Novgorodtsev P.I. The essence of the Russian Orthodox consciousness. Saint Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow. Overuse of fear

A bit about the history of Christianity

At the beginning of its history, Christianity was a pronounced sect, in any sense of the word. The Christian doctrine was based on a fusion of its founders' non-traditional interpretation of Judaism and belief in the Messiahship of Jesus Christ. This movement had charismatic leaders: first, Jesus Christ himself, who considered himself the messiah and son of God, then a group of his closest disciples, who believed that the “holy spirit” descended on them. Perhaps neither Maria Tsvigun, nor Grobova, nor Vissarion, nor Sai Baba can compare with them in terms of charisma and odiousness.

Founded by the apostles after the death of Jesus, the community in Jerusalem was an extremely totalitarian sect. Its members gave the community all their property, and the punishment for hiding something was death (such an episode is described in the Acts of the Apostles). Many of them wandered around preaching the "good news" and did it much more intrusively than today's Jehovah's Witnesses. The first Christians were sure that the end of the world would come very soon, they spent all their time in work, fasting and prayer. They considered themselves the chosen ones and that only they alone would be saved, and all the rest would burn in hell forever. The gospel calls for avoiding fellowship with non-Christians and not even welcoming them: “Everyone who transgresses the teaching of Christ and does not abide in it does not have God... Whoever comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house and do not greet him; for whoever greets him participates in his evil deeds” (2 John 1:10). Christianity calls to renounce your relatives and friends, for the sake of cult ideas:

“Not everyone is worthy of Me. Only the one who hates his father and his mother and all his neighbors for the sake of my name is worthy of me”, “The enemies of a man are his household”, - so Jesus Christ teaches.

In the course of history, Christianity, like many other cults, has become a less totalitarian organization, decentralized, moved away from a literal understanding of its original teachings; All these processes continue up to the present day. Nevertheless, in this cult even now there are destructive elements that have an extremely negative effect on the psyche of adherents.

About the Russian Orthodox Church

The Orthodox Church in Russia is the dominant religious organization. It has a centralized structure headed by a patriarch. In fact, the nuclei of parish communities, united around some priest or group of them, and monasteries are sectarian cells with local leaders. It is in them that destructive methods of influencing a person are practiced on a full scale. The Orthodox Church consists of a combination of these cells and other elements. That is, not all who consider themselves Orthodox are subject to tangible destructive influence, and this influence has a different degree of destructiveness, depending on the priest or rector.

In Russia, up to 70% of the population considers themselves Orthodox, about 1-3% share the Orthodox teaching and perform rituals, most of them are in the sphere of the destructive influence of Orthodoxy. These people are simply zombified, arguments about faith with them are useless, logical reasoning does not work on them.

On the specifics of recruiting new members

The recruitment process in the Orthodox Church is very specific. The fact is that for the majority of the population of our country, Orthodoxy is a traditional religion. That is, most people consider themselves Orthodox, while not performing most of the rituals and having a very vague idea of ​​​​the Orthodox dogma. For them, the Orthodox Church is a very authoritative organization. Naturally, in the event of "awakening" of religiosity in them or for other reasons that prompt them to "come" to religion, they will come to the Orthodox Church, and not to some Hare Krishnas or Pentecostals. That is, in the Orthodox Church there is a division into churched and unchurched, and the believer, in most cases, takes the step between these steps on his own.

In addition, there is traditional recruitment. Preachers of Orthodoxy often speak at various public meetings, in the media, and are active in the army; in their activities they enjoy the full support of the state authorities. Orthodoxy makes persistent and very successful attempts to penetrate schools, universities, and hospitals. There is a deceptive recruitment here: when a person goes somewhere, not expecting to hear religious sermons there, but hears them there. The latest know-how is the preaching of Orthodoxy at concerts and in the work of rock bands, moreover, the most popular rock bands.

On the mechanism of governing believers

Orthodoxy, as, indeed, the vast majority of the so-called sectarians, does not physical impact on their adherents, after all, outside the window of the XXI century. But it exerts strong moral pressure, which sometimes works much better than physical. For example, no one forces a believer to donate, but he is told (and he certainly trusts the Orthodox Church!) that he will be rewarded in heaven for his donation, and here, of course, he is in a hurry to get himself a “heavenly treasure” and more . Or another example: no one forbids a believer to read godless books, but he is told that by doing so he will offend God and, look, he will go to hell forever, where “eternal torment ... weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Naturally, no such believer will seek to read atheistic books. More about this: Orthodoxy does not hold anyone back and does not prevent the adept if he decides to break with him, but at the same time he unequivocally states that apostates will forever suffer in fire and brimstone with the devil and other evil spirits. Of course, a believer does not want to burn in hell, and this is a serious obstacle to breaking with Orthodoxy.

Perhaps some believer will be indignant and say that I am lying all the time, so he freely reads atheistic books, criticizes the church, etc. The answer for him: I'm only talking about believers who are under the strong destructive influence of the cult, probably you are not one of those. However, there are still believers who read atheistic books in order to expose them or for some other reason, but those who cannot approach them impartially and see them only as a fig.

Mind Control in the Orthodox Church

Now we will directly consider the destructive influence of Orthodoxy, which lies in the control over the consciousness of adherents. Mind control consists in controlling 4 components:

1) information

2) behavior

3) thinking

4) emotions

Information control in the Orthodox Church:

1. Use of deceit (lie): intentional withholding of information; misrepresenting information to make it acceptable; open deception.

An adherent of Orthodoxy in the church will never be told about contradictions in the Bible; about the controversial points of dogmatics; about examples of immoral behavior of priests; about the inquisitorial activity of St. Joseph Volotsky; about the persecution of the Old Believers; about the most severe persecution of pagans, Arians and Monophysites in the Eastern Roman Empire, blessed by many Orthodox saints; about the genocide of the peoples of Canaan, arranged by order of the biblical god himself.

And if they suddenly tell, then in such a way as to put everything in a favorable light for Orthodoxy, and, of course, they will not disdain deception.

But, for sure, the novice will be told in the most detailed way about the “miracle” blessed fire, about the incorruptibility of relics, about myrrh-streaming, about miracles in the lives of saints, about the expulsion of demons in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, about the fact that man was created by God from the earth and about many, many other things. Naturally, the truth (or at least the opposite opinion) about all of the above will not be told to him. Whether because of being in a state of self-deception, or because of the desire to deceive.

Consider a blatant example of information distortion in the Orthodox Church. Let's look at the second commandment:

In the Bible it sounds like this:

Do not make yourself an idol and no image what is in heaven above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; do not worship them and do not serve them.

In all Orthodox books (God's Law, Prayer Book, etc.) it sounds like this:

Do not make yourself an idol and any semblance, a fir tree in heaven, a mountain, and a fir tree on the earth below, and a fir tree in the waters under the earth: do not bow down to them, nor serve them.

That is, the biblical commandment forbids making any images. But this is not consistent with the icon veneration accepted in Orthodoxy. And so, to resolve this contradiction, The Orthodox Church distorts the Bible.

2. Access to non-cult sources of information is minimized or adherence to them is eliminated.

Orthodoxy propagandizes a negative attitude towards various "entertainment" programs, books, magazines and events. Reading "heretical" and atheistic literature and visiting related websites is strongly discouraged and considered sinful (essentially prohibited). For example, on the Kuraev forum, you can not give links to such resources (they are simply deleted).

3. Widespread use of information and propaganda created within the framework of the cult.

Orthodoxy in Russia is promoted by a significant number of newspapers, magazines, and websites. There is an Orthodox radio "Radonezh", Orthodox programs on television.

Control of behavior in the Orthodox Church:

1. Regulation of individual physical reality

To to the laity no specific requirements are put forward, but, however, it is recommended not to dress flashy, not to wear bright and defiant hairstyles, to give preference to the classic style. It is not recommended to eat a lot and tasty (to fall into gluttony), a significant number of days a year fast. Long sleep is also not recommended.

physical reality monks strictly controlled. They live according to a certain schedule, live in certain place, wear monotonous clothes, eat meager food (usually, no meat at all). They sleep little. Their whole life passes in accordance with the charter of the monastery and the will of the spiritual father. The monks are completely financially dependent on the monastery, they do not have personal money and property.

All this leads to alienation from the "outside" world, physical and mental exhaustion, increased suggestibility and autosuggestibility. The adept has a comfortable feeling of belonging to the "brotherhood", which binds him even more strongly to Orthodoxy.

2. Devotion of considerable time to the rituals of the cult

Lay people are advised to pray at least 2 times a day and go to church at least once a week. Particularly "advanced" lay people are advised to devote all their free time to prayers, pious reflections and reading cult literature.

Monks are required to pray all the time and very often participate in divine services. The Jesus Prayer is common: when a person constantly says “in his mind”: “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.”

This leads to a lack of time to reflect on one's faith. Prayers have a meditative effect.

3. Having to ask permission for important decisions

This leads to distrust of oneself, which has a destructive effect on the individual. The criticality of the adept drops noticeably. He begins to trust other people's opinions more than his own. However, he accepts it as his own.

4. Condemnation of individualism

Most Orthodox leaders completely reject individualism. Considers it a product of heretical Protestantism and a sign of pride.

5. Presence of strict rules and regulations

For the laity, wearing a pectoral cross, having icons in the house, covering the head in the temple; observance of fasts, participation in rituals, etc.

The monks all life is in accordance with a strict routine.

6. The need for obedience and dependence.

Obedience is proclaimed one of the main virtues.

Mind Control in the Orthodox Church

1. Proclamation of the teachings of the cult as the only true and saving

The teaching of the Orthodox Church is declared to be the only true one, all other teachings are considered either incorrect or distorted. For an adept, the world is divided into black and white (Orthodox and non-Orthodox).

2. Language Manipulation

In the Orthodox Church, during divine services and prayers, the Church Slavonic language is used, which is incomprehensible to “outsiders”. In the everyday life of adherents of Orthodoxy, internal cult words and expressions are also used, for example, instead of “thank you”, the Orthodox say “God save”, etc. This alienates the adept from the outside world, he becomes better when he is in a cult atmosphere.

Also in Orthodoxy there is a specific use of some terms, for example, pride, freedom, love, etc. are understood in their own way.

3. Refusal of rational thinking

It is often said that faith is a purely irrational phenomenon. That religious truths must be comprehended with the heart, and not with the mind. That for spiritual development it is necessary to unconditionally trust what the Orthodox Church teaches. Adepts are urged to believe in spite of all doubts and logical arguments.

4. Disapproval of criticality

Criticism of the doctrine is prohibited, it is declared a manifestation of pride. If something confuses the adept and a satisfactory explanation is not found, then he is told that it is either too early for him to understand it, or that this is a mystery inaccessible to the human mind, or this is a temptation from Satan.

5. Using techniques to stop thinking: monotonous speaking; saying prayers; singing.

During the divine service, there is unintelligible singing of the choir, reading "in chant" of prayers by the priest, group pronunciation of prayers. All this has a strong meditative effect. There is a monotonous repetition of a significant number of times of some prayers, for example, during rituals, the words “Lord, have mercy” are often repeated. The psyche is also influenced by such elements of the Orthodox Church as a significant number of icons, made mainly in gloomy colors; many burning candles, etc. In general, Orthodox rituals are equivalent in their effect to meditation. They act on the adept in the likeness of a drug. They tie him to a cult and negatively affect mental activity.

Emotion control in the Orthodox Church

1. Manipulating feelings

The feelings and emotions of the adept acquire a cult coloration. He tries to suppress or eliminate some natural feelings (for example, feelings for the opposite sex, hunger for fasting, etc.). On the other hand, the cult itself dictates to him what feelings he should experience (for example, adherents of Orthodoxy are called to rejoice at Easter, mourn on certain days, constantly remember their sins, etc.)

2. Imposing a sense of guilt and an inferiority complex

The adept is suggested that he is a sinful person, that he offends God daily with his behavior, that he is not worthy of salvation, and the reason for this is his pride, laziness, disobedience, etc. That if he is saved, it is only thanks to the great mercy of God and the intercession of the church. Some Orthodox figures argue that all people are guilty not only of their personal sins, but also, for example, of the murder of the royal family, persecution of the church, or the not very favorable socio-economic situation in the country. In prayers, the adept often calls himself "cursed", "sinful", "insane", guilty of all sins, in general, lowers himself to the fullest. Repeating this day after day, he seriously begins to think so.

3. Ritual recognition of "sins"

In Orthodoxy there is a confession. Its essence lies in the fact that the adept tells the priest about his sins, while it is believed that he confesses to Jesus Christ himself, and the priest is only his representative. Naturally, the adept is forced to talk about his life "from and to". Because of this, he first experiences a feeling of fear and shame, then a feeling of relief. This leads to the erasure of the boundaries of his personality, to the aggravation of dependence on the cult.

4. Overuse of fear

Virtue is the fear of God (fear of offending God). Also, fear of the afterlife, of demons, of the coming of the Antichrist, etc., is often instilled.

5. Extreme emotional peaks and valleys.

For example, adherents are in a depressed state before confession and communion, and after communion they experience a sharp emotional upsurge.

6. The promise of "God's help"

The adept is promised ecclesiastical and divine supernatural help if he lives in accordance with the requirements of the cult. At the same time, successes are attributed to God, and the adept himself is to blame for failures.

7. Moral barriers to leaving a cult

According to the teaching of the Orthodox Church, apostates from the faith will burn in hell forever. If a person has not yet completely lost faith, then this circumstance does not allow him to criticize the cult or leave it.


All of the above shows that Orthodoxy is a destructive cult and has an extremely negative effect on the psyche of its adherents. This, of course, does not mean that it should be banned. In no case! But at the same time, it must be admitted that the Orthodox Church is no better than Hare Krishnas, charismatics, Jehovah's Witnesses and other so-called sectarians. In this regard, it is extremely important, not in words, but in deeds, to separate Orthodoxy from the state, to stop its penetration into state structures, and to stop sponsoring this cult by the state. It is necessary to equalize all religions in rights. It is equally important to honestly and impartially inform the population about the destructive nature of Orthodoxy.

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  • The question is quite simple: does a person, from the point of view of Orthodoxy, have a subconscious? I still believe that the subconscious is something that is acquired unconsciously during life, and the soul is given by God. Then psychologists and psychoanalysts have the right to exist, because they do not treat the soul, but the wrong attitudes in life, some kind of obsession.

    Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

    Christian anthropology does not contradict the idea of ​​the existence of a special area in a person, which includes unconscious ideas, hidden thoughts and feelings, forgotten images. A simple confirmation of this is the activity during sleep. “A dream is a movement of the mind while the body is still,” writes St. John of the Ladder (Ladder. 3:25). Even Aristotle advised artists and philosophers to be guided by dreams. This was formulated more specifically by G.V. Leibniz, who claimed that a person in a dream invents something that in reality would require many thoughts. There are many examples to support this idea. Suffice it to recall some discoveries: the law of induction by Carl Gauss, the periodic table of DIMendeleev, the planetary model of the atom by Niels Bohr.

    For Orthodox theological teaching, it is not the idea of ​​the subconscious that is unacceptable, but its development in various psychoanalytic concepts. The constructions of Z. Freud are very primitive. The personality has a tripartite structure: Consciousness - Preconscious - Unconscious (1905). Later, in the 1920s, he modified the scheme: I - It - Over I. Almost all mental processes are understood as a manifestation of the underlying mental energy libido(lat. libido - desire, desire, passion, aspiration), which for him is synonymous with sexual desire. The human psyche is interpreted as a sphere of domination of unconscious drives for sexual pleasure. These drives, disguised, penetrate the consciousness, constantly threatening the unity of the "I". He considered social activity and cultural creativity as sublimation, i.e. transformation and switching of energy of sexual inclinations. Consciousness is seen as censorship. Everything forbidden is forced out into the subconscious. S. L. Frank quite accurately calls the constructions of Z. Freud sexual materialism, just as the teachings of K. Marx are economic materialism. “Many 'educated' people take this name as an insult; they avenged him by rebuking psychoanalysis with "pansexualism." Who considers sexuality something shameful and humiliating for human nature, so it is free to use more harmonious expressions of eros and erotica. I myself could have acted in the same way, and thereby rid myself of many objections; but I did not, because I did not want to yield to cowardice. It is not known what this would lead to; first they yield in words, and then, little by little, in deeds. I find no merit in being ashamed of sexuality; the Greek word eros, which is supposed to soften shame, is, after all, nothing but a translation of the word "love", and, finally, he who can wait does not need to make concessions. So, we will try to suggest that love relationships (indifferently speaking: emotional attachments) constitute the essence of the mass soul "(S. Freud. "Mass psychology and analysis of the human "I"). Can we talk about some serious treatment of the psyche by a technique which is based on such a primitive understanding of man?

