World behind the scenes. The role of Russia. Through hardship to the stars

Under the guise of so-called democracy, presented in the West as the crown of government, lies the power of Satan, whose main goal is to corrupt people, indulge their vices, and turn them into slaves of animal passions.

The establishment of this power means the legalization, the transformation into the norm of all the vices that are categorically condemned in the Bible:

Worship of the golden calf, money, material success (this is the basis of current Western civilization);

Debauchery and adultery (multiple cohabitation with many “sex partners” has become the usual norm);

Sodomy (homosexuality, a mortal sin condemned by the Bible, is legal in all Western countries);

Admiration for strength, violence, the permissibility of murder in the minds of Western people, admiration for scenes of violence and murder (the entire Western cinema is based on this).

These are the main results of the establishment of Western, Judeo-Masonic civilization.

The spiritual progress and moral development that Christianity gave to humanity in the modern anti-Christian Western world was replaced by a general spiritual decline, the moral degradation of Western man, locked in his selfish, primitive pleasures.

The Judeo-Masonic civilization, which crossed the borders of Western countries in this century and stepped into Asia, South America, and Africa, created a new type of simplified person who lost the entire rich cultural hierarchy of spiritual values ​​and chose instead an orientation toward the pursuit of material wealth and comfort; as in the primitive era, life was simplified to purely biological guidelines. Deprived of sincere Christian feeling and spiritual choice, man received in return the right to choose among a variety of goods, most of which are harmful and unnecessary to normal human nature.

To control such a simplified type of person, a structure of secret behind-the-scenes power is created, called the world government. Satanic in nature, this power develops based on the priorities of the Judeo-Masonic civilization, which seeks to destroy the remnants of Christian consciousness in modern man.

Back in the middle of the last century, the famous Jewish politician B. Disraeli uttered a phrase that became a catchphrase: “The world is ruled not by those who play on stage, but by those who are behind the scenes.” This high-ranking freemason knew what he was talking about, since for many years he was at the center of all the world's Judeo-Masonic intrigues.

“The Jews,” wrote the prominent researcher of Judeo-Masonic conspiracy Copin-Albanselli, “for eighteen centuries have been under the rule of their religious national feeling, to which they owe their preservation as a people, and this feeling has developed the more strongly the more it has been humiliated and trampled upon by the triumph of the Christian principle "

“The Jewish tribe was to take revenge on the Christian tribes for the indelible stain of Judas’ betrayal. By its position, it was an eternal conspirator against the Christian tribes, and therefore had to sow among them the weapon of eternal conspiracies... That secret force that conceived, prepared, gave birth to Freemasonry, which spread it throughout the Christian world... now rules over the Christian world and leads it to destruction, starting from the Catholic countries, this is the secret government of the Jewish nation.”

Various combinations of world government, which Jewish leaders nurtured for centuries in Egypt, Babylon, Constantinople, Spain, Poland, France and which until time were embodied in managing the lives of only Jews, from the end of the 18th century began to extend to the life of Christian peoples. Of course, at first this influence was not very stable, but was typical conspiratorial activity, the plans of which were hatched at secret meetings of Masonic lodges.

The first attempt to influence the lives of Christian peoples in an organized manner was carried out by the secret Masonic order of the Illuminati, which was created in 1776 in Bavaria by the German Jew A. Weishaupt. In a short period of time, this conspirator created an organization that united several thousand people in its ranks. At secret meetings of the order, a plan was developed to seize power in Bavaria with the subsequent spread of Illuminati influence throughout the world. However, the plans of the conspirators became known to the Bavarian government. Weishaupt was fired from government service and fled to Switzerland, where he continued his subversive work against the world. The Illuminati Order took part in the secret preparations for the French Revolution. Through members of the order, Weishaupt carried out a campaign to discredit the French royal family. Through one of the members of the order, an adventurer acting under the name of Count Cagliostro, a false story with jewelry was organized, which greatly damaged the prestige of the royal couple in the eyes of the French people. The Illuminati became one of the main organizers of the destruction of the French monarchy, and this greatly influenced further world events, significantly strengthening the position of Judeo-Masonic influence.

Parallel attempts to create a secret world government are being made in England, among high-ranking leaders of British Masonic lodges. Elite Masonic clubs are created here, which take on the responsibility of developing the most important government decisions and influencing the destinies of entire nations.

In 1764, Joshua Reynolds formed the so-called “Club,” which at various times included Samuel Johnson, Edmun Burke, Oliver Goldsmith, Edward Gibbon, Charles Fox, Adam Smith, