The structure of a long tubular bone drawing. Tubular bones: types and their functions. How does bone growth occur

The structure of the tubular bone is complex structure triangular or cylindrical shape.

It combines multifunctional elements and substances. The feature that distinguishes this type of bones in an organism or animal from another is the predominance of their length over width.


What is each tubular bone made of?

  • Diaphys. This is the body of the bone, due to the growth of which it lengthens and increases. It consists of the so-called compact substance - plates, located even deeper in the bone. They form osteons - cylindrical bodies, inside which vessels pass.
  • epiphysis The end elements of a bone located at its two ends and participating in the formation of joints.
  • The cartilage is hyaline. This is the covering of the epiphyses of the bone.
  • Metaphys. The middle part of each tubular bone. During childhood, as well as his adolescence, it is in this part that the plates are located, from which the epiphysis is formed.
  • Periosteum. It covers the bone, thus forming the outer layer. It is through the periosteum that capillaries (small vessels), as well as nerves, pass through special channels. They must provide nutrition and communication with the deep layers. The periosteum is a plate that consists of connective tissue formed due to fibrous fibers. They are located outside, and inside are osteoblasts - a looser tissue.
  • Spongy substance. Located next layer after compact. The spongy substance got its name because of its porous structure, resembling a sponge. Contains trabeculae - bony crossbars. They also consist of plates.
  • Bone marrow. This is a very important part. It is in the bone marrow, located in the middle of the bones, that hematopoiesis occurs. It consists of a yellow and a red part, with the yellow part made up of fat cells and the red part made up of reticular tissue.
  • Osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Destroying and creating tissue, located in the red bone marrow.

The periosteum, or periosteum, makes up the upper part of each tubular bone. Its inner layer is also called cellular, and the outer layer is fibrous, formed, for the most part, by connective tissue. Its deep part exists due to cambial cells, preosteoblasts and osteoblasts.

But the description of the structure of the periosteum does not end there. Cambial cells are spindle-shaped bodies containing all the elements of the cell structure. The only difference is the amount of cytoplasm. This intracellular substance is found in cambial cells in small quantities.

Preosteoblasts are oval cells that are needed for the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides. Osteoblasts also synthesize their substance. They produce the protein collagen.

The diaphysis - the main constituent element - consists of bone plates. Their thickness ranges from four to fifteen micrometers. The arrangement of these thin microplates in a certain order is commonly called Haversian systems or osteons.

In addition, the diaphysis is divided into three parts:

  • The first, outer layer of general purpose plates, also called general.
  • Osteons or osteon part, middle.
  • Inner layer of general purpose plates.

The peculiarity of the general plates is that they do not cover the bone in a circular manner. Thus, they leave room for the next overlapping plate from the middle. These components are better developed closer to the center of the bone, where they are in direct contact with the medullary bone cavity.

Channels that are very often located in the outer plates are called Volkmann channels. It is along them that the nerves and pass from the periosteum to the bone. In addition to them, collagen fibers penetrate at different angles of inclination.

Because of their high penetrating ability, they are called perforating, as well as sharpei. They can even branch out, but only in the outermost layer of the general plates. In osteons - the next layer - they do not penetrate.

They are similar to cylinders in shape. Osteons are a kind of collection of plates, and according to a certain pattern. They are separated from each other by cleavage lines. These are strong cementing plate assemblies.

Osteons are located along a certain axis, forming their own layer. And the innermost shell - the third - is called the endosteum. Its thickness is 2 microns. After it, there are no more layers - the bone marrow begins.

The bone has several layers of different special tissue or layers. They are different from each other, but perform important functions.

What processes can take place in the bones

The structure of the human tubular bone is inextricably linked with consideration of the process of its aging. Over time, as the bone (tubular) “grows up”, the following processes become probable. The population (number) of osteoblasts decreases. The compact layer becomes thinner, and the spongy substance changes, rebuilds.

The growth of tubular bones is one of the main processes that can take place in them. It begins even before the moment of birth and ends, according to scientists and doctors, at the age of twenty or a little later.

Changes in its size occur both in width and in length. As in many other processes occurring in the body. In the bones there is a double multidirectional action.

On the one hand, obsolete bone tissue (epiphyseal plate) is constantly destroyed there. On the other hand, a new one is being developed. But over time and obsolescence and systems in the body, it becomes thinner. The metapiphyseal cartilaginous plate, which is responsible for new bone formations, consists of:

  • Border zone.
  • Columnar zone (this is the area of ​​​​cells that are constantly and actively dividing).
  • Bubble zone (there are altered dystrophic cells here).

