Suffixes of word formation in English. Formation of adverbs in English: rules and exceptions. Other negative prefixes

English proposal like an impenetrable forest, they turned the wrong way, and, behold, they already got lost among unfamiliar words. How not to get into a mess and correctly determine what part of speech is in front of you? Suffixes Help! We have prepared especially for you useful material, thanks to which you will distinguish these cryptic parts of speech. Understanding the meanings of common affixes will help you understand the meanings of new words you come across. Let's go

So, by suffix we mean a letter or a group of letters, which, as a rule, is found at the end of a word in English language. Thanks to this element, amazing metamorphoses occur, so a completely new word is formed from the original word, and sometimes a part of speech changes. Let's look at an example, the verb to create (create), by adding a suffix - or get the noun create or(creator). Let's build an adjective in a similar way, but this time we choose a suffix - ive: create ive(creative).

Since practicing and creating vocabulary is a useful thing, we suggest paying attention to three important features:

First, sometimes adding a suffix changes the spelling of the root or stem. The word ends in a vowel -y, preceded by a consonant, - y replace with - i. Here's an example:

  • verb to justify y(to justify) > adjective justif i able (justified);
  • adjective y(ugly) > noun ugl i ness (ugliness).

Also, if by the way with the dumb - e an affix is ​​added at the end, then this vowel is simply falls out. For example:

  • verb to us e(use) > adjective usable(practical);
  • verb to adore e(to adore) > adjective adorable(charming).

NOTA BENE: As with all the rules of the English language, spelling, of course, has its exceptions. Therefore, if there are controversial questions, feel free to refer to the dictionary.

Secondly, not all suffixes can be added to all roots, such affixes are owners, and nothing can be done about it. For example:

  • beauty y(beauty) + - ful > beautiful(beautiful);
  • ugl y(ugly) + - ness > ugliness(ugliness).

But the words beauty or ugliful are not in the dictionary, since they do not exist at all in the language, period.

Third, some suffixes have more than one meaning. How greedy! All you know is the affix - er used in comparative degree: bright (bright) > bright er(brighter). However, the same suffix also means a person who lives in a particular place: London (London) > Londoner (resident of London).

Verb suffixes in English

An English verb, like any verb, means the state or action of an object or thing. The verb suffix is ​​rather unpretentious and has the following meanings: occur, become, do or create.

NOTA BENE: Many verbs with the suffix - size, can also end with - ise. For example: real size&real ise(be aware) or patron size& patron ise(take care). Two variants take place, however, the verb suffix - ise use British. While - size use more Americans.

ate become
take place
regulate ["regjəleɪt] - regulate
eradicate [ɪ"rædɪkeɪt] - exterminate
enunciate [ɪ "nʌn (t) sɪeɪt] - expound
repudiate - to reject
evaporate [ɪ "væp (ə) reɪt] - evaporate
en become
take place
harden ["hɑ: d (ə) n] - harden
soften ["sɔf (ə) n] - soften
enlighten [ɪn "laɪt (ə) n] - enlighten
strengthen ["streŋθ (ə) n] - strengthen
loosen ["lu:s(ə)n] - weaken
size/ise become
take place
civilise ["sɪv (ə) laɪz] - to civilize
humanize ["hju: mənaɪz] - soften
economise [ɪ "kɔnəmaɪz] - save
utilize ["ju: tɪlaɪz] - spend
valorize ["væl(ə)raɪz] - raise prices
ify/fy do
satisfy ["sætɪsfaɪ] - satisfy
rectify ["rektɪfaɪ] - fix
terrify ["terɪfaɪ] - to terrify
exemplify [ɪk "semplɪfaɪ] - illustrate
clarify ["klærɪfaɪ] - clarify

Noun suffixes in English

A noun refers to an object or thing. The English noun suffix is ​​distinguished by its diversity and includes the following elements: an actor, a quality or state, a process or activity, etc.

