Healthy eating test for students. Healthy food test. II Topic: Foods to avoid

MKOU Kurlovskaya secondary school No. 1

Goose - Crystal District

Tests for the program

"Fundamentals of healthy eating"

(3-4 grades)

Galygina Lyubov Nikolaevna - teacher of biology and

Chemistry MKOU Kurlovskaya Secondary School No. 1

Kareva Alla Rudolfovna - primary school teacher

MKOU Kurlovskaya secondary school No. 1

The manual presents tests for the program Lovkova T.A.

Associate Professor of the Department of Natural and Mathematical

and geographical education VIRO « Fundamentals

elementary school students and their parents.


1. Biology. Man and his health. Textbook for grade 9.

M. Enlightenment, 1984 Tsuzmer A. M., Petrishina O. L.

2. Biology. Human.8 class. Lesson plans for the textbook

D. V. Kolesova, R. D. Masha, I. N. Belyaeva,

Volgograd, publishing house "Uchitel".

3. Book for reading on botany. D. I. Traitak.

Moscow, Enlightenment, 1985.

4. Book for reading on human anatomy, physiology and hygiene.

Student aid. Moscow, Education, 1978.

5. Textbook "Biology. Animals. 7 - 8 class.


6. Encyclopedic dictionary of a young biologist.

Moscow "Pedagogy", 1986. M. E. Aspiz.

7. Journal "Biology at school" No. 2 2004, p. 38

test number 16

contains a lot of preservatives, salt, fat

test number 17


test number 18

absorbs moisture

test number 19

contains many nutrients

test number 20

lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, esophagus

test number 21

protect against flies, vectors of infection

Grade 3

I Topic: Food. Page

1. Grain products 5

3. Fruit. 7

4. Vegetable oils. eight

5. Fats of animal origin. nine

6. Milk and lactic acid products. ten

8. Meat, meat products. 12

9. Fish, fish products. thirteen

10 seasonings. fourteen

11. Drinks. fifteen

12. Final test on the topic "Food" 16

II Topic: Healthy nutrition and individual health.

1. Rules for eating. 17

4th grade.

1 Topic: Introduction.

1. Nutrition and health. eighteen

2. Power mode. nineteen

3. Rational and irrational nutrition. 20

II Topic: Foods to be avoided.

1. Sugar is a food product. 21

2. Salt is a food product. 22

3. Refined white flour. 23

4. Tobacco. 24

III Topic: Food hygiene.

1. Prevention of gastrointestinal - intestinal diseases:

dysentery. 25

2. Infection with worms. 26

Keys to tests. 28-30

Literature. 31

This manual is a collection of control and measuring materials for the program "Fundamentals of Healthy Nutrition" (author Lovkova T. A.) for students in grades 3-4.

All questions and tasks are divided into three levels of difficulty:

A is basic

B - medium difficulty level,

WITH - elevated level difficulties.

Each question has multiple answer options.

Tasks of level A suggest one correct answer, in tasks of level B there can be either one or several correct answers, in tasks of level C - a detailed answer.

At the end of the collection there are answers to all tests. But do not rush to look there. Try to do the work yourself. And only after that you can check yourself.

Test No. 13 part B




Part C

test number 2

cucumber, zucchini, tomato, radish, beetroot

test number 3

test number 4

test number 5

test number 6

contains lactic acid bacteria

test number 7


test number 8


test number 9

contains iodine

test number 10


test number 11

fruits and vegetables because they contain fiber

test number 12

contains a lot of preservatives, sugar and dyes

test number 13

ensures proper digestion

test number 14

provides energy

test number 15

a,b,c 29

Answers to tests.

Part A.

A 1

A 2

A 3

A 4

A 5

IN 1

IN 2

test number 1

test number 2

test number 3

test number 4

test number 5

test number 6


test number 7

test number 8

b, c, a

test number 9

b, c, a

test number 10

a, c, d

test number 11

b, e

test №12 final

test number 13

test number 14

test number 15

test number 16

test number 17

test number 18


test number 19


test number 20

test number 21

a, d

test number 22

a, c, d

3rd grade

Test number 1. Cereal products.

A 2. What kind of bakery products do you know?

a) bagels b) cottage cheese c) sour cream

A 3. From which plant is buckwheat obtained?

a) millet b) buckwheat c) barley

A 4. What plant is semolina made from?

a) rye b) oats c) wheat

A 5. Millet is obtained from

a) millet b) rice c) wheat

Q 1. Why do you need to eat bread?

a) bread contains substances that promote the growth and development of the body

b) to satisfy hunger c) to diversify food

Test number 2. Vegetables.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. What plant is a vegetable?

a) rice b) radishes c) corn d) beans

A 2. Which vegetables have the underground part edible?

a) cucumbers b) beets c) sweet peppers d) cabbage

A 3. What vegetables are non-starchy?

a) garlic and cucumbers

b) zucchini and pumpkin

c) potatoes and beets

Q 1. What is the best way to cook potatoes to preserve vitamin C?

a) boil b) fry c) bake in a peel

C 1. What vegetables grow in our area?

(give five examples)


Test number 22. Infection with worms.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. What not serves as a source of infection with worms.

a) raw water b) raw fish

c) well cooked food

A 2. What not refers to measures to prevent helminths

diseases at school

a) regular examination of all students

b) vaccinations

c) expulsion from school

B 1. Choose three correct answers from the five offered.

What are the measures to prevent helminthic diseases:

a) washing hands before eating

b) eating raw fish

c) boiling water

d) eating unwashed fruit

e) boiling meat, fish

Test number 3. Fruits.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. Name local fruit trees

a) orange and lemon b) apple and plum

c) peaches and cherries

A 2. What kind of berries do you pick in the forest?

a) cranberries and blueberries b) gooseberries and currants

c) sea buckthorn and strawberries

A 4. Fruits include:

a) cucumber b) apple c) zucchini

IN 1 . What is the norm of fruit consumption in grams per day

for children aged 3-7 years

a) 100 - 150 g / day

b) 150–300 g/day

c) 400 - 500 g / day

C 1. What are the benefits of fruits and berries?


Test number 4. Vegetable oils.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. From which plant not get vegetable oil

a) wheat b) flax c) olive fruit

d) sunflower

A 2. The oil is transparent, without sediment and sludge, has a color of low intensity

a) unrefined b) refined

A 3. Which oil does not have plant origin:

a) sunflower b) corn c) creamy

B 1. Daily intake of vegetable oil for an adult

a) 1 tablespoon b) half a glass c) a glass

C. 1 Vegetable oil

a) harms the work of the heart

b) helps the cardiovascular system

c) has no effect on the body

Test number 21.

Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases: dysentery.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. Gastrointestinal disease includes:

a) myopia b) dysentery c) influenza

A 2. The source of gastrointestinal infection is:

a) dirty hands b) clean towel

c) individual handkerchief

A 3. How many times in a lifetime can a person get dysentery?

a) many times

b) once

c) will never get sick

B 2. Choose two correct answers from the five offered.

How to protect yourself from gastrointestinal diseases?

a) wash your hands before eating

b) drink raw water

c) exercise

d) drink only boiled water

d) eat raw eggs

C 1. Why is food on the table covered with a towel in summer?

Test number 20. Tobacco.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. Tobacco is

a) healthy and tasty berry

b) an annual plant whose leaves contain


c) animal breed

A 2. Homeland of tobacco:

a) South Africa

b) South America

c) South Pole

A 3. One of the components of tobacco smoke?

a) tissue paper

b) bright fire

c) nicotine

A 4. Nicotine is

a) poison b) food c) drink

Q 1. Who is called a "reluctant smoker"?

Choose one answer:

a) those who are in the company of smokers

b) those who are forced to smoke

c) people who smoke

C 1. What human organs are affected by smoking?

(give five examples)

Test number 5. Fats of animal origin.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. What fats are of animal origin?

a) olive oil

b) corn oil

in) butter

A 2. Product obtained by whipping cream

a) butter b) cottage cheese c) kefir

A 3. You need to store butter

a) in the closet b) on the table c) in the fridge

B 1. Daily intake of butter

a) 5 g b) 200 g c) 500 g

B 2. Shelf life of butter at a temperature

a) up to 10 days b) up to 40 days c) up to 1 year

C 1. Butter for children is needed to

a) grow and develop

b) to gain weight

c) to treat colds

Test number 6. Milk and dairy products.

Choose one correct answer from the given


A 1. From what animal is a person not gets milk?

a) cows b) goats c) pigs

A 2. Koumiss is a fermented milk product obtained from milk

a) cows b) goats c) horses

A 3. Name lactic acid products

a) ryazhenka and cottage cheese

b) cow's milk

c) goat milk

B 1. Set the correct sequence for cooking cottage cheese

    boil milk

    put on a plate

    add sourdough

    put on a sieve

    put in a warm place

C 1. Why is kefir good for the gastrointestinal tract?

Test number 19. Refined white flour.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. What part of the grain is used to make refined wheat flour?

a) outer (peel) b) inner

c) whole grain

A 2. What is contained in in large numbers in

premium wheat flour?

a) gluten b) vitamins c) vegetable fats

A 3. From what flour is bread more useful?

a) premium wheat

b) wheat with bran

c) second class

B 1. Choose three correct answers Flour can be made from

a) wheat b) buckwheat c) potatoes

d) rye e) beets f) peas

C 3. Why they say: "Bread is the head of everything."

