaced forward and upward and palpated with the other hand through the anterior abdominal wall. They note the position, size, shape, consistency, sensitivity and mobility of the uterus, pay attention to volumetric formations (Fig. 1.2).

Rectovaginal examination necessarily in postmenopause, and also if it is necessary to clarify the condition of the uterine appendages. Some authors suggest that it be performed for all women over 40 years of age to exclude concomitant diseases of the rectum. During rectal examination, the tone of the sphincters of the anus and the condition of the muscles of the pelvic floor, volumetric formations (internal hemorrhoids, tumor) are determined.

- a mandatory and regular procedure for every woman. It is used both for the prevention of disorders of the genitourinary system, and in order to identify serious abnormalities in it.

Gynecological examination helps to find out the state of the genitourinary system

Why is a gynecological examination necessary?

An important procedure for maintaining women's health is an examination.

At the doctor's appointment, a woman must be:

  • for preventive purposes - at least 1 visit in 6-12 months (even if there are no complaints);
  • during pregnancy (schedule of visits is individual) - at least once every 3–4 weeks for the first 2 trimesters, and starting from 7–8 months, visits to the doctor are carried out almost weekly;
  • after childbirth - be sure to undergo an examination after 2-3 days, then after 1.5-2 months and, if there are no complaints, regularly once every six months or a year.

The procedure allows the doctor to evaluate the external and internal condition of the vagina.

During a superficial examination, the specialist pays attention to:

  • skin (degree of dryness or greasy epidermis);
  • hairline (hair growth, the presence of lep);
  • labia (seals, growths, bulges);
  • color of the mucous membrane of the genitals.

During the examination, the doctor checks in detail the genital structures - the clitoris, the labia (internal), the urethra, the cervix, the hymen (if any).

Gynecological examination involves the mandatory delivery of biological material - a smear on the flora. This is done both for prevention and to identify the source of negative disorders in the genitourinary system.

Gynecological examination includes a smear on the flora

An experienced doctor with an external examination can immediately determine the existing pathological abnormalities:

  • inflammation, eczema, ulcerative processes, warts, papillomas, warts, tumors;
  • hypoestrogenism (pale lips, increased dryness of the uterine and vaginal mucosa);
  • high levels of estrogen in the body (change in color of the vulva, abundant vaginal discharge);
  • pregnancy (bright red genitals, which is associated with increased blood flow to the pelvic organs and hormonal changes in the body);
  • hyperandrogenism (the clitoris is enlarged and distant from the urethra, the labia (internal) are poorly developed).
If the doctor noticed negative deviations, he prescribes a detailed examination - ultrasound, blood tests, urine, cytological examination.

How to prepare for a gynecological examination?

Before going to the gynecologist, you need to properly prepare.

  1. Exclude sexual intercourse 3 days before visiting the doctor.
  2. Do not douche or use a deodorizing hygiene medium on the day of your visit to the doctor.
  3. Perform genital hygiene with plain water without strong pressure on the genitals.
  4. The bladder and rectum must be empty before examination.

Careful preparation for the gynecological procedure allows the doctor to assess the real state of the genitourinary system and obtain reliable smear results on the flora.

Before going to the gynecologist, perform genital hygiene

How is a gynecological examination carried out?

An examination by a female doctor begins with a survey of the patient:

  • complaints are studied (pain when visiting the toilet, during sex, the presence of rashes, the nature of the discharge);
  • doctor asks about menstrual cycle(at what age did they start, are there any failures, how many days, what abundance, date of the last menstruation);
  • data are collected on reproductive function (the presence of pregnancies, childbirth, abortions, miscarriages);
  • the sexual aspect is being studied (the presence of a sexual partner, the use of contraceptives);
  • the doctor is interested in past diseases of the genitourinary system.

The next step is examination on the gynecological chair. It includes 2 stages - with the help of mirrors and bimanual (palpation with both hands). For each category of women (children, pregnant women, virgins, after childbirth), the procedure has its own differences.

During pregnancy

The doctor's visit starts at early dates gestation (first time in 8-12 weeks). At this time, an internal examination of the cervix, perineum with a mirror is carried out. The purpose of the procedure is to determine the general condition of the reproductive organ and exclude ectopic pregnancy. Be sure to take a smear on the flora (bacteriological culture) and a cytological smear (to detect malignant changes). To do this, you need to bring a gynecological kit with you (sold in any pharmacy).

In addition to manipulations on the gynecological chair, the doctor measures the weight and height of the patient, pressure, pulse, examines the position of the uterus and the width of the pelvis. The survey will include information about hereditary diseases, chronic pathologies and bad habits.

Starting from the 15th week, internal examinations on the chair are not carried out. Now, at each visit, the doctor measures the circumference of the patient's abdomen, the position of the uterine fundus, and listens to the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope. Mandatory parameters are pressure, pulse and weight.

Until the 29th week, visits to the gynecologist are limited to 1 time in 3 weeks. Further trips to the doctor become more frequent - 1 visit in 14 days. Starting from 36 weeks - visits every 7 days. 10-15 days before the birth, the need for a gynecological examination again appears. It is important to check the readiness of the birth canal through which the child will pass, as well as the condition of the pharynx - the opening of the cervix.

For the entire period of gestation, a woman needs to lie on a gynecological chair at least 5-6 times. It all depends on the course of pregnancy and possible deviations.

After childbirth

natural childbirth and normal postpartum period suggest a visit to the doctor when the discharge takes on a natural character - it will not be plentiful and bloody. The purpose of the examination is to check the condition of the birth canal, the formation of the uterus - whether the organ has become in place, the degree of its contraction to normal sizes, examine the seams (if any), their healing.

The specialist examines the woman first with a mirror, then takes a swab. Then he carries out palpation - he puts 2 fingers into the vagina, and with the fingers of the second hand he presses on the stomach closer to the inguinal zone. This allows you to determine the density of tissues, check the appendages, find out if there are extraneous seals or scarring on the uterus and its neck,

Medical examination at school

For the first time, the genitals of girls are examined in the maternity hospital, then at 1 year and before entering the kindergarten. At school, visits to the gynecologist for the first time begin at the age of 12–14. Girls are examined exclusively by a pediatric gynecologist.

The examination process consists in a survey (complaints, first menstruation) and examination of the genital organs. The girls are located on the couch, where the doctor performs palpation through the rectum. With the second hand, the specialist presses on the peritoneum. In the absence of complaints about genital area such manipulation may not occur.

Virgin at the gynecologist

The examination of a virgin is carried out in the same way as in a little girl - through the anus. The doctor checks the condition of the external genitalia, palpates the abdomen, with a finger through anus palpates the uterus. The smear is taken with a thin instrument, examination with a mirror is not carried out.

Virgin examination goes through the anus

Before the onset of sexual activity and in the absence of complaints from the genital area, it is enough to visit a doctor once every 1-2 years.

Gynecological examination helps to identify pathological changes on the early stages development, monitor the course of pregnancy and regularly monitor the condition reproductive organs. For prevention purposes, a woman should visit a doctor at least once a year. If there are complaints, do not hesitate to visit a specialist - a timely examination can prevent dangerous diseases.