NOTA BENE: If the verb ends in - ere, but the noun will have the suffix - ence: to interfere > interfer ence(interference). If on - ate, -y, -ure / -ear, then the affix - ance: to devi ate(to deviate) > devi ance(deviation); to apple y(apply) > apply ance(device); to cl ear(clear) > clear ance(cleaning).

ance / ence condition
extravagance [ɪk "strævəgən (t) s] - whim
preference ["pref (ə) r (ə) n (t) s] - preference
utterance ["ʌt (ə) r (ə) n (t) s] - pronunciation
acy condition
fallacy ["fæləsɪ] - cunning
celibacy ["seləbəsɪ] - celibacy
ity / ty quality
probity ["prəubətɪ] - honesty
royalty ["rɔɪəltɪ] - greatness
ment condition
endorsement [ɪn "dɔ: smənt] - approval
fragment ["frægmənt] - fragment
excitement [ɪk "saɪtmənt] - excitement
al action
recital - transfer
denial - refusal
dom condition
boredom ["bɔ: dəm] - longing
earldom ["ɜ:ldəm] - earl title
ness condition preparedness - readiness
wilderness ["wɪldənəs] - desert
xion/sion/tion condition
fluxion ["flʌkʃ (ə) n] - change
concession - recognition
relation - relation
hood characteristic
interest group
Current state
womanhood ["wumənhud] - femininity
brotherhood ["brʌðəhud] - brotherhood
childhood ["tʃaɪldhud] - brotherhood
ship Current state
interest group

ship Current state
interest group
membership ["membəʃɪp] - membership
friendship ["friendʃɪp] - friendship
ist actor narcissist ["nɑ: sɪsɪst] - "narcissus"
novelist ["nɔv (ə) lɪst] - novelist
ee actor addressee [ædre "si:] - recipient
employee [ɪmplɔɪ "i:] - employee
ess female character goddess ["gɔdes] - goddess
waitress ["weɪtrəs] - waitress
ism ideology
action and result
language features
hedonism ["hi: d (ə) nɪz (ə) m] - hedonism
exorcism ["skeptɪsɪz (ə) m] - skepticism
Americanism [ə "merɪkənɪz (ə) m] - Americanism

Suffixes of adjectives in English

An adjective is a part of speech that defines a noun. The main meanings of the suffix include the following: the absence or presence of quality, characteristic, ability, opportunity, etc.

able / able capable
payable ["peɪəbl] - payable
edible ["edɪbl] - edible
fashionable ["fæʃ (ə) nəbl] - secular
al related to autumnal [ɔ: "tʌmn (ə) l] - autumn
accidental [æksɪ "dent (ə) l] - random
ic / ical related to metallic - metallic
Finnic ["fɪnɪk] - Finnish
esque pertaining to style
manner or manner
arabesque [ærə "besk] - decorated
picturesque - picturesque
ful quality
masterful ["mɑ: stəf (ə) l] - masterful
woeful ["wəuf(ə)l] - woeful
ious / ous quality
careful ["kɔ:ʃəs] - careful
nervous ["nɜ: vəs] - nervous
y quality
sticky ["stɪkɪ] - sticky
nerdy ["nɜ: dɪ] - boring
ive quality
palliative ["pælɪətɪv] - softening
corrective - corrective
ish quality
to a certain degree
girlish ["gɜ:lɪʃ] - girlish
snobbish ["snɔbɪʃ] - snobbish
pinkish ["pɪŋkɪʃ] - pinkish
less lack of quality
without anything
skinless ["skɪnləs] - without skin
childless ["tʃaɪldləs] - childless

Suffixes of adverbs in English

An adverb is an indispensable part of speech that conveys a sign of the state or action of a predominantly verb. The suffix of adverbs is modest and has only three meanings: orientation or direction, characteristic or sign, relation of one to another.


So, we have analyzed the most common suffixes different parts English speech. Think of the affix as a clue to the meaning of words. As with any detective story, sometimes the clues are visible to the naked eye and are pretty obvious. In other cases, they can be confusing or misleading.

In any case, keep in mind that the meanings of words are best determined by examining the context in which they are used. We hope that this article was useful and informative for you.