Composition of the border zone: rounded and oval cells, isogenic groups. The latter are responsible for the connection of the cartilage plate with the bone of the epiphysis. There are also capillaries in the cavities, they are needed for nutrition. The second zone is where cells actively multiply. It is called columnar because columns are formed along the axis of the bone.

The ends of such tubular bones are composed of glycogen and phosphatase (alkaline). This is the area where hormones can influence the processes that occur inside. The third zone - bubble cells - is the area of ​​destruction of chondrocytes.

The centers of action in the diaphysis and epiphysis merge together after a certain period of time laid down in advance in the bone marrow. All of the above referred to the growth of bones in length. In width, they increase due to the action of the periosteum. It is active while a person grows, turning into an adult.

Essence of bone

The structure of the tubular bone as an organ is useful and informative information that describes the inner essence of the tubular bone below. This is a separate part of the whole skeleton. It is the hardest organ, occupying a precise and constant position in the body.

The functions of different tubular bones, oddly enough, differ. But in terms of strength, biologists are ready to compare these organs with metal products, they are so strong. Although half of the composition of the chemical component in the bone is water. Also inside there is about twenty percent phosphate, some ossein and fifteen percent fat.

If the bone is dried for the experiment, then it turns out that two-thirds are inorganic substances (for hardness). And one third - organic (for elasticity). The accumulated mineral substances (they are also inorganic, as mentioned above) contribute to the aging and decrepitude of the bone and all its constituent tissues.

The osteon, whose growth mechanism has already been described, consists of five or more plates. Usually their number does not exceed twenty pieces. It's all about whether the plates fit snugly against each other. If not tight - there will be a more spongy substance, but tight - you get a solid substance.

By the way, there are long and short tubular ones. Long (first category) are those that are in the sternum, short (second category) - vertebrae, sacrum. The metaphysis is the middle part in the bone (transitional).

Every kind of brain has its time. That is why only red is in the bones of a baby. The brain at such a young age produces, and fat (yellow brain) does not have time to accumulate yet. Moreover, small people need increasing portions of blood, as the body grows along with its needs.

This is interesting to know: one of the functions of the outer fibrous layer is trophic. The healing of fractures and the growth at the right time of all tubular bones is due to this.

According to some data, aging of bones and tissue occurs later in men than in women. Namely - to twenty-five years. And this is compared with twenty-three - twenty for women.

So, a review, although brief, of complex and bone growth has been carried out. Not spared and the aging process - also may take place. The main thing is to understand all the cause-and-effect relationships of the emergence and development of the vital forces and internal resources of the body.

Trabeculae - another special word - are plates located in a certain order to their neighbors. This is the one construction material. By understanding the processes that take place inside the body and bones in particular, one can influence future health and longevity through prevention and knowledge.

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Each human bone is a complex organ: it occupies a certain position in the body, has its own shape and structure, and performs its own function. All types of tissues take part in bone formation, but bone tissue predominates.

General characteristics of human bones

Cartilage covers only the articular surfaces of the bone, the outside of the bone is covered with periosteum, and the bone marrow is located inside. Bone contains adipose tissue, blood and lymphatic vessels, and nerves.

Bone has high mechanical properties, its strength can be compared with the strength of metal. Chemical composition living human bone contains: 50% water, 12.5% ​​organic substances of protein nature (ossein), 21.8% inorganic substances (mainly calcium phosphate) and 15.7% fat.

Types of bones by shape divided into:

  • Tubular (long - shoulder, femoral, etc.; short - phalanges of the fingers);
  • flat (frontal, parietal, scapula, etc.);
  • spongy (ribs, vertebrae);
  • mixed (wedge-shaped, zygomatic, lower jaw).

The structure of human bones

Main structure unit bone tissue is osteon, which is visible under a microscope at low magnification. Each osteon includes from 5 to 20 concentrically arranged bone plates. They resemble cylinders inserted into each other. Each plate consists of intercellular substance and cells (osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts). In the center of the osteon there is a channel - the channel of the osteon; blood vessels run through it. Intercalated bone plates are located between adjacent osteons.

Bone is formed by osteoblasts, releasing the intercellular substance and immuring in it, they turn into osteocytes - cells of a process form, incapable of mitosis, with weakly expressed organelles. Accordingly, the formed bone contains mainly osteocytes, and osteoblasts are found only in areas of growth and regeneration of bone tissue.

The largest number of osteoblasts is located in the periosteum - a thin but dense connective tissue plate containing many blood vessels, nerve and lymph endings. The periosteum provides bone growth in thickness and nutrition of the bone.

osteoclasts contain a large number of lysosomes and are able to secrete enzymes, which can explain the dissolution of bone substance by them. These cells take part in the destruction of the bone. In pathological conditions in the bone tissue, their number increases sharply.

Osteoclasts are also important in the process of bone development: in the process of building the final shape of the bone, they destroy calcified cartilage and even newly formed bone, “correcting” its primary shape.

Bone structure: compact and spongy substance

On the cut, sections of the bone, two of its structures are distinguished - compact matter(bone plates are located densely and in an orderly manner), located superficially, and spongy substance(bone elements are located loosely), lying inside the bone.

Such a structure of bones fully corresponds to the basic principle of structural mechanics - to ensure maximum strength of the structure with the least amount of material and great ease. This is also confirmed by the fact that the location of the tubular systems and the main bone beams corresponds to the direction of action of the forces of compression, tension and twisting.

The structure of bones is a dynamic reactive system that changes throughout a person's life. It is known that in people engaged in heavy physical labor, the compact layer of bone reaches a relatively large development. Depending on the change in the load on individual parts of the body, the location of the bone beams and the structure of the bone as a whole may change.

Connection of human bones

All bone joints can be divided into two groups:

  • Continuous connections, earlier in development in phylogenesis, immobile or inactive in function;
  • intermittent connections, later in development and more mobile in function.

Between these forms there is a transition - from continuous to discontinuous or vice versa - semi-joint.

The continuous connection of the bones is carried out through connective tissue, cartilage and bone tissue (the bones of the skull itself). A discontinuous connection of bones, or a joint, is a younger formation of a connection between bones. All joints have a common structural plan, including the articular cavity, articular bag and articular surfaces.

Articular cavity it is allocated conditionally, since normally there is no void between the articular bag and the articular ends of the bones, but there is liquid.

Articular bag covers the articular surfaces of the bones, forming a hermetic capsule. The articular bag consists of two layers, the outer layer of which passes into the periosteum. The inner layer secretes a fluid into the joint cavity, which plays the role of a lubricant, ensuring the free sliding of the articular surfaces.

Types of joints

Articular surfaces articulating bones are covered with articular cartilage. The smooth surface of the articular cartilage promotes movement in the joints. The articular surfaces are very diverse in shape and size, they are usually compared with geometric shapes. Hence and names of joints according to shape: spherical (shoulder), elliptical (radio-carpal), cylindrical (radio-ulnar), etc.

Since the movements of the articulating links are made around one, two or many axes, joints are also usually divided by the number of axes of rotation into multiaxial (spherical), biaxial (elliptical, saddle) and uniaxial (cylindrical, block-shaped).

Depending on the number of articulating bones joints are divided into simple, in which two bones are connected, and complex, in which more than two bones are articulated.

Tubular bones have the most complex structure. The center of the bone, its middle part, consists of a dense skeleton, of compact lamellar bone tissue, forming a real tube (see figure below), filled with bone marrow (medullary canal), and the proximal and distal sections (articular ends) form thickenings, consisting of spongy a substance compacted from the surface to the extent of a compact plate.

This surface plate acquires the greatest density and smoothness at the ends of the bones that form the joint, or, as they say, at the articular ends of the bones, which are covered from above with hyaline cartilage, which plays an important role in the physiology and pathology of the joint.

In a growing organism, in the thickness of the spongy substance of the tubular bones, there are plates of growth cartilage, clearly visible on longitudinal cuts and on x-rays, separating the terminal bone nucleus from the rest of the bone, i.e., the epiphysis from the diaphysis, the names that determine the position of one or another section of the bone in relation to the growth zone (from the Greek fuein - grow, epi - outside, dia - through, between; hence the diaphysis - intergrowth zone, epiphysis outside the growth zone, outgrowth) (see figure below).

In addition, an intermediate zone, the so-called metaphysis, is distinguished, that is, a spongy section of the bone, located on the other side of the growth cartilage from the epiphysis, on the border with the diaphysis; this is the growth zone of the bone, in the true sense of the word, since appositional growth of the bone occurs here, its layering, which determines the longitudinal growth.

The energy of longitudinal growth is different in different bones and in different parts of the bones, which was clarified at our institute by experiments on puppies of my colleague V. S. Gelikonova with control metal pins (see the figure below).

a - on the bones of the lower limb; 1 - thigh; 2 - lower leg (growth is greater in the area); b - on the bones upper limb; 1 - shoulder; 2 - forearm (smaller growth in the area of ​​the elbow joint).

For each localization, it is presented: on the left (smaller sizes) - sketched from a radiograph taken 2 weeks after the operation; on right ( large sizes) - the same bone a few months after the operation. Experiments on puppies V. S. Gelikonova.

In humans, by the end of growth, approximately by the age of 16-20, the growth cartilage disappears and both articular sections - the epiphysis and metaphysis - merge into a common epimetaphyseal mass with a spongy structure.

"Osteoarticular tuberculosis", P.G. Kornev

Bone is a solid component of the skeleton of a living organism. Human bone has a very complex composition, which includes both organic and inorganic substances. At the same time, there are more organic substances in a young body, which provides softness and flexibility to a young skeleton (and the bones of an aged body are fragile and hard). According to the shape of the bones are divided into 3 categories: long, wide and short, which have their own name according to the ratio of proportions: length, width and thickness. In this article, we will take a closer look at the features of the structure and growth. long bones human. so-called tubular bones.

Long tubular bones (ossa longa)

Long bones are bones whose proportions are strongly dominated by length over width and thickness. Such bones have a narrow trihedral or cylindrical middle part (diaphysis, body) and two extended rounded end sections (epiphyses).

The structure of the human long bone

The extended rounded part of the bone is called the epiphysis. The epiphysis forms a joint with an adjacent bone through the articulation of the articular surfaces.

Between the diaphysis and the epiphyses there is a cartilaginous plate and a part of the diaphysis, which is adjacent to this plate ( metaphysis), due to which the growth of tubular bones in length is carried out.

The tubular bone (like all other bones) consists of a dense and spongy substance. A denser, harder substance makes up the outer layer of the bone, which has a maximum thickness in the middle of the bone and becomes thinner closer to the epiphysis. In turn, the outer layer of the bone is covered with connective tissue.

Inside the diaphysis there is a cavity (the bone in the section looks like a tube, hence the name "tubular bone"), in which the yellow bone marrow is located. Yellow bone marrow is loose connective tissue rich in fat.

The pineal gland is predominantly spongy and filled with red bone marrow. The red (hematopoietic) brain produces erythrocytes (red blood cells).

The growth of tubular bones

The growth of the tubular bone in length is carried out in the non-ossified parts between the epiphysis and the diaphysis, that is, due to the ossification of the cartilage plates and the metaphysis located between the epiphyses and the diaphysis. And also due to the deposition of new tissue particles between the already existing particles of bone tissue.

The growth of tubular bones in thickness is carried out due to the deposition of new layers on the surface of the bone (periosteum). The periosteum itself has the properties of reproducing destroyed and removed parts of the bone.

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The human musculoskeletal system consists of two parts: passive (skeleton) and active (muscles). It performs the following main functions: 1) supporting - supporting all other systems and organs, maintaining the shape of the body; 2) motor - movement in the space of the body and its parts; 3) protective - limiting internal cavities, protects from external influences located in them internal organs. The main structural units of the musculoskeletal system are bones and muscles.

The composition and structure of the bone. The structural basis of bone is bone tissue. It consists of organic substances that give bones elasticity, and inorganic substances, mainly mineral salts of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. Mineral salts give bones hardness.

Under a microscope, you can see that the bone consists of a huge number of tubes called osteons (Fig. 12). The osteon consists of several layers of the thinnest bone plates, located concentrically around the canal through which the blood vessels that feed the osteon and nerve fibers pass. Between bone plates bone cells are located - osteocytes with numerous processes. If the bone tubes are tightly packed into the bones, then the so-called compact bone substance is formed, and if it is loose, then spongy bone substance is formed.
Rice. 12. The structure of the osteon
Consider, as an example, the structure of the femur (Fig. 13). The middle part of the bone is called the diaphysis, and the end articular heads are called the epiphyses. Inside the diaphysis is a canal filled with yellow bone marrow. Therefore, a bone such as the femur is called tubular. The diaphysis is formed by a compact substance and is covered on the outside with a special membrane of connective tissue - the periosteum. It contains a large number of blood vessels and many nerve endings. The epiphyses of the femur are formed by a spongy substance, the gaps between which are filled with red bone marrow.
Rice. 13. The structure of the tubular bone
Outside, the epiphyses are covered with very strong and smooth hyaline cartilage about 0.5 mm thick. This cartilage minimizes friction between the bones at the joints.

