How to organize your daily routine. How I plan my day or the daily routine of a successful person. When to get creative

Surely you had to communicate with strong, strong-willed, self-confident individuals who managed to fully realize themselves in various fields public life. Such people are called successful.

What is their success? Are there more hours in their day? Or do they have fantastic luck, hard work and have the right contacts?

The role of these factors is difficult to overestimate. But there is one more point that allows them to stand out in the gray mass, and the name of it is the daily routine of a successful person.

Goals and plans

For some reason, there is an opinion that the work schedule of a successful person is scheduled literally in seconds, and the slightest deviation from the usual daily routine is tantamount to a fiasco.

Sleep, work, eating - everything is on schedule, and there is no time for family, sports and personal hobbies. It makes a certain sense, but this lifestyle looks pretty boring, doesn't it?

Plans for the day successful people may not have anything similar. It all depends on individual features character and temperament of a person, his biorhythms, marital status, habits, occupation.

After all, it is important that the completed cases do not correspond to the plans painted in the organizer or notebook. It is important how effective the previous day was and how it was filled. We all have the main priorities in life, from which we need to build on when drawing up the daily routine of a successful person.

Let's take an example of how the graphs of successful, but completely different people look like.

A young businessman, let's call him Maxim, used to wake up quite early, at 5:00 in the morning. Jogging, contrast showers, reading the morning press at a family breakfast. All important meetings and meetings are scheduled before noon.

The second half of the day is devoted to reviewing e-mail, getting acquainted with new documents, summing up the day and making plans for tomorrow. After work, Maxim immediately hurries home in order to be in time for a family dinner with his wife and children.

Weekends are completely devoted to the family. From Monday, everything repeats in the usual circle. The hierarchy of his values: a clear distribution of time between work and family.

Marina, an aspiring poetess, leaves the "embrace of Morpheus" closer to noon. Slowly drinking green tea, admiring the view from the window, thinking about the meaning of life. Then he goes to the Internet, browses sites dedicated to the topic of art. She attends Chinese language courses several times a week and goes for massages.

Marina works only when there is inspiration, regardless of the time of day or day of the week. Moreover, there is simply no clear division between workdays and weekends. With a book launch coming up, why not throw yourself into the work on Saturday night into Sunday?

Her family is a devoted dog Marfush and aquarium fish. Marina spends her free time at concerts, exhibitions and nightclubs.

Despite such dissimilarity in lifestyle and different priorities, these people are quite successful and stand firmly on their feet. There are common concepts that unite them.

How to schedule the day of a successful person

It is not enough just to have the intention to take full control of your life. You also need to know how to do it. For such a responsible matter, it is necessary to allocate a few minutes of free time, think carefully about the list of tasks and tasks, and write down the result in a diary.

Tips to help you:

You can devote one evening a week to this, but if the schedule of life is quite busy, you will have to deal with scheduling every day.

foundation foundation successful activity a person is constituted by his mental activity and physical vigor. Therefore, when drawing up plans for the day, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of your biorhythms.

If you belong to the category of larks, plan the most important and responsible things before 13:00-14:00 of the day. Owls are better off making important appointments after dinner.

The variation of business activity depending on the biorhythm of a person will allow him to work with greater efficiency and receive a decent reward for his work.

A well-designed daily routine of a successful person implies a competent combination of rest, time exclusively for yourself and work.

In order to reach certain peaks in different areas social life and achieve your goals, the following items must be present in your daily schedule:

Full, healthy sleep. Regardless of the degree of employment, state of mind and well-being, sleep should be a mandatory attribute of your full life.

Just think that constant sleep deprivation is common cause decrease in the level of intelligence, memory impairment and prolonged depression. Do these facts have anything to do with a successful person? Therefore, sleep is sacred.

Balanced diet. Vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be present in your menu. Don't skip your main meals.

Together with food, you get a boost of energy necessary for normal life. And strict food restrictions will not only affect your appearance, but also Negative influence on mental activity and physical activity.

Sport. Horse riding, fitness, football. This will help at least for some attention to switch attention and distract from pressing problems. Any kind of physical activity promotes normal blood circulation, energizes and positive.

Brain charger. Develop the healthy habit of learning something new every day. Read not only specialized literature, but also classical works, periodically look through encyclopedias.

Leisure. Remember that workaholics live less than even people who abuse bad habits. Therefore, at least one day off in your busy schedule should be required.

Laziness, envy, confusion, lack of punctuality - feelings that are alien to a successful person. Do you notice them showing up? Eliminate negativity from your life and plan your daily routine exclusively in a positive way.

Planning a family budget and following it frees us from many worries and stress. When we have a spending plan, we know where our money is going, we know how much money we need to spend in each of the budget categories, and we can make sure that we are really spending money on what is important to us. Many of you have heard about the system of distribution of the family budget by envelopes. For those who are not familiar with the concept, I will briefly describe. The system works as follows: different envelopes are created for each expense category (eg food, clothing, gifts) and the planned cash budget is spread out over these envelopes. These are amounts that are spent purposefully on each category, without going beyond the deferred. Why am I saying all this?

And the month became a familiar thing for our family, but I could not even think that such a concept could be applied to planning my time. My attempts to learn how to manage it almost always meant finding ways to be as productive as possible during the day. I always compared busyness to productivity, and if I had any big plans, they ended up in a big to-do list and eventually led to burnout, because it’s impossible to squeeze projects that take 32 hours into an 8-hour work day.

  • sleep - 8 hours;
  • writing posts - 2 hours;
  • editing posts - 4 hours;
  • blog promotion — 1 hour;
  • family time - 2 hours
  • cooking and eating - 2 hours
  • household chores - 2 hours
  • reading - 1 hour
  • preparation for sleep - 30 min
  • preparation for the day - 30 min
  • major project (such as a book and the like) - 1 hour

Your Keys to Success in Time Budgeting:

1. Make sure all your scheduled activities fit within 24 hours. If you're making a to-do list for the day, you need to make sure you have enough time to complete them.

When the total number of hours of our daily activities exceeds the number of hours thatwe have a day, it often leads to thefttime for other activities in our schedule.

For example, too much time at the computer can steal some of your personal time, too much time studying for an exam can be bad for your sleep, and daily trips to the supermarket can steal an hour of time reserved for children.

2. Make sleep a top priority. I used to think that sitting at the computer at night made me more productive, but later I realized that I feel much better when I get a full 8 hours of sleep. I found myself very productive in the morning while the kids were still sleeping, hence the goal of going to bed at 10pm and waking up at 6am. Yours may be different. Do what's best for you, but don't forget to take care of getting enough sleep.

3. Schedule at least 2 hours of free time. "BUT What about unexpected expenses? you ask, looking at my daily routine. Yes, there is a great temptation to fill every waking moment with as much as possible. But I wholeheartedly recommend that you include at least two hours of spare time in your budget.

As you can see, I don't have 2 hours of free time in my schedule for incidentals, so I just have to steal it from my blog. Sometimes, instead of editing the article, I go with the children to the clinic. It reminds me that I'm still on maternity leave and need to take a break from my writing at least once in a while.

4. To do everything, you need to concentrate on only one thing in the time allotted for it. If you grab onto everything, then there will be a feeling of porridge in your head. But there are exceptions among such cases, you determine them for yourself. I enjoy reading while breastfeeding and washing dishes while cooking dinner.

5. If your to-do list is so full that you don't have enough 24 hours to do everything, it's time to think about delegating. For example, I would like to take my eldest son to classes at a developmental center, but it is not very convenient to do this with a newborn in my arms. Waiting for it to grow is not an option. Therefore, I boldly entrust this matter to grandmothers, and it is useful for the grandson and pleasant for the grandmothers. Think about things on your to-do list that you could delegate to other people.

6. Look for ways to spend less time on planned activities, life hacks are everything. When working on a computer, use hotkeys and word autocorrect. Plan your menu for the whole week at once and shop on the weekends. Set aside one day a month so that, then the daily cooking time will be much less.

The active lifestyle that most people lead today requires the ability to manage your time. Time is the only resource that cannot be bought, and yet many people periodically use it inefficiently or even simply waste it. A well-thought-out schedule is the basis for controlling what time is spent on during the day. And besides, this great way Achieve your life goals, both big and small.


Part 1

Write down the most important tasks
  1. Prepare a list of what you need to do on a daily basis. Don't worry about how to organize these things. At this point, all you need to do is brainstorm - it's not a to-do list yet. Devote an hour or two to this and write a list of everything that you need to do every day (including what you do not do, but consider it necessary).

    • If it’s hard to think about everything at once, get a notebook and take it everywhere with you, and as soon as you remember any business, write it down in a notebook.
  2. Write down things big and small. In the beginning, no business should be considered too small. If it's something you need to do, then you need to do it. When scheduling for the first time, it's best to include all possible things on it, and later edit the list and remove the excess.

    • For example, if you need to walk your dog in the morning and evening, write it down.
  3. Ask yourself questions about these things. What do you need to do to eat well? What do you need to do every day before you go to work? What needs to be done so that someone always picks up the child from school?

    • You may be surprised at how many small things you need to do in order to achieve a larger goal and fulfill your responsibilities. But there is still light at the end of the tunnel. The schedule will help you see areas where you are not getting much return and which you can gradually get rid of.
  4. Analyze your list. If you find that you have absolutely no time left to manage it on your own, review your affairs and make sure they are necessary. You may find that some responsibilities can be done more efficiently or delegated.

    • If you're spending more time at the stove than you'd like, ask your neighbor if she'd like to share cooking duties. The two of you can identify a few dishes that both of you like, and then agree to take turns cooking once or twice a week.

Part 3

Optimize your schedule
  1. Assess your energy level in the morning. For most people, critical thinking and creative inspiration are at their best in the morning. However, as the day progresses, these skills tend to become weaker and weaker. If you belong to this category of people, plan your "strategic" activities for the morning hours.

    • However, it is possible that you, on the contrary, creative activity given only at night. There is no wrong time for this. The main thing is to develop a schedule in such a way that it suits your characteristics and needs.

The daily routine is a plan of action for every day, helping to rationally allocate time and use it as efficiently as possible. Planning your day is necessary to achieve success, because human time resources are limited. Therefore, without a competent distribution of cases, it is very difficult to manage to do everything planned. The daily routine disciplines, helps to mobilize willpower and put things in order both in the head and in life in general.


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    What is the daily routine for?

    If there is no planning for one's own time, a phenomenon such as procrastination can occur. This definition refers to the constant postponing of things for later. At the same time, a person is inactive, but feels guilty and helpless in front of the accumulated responsibilities.

    This phenomenon occurs due to fear of something new or lack of self-confidence. In addition, procrastination often affects people who are engaged in an unloved business.

    You can avoid useless waste of time by compiling a daily routine. It will also provide the following benefits:

    • help prevent stress nervous system and the onset of a state of apathy;
    • increase work capacity and reduce fatigue;
    • charge with optimism and energy, provide cheerfulness to complete all the tasks;
    • improve digestion and increase immunity, which will allow you to get sick less.

    Such a concept as biorhythms is closely related to the daily routine. It means that the physiological processes occurring in the body are repeated at regular intervals. Violation of biorhythms leads to a deterioration in the state of the body and its accelerated wear.

    The regime is also necessary for people leading a healthy lifestyle. If the goal is to lose weight or gain muscle mass, you need to eat at regular intervals. In addition, it is very important to exercise regularly, choosing the right time for classes.

    Basic principles of compiling the regime

    It is desirable to make a daily routine on your own, focusing on your own feelings regarding the distribution of tasks over time. After all, the level of activity is different for everyone. Some can quickly switch from one activity to another. The second requires a more calm and measured pace. This should be taken into account when creating a graph.

    It is also worth understanding that the schedule will be different for adults, schoolchildren, students, etc. Whatever the amount of work for the day, it can be divided more rationally. This will allow you to perform mandatory tasks faster and take more time to rest.

    To compose correct routine, the following rules should be followed:

    • realistically assess your capabilities and not plan too many things, because if they are not fulfilled, you can lose confidence in your abilities;
    • do not make the schedule too tight so that you do not have to constantly rush;
    • leave enough time for rest during the day;
    • sleep from 7 to 8 hours;
    • try to go to bed between 21:00 and 23:00, as sleep before 24:00 is the healthiest and helps the body recover effectively;
    • Walk as much as possible, taking travel time into account when planning your schedule.

    If you follow these principles, you can easily create the correct daily routine with your own hands.

    Proper nutrition mode

    Diet is an integral part of the daily routine. It must be observed both when losing weight and when gaining muscle mass. This is also required for those who do not set themselves specific goals. After all proper nutrition ensures normal functioning digestive system and avoids many troubles (constipation, diarrhea, etc.).