Test number 18. Salt is a food product.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. Salt -

a) food b) food supplement

c) seasoning

A 2. What is the daily human need for salt?

a) 5g b) 10g c) 15g

A 3. What kind of salt is preferable for dressing salads?

a) cooking b) iodized

A 4. What are the consequences of excessive salt intake?

a) goes up blood pressure

b) causes caries

c) leads to bone fractures

B 1. Choose two correct answers.

How salts are excreted from the body:

a) through the skin with sweat

b) with urine

c) exhaled air

d) by mouth

C 2. Why salt was put in cups for the winter

between window frames?

Test number 7. Eggs.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. Eggs of what kind of birds is a person not eats?

a) ostriches and quails b) swallows and sparrows

c) geese and chickens

A 2. What shell does a fresh egg have?

a) matte b) shiny c) transparent

A 3. What valuable substance is contained in the egg shell

a) potassium b) calcium c) nothing of value

A 4. Why you can’t wash eggs for long storage

a) lose taste b) spoil quickly

c) the shell will burst

B 1. Fresh egg when dipped into a glass of water

a) floats on the surface b) sinks to the bottom

C 1. What Christian holiday has an important role for eggs?


Test number 8. Meat, meat products.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. Meat of what animals not people eat

in Russia

a) sheep b) cows c) monkeys

A 2. To meat products not relate

a) sausage and sausages b) ham and ham

c) cottage cheese and sour cream

A 3. It is advisable to eat meat dishes

a) in the morning b) in the afternoon c) at night

1.Distribute different types meat in ascending order of expiration date

a) fresh b) frozen c) salted

C 1. What is the best way to cook meat?

Test number 17. Sugar is a food product.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. White refined sugar is made from

a) sugar beet, sugar cane

b) brown rice c) molasses

A 2. Our body receives from sugar:

a) carbohydrates b) proteins c) fats

A 3. How many people can live without refined sugar?

a) 1 day b) 1 year c) whole life

B 1. Excessive consumption of sugar leads to

a) obesity b) caries c) hypothermia

C 1. Can drinking sweet tea and sweets cause dental disease (caries)?

Test number 16. Rational and irrational nutrition.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. During the day, be sure to eat a few

a) sweets b) buns c) fresh fruit d) meatballs

a) 17.30 - 18.30 b) 18.30 - 19.30

c) 19.30 - 20.30 d) 20.30 - 21.30

A 3. Breakfast is good to eat

a) fresh vegetable salad b) meat

c) milk porridge d) fish

B 1. Finish the saying:

Carrot adds...

a) weight b) blood c) height d) age

C 1. Why can't you eat chips?

Test number 9. Fish. Fish products, seafood.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers

A 1. Name sea ​​fish?

a) pike b) herring c) crucian carp

A 2. Name the fish product

a) sausages b) fish fillet c) seaweed

A 3. How many times a week is it advisable to eat fish?

a) 2-3 times b) 4-5 times c) 6-7 times

B 1. Distribute the fish in ascending order

expiration date

a) fresh b) frozen c) dried

C 1. Why is seaweed useful?

Test number 10. Seasonings.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

a) garlic b) bay leaf c) pepper

A 2. Why was the carnation called that?

a) hard as nails b) the fruit resembles a nail head in shape c) has an iron taste

A 3. What does black pepper taste like?

a) sweet b) sour c) pungent

A 4. What part of the plant is eaten with dill?

a) roots b) fruits c) leaves

B 1. Choose three correct answers.

Name the spice plants that grow in our area:

a) onion b) bay leaf c) garlic d) curry e) horseradish

With 1. A wreath, from the branches of which spicy plant they decorated the head in Ancient Greece Olympic winners?

Test number 15. Diet mode.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. The most optimal meal

a) one time b) two times c) three times

d) four times a day

A 2. Maximum break between meals

a) 1-2 hours b) 2-3 hours c) 3-4 hours d) 4-4.5 hours

A 3. The interval between dinner and going to bed is not

should be less

a) 1 hour b) 2 hours c) 3 hours d) 4 hours

B 1. The calorie content of breakfast and dinner should be

a) 10% b) 15% c) 20% d) 25%

Q 2. What kind of food should I eat at night

a) cutlets with garnish b) dumplings

in) fried potatoes d) kefir

C 1. Finish the saying:

Breakfast is ______________, lunch is ______________________, and dinner is __________________

c) give to the enemy

Test number 14: Nutrition and health.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. Specify the food product:

a) potatoes b) proteins c) fats d) carbohydrates

A 2. Name a piggy bank of vitamin C?

a) bread b) fresh cabbage c) rosehip

d) milk

A 3. What vitamin is needed to improve vision?

a) A b) C c) C d) E

Q 1. What vitamin is produced in the body only when exposed to sunlight?

a) A b) D c) E d) C

C 1. What is breakfast for?