Bone growth. In children, the bones are largely made up of cartilaginous tissue, and with age, their ossification gradually occurs. Lastly, cartilage is replaced by bone in the region of the necks of long bones, that is, between the diaphysis and epiphyses. In these areas, the cells divide, due to which the bones grow in length. The final ossification of the necks of long bones occurs in women by the age of 16-18, and in men a little later - by 20-22 years. After that, bone growth stops.

Bone growth in thickness occurs due to the division of periosteal cells. In addition, the periosteum provides fusion of bone fractures.
Types of bones. The classification of bones is based on the following principles: form (structure) and functions. There are tubular (long and short), spongy (long and short), flat and mixed bones (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Types of bones Tubular bones are built from a spongy and compact substance that forms a tube with a bone marrow cavity. They perform all three functions of the skeleton (support, protection and movement). Of these, long tubular bones (shoulder and forearm bones, femur and lower leg bones) are stances and long levers of movement; short tubular bones (carpal bones, metatarsus, phalanges) represent short levers of movement.

Spongy bones are built mainly of spongy substance, covered with a thin layer of compact. Among them, long spongy bones (ribs and sternum) and short ones (carpal bones, tarsals) are distinguished.

Flat bones are built from two plates of compact substance, between which is located the spongy substance of the bone. There are flat bones of the skull (frontal and parietal), which perform a predominantly protective function, and flat bones of the belts (scapula, pelvic bones), which perform the functions of support and protection.

Mixed bones have a complex shape. They consist of several parts that have a different structure and origin (bones of the base of the skull, vertebrae).

Bone properties. The most important properties human bones are: hardness, strength and elasticity, which are due to the peculiarities of their composition and structure. The hardness of bones approaches steel! It is no coincidence that our ancestors used bone material obtained from animals to make the simplest tools, arrowheads and harpoons. Strength allows bones to withstand enormous loads. For example, it has been established that femur able to withstand a load of 1.5 tons. Equally important is the elasticity of the bones. It is this property that helps protect the body from damage caused by increased stress on the musculoskeletal system. Special meaning in giving the bones elasticity has a periosteum.

Tubular human bones are bone formations of an elongated cylindrical shape, less often trihedral. There is no strictly defined configuration. As a rule, the length of such a bone repeatedly prevails over the width. However, the proportions can be very different. The formation and growth of tubular bone is accompanied by several factors, the main of which is the presence of calcium as a chemical element involved in the construction of bone tissue.

The process of formation of cellular structures is quite long. A lack of calcium often leads to curvature of the bones. An excess of this important element can also negatively affect the formation of the skeleton in childhood. In order to prevent bone deformation in a growing organism in time, it is necessary to maintain a balance of chemical elements involved in the process.

Long and short tubular bones

The human skeleton is a logical construct endowed with a number of functional programs. Each part of the body performs its task, and the vital activity of the whole organism depends on the overall coherence of individual sections. The human tubular bones are the most important part of the skeleton, they are responsible for the musculoskeletal function. At the same time, the activity of the organism is possible only if all participants in the process interact. Some functions of the bone complexes are programmed to move in a constant mode, such as walking or running. The cyclical repetition of the same actions acquires an automatic character, impulses are no longer generated in the brain and not even in the central nervous system, but in the muscle tissue involved in the process.

Tubular bones are connected to each other through tendons and muscles. The moving parts of the skeleton interact according to the principle of a hinged mechanism. Such devices in human body are joints, each of which is covered with a special hyaline cartilage that prevents friction. At the point of mutual contact, the surfaces slide along a certain amplitude, their movement is rational and occurs in a strictly limited mode. The body of the tubular bone is vulnerable, any deviation from the given motion vector causes tension and pain. In the event of an extreme violation of the normal motor regimen, the joint may lose its natural engagement, and thus a dislocation will occur.