We wish you success and development in English!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Remember those moments in Russian lessons when you were asked to parse a word by determining its prefix, root, suffix and ending? Perhaps this event only caused you headaches, but do not be afraid, in English everything will be different. Let's not analyze the entire morphological analysis at once, but consider only suffixes in English, which have many interesting features.

A suffix or just an English suffix is ​​a morpheme for word formation in English , which usually comes after the root. In simple words, a suffix is ​​one or more letters, thanks to which a word can change its part of speech, for example from a verb to a noun:

Or even take on a different meaning:

There are no specific rules regarding suffixes in English. That is, you cannot take one suffix, which, for example, forms nouns, and use it with all the words in a row. Suffixes are not always attached to words that look similar or have the same letters at the root. However, a certain logic in their use shines through, and therefore, knowing the suffixes and their functions, you can learn to form words intuitively.

As mentioned earlier, English suffixes, like Russian ones, follow immediately after the root:

After suffixes, there may be an ending:

The suffix can change if the word is used in the plural:

Having dealt with the peculiarities of the location and use of suffixes in a word, let's move on to their types.

Suffixes in English: types

Suffixes can be used to form almost anything independent parts speech. Based on this, they are divided into 5 categories:

  • Noun suffixes
  • Verb suffixes
  • Adjective suffixes
  • Adverb suffixes
  • Numeral suffixes

Let's analyze each group separately. Note that there are a lot of suffixes in the English language, and therefore we will consider only the most used of them.

Noun suffixes

The group of suffixes for the formation of nouns is perhaps the most voluminous. It includes:

  1. -er/-or:
  • participate in the formation of inanimate nouns from verbs. Table for clarity:
  • and also in the formation of nouns expressing a person who is engaged in what the verb denotes. To make it clearer, let's look at some examples:

Often these suffixes are used to form words denoting professions:

  1. -ess (-ress):
  • A couple of these professions can be used together with the -ess (-ress) suffix, perhaps the only feminine suffix that is used in English:
  • In addition to professions, the following nouns can be changed with the help of a suffix:
  1. -ee- a suffix that is used to show the person to whom the action is directed, that is, this suffix is ​​the opposite of the suffixes -er and -or:
  1. -ian- another suffix with which you can express the type of activity. Words are formed from nouns, examples:

The same functions are performed by suffixes:

  1. -ent / -ant:
  1. -ist, is used, as a rule, with professions related to the scientific field:

And with music:

Although this suffix is ​​often found in nouns that express supporters of some views and their perception of the world. In this case, the English suffix performs the same function as the Russian suffix -ist, forming almost identical words:

  1. -ism- another English suffix, which is similar to Russian -izm. It denotes concepts related to the ideological currents and beliefs of a person:
  1. -ion- a curious suffix, thanks to which you can once again be convinced of your high knowledge of English. The fact is that all words that end in “-tion” in Russian use the -ion suffix in English. See for yourself:

If there is a double s before the suffix, then instead of words with “-tion”, you can safely select words with “-ia”:

expression (expression)
aggression (aggression)
commission (commission)
mission (mission)
percussion (percussion)
depression (depression)

Just like that, you just raised your vocabulary for several hundred words.

  1. -ment– a suffix expressing processes and results. As a rule, it is formed from verbs:
  1. -ence / -ance- suffixes that form nouns similar to the meaning of adjectives with suffixes -ent / -ant:
  1. -dom denotes abstract concepts, states, possessions:
  1. -hood- a suffix of nouns that imply the stages of life and the state of a person or group of people:
  1. ship commonly used with nouns that show a group of people associated with a state or action:
  1. -age expresses collective concepts, facts, actions:
  1. -ness- a suffix that forms nouns from adjectives denoting qualities:
  1. -th, usually used to express physical characteristics:
  1. ity- properties, qualities, abstract concepts. Often formed from adjectives:
  1. Separately, it is worth considering diminutive suffixes in English. It is often said that they simply do not exist in English. Actually it is not. Yes, they are very rare. However, there are a lot of them and it is worth knowing them in order to avoid misunderstandings. Diminutives include:
  • -let:
  • ling:

However, be careful when using the above two suffixes, because sometimes their meaning can change from positive to negative, and your comment may be regarded as a mockery:

  • -kin:
  • -ock:
  • -ule:
  • -cule:
  • -ette:
  • -y with a double consonant before it:
  • -ie:
  • -rel:

Verb suffixes

The suffixes of verbs in English, although they occur quite often in speech, do not differ in special variety. So, the verbs are:

  1. -en:
  1. -ate:
  1. -ify:
  1. size(-ise):

Adjective suffixes

Adjectives have slightly more suffixes:

  1. -full, shows the possession of quality:
  1. less- lack of quality
  1. able / -ible show the possibility, property, suitability:
  1. al / -ic form adjectives from nouns:
  1. ish can express similarity of behavior or species, nationality, as well as a weak degree:
  1. ous shows the characteristics of the noun:
  1. ive expresses ability, property. Formed with verbs and nouns.
  1. -y- to form short adjectives with different meanings:

Adverb suffixes

With everything is much simpler, because there are only four suffixes for their formation:

  1. -ly, adverbs are formed from adjectives:
  1. -wise expresses a way or direction. Most often formed from a noun or adjective:
  1. -ward(s) / way(s) show directions:
  1. -ty expresses tens:

It is worth noting that, unlike Russian, English suffixes, as a rule, are not used in one word at the same time. That is, if in Russian you can use one, two or more suffixes at once, in English - only one. In addition, some functions of suffixes can be performed by prefixes in English or so-called prefixes. So, for example, many diminutive suffixes can be replaced by the prefix mini- (mini-). Therefore, choose the option that you like more or that more accurately conveys the meaning.

We hope that now you have no questions left regarding suffixes in English. Yes, there are a lot of English suffixes, and therefore it will be quite difficult to remember them all at once. Instead, study a few suffixes a day and reinforce what you've learned through exercises and making sentences or word lists with specific suffixes. In addition, when reading, try to pay attention to the formation of words, note for yourself which suffix is ​​used in a particular case and what function it performs. Please return to this page periodically to review the material.

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This is a lesson from the cycle and in it we will look at common noun suffixes: -er/or, -tion, -ing, -ness, -ence/ance (5). The exercises will help you understand how nouns are formed in English, as well as prepare for English exams in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Examination.

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Basic noun suffixes in English (Grade 9)

Remember these 5 main suffixes. Next, let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. er/or
  2. ence/ance

1. Suffixes of nouns formed from a verb

verb + Ʌ = noun

  1. -er/or(doer suffix)
    dance - dancer (dance - dancer)
    work - worker
    collect - collector (collect - collector)
    inventor - inventor
  2. -tion(process suffix)
    collect - collection (collection, collection)
    invent - invention
  3. -ing
    suffer - suffering (suffer - suffering)
    mean - meaning

Remember three suffixes -er (-or), -tion, -ing, by means of which nouns are formed from a verb.

2. Suffixes of nouns formed from an adjective

adj + Ʌ = noun

  1. -ness
    ill - illness (sick - illness)
    kind - kindness
  2. -ance/ -ence(corresponding adjectives have suffixes: -ant/ -ent)
    important - importance (important - importance)
    different - difference

Remember two suffixes: -ness, -ence (ance), by which nouns are formed from adjectives.

Suffixes of nouns in English. Exercises

-ness & -tion are the most common noun suffixes.

Exercise 1. Suffix -ness.Translate the indicated nouns and indicate the adjectives from which they are formed.

foolishness, happiness, seriousness, illness, readiness, richness, strangeness, carelessness, whiteness, cleverness, greatness, brightness

Note. Please note that the letter "y" usually occurs at the end of the word, in the middle of the word its double is used - the letter "i": happ i ness-happ y.

Exercise 2. Suffix –tion and its varieties -ation /-ion/ -sion/ -ssion.Translate the indicated nouns and indicate the verb from which they are formed.

translation, explanation, admiration, celebration, continuation, invitation, pronunciation, exhibition, demonstration, conversation, competition, communication

Exercise 3 The suffix -tion.Paraphrase the sentence using a verb instead of a noun.

EXAMPLE. Their acting was very good. —— They acted very well.

1. His collection of books was mainly on art.
2. The farmer's quick actions saved the building from fire.
3.Her translation of the poem was so good that the professor invited her to take part in a translation contest.
4. The teacher's explanation of the task was clear to everybody.

Exercise 4 Guess the suffix and form nouns with it. Translate them.

  1. weak-
  2. polite-
  3. fresh-
  4. ugly-
  5. cold-
  6. dark-
  7. careful-

Exercise 5 Suffix -er.Guess the profession.

EXAMPLE. Someone who bakes bread is a baker.

  1. Someone who interviews people is a….
  2. Someone who plays football is a…
  3. Someone who eats well is a…
  4. Someone who sleeps well is a…
  5. Someone who rules the country is a…
  6. Someone who explores new lands is a…
  7. Someone who makes or repairs shoes is a…
  8. Someone who always causes trouble is a…
  9. Someone who makes films is a…
  10. Someone who has traveled to another place for a holiday is a…


  • troublemaker- bully, bully
  • holiday maker- vacationer

Exercise 6 If you know verbs, then adding a suffix –tion, you easily form new words. Translate them into Russian.

  1. collect-
  2. explain-
  3. protect -
  4. prepare-
  5. found-
  6. inform -
  7. celebrate-
  8. composite-
  9. create-
  10. decorate-

Exercise 7 Suffix –er/or.Form nouns from these words using suffixes: -er/-or.

Remember: to fail - failure (failure)

to construct, to direct, to protect, to transport, to fail, to educate, to manage, to govern, to achieve, to build, to sing, to act, to sleep

Exercise 8 Suffix –ence/ance.Translate and memorize pairs of words with -ence/-ance suffixes:

  1. import ant-import ance
  2. differ ent- differ ence
  3. indifferent - indifference
  4. independent
  5. dependent - dependence
  6. patient-patience
  7. persistence
  8. insistent - insistence
  9. indulgent - indulgence

In English there is a large number of adjectives that end in -ic and -ical. You have probably come across such words and wondered: what is the difference between these adjectives? Is there a difference at all or are they synonyms? In this article, we will analyze the differences.

Adjectives with the suffixes -ic and -ical are usually formed from nouns. For example:

history: historical

tragedy: tragical

How do you determine which adjective to use?

At first glance, it may seem that adjectives with these suffixes are synonymous and interchangeable. This is not always the case, because despite the fact that both adjectives "sound" in English, only one is used in speech. There is no universal rule explaining when adjectives are used with -ic and when with -ical .

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the adjectives that are used in modern English with the suffix -ic:

academic- academic, pedagogical, educational

algebraic- algebraic

arithmetic/al- arithmetic

artistic- artistic, artistic

athletic- athletic

catholic- broad-minded, comprehensive; Catholic

domestic- home, family

dramatic- dramatic; dramatic, theatrical

egotistic/al- having great self-esteem

emphatic- expressive, expressive

energetic- active, energetic, strong

fanatic/al- fanatical

fantastic- fantastic, bizarre, strange

geometric/al- geometric

strategic/al- strategic, strategically important

linguistic- linguistic, linguistic

majestic- majestic, majestic

neurotic- neurotic, nervous

pathetic- pitiful, touching, touching

pedagogic/al- pedagogical, educational

phonetic- phonetic

public- public, state

semantic- semantic

syntactic- syntactic

systematic- systematic, systematic

tragic/al- tragic, dramatic

You may notice that some of these words have forms with -ical that can be found in speech, they may appear in dictionaries and texts.

New adjectives that have appeared in the language relatively recently tend to end in -ic . The exceptions are those that end in -logical :

biological- biological

psychological- psychological

The adjectives below are used with the -ical suffix:

chemicals- chemical

critical- critical

cynical- cynical

grammatical- grammatical

logical- logical

mathematical- mathematical

mechanical- mechanical

medical- medical

musical- musical

physical- physical

radical- radical

surgical- surgical

tactical- tactical

topical- thematic

In addition, it is important to remember that some adjectives, despite originating from the same root, denote completely different concepts. But there are some that are very similar in meaning. Let's look at a number of adjectives with the suffixes -ic and -ical and see how their meanings differ.