Test number 11. Drinks.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. Do they have nutritional properties

vegetable juices?

a) yes b) no c) sometimes

A 2. What is the most useful juice to drink?

a) which is sold in the store

b) freshly squeezed without pulp

c) freshly squeezed with pulp

A 3. Choose a healthy drink

a) lemonade b) juice c) pepsi

Q 1. How to properly store an opened juice box?

Choose two correct answers.

a) a few days

b) no more than 1 day

c) on the table

d) in the closet

d) in the fridge

C 1. What is more useful to eat vegetables and fruits or juices made from them?

Test number 12. Final test on the topic


A 1. What plants are needed for baking bread?

a) rye, wheat b) rice, barley c) oats, millet

A 2. What plant is a vegetable?

a) rice b) radishes c) corn d) beans

A 3. What berries strengthen eyesight?

a) raspberries b) blueberries c) gooseberries

A 4. What fats are of animal origin?

a) olive oil b) corn oil

c) butter

Q 1. What nutrients do

milk products

a) proteins b) fats c) carbohydrates

d) proteins, fats, carbohydrates

C 1. Why can't Pepsi be called healthy drink?

Test number 13. Rules for eating.

Choose one correct answer from the given answers.

A 1. What behavior of schoolchildren is unacceptable

during meals

a) speak loudly

b) comply good manners

c) use cutlery

A 2. How to eat right?

a) start lunch with salads b) eat "in reserve"

c) stay hungry

A 3. How many times a day should I eat

a) 1-2 times b) 2-3 times c) 4-5 times

B 1. Distribute the dishes according to the mode of eating

1. Milk porridge

2. Pasta with cutlet

3. Borscht, mashed potatoes with cutlet




C 1. What is the importance of proper food intake?

We eat to live

we don't live to eat!


Scientists are sure that the consumed

food affects

physical and spiritual health.

What we eat determines speed

work of the brain, the emergence and

course of chronic diseases

immune system.

We eat to live

we don't live to eat!


Scientists are sure that the food consumed has an impact on physical and spiritual health. The speed of the brain, the occurrence and course of chronic diseases, and the functioning of the immune system depend on what we eat.

The quality of nutrition affects not only excess weight, but also on the condition of hair, skin, teeth and individual smell. It is a mistake to think that eating a balanced diet is expensive. Vice versa! Quality nutrition helps to reduce the subsequent costs of treatment, complex dietary and wellness programs. Take the test and find out how well and balanced you eat!

Answer the questions "yes" or "no". Answer "yes"=1 point, answer "no"=0.

1. Do you have a varied diet?

2. Are vegetables (in any form) included in your daily diet?

3. Do you find the time and energy to eat, even if you are sick or very tired or just busy with important work?

4. Do you eat fruits (drink fresh juices) daily?

5. Do you eat rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and other grains at least three times a week?

6. Do you drink water, juices 20-30 minutes before meals, instead of drinking after or during meals?

7. Do you eat seafood or fish at least 2 times a week?

8. Do you have breakfast every day?

9. Do you avoid beer, hard alcohol?

10. Do you avoid sugary soda?

11. Do you drink at least 6-8 glasses of pure (mineral) water daily?

12. Do you avoid foods high in sugar?

13. Do you buy products containing artificial colors, sweeteners, preservatives?

14. If you are stressed, Bad mood are you trying to solve the problem, rather than rushing to the refrigerator to “seize” it?

15. You are satisfied fasting days at least twice a month?

16. Do you eat on the run, do you chew your food thoroughly?

17. Do you eat any raw foods, without heat treatment (fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, natural juices) 4-5 times a week?

18. Will you never allow yourself to eat fatty, starchy, heavy food (dumplings, belyashi, chops, etc.) at night?

19. Do you know about food compatibility?

20. Do you read while eating or watch TV?

Count the number of "yes" answers.

17-20 points - You know the rules of healthy eating. Read the articles on our website to supplement and consolidate your knowledge. If you continue to adhere to your principles, you will bypass many different diseases.

But additional vitamin complexes will still not hurt you!

12-16 points - Not bad for a start! You try to eat rationally. But still, you need to learn more about the basic principles of a healthy diet. Remember the truth: "Food is both health and poison for our body." It all depends on what kind of food and diet you choose. Try to change your eating habits, and you will be rewarded - great health, vigor, slim figure. Perhaps you should lead a more active lifestyle and not succumb to daily stress? The Mind Master drink will help you with this!

11 points or less - Quality of nutrition = quality of life. By continuing to follow established eating habits, you run the risk of experiencing unpleasant consequences for your well-being. If you are not motivated by cheerfulness, harmony, good mood, think about children - after all, eating habits are inherited, increasing the risk of excess weight and diseases associated with malnutrition. Check out the articles (make the link to the articles active) of this site and the products presented on it for a balanced diet - they are convenient to use with any lifestyle.

Drink more water And do not forget to use vitamin complexes.

A. eating a variety of plant foods

B. eating animal products

B. sufficient physical activity

D. reducing fat intake

D. reducing sugar and salt intake

  1. Rational nutrition is physiological good nutrition healthy people taking into account them

B. age

B. nature of work

G. tastes

D. opinions of doctors

  1. Rational nutrition includes certain requirements for

A. diet

B. diet

B. eating conditions

G. diet therapy

  1. The composition and quantity of food products used during the day is

A. Power mode

B. diet

B. physiological need

G. diet therapy

  1. A balanced diet should

A. cover energy costs

B. cause satiety

B. have a balanced composition and good digestibility

D. be varied, harmless

D. have high organoleptic properties

  1. Power mode includes

B. frequency of meals

B. intervals

D. food volume

D. product set

  1. Healthy person's diet

A. sixfold

B. fivefold

V. quadruple

G. triple

  1. When compiling food rations, their balance in terms of

A. squirrels

B. carbohydrates

G. amino acids

D. vitamins

  1. The daily requirement of a healthy biker in carbohydrates
  1. Food rations and diets specially formulated for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes are:

B. layout

G. portioner

D. dish file

  1. Health food(diet therapy) is the use of prophylactic and therapeutic purpose diets for:

A. healthy people

B. patients with acute diseases

B. patients with chronic diseases

G. healthy and sick people

  1. When building any diet, the following principles are taken into account

A. providing physiological needs for nutrients Oh

B. the patient's ability to digest food

B. local and general effects on the body

D. appropriate cooking

  1. The Ministry of Health of the USSR approved a group numbered diet system, mandatory for all

A. medical and preventive institutions

B. sanatorium - resort institutions

B. dietary canteens

G. restaurants and cafes

  1. The characteristics of each diet include

A. purpose and indications for prescribing

B. chemical composition and energy value

B. grocery set and cooking

D. list of acceptable and contraindicated dishes

D. diet

  1. The main therapeutic diets have numbers

B. 1 to 10

B. 0 to 15

G. 0 to 20

  1. Energy requirement in patients on bed rest

A. is declining

B. does not change

V. increases

  1. The diet in all health facilities, at least

A. two-time

B. three times a day

V. four times

G. five times

  1. The dietary regimen of the patient depends

A. the patient's condition

B. stage of the disease

B. the nature and stage of the disease

G. the patient's condition, the nature and stage of the disease

  1. Treatment table No. 1 is used for:

A. hypertension

B. pyelonephritis

B. peptic ulcer

G. myocardial infarction

  1. Treatment table number 2 is used for:

A. constipation

B. diarrhea

B. ulcerative colitis

G. gastritis with low acidity

  1. Treatment table number 3 is used for:

A. colitis

B. enteritis

B. obese

G. constipation

  1. The purpose of the appointment of diet number 2 is:

A. Decreased gastric secretion

B. increased secretion of the stomach

B. increased intestinal motility

Normalization of the secretory function of the stomach

  1. Patients suffering from cirrhosis of the liver are prescribed a diet:
  1. Diet number 7 involves restriction

B. vitamins

B. liquid

G. calories

D. proteins

  1. Diet number 5 involves restriction

A. vitamins

B. proteins

B. carbohydrates

  1. Patients with diabetes diet is given:
  1. With obesity, a diet is prescribed:
  1. With pneumonia, a diet is prescribed:
  1. Diet therapy for rheumatism provides for restriction

B. salts and liquids

B. salts, fluids, proteins

G. salts, fluids, vitamins

  1. Diet therapy for patients with chronic heart failure provides for the limitation of:

B. sugar

G. proteins

D. liquid

  1. Diet therapy for iron deficiency anemia includes:

A. meat products

B. green apples

AT. buckwheat porridge

G. coffee, chocolate

  1. Prevention measures food poisoning– adherence to methods

A. Food processing and storage

B. sanitary control of food products

B. food freezing

G. extermination of rodents

  1. The amount of liquid food at the next feeding through a tube, in ml
  1. Portion requirement is made:

A. twice a week

B. once a week

V. daily

G. on admission

  1. Unloading days include:

A. Quantitative food restriction

B. qualitative food restriction

B. fasting

D. quantitative and qualitative restriction of food

Appendix No. 2.3.

Complete the correct answer

  1. Nutrition is a science that studies ____________ of a person in normal and pathological conditions.
  2. The optimal ratio of _____________ substances in __________ nutrition is B: W: Y \u003d 1: 1: 4.
  3. An adequate amount of nutrients entering the body provides ______________ human need for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.
  4. The optimal ____________ of nutrients in the diet is called a balanced diet.
  5. _____________ nutrition ensures the constancy of the internal environment of the human body.
  6. The daily energy value of the diet is provided by: ____ - 10 - 15%, fats - 30 - 35%, _____ - 50 - 60%.
  7. Water is an integral part of blood, lymph, _____________________.
  8. Functions of water in the human body: maintaining _____________, transport, detoxification, thermoregulatory, __________.
  9. Water makes up more than _______% of body weight.
  10. Restriction of fluid in the body can lead to an increase in the viscosity of __________.
  11. Carbohydrates by weight make up ______ - ______% of the total amount of nutrients in the daily diet.
  12. The role of vitamins in the life of the body: normalization of ________ substances, increased physical and mental performance, resistance to infections.
  13. Lack or absence of __________ leads to hypo- and beriberi.
  14. The daily requirement for protein in the diet of an adult is _______ - _______ grams.
  15. Digestion, assimilation and daily amount of protein depends on the quality _____________ composition.
  16. Functions of proteins in the body: _______________, _____________, catalytic, transport, energy, genetic.
  17. Protein deficiency in the diet can lead to a slowdown in ___________ and __________ development, a decrease in the functions of the endocrine system.
  18. Deficiency of fats in food leads to a decrease in the body's defenses, growth retardation and __________ of the body, a deficiency of fat-soluble __________.
  19. _____________ fats contain mostly saturated fatty acids that are high in cholesterol.
  20. _____________ substances, depending on the content in the body and in food products subdivided into macronutrients and micronutrients.

Annex No. 2.4.

"Nutrition and feeding of the patient"

Specify answer

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle

Basic questions about nutrition and lifestyle.

Wisdom says: "We need to eat and drink in such a way and so much that our strength is restored by this, and not suppressed." Take the test and find out if you eat right ...

Eating attitude test is a diagnostic tool for eating psychological disorders that was developed at the University of Toronto by the Clark Institute of Psychiatry in 1979. Complete English name- Eating Attitudes Test, or EAT for short.

Initially, the EAT food attitude test was intended for screening, detection, anorexia nervosa and consisted of 40 test questions. Over time, deeper knowledge about the nature of eating disorders made it possible to modify the self-test, and in 1982 the developers created the EAT-26 scale, consisting of 26 questions and having a more unified application. The EAT-26 test was found to be clearer and more useful in diagnosing a variety of eating disorders than the original test. In addition, in this form, he made it possible to identify not only anorexia nervosa, but also bulimia nervosa.

The EAT-26 test for anorexia and bulimia is widely used for screening today. The EAT-26 Eating Attitude Test is currently the most widely used, versatile tool for eating disorder research.

After passing this weight loss test, you will be able to find out whether it makes sense for you to go on diets, whether you are not in vain torturing yourself with food restrictions, whether you can lose weight without the help of specialists, how successfully you can lose weight. After passing the weight loss test, you will find out what is stopping you in the fight against kilograms and what to do to fix it.

To pass the weight loss test, you need to answer 10 questions sincerely, “Yes” or “No” and find out the answer.

Proper nutrition is not only a guarantee of harmony. It is the basis of well-being, an important component of our health. At the end of winter, it is especially important to take care of a balanced diet. Our test will help you find out your mistakes and correct them!

1. Do you have breakfast every day?

2. Do you find the time and energy to eat, even if you are sick or very tired or just busy with important work?

3. Are vegetables (in any form) included in your daily diet?

4. Do you avoid foods high in sugar?

5. Do you eat fruits (drink fresh juices) daily?

6. Do you buy products containing artificial colors, sweeteners, preservatives?

7. Do you arrange fasting days at least twice a month?

8. Do you read while eating or watch TV?

9. Do you avoid sugary soda?

10. Will you never allow yourself to eat fatty, starchy, heavy food (dumplings, belyashi, chops, etc.) at night?

11. Do you eat on the run, do you chew your food thoroughly?

12. Do you have a varied diet?

13. Do you know about food compatibility?

14. Do you eat any raw foods without heat treatment (fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, natural juices) 4-5 times a week?

15. If you are stressed, in a bad mood, do you try to solve the problem, and do not rush to the refrigerator to “seize” it?

