Definition of the word vocabulary in Russian. Vocabulary and phraseology. Synonymy of forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives

Vocabulary. The lexical meaning of the word. Synonyms. Antonyms. Homonyms. Paronyms

Lexicology studies the vocabulary of the language.

Word- this is the main unit of the language, which is a sound or a complex of sounds that has meaning and serves to name objects, phenomena, actions, signs, quantities, states, etc.

The totality of all the words of the Russian language forms it vocabulary .

Lexical meaning of the word - this is the correlation of the word with certain phenomena of reality.

Words that have the same lexical meaning are called unambiguous(smell of flowers, pleasant smell), and words that have two or more lexical meanings are called ambiguous(dress sleeve, river sleeve, fire sleeve).

The direct meaning of the word is its main lexical meaning.

Figurative meaning - this is its secondary meaning, which arose on the basis of a direct one (a ribbon in the hair, a conveyor belt, a road ribbon).

From polysemantic words it is necessary to distinguish homonyms- words of the same part of speech, identical in sound and spelling, but different in lexical meaning (lock with a key, water is in full swing, treble clef).

There are different types of homonyms:

  • lexical homonyms (to mow the grass with a scythe - a girl's scythe);
  • homoforms (my hands are my jacket);
  • homophones (forests - fox);
  • homographs (flour - flour).

Synonyms- these are words of one part of speech, close or identical in meaning, but different in sound and spelling (cultural - civilized - developed).

Several words of synonyms form a synonymous series in which words differ in shades of lexical meaning (look, look - neutral, look - bookish, stare - colloquial).

Antonyms- these are words of the same part of speech, different in sound, having the opposite lexical meaning (upper - lower, true - false). Antonyms form the basis of antithesis (opposition).

Paronyms- these are single-root words, usually of the same part of speech, similar in sound, but different in meaning (act - misconduct, rainy - rainy, addressee - addresser, general - general's).

Groups of words by origin and use

By origin, all words in the Russian language are divided into borrowed and native Russian.

Originally Russian- these are words that arose in the Russian language (boat, life).

Borrowed words - these are words that came into the Russian language from other languages ​​\u200b\u200b(shoe, kitchen, lecture).

Words that have fallen out of active use are called obsolete(sergeant, person).

Among the obsolete words are:

  • historicisms- words denoting the names of objects and phenomena that have gone out of use (chain mail, educational program);
  • archaisms- words that have fallen out of use because they have been replaced by new ones (forehead - forehead).

New words that have appeared in the language are called neologisms(cybernetics, algorithm). Neologisms can be author's (frivolous head (V. Mayakovsky)).

According to the sphere of use, words in the Russian language are divided into commonly used and limited in use.

Common - these are words that are used by all people, regardless of profession and place of residence (daughter, good).

Restricted uses include:

  • dialectisms- words used by the inhabitants of a particular area (bulba - potatoes, beetroot - beets).
  • professionalism - words used by people of a particular profession (knights - fastening boats on ships to protect them from breaking off);
  • jargon- expressively colored words that denote well-known concepts in a narrow, socially limited circle of people (truncate - understand (youth jargon)).

Exercise #1

Specify the lexical meaning of the words.

Look around, personification, dress up, centurion, standard, fortune, swagger, penates, outstanding, minnesinger, quadrille.

Exercise #2

Write down single-valued and polysemantic words in 2 columns.

Yogi, quotation marks, conservative, leader, monologue, superficial, direction, change, natural, concoct, melt, tram, elegant, paganism, zenith.

Exercise #3

Write down the words used in a figurative sense.

Snake smile, hackneyed phrases, tricky question, burn with a red-hot iron, give a ride in elections, a weak child, speak arrogantly, a cradle of freedom, a blockade ring, a ribbon of a road, climb a mountain, unjustified extravagance, take exercise, painkillers.

Exercise number 4

Find and write synonyms for these words.

Beautiful, small, difficult, humane, fast, long, dirty, tasty, run, understand, be surprised.

Exercise number 5

Find antonyms for these words and group antonymic pairs according to parts of speech.

