Reading and transmission of thoughts at a distance. Telepathy is the transmission of thoughts, feelings and desires at a distance. The history of the phenomenon and methods of development How to convey the desire for intimacy at a distance

Is it possible to transmit thoughts to the honey of people at a distance? Probably, people asked this question at the dawn of civilization. How tangible are thoughts and feelings, what is their power, and how can they be directed to your own ends?

Realists versus idealists

The existence of people with superpowers is hard to deny. Many of us know similar examples from life, but not all of us are ready to believe such examples. Idealists argue that any person can develop the ability to transmit thoughts to each other at a distance to one degree or another. And you don't have to have a unique gift to do it. It is enough to master certain techniques and regularly devote the necessary time to training. Skeptics believe that it is impossible to develop such an ability with any training, and in principle deny the existence of such a phenomenon.
Be that as it may, it is impossible to deny the existence of extrasensory perception with certainty. At least, scientific methods have not yet been able to obtain an accurate confirmation or refutation of certain views.

The first attempts to scientifically prove the existence of telepathy

In another way, the transmission of thought information at a distance is called telepathy. The craze for this phenomenon began in the middle of the XIX century. At that time, many spiritist salons and offices were opening all over the New World. The newly-appeared magicians traveled all over the country with their performances. This enthusiasm later spread to Europe. However, the official scientific community did not react in any way to the object of mass enthusiasm.
The first attempt to give a scientific explanation for the phenomenon of telepathy was made only in the 30s of the twentieth century. The American scientists Ryan used Zener's cards as a methodological material. We can say that the researchers laid the foundation for the methodology of scientific experiment in this area. All subsequent experiments carried out in different years in different countries, one way or another, were based on similar principles.
The essence of the experiment was as follows. The two subjects were isolated from each other. One was given a choice of cards with simple images of a circle, a wave, a triangle, a square, a cross. He had to use his mind to try to convey information about the image to his receiving object. He, in turn, depicted images that, as it seemed to him, arose in his mind.
At one time, Rine scientists failed to either prove or disprove the existence of the phenomenon of telepathy. However, the baton was launched. Since then, many scientists have tried to replicate their experiment.

What modern research says

In the 90s of the twentieth century, researchers from the Edinburgh Institute came to the conclusion that the ability to receive signals from the outside is acquired by a person as a result of a change in his mental state. A similar change in consciousness is observed at the border of the transition from one state to another. For example, a falling asleep person, before falling into a deep sleep, gradually loses touch with reality. Outbursts of anger or unexpected joy also charge the mind with a certain potential.
Based on these observations, the Edinburgh scientists improved their experiment. The subject receiving the thoughts was put into a trance-like state. His eyes were tightly closed with a weightless bandage. A light soothing sound was played through the headphones. A warm red light was switched on in the room, setting the mood for peace and tranquility. External stimuli were practically excluded. Further, everything is as usual. The receiver was given signals that he had to interpret during the experiment.
The probability of a simple match when choosing one card out of five is 25%. Thus, in the absence of the influence of any out-of-body forces, the number of coincidences in the case of the experiment should not exceed this figure. However, scientists received more than 30% of the same specified images. The results of the study have not yet been evaluated. Attempts to explain anything are still going on.
In 1971, an astronaut from the Apollo 14 spacecraft participated in thought transfer research. Contact was established between the subject in space and the transmitter located on Earth. Of the 200 images transmitted from Earth, the astronaut correctly marked 51. The results are within a percentage of probability. However, this is not sufficient proof of the failure of the theory of telepathy.

Unexpected Experimental Results

To date, worldwide great amount experiments, after analyzing which scientists came to unexpected conclusions.
The most frequent cases of spontaneous reception of sent information are observed among people who are in a close emotional connection. About 10% of the subjects could regularly receive signals sent to them. Also, 70% of the test subjects gave the correct results in half of all simulated cases. Despite the fact that there are not so few people capable of recognizing and correctly interpreting the received signals, the number of people who can send informational letters is much smaller.

Theory explaining the possibility of telepathy

Similar studies are also regularly conducted in Russia. They are engaged in the Institute of the Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Academician Yu.B. Kobzarev put forward a theory of scientific explanation of telepathic communication between loved ones. At the moment of the birth of a thought, the lightest charged particles are thrown into the surrounding space. They were given the conditional name psychones. Those, in turn, accumulate in energy clots of an electromagnetic nature. Physicists call such bundles of energy solitons, and parapsychologists call them thought forms or simply mental images.
There are an unthinkable number of charged bunches in the surrounding space. But all this goes unnoticed by most people around. Close people have a special subconscious attunement to each other. That is why the phenomenon of spontaneous telepathy is so common among them. Their thinking seems to be tuned to a common channel, and thus there is an effect of capturing the information sent.

Amazing real life example

As it was possible to find out in the course of research, the nationalities developing far from civilization have the greatest ability to receive the transmission of thoughts. This indicates that, apparently, more ancient parts of the brain are responsible for the ability to telepathy. A person in the course of the development of communication methods gradually loses the ability to transmit thoughts at a distance.
One of the most amazing examples of telepathy is the so-called Kalahari radio. Tribes living in the desert near the border of Bechuanaland use signal smoke to send messages over long distances. When the need arises to convey information to distant communities, a resident of the tribe simply kindles a fire. The tribesmen, seeing the smoke from the fire for many kilometers, guess what they wanted to tell. Scientists have not yet figured out how the transmission of thoughts at a distance occurs. The smoke itself has no identifying features. In general, it is not even a way to convey a message. Most likely, the smoke induces the receiver of thoughts to tune in to the channel of the transmitter, concentrate on it and accurately capture the information being sent.

Thought Translation Technique

All these experiments once again prove only one thing, that the dispute between skeptics and idealists will not be resolved soon. As before, some may argue one thing, while others insist on the opposite. In turn, those who believe that the power of consciousness is limitless develop and offer their own methods with which you can try to convey thoughts at a distance.
The essence of the method is as follows. Before starting the session, you must take the most comfortable position that allows you to bring the body into a relaxed state. In this case, it is important to ensure that in this position the spine remains straight and directed vertically. You can, for example, lean back in a chair.
It is necessary to stop the entire internal flow of thoughts, to achieve a state of consciousness close to meditation. Try to look into the center of consciousness. In another way, it can be imagined as if you are looking into the middle of your brain from the side of the back of your head.
Next, you have to concentrate on the thought or image that will be broadcast to the recipient. It can be a thought dressed in words, a visual image, a feeling, an emotion.
Be sure to explicitly represent the presence of the receiving entity. Concentrate on it, as if there is nothing else around except the sender and the receiver.
Imagine the sent information in the form of a ball placed in the center of consciousness. On a free exhalation, imagine how the ball with lightning speed leaves the center of the brain and shoots up into space. Then also visualize how the information ball descends from space to the receiving object.
And most importantly, all your actions must be accompanied by positive emotions. Any manipulations with subtle matters must have a good beginning. The power of thought is truly limitless. Use your thoughts in the right direction.

Telepathy is an interesting and mysterious phenomenon. Reading minds causes a lot of controversy from both fans and skeptics of this idea. No matter how people feel about telepathy, it does not leave anyone indifferent, and many even want to master this skill.


Telepathy is a specific feature of the human brain to transmit or receive thoughts, images and feelings at a distance. It does not use any additional funds. At the moment, there is no experimental evidence for the existence of this phenomenon, and therefore all statements are built at the level of hypotheses. Most scientists consider this phenomenon impossible, since there are no prerequisites for it in the human body.

For the first time that telepathy exists, they started talking in 1882. This term was introduced by Frederick Myers, who is known as the founder of the British Society for Psychical Research. He, along with his like-minded people, conducted numerous experiments on the transmission of thoughts at a distance. Later, similar studies were carried out in the USA, the USSR and some European countries. Certainly some positive results managed to obtain, but experiments under more stringent conditions were unsuccessful.

Types of telepathy

Telepathy is a rather complex concept that has not yet been fully explored. Parapsychologists tend to divide this phenomenon into conscious and unconscious. In the first case, we are talking about the transmission of thoughts, and in the second - about telepathy in pure form. This separation allowed to eliminate disputes between spiritualists, as well as researchers of the paranormal. Speaking about the transmission of thoughts at a distance, it is worth noting that it may well act as an object scientific research and experiments. But with subjective telepathy, the object may not suspect that some kind of mental message is being sent in his direction, and therefore does not prepare himself to receive thoughts.

The mechanism of the emergence of telepathic communication

To learn the secrets of telepathy, it is worth understanding how its mechanism works. To begin with, it should be noted that there are 5 astral senses that correspond to the physical organs of perception. In this case, the impression reaches the brain along its own path, which resembles the mechanism of action of nerve impulses. But the sixth (telepathic) sense has both a physical organ and its own unique channel that leads to the human brain.

Several thousand years ago, yoga practitioners came to the conclusion that in the human body there is a special organ glandula pienalis. It is he who is responsible for receiving signals and perceiving wave impulses that are formed as a result of brain activity. In this case, the signal can be perceived both purposefully and unconsciously (on an intuitive level).

Examples of the manifestation of telepathy

Telepathy is a mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon for many. But could it be worthy of attention if it existed only in words? Repeatedly there were reports of real manifestations of telepathy. Here are the most famous cases:

  • One of the protocols of hostilities contains the testimony of a certain Major General R., who, being wounded, asked his colleagues to convey wedding ring his wife, who was a hundred miles from the battlefield. The woman, in turn, stated that at the same time, being half asleep, she saw her husband wounded.
  • The clairvoyant William Stead claimed to have the power of automatic writing. So, one day he was thinking about one of his acquaintances and suddenly involuntarily began to write a text on a piece of paper, which contained details of an incident that happened to a woman in a train car. It turned out that the situation described by Stead corresponded exactly to reality.
  • Rider Haggard argued that not only people, but also animals have the ability to telepathy. One day, his wife heard her husband making sounds in a dream that resembled the groan of a wounded animal. The man himself, waking up, claimed that he felt a strange feeling of constriction. It seemed to him that he had fallen into the body of his dog. The four-legged friend of the family was indeed found dead - he was hit by a train.
  • Perhaps the most direct evidence for the existence of telepathy is the invisible bond between mother and child. There are numerous cases where an inexplicable force made women feel that their children were in danger. However, they could be thousands of kilometers apart.

How is telepathy explained?

Inexplicable but the fact! This is what many say about the phenomenon of telepathy. The problem is that there is no hard data to support the existence of such a possibility. But it cannot be categorically denied either. Nevertheless, there are several theories that are designed to explain the essence of telepathy. Of course, the degree of their scientific character differs significantly.

The most popular at the moment is the "wave theory". Its authors and supporters suggest that there are some waves (like ethereal waves) that have an extremely small amplitude and an impressive frequency. They are able to penetrate human brain, causing the same images in the minds of two or more people. The "wave theory" has a lot of opponents who are hard to blame for being wrong. The fact is that the ethereal channels described above are significantly weakened with increasing distance between objects. And telepathic communication, as many argue, is present even at considerable distances.

Telepathy and technological progress

It is generally accepted that telepathy is the transmission of thoughts, feelings, desires at a distance. This phenomenon can be treated differently, but it cannot but inspire. So, many skeptics agree that in the future, the transfer of thoughts through high technologies will become a reality. Scientists predict that telepathy may become the leading form of communication through special chips that will be implanted in the human brain. This opportunity will open up new frontiers in international politics and economic relations.

The first experiments of this kind date back to 2013. Researchers at Durham University have proven that thought transmission at a distance is a reality. Of course, the experiments were not carried out on humans, but on rats that were at a considerable distance from each other (in different cities). Through the Internet, electrical voltage was transmitted from one device to another. As a result, it was possible to ensure that both rats performed the same actions. This excludes the possibility that the animals suspected external influences. The experiment was carried out many times. It is inexplicable, but true, that in 70% of cases the second rat correctly received and produced the impulses that the first one transmitted. Thus, it is possible to completely exclude the possibility of a random coincidence.

Telepathy: how to develop?

Do not think that only the elite have the ability to telepathy. The famous medium Wolf Messing believed that every person has such inclinations. Of course, for some they appear on their own. But if you want to become a telepath, special exercises will help you with this.

To get started, find like-minded people who want to cultivate in themselves such an ability as telepathy. How to develop? You will need two more participants for the exercise. Then everything happens according to the following algorithm:

  • On a blank sheet of paper, draw 3 simple figures(e.g. circle, triangle, square). As the task becomes more complex, their number can be increased.
  • One of the participants should carefully consider the drawn figures and remember them.
  • Now his task will be to try to imagine one of the figures with open or closed eyes. As soon as the participant clearly sees one of the images, this will mean that the signal has hit the air. He must notify the others about this in any way (for example, with the word "I see!").
  • At this point, each of the participants must name a figure. This must be done immediately, without hesitation, otherwise it will already be logic, not telepathy.
  • To avoid cheating and rigging, the first participant must secretly mark the figure to display it at the end of the experiment.
  • Then the participants change places.
  • When the percentage of correct answers is 90 or more, you can move on to more difficult tasks.
  • For example, while one of the participants is in another room, the rest come up with a task for him and make a mental message.

The main signs of telepathy

In order to understand whether a person has certain abilities, you can conduct a test for telepathy. By watching him, you can understand whether the training will be effective. So, the main signs that indicate a person’s tendency to read thoughts can be considered:

  • Well developed intuition. A person easily predicts the course of events, predicts the ending of a film or a work of art. It is possible that this is a consequence of deep logical thinking, but telepathic abilities should also not be ruled out.
  • The ability to understand others. A person is well versed in people, clearly defining their desires and intentions. He also manages to know the feelings of others, which allows him to build effective relationships.
  • Rapid perception of new information. A person quickly understands and remembers any data coming from outside. This is especially visible at school and student age, when you have to memorize large amounts of material. If we talk about adults, they easily remember a lot of phone numbers or birthdays.

Daily Workouts

Thought transmission at a distance is not just an interesting phenomenon. This is a useful skill that many dream of mastering. If you do not have like-minded people with whom you could conduct joint classes, it is quite possible to practice telepathy on your own.

Every day you visit some public places or travel by public transport. Be observant. Look at people, trying to understand what they are thinking. It will also be useful to guess who, for example, will get off the bus first, in which direction he will go after that, and so on. At the same time, you should be as relaxed as possible. Tension is a sign of intense mental work, and mind reading requires a relaxed and peaceful state.