16. Do you eat seafood or fish at least 2 times a week?

17. Do you eat rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals at least three times a week?

18. Do you avoid beer, hard alcohol?

19. Do you drink at least 6-8 glasses of pure (mineral) water daily?

20. Do you drink water, juices 20-30 minutes before meals, instead of drinking after or during meals?

Are you sure that you eat in accordance with the rules of healthy eating? Let's check! Pass a simple test: you need to answer 10 questions, calculate the number of points for each answer and indicate how many points you have scored in the comments.

So let's go!

1. How do you usually start your day?

From a hearty breakfast: porridge, eggs, cheese - 1
From packing in a hurry and having a snack on the way to work - 2
From a cup of strong coffee and a cigarette - 3

2. How many times a day do you usually eat?
4-5 times: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, usually at set hours - 1
Every time you get hungry - 2
Skip breakfast, a little at lunchtime, and have a hearty dinner at home, late at night - 3

3. How much liquid do you usually drink per day?
A lot, up to two liters, mostly water - 1
Consume a fair amount of drinks such as cola, juices or iced teas, but no more than a liter per day - 2
A little - three to four cups of coffee or a can of sweet soda - 3

4. What dairy products do you eat most often?
Cottage cheese and dairy products - 1
Milk - 2
Cream or condensed milk - 3

5. What products do you buy most often?
Cereals, vegetables, chicken, fish - 1
Pork, beef, ready-made salads - 2
Canned food, smoked meats, sausage, chips, cakes - 3

6. Where do you eat most often?
At the dining table at home or at a cafe or restaurant table - 1
In front of the TV or at work - 2
In the car, on the move, or near the shawarma stalls - 3

7. Can you remember what you had for lunch yesterday?
Yes 1
With difficulty, only part of the dishes - 2
No - 3

8. If you have to snack, what do you choose?
Banana, yogurt, cottage cheese - 1
Buns or cakes - 2
Chips, salty croutons - 3

9. How do you feel about fish and seafood?
I try to eat more often - 1
I do not buy often - 2
I do not like and do not eat - 3

10. Are you interested in the freshness and composition of foods before you buy them?
Be sure to carefully study the packaging - 1
Sometimes, mostly I follow the freshness of dairy products - 2
No, I buy and eat what I bought - 3

Did you count the points? Well, let's see the result, shall we?

10–16 points
It seems that you are well acquainted with the postulates of a healthy diet. Your diet is well balanced, it is dominated by foods that are healthy for the body, you consume enough liquid. The diet is organized correctly. You are a responsible person who cares about your health.

17–23 points
From time to time you make attempts to eat right, buy the necessary products, try to eat breakfast, but then you forget about your good intentions and go back to fries with soda. Try to be more attentive to your diet, and your body will thank you very soon.

24–30 points
The test results show that you do not think about what you eat and how you eat and how it can affect your health. Over time, food anyhow can play a cruel joke with you. You should pay more attention to your diet, because what we eat depends on how we look and how we feel.

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Dear Guys!
healthy image life is not only exercise, hardening, sports, but also nutrition, because "we are what we eat." This saying briefly reflects the essence of the problem. The cells of our body are provided with energy and are formed from the nutrients obtained from food.

If food contains all the organic and mineral substances necessary for the body, then a person will always be healthy. How do you eat? Try to find out more about yourself by completing the questionnaire. Answer the test questions individually.

After carefully reading each question, choose one of the three (two) answers that is typical for you. Add up the numbers of the selected answers and get the number of points scored.

You can analyze your nutrition in the following way: add up your results based on the results of the test and compare them with the criteria.

If you scored from 15 to 21 points, You are conscious of your own health, because the body receives a variety of nutrients with bioactive substances preserved in them. And this is important for any full-fledged activity. And with the regime you are all right! You are great!

If you scored between 22 and 28 points, Your diet cannot be called complete for several reasons, but if you listen to the recommendations, then your diet will be replenished with other substances necessary for the body.

29 - 44 points. You need to think about your diet, both about the regimen and about the diet. The sooner you do this, the less problems with overweight, nervous diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, various skin rashes you will have!

Discuss the results with your parents, because they will organize your meals.

Author: Tyulkina Anna Viktorovna
Name educational organization: MBU DO Interschool educational center of the city of Azov Year and place of creation of work: 2016, MBU DO Interschool educational center of the city of Azov 1var. Test on the topic "Rational nutrition"
1. The best diet for a healthy diet is:
a) 3 times/day b) 2 times a day c) 5 times a day d) 4 times a day
2. Ration. nutrition provides:
a) the quality of the composition of food b) the advantage of certain food components
c) Quantity d) Preference for protein e) Presence of vitamins
3. The ratio of "B" "F" "U" in food should be
a) 1:2:3 b) 2:1:4 c) 1:1:4 d) 1:1:1
4. "F" for the body is:
a) burning material b) construction c) energy
5. Animals "F" is
a) chicken meat b) cereals c) sour cream d) potatoes e) bacon
6. "B" is present in the following products:
a) sour cream b) belly meat. C) flour d) fish oil e) mushrooms
7. "U" is for the body:
a) building material b) energy c) utilizing
8. The daily need for "F" is:
a) 100g b) 200g c) 400g d) 50g e) 250g
9. Excessive use of "U" leads to: a) rickets b) obesity c) diseases of the nervous system d) risk of diabetes.
10. Why is coarse fiber useful?
a) enhances hair growth b) harmful c) fights constipation d) removes toxins from org-ma11. Lack of iron in the body leads to
a) anemia b) rickets c) diseases of the nervous system d) hair loss
12. Lack of calcium in the body leads to ka) impairs vision b) softens the bones c) causes convulsions d) palpitations
13. How does sodium enter the body?
A) with milk b) with common salt c) with bread d) with vegetables
14. Potassium comes from: A) milk b) bread c) dried fruits d) baked potatoes
15. A lack of iodine in a child's body can lead to
A) heart disease b) lung c) cretinism d) kidney
16. Who discovered vitamins?
a) Mechnikov b) Pasteur c) Lunin d) Ivanovsky e) Fleming
17. Vit. group B are contained in
a) peaches b) radishes c) live liver d) bran e) milk f) fish
18. Vitamin C deficiency leads to
a) chicken blindness b) rickets c) scurvy d) dermatitis e) slowing down of oxidation-reduction reactions in org-me19. Vit.A sod-Xia in
a) pumpkin b) radish c) beetroot d) garlic e) live liver f) parsley
20.Vit.E promotes
a) improves vision b) pregnancy c) obesity d) normalizes blood pressure e) improves skin condition
21. Lack of vit. D leads to
a) scurvy b) rickets c) chicken blindness d) convulsions e) disrupts muscle function

2 variant, test on the topic "Rational nutrition"
1. Ration food is otherwise called a) complex b) medical c) proper d) artificial
2. Select a dietary regimen: a) breakfast 1-20%, breakfast 2-5-10%, lunch-35-40%, afternoon tea-5-10%, dinner-20-30%; b) breakfast-10%, lunch-50%, afternoon snack-10%, dinner-30%; c) breakfast 1-30%, breakfast 2-5%, lunch-40%, dinner-25%.
3. "B" is for the body
a) building material b) energetic c) utilizing 4. The daily requirement for "B" is
a) 100-120g b) 80g c) 300g d) 250g e) 400g
5. Grows. "J" is
a) mushrooms b) nuts c) vegetable oils d) draining butter e) cottage cheese
6. Excess in food "B" leads to
a) chicken blindness b) risk of cardiovascular disease c) nervous system disease d) rickets
7. The daily need for "U" is
a) 250-300g b) 400-450g c) 100-120g d) 200-220g
8. Especially useful for the body "F", contained in
a) meat b) fish c) vegetables d) sausage
9. "U" prevail in
a) meat b) fish c) cereals d) potatoes e) sour cream e) draining butter 10. Sodium is needed for
a) normal functioning of all cells b) normalizes blood pressure c) anticancer media
11. Iron prevails in
a) sesame b) almond c) live liver e) citrus f) hematogen
12. Phosphorus is needed
a) muscles b) bones c) nerves d) blood vessels
13. Lack of iodine in the body leads to
a) muscle dysfunction b) thyroid dysfunction c) obesity d) cretinism e) rickets
14. Calcium we get sa) grows with oils b) dairy products c) cereals d) cottage cheese e) sugar
15. Lack of vitamin group B leads to
a) chicken blindness b) rickets c) anemia d) diseases of the nervous system e) stroke
16. Vit.
a) carrots b) milk c) kiwi d) bell pepper e) mushrooms f) nuts
17. Vitamin A deficiency leads to
a) diseases of the nervous system b) dry skin c) anemia d) chicken blindness e) hypertension
18.Vit.E sod-Xia in
a) fish oil b) olive oil c) sea buckthorn e) rosehip f) radish
19.Vit.D we get from
a) food b) water c) the sun e) in a dream
20.Vit.K sod-Xia in
a) nettle b) tomato c) lemon d) yarrow e) parsley
21.Vit.K has an effect
A) hemostatic B) hematopoietic C) antipyretic D) laxative
Evaluation criteria: Each correct answer -1 point.
A mark of "5" is given if the student marked the correct answers, which corresponds to 95 to 100% of all the proposed questions in the test.
"4" - the number of correct answers corresponds to 75-94%,
"3" - respectively 50-74%,
"2" - less than 50% of the correct questions.