Start, happy, right, go out, lose, wide, strong, far, few, poor.

Exercise number 6

Insert appropriate antonyms.

1) Wouldn't... yes... helped. 2) Prepare the sleigh ... and the cart ... . 3) ... feeds a person, but ... spoils. 4) Teaching - ..., and ignorance - .... 5) ... business is better ... idleness. 6) ... the world is better ... quarrels. (Proverbs)

Exercise number 7

Make up sentences with these phrases.

Aggressive trot, change to trot; peace in the family, the whole world; cold key, door key; mow eyes, mow grass; spectacular outfit, police outfit; peacock feather, fountain pen nib.

Exercise number 8

Determine the meaning of each of the words-paronyms, make sentences with them.

Ignorant - ignorant, hail - response, diplomat - student, practitioner - trainee, typos - prints, doorman - Swiss, idle - festive, kind - good, dress - put on, found - justify.

Exercise number 9

Make up phrases with adjectives - paronyms:

Man, talent (poetic - poetic); neighbor, interest (hidden - secretive); advice, costume (practical - practical); motive, character (romantic - romantic).

Exercise number 10

In each of the sentences, insert one of the words-paronyms.

  1. This sculpture is made from a (whole, solid) piece of marble.
  2. He had a (special, special) gift of foresight.
  3. The name of the comedy hero D.I. Fonvizina symbolizes the image (ignorant, ignorant).
  4. The article in the newspaper caused a lively (response, hail) readers.
  5. He always looked majestic and (royal, regal).

Exercise number 11

Choose a noun for each adjective. In what examples can the same noun be used?

Careful - thrifty, businesslike - businesslike, classy - classy, ​​offensive - touchy, skillful - artificial, spectacular - effective, amazing - surprised.

Exercise number 12

In which sentence should information be used instead of the word informatization?

The introduction of informatization is necessary in all spheres of life.

Even in rural schools, computer informatization classes have been created.

The reading of the textbook is supplemented by informatization gleaned from the Internet.

Large cities of the country should become strongholds for accelerated informatization.


Phraseology - a branch of the science of language that studies stable combinations of words.

Phraseologisms- these are stable combinations of words that are close in lexical meaning to one word (beat the thumbs - mess around).

From the point of view of origin, phraseological units are divided into native Russian (throughout Ivanovo, with gulkin's nose, from the fire to the frying pan), Old Slavonic (not of this world, beating babies, an eye for an eye) and borrowed from other languages ​​( blue stocking- from English. lang., salto-mortale - from ital. lang., honeymoon - from French. lang.).

From the point of view of stylistic coloring, phraseological units are divided into the following groups:

1) neutral, or interstyle: keep the word, draw a line, put an end to it, swan song;

2) stylistically colored, among which stand out:

a) colloquial (brew porridge, like the back of your hand, from all legs, two boots of steam, fill your pocket);

b) colloquial (twist brains, it's in the bag, foolish head);

c) book (finest hour, crown of thorns, apple of discord).

Colloquial and vernacular phraseological units are classified as reduced; book phraseological units- to the category of high, solemn.

Exercise number 13

Indicate the lexical meaning of phraseological units.

Augean stables -

Build on sand

The Forbidden fruit -

drop the wings -

The cat cried

Shaft to bring down -

Not at ease -

Clench in a fist -

Twist tail -

Change scenery -

Exercise number 14

Choose phraseological units that have meaning:

  1. Few.
  2. Mump.
  3. Be famous, become famous.
  4. Don't worry about your safety.
  5. Procrastinate, do something very slowly.
  6. Stand out clearly, brightly.
  7. At worst.
  8. To feel yourself confident.
  9. Objectively, unbiased.
  10. Lot.

Reference words: regardless of faces, do not spare the stomach, pull the rigmarole, the cat cried, pass like a red thread, at worst, a Kazan orphan, go down in history like a fish in water, no end.