If you want to develop telepathic abilities in yourself, you need to understand that you will have to constantly make certain efforts. So, there is a need to regularly perform a certain list of exercises:

  • The first exercise involves directing energy impulses to a person who is out of your line of sight. The first step is to take a comfortable position. Now choose a well-known person and try to remember pleasant moments together. After receiving a charge of positive energy, mentally imagine something good that you can do for this person. This should be done until chills are felt in the back area. This is one of the main exercises that should be done regularly.
  • For the next exercise, formulate a question from a field of knowledge with which you have not previously dealt. Hold the object in your mind, trying to remember the smallest details that you know about it. When you feel very tired, relax completely and try to sleep.
  • For the next exercise, you will need a partner. Give him a deck of cards or a picture book, for example. Looking at the image, he should concentrate on it, trying to mentally convey information to you. When picking up energy signals, try to draw on a piece of paper or verbally describe what you understand. Well, if your partner also wants to master telepathy. Then you can switch roles.

A rather useful life skill is telepathy. Training can be done on your own. For it to be effective, you should follow these basic rules:

  • Set yourself up to the fact that telepathy can only be used for good. If at least the slightest thought creeps into your mind about how to find out other people's thoughts for the purpose of making them public or any other malicious intent, give up this idea.
  • Telepathy is expensive vital energy. Thus, you must learn to accumulate and store it in the body. It is not only about the physical side of the issue (for example, water and food). You need to be able to accumulate resources, getting positive emotions from communication, contemplation, sensations.
  • Take care of your physical and mental health. If you feel pain, discomfort, or emotional distress, it will interfere with your concentration. In addition, you will be deprived of the opportunity to adequately perceive and process incoming signals.

  • Make it a rule to be in a good mood and find the positive in everything. If you encounter something bad and unpleasant, convince yourself that such situations are fleeting and will not happen to you again. This will help you to be more relaxed the world, which contributes to the full concentration on reading minds.
  • Know how to manage yourself. In a stressful situation, do not lose control. Only by learning to control yourself and regulate your behavior can you become an effective manipulator of others.
  • Being able to relax is no less important than being able to fully concentrate. Your body needs a good rest, during which you will release all the accumulated energy, as a result of which you will have the resources to receive new impulses and knowledge.

The Meaning and Ethics of Telepathy

Mind reading is not just a fashionable hobby. If you take a thorough approach to the study of telepathy and teaching a wide range of people this skill, you can bring a lot of benefits to society. For example, such an ability would be invaluable in police work. So, it would be possible to bring criminals to clean water. Telepathy would help to avoid many armed conflicts on political and religious grounds (they could have been prevented).

The power of telepathy opens up wide opportunities for the development of science. Even the most experienced scientist always works within certain limits. Any hypothesis is subject to doubt. But it is worth understanding that telepathy is not just an interaction between the consciousness of different people. This is access to the information resource of the Universe. Research and experiments will simply lose their meaning, because the answer to any question will appear instantly.

Nevertheless, the phenomenon of telepathy carries not only opportunities, but also a huge responsibility. Of course, if a person uses his ability for the benefit of society, this is worthy of all approval. However, not everyone is guided only by good intentions. Publicizing another person's private thoughts or divulging state secrets are just a few examples of possible unscrupulous behavior by telepaths. This suggests that vocational training for this activity should be strictly limited and preceded by a careful selection of candidates.

Hypnosis and telepathy

Unlike telepathy, hypnosis is a completely scientific concept that is actively used not only in psychotherapy, but also in investigative practice. Nevertheless, many researchers believe that these concepts are related. Hypnosis is called conceivable telepathy. Thanks to it, certain images, sound or tactile sensations can be recreated in the human nervous system.


People may have different attitudes towards such a phenomenon as telepathy, but history knows a huge number of cases that prove its existence. Wolf Messing, for example, was sure that this natural ability any person. Thus, even if you do not have obvious inclinations to read other people's thoughts, you can develop them in yourself. The main thing is a strong desire, full concentration and good intentions. Telepathy can only be used for good purposes, and not to harm others.

I'll tell you about the technique of telepathy, there is nothing complicated in it. In fact, people unconsciously - or subconsciously - use this technique, but because of its unconsciousness, the signals are blurred, as it were, or poorly perceived by objects (those to whom they are directed).

First you need to enter an altered state of consciousness - the so-called "Alpha", or - a light trance, or - a light meditation, or - stop the internal dialogue, the "thought stirrer". The head should become empty, not a single thought should slip through. How it's done - there are many various techniques, about them not here.

"In order to convey a thought, you must first feel yourself, listen to yourself. You need to feel what feelings, what words and thoughts can make the person you have chosen" - respond to your message.

“Next, mentally you must imagine this person, imagine the place where he is. You must feel him, mentally overcoming all possible barriers and distances. It should turn out as if there is some kind of connection between you and that person beyond all distances. Perhaps you you will feel that this person is now at home and is busy reading a book, or maybe he is at school and writing a test, or just walking on the street ... When you feel that this person is near, right next to you, then try to keep these feelings and nothing to be distracted by."