    K. Jung in his doctrine of the subconscious overcomes the rough reduction of human nature to the physiological principle. His central concept is collective unconscious. “The unconscious, as a collection of archetypes, is the sediment of everything that has been experienced by mankind, down to its darkest beginnings. But not a dead sediment, not an abandoned field of ruins, but a living system of reactions and dispositions, which invisibly, and then in a more real way, determines individual life ”(K. Jung. The structure of the soul). K. Jung was a man who completely fell away from the great Christian tradition. He speaks neither of the transcendence of God, nor of the actual spiritual world, nor of real religious experience. For him, only images of the depths of the unconscious were objective in religion. With such a reduction of religion to archetypal symbols and images, effective therapy is impossible. If a person has committed a serious sin, and he subconsciously oppresses him (due to spiritual inexperience, he does not realize it), then the priest’s task is to help see the cause of his internal painful condition so that he can repent in the sacrament of confession and heal the soul.

    The despondency and painful state of mind of many people are generated by the conflict between unbelief at the level of consciousness and the unconscious need for spiritual life, which is indestructible in a person who has the image of God. No amount of work with images and symbols will help. Only overcoming the conflict between the unsatisfied fundamental need of the soul and the real way of life can help a person get rid of the source of the disease.

    Christian anthropology not only does not deny the subconscious, but definitely speaks of the dark depths of fallen human nature. “O truth, light of my heart, let not my darkness speak to me! I rolled into it, and darkness enveloped me, but even there, even there, I loved You so much. I wandered and remembered You ”(Blessed Augustine. Confession. Book 12. X). The whole spiritual life of a Christian is aimed at not only illuminating the consciousness, but also cleansing and transforming the heart.

    Holy Fathers on the Human Soul

    The Holy Fathers and Doctors of the Church speak enthusiastically about the human soul, in beautiful expressions they describe its greatness and extraordinary beauty.

    Saint Gregory the Theologian:

    The soul is an intellectually contemplative being, eternally abiding, the image and breath of the Almighty God, a particle of the Divine, (of course, not in own meaning of this word), a stream of invisible Deity and infinite light, Divine and inextinguishable light, enclosed in the body, as in a cave.

    The soul is nature animating and moving; mind and mind are related to the soul.

    Saint Macarius the Great:

    The soul is a clever, full of all beauty and truly wonderful creation of God. The soul is a very refined body. A creature of a special kind.

    (He calls her a body solely to show her difference from God, in comparison with whom she is, as it were, of a coarser nature).

    The soul is a great and wonderful thing. When creating her, God created her in such a way that no vice was put into her nature.

    This creation is smart, majestic, marvelous - the image and likeness of God, having an unparalleled close relationship with God, without, however, the slightest communion between their beings (God has communion with worthy souls, but only not essentially, but gracefully), - endowed with all perfections inherent in the spirit, and, due to its extreme subtlety, movable, fleeting, elusive.

    Saint John Chrysostom:

    The soul is a rational and spiritual nature, fast-moving, incessantly in activity, dearest to the whole world, of unparalleled and indescribable beauty, an essence that has an affinity with the heavenly - by no means, however, of a Divine nature, but akin to heavenly and incorporeal beings.

    The human soul is so magnificent that it is incomparable with any natural beauty. If it were possible to see the beauty of the soul with bodily eyes, then no earthly beauties could compare with it. But it can only be seen with sincere, enlightened eyes.

    Rev. Ephraim the Syrian:

    Our soul is the most beautiful and above all creations, the creation most loved by God, sealed with the mystery of His grace and wisdom.

    Saint John of the Ladder:

    The whole world is unequal to the soul; the world passes away, but the soul is incorruptible and will remain incorruptible.

    Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem:

    The soul is an excellent work of God, created in the image of the Creator. She is immortal, She is a living, intelligent and incorruptible being. The soul is free and has the power to do what it wants.

    Saint Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow:

    The soul is an invisible subtle force; being spiritual and immortal.

    But the image of God in the human soul is manifested not so much in these two of its qualities (spirituality and immortality), but in its strengths and abilities. Namely: the mind, the gift of speech, freedom, memory and reason. The word is the organ of the mind, and the image of God must be reflected in it.

    The beginning of the Word is in heaven, above heaven, in eternity, in God (John 1:1). And the dignity of the word Divine is "God is the Word." The Son of God did not find a better name in human language to express his Divine properties, as the name Word: "His name is called the Word of God" (Rev. 19, 13).

    The Word has an omnipotent (all-doing) power: "All that was" (John 1, 3).

    And in the word of man there must be some image of the Word of God and His power. And indeed, the word placed man on the ladder of creation above everything earthly - it united people into societies, created cities and kingdoms; knowledge, wisdom, law lives and moves in the word; the word forms and spreads virtue; the word in prayer ascends to God, converses with Him.

    Freedom is the ability to reasonably choose a useful and necessary thing; it is the active ability of a person not to be enslaved to sin and to choose the best in the light of God's truth.

    (This sees the image of God in the soul of man).

    Saint John of Damascus:

    The soul is a free entity, endowed with the ability to will and act, changeable in will, having a mind, not as something different from it, but as the purest part of itself. For as the eye is in the body, the mind is in the soul.

    The soul is connected with the whole body and embraces it like fire iron.

    The soul is a living, simple, incorporeal entity, by its nature invisible to bodily eyes, immortal, verbally intelligent, formless, acting through the organic body and giving it life and growth, feeling and the power of birth.

    The soul is an intelligent spirit, always moving, convenient to good or evil will.

    Blessed Augustine:

    The soul is a created, invisible, rational, incorporeal, immortal, most god-like nature, having the image of its Creator.

    He also says that it is the soul that shows the image of God in man (Man is created in the image of dominion, domination and autocracy).

    Hieromartyr Irenaeus of Lyons:

    The soul was created by God and has a form characteristic of its nature, different from the angelic being. She got her appearance from her closest contact with the body.

    The type of the soul is a reflection of the inner man, and therefore it is different for different people.

    Saint Andrew, Archbishop of Crete, defines the soul as the mind that sees God.

    Saint righteous John Kronstadt:

    Our soul is, so to speak, a reflection of the face of God; the clearer, the greater this reflection, the brighter, calmer it is; the smaller - the darker, more restless. And as our soul is our heart, it is necessary that in it all the truth of God be reflected through feelings, through gratitude, and there was no reflection of lies at all.

    The soul is part of the spiritual world. God is reflected in a pious soul, like the sun in a drop of water; the purer this drop, the better, clearer the reflection, the more cloudy - the duller, so that in a state of extreme impurity, blackness of the soul, the reflection (of God) ceases, and the soul remains in a state of spiritual darkness, in a state of insensibility.

    Our soul is as simple as thought and as fast as lightning.

    The soul of a pious person is a precious spiritual treasury.

    Our soul is called a soul because it breathes the Spirit of God, that is, it is so called from the Life-Giving Spirit.

    Saint Theophan the Recluse:

    The soul is a real, living force, although intelligent, purely spiritual.

    With its, so to speak, physical side, it arranges the body, animates it, moves and acts through it, and with the other side, the higher one, at the same time it is aware of itself, freely acts, contemplates the heavenly, reflects on the earthly and strives for the Divine and eternal.

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    Elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer

    Dark forces. Spiritual scolding. About the impotence of demons. Distinguish between the Spirit of God and the evil spirit.

    Rev. Barsanuphius of Optina (1845-1913) said that in the world the majority of even believing people do not believe in the existence of demons, but here it is the truth. Here is a story my father once told me:

    - Father Ambrose showed the demons to Father Benedict (Orlov) in this way. He covered him with a mantle, then led him to the window and said:

    — See?

    “Yes, I see, father, I see that many prisoners are coming, dirty, tattered, with terrible brutal faces. Father, why so many of them? They go, they go, and there is no end, and who let them into the skete alone? Probably the whole skete was cordoned off by the Cossacks? And these prisoners all go, go, disperse to the right, to the left, behind the church.

    “Well, do you see Father Benedict?

    “Yes, father, what is it?”

    - These are demons. Do you see how much should be for each of the brethren?

    - Father, is it?

    - Well, now look.

    Father Benedict looked again, and saw nothing more, everything was quiet as before.

    You see how many we have to fight against, but, of course, God allows the fight according to the strength of each ...

    S. A. Nilus in the book “The Servant of the Mother of God and the Seraphim” about Nikolai Alexandrovich Motovilov describes such a case:

    “Once in a conversation with the Monk Seraphim, a conversation touched upon enemy attacks on a person. The secularly educated Motovilov, of course, did not fail to doubt the reality of the manifestations of this misanthropic force. Then the monk told him about his terrible struggle for 1001 nights and 1001 days with demons and the power of his word, the authority of his holiness, in which there could not be a shadow of lies or exaggeration, convinced Motovilov that demons exist not in ghosts or dreams, but in the real bitter reality.

    Ardent Motovilov was so inspired by the story of the old man that he exclaimed from the bottom of his heart:

    - Father! How I wish I could fight demons!

    Father Seraphim interrupted him in fear:

    - What are you, what are you, your love of God! You don't know what you're talking about. If you knew that the smallest of them can turn the whole earth with its claw, you would not have volunteered to fight them!

    “But, father, do demons have claws?”

    “Oh, your love of God, your love of God, and what do they teach you at the university?! Don't know that demons don't have claws. They are depicted with hooves, claws, horns, tails, because it is impossible for the human imagination to come up with a more vile kind of this kind. Such, in their vileness, they are, for their arbitrary falling away from God and their voluntary opposition to Divine grace from the angels of light, as they were before falling away, made them angels of such darkness and abomination that they cannot be portrayed by any human likeness, but a likeness is needed - Here they are depicted as black and ugly. But, being created with the power and properties of angels, they have such an irresistible power for man and for everything earthly that, as I told you, the smallest of them with his claw can turn the whole earth. One Divine grace of the All-Holy Spirit, bestowed on us, Orthodox Christians, for the divine merits of the God-man, our Lord Jesus Christ, it alone makes all the intrigues and mischief of the enemy insignificant!”

    Archpriest Valentin Sventsitsky (1882-1931) in conversations on selected places of the creations of St. John of the Ladder he writes:

    “We must speak more about demons. The holy fathers often mention them. This word is confusing worldly man. He is told that only illiterate people can believe in the existence of demons. That this is a sign of ignorance, that this is a simple superstition inherited by an ignorant people from their ancestors along with faith in brownies, mermaids, witches and sorcerers.

    So think those for whom there is no other world than the one that surrounds us, which we see and touch. For them there is no God, no devil, no angels, no immortal human souls, no hell, no heaven, no eternal life: for them man is a part of this material world. Die, rot, and that's it. For them, matter is a random combination of some " atoms", and life, therefore, is nothing but a series of pleasant or unpleasant accidents. Nobody invisible, according to their understanding, stands behind the visible world.

    For us believers, the substance itself has an invisible spiritual basis. And the world is not an accident, but something that has great meaning, for it is guided by the Providence of God. For us there is the Lord Almighty. For us, besides this world, there is another world, in which there is its own existence, its own laws. For us, this world contains a multitude of Angels, some of which have fallen away from the Lord and are waging war with Him, seeking to tear away human souls from salvation. That spiritual invisible world is in some contact with the earthly world. Our inner life is also influenced by our guardian angels, and the dark demonic forces also influence us, drawing us to destruction.

    Demons are not an abstract concept, not a symbol, not an allegory, and, even more so, not a product of ignorance. They are the undoubted, active and personal beginning of the other world. That is how the Holy Church always treated them, that is how the holy fathers always treated them.

    To many saints who have reached spiritual heights, the Lord gave them eyes to see.

    Our Reverend and God-bearing Father Seraphim of Sarov says that "their appearance is vile."

    How can one trust the slanders of demons? How can you listen to them? How can you obey?

    Do not believe him, when he will torment your soul, striving to take the path of spiritual life, with doubts. Do not believe when he, having mastered your sleep, will disturb you "prophetic dreams" and, most importantly, do not believe when he slanders life, presenting it to you as a meaningless path to the grave.

    A person, whether he is a believer or an unbeliever, cannot live on his own. He works either for God or for the devil.

    Here is how he writes about it Hieromartyr Seraphim, Bishop of Dmitrov, (1871-1937):“The human heart is never empty: either the Lord or the devil lives in it. There can be no void. A person works either for the Lord or for the devil. When you have to meet a person working for a demon, you feel that someone is visible near him, someone looks into his eyes. Especially among the demoniac."

    Venerable Anthony the Great (251-356) spoke: “A pure soul, being good, is sanctified and illuminated by God, and then the mind thinks about good and gives birth to God-loving intentions and deeds. But when the soul is defiled by sin, then God turns away from it, or better, the soul itself separates itself from God, and the crafty demons, having entered into thought, inspire the soul with unsimilar deeds: adultery, murder, theft, and similar demonic evil deeds.

    Archimandrite Boris Kholchev (1895-1971) writes that “if the soul has broken its connection with God, if it is not in union with the Heavenly Father, if it is not likened to the Heavenly Father… The devil reigns in such a soul; the soul is likened to the devil, and not to the Heavenly Father.

    In the soul there can be either the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of the devil.

    If you pay attention to the life of the saints, to their labors and deeds, you will see that they strived to ensure that the Kingdom of God was in their souls, that the devil, sin, was expelled from their souls, that their souls were god-like, that the Kingdom of Heaven was in their souls. The life of the saints of God is a struggle for the Kingdom of God; they fought to drive evil out of their souls—sin—and to have God reign in their souls.”

    “A person will be paid by the owner for whom he works,” says and Elder Paisius Svyatogorets (1924-1994), - if you work for a black master, then already here he will make your life black. If you work for sin, then the devil will pay you back. If you cultivate virtue, then Christ will pay you. And the more you work for Christ, the more enlightened and joyful you become.”

    Venerable Macarius the Great (4th century) writes: “The evil spirits bind the (fallen) soul with chains of darkness why cannot she desire to love the Lord as much as she desires to believe, nor as much as she desires to pray, because from the time of the crime of the first man, opposition both openly and secretly took possession of us in everything.

    Saint John of the Ladder (649) writes: " All demons try to darken our minds first, and then they inspire what they want; for if the mind does not close its eyes, then our treasure will not be stolen; but the prodigal demon uses this remedy far more than anyone else. Often, darkening the mind, this lord, it induces and compels us to do in the presence of people what only madmen do. When, after some time, the mind becomes sober, then we are ashamed not only of those who saw our disorderly actions, but also of ourselves for our obscene actions, conversations and movements, and we are horrified at our former blindness; why some, reasoning about this, often lagged behind this evil (Lestv.15, 82).

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk (1724-1783) writes about the devil and the people working for him: “The head and inventor of sin is the devil, the first apostate with his evil angels from God and his Creator: that rebel and opponent of God is followed by people who were created in the image of God and so with great honor, in the image ... of God , - respectable from God, and retreat from God, their Creator, Father and Provider, who by their own will sin, and so from God's children become the sons of the devil, and instead of the image of God, in a diabolical way, as some kind of terrible monster, they are imprinted on the soul; whence, from this evil seed of the devil, ungodly fruits and fruits are born and come into the world. For just as those who bear the image of God, true Christians, to God, their Father, from whom they were born by water and the Spirit, are conformed to love, patience, mercy, truth and other virtues, so those who have the image of Satan in themselves are likened to it by evil deeds: hatred, malice, envy, cunning and others. Disgusting before God is the head and leader of sin, disgusting are his followers, poor and accursed people.

    It is very disastrous and terrible to be the son of the devil. But sin, the evil and devilish seed, leads a person to this terrible calamity. For the sinner who commits sin and does not want to repent of this prince of darkness, like the son of his father, repeats in his temper and in practice shows that he is from this bad father, since he creates the evil fruits of his evil seed, that is, sins. For by the fruit the seed is known, and as the seed is, such is its fruit. The devil resists and does not submit to God, and the unrepentant sinner remains in the same disobedience. Listen to this, everyone, and reason, whose son you are, even though you bear the name of Christ. True and true is the word of the apostles: everyone who commits sin is from the devil; and every tree is known by its fruit(Luke 6:44), as the Lord says about it.”