Classic - typical, referring to a traditional, recognizable style:

It is a classic example of baroque. - This is a typical example of baroque.

Classical - antique, pertaining to culture Ancient Greece, ancient rome or to the "classical" period of European culture:

I prefer classical music. - I prefer classical music.

Comic - comedy, comic, humorous:

Comical - funny:

Economic - related to economic science:

We learned major economic theories university. - We studied the basic economic theories in university.

Economical - economical, frugal:

My wife is economical, she never wastes money. - My wife is so thrifty, she never spends money in vain.

Electric - This word is used with the names of specific devices that use electricity to work:

Electrical - this word is used with more general concepts:

You can buy electrical appliances for your kitchen in shop. - You can buy electrical equipment for your kitchen in this store.

Historic - associated with historical events, taking part in historical events:

Historical - pertaining to historical science, describing historical events or actually existing.

In this article from the series "" we will consider 10 main adjective suffixes in English: -ful, -less, -ous, -al, -y, -ic, -ish, -able, -ive, -ent (10), and also dedicate considerable time practice these suffixes. Word-building exercises will not only help you prepare for English exams in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Examination, but will expand your vocabulary and help develop your language guess.

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Derivation of adjectives

1. Suffixes of adjectives formed from nouns

noun + Ʌ = adj

  1. -ful (expresses the presence of quality; beautiful, colorful)
  2. -less (expresses lack of quality: colourless, useless)
  3. -ous (words of French origin, analogue of ful: courageous, famous)
  4. -al (central, formal)
  5. -y (cloudy, dirty)
  6. -ic (poetic, domestic)
  7. -ish (expresses nationality: Scottish, English, as well as a weak degree of quality: brownish - brownish, reddish - reddish)

The exception is the suffix -ly, since this suffix serves to form adverbs. However, there are a number of adjectives and fairly common ones that are formed using this suffix, for example: friendly(friendly), lovely(charming), lively(active, active)

2. Suffixes of adjectives formed from verbs

verb + Ʌ = adj

  1. -able / -ible (expresses the ability to undergo the action indicated by the verb: to change - changeable (change - changeable); to eat - eatable (eat - edible)
  2. -ive (active, talkative)
  3. -ent/-ant (different, important)

Note that the vowel in the adjective suffix is ​​- e nt/- a nt is the same as in the noun suffix - e nce/- a nce and vice versa, that is:

differ ent- differ ence
import ant-import ance

Suffixes of adjectives in English. Exercises

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

The suffix -ful means "be full of" e.g. beautiful means "be full of" beauty.

  1. She was very grateful for our help.
  2. She likes colorful clothes.
  3. She is a very forgetful girl.
  4. We are not sure that our team will win, but we are hopeful.
  5. They lived a peaceful, happy life.
  6. He was always as helpful as possible.

Exercise 2.1. Translate into Russian.

The suffix -less means "without" e.g. hopeless means "without" hope.

a moonless night, a cloudless sky, a noiseless machine, numberless heroes, a motherless girl, a heartless woman, a homeless cat, a leafless tree, a nameless author, a sunless room, a endless war, a lifeless body, a colorless liquid , a friendless child, a sleepless night, careless people, a doubtless victory

Exercise 2.2. Translate into English.

Cloudless sky, helpless child, silent car, countless heroes, lifeless body, carefree child, heartless woman, stray cat, tree without leaves, nameless author, room without sun, endless war, colorless liquid. It was a moonless night. He looked tired after a sleepless night.

Exercise 3

The suffix- ous means "ful of" which comes from French e.g. danger + ous = dangerous

BUT. Form adjectives from nouns and translate them.

SAMPLE nerve + ous = nervous (nerve - nervous)

fame - ..., humour - ..., courage - ..., glory (y->i) - ..., poison - ..., space (i) - ...

AT. Use the words in the sentences.

  1. We don't know if these chemicals are ____________ to people.
  2. She became ____________as a writer.
  3. I like to read ___________stories.
  4. There are a lot of _______ snakes in the jungle.
  5. It was a _________victory.
  6. He was a ____________soldier.
  7. They liked the _______________rooms in their new house.

Exercise 4 -y.

A. Translate into English.

windy day, sunny weather, cloudy sky, sleepy child, dreamy girl, icy wind, healthy food

B. Form adjectives from the nouns and translate them.

SAMPLE swamp - swampy (swamp - swampy)

sand - ... , rock - ... , juice - ... , grass - ... , star(r) - ... , bone - ... , skin(n) - ..., water- ... , fog (g) - ..., swamp - ...

C. Put the adjectives from B into this sentences to make them complete.

  1. This … land is very good for farming. Cows and sheep can feed here all the year round.
  2. Peter, eat some more roast beef. You should eat more: you have grown so … (2 variants)!
  3. On such … mornings it’s very difficult to drive, as you can’t see the road clearly.
  4. These are … apples. I like them most of all.
  5. My little brother never eats fish if it is ... .
  6. Holidaymakers love the … beaches in the south of Australia.
  7. Why does this coffee taste so…?
  8. The picture shows the … mountains of Scotland.
  9. The sky is unusually … tonight.
  10. … places have a lot of water in all seasons.

Exercise 5 Translate into Russian the adjectives, ending with the suffix — ic.

gigantic hound, scientific expedition, domestic animal, academic year, Olympic games, thematic collection, basic knowledge

Exercise 6 Make up adjectives with the help of suffix -al and translate them.

SAMPLE music - musical (music - musical)

industry - ..., culture - ..., region - ..., tradition - ..., nature - ..., nation - ..., agriculture - ..., comic - ...

Exercise 7 Nationality suffixes

SAMPLE Britain-British

Scotland - ..., Spain - ..., Sweden - ..., Finland - ..., Denmark - ..., Poland - ..., Turkey - ...


America - ..., Australia - .., Canada - ..., Hungary - ..., Belgium - ..., Egypt - ..., Italy - ..., Europe - ...

SAMPLE Japan–Japanese

China - ..., Portugal - ...

Mind: Germany-German, France-French, Holland-Dutch, Greece-Greek

Exercise 8 – able.

Suffix able has the value "can": movable means can move- can be moved (moveable)

A. Form the words with the suffix – able.

move - .., count - ..., eat - ..., drink - ..., comfort - ..., imagine - ... , break - ... , read - ... , respect - ...., forget - ..., believe - ...

B. Use the words in the sentences:

  1. Though the cup is made of thin glass it is not ……….(break).
  2. She thought of all names ………to guess the name of their new classmate. (imagined).
  3. Everybody respects him. He is very…….. (respect).
  4. I can't read the book. It is not……(read).
  5. The nouns are divided into …………. and un…………… (count).

Exercise 9 Form the words with the suffix –ive.

create - ... , impress - ... , progress - ..., act - ... , mass - ... , impulse - ...

Exercise 10 Read the adjectives and spell the suffixes used in forming them.

SAMPLE changeable— The adjective changeabl e is formed with the help of the suffix -able.

successful, cloudless, collective, central, comic, satirical, dangerous, faultless, misty, courageous, aggressive, national, breakable

Exercise 11 Translate these combinations; say what words the adjectives are formed from.

a washable shirt, a skilful worker, democratic forces, the postal service, groundless suspicions, a humorous story, a gloomy scene, salty ham, professional interest, peaceful labor, a noiseless machine, a courageous soldier, a lucky ticket, a continental climate , a dusty road.

Exercise 12 Learn them by heart

B. Listen to the adjectives and translate them by ear.

Word formation in English (repetition)

Noun suffixes. Repetition

Exercise 13 Form nouns from these adjectives using the suffixes from the table.

able, near, distant, long, wide, strong, wise, kind, electric, short, white, probable, persistent (stubborn), dependent, insistent (persistent), indifferent (indifferent), unstable (unstable), patient, responsible, important, stupid, curious

That's all for now! I will be glad if my article is useful to you and you share the link on social networks!

Sources: exercises taken from various manuals, partially redone and modified. In particular, the textbooks "English language grades 5-11" were used, the authors Afanasyeva O.V., Mikheeva I.V.