Further - we convey the thought: clearly and with reinforcement by EMOTION - this is a very important remark. The strength of the transmission depends on the strength of the thought, and the thought is pumped up - by the emotion behind this thought. In other words, this is our psychic energy, which reinforces the thought, and the thought is primary, and the emotion follows it.

"Create this thought or feeling in your head and feel how it appears in that person, how he feels it, how he reacts."

In some cases, if you just want to convey feelings to a person, for example, joy, to cheer him up, it is enough to generate this emotion itself: your thoughts will remain unconscious, or subconscious, unexpressed, but you will also successfully convey the emotion. Actually, the latter is what people constantly transmit to each other, unconsciously. This is the basis of unconscious energy vampirism between people, a fairly common phenomenon, I am still just studying it.

How to ask the person you need to mentally answer you? Everything is the same - you just start a dialogue with him ... thoughts will be perceived as your own - or he will send vague ones, in the form of sensations or emotions. The clarity of the transmission depends on the power of thought (pumping, the potential of mental energy) and on the ability to concentrate (for the transmission of the actual words and phrases)

Also, many hypnosis techniques are based on this technique.

From my feelings I can say: during the transfer / translation of my thoughts to another - a feeling at the forehead, warm, as if a soft hoop is put on. When taking - sensations of a slight tension in the back of the head. If the person you are addressing is "closed" and does not want to talk to you, or if he has set a block from unwanted interference, headaches may occur in very unexpected, "unusual" places.

Today, many people have quite strong telepathic connections between close people. With strangers - you already need "dexterity" and experience. But I have already learned to transmit to interlocutors on the network - taking as a basis not the physical body for presentation, but some kind of energy phantom, energy - or mental body - "feeling" it through the character written by him and generated by him thoughts, ideas. Yes, this is also how you can "feel a person!" :-) I have a lot of experience in developing this ability, and I even noted what sometimes bothers me: randomly caught thoughts of people around me who are not interested in me "sound" in my head like "white noise" of radio waves. Today I have almost coped with this task - cutting off unnecessary, chaotic "transmissions". Now the question remains - how to "protect" your thoughts - if someone has something to suggest, I will be grateful!

That's actually all. Good luck in developing "body" abilities! :-)

Originally posted by

Today, science is interested in such a question as the possibility of transmitting thoughts at a distance. We all know that thought is expressed in words and transmitted over a distance with the help of radio, television, newspapers, books, movies. In half-erased cuneiform, the thoughts of ancient ancestors reach us; the treasures of the libraries keep the thoughts accumulated over the centuries. Without the transmission of thought, communication between people and the development of society would be impossible.

And someone else's thought may come to mind.
Valentin Domil

Myth or reality?

Feeling someone else's gaze

While reading a book, we suddenly feel that someone is looking at us. We turn around and really see someone else's eyes fixed on us. How could we feel it? If someone begins to look at us carefully, focuses his attention, he changes his behavior to some extent: he begins to breathe differently, stops moving, his heart beats differently, etc. And, although these are very weak signals do not reach our consciousness, they can be perceived by the brain and cause a reaction.

We do not even suspect how complex perturbations occur in the body with changes in the external environment. And many of them are not reflected in consciousness at all. This does not at all indicate the limitations of our consciousness or thinking. No, on the contrary. If consciousness perceived all signals, then thousands and millions of irritations would continuously interfere in our lives and violate the integrity of the perception of the external world.

Therefore, in the process of evolution, nature created mechanisms that turn off the flow of currently insignificant signals from the internal and external environment and retained only the most important, most significant signals and impressions. This enables a person to concentrate on the most important objects, that is, to concentrate.

Thus, what we feel, but do not catch with consciousness, is by no means something mysterious. Attempts to declare it supernatural testify to a misunderstanding of the phenomenon or a deliberate distortion of facts.

Thought transfer experiments

As is known, the process of excitation of living tissues is accompanied by electrical phenomena. Knowing the laws of electromagnetic induction, some scientists have suggested that the brain generates electromagnetic oscillations that propagate, like radio waves, in space and can be perceived directly by some other brain, tuned, so to speak, into "resonance".

In order to prove this, they began to conduct experiments on the transmission of thoughts in an ordinary room and in shielded chambers, the walls of which absorbed radio waves. Moreover, they made sliding screens and closed or opened them imperceptibly for the persons in the chamber and transmitting thoughts. Such experiments showed that metal screens impaired or completely excluded the possibility of thought transmission.

It would seem that this spoke of the electromagnetic nature of thoughts. However negative side of such experiments was that they, however, like all experiments on the transfer of thoughts in general, could not be repeated by other researchers.

Meanwhile, the most important condition for any scientifically reliable fact is its repeatability, that is, the ability to reproduce an experiment under similar conditions. Thought transmission experiments did not satisfy this main condition. It's hard to say what's going on here. Whether the experimenters were mistaken and, as a result of any circumstances of the experiment, received erroneous conclusions, passing off wishful thinking.

Or was the phenomenon itself so complex that repeated experiments did not take into account any unknown circumstances, which made it impossible to reproduce it?