    When compiling a diet, you should adhere to the following principles:

    • it is desirable that the time of eating coincides from day to day, since then the body will be ready to digest food;
    • it is worth eating at intervals of 3-4 hours in small portions, which will avoid hunger and speed up metabolism;
    • you can’t eat a couple of times a day, even if there is no free time, so you can take containers with healthy snacks to work;
    • in the morning you definitely need to have a hearty breakfast (porridge, cottage cheese, eggs, etc.), one apple or kefir will not be enough;
    • after 16:00 you should try to eat as few carbohydrates as possible and as much protein as possible (vegetables with chicken breast, buckwheat with fish, etc.).

    An approximate diet for weight loss for a day with a scheduled menu is presented in the table.

    To gain muscle mass, you should eat as follows:

    Thus, you do not need to follow a strict diet even when losing weight. This will only lead to breakdowns and metabolic disorders.

    How to manage to exercise regularly?

    Many people say that they do not have time to play sports because of work or household chores. But it is impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle without physical activity.

    You can always find some free time for training if you organize your day correctly. To maintain a figure and health in good condition, it is enough to allocate 40-60 minutes 3-4 times a week.

    There are several factors to consider when choosing a time to exercise. In the first half of the day, the body is most susceptible to aerobic exercise. Therefore, immediately after waking up, it is recommended to do exercises, go for a run or engage in cardio equipment (exercise bike, ellipsoid, treadmill, etc.). Such exercises will be most effective for losing weight.

    If you want to gain muscle mass, the best time for strength training will be in the evening, after 16:00-17:00 hours. It is during this period that the body is predisposed to anaerobic stress.

    Thus, one can choose best time for training and compare it with the work schedule. Many people have 2 days off a week, and on weekdays they work until 17:00–18:00. After work, you can go to the gym and do a workout. In addition, there is an option to get up early and go for a run in the park near the house. This will give you a boost of energy and optimism for the whole day.

    You can also work with a 2x2 work schedule. In this case, you will need to train on free days in the morning or evening. Then it will be possible to conduct 3 workouts per week, which will be quite enough to improve appearance and health promotion.

    If the road to the fitness club takes too long, you can work out at home. This option is also suitable for young mothers who do not have the opportunity to leave the child.

    As equipment for home workouts, you can use small dumbbells, weights or special rubber bands for fitness.

    Daily routine examples

    As already mentioned, the daily routine will be different for adult working people, students, schoolchildren, teenagers, etc.

    The differences will be in the amount of duties that need to be completed during the day.

    For adults

    Men and women with full-time jobs often do not understand how to plan their day in such a way as to have time to do all the required tasks, cope with household chores and at the same time lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and exercise regularly. It's quite real. An example of a daily routine for an adult working person is presented in the table.

    Time A task
    7:00 Climb
    7:00–7:05 Drink a glass of water, do an exercise like a vacuum
    7:05–7:15 Small exercises (squats, bends, push-ups, etc.)
    7:15-7:25 Contrast shower, girls are recommended to rub with a massage brush against cellulite
    7:25 Hearty breakfast
    8:00–8:30 Leaving the house (on foot if possible)
    9:00–13:00 Working time. If work allows you to be distracted, it is advisable not to sit in in social networks and read a good book. In addition, you can study English or another language. Around 11:00 you need to have a snack
    13:00–14:00 Lunch break. No need to snack on junk food. If there is no good cafe or canteen nearby, it is worth wearing healthy food with you in a container. While eating, you can not read any documents or do other things. After all, then the food will be digested much worse
    14:00–17:00 Working time. Around 16:00 it is worth having a snack so that the body is provided with nutrients
    17:00–17:30 The way home (on foot if possible)
    17:30 Dinner
    18:30-19:30 Workout at home or at the gym
    19:30-21:00 Free time
    21:00 Eat a portion of cottage cheese at night to supply the body with protein, calcium and other useful trace elements
    21:00- 23:00 Free time
    23:00 Go to bed

    You need to stick to this regimen for at least a week. After that, it will be easy and pleasant to observe it, since all things will be done on time, and the rest will become complete.

    For schoolchildren

    Schoolchildren need a different routine. Sometimes parents, trying to comprehensively develop the child, send him to many sections and circles. As a result, the load will become too large, and there will be practically no free time left. This is wrong, since children must definitely rest and play in their own mode.

    An example of building a schoolchild's day regimen is presented in the table.

    Time A task
    7:00 Climb
    7:00–7:15 Charger
    7:15-7:30 morning hygiene
    7:30 Full breakfast
    8:00 Leaving home for school
    8:00–12:00 Studies
    12:00 Lunch at the school cafeteria
    12:00–13:30 Studies
    13:30-14:30 Walking or activities in an after-school group
    14:30 Way home
    15:00 Dinner
    15:30-16:30 Doing homework
    16:30 Snack
    17:00–18:30 Lesson in a section or circle (football, athletics, dancing, chess, violin, etc.)
    19:00 Dinner
    19:30-21:30 Free time
    21:30 Dream

    It is especially important for first-graders to adhere to the regime, as they need to get used to a different pace of life, learn to be independent, responsible and disciplined.

    For students

    Students need a special daily routine. After all, this period of life is one of the most eventful. In addition, it is necessary to devote sufficient time to study. To have time to do everything, you can make such a schedule.

    If you follow this regimen, you will be able to allocate time for study, sports and personal life. At the same time, the rest will be complete, so overwork will not occur.

    For "larks"

    All people are usually divided into "owls" and "larks". The first ones have a hard time getting up in the morning, as they have a surge of activity in the evening and even closer to the night, as a result of which they fall asleep late. The latter wake up on their own very early, and in the late afternoon they begin to fall asleep.

    Features of the peaks of their activity should also be taken into account when compiling the daily regimen. The routine that is most convenient for "larks", that is, those who get up and go to bed early, may be as follows:

    It is believed that, on average, "larks" are most efficient from 9 to 10 in the morning and from 16 to 17 in the evening. Therefore, it is at this time that it is recommended to plan important things that require some effort (work, business meetings, training, etc.).

    For "owls"

    Owls find it hard to get up as early as early risers. Therefore, if possible, you can sleep longer so that the body has time to rest.

    The peaks of activity of "owls" fall on the periods from 11:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 20:00.

    An approximate daily routine for "owls" is presented in the table.

    Of course, not everyone can afford such a routine. It is suitable for people with a free or shift work schedule and students on the second shift.

    How to turn from an "owl" into a "lark"?

    But some studies have shown that the features of "owls" and "larks" are not associated with a genetic predisposition. The main reason for this separation is just the wrong daily routine.

    To turn from an "owl" into a "lark", you can take the following actions:

    • go to bed at a strictly defined time (from 22:00 to 23:00) every day, even if you don’t feel like sleeping;
    • get up at 6-7 in the morning on an alarm clock, including on weekends;
    • after getting up, do exercises or jog in the fresh air, take a contrast shower and have a hearty breakfast;
    • if you can’t wake up, you should lie down in the bath with a few drops essential oil orange, lemon, mint, rosemary, etc.;
    • eat right at the same time;
    • add more physical activity;
    • in the evening you should not watch TV or surf the Internet, it is better to read a book;
    • before going to bed, you can take a warm bath with soothing oils (chamomile, lavender, calendula, etc.);
    • the bedroom should be ventilated during the day, and before going to bed, turn off all the lights.

    If you follow these tips for a few weeks, it will soon be much easier to get up in the morning. Your activity and productivity will increase throughout the day. Thanks to this, you will be able to do more things and achieve all your goals.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

The daily routine is the organization and expedient distribution of human time resources, a kind of life schedule. The correct daily routine is the organization of a person’s personal time for the most optimal use of his labor potential. What is the daily routine for? What are its main components?

Daily routine: its main components

The daily routine is the basis of the normal functioning of the body. It is the correct alternation of work and rest, various kinds activity allows the body to fully restore strength physically and psychologically. The correct daily routine allows you to correctly distribute time resources for rest, work, nutrition, self-development, self-care.

There are external and internal factors that contribute to the development of a certain daily routine of a person.

The main internal factor contributing to the development of a certain human behavior are biorhythms.

Biorhythms are the fundamental processes of living nature, the regular activity of the body, its systems, carried out at regular intervals. Biological rhythms are fixed at all levels of living matter: from the simplest biological reactions occurring at every moment in a cell to complex human behavioral reactions. All physiological processes occurring in the body are consistent with the general course of time. The main factor regulating the biorhythms of all living things is the Sun. The importance of biorhythms for a person was proved by the physiologist I.P. Pavlov, who argued that there is nothing more significant for a living organism than rhythm and periodicity. physiological changes flowing in the body. Biological rhythms largely determine the daily routine of a person. It is on biorhythms that a person’s working capacity, the ability to assimilate information, and learn depends.

Building a daily routine that contradicts the natural biorhythms of a person will lead to increased fatigue, psychological stress, a long period of incapacity for work.

An external factor that determines the daily routine of a person is his participation in the life of society: training and attending educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, higher educational establishments), work at the enterprise, which contributes to the development of a more or less constant daily routine.

Mandatory components of the daily routine should be:

  • Labor is the physiological need of a person, the main condition for his existence in society, the expedient, conscious activity of the individual, aimed at meeting the needs of himself and society;
  • Rest is a necessary component of the daily routine, a way of spending time, the purpose of which is to restore physical strength and stabilize the psycho-emotional state in order to achieve a normal level of performance;
  • Meals - a sufficient interval of time during the period of employment, rest for a full meal;
  • Personal hygiene - a period of time for carrying out procedures to maintain and promote health;
  • Time for self-development and improvement is a period for other types of activity (reading, visiting the theater, communicating with people).

The daily routine of the child: how to organize the day for the child

Why is it important to teach a child to the correct daily routine? Children easily get used to a new daily routine due to the fact that a clear dynamic stereotype has not yet been developed in their minds - a form of human brain activity, the manifestation of which is a fixed order of actions performed. Violation of dynamic stereotypes leads to tension of the nerve elements of the cerebral cortex, which goes beyond their functional capabilities, resulting in a violation of higher nervous activity and the development of neurotic states.

The daily routine of a child is somewhat different from the daily routine of an adult. The daily routine for children is the basis of education, accustoming the child to the responsible use of temporary resources, self-discipline, development of character and willpower.

In the first 3 years of a child's life, the performance of his nervous system is constantly changing, which leads to a change in the daily routine of the child in different periods his life. If the daily regimen is not followed, the following consequences may occur for the child:

  • Tearfulness, irritability of the child;
  • Instability of the psycho-emotional state;
  • Deviations in development;
  • Difficulties in getting the child used to the routine kindergarten, schools.

Each period in a child's life must be properly organized in terms of alternating activity and rest. Prolonged wakefulness and reduced sleep duration can negatively affect the activity of the child's nervous system, resulting in a violation of his behavior. There is no single correct daily routine that would suit every child. However, there are a number of rules, adhering to which parents will be able to properly organize such a day regimen for the child, which will contribute to his full physical and mental development.

Rules for the daily routine of the child:

  • Compliance with the exact time of getting up and going to bed, which contributes to the development of a reflex;
  • Compliance with the intervals between meals (meal time depends entirely on the periods of sleep and wakefulness of the child). However, the daily routine is built so that after feeding the child is awake and then sleeps, which helps to maintain the optimal state of the child at any stage of development;
  • The wakefulness of the child should include educational games, outdoor activities, communication with peers. Do not forget about the "free time" for the child, when he is not busy with other activities and can do what he is interested in himself.

The concept of the correct daily routine for each person

There is no single correct daily routine suitable for every person. Any daily regimen, both for a child and for an adult, is only a recommendation. The correct daily routine allows the most efficient use of human energy resources. When drawing up the daily routine, it is necessary to take into account biorhythms, periods of maximum human performance.

So, the correct mode of the day contributes to:

  • Maintaining the healthy functioning of the body;
  • Normalization of the psycho-emotional state;
  • Harmonious development of personality;
  • Education of punctuality;
  • High self-discipline and organization, both in work and during the rest period;
  • Significant reduction in fatigue;
  • Improving labor efficiency.

An analysis of your daily routine will help determine the causes of high fatigue, low productivity, absent-mindedness, frequent depressive states. You should not adhere to the stereotypical daily routine if it contradicts the biological rhythms of a person.

The basis of the correct daily routine:

  • Normal sleep duration;
  • Compliance with the time of going to bed and daily awakening;
  • Compliance with the meal schedule.

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