Error type Example
1. The word is used in an unusual sense Humanism and kindness contraindicated cruelty and indifference.
2. Violation of lexical compatibility of words Tears flowed silently from her eyes.
3. Anachronism (ahistorical use of the word) In a secular society, they liked to arrange receptions and other parties.
4. Tautology (repetition of single-root words) This characterizes the characteristic features of our time.
5. Confusion of paronyms The student is also a participant in the learning process.
6. Speech redundancy (pleonasm) Passion for folklore led him to the ensemble.
7. Speech deficiency Bazarov is a bright representative. He is a nihilist.

A number of sections are presented in the course of the modern Russian literary language.

Vocabulary and phraseology study the vocabulary and phraseological (stable phrases) composition of the Russian language

Phonetics describes sound composition modern Russian language and the main sound processes occurring in the language.

Graphic arts introduces the composition of the Russian alphabet, the relationship between sounds and letters.

Spelling contains rules governing the spelling of words.

Orthoepy studies the norms of modern literary origin.

word formation studies the morphological composition of the word and the main types of formation of new words.

Morphology is the doctrine of the basic lexical and grammatical categories of words (parts of speech).

Syntax studies the structure of phrases and sentences.

Punctuation contains punctuation rules.


Vocabulary (from ancient - Greek τὸ λεξικός - "related to the word", from ἡ λέξις - "word", "turn of speech") - a set of words of a particular language, part of a language or words that this or that person or group knows of people. Vocabulary is the central part of the language, naming, forming and transmitting knowledge about the objects of reality. For example, the vocabulary of the modern Russian language consists of more than half a million words.

All vocabulary is divided into two large groups: active and passive.

Passive vocabulary - this is vocabulary that we use only in certain cases

Active vocabulary - this is the vocabulary that we use every day in our speech.

Passive vocabulary is divided into 6 sections:

Archaisms- new names of old words.

Neologisms- new words.

Homonyms- One word with multiple meanings.

Antonyms are opposite in meaning.

Synonyms Words that sound different but have the same meaning.

Dialectisms- narrower terms traditional for territorial or social division.

historicisms- obsolete words.

Archaism is an obsolete word modern speech replaced by a synonym.

Archaism - a lexical unit that has fallen into disuse, although the corresponding object (phenomenon) remains in real life and receives other names (obsolete words, supplanted or replaced by modern synonyms).

The reason for the appearance of archaisms is in the development of the language, in updating its vocabulary: one word is replaced by other words that have gone out of active use.

Examples: Eye - eye, hand - palm, daughter - daughter, gold - gold

Neologism - the meaning of a word or phrase that has recently appeared in the language (newly formed, previously absent). The freshness and unusualness of such a word or phrase is clearly felt by native speakers of this language.

Homonyms- different in meaning, but identical in spelling units of the language (words, morphemes, etc.).


Spit- on the girl's head; scythe - a tool for mowing.

Butterfly- insect; the bow tie.

Onion- plant; bow weapon.

Antonyms- these are words of one part of speech, different in sound and spelling, having directly opposite lexical meanings: truth - lies, good - evil, dark - light.

Antonyms are possible for such words, the meanings of which contain opposite qualitative shades, but the meanings are always based on common feature(weight, height, feeling, time of day, etc.). Also, only words belonging to the same grammatical or stylistic category can be opposed. Therefore, words related to different parts speech or lexical levels.

None of the antonyms own names, pronouns, numerals.

Synonyms- words of the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling, but having the same or very close lexical meaning.

They serve to increase the expressiveness of speech, avoid its monotony.

Examples: berry - fruit, brave - brave, cavalry - cavalry, big - great.

Dialectism- narrower terms of traditional stylistics: "vulgarism", "provincialism" and others, and denoting a word or expression of any dialect, for territorial or social, introduced into the literary language.

Dialecticisms are words or turns of speech used by people of a particular locality.

Examples: Farm, laundry, hoe

historicisms- words or set phrases that are the names of objects that once existed, but disappeared, phenomena of human life. Historicisms belong to the passive vocabulary and have no synonyms in the modern language.

The age of historicism can be calculated both in centuries and decades.