It is possible that both took place. But be that as it may, the facts themselves were in doubt and continued to remain a mystery.

The appearance of thoughts

Let's try to understand some aspects of this phenomenon. First of all, let's answer the question: is it possible at all for the emergence of thoughts that are not connected with any direct external impression? Can thoughts arise due to some non-sensory impulses?

This question has been the subject of philosophical debate for thousands of years. Idealists, churchmen believe that thoughts arise without any visible connection with the phenomena of the external world, acting on the central nervous system man, that the cause and source of thinking is the “divine soul”.

Materialists argue that whatever thought arises in our brain, it is the result of certain influences of the human environment or nerve impulses entering the brain from internal organs with various violations of their activities.

The entire history of the development of science exposes the fanatical inventions of the churchmen and confirms the correctness of materialism. The great Russian scientist I.M. Sechenov for the first time showed that the basis of thinking is the mechanism of a reflex - a reaction to external irritation, and the genius of I.P. Pavlov was able to reveal the mechanism of these higher forms of reflex activity and give the world the main laws of the brain. Thus, idealism was dealt a crushing blow in its main refuge; only obscurantists who neglect scientific facts could cling to the old views.

In order not to digress, we will not dwell on the very complex issue of the physiological mechanisms underlying thinking. We only note that, although thought is a product of the work of the brain, thinking itself is also due to the influence of the social environment in which a person lives.

Human thinking cannot develop by itself. Even the most complex creation of nature - the human brain cannot give birth to a single thought, being left to itself. The brain is only an instrument of thinking, while the content of thought is given by the environment around us.

Instincts, some desires are not always realized, but they reflect certain biological needs of the body. Sometimes you can watch how children eat chalk; they gnaw it greedily like sugar. This is an expression of the need of a growing organism for calcium salts, necessary for the construction of the skeleton. The reasons for such reactions are not always reflected in consciousness.

Direct transmission of thoughts from person to person

Reports appeared in the foreign press about attempts to directly transmit thoughts from person to person. In particular, they talked about such an experience. The submarine plunged into the open sea; there was a man in one of her cabins. Left alone, at certain hours he sat down on a table on which a lot of paper cards were scattered. On each of them one of five figures was drawn: a circle, an asterisk, a cross, three wavy lines, a triangle.

Looking at the cards, the person chose any one. Then he put the card in an envelope and sealed it with the date and time. The captain locked the envelope in the safe. After many days of sailing, a pack of envelopes had accumulated in the safe.

Another person was in a room in one of the buildings on the shore. There was a drawing machine with thousands of cards showing the same five figures. The machine automatically shuffled the cards and threw out one of them at a certain time. The person took the card and looked at it attentively, as if trying to convey the thought of it to another person on board the submerged submarine. Then he sealed the card in an envelope, wrote the date and time on it and gave it to other people who locked the envelope in a safe.

When the boat returned from sailing, a special commission laid out the envelopes so that there were those marked with the same date and hour next to them, and then opened them and compared the cards. It turned out that in 70 percent of cases the figures on the cards from the corresponding envelopes were the same. This made it possible to draw a startling, though unlikely conclusion: through a great distance and through the water column, the thought of one person was transmitted to another without any auxiliary means!

Upon learning of this, the military was alarmed. Indeed, messages and commands can be transmitted in this way. According to the theory of probability, with five different signs, a random coincidence is possible only by 20 percent; therefore, 70 percent of the matches could not have come about by chance. Such a comparative accuracy of coincidences is sufficient to convey any information using such conventional signs. How important! After all, with all other methods of transmission, information can be intercepted and decrypted.

But is such a simple and amazing transmission of thoughts possible? After all, if this is so, then why did mankind need to use signal fires, carrier pigeons, invent the telegraph, telephone, radio? All this somehow does not fit with the sensational report about experiments on a submarine.

Opinions were divided. Some believed that such a way of transmitting thoughts is a hoax, others believed in it and gave numerous examples of premonitions, coincidence of thoughts and actions in people who are at a great distance from each other; they also referred to various everyday facts, cases described in the literature, opinions of writers, scientists, etc.

There are no words, such facts are described. However, the environment in which they arose, and often their very content, deprived all these facts of scientific reliability. Moreover, messages of this kind were usually distributed and are being distributed by all kinds of obscurantists to prove the “communion of souls”, “ divine revelation" etc.

Telepathy is the hypothetical ability of the brain, which does not have reliable experimental evidence, to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or organism at a distance, or to receive them from it, without using any known means of communication or manipulation.

It is natural that real scientists and generally serious people dismiss such messages in the same way as fairy tales about goblin and brownies. In science, the final judge is only experiment, experience. And similar experiments have been repeatedly undertaken in different countries. If we exclude the numerous hoaxes of charlatans like spiritualists, etc., then there are not so many studies that fully meet the conditions of a scientific experiment.