The long tubular bones of the human skeleton are among the main supporting structures, quite strong and reliable. Nevertheless, they should be protected, not overloaded and often given rest. Long tubular bones are divided into separate types:

Short tubular bones:

Most often, short tubular bones are a continuation of long ones.

Which tubular bones are levers, one way or another involved in the movement of the body? These are tibia and femur. Short tubular bones provide leverage functions in a more limited range.


Tubular bones consist of a central part, the diaphysis, which is an elongated cavity ending at both ends with epiphyses. In the diaphysis there is a yellow brain, and the epiphyses have a hard spongy texture and are covered with cartilaginous layers.

The epiphysis is the expanded end of the tubular bone, rounded, having a certain shape, designed for articulation with the adjacent joint. The combination of two or three parts forms a complete joint, functioning in a specific motor program of the body. The contact fragments of the joints have a counter-type shape, when the surface of one half is convex and the other half is concave.


Outside, the tubular bones are covered with a periosteum, a connective tissue layer. This is a living organic formation, the purpose of which is protective functions.


The tubular bone substance consists of organic and inorganic substances. The proportions of their content fluctuate throughout a person's life. Childhood is a period of dominance of organic substances in the body, which give the bones flexibility. With age, the composition of substances gradually changes, inorganic substances that provide strength take their rightful place. These are predominantly calcium salts.

Physiological device

  • The compact substance consists of many bone plates covering the bone in a continuous dense layer. Hard scales are combined into structural units, the so-called osteons. The formed fragments are cylindrical formations of organic properties, inside which nerves and small blood vessels pass.
  • Spongy substance is located under compact layers, differs from them in porous structure. In the process of formation of spongy substance, trabeculae are involved - a kind of bone partitions. Much depends on their strength.
  • The bone marrow is the main hematopoietic organ in the human body, which is located inside the tubular bones. It is divided into two types: yellow and red. The first is formed by fat cells and is located in the diaphysis - the main part of the tubular bone. The red bone marrow is located in the porous part of the epiphysis and is a reticular tissue densely permeated with small blood vessels. Through these ducts, newly formed cells enter the mainstream. New blood cells are generated from stem cells living in the bone marrow. The process does not stop for a second. There are also osteoclasts and osteoblasts that renew bone structures, destroying obsolete ones.


Tubular bones grow in the process of development of special epiphyseal plates. The cartilaginous layer between the epiphyses and the diaphysis can grow intensively in childhood and grow slowly during adolescence, and then maturity. The process is hormonally regulated and does not stop until its physiological completion.

The most active bone growth occurs during physiological traction. The first period lasts from 5 to 7, the second - from 11 to 15 years. Further, the growth of bone formations continues, but at a slower pace. Finally, the phase of skeletal formation ends by the age of 20.


Pathological violation of the integrity of individual structures of the skeleton as a result of excessive load can be qualified as fractures of tubular bones.

The main causes of fractures:

  • mechanical injury;
  • various diseases that cause a decrease in bone strength (osteomyelitis, osteoporosis).
  • pain that increases sharply with exertion;
  • swelling that occurs after a while at the site of injury;
  • an extensive hematoma that appears 90 minutes after the injury;
  • failure of the function of the injured limb.

Signs of an absolute character:

  • unnatural position of the limb;
  • chaotic mobility of individual parts;
  • characteristic crunch (crepitus) at the site of injury;
  • bone breaks in the wound, detected with open fractures.


Regeneration and healing of bone tissue occurs due to the formation of new cells at the site of damage. Recovery of the tubular bone can take from several weeks to several months. The healing process requires absolute rest.

The cambial layer of the periosteum and stem cells of the yellow brain are involved in regeneration.

The healing process is divided into four stages:

  1. Autolysis - the active concentration of leukocytes at the fracture site and the dissolution of dead tissue fragments.
  2. Proliferation - reproduction of bone cells as a reaction to damage with the simultaneous production of cartilage tissue, which then mineralizes.
  3. Restoration of blood supply, disturbed as a result of injury, the formation of a compact substance.
  4. Complete restoration of the bone marrow canal, return of functional abilities.


Diagnosis of fractures should be carried out in stationary conditions. To identify a complete picture of damage, an x-ray examination is necessary to determine the absolute and relative signs of a fracture.

After the diagnosis, a course of treatment is carried out, which consists of manipulations to apply a fixing plaster splint. If necessary, traction methods of extraction are used. This is followed by long-term monitoring of the patient's condition and drug treatment.