Examples: smerd, boyar, carriage

Take care and love the word. After all, our native Russian language begins with it!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This article will not answer the question of what vocabulary is learning. And all because it is inherently incorrect.

The section of linguistics that is actually of interest to the reader is called lexicology. Vocabulary is the subject of this branch of linguistics.

Today we will talk about the full interpretation of terms, their relationship and the reasons for this confusion. In addition, we will touch upon the layers of vocabulary, its classification, the phenomenon of phraseology.

Lexicon is...

First, let's define what vocabulary is. Different linguists give the author's definition of the term, but these interpretations do not differ too much from each other. Following the great Russian scientist, Doctor of Philology D.N. Shmelev, we say that:

Vocabulary is a collection of words in a language.

The division is based on the scope of use:

Book vocabulary correlates with fiction, high speech, science, journalism, and business.

It distinguishes the following sections (to which it is at the same time not limited):

  1. Terminology.
  2. and exoticisms.
  3. and poetic words.

colloquial vocabulary characteristic of everyday communication. Or - his styling.

Within this layer, three categories are also distinguished:

  1. vernacular.
  2. Slang words and vulgarisms.

There is a division into other layers - into common and special vocabulary.

Under common that part of the vocabulary that is understandable to any native speaker is understood. There is an expert opinion about the equality of its literary language, but it is not fair.

Inside special vocabulary In this case, the following sublayers are distinguished:

  1. professionalism.
  2. Sociolects (slang, slang words, slang).
  3. Dialects (allocated on a territorial basis - lexemes that are used in a specific geographical area).
  4. Historicisms, archaisms, neologisms…

The list can be continued, including everything that has not yet entered / will never enter into the common vocabulary or has already left it.

But it is worth remembering that, unlike other language systems (such as word formation, morphology,), vocabulary - extremely mobile.

Changes in it are observed very often: a word that was commonly used yesterday, today may be beyond comprehension for most speakers. This also works in reverse.

Phraseological layer of language

Vocabulary and phraseology correlate according to the principle of generic relations.

Simply put, phraseology is an integral part of vocabulary, its integral layer.

Unique features do not allow it to be included in the above classifications. The term has different meanings. This is important for us (V.N. Teliya):

Phraseologism is a semantically non-free combination of words that is not produced in speech, but is reproduced in it with a fixed meaning.

The meaning of a phraseological unit is not equal to the sum of the meanings of the words that it includes.


This is a brief overview of vocabulary as a linguistic phenomenon. It is important to remember that its division is often conditional.

Lexicology, which studies vocabulary, is one of the most "humanitarian", "inaccurate" sections of linguistics. It cannot be as objective as grammar.

Vocabulary is changing, it is dynamic. Our task is to have time to follow this process in order to know exactly when the word EVM migrated from neologisms to historicisms.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Vocabulary is the vocabulary of a language.

LEXICOLOGY is a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of vocabulary.

The WORD is the main structural and semantic unit of the language, which serves to name objects, phenomena, their properties and which has a set of semantic, phonetic and grammatical features. characteristic features words are integrity, separability and integral reproducibility in speech.

That is, the vocabulary itself does not study anything. Vocabulary- this is the vocabulary of a language, a stylistic layer, a specific text or a set of texts. Studying vocabulary lexicology, and it is this section of linguistics that is meant when referring to scientific research in this area.

The main ways of replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language.

The vocabulary of the Russian language is replenished in two main ways:

Words are formed on the basis of word-building material (roots, suffixes and endings),

New words come into the Russian language from other languages ​​due to the political, economic and cultural ties of Russian people with other peoples and countries.

Lexical meaning of the word

LEXICAL MEANING OF A WORD - the correlation of the sound design of a linguistic unit with one or another phenomenon of reality, fixed in the mind of the speaker.

single and multiple words.

Words are single-valued and polysemantic. Single-valued words are words that have only one lexical meaning, regardless of the context in which they are used. There are few such words in Russian, these are

  • scientific terms (bandage, gastritis),
  • proper names (Petrov Nikolay),
  • recently emerged words that are still rarely used (pizzeria, foam rubber),
  • words with a narrow-subject meaning (binoculars, can, backpack).