    Saint Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894) writes: “If our intelligent eyes were opened, what would we see around and around us? On the one hand - the bright world of God, angels and saints, on the other - hordes of dark forces and dead sinners carried away by them. Among them are living people, one part of which leaned towards the light side, the other towards the dark side; the middle lane seems to be left for a struggle in which some win, others are defeated. Some demons drag, already beaten, into their dark region; others stand and fight, accept and give defeat: blood from wounds and wounds after wounds, and all stand. They bow down to the ground from the force of blows and exhaustion of strength, and again straighten up and shoot arrows at enemies again. Who sees their work? God is one. With them, guardian angels relentlessly, above them from above is a descending ray of grace-filled light.

    Any help to the struggling one is ready, but it must be accepted willingly. The inclination of the will is the condition of its strength. As soon as a person with consciousness and freedom stands on the side of good, then both the light of grace and the angels are with him. But as soon as his autocracy inclines to the side of sin, the ray of grace departs from him, and the angel retreats. Then dark forces surround the person, and the fall is ready. They bind him with captives (chains) of darkness and take him to a dark area. Will he be saved, and who will save him? He will be saved, and the same angel of God and the same grace will save him. The sinner sighs - and they approach and teach his fingers to curse with darkness. If it gets up, it will get up and again begin to hit the enemies, driven away and already throwing arrows from afar. If he cheers, he will fall again; if he wakes up, he will be raised again. How long? Until then, until death comes and finds him either in a fall or in rebellion.

    Hieroschemamonk Alexander (1810-1878), a recluse elder of the Gethsemane Skete told the student: “If anyone knew what efforts the enemy makes to turn a person away from prayer (and from virtue in general), that he is ready to give a person all the treasures of the world for this,” the student asked the elder: “Father, is such an enemy has power and authority? The elder replied: “Power is not taken away from the enemy, as we see from the life of St. Eudoxia (March 1, old style). When the Archangel Michael lifted up the soul of the Monk Eudokia into the air, then he appeared in a terrible way and said to the Archangel: “Leave your rage and loosen a little the bonds with which I am bound. You will see that in the twinkling of an eye I will destroy the human race from the earth and I will not leave its heritage.” You see that he has power, only he has no power, even over pigs, as can be seen from the Holy Gospel (Mark 5, 12-13).

    came to the old man Ambrose of Optina (1812-1891) some gentleman who does not believe in the existence of demons. The father told him the following: “A gentleman came to the village to visit his friends and chose a room for himself for the night. They tell him: don't lie down here - it's unfavorable in this room. But he didn't believe it and just laughed at it. He lay down, but suddenly he hears at night that someone is blowing right into his bald head. He covered his head with a blanket. Then this someone went to his feet and sat on the bed. The guest was frightened and rushed to run away from there as fast as he could, convinced by his own experience in the existence of a dark force. But even after this story, the master said: “Your will, father, I don’t even understand what kind of demons they are.” To this, the elder replied: “After all, not everyone understands mathematics, but it exists.” And he added: “How can demons not exist when we know from the Gospel that the Lord Himself commanded demons to enter a herd of pigs?” The master objected: “But isn’t this allegorical?” “So,” the old man continued to convince, “both pigs are allegorical, and pigs do not exist. But if there are pigs, then there are demons.”

    Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt (1829-1908)
    writes: “The phenomena of demons so occupied the minds of some ascetics that they even attempt to explain the psychology and properties of these phenomena.

    Simeon the New Theologian about demons he says this: “There are other mental forces, demons, which mentally approach the soul and tempt it, perturbing its natural movements, for it is always in motion, being by nature ever-moving.”

    According to Anthony the Great, demons are not visible bodies, but we are bodies for them when our souls receive dark thoughts from them, for having accepted these thoughts, we accept the demons themselves and make them manifest in the body.

    The ascetics considered prayer to be the main and most important means of getting rid of the manifestations of demons.

    I wonder how the ascetic imagined Ilya Ekdik attitude of demons to prayer. Here are his true words about this: “He who threatens with a stick at dogs irritates them against him, and the demon is irritated by the one who forces (forces) himself to pray.”

    ... The kingdom of life and the kingdom of death go side by side, I say they go, because they are spiritual. Head of the first, i.e. The kingdom of life is Jesus Christ, and whoever is with Christ is undoubtedly in the realm of life; head of the second, i.e. The kingdoms of death, there is the prince of the power of the air - the devil with the spirits of evil subordinate to him, of which there are so many that far exceed the number of all people living on earth. These children of death, subjects of the prince of the air, are in a constant stubborn war with the sons of life, i.e. with faithful Christians, and by all means of cunning they try to incline them to their side, through the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, because sin, crime is their element, and through sins, if we do not repent of them, we go over to their side .

    Those for whom sins are, as it were, a daily need, who drink iniquity like water, they do not bother, because they are their property, as long as they live carelessly about their souls; but if they only turn to God, acknowledge their sins, voluntary and involuntary, and ... the war will flare up, the hordes of Satan will rise up and lead a continuous battle.

    From this you see how necessary it is to seek Christ as the ruler of life, the conqueror of hell and death.

    Every sorrow and distress comes from lack of faith, or from some kind of passion, hidden inside, or from any other impurity visible to the All-Seeing, and, therefore, from the fact that the devil is in the heart, but Christ is not in the heart.

    Christ is peace, freedom of the soul, and inexpressible light.

    Oh, how carefully the devil and the world sow with their tares the field of Christ, which is the church of God! Instead of the word of God, the word of the world, the word of vanity, is zealously sown. Instead of temples, the world has invented its own temples - temples of the vanity of the world: theaters, circuses, meetings. Instead of holy icons, which peace lovers do not accept, there are picturesque, photographic portraits, illustrations and various other types in the world; instead of God and saints, the world reveres the adoration of its celebrities - writers, actors, singers, painters, who own public trust and respect to the point of reverence.

    Poor Christians! Completely fallen away from Christ! Instead of spiritual attire, all the attention in the world is paid to perishable clothes, to fashionable dresses and various exquisite ornaments, reeking of brilliance and high cost. In illness, and in bodily weakness in general, as well as in sorrow, a person at first cannot burn for God with faith and love, because in sorrow and illness the heart hurts, and faith and love require a sound heart, a calm heart, and therefore there is no need grieve very much that in sickness and sorrow we cannot, as we should, believe in God, love Him and pray fervently to Him. Everything has its time. Sometimes praying is an inauspicious time.

    God is life. He gave life and existence to everything. He is the Existing and Almighty, for everything is from Him and everything is supported by Him: we know His One Existing One. The devil is death, because he voluntarily deviated from the belly - God, and just as God is the Existing, so he, the devil, due to the complete falling away from the Existing, is the culprit of the bearing, the culprit of dreams, delusions, for truly he cannot bring anything into being by the word, he is a lie like God is the truth! False thoughts in faith immediately expose themselves, kill the life of the heart, a sign that they come from a liar, a dreamer who has the power of death - the devil. True thoughts show their truth in practice: they enliven the heart - a sign that they come from the life-giving Spirit of God, the belly: the same way, from their fruit you will know them. Do not be indignant and do not stagnate in embarrassment and bewilderment when murderous thoughts will crowd in your head and oppress your heart, your soul. They are false, they are from the devil - murderers. Drive them away and don't ask where they came from, these uninvited guests; you will instantly recognize them by their fruits. Do not enter into competition with them, they will lead you into such a labyrinth that you will not get out, you will get confused and exhausted.

    ... The devil is such an evil knitting needle that at any time and everywhere climbs into your heart eyes, eclipsing and suppressing them, it is such a poisonous dust that constantly rushes about in our mental atmosphere and sits caustically on the heart, eating away and boring it. When the enemy fails to occupy a Christian on the path of salvation with sorrows and overcrowding, poverty and various other deprivations, illnesses and various misfortunes, he rushes to the other extreme: he takes him with health, peace, softness, relaxation, heart and soul insensibility of spiritual blessings or the richness of life external. Oh, how dangerous is that last state! It is more dangerous than the first state of sorrow and oppression, the state of illness, etc. Here we easily forget God, stop feeling His mercy, doze off and sleep spiritually.

    …Because in the Kingdom of the All-Good and All-Powerful God there are fallen evil spirits, and it is air and earth that have their place, and since man from the very beginning was drawn to evil by them, as they have always been and now are, and will be together with the human race until the end of time, then they constitute, so to speak, the environment by which we are surrounded and in which we live. People, beings free and, moreover, fallen, although restored by the Son of God and standing in this grace freely by faith, good disposition towards God and good deeds, must be protected by constant prayer to God from the opposing forces that are fighting against our soul, wanting to catch us in their captivity. and make them like them in spirit. Everyone must be extremely careful, so that in our spirit and in our deeds we do not become accustomed to the spirits of wickedness in high places; lest they become the breath of our soul instead of God, lest the evil that is their nature become our evil. However, we must always keep in mind that there is pain, who is in us, rather than who is in the world(1 John 4, 4) that the Lord also contains them in His full power and only allows, as much as His truth, goodness and wisdom allows, to act in the world, to admonish and correct people. But there are people who have the devil in their clothing, food, and drink, just as true Christians put on Christ, feed on His Body and Blood. Everywhere in the world there is duality - one against the other: spirit and body, good and evil. Satan has his slanderers and helpers to spread his dominion among people; God has angels, whom he gives to every Christian to protect him and to guide him to the blessed Kingdom of Christ.

    When the devil is in our heart, then an extraordinary, killing heaviness and fire in the chest and heart; the soul is extremely shy and darkened; everything irritates her; feels disgust for every good deed; he interprets the words and deeds of others in relation to himself crookedly and sees in them a malicious intent against himself, against his honor, and therefore feels a deep, murderous hatred for them, rages and breaks for revenge: from his fruit you shall know him(Matthew 7:20)."

    Archpriest Grigory Lebedev in one of the sermons he talks about what you need to know about the devil: “Today I will talk about the devil. Astonishment? I understand you. In the twentieth century, during the victorious march of scientific knowledge, in largest city country - the center of scientific research, from where every day the radio carries around the world the cry of the triumph of science and materialism - and suddenly ... in such an environment, we are talking about the devil! What an anachronism! What a relic! After all, this is the Middle Ages! Who believes in the devil now? Even people who believe and consider themselves reasonable believers, or understand the gospel and patristic reasoning about the devil allegorically, i.e. by the devil they mean sin and the power of sin, indicating that the Savior speaks of the devil, adapting to folk beliefs, or, in embarrassment at the naivety of the Gospel, they simply shrug their shoulders, not daring to say their main idea: "This is outdated for our time," or they belittle the church's teaching about the devil and, not knowing how to connect it with life, share this teaching superficially, having the most vague ideas about Satan.

    Let people think what they want about the devil, and the devil is, and Christ in today's gospel story says more than that: he not only exists - he controls people's lives. The Lord healed a woman who had suffered from an illness for 18 years, and when the scribes asked Christ a tempting question why He healed on Saturday, the Lord answered: “Will you untie the donkey on Saturday to give it water? So, I untied the woman that Satan had kept bound for 18 years.” See? Satan not only exists, but acts as if he is the master of life. Let us not, however, delve into the question of the existence of the devil... This would lead us to research inappropriate for liturgical teaching, but let us take the most illustrative evidence of this existence, both theoretical - from our mind, and practical - from life.

    Here is proof from the mind. Do you believe in the immortality of the soul? Believe. Does that mean the soul lives on after death? Yes. So, an evil soul, corrupted, gloomy, dark, is this how it passes? It's clear. So such a black soul is the spirit of darkness. And he goes to the world of evil spirits like himself. Since this world is the world of rational beings, it must have and has its own organization, its own ideals, tasks and goals, its own modes of action, ways of life. The Holy Church believes that at the head of this world are its founders, the first spirits of evil that fell away from God, permeated with lies, soldered with malice, wise by thousands of years of experience. Their task is to fight the Light. Their leadership of the entire world of evil spirits tends towards waging a final struggle against the realm of Truth, i.e. kingdom of Christ. Hence, the whole life of the world is a struggle with good, the planting of evil or sin, because evil and sin are identical concepts.

    And the world of good is saturated with invisible spirits of evil, the whole existence of which pursues one goal: to extinguish the Light, to destroy good, to plant hell everywhere, so that darkness and hell would triumph everywhere. Here are the most basic concepts about the kingdom of evil and its inhabitants. This is a completely real kingdom! Now, at least with one stroke, let us approach his being practically, i.e. from life experience. Again, avoiding lengthy references to experience, let us dwell on two phenomena of life. You have observed in yourself, in those around you—unless, of course, you know how to peer into life—forces acting in a person, in addition to his will and even in addition to his consciousness! Such states occur at every turn. These are all states of passion, states of lust, carnal sensuality, states of anger, passions for wine, games, etc. Their name is legion! Conditions when a person does not belong to himself, but is drawn, as bound, powerless and weak-willed, as a slave, obedient to someone else's will. Science, of course, will not call this force evil and Satan, it will call it physical and mental heredity, pathology, psychosis, and so on. But this is a superficial explanation! When a person is “drawn” against his will, against his consciousness, when he suffers, suffers, struggles and is still powerless, when this force is completely objective in a person, like a second “I”, when it is recognized as something alien and hostile to me, then the scientific explanation is of little use. Not! The Church, guided by the word of God, speaks shorter and simpler: here is a strange power in a person, here is the power of destruction and evil, here a person is no longer free, he is bound by the devil, here is Satan. And besides passions, the power of evil and darkness sometimes manifests itself in people, apparently quite usually. It manifests itself when evil cannot bear the Light it has to face. For example, why can't a dissolute woman endure the presence of the greatest modesty and chastity? Now she's getting angry. Why are there cases when a mother or a father vilifies, persecutes his daughter or son, if they have embarked on God's path? It seems that if the daughter goes “for a walk”, it is easier for them than she will be in the temple all the time. Why is this? Why do people wake up with a spirit of malice when meeting with a clergyman or even with a secular church person? It would seem that the person is meek and decent in appearance and does not behave provocatively, humbly, but they rage against him. Why? Yes, these are all manifestations of possession under the influence of the forces of evil. Darkness cannot bear the world that denies it, and raises the malice of hell.

    So, dark spirits Evils exist and they invade our lives. And if you don't consider this reality of evil invading your life, you are committing two of the greatest mistakes. The first mistake: a person destroys Christianity, makes it meaningless, takes out its soul, makes Christianity dead, unnecessary. So in our time, Christianity has become a void for so many who call themselves Christians. What is the meaning of Christianity? In the rebirth of man through the destruction of evil in man. What is the meaning of the coming of Christ? In the fight against evil, in the destruction of evil, in the victory over Satan, the liberation of man from the power of evil and his salvation. The apostle says so: “To deprive by death of power that which has the power of death, that is, the devil.” (Heb. 2:14). And if you, by virtue of your lack of faith and rationality, exclude the struggle with the devil and victory over him from the work of Christ, then you destroy the power of Christianity. You then reduce Christ to the role of an exalted moralist who taught good, and nothing more. And if in your life, as Christians, you do not enter the fight against the devil, then you are dead in Christianity. It gives you nothing, and you will be cold, empty, sleepy, boring, receiving nothing from Christ and the Church. This is the case! Aren't most Christians like that? Aren't the majority lifeless? That's how it should be!

    The second greatest mistake is made when the thought of the devil and the need to fight him disappears from the life of a Christian. Then the person himself gives himself to the elements of evil, gives freely and voluntarily. The following happens: a person thinks that everything around is calm, there is no enemy, and he is carefree, lives without looking back, the forces of the soul are asleep, all spiritual movements are accepted as their own, as natural. This state of human carelessness is used by the power of evil, because there are no obstacles for it. Souls are calm, souls are carefree, souls are open... Take a person with bare hands without resistance. Tragic picture! The man assured himself that there is no enemy - everything happens according to natural laws. And the enemy is laughing… He comes freely when everything is open and takes care of it.

    One French writer (Huysmans) said amazing words: "The greatest victory of the devil was to convince people that he does not exist". Do you hear? Yes, this is Satan's greatest victory. He instilled this. What devil?! Yes, he never was, and no! It's a stupid old prejudice! And the devil stepped aside. And now he's laughing evilly. He is not there, there is no enemy ... Down with attention, precaution! He will host. Everything is open before him, come into the person and do with him what you want. It happened just as if thieves and bandits assured people that they did not exist, that there was no theft. People would open doors wide open, indulge in carelessness. Oh, how theft and crime would then flourish!

    Yes, in material matters, people cleverly lock themselves with ten locks, guard the good, but they don’t think of saving the good of the soul. The soul is a passageway. All wide open. You are afraid of thieves, but you are not afraid of a spiritual bandit! And no excuses will help people. There is a corrupter and a thief of their lives, their irreconcilable, terrible enemy. He tirelessly does his job. People are bound by him, they are his obedient slaves.

    Don't say, "Oh, if only we could see it and make sure that it exists!" It's easy to see him. Learn to look. You don't know how to look! You are blind. You do not see yourself, but how do you want to see the devil? Here you will first learn to see yourself and then, believe me, you will see the devil. Pray that the Lord will send you a good mind, a sober conscience, open your inner eyes so that you never forget your primordial enemy, always be ready to fight him, guard the entrances to your soul, and then the power of God will be at your right hand, and your soul will not be bound by Satan, as the gospel woman was bound by him. May the Lord grant you, through the prayers of your bright spirit - your guardian angel, to avoid the devil's slavery and be free children of God, building up your salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord, to whom be glory, honor and worship forever and ever.

    Spiritual warfare

    Saint Anthony the Great (251-356) about the fight against dark forces says (from the life of the saint):

    “God Himself has commanded us to always watch with unflagging attention what is happening in our souls, because we have very cunning enemies in the fight - I mean demons- and we, according to the apostle, will have an unceasing struggle with them. Countless numbers of them rush in the air, whole hordes of enemies surround us from all sides.. I could not explain to you all the differences between them; I will only briefly describe the ways in which they try to deceive us, which I know. First of all, we must firmly remember that God is not the author of evil and that the demons did not become evil by His will: such a change in them did not occur by nature, but depended on their own will. As created by a good God, they were originally good spirits, but for their very exaltation they were cast down from heaven to earth, where, stagnant in evil, they deceived the peoples with false dreams and taught them idolatry; but for us Christians, they are immensely envious and incessantly raise all kinds of evil against us, fearing that we will inherit their former glory in heaven.

    The degrees of their immersion in evil are different and varied: some of them have reached an extreme fall into the abyss of wickedness, others seem less malicious, but all of them, to the best of their ability, fight in different ways against every virtue. Therefore, we need intense prayers and feats of abstinence in order to receive from God the gift of reasoning, to comprehend the differences between evil spirits, to recognize in each individual case their various kinds of cunning and deceit and reflect everything with the same Christian sign - the Cross of the Lord. Having received this gift, the holy Apostle Paul inspired: Let us not be offended by Satan: let us not be unreasonable for his intentions(2 Cor. 2:11). It is necessary that we also imitate the apostle and warn others about what we ourselves suffered, and in general - instruct each other mutually.

    For my part, I have seen many insidious deceptions from demons, and I tell you about this as children, so that, having a warning, you can save yourself in the midst of the same temptations. Great is the malice of the demons against all Christians, and especially against the monks and virgins of Christ. Everywhere they place temptations in their lives, they try to corrupt their hearts with ungodly and impure thoughts. But let none of you be afraid of this, because with fervent prayers to God and fasting, demons are immediately driven away. However, if they stop attacking for a while, do not think that you have completely won; for after a defeat, demons usually attack later with even greater force. Cunningly changing the methods of struggle, if they cannot seduce a person with thoughts, then they try to seduce or intimidate him with ghosts, taking the form of a woman, then a scorpion, then turning into some giant as tall as a temple, into entire regiments of warriors or into any other ghosts that all disappear at the very first sign of the cross. If they recognize their deceit in this, then they are soothsayers and strive, like the prophets, to predict future events. If even in this case they suffer disgrace, then they call on their prince himself, the root and focus of all evil, to help themselves in the struggle.

    Many times our venerable father Anthony the Great spoke about exactly the same diabolical image that appeared to him, which was presented to the God-enlightened gaze of Job: his eyes are a vision of a daylight. From his mouth come out like burning candles, and like sparks of fire are placed: from his nostrils comes the smoke of a furnace burning with coal fire: his soul is like coal, and like a flame comes out of his mouth(Job 41:9-12). In such scary was the prince of demons. He would like to instantly destroy the whole world, but in reality he has no power: the omnipotence of God tames him, just as an animal controls the bridle, or as the freedom of a captive is destroyed by his fetters. He is afraid of the sign of the cross, and the virtuous life of the righteous, and St. Anthony says this about it:

    Great power, beloved brethren, has a pure life and undefiled faith in God against the devil.. Believe my experience - for Satan, the vigilance of people living according to the will of God, their prayers and fasts, meekness, voluntary poverty, modesty, humility, love, restraint are terrible, but most of all - their sincere love for Christ. The highly exalted serpent himself knows well that he is condemned to be trampled underfoot by the righteous., according to the Word of God: Behold, I give you power to tread on the serpent and scorpion and on all the power of the enemy(Luke 10:19).

    The Monk Anthony told for the spiritual benefit of the listeners, and this is what else:

    “How many times demons attacked me under the guise of armed warriors and, taking the forms of scorpions, horses, animals and various snakes, surrounded me and filled the room in which I was. When I started to sing against them: These are in chariots, and these are on horses: but we will call on the name of the Lord our God(Ps. 19:8), then, driven away by God's grace-filled help, they fled. Once they appeared even in a very bright form and began to say:

    “We have come, Antony, to give you light.

    But I screwed up my eyes so as not to see the devil's light, I began to pray to God in my soul, and their ungodly light went out. After a little while, they appeared again and began to sing before me and argue with each other about the Scriptures, but I was like a deaf man and did not listen to them. It happened that they shook my very monastery, but I prayed to the Lord with a fearless heart. Often around me there were shouts, dances and ringing; but when I began to sing, their cries turned into mournful cries, and I praised the Lord who destroyed their strength and put an end to their fury.

    “Believe me, my children,” continued Antony, “that I will tell you: once I saw the devil in the form of an extraordinary giant who dared to say about himself:

    “I am God’s power and wisdom,” and he turned to me with these words: “Ask me, Anthony, for whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”

    - I, in response, spat in his mouth and, armed with the name of Christ, completely rushed at him, and this giant, in appearance, immediately melted and disappeared in my hands. When I was fasting, he again appeared to me under the guise of a black man who brought bread and persuaded me to eat.

    “You,” he said, “are human and not free from human weakness; make some indulgence to your body, otherwise you may get sick.”

    But I realized that this was the insidious seduction of the crafty serpent, and when I turned to my ordinary weapon - the sign of the Cross of Christ, it immediately turned into a stream of smoke, which, stretching towards the window, disappeared through it. Demons often tried to seduce me in the desert by suddenly appearing as a ghost of gold, hoping to seduce me either by looking at it or by touching it. I will not hide the fact that the demons began to beat me many times. But I patiently endured the beatings and only exclaimed:

    “No one can separate me from the love of Christ!”

    From these words they came into mutual fury against each other and, finally, they were driven out not according to me, but according to God's command, according to the words of Christ: I saw Satan like lightning from heaven falling down(Luke 10, 18)…

    How many myriads of evil demons, and how countless are the types of their wiles! Even after they saw that we, having come to the knowledge of our passions and our shame, are already trying to avoid the evil deeds to which they lead us, and we do not incline our ears to the evil advice that they suggest to us, they did not lag behind, but set to work with a desperate effort, knowing that their fate has already been finally decided and that their legacy is hell, for their extreme malice and disgust (from God).

    May the Lord open the eyes of your hearts so that you can see how numerous are the wiles of demons and how much evil they cause us every day - and may grant you a heart of courage and a spirit of discernment, so that you can offer yourselves to God as a living and blameless sacrifice, beingware of envy of demons at all times and their evil advice, their secret machinations and covert malice, their deceptive lies and blasphemous thoughts, their subtle suggestions that they put every day in the heart, anger and slander, which they incite us to, so that we slander each other, only justifying ourselves, condemning others, so that we slander each other, or in sweet language, they hid bitterness in our hearts, so that they would condemn the appearance of their neighbor, having a predator inside themselves, so that they argued among themselves, and went against each other, in the desire to put on their own I seem honest.

    Every person who delights in sinful thoughts falls voluntarily, when he is happy (sympathizes) with what is invested in him from enemies and when he thinks to justify himself only by apparently done deeds, being inside the dwelling place of an evil spirit who teaches him all evil. The body of such a person will be filled with shameful shames - for whoever is such, demonic passions take possession of them, which he does not drive away from himself. Demons are not visible bodies; but we are bodies for them when our souls receive dark thoughts from them; for, having received these thoughts, we receive the demons themselves, and we make them manifest in the body.

    ... Resist the devil and try to recognize his wiles. He usually hides his bitterness under the guise of sweetness, so as not to be open, and arranges various phantoms, red in appearance - which, however, in fact, are not at all the same essence - in order to deceive your hearts with a cunning imitation of the truth, which is worthy of attraction: to all his art is directed to this, in order to oppose with all his might every soul that works well for God. He puts many and different passions into the soul, in order to extinguish the Divine fire in it, in which all power; especially takes the peace of the body and what is connected with it. When he finally sees that they are wary of everything of this kind and do not accept anything from him, and do not give any hope that they will ever listen to him, he retreats from them with shame. Then the Spirit of God dwells in them.

    dying Saint Anthony the Great admonished his students with these words: “I beg you, my dear children, do not lose the fruits of your many years of abstinence, but zealously and successfully continue what you have begun you feats. You know how many different obstacles demons put up for us, but do not be afraid of their insignificant power. Trust in Jesus Christ, firmly believe in Him with all your heart, and all demons will flee from you. ... Try to lead a godly life - and you will surely receive a reward in heaven. Avoid all communication with schismatics, heretics and Arians; you know that I never had a friendly conversation with them because of their evil designs and Christ-born heresy. Most of all, try to fulfill the commandments of the Lord, so that the saints would accept you after your death into eternal monasteries, as relatives and friends. Remember, meditate, and always reason about it.”

    Saint John Cassian the Roman (350-435) about the influence of dark forces on us writes: “Dark forces predominantly act on us through thoughts., and of course we it would be easier to deal with them if we were not constantly and not in small numbers surrounded by these unfriendly enemies- but this is nothing to be afraid of. These enemies are sure to constantly slander us,but they only sow and arouse evil in us, and do not force it. If they were given the power not to inspire only evil, but also to forcefully attract to it, then no matter what sinful desire they wanted to kindle in our hearts, not a single person could avoid sin because of it. But we see that just as they have been given permission to incite us, so we have been given both the power to cut off such incitements and the freedom to consent to them. Why be afraid? - However, if anyone is afraid of their violence and attacks, we, on the other hand, offer God's protection and God's help, which is more powerful than those, as they say:there is pain who is in you, rather than who is in the world(1 John 4, 4), - Whose intercession with incomparably greater force will fight against us than with what the enemy side rises against us. For God not only inspires good deeds, but also patronizes them and brings them to the end; so that sometimes, without our will and our knowledge, it draws us to salvation.

    So it's decided that no one can be deceived by the devil, except for one who himself desires to give him his will consent. What Ecclesiastes clearly expressed in these words: as if there is no arguing of the one who creates the evil one soon: for this sake, the heart of the sons of men is convinced in them, hedgehog to create evil(Eccl. 8:11). It is obvious, therefore, that everyone sins because when evil thoughts attack him, he does not immediately repulse them with contradiction. For it is said: resist the devil and flee from you(James 4:7).

    Other bewilderment may be born, how these evil spirits enter into communion with the soul They talk to her insensitively, instill whatever they want into her, see her thoughts and movements and use them to her detriment. “But there is nothing surprising in this. The spirit can enter into communion with the spirit, and secretly influence it, instilling what it desires.. For between them, as between people, there is a certain similarity and affinity by nature. But for them to mutually enter into each other and master each other, this is absolutely impossible. This can only truly be attributed to the Deity.

    …But how do unclean spirits know our thoughts?They do not read them directly in their souls, but cognize them from the discovery of them in external sensory signs, i.e. from our words and actions. But they cannot in any way penetrate those thoughts that have not yet come out of the soul. Even whether and how the thoughts they themselves inspire are accepted, they learn not from the soul itself, and not from the inner movements that are secretly occurring in it as a result, but from the manifestations of it outside the soul. So, for example, if, with the omnipresence of the thought of gluttony, they see that a monk began to look out the window and at the sun, or inquire what time it is, then they will know from the fact that he has perceived gluttony lust. And it is not surprising that air forces recognize this and similar things in such a way when we see that intelligent people also manage to recognize the state of the inner person by their eyes, face and other external signs. Those who, like spirits, are undoubtedly much finer and more penetrating than people, can recognize this the more surely.

    It is necessary to know that not all demons kindle all passions in people, but certain spirits are associated with each passion; for some of them delight in unclean and shameful lusts, some love blasphemy, some anger and rage, some are comforted by sorrow, some by vanity and pride, and each one sows that passion in human hearts, which he himself especially enjoys; but not all arouse their passions together, but alternately, according to the time, place, and acceptability of the tempted one.

    And then you should know that not all of them are equally evil and equally strong. The weakest spirits are attacked by the new and weak, and when these are defeated, then the strongest are sent, and thus gradually the warrior of Christ must endure more and more strong battles, in proportion to his own progress and the increase of his spiritual strength. And none of the Saints could have endured the anger of such and so many enemies, or resisted their slander and ferocious fury, if in our struggle the most merciful intercessor and ascetic Christ was not always present in us, did not equalize the forces of those who are fighting, did not reflect and curb indiscriminate raids of enemies, and did not create with temptation and abundance, as if you were able to bear us(1 Corinthians 10:13).

    Saint John of the Ladder (649): “If you constantly pray to the Heavenly King against your enemies in all their attacks, then be trustworthy: you will work a little. For they themselves will soon depart from you, because impure these they do not want to see you receive crowns by prayer for your war with them, and moreover, scorched by prayer like fire, they are forced to flee. Drive away these dogs that come to you with the weapon of prayer, and no matter how much they continue to be shameless, do not yield to them.

    Saint John Chrysostom (347-407) writes that “the devil is shameless and insolent; moreover, it attacks from below, however, and in this way wins. And the reason for this is that we ourselves do not try to be above his blows: for he cannot rise high, but grovels on the earth, and therefore the serpent is his image. …What does it mean to attack from below? To overcome by means of earthly things, by means of pleasures, wealth and all worldly things. Therefore, if the devil sees that someone is soaring towards the sky, then, firstly, he cannot jump on him, and secondly, if he decides, he will quickly fall himself: after all, he has no legs - do not be afraid , has no wings - do not be afraid, he crawls only on the ground and grovels among earthly affairs. Let you have nothing in common with the earth, then you will not need labor. The devil does not know how to fight openly, but, like a serpent, hides in thorns often lurking in the charms of wealth. If you cut these thorns, then he, immediately becoming timid, will run away, and if you know how to speak him with Divine spells, then you will immediately wound him. We have spiritual spells - the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Cross. This spell not only drives the dragon out of its lair and throws it into the fire, but even heals wounds.

    If many, although they pronounced (this spell), but were not healed, then this happened from their lack of faith, and not from the impotence of what was said; in the same way, many touched Jesus and pressed him, but did not receive any benefit, and the bleeding woman, touching not the body, but the edge of his garment, stopped the long-term blood flows. The name of Jesus Christ is terrible for demons, passions and diseases. So, let us adorn ourselves with Him, be protected by Him.

    Hieroschemamonk Nikolai (Tsarikovskiy), confessor of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (1829-1899):“Know that our struggle with the devil for the Kingdom of Heaven will continue until the end of our lives. The devil, as a spirit cast down from heaven for pride and disobedience to God, envied our forefathers, Adam and Eve, and, having deceived them, led them into pride and disobedience to God, and thereby deprived them of paradise. He also now persecutes people, and especially the Orthodox.

    With his flattery, he tries in every possible way to enter the soul (head) of a person. With the help of pretense, hiding so that a person does not even suspect him, he presents to him various charms, various faces, stinginess, in accordance with which one is most infected with passion. Whoever delights in one or another of the passions aroused in this way, then the devil enters with this delight to the person, as to his friend, unites with his soul, defiles it, then settles on his heart and kindles it to all sorts of bad, sinful deeds.

    If bad, unkind thoughts appear in your mind, this is the devil's coming, an attack. Then you say to the devil: "I do not agree with you" - and do not allow yourself to be delighted by those thoughts. Then your Guardian Angel will drive away the devil from you, and God, for such resistance to the enemy - the devil, will send you the remission of sins as a reward: an unfading crown of glory will be woven for you. Therefore, try in every possible way not to allow the devil to reach the soul, for it is the bride of Christ. God created her so that she would praise Him forever and rejoice before Him forever. The devil uses all his strength to defile her, so that through this she is deprived of the Kingdom of Heaven and Divine joy. And during temptations, one must remember (and not lose heart) that for the thoughts planted by the enemy in the soul, there is still no condemnation of a person, for this is enemy abuse. Only for the pleasure of thoughts and the consent with the argument for sin do judgment from God and His righteous wrath come upon a person.

    Reverend Elder Lev of Optina (1768-1841):« ... It is impossible to do without a struggle, in which we sometimes win, and sometimes we are defeated.What is not in your will, leave it as it is,want to keep or put on your own, you can only do yourself harm and apply illness to illness.

    Rev. Macarius of Optina (1788-1860) writes about the spiritual warfare waged by the enemy of the human race with all Christians who want to live piously and pleasing to God, and about humility as a victory over him (from letters to worldly persons): “ Our life is a spiritual war with invisible spirits of malice. They revolt us with our pledged passions andencourage to transgress the commandments of God.When we delve into and consider carefully, we find thatfor every passion there is a cure - a commandment opposite to it,and therefore the enemies are trying to prevent us from reaching this salutary cure... In your letter you mention the minutes of a difficult battle with the hater of our salvation. Exactlydifficult without God's help, and when we rely on our mind and strength or give ourselves over to negligence,but even the very falls of every kind are an allowance for exaltation. Saint John of the Ladder writes:Where there is a fall, there was a foreshadowing of pride". Therefore, we should try our best to acquirehumility, because we have a fight withprouddemons, and humility is an easy victory for them ... How can we acquire this treasure - humility? One must learn from the writings of the Holy Fathers about this virtue andhave self-reproach in everything,but to see your neighbors as the best of yourself: do not reproach or condemn them in anything,and accept reproach from them as sent from God to heal our mental illnesses.

    It is impossible not to have a battle, but it depends on us whether to win or be defeated. With strong impulses, it is necessary to have abstinence both from food and from seeing, hearing and speaking, and to have moderate sleep, and moreover, the heart is contrite and humble. Without this latter, the former are of little help. When you are overcome, then know that you are punished for exalting and for condemning others.. Humble yourself and the Lord will save you!

    In the war of the senses, many are wounded and suffer illnesses: much more so, in this spiritual warfare, many wounds are acceptable from the spirits of malice, and moreover, when we rely on our strength and reason, then we are defeated until we humble ourselves, knowing our weakness.

    In battle, resist with humility, as it is written and shown to us from the father, and if it happens to graze, get up again; and know that for your pride you are tempted by them. Run to self-reproach and humility, and not from your cell. Until the monk is erased by various temptations and sorrows, he cannot recognize his weakness and humble himself.

    The main reason for such a strong scolding against you is the poverty of your humility., and when it is impoverished, pride clearly takes its place, and where the fall, although mental, was preceded by pride, and you, apparently, do not try to resist it and do not overthrow it, so it overthrows you. To get rid of it, have yourself the last neck and the worst of all, as if conquered by passions, then you yourself will see the fruit of this deed, and you, on the contrary, you consider yourself better than others, and you reproach and condemn them; who gave you this power? For this, the enemy strongly rises up against you and confuses you with sleepy (prodigal) dreams. Humble yourself and you will receive God's help.

    ... Whatever way of life we ​​go through, spiritual warfare is always before us from the spirits of malice, disturbing our passions and forcing us to sinful action, which tests our will and love for God - in our struggle. And if we do not have this struggle, then we will not learn art, and we will not recognize our weakness, and we will not acquire humility, and it is so great that it can save us apart from works, as Saint Isaac writes in the 46th Word.

    A Christian who spends his life according to the commandments of God must be tested by various temptations: 1) because the enemy, envious of our salvation, tries with all sorts of wiles to hinder us from fulfilling the will of God, and 2) because virtue cannot be firm and true when it is not she will be tested by an obstacle that is contrary to her and will remain unshakable. Why is there constant spiritual warfare in our life.

    …N. say, when you humble yourself, then the abuse will subside: sleep less, eat less, beware of idle talk, condemnation and not like to adorn yourself with a good dress, keep your eyes and ears. All these means are protective; not yet allow thoughts to enter the heart, but when they begin to come, rise up and ask for help from God.

    Saint Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow (1783-1867):“The enemy is angry at the good. When they stand in goodness with strength and purity, the arrows of a baby are his ulcers (see: Ps. 63, 8). The admixture of imperfection, wrongness, inattention, laziness, passion in thoughts and motives gives access to the walker on impure paths, and he becomes impudent and impudent.

    ... Truly, this is one of the slanders of the father of lies, that he sometimes says a bad word in the ear of the soul and tries to attribute this crime to her.

    This is one of the errors of mental warfare. It is not necessary to become timid, because this would be harmful in repelling an attack.

    It is necessary to hastily and firmly take up the weapons of prayer and the word of God. For example: get away from me, Satan. Or: let their sword enter into their hearts (see: Matt. 4:10; Ps. 36:15). One should cry out to God: Save me, O God, as you bring water to my soul(Ps. 62:8).

    Those who go inward meet this battle, but those who strive unremittingly so deepen inward and draw near to the light of God that the arrows of darkness do not reach them. Access to the enemy is given either by those who consider themselves to be something, or condemn others, And so on. His own impure thought becomes the path along which he comes and sows his hellish weeds. Humility, condemnation of oneself and sincere repentance crush the bridge of the enemy, and he falls into the abyss.…»

    FROMhierarch Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894): “Here is what you should do when the internal, unkind movements that confuse you come: immediately descend with attention to your heart and stand there, repelling the attacking evil movements and by exertion of will, and more so by prayer to the Lord. That there are attacks, there is no fault in this; but when you don't push them away and take care of them and allow sympathy, then it's your fault.The heart becomes impure from this and loses boldness before the Lord. watch your heart».

    writes about spiritual warfare (from letters to spiritual children):

    “This world is subject to the devil. Here he finds his tools, with which he persecutes and persecutes the disciple of Christ, wishing to destroy him. But the Lord conquered the world, conquered the devil. By force, against the will of man, the devil cannot harm anyone. Only he falls under the power of the devil, who himself consciously gives him a hand. And whoever resists him, who calls on the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, he is safe, the temptations of demons can even benefit him, or rather, they benefit him.

    You need to use your falls and your dilapidation as a means to acquire humility. A person who has acquired humility has a special inner state in which all the attacks of the devil are repelled. Man no longer trusts in himself, but in the Lord. And the Lord is omnipotent and defeated the devil and defeats him in our soul, when we fight not with our strength, but by invoking the Lord and surrendering ourselves to His will ...

    There is an "senile" expression: every good deed is either preceded or followed by temptation. And such good deeds as prayer from the heart, and especially communion, cannot remain without the revenge of the devil. He uses all his strength to prevent him from praying properly and from taking communion. And if he could not do this, then he tries to play dirty tricks so that there is no trace left of the benefits received. This is very well known to everyone involved in the spiritual life. That is why it is necessary, with humility and contrition of heart, if possible, to ask the Lord to protect from the wiles of the enemy, acting either directly on the soul, or through people subject to him.

    Don't be surprised by this. This scolding is cruel, and unless the Lord builds the house, the builders toil in vain, and unless the Lord preserves the city, in vain there are strenuous. We must surrender ourselves into the merciful hands of God, recognizing before Him our weakness and powerlessness to protect ourselves from enemies visible and invisible ...

    The enemy will not leave anyone who wants salvation alone and, therefore, the fight against him to death will not stop. No one can overcome him with his strength. Destroy the work of the devil and the Lord came to earth. He fights against the devil and sin with those who always call on Him for help. A person must also resist sin and the devil with all his strength, using as a weapon the means indicated by the Lord, the Apostles and the Holy Fathers. For the Orthodox, the weapons against the devil are: fasting, prayer, sobriety, humility. Without humility, no means will help, and the Lord does not help the presumptuous and proud, and he will inevitably fall into various networks of the enemy.

    Whoever wants to overcome the enemy, to get rid of passions, and does not fight him with the given weapon, he, obviously, will not win. The more humble and humble a person is, the sooner he will get rid of the enemy. To this it must be added that rancor destroys the power of prayer, for the Lord does not accept prayers from a person who is at enmity with his neighbors or has rancor, and sends him first to be reconciled. And without a prayer accepted by God, a person will be alone, and, consequently, the enemy will completely overcome him.. Yes, and the one who fights correctly does not immediately overcome the enemy. This takes time and patience. Fight right, try to be at peace with everyone, accustom yourself to sobriety and unceasing prayer. Humble yourself before God and people, then you will depose the giants one by one and be freed from the captivity of sin.

    Endure all reproaches and slander and slander, right and wrong, for they are useful, cleanse the soul from sins and contribute to the growth of humility, if you do not object. Talk like a robber “Worthy according to our deeds is acceptable, remember me, Lord, in Your kingdom.”

    “We notice in ourselves the struggle of faith with unbelief, good forces with evil, and in the light - the spirit of churchness with the spirit of the world.. There, in spirit, you clearly distinguish two opposite sides: the side of light and the side of darkness, good and evil, churchness, religiosity and secularism, unbelief. Do you know why this is? - from the struggle of two opposing forces: the power of God and the power of the devil.The Lord works in sons who are obedient to Himself, but the devil works in sons of disobediencethe spirit which is now working in the sons of disobedience(Eph. 2, 2). And I often feel in myself the struggle of two opposing forces. When I begin to pray, sometimes an evil force presses painfully and submerges my heart so that it cannot ascend to God.

    The more true and stronger the means that unites us with God (prayer and repentance), the more destructive actions are directed against it by the enemy of God and ours, who uses everything for this: our body disposed to laziness, and the weakness of the soul, its attachment to earthly goods. and worries, doubt so close to everyone, lack of faith, unbelief, filthy, crafty and blasphemous thoughts, heaviness of the heart, clouding of thought - by the action of the enemy, everything happens to those who are inattentive to stumble in prayer, on this ladder that leads us to God. That is why there are very few sincere, zealous prayer books; that is why they very rarely fast - Christians repent and take communion ...

    Satan often enters through the unworthy communion of the Holy Mysteries, and he tries in every possible way to plant his lie, that is, unbelief, in our hearts, because unbelief is the same as a lie. A murderer from time immemorial, he is trying in every possible way even now to kill a person with his lies and various thoughts, and, having crept into the heart in the form of unbelief or some kind of passion, then he shows himself worthy of himself, more - impatience and malice. And you see that it is in you, but not suddenly, you will often get rid of it, because you usually try to block in your heart all the ways to get out of it with unbelief, bitterness and other generations of yours.

    The thought of self-praise has come, of self-gratification - say: "All good in me is done by the grace of God." If the thought of humiliation by any member of your neighbor or yours comes, say: “The whole person is a wonderful work of God's hands; everything in it is well arranged. Pride is a demon; malice is the same demon; envy is the same demon; prodigal abomination - the same demon; violent blasphemy is the same demon; forced conceit in truth is a demon; despondency is a demon; various passions, but one Satan acts in all, and together the barking of Satan in various ways, and a person is one, one spirit, with Satan. Subjected to the vicious and furious violence of various passions and the gnaw of the devil when performing various deeds of God, accept these sufferings for the name of Christ and rejoice in your sufferings, giving thanks to God, for the devil is preparing for you, without knowing it, the most brilliant crowns from the Lord.

    Resist the devil urgently. The day is a symbol of the transience of earthly life.

    Morning comes, then afternoon, then evening, and with the onset of night and the whole day has passed. So and life will pass. First, infancy, like early morning, then adolescence and courage, like full dawn and noon, and then old age, like evening, God willing, and then inevitable death.

    The enemy is only trying to extinguish faith in the heart and bring into oblivion all the truths of Christianity. That is why we see people who are Christians by name only, but by their deeds they are perfect pagans.

    Two forces, completely opposite to each other, influence me: a good force and an evil force, a vital force and a deadly force. As spirit forces, they are both invisible. The good power, through my free and sincere prayer, always drives away the evil power, and the evil power is strong only by the evil that is hidden in me. In order not to endure the continuous throbbing of the evil spirit, one must constantly have the Jesus prayer in one's heart: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me. Against the invisible (devil) - the invisible God, against the strong - the Strongest.

    The devil as a spirit, as a simple being, can stumble and hurt the soul with one instant movement of an evil thought, doubt, blasphemy, impatience, irritation, anger, an instant movement of the heart’s passion for something earthly, a movement of contemplating fornication and other passions, can inflate the spark of sin, with his characteristic cunning and malice, into a flame raging with hellish power in the insides of a person. We must hold on and with all our might strengthen ourselves in the truth of God, rejecting the lies of dreams and malice at their very beginning. Here the whole person should be attentive, the whole eye, the whole adamant, indestructible in all its parts, solid and invulnerable. O! Glory, glory to Your victory, Lord! So let me conquer in the power of Your fortress the enemies invisible and visible, all the days of my stomach, until my last breath. Amen".

    Saint Silouan of Athos (1866-1938) about spiritual warfare writes: “All who have followed our Lord Jesus Christ are waging spiritual warfare. This war the saints learned by long experience from the grace of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit instructed them and admonished them, and gave them the strength to defeat their enemies, and without the Holy Spirit the soul cannot even start this war, because it does not know and does not understand who and where its enemies are.

    Blessed are we, Orthodox Christians, because we live under the grace of God. It is easy for us to fight: the Lord took pity on us and gave us the Holy Spirit Who lives in our Church. We only have the sorrow that people do not know God and how much He loves us. This love is heard in the soul of the one who prays, and the Spirit of God bears witness to the soul's salvation.

    Our battle goes on every day and hour.

    If he reproached his brother, or condemned, or saddened him, then he lost his world. If he was conceited or exalted over his brother, then he lost grace. If a lustful thought comes, and you do not immediately drive it away, then your soul will lose the love of God and boldness in prayer. If you love power or money, you will never know the love of God. If you have fulfilled your will, then you are defeated by the enemy, and despondency will come into your soul.

    If you hate your brother, then you have fallen away from God, and an evil spirit has taken possession of you.

    If you do good to your brother, you will find peace of conscience.

    If you cut off your will, you will drive away your enemies and you will receive peace in your soul.

    If you forgive your brother offenses and love your enemies, then you will receive the forgiveness of your sins, and the Lord will let you know the love of the Holy Spirit.

    And when you completely humble yourself, then you will find perfect rest in God.

    One unskillful monk suffered from demons, and when they attacked him, he ran away from them, and they chased him.

    If this happens to you, then do not be afraid and do not run, but become courageous, humble yourself and say: “Lord, have mercy on me, a great sinner,” and the demons will disappear; and if you run cowardly, they will drive you into the abyss. Remember that in the hour when demons attack you, the Lord also looks at you, how do you trust in Him?

    If you clearly see Satan, and he will scorch you with his fire and wants to capture your mind, then again do not be afraid, but firmly trust in the Lord and say: “I am worse than everyone,” and the enemy will depart from you.

    If you feel that an evil spirit is working within you, then do not be shy, but confess purely and diligently ask the Lord for a humble spirit, and the Lord will certainly give, and then, as you humble yourself, you will feel grace in yourself, and when you completely humble yourself your soul, then you will find perfect rest.

    And a man wages such a war all his life.

    The soul that has known the Lord by the Holy Spirit, if after that it falls into delusion, is not afraid, but, remembering the love of God and knowing that fighting with enemies is allowed for vanity and pride, humbles itself and asks the Lord for healing and the Lord heals the soul, sometimes soon, and sometimes slowly, little by little. The obedient one who believes in the confessor and does not believe in himself will soon be healed of all the harm inflicted on him by his enemies, but the disobedient one will not be corrected.

    War in the soul with the enemy to the grave. And if in an ordinary war only the body is killed, then our war is more difficult and more dangerous, because the soul can also die.

    For my pride, the Lord allowed the enemy to make war twice with my soul so that my soul stood in hell, and I can say that if the soul is courageous, it will stand, and if not, it can perish forever. To all who, like me, will be in such trouble, I write: stand courageously and firmly hope in God, and the enemies will not stand, for the Lord has defeated them. By the grace of God I know that The Lord mercifully takes care of us, and not a single prayer, not a single good thought will be lost before God.”

    Venerable Elder Parthenius (Krasnopevtsev) (1790-1855):“The enemy is vigilantly fighting us. First, he fights us from the side, that is, he tempts us with our own passions and lusts; and when he does not have time to overcome the shuia, he fights us with the gum,that is, in our most good deeds he sets up snares for us to fall.

    The closer you get to God, the stronger the enemy will grab you. Because If you begin to work for the Lord, prepare your soul for temptation.

    The enemy sows his tares in all our good things.

    Elder John (Alekseev) (1873-1958) in one of his letters he writes: “You still have not learned how to fight the enemy of the human race. He came to you with his cunning machinations, and you almost fall into despair. Calm down and don't be embarrassed; it is the enemy that inflicts on you memories of past errors; you don’t have to accept them, just don’t pay attention, this is what St. Mark the ascetic writes: “Former sins, being remembered in appearance, harm the trustworthy. For if they bring sadness with them, they remove them from hope, and if they present themselves without sadness, they put the former filth inside.

    When the enemy brings in thoughts of self-praise, then one only needs to remember past sins in order to humble oneself. As it is said in the Fatherland: one ascetic, when the enemy begins to fight him with thoughts of self-praise, then he says to himself: “Old man! Look at your fornication." And in your previous encroachments, God will forgive you, child, be calm.

    Elder Michael (Pitkevich) (1877-1962):“When the enemy annoys, wants to irritate, anger, steal the peace of the heart with trifles, annoyances, just say:“Christ is Risen. Christ is Risen. Christ is Risen".He fears these words the most, they burn him like fire, and he will run away from you.

    Sorrow from demons cannot be avoided: if they themselves cannot, they send people for that. Here one must always be in suspense, in attention to those who follow the path of self-reproach and repentance. Even if there is a lot of suffering, the Lord will help to endure, seeing his firm faith, determination and humility.

    Elder Schemagumen Savva (1898-1980):“After the received spiritual joy and warmth of the heart, one must be ready for some kind of enemy temptation.

    The Lord sends such sweet moments of heartfelt impulse to Him, so that by such consolation, by the sweetness of communion with God, to keep the soul of a person with Himself. At the moment of temptation, we must make every effort and ask the Lord for help in order to overcome sin, to abandon it, to show that we really love the Lord, not in words, but in deeds. And for the victory over sin, the Lord sends such mercies! The fight against sin is imputed to martyrdom. If you want to work for the Lord, then get ready for trials, for the dark force will seek to upset your good beginning. Do not succumb to it - and the grace of God will help you conquer everything.

    Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow (1881-1952), healing the sick, she demanded from them faith in God and the correction of a sinful life. So, she asks one visitor if she believes that the Lord is able to heal her. The other, who fell ill with epilepsy, orders not to miss a single Sunday service, at each to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. She blesses those living in a civil marriage to be sure to get married in the Church, everyone is required to wear a pectoral cross.

    She emphasized that it was not herself who helped, but God through her prayers: “What, Matronushka is God, or what? God help!”.

    ... Often Matrona put her hands on her head and said: “Oh, oh, now I’ll cut your wings, fight, fight bye!” "Who are you?" - he will ask, and in a person he will suddenly buzz. Mother will say again: “Who are you?” - and buzz even more, and then she will pray and say: “Well, the mosquito fought, now that’s enough!” And the man leaves healed.

    The help that Matrona gave to the sick, not only had nothing to do with conspiracies, divination, the so-called folk healing, extrasensory perception, magic and other witchcraft actions, during which the “healer” enters into a relationship with dark power, but had a fundamentally different, Christian nature. That is why the righteous Matrona was so hated by sorcerers and various occultists, as evidenced by people who knew her closely during the Moscow period of her life. First of all, Matrona prayed for people. Being a servant of God, richly endowed from above with spiritual gifts, she asked the Lord for miraculous help to those who were ill. The history of the Orthodox Church knows many examples when not only clergy or ascetic monks, but also the righteous who lived in the world healed those in need of help with prayer.

    The matron read a prayer over the water and gave it to those who came to her. Those who drank water and sprinkled it got rid of various misfortunes. The content of these prayers is unknown, but, of course, there could be no question of the consecration of water according to the order established by the Church, to which only clergy have a canonical right. But it is also known that not only holy water has beneficial healing properties, but also the water of some reservoirs, springs, wells, marked by the presence and prayer life near them of holy people, the appearance of miraculous icons.

    Matronushka did not allow to attach importance to dreams: "Do not pay attention to them, dreams come from the evil one - upset a person, entangle them with thoughts."

    Here are her words: "The world lies in evil and charm, and charm - the seduction of souls - will be obvious, beware."

    Matronushka said: “The enemy is approaching - you must definitely pray. Sudden death happens if you live without prayer. The enemy sits on our left shoulder, and an angel sits on our right, and everyone has their own book: our sins are written in one, good deeds in the other. Get baptized more often! The cross is the same lock as on the door. She instructed not to forget to baptize food. “By the power of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, save yourself and defend yourself!”

    About sorcerers, mother said: “For someone who has voluntarily entered into an alliance with the power of evil, engaged in sorcery, there is no way out. You can’t turn to grandmothers, they will cure one thing, but hurt the soul. ”

    Matushka often told her relatives that she was fighting with sorcerers, with evil power, invisibly fighting with them. Once a handsome old man came to her, with a beard, sedate, fell on his knees in front of her in tears and said: "My only son is dying." And mother leaned over to him and quietly asked: “And what did you do to him? To death or not? He replied: "To death." And mother says: "Go, go away from me, there is no need for you to come to me." After he left, she said: “Sorcerers know God! If only you would pray as they do when they beg forgiveness from God for their evil!”

    The mass falling away of people from the Church, militant theomachism, the growth of alienation and malice between people, the rejection of the traditional faith by millions and the sinful life without repentance have led many to grave spiritual consequences. Matrona understood and felt this well.

    During the days of demonstrations, mother asked everyone not to go out, to close windows, vents, doors - hordes of demons occupy all the space, all the air and cover all people.

    Z. V. Zhdanova asked mother: “How did the Lord allow so many temples to be closed and destroyed?” (She meant the years after the revolution). And mother answered: “It is the will of God, the number of churches has been reduced because there will be few believers and there will be no one to serve.” Why isn't anyone fighting? She: “The people under hypnosis, not their own, a terrible force came into action ... This force exists in the air, penetrates everywhere. Previously, swamps and dense forests were the habitat of this force, because people went to temples, wore a cross, and houses were protected by images, lamps and consecration. Demons flew past such houses, and now people are inhabited by demons due to their unbelief and rejection of God.

    The Matrona of Moscow taught to surrender oneself to the will of God. Live with prayer. Often impose the sign of the cross on yourself and surrounding objects, thereby protecting yourself from evil forces. She advised me to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ more often. "Protect yourself with the cross, prayer, holy water, frequent communion ... Let lamps burn before the icons."

    Blessed Matrona was an orthodox person in the deep, traditional sense of the word. Compassion for people, coming from the fullness of a loving heart, prayer, the sign of the cross, fidelity to the holy statutes of the Orthodox Church - that was the focus of her intense spiritual life. The nature of her feat is rooted in the centuries-old traditions of folk piety. Therefore, the help that people receive when they turn to the righteous in prayer brings spiritual fruits: people are affirmed in the Orthodox faith, become churched externally and internally, and join the daily life of prayer.

    Matrona is known by tens of thousands Orthodox people. "Matronushka" is the affectionate name given to her by many. She, just as during her earthly life, helps people. This is felt by all those who, with faith and love, ask her for intercession and intercession before the Lord, to whom the blessed old woman has great boldness ...

    Elder Paisius Svyatogorets (1924-1994) spoke: " When turning to God, a person receives from Him the strength, enlightenment and comfort necessary at the beginning of the path.But as soon as a person begins a spiritual struggle, the enemy raises a cruel battle against him. That's when you need to show a little bit of endurance. Otherwise, how will passions be eradicated? How will the old man be put off? How will pride go? And so a person understands that he, on his own, cannot do anything. He humbly asks for the mercy of God, and humility comes to him. The same thing happens when a person wants to get away from a bad habit - for example, from smoking, drugs, drunkenness. At first, he feels joy and quits this habit. Then he sees that others smoke, do drugs, drink, and endure strong language. If a person overcomes this battle, then later it will not be difficult for him to give up this passion, to turn his back on it. We need to get back a little and work hard, fight. Tangalashka does her job - so why don't we do ours?

    … Good God created angels. However, out of pride, some of them fell and became demons. God created a perfect creation - man - in order for him to replace the fallen angelic rank. Therefore, the devil is very jealous of man - the creation of God. Demons bawl: "We committed one offense, and You tyrannize us, and people who have so many faults on their account - You forgive." Yes, it forgives, but people repent, and the former angels fell so low that they became demons, and instead of repenting, they become more and more crafty, more and more evil. With fury they rushed to the destruction of the creatures of God. Dennitsa was the brightest angelic rank! And what did he come to… Out of pride, the demons moved away from God thousands of years ago, and out of pride they continue to move away from Him and remain impenitent. If they only said one thing: "Lord have mercy", then God would come up with something (for their salvation). If only they would say "sinned" but they don't say that. Having said "sinned" the devil would become an angel again. The love of God is boundless. But the devil has a stubborn will, stubbornness, selfishness. He doesn't want to give in, he doesn't want to be saved. This is scary. After all, he was once an angel!

    ... He (all) is fire and fury, because he does not want others to become angels, those who take his former place. And the longer it goes on, the worse it gets. It develops in malice and envy. Oh, that a person would feel the state in which the devil is! He would cry day and night. Even when some kind person changes for the worse, becomes a criminal, he is very sorry. And what to say if you see the fall of an angel!

    …God is ready to accept demons, if only they would repent. But they do not want their own salvation. Look - the fall of Adam was healed by the coming of God to earth, the Incarnation. But the fall of the devil cannot be cured by anything other than his own humility. The devil is not corrected because he does not want it himself. Do you know how glad Christ would be if the devil wanted to correct himself! And a person is not corrected only if he does not want it himself.

    - Geronda, so what - the devil knows that God is Love, knows that He loves him, and, despite this, continues his own?

    How does he not know? But will his pride allow him to humble himself? And besides that, he is also cunning. Now he is trying to acquire the whole world. “If I have more followers,” he says, “then, eventually, God will be forced to spare all His creatures, and I will be included in this plan too!” So he thinks. Therefore, he wants to win over as many people as possible to his side. See where he's headed? “On my side,” he says, “there are so many people! God will be forced to show mercy to me too!” He wants to be saved without repentance!

    The devil, who is at the head of egoism, does not say, have sinned”, but endlessly struggling to win over as many people as possible to its side ...

    - Geronda, why is the devil called the "world ruler"? Is he really rules the world?

    “That was still not enough for the devil to rule the world!” Talking about the devil prince of this world"(John 16:11), Christ did not mean that he was a ruler of the world, but that he ruled with vanity, with lies. Is it possible! Would God allow the devil to rule the world? However, those whose hearts are given to the vain, worldly, live under the power of "ruler of this world"(Eph. 6:12). That is the devil rules over vanity and those who are enslaved to vanity, the world. What does the word "peace" mean? Ornaments, vain trinkets, isn't it? So, under the power of the devil is the one who is enslaved by vanity. The heart, captivated by the vain world, keeps the soul in a state of non-developing, and the mind in darkness. And then a person only seems to be a person, in fact he is a spiritual imbecile.

    The greatest enemy of our soul, an enemy greater than even the devil, is the worldly spirit. He sweetly draws us in and leaves us bitterly forever. Whereas if they saw the devil himself, then we would be seized with horror, we would be forced to resort to God and without a doubt go to paradise. In our era, much worldly things have entered the world, much of the spirit of this world. This "worldly" destroys the world. Having taken this world into themselves (becoming “worldly” from within), people expelled Christ from themselves.

    ... The devil has gone wild, because today's people have given him many rights. People are exposed to terrible demonic influences. One person explained it very correctly. “Earlier,” he says, “the devil dealt with people, but now he doesn’t deal with them. He leads them to (his) path and admonishes: “Well, no fluff, no feather!” And people wander along this road themselves. This is scary.

    “Some people say there is no devil.

    - Yes, one person also advised me to remove from the French translation of the book "Reverend Arsenius of Cappadocia" those places that speak of demoniacs. “Europeans,” he says, “will not understand this. They do not believe that the devil exists. You see how: they explain everything in psychology. If gospel demoniacs fell into the hands of psychiatrists, they would subject them to electric shock treatment! Christ deprived the devil of the right to do evil. He can do evil only if the person himself gives him the right to do so. By not participating in the Sacraments of the Church, a person gives these rights to the evil one and becomes vulnerable to demonic influence.

    How else can a person give the devil such rights?

    - Logic, contradiction, stubbornness, self-will, disobedience, shamelessness - all this distinctive features devil. A person becomes vulnerable to demonic influence to the extent that he has in himself the properties listed above. However, when a person's soul is cleansed, the Holy Spirit instills in him, and the person is filled with Grace. If a person stains himself with mortal sins, an unclean spirit enters into him. If the sins with which a person has soiled himself are not mortal, then he is under the influence of an evil spirit from outside.

    Unfortunately, in our era, people do not want to cut off their passions, their own self-will. They do not take advice from others. After that, they begin to speak with shamelessness and drive away the Grace of God from themselves. And then man, no matter where you step, cannot succeed because he has become vulnerable to demonic influences. A person is no longer in himself, because from the outside he is commanded by the devil. The devil is not inside him - God forbid! But even from the outside, he can command a person.

    A person abandoned by Grace becomes worse than the devil. Because the devil does not do everything himself, but incites people to evil. For example, he does not commit crimes, but incites people to do so. And that makes people crazy...

    ... In the event that the devil has acquired great rights over a person, has prevailed over him, the reason for what happened must be found so that the devil is deprived of these rights. Otherwise, no matter how much others pray for this person, the enemy does not leave. He hurts a person. his priests they scold and scold, and in the end, the unfortunate becomes even worse, because the devil torments him more than before. A person must repent, confess, deprive the devil of the rights that he himself gave him. Only the field of this devil leaves, otherwise the person will be tormented. Yes, even for a whole day, even for two days, reprimand him, even for weeks, months and years - the devil has rights over the unfortunate and does not leave.

    ... A person is enslaved by passions, giving the devil rights over himself. ...Usually we humans through inattention or proud thoughts, we ourselves allow the enemy to do us harm. If a person deviates from the commandments of God, then passions struggle with him. And if a person left passion to fight him, then the devil is not needed for this. After all, demons also have a “specialization”. They tap a person, find out where he "hurts", seek to reveal his weakness and, thus, overcome him. We must be attentive, close windows and doors - that is, our feelings. It is necessary not to leave open cracks for the evil one, not to let him crawl through them inside. These cracks and holes are our weak spots. If you leave the enemy even a small crack, then he can squeeze in and harm you. The devil enters a person who has dirt in his heart. The devil does not approach the pure creation of God. If a person's heart is cleansed of dirt, then the enemy flees and Christ comes again. Just as a pig, finding no dirt, grunts and leaves, so the devil does not approach a heart that has no uncleanness. And what did he forget in a pure and humble heart? So, if we see that our house - the heart - has become an enemy dwelling - a hut on chicken legs, then we must immediately destroy it so that the tangalashka (tempter demon) - our evil tenant - leaves. After all, if sin lives in a person for a long time, then, naturally, the devil acquires greater rights over this person.

    ... Once the witchcraft worked, it means that the person gave the devil rights over himself. That is, he gave the devil some serious reason and then did not put himself in order with the help of repentance and confession. If a person confesses, then damage - even if it is raked under him with a shovel - does not harm him. This happens because when a person confesses and has a pure heart, sorcerers cannot "work together" with the devil in order to harm this person.

    One man told me that his wife is possessed by an unclean spirit, she makes terrible scandals at home, jumps up at night, wakes up the whole family and turns everything upside down. "Are you confessing?" I asked him. "No," he answered me. “It must be,” I told him, “you have given the devil rights over you. These things don't happen out of the blue." This man began to tell me about himself, and finally we found the reason for what was happening with his wife. It turns out that he visited one Khoja, who "for luck" gave him some water to sprinkle his house. This man did not attach any importance to this demonic sprinkling. And then the devil went wild in his house in earnest.

    How can witchcraft be destroyed?

    You can get rid of witchcraft with the help of repentance and confession. Because first of all, the reason why witchcraft affected a person must be found. He must admit his sin, repent and confess. How many people, tormented by the corruption brought upon them, come to me in Kaliva and ask: “Pray for me so that I can be freed from this torment!” They ask for my help, but at the same time they do not look into themselves, they do not try to understand how the evil that is happening to them began, in order to eliminate this cause. That is, these people must understand what was their fault and why witchcraft had power over them. They must repent and confess in order for their torment to end.

    — Geronda, what if the person who has been corrupted reaches such a state that he can no longer help himself? That is, if he can no longer go to confession, talk with a priest? Can others help him?

    - His relatives can invite a priest to the house to perform the Sacrament of Unction over the unfortunate person or serve a prayer service for the blessing of water. A person in such a state should be given holy water to drink so that the evil recedes at least a little and Christ enters at least a little…”

    About the impotence of demons

    Holy Saint Anthony the Great (251-356) there was a vision in which Jesus Christ Himself spoke of the impotence of demons to do anything against the will of the person himself. Here is how St. Anthony (from the life of the saint):

    “I prayed to God to show me what kind of cover surrounds and protects the monk? And I saw a monk surrounded by fiery lamps, and many angels guarded him like the apple of their eye, shielding him with their swords. Then I sighed and said, “This is what a monk has been given! And in spite of this, however, the devil overcomes him and he falls. And a voice came to me from the merciful Lord and said: “The devil cannot depose anyone; he no longer has any power after I, having assumed human nature, crushed his power. But a person falls from himself when he indulges in negligence and indulges his lusts and passions. I asked: “Is every monk given such a cover?” And I was shown many monks protected by such protection. Then I called out: “Blessed is the human race, and especially the host of monks, which has a Lord so merciful and philanthropic!”

    Holy Apostle Hermas asked the Angel of the Lord who appeared to him: “Who does not ask God for strength to fulfill His holy commandments? But the enemy is strong: he tempts the servants of God and keeps them in his power.

    No, the angel answered me, the enemy has no power over the servants of God. Those who believe in God with all their heart, he can tempt, but not rule over them. Resist him with courage and he will flee from you.”

    Rev. Ambrose of Optina (1812-1891) in one of his letters about the impotence of demons he writes: Be of good cheer and let your heart be strong(Ps. 26:14). In the midst of the annoying and sometimes frightening temptations of the enemy, console yourself with the Apostolic words:God is faithful, Who will not leave you, be tempted more than you can, but with temptation He will create an abundance(1 Cor. 10:13), and repeat this word often to strengthen yourself. Also despise the vain but evil suggestions of the enemy who threatens you with death. His very threats show you the hope that he cannot do anything to you, covered by the grace of God.If he could do anything, he wouldn't threaten.The angel of repentance said to Saint Hermas that the enemy the devil is completely powerless and cannot do anything to a person unless this person voluntarily agrees first to some kind of sin . Therefore, when the enemy bothers you with cold and bad thoughts, resort to the Lord…”

    “The temptations of the devil are like cobwebs; that it is only worth blowing on it - and it is destroyed; something like that against the enemy-devil, just protect yourself sign of the cross- and all his machinations disappear completely", - said the holy elder Seraphim of Sarov (1759-1833).

    And he also taught: No need to give in to fear which the devil leads on young men, and then it is necessary to be especially vigilant in spirit and, casting aside cowardice, remember that although we are sinners, we are all under the grace of our Redeemer, without whose will not a single hair will fall from our head».

    Reverend Elder Lev of Optina (1768-1841) writes: “You ask for guidance on how to get rid of the thoughts that find you, the charms and deceit of demons. Truly great is the battle of the devil: he has strong bows, fiery arrows, many different nets, innumerable tricks and weapons, through which he seeks in every possible way to harm the human soul, but you want to completely and soon join the army of the King of Heaven, do not be afraid of the enemy who opposes everything good . ... But when we follow the path of virtue, God Himself accompanies us, promising to establish us in the exploits of virtue until the end of time:and behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the age ...(Matthew 28:20). So you, not at all afraid of enemy attacks, “take up the shield of faith, in it you will be able to extinguish all the arrows of the evil one, kindled, and take up the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

    From letters Saint Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894): “Now have you understood what the intrigues of the enemy are?!They have nothing to fear. They don't have any power. Muddy, excite, but do not define.Our business, as soon as we notice it, is to immediately beat them off;they will come again - again beat them off and under no circumstances agree to them.Watch yourself and learn how to deal with them. You are doing good by throwing yourself on your knees with a prayer when attacked. Get used to the Jesus Prayer, it alone can disperse all the hordes of the enemy!”

    Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt (1829-1908):“When on the way to God you encounter obstacles set up by the devil: doubt and unbelief of the heart, also heartfelt malice, sometimes towards persons who deserve unconditional respect and love, as well as other passions, do not be indignant at them, butknow that they are the smoke and stench of the enemy, who will pass from the single mania of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    In vain do you work in me, fallen archangel. I am a servant of my Lord Jesus Christ. You, exalted pride, humiliate yourself, so strenuously fighting with me weak. Repent better"- so mentally speak to the evil spirit, which lies a heavy burden on your heart and forces you to evil of various kinds. These words are like a fiery scourge to a proud spirit, and he, put to shame by your firmness and spiritual wisdom, will flee from you. You will see it yourself, touch it and be surprised at the wonderful change in yourself. There will be no heavy, murderous burden for the soul in the heart; them."

    Hegumen Nikon (Vorobiev) (1894-1963): "…Do not be afraid. The devil does not do what he would like, but only what the Lord allows him ... "

    Elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer (1924-1994) says that we ourselves, with our sins, give the devil rights over ourselves: « The black forces of darkness are powerless. People themselves, moving away from God, make them strong, because, moving away from God, people give the devil rights over themselves.

    Distinguish between the Spirit of God and the evil spirit

    Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt (1829-1908):“From the action in our heart of two opposite forces, of which one strongly opposes the other and forcibly, treacherously invades our heart, always killing it, while the other is chastely offended by every impurity and quietly moves away from the slightest impurity of the heart (and when it acts in us, then dies, delights, enlivens and gladdens our hearts), that is, two personal opposing forces — it is easy to see that there is undoubtedly both the devil, as the eternal murderer of men (John 8, 44), and Christ, as the eternal Giver of Life and Savior.

    Distinguish within yourself the life-giving Spirit and the deadening spirit that kills your soul. When there are good thoughts in your soul, it’s good for you, it’s easy; when there is peace and joy in the heart, then the good spirit, the Holy Spirit, is in you; and when you have unkind thoughts or unkind heart movements, then it’s bad, hard; when you are inwardly confused, then there is an evil spirit in you, an evil spirit. When there is an evil spirit in us, then, in the midst of heartache and confusion, we usually feel the difficulty of reaching the Lord with our hearts, because an evil spirit binds the soul and does not allow it to ascend to God. The evil spirit is the spirit of doubt, unbelief, passions, tightness, sorrow, confusion; and the good spirit is the spirit of undoubted faith, the spirit of virtues, the spirit of spiritual freedom and breadth, the spirit of peace and joy. By these signs, know when the Spirit of God is in you and when the spirit is evil, and as often as possible rise with a grateful heart to the All-Holy Spirit, who gives life and sanctification to you, and with all your might, flee doubts, unbelief and passions with which the spiritual spirit creeps into our soul. the serpent is a thief and the killer of our souls.

    You will not experience the actions of the evil wiles of the evil spirit on yourself - you will not recognize and honor, as you should, the benefits bestowed on you by the Good Spirit; If you do not recognize the Spirit that kills, you will not recognize the Life-Giving Spirit. Only because of the direct opposites: good and evil, life and death, do we clearly recognize one and the other; without being exposed to the troubles and dangers of bodily or spiritual death, you will not heartily recognize the Savior, the Giver of Life, delivering from these troubles and from spiritual death ...

    It is pleasing to God that a person notices His actions in the heart, because He is light and Truth, while the devil fears this in every possible way, because he is darkness, a lie; but darkness does not come to light, lest its works be revealed. The devil is only strong through darkness, through deceit and lies: expose his lie, bring it to light - and everything will disappear.. He deceives a person into all passions, through deception he puts people to sleep and does not allow them to see things in their true form. The devil's veil lies on very many things.

    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk:“Let us be here with Christ, and in the age to come we will be with Him”

    “Every person is either with Christ or with His adversary the devil at the same time. What and whose spirit a person has, with that he is at the same time; with whom he has unanimity, harmony and peace, with that and at the same time. Who truly and sincerely believes in Christ the Son of God ... and sincerely strives for Him, in need ... resorts to Him with prayer, and recognizes and has His protector and helper in everything; He loves him alone, and every man, according to His word; fights against every sin...; he thinks about the heavenly, and not about the earthly; He thanks God for everything, and does His holy will; leaves insults to his neighbor and does not take revenge on him; he sympathizes with the heart of the distressed and suffering; ... and the cross, sent to him by the Heavenly Father, meekly bears ... - he is truly one with Christ at the same time, has unanimity, agreement and peace with Him. He who unites with the Lord is one spirit with the Lord(1 Cor. 6:17). Who loves me - says the Lord, he keeps my word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. You are My friends if you do what I command you(John 14, 23; 15, 14)…

    Let us be so here with Christ — and in the age to come we will be with Him

    But let's see what kind of saving Christians ... broke this union and fell into their former disaster. The Lord says: (Matthew 12:30). This word is terrible, but true. The devil is the master and inventor of sin...

    Christians who all perniciously obey his advice and agree with him, and deviate from following him, are at one with him, although they do not understand it, for he darkens their mind and eyes of the heart and deafens their spiritual ears so that they no longer heed the word of God. and did not see their calamity and destruction ...

    He who lives in pride and splendor is at one with the devil, for the devil is a proud spirit.

    Those who hope for themselves and their strength are at one with the devil, for the devil hopes for himself, his strength and cunning.

    The fornicator, the adulterer, and the one who loves uncleanness are at one with the devil, for the devil is an unclean spirit.

    Anyone who gossips, eavesdrops, slanders and does other dirty tricks and offends a person is at the same time with the devil, for the devil is an adversary and an intruder.

    The slanderer is at one with the devil, for the devil is a slanderer, and from this he has his name (the devil is a Greek word and in our language means “slanderer”).

    A slanderer, a scoffer and a slanderer are at one with the devil, for the devil is a slanderer and a scolder.

    Envious and spiteful - with the devil at the same time, for the devil is the spirit of envy and hatred ...

    The lover of power and glory is at one with the devil, for the devil always seeks glory and worship from people.

    The sorcerer and those who call him to themselves are at one with the devil, for they give themselves to him and ask him for help.

    In a word, everyone whoever lives contrary to the word of God, and does the devil's will, and sins from the will, is at one with the devil. For whoever does whose will and agrees with whom, he is at one with it.

    This is also shown by the apostolic teaching: Whoever commits sin also commits iniquity; and sin is lawlessness. And you know that He came to take away our sins, and that there is no sin in Him. Whoever abides in Him does not sin; everyone who sins has not seen Him and has not known Him. Children! Let no one deceive you. Whoever does what is right is righteous, just as He is righteous. Whoever commits sin is from the devil, because the devil sinned first. For this, the Son of God appeared, to destroy the works of the devil.Whoever is born of God commits no sin, because his seed abides in him; and he cannot sin because he is born of God. The children of God and the children of the devil are known in this way(1 John 3:4-10)…

    1. In what a poor state has man come, Man is made in the image of God and in the likeness: with the devil, the enemy of God, at the same time became. He listened to his evil advice and agreed with him, and lagged behind God, and became one with His adversary. We cannot lament enough for this. You, Lord, have truth, and we have shame on our faces(Dan. 9, 7). Lord, spare us!
    2. Every person is either with Christ or with the devil; certainly belongs either to one or the opposite part. He who is not with me is against me(Matthew 12:30). Think about it, Christian, and see which part you belong to.
    3. Christians who transgress are sinning grievously before God, and more so than pagans. For, having renounced the devil in baptism, they adhered to Christ, and again, lagging behind Christ, they turned away in the footsteps of the devil. The latter is worse for them than the former.. It would be better for them not to know the path of righteousness, than, having known it, to turn back from the holy commandment given to them(2 Pet.2, 20-21).
    4. Demon does not rise against demon and stands for each other. But poor man on similar and related man rises. Man must help man in every way, and all men must stand together against the demons and fight, and help each other and protect each other, but the opposite is done by devilish cunning. Man rebels against man, and offends, and persecutes him, which is a great delusion and a terrible clouding of the mind.
    5. These people, who rise up against people and offend and persecute them, have a devilish spirit in themselves and are possessed by the devil. Therefore, it is necessary to regret them - so that they will not be his eternal captives.
    6. True Christians follow from the devil temptation and struggle, for they oppose him, and do not deign to his evil advice, therefore he rises up against them and fights with them.
    7. The devil, what he himself cannot do to a true Christian, he does through evil people, his servants. From here we see various intrigues of evil people against a pious soul.
    8. From here, the pious should live carefully and be prudent, so as not to be caught by the devil's nets and the evil intentions of evil people, his servants. Be sober, stay awake, because your adversary, the devil walks like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour(1 Peter 5:8).
    9. Hence the pious will be persecuted. The devil, when he cannot seduce a pious soul and seduce him after himself, raises persecution against him through evil people in order to seduce her from a good path, and excommunicate her from Christ, and attract her to his part ...
    10. A Christian who has gone astray after Satan! Remember your vows given at baptism, and repent, with regret and contrition, resort to Christ, who died and suffered for you and will accept you as good and philanthropic. He is waiting for you - so you will return to Him ... There is no salvation and bliss, except for Him and without Him (see Acts 4, 12). Woe to the soul that is not with Christ! Eternal misfortune and death will befall her ... To be with Him is life, to be without Him is obvious death.
    11. When you stumble and sin in something, do not delay in your sin - so that you do not deviate to the opposite part. But immediately, admitting your sin, repent and pray to the Lord: I have sinned, Lord, have mercy on me!(Ps.40, 5), and your sin will be forgiven. But henceforth beware of sin, like a snake's sting:the sting of death is sin(1 Cor. 15:56). Beware of this sting - but you will not die.To sin is a human thing, but to be and lie in sin is a devilish thing.The devil, as he sinned, since that time has been unceasingly in sin and bitterness, and will remain in that forever. Be careful not to add sin to sin - so that you will not be with the devil.

    Compiled by L. Ochai


    Update 03/26/2019

    Much has already been said above about people's abilities for spiritual perception, and about the fact that we have an inner, spiritual ear. Christians are well aware that thoughts, just like images, come from God, the enemy, and from the person himself. Saints and ordinary Christians can hear the Voice of God and revelations from Him (theme "On the mysterious actions of God"). Here are some quotes about it:
    Theophan the Recluse (The Way to Salvation): “Those who have reached (to be the temple of the living God) are the mysteries of God, and their state is the same as the state of the Apostles, because they also know the will of God in everything, hearing, as it were, a certain voice, and they, Having perfectly united their feelings with God, they secretly learn from Him His words.
    Luke Krymsky (Spirit, soul and body): “For the holy prophets, it was also possible to directly hear the words of God and perceive them with the heart. "And he said to me: Son of man! All my words that I will speak to you, receive in your heart and hear with your ears" (Ezek. 3,10). "My heart says from Thee: Seek My face; and I will seek Thy face, O Lord" (Ps. 26:8). The prophet Jeremiah tells of his calling as a direct conversation with God. The prophet Ezekiel, describing his extraordinary vision of the glory of God, continues: "Seeing this, I fell on my face and heard the voice of the One speaking, debt consolidation pros and cons and He said: "Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak to you ". And while He was speaking to me, a spirit entered into me and set me on my feet, and I heard him speaking to me" (Ezek. 2, 2)."
    Schiigum. Savva (Experience in building a true worldview): “A soul that has been cleansed of passions and accustomed to unceasing prayer has an (inner) ear so refined that it constantly perceives the voice of God.”
    Metropolitan Trifon Turkestanov (Akathist “Glory to God for everything”, Ikos 10): “... Sharpen my hearing so that in all minutes of my life I hear Your mysterious voice and cry out to You, the omnipresent: ... Glory to You for indicating the secret voice, glory to You for the revelation in a dream and in reality ... ".
    The holy ascetics could also hear demons.
    Ephraim Sirin (Tombstone): “I once heard that death and Satan argued among themselves who, which of them has more power over a person. Death pointed to its power, with which it conquers all. Satan points to his wickedness, with which he leads everyone into sin.
    Basically, we, sinners, are constantly in our thoughts and listen to thoughts from enemies, often not even suspecting that these are thoughts from them. This is discussed in detail in the topic “On Prelest”, the chapter “The impact of the enemy on mental strength person." But there are times when a person clearly realizes that this thought and “voice” does not come from him, and it is this action that is called auditory hallucination in science.
    When considering acute auditory hallucinations, let us pay special attention to the content of the conversations of "voices". The following quote was quoted above: “The content of the hallucinations is a discussion or commentary on the behavior of the patient, reproaches for drunkenness, a discussion of his family affairs. Sometimes the voices are imperative (imperious) in nature, they threaten with reprisals, they order to give money, throw themselves under a tram, hang themselves, etc. In a number of cases, the voices argue among themselves: some accuse, others justify; some threaten, others protect; some order to commit suicide, others warn against it. Heard quarrels with defense and accusations are an image of ordeals, when demons and angels argue about the soul. This can be read in the stories of St. Theodora about ordeals.
    As for the imperative character, this is how demons always act when they want to bring the soul to suicide.
    Ignatius Brianchaninov: "Only one of the sins - suicide - is not subject to healing by repentance, but each of them mortifies the soul and makes it incapable of eternal bliss."
    Nikolai Serbsky (Symbols and Signals, ch. 12): "The feeling of extreme despair, directing a person's thoughts to suicide, is a clear signal that an evil spirit - the spirit of despondency - has taken possession of the soul of this person."
    Sometimes demons inspire a person to commit murder, while they can become visible, but often they only inspire such thoughts.
    Otechnik (Ignaty Brianchaninov): “It was said about a certain brother that he lived as a hermit in the desert and for many years was seduced by demons, thinking that they were angels. Sometimes his father according to the flesh came to him. Once a father, going to his son, took an ax with him with the intention of chopping wood for himself on the way back. One of the demons, warning the coming of the father, appeared to his son and said to him: “Behold, the devil is coming to you in the likeness of your father with the aim of killing you, he has an ax with him. You warn him, pull out the ax and kill him." The father came, according to custom, and the son, seizing an ax, stabbed him and killed him. Then the unclean spirit immediately attacked this hermit and strangled him.”
    Moral Theology (sins against the 6th commandment, sin - killing someone or only an attempt on someone's life in temporary unconsciousness): mental disorder from prolonged insomnia, loss of all consciousness while intoxicated: all this, with the special violence of the enemy, the devil, leads some to homicide, which is still distinguished by special cruelties. Suppose a person cannot be blamed for his painful and completely unconscious state in which he commits a terrible sin; for example, even in sound sleep sanity is destroyed (the sleeper is not responsible for the harm that has occurred around him); and even more so, a painful dream cannot be imputed. However, those causes are often to blame that gradually disposed a person to an unconscious state: and drunkenness in this case is not at all recognized as a cause that would destroy sanity. Yes; a person comes to a state of temporary unconsciousness more from his own sins and vices. Moreover, at this time (as in a dream), he mostly burps with what in a healthy state occupied him (for example, a devout one, and in a fever whispers more prayers, and a robber raves about murders) ... - A Christian has an angel from God - the guardian, who in the moments of his unconscious crime would not have departed from him if he had not previously removed this good spirit from himself with his ungodly deeds. - All this leads to the conclusion that in unconsciousness he committed homicide or attempted such a crime , when he comes to his memory and consciousness, he must bring deep contrition before God. - You, Christian, pray to God first that you will not be yearly free credit report in any disorder of mental abilities, and then - so that the guardian angel will not retreated from you even in moments of unconsciousness!
    Hearing the voice of the enemy is well known to those Christians who have been attacked by the enemy with blasphemous thoughts.
    John of the Ladder (Ladder, ch. 23): “Often during the Divine Liturgy, and at the most terrible hour of the celebration of the Mysteries, these vile thoughts blaspheme the Lord and the holy Sacrifice being performed. From here it is clearly revealed that these impious, incomprehensible and inexplicable words within us are not uttered by our soul, but by a God-hater demon who was cast down from heaven because he attempted to blaspheme God there too.
    (You can also read about them in the topic "About charm")
    We also note that the Fatherland contains many examples of what demons do invisibly to humans. It can be not only screams and whispers, but also other actions.
    The life of the desert fathers: “Once the demons told St. Macarius of Egypt that not a single meeting of monks can do without them. Come, look at our deeds... God forbid you, unclean demon! Macarius exclaimed. And, starting to pray, he began to ask the Lord to reveal to him whether there was any truth in the words of the devil. Coming to the celebration all-night vigil asked the Lord for the same. And now he sees ... The Ethiopians scattered around the church, jumping up to each monk, seemed to be flirting (during the reading of the psalms). Whom with two fingers close their eyes, and he began to doze; to the other they put a finger in his mouth, and he yawns ... The reading was over, and the brethren fell down to pray before God, then the image of a woman suddenly flashed before one, in general - one thing, then another ... actors in the theater, this will enter the heart of the one who prays and give rise to thoughts ... But loans el paso tx no credit check happened like this: here evil spirits ran up with some kind of deceit - suddenly they jumped headlong, as if driven by some kind of force, and did not dare neither stop nor pass by near those. But to other, weaker brethren, they jumped on the neck, and on the back: it is clear that they prayed inattentively. Seeing this, St. Macarius sighed and shed tears. After the end of the prayers, he called each brother separately, and it turned out that everyone was thinking about what the elder had seen.”

    On hypnagogic hallucinations and the teachings of the Holy Fathers on this subject

    Finishing the conversation about visual and auditory hallucinations, let's say that along with what was said above about hallucinations, there is another type of hallucination - hypnagogic. Let's briefly consider its essence.
    A textbook on psychiatry: “Hypnagogic hallucinations are visual illusions of perception that usually appear in the evening before falling asleep, with your eyes closed (their name comes from the Greek. hypnos - sleep), which makes them more related to pseudohallucinations than true hallucinations (there is no connection with the real situation) . These hallucinations can be single, multiple, scene-like, sometimes kaleidoscopic (“I have some kind of kaleidoscope in my eyes”, “I now have my own TV”). The patient sees some faces, grimacing, showing him the tongue, winking, monsters, bizarre plants. Much less often, such hallucinations can occur during another transitional state - upon awakening. Such hallucinations, also occurring with closed eyes, are called hypnopompic. Both of these types of hallucinations are often among the first harbingers of delirium tremens or some other intoxicant psychosis.
    A textbook of clinical psychology: “Hypnagogic hallucinations, which, along with hallucinations of the imagination and pseudohallucinations, are classified as incomplete, are also more common in children than true hallucinations. Hypnagogic hallucinations are predominantly visual images that spontaneously arise during falling asleep and are projected into the dark field of vision of the closed eyes or into the external unlit space with the eyes open. Their content can reproduce individual impressions and images perceived by the child during the day. Such hallucinations are often observed in healthy, especially impressionable children, children with pronounced eidetism. Pathological hypnagogic hallucinations are not associated with images of everyday experiences, are unusual, often fantastic and are accompanied by the affect of fear.
    A textbook on psychiatry: “Children and adolescents can also have pseudohallucinations, and often in the form of hypnagogic ones. The latter occur most often against the background of the disease, especially proceeding with clouding of consciousness in the form of oneiroid (schizophrenia, infections, including intracranial; intoxication). A 3-year-old girl, already put to bed, suddenly jumped up and started hitting herself with her fists on the head, crying and shouting, “These terrible guys are in my head again, I just can’t drive them away.” Pseudohallucinations in the form of hypnagogic (before going to sleep when falling asleep) can occur in children and adolescents without any psychosis, but in the presence of such features as emotional lability, impressionability, increased suggestibility.
    A textbook on neurophysiology: “During the period of falling asleep, mental activity is very diverse. Often there are so-called hypnagogic hallucinations. This type of hallucination is like a series of slides or pictures. In contrast, dreams are more like films. It is noted that hypnagogic hallucinations occur only when the dominant waking rhythm disappears from the EEG (EEG slow waves and separate flashes of the alpha rhythm).
    Because It was said above that hallucinations can occur during falling asleep or before waking up, so we consider it necessary to talk about sleep and the state of drowsiness.
    Theophan the Recluse (Inscription of Christian morality): “Dreams are spontaneous movements of the imagination in a dream of the body with a lack of self-consciousness and self-activity of the will. In the course of dreams, three degrees are distinguished: “delusion” - during drowsiness, the actual “dream”, or sleepy dreaming, during the perfect sleep of the body, and “secret sleep”, unremembered, during the dead sleep of the body. In their production, the life of the heart with images dominates. When the power of the soul over itself is lost, then the images of the imagination, as if escaping from some rivets, fill the entire region of the soul. Here, images of different times and places, present and past, good and bad, mix and match according to laws that cannot be known. The personality of the dreamer himself is lost: he is inserted into the dramas imagined by the imagination as an external person and undergoes strange transformations: now he rejoices, now he suffers, now he rises, now he is put to shame, and so on. Since the soul loses its self-activity in a dream, it is subjected to the influence of another world even more strongly than in reality, and a good one - to the influence of good, thin - evil. ... Between these dreams, three kinds are distinguished. Some are "disorderly", about which Sirach writes: "like one who hugs a shadow or chases after the wind, so he believes in dreams" (Sir. 34:2). Others are "intelligible", which in a person who is beginning to regain consciousness are invested by God or the Guardian Angel. About them, Job says that during sleep and in night visions, when sleep embraces a person, when he sleeps on a bed, God opens his ear and, having taught him, seals it in order to lead a person away from a bad deed, to remove pride from him. and to keep his soul from the grave (Job 33:15, 16, 17). Third, finally, there are special dreams of large payday loans - "Divine, prophetic." God Himself speaks of them: “If a prophet of the Lord comes to you, then I reveal myself to him in a vision, I speak to him in a dream” (Numbers 12:6). Dreams are like the heart. For the most part, they can be considered witnesses to our moral state, which is not always seen in a waking state. In a careless person, devoted to passions, they are always impure, passionate: the soul there is the plaything of sin. For a person who has converted and is zealous for the purification of his heart, they are either good or bad, depending on what he takes advantage of, and sometimes how he falls asleep. Here he is subjected to frequent attacks by demons, which sometimes strongly tempt the inexperienced, as Saint Ladder remarks.
    Ignatius Brianchaninov (v.5, ch.46): “We need to know and know that in our state, not yet renewed by grace, we are unable to see other dreams, except for those made up by the delirium of the soul and the slander of demons. As during a state of cheerfulness, thoughts and dreams constantly and unceasingly arise in us from a fallen nature or are brought by demons, so during sleep we see only dreams through the action of a fallen nature and through the action of demons.
    Evfimy Zygaben (Explanatory Psalter, ps. 118, st. 147, footnote): “The timeless (midnight) is especially accompanied by the strongest attacks from mental enemies: because darkness itself contributes to every vile and nasty and indecent action ...”.
    As mentioned above, before deep sleep, a state of drowsiness occurs. Many people in a drowsy state had various revelations (you can read about this in the Lives of the Saints). And here are examples of how this happened with ordinary people:
    Trinity leaflets from the Spiritual Meadow: “The ever-memorable archbishop. Vologda Nikon (+1919) recalled his own mother, and distinguished a remarkable detail related to the circumstances of his birth. “My mother,” he said, “when she was relieved of her burden, she suffered for a long time and was close to death. In these difficult moments of her torment, she began to fervently pray to St. Nicholas, asking for his holy help. : from the icon of St. Nicholas, which was in the corner casket, came the living St. Nicholas. He, approaching the suffering, meekly said: "Calm down! By God's permission, you will be easily relieved of the burden as a boy this very minute. Call him by my name Nikolai," and became invisible. After that, my mother was immediately relieved of the burden by me and asked me to be called Nikolai at baptism.
    Trinity leaflets from the Spiritual Meadow: “On the day of the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, Fr. Archimandrite Kronid, - I, having come from the early liturgy and in sorrow from overwhelmed thoughts, forgot myself in a half-drowse and then I can’t even give myself an account of whether it was half asleep or in reality, I only see from the front door of my cell 1000 dollar loans fast coming to me prep. Seraphim. I fell on my knees before him and in weeping and sobbing began to ask him, saying: "Help me, the Pleasant of God, in torment from thoughts." And in response I hear his gentle, fatherly voice: "Believe, undoubtedly, in the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who came into the world to save the suffering. Read the Holy Gospel daily, be meek and humble, and you will find peace for your soul." Coming to my senses after these words of consolation; I saw myself sitting on the couch and felt great joy within me. After this phenomenon, I will not say that thoughts disappeared, but I became stronger in the fight against them and was not as embarrassed by them as before.
    Let us note that in Christian teachings, a soul that is in slumber is considered to be a soul that lives in sins, in negligence and carelessness about its salvation, as well as in despondency.
    Gregory of Nyssa (Explanation of the Song of Songs, conversation 11): “(it is necessary) to always be awake with your mind, as if a seducer of some soul and a prophet of truth, driving away drowsiness from the eyes, I understand that drowsiness and that dream, by which these dreamy representations: bosses, wealth, dominance, arrogance, charm of pleasures, love of glory, addiction to pleasures, ambition ... "
    Theophan the Recluse (Interpretation of Psalm 118, v. 28): “... when the soul is dormant, sin does not sleep, but, creeping up, tries to captivate it and attract it to itself. “The beginning of sleep, he says, is slumber, and the beginning of falling is the disintegration and relaxation of the soul by despondency. As a slumbering one is drawn to sleep, so a morally weakened one is drawn to sin.
    Based on the foregoing, it is quite natural that alcoholics have disturbed sleep, an exhausted body, and in drowsy states they may have hallucinations, or visions and hearings of demons.

    On fear during alcoholic psychosis in the teachings of the Holy Fathers

    The question of fears must be considered from three points of view: the first is the fear of the sinner (it will be discussed in the section “On the hidden spiritual causes of drunkenness”), the second is the fear of withdrawal (i.e., when refraining from drinking alcohol) and the third is fear of hallucinations.
    Consider the second fear. It was said above that basically psychoses occur when a person is in abstinence from alcohol intake. Recall what happens to a person emotionally: “The harbingers of delirium (a prodelirium state) last for several hours. Usually in the evening, the anxious and melancholy mood characteristic of abstinence is replaced by affective lability: depression alternates with euphoria, anxiety with apathy. Agitation, restlessness, talkativeness are combined with an influx of vividly presented colorful memories. Illusions appear: hanging clothes are mistaken for a person, someone's faces are seen in patterns and spots ... Then complete insomnia sets in. Anxiety, anxiety and fear are on the rise. The main symptom of delirium appears - vivid visual hallucinations.
    Such emotional states with the suggestion of thoughts about drinking come from demons in order to prevent a person from recovering from the passion of drunkenness.
    Theophan the Recluse (The Way to Salvation): “But there is something that comes directly from Satan. From him there is a certain indefinite timidity and fear, which disturbs the soul of a sinner at any time, and even more so when he thinks about good. This is almost the same as the master threatens the servant when he starts doing something not according to his will and plans.
    Experiencing such a demonic action, the soul wants to get rid of these sensations, and resorts to a well-known method - to take alcohol and “relax”. And this was what the enemy of the human race needed.
    As for the fear directly during hallucinations, a quote was previously given that hallucinations (in particular, “pseudo”) differ from ideas produced by the soul in that they do not depend on the will of a person, are obsessive, violent and have completeness and formalization of images. This observation is consistent with the teaching that spiritual forces influence a person regardless of his will and this causes a strong fear in a person. Here is what the saints say about it:
    Ignaty Bryanchaninov (Conference of the soul with the mind): “The blood is agitated, the imagination is inflamed from some action that is alien to me, hostile, and I see seductive images coming to me, leading me to dream of sin, to delight in the destructive temptation. I don’t have the strength to run away from seductive images: involuntarily, forcibly, my painful eyes are chained to them.
    In general, causing fear in a person for an enemy is a kind of fun.
    Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer (Invisible Warfare, part 2): “Our enemy the devil rejoices when the soul is embarrassed and the heart is in anxiety. Why does he contrive in every possible way to revolt our souls.
    Athanasius the Great (Life of Anthony the Great, p. 28): “The demons, having no power, seem to amuse themselves at the spectacle, changing their disguises and frightening children with many ghosts and ghosts”
    Athanasius the Great (Life of Anthony the Great, p. 37): “... demons, when they see people in fear, all the more multiply the ghosts to bring them into greater horror, and advancing, they are already cursing, saying: “fell down, bow down to me” (Matt .4, 9)".
    Athanasius the Great (Life of Anthony the Great, item 36): “... the invasion and vision of evil spirits is outrageous, with noise, voices and cries, like a violent movement of poorly educated young people or robbers. From this, fear, confusion, confusion of thoughts, sadness, hatred of ascetics, despondency, sadness, remembrance of relatives, fear of death, and, finally, an evil wish, neglect of virtue, moral disorder, immediately occur in the soul.
    So, with psychoses arising from alcoholism, namely delirium and hallucinosis, phenomena occur that are the fruit of sin, which allows enemy spirits to act openly before the sinner. The same disease processes that occur in the human body are also the fruit of sin.