Our consciousness

The works of academicians K. M. Bykov, V. N. Chernigovsky and their collaborators proved that our internal organs send a lot of nerve impulses to the brain. These signals reach the higher parts of the brain, but usually are not reflected in our consciousness. However, this only happens as long as the internal organs are healthy.

As soon as the disease sets in, that is, as soon as the signals from the internal organs become stronger, the person begins to feel them. He feels sick liver, heart or kidneys.

These facts show that there is no impassable gulf between what we are aware of and what we are not aware of. Some processes may, as it were, disappear from consciousness. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle for the first time knows what effort, attention and will are needed at first to keep their balance.

And then, when the skills have already been acquired, these actions are performed automatically, and the person no longer thinks about what movements need to be taken in order to maintain balance. This activity takes place outside of consciousness. A person who knows how to ride a bicycle does not think about the signals that carry information about a change in the position of the center of gravity and an imbalance. The developed conditioned reflexes continue to be carried out without control of creation.

The reason for the emergence of such automatic skills is clear to the person himself - the cyclist remembers how he learned to ride. But it happens that some conditioned reflexes can arise under the influence of signals that from the very beginning remained beyond the threshold of consciousness. Let's take an interesting example as an example.

The man was in the Pavlovsk "tower of silence", isolated from the outside world. No accidental sound, light, smell could penetrate there. The man kept his hand on the electrodes. As soon as a current was passed through them, he pulled his hand away, as he felt pain. Each time, before switching on the current in the chamber, a special apparatus gave a very weak sound - so weak that the person was not aware of it, and it seemed to him that there was silence in the chamber. After a number of combinations of "inaudible" sound and current, they began to turn on only the sound, without reinforcing it with current. And the person had the same reaction as with the action of the current!

This experience can serve as a prime example of the so-called premonition. A number of weak signals, unnoticed by us, can cause certain reactions to appear; however, their causes for the man himself remain incomprehensible.

Transmission of thought by sight, touch

The activity of the brain is more complex and broader than our consciousness. Consciousness is the result of the work of some group of nerve cells that are most intensively active at the moment. This group is not permanent: new and new cells are constantly switched on and off. However, even in cells switched off from intensive work, certain processes continue that are not directly reflected in consciousness. But even these cells will instantly convey vital signals to our consciousness.

It is clear that the emergence of thoughts is possible under the influence of certain influences, which themselves remain unnoticed. But the question may be asked: are not the experiments with "thought transfer" something unusual, which cannot yet be explained by science? After all, artists with amazing experiences perform on the stage. In a crowded hall, spectators come up with problems, write them on paper and pass them on to the jury.

The artist at this time is behind the stage, then he is taken to the stage and one of the spectators who came up with the task is invited there. The viewer takes the artist by the hand and he, concentrating, begins to perform the task. The only form of connection between the spectator and the artist at this time is the spectator's hand, tightly squeezing the artist's hand.

Sometimes they don't even do that - the viewer is simply next to the artist. How does the artist find out what he has planned? It must be emphasized right away that these experiments have nothing in common with the topic to which this article is devoted, because what is happening here is not the transmission, but the guessing of thoughts.

This process is reminiscent of the common children's game of "quiet music". One of the players leaves the door, while the others hide an object. When the child starts searching, someone plays a musical instrument. If the seeker approaches the subject, the music intensifies; when he moves away from the subject, the music becomes quiet or completely silent. Focusing on the strength of the sound, the seeker, in the end, finds the object and fulfills the intended order.

Approximately the same way the artist guesses the task, with the only difference that the signal for him is the reaction of the viewer who conceived the desire. Without noticing it, the man squeezes the artist's hand with different strength and the stronger, the more the artist's action resembles the condition of the problem. You can use other reactions of the audience.

An artist who has been training for a long time easily picks up any reaction and is guided by it. You do not need to have any supernatural instinct for this. After training, each of us is able to perceive impressions that previously went unnoticed. It is well known how subtly the blind feel sounds, how subtly their sense of touch and smell are developed.

So is it possible to transfer thoughts?

Thus, science cannot yet answer the question of the possibility of thought transmission. Scientists are working on this now. It is possible that some new, hitherto unknown phenomena will be revealed to us. After all, amazing things have been discovered recently. The ability of ultrasonic location in bats, the secrets of the mysterious “dance of bees”, with the help of which the insect transmits to its fellow hives the exact information about the location of the flower field.

It is possible that in the described facts of thought transmission, some ability of the human body to use natural phenomena that we have not yet studied is manifested. Perhaps this form of communication is a "relic" - a legacy of past times, lost by most people as an unnecessary form of communication, as more advanced ways of communicating people appeared and developed - word and speech.

All these questions can only be answered by future research. If these phenomena and facts exist at all, then they cannot have anything in common with mysticism, idealism, and priesthood. The Church has always tried to capitalize on ignorance and exploit the difficulties that arose in the study of nature.


Only a materialistic worldview is a tool for understanding the world, and there is no doubt that on this only correct path, a person will decipher many more "wonderful" things in nature. And no matter how complex these phenomena are, a person will make them serve him.

Many people know what suggestion of thoughts is - it is the transmission of thoughts at a distance, and not only thoughts, but also the transmission of feelings (emotions), desires and attitudes to another person remotely.

Attention! If you want to learn how to transmit thoughts at a distance, then understanding, care and a desire to sincerely help the person to whom you want to transmit thoughts and attitudes are important (if you want to transmit evil, then it will return to you - do not joke with this telepathic technique) .

To get started, find out the areas of application of the practice of transmitting attitudes and thoughts at a distance, which have already brought success to people:

  • helping relatives and friends to get rid of alcohol,
  • drug and other addictions;
  • preservation of marriage and love;
  • improving relationships with loved ones, colleagues, partners;
  • personal and professional growth;
  • selection of a life partner;
  • search for business partners;
  • help in getting rid of some emotional and psychological
  • problems (stress, depression, fears…)
  • improved mental and physical health...

Remember! Thought suggestion is not magic, and it is impossible to solve all problems with the help of thought transmission at a distance. Almost everyone can learn these practices, the main thing here is practice, practice and more practice.

So LEARN: transmission of thoughts at a distance.
This should be done in the evening, just before bed.

First, you need to enter a light trance, some altered state of consciousness, i.e. you need to calm down and relax. Then, when you are already in a relaxed state, mentally set yourself the following program setting:

  • I will wake up when (the name of the person to whom you will transmit thoughts) has his last dream, and he (she) will be the most open and most receptive to programming. I wake up and remember why I woke up.

Then sleep peacefully. You should wake up (automatically) in the middle of the night or in the early morning, just at the moment when the person you are programming will be more receptive to receiving your thoughts and attitudes from a distance. Further, when you wake up, then begin to transfer to the selected person your positive, and only positive attitudes.

Having completed the transfer of thoughts, you can continue your dream until you wake up normally. If you fail to wake up the first time, or if you wake up but don't remember why, don't be discouraged - keep practicing.

What is a "positive attitude" in thought transference?

This is when you use words and images to convey them to another person without orders, prohibitions, words of obligation, generalizing words, and without negative particles “Not” (i.e. avoid the words: “stop”, “must”, “must”, “should”, “no”, “never”, etc.). That is, thoughts transmitted at a distance may contain that you want good for him, and not that you do not want bad.

For example: “Stop yelling at the kids!” - not properly.

"You will become more attentive, more calm and patient, and you will take better care of the children." - right.

During telepathy, try to visualize (figuratively imagine) a positive situation - the desired result. Let it be colored by your own positive emotions. It is better to prepare the program (“positive attitudes”) in advance, record it on a dictaphone or a piece of paper and put it on the bedside table.

Based on the numerous experiments on telepathy carried out, mainly in the West, we can safely say that this technique of transmitting positive attitudes and thoughts at a distance (even regardless of the time zone) will work, but if it is correctly understood, performed and practiced (training) .

And once again, remember that you only need to transmit "good" - it is good and will return, and vice versa, if you transmit "evil", then expect it in the near future (although sometimes some do not distinguish between good and evil).

And one more thing, with the help of this telepathic technique, you can also give settings to yourself personally, waking up at a time when your subconscious mind is more open to programming something positive.

Energy methods of telepathic sending of love and energy!!!

1. You can send love to a person and surround him with love. You can fill the room in which this person is now with love. This method is great for a variety of circumstances, such as a party that doesn't stick. It is enough to surround everyone present with love, and you will find that the general mood quickly changed.

The same method is great for business meetings, job interviews, or even meeting a friend. You seem to wrap a person in a warm blanket of love. Who would refuse such a thing?

This method is extremely well suited when you find yourself next to a nervous, excited or irritated person. You will find that he will noticeably calm down, and this will happen very quickly. If you thought that this is like controlling others, then let me reiterate that love has nothing to do with control. This impact, rather, can be compared with a friendly hug, only the effect of sending love will be a hundred times more beneficial.

2. You can send love directly to a person, fill him with love, and also send love to problem areas of his body. If you decide to do this, imagine that love is sent to that part of the body and completely fills every cell until the cells themselves begin to glow and radiate love. Then see how the disease, whatever it is, leaves the body. You can visualize it in any way, your intention to send love is important, and visualization is just a method of attracting intention.

3. You can send love directly to the heart center of a person. This will help him open his heart and enable him to be filled with love from his own heart center. It is extremely effective in helping those suffering from a recent breakup in a love relationship or a life crisis. The effectiveness of sending love under such circumstances is explained by the fact that one of the main reasons for the suffering of this person is the process of closing the heart that has begun. There is nothing more painful.

4. When you wish to better attune with another person, such as a loved one, lover or partner, you can send love directly to his or her heart center. You will find that this creates a strong bond and even allows you to feel that he or she is there for you, no matter how far apart you are. If two agree to send love into each other's hearts, this can be the most beautiful love experience for them. Such a message creates an incredible connection between people who at the same time retain their individuality.