Most words in Russian are polysemantic, i.e. they can have multiple meanings. In each separate context, some one value is updated. A polysemantic word has a basic meaning, and meanings derived from it. The base value is always given in explanatory dictionary in first place, followed by derivatives.

Many words that are now perceived as polysemantic originally had only one meaning, but since they were often used in speech, they began to have more meanings, apart from the main one. Many words that are unambiguous in modern Russian can become ambiguous over time.

The direct meaning is the meaning of a word that directly correlates with the phenomena of objective reality. This value is stable, although it may change over time. For example, the word "table" had in Ancient Russia meaning ‘reigning, capital’, and now it has the meaning ‘piece of furniture’.

A figurative meaning is such a meaning of a word that arose as a result of the transfer of a name from one object of reality to another on the basis of some kind of similarity.

For example, the word “sediment” has a direct meaning – ‘solid particles that are in a liquid and are deposited on the bottom or on the walls of a vessel after settling’, and a figurative meaning is ‘a heavy feeling that remains after something’.

Lexicology includes sections that study words and phrases in different aspects. So, semantics explores semantic meanings language units, phraseology- stable speech patterns, etymology- the origin of words and expressions, onomastics studies proper names, including the names and surnames of people, lexicography- the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries, onomasiology- analyzes the processes of naming in the direction from the phenomenon or object to the word denoting it.

Presentation on the topic: "Vocabulary of the Russian language. Groups of words by use."



Vocabulary of the Russian language.

Groups of words by use.

Vocabulary - this is a branch of the science of language, in which the word is studied as the main unit of the language, its vocabulary.

From the point of view of the degree of distribution and activity of use in the vocabulary of the Russian language, vocabulary is divided into two groups.

The vocabulary is:

  1. Common- words, the meanings of which are clear to all native speakers of a particular language, that is, they are well known.

Example: day, go, two, beautiful, write, he, man.

Common vocabulary is used in various spheres of human activity and creates a national identity, flavor of the language.

  1. Uncommon- vocabulary limited in its use by any limited group of native speakers.

Uncommon vocabulary includes:

  • Professionalisms
  • Dialectisms
  • jargon
  • obsolete words
  • Neologisms


Professionalisms- words or expressions characteristic of oral or written speech of a particular professional group.

In the explanatory dictionary are given with a mark - special / - tech. / -marine.

For example: scalpel, dropper, bisector, subject, heater-battery.

Professionalisms are similar to jargon in their reduced, rough expression. Due to the expressiveness inherent in professionalism, they relatively easily pass into vernacular, as well as into colloquial speech of the literary language, for example: a janitor - “a car windshield wiper” (from the speech of motorists), a steering wheel-steering wheel.

Professionalisms are used in the language fiction as a visual medium.


Dialectisms are words that are used in oral speech predominantly residents of a particular area. Dialectisms belong to folk dialects (territorial dialects). In the explanatory dictionary, they are marked as OBL.

For example: gutarit (South Russian) - to speak, bait (Northern Russian) - to speak. Koval (blacksmith), bruise (russula), hefty (very), kochet (rooster)

Types of dialectisms

1) Lexical dialectisms- words known only to speakers of the dialect and beyond, having neither phonetic nor derivational variants. For example, in South Russian dialects there are words buryak (beetroot), tsibulya (onion), gutorit (speak); in the northern ones - a sash (belt), peplum (beautiful), golitsy (mittens), a curb (Petersburg) - a border, a Moscow farm) - a border.

In common language, these dialectisms have synonyms.

2) Ethnographic dialectisms- words naming objects known only in a certain locality: shanezhki - pies prepared in a special way, nardek - watermelon molasses, manarka - genus outerwear, poneva - a kind of skirt.

Ethnographisms do not and cannot have synonyms in the national language, since the objects themselves, designated by these words, have a local distribution. As a rule, these are household items, clothes, food, plants.

3) Lexico-semantic dialectisms- words that have an unusual meaning in the dialect: bridge - the floor in the hut, lips - mushrooms of all varieties, except for white ones, scream (someone) - call, himself - the owner, husband.

Such dialectisms act as homonyms for common words.

4) Phonetic dialectisms- words that have received a special phonetic design in the dialect due to the “clatter” and “clatter” characteristic of northern dialects.

Tsai (tea), chain (chain) - consequences; hverma (farm), paper (paper), passport (passport), zhist (life).

5) Derivative dialectisms- words that differ from the same-root words of the literary language in word-formation structure.

peven (rooster), guska (goose), strawberry (strawberry), bro (brother), always (always), from where (from where), dozhzhok (rain).


jargon - words restricted in the use of a social or age group. They are used in a narrow sphere of people.

Exist different types jargon

  1. Military jargon
  2. Journalistic jargon
  3. computer slang
  4. Youth slang
  5. Criminal jargon

Klava - a keyboard, ICQ - a communication program (in computer jargon), clipak - a video clip, hang out - to walk, have fun in a company (in youth jargon).

obsolete words

Obsolete words are words that have gone out of active use.

There are archaisms and historicisms.

Archaisms - these are obsolete words that name objects or concepts for which new names have appeared in the language. For example: this - this, cheek-cheek, hand-hand, gold-gold, forehead-forehead.

historicisms - these are obsolete words that have gone out of use in connection with the disappearance of the objects or phenomena they designate. For example: chain mail - an old military armor in the form of a shirt made of metal rings, a wagon - a covered road, wagon, mademoiselle, quitrent, Komsomol member, potbelly stove.


Neologisms - these are new words that have recently entered the language and have not yet lost their novelty, unusualness. They are opposed to obsolete words.

Significant events public life, scientific and technical discoveries contribute to the generation of whole series of neologisms. So, in the 60s. in connection with the development of astronautics, many new words related to space have appeared: astronaut, cosmodrome, rocket launcher, lunar rover, etc. Of course, at present they can no longer be considered neologisms, since they have long entered the language and are widely used in it.

In the 80s. 20th century - perestroika - fundamental changes in politics and the economy aimed at establishing market relations, developing democracy and openness; in the 90s 20th century - boutique - a small store of expensive fashion goods, mass media - means mass media, slogan - slogan.

Examples of neologisms of our time: sponsor, series, player, licombez (elimination of computer illiteracy), programmer, quarks (elementary particles), chromodynamics (section of physics), instagram.

Most neologisms usually quickly become common words.


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Slides captions:

Vocabulary of the Russian language Groups of words by use Performed by 10th grade student Gerasim Ekaterina

Vocabulary Vocabulary is a branch of the science of language in which the word is studied as the basic unit of the language, its vocabulary

Uncommon vocabulary includes: Professionalisms Dialectisms Jargonisms Obsolete words Neologisms

Professionalisms Words used in the speech of a particular profession Sometimes close to jargon In the explanatory dictionary are given with a mark -special. /-tech. /-marine Scalpel (medicine)

Bagel Wipers Battery

Dialectisms Words limited in the use of a particular locality In the explanatory dictionary they are marked as OBL Curb, farm-border

Types of dialectisms: Known only to speakers of the dialect and outside it Have synonyms Lexical dialectisms Buryak-beet Name objects known in a certain area Cannot have synonyms Ponev's ethnographic dialectisms - a kind of skirt

They have an unusual meaning in the dialect Act as homonyms for common words Lexico-semantic dialectisms Bridge - floor in the hut

They have a special phonetic design in the dialect. Appeared as a result of “clatter” and “clatter” Phonetic dialectisms Tsai-chai

They differ from the cognate words of the literary language in their word-formation structure

Jargon Words restricted in use by a social or age group. There are different types of jargon (youth jargon, military, journalistic, computer) Ancestors - Spur's parents

Obsolete words Words that have fallen out of active use archaisms historicisms gold chain mail

archaisms historicisms mademoiselle potbelly stove lanita hand

Neologisms Words restricted in use Recently appeared in the language of Instagram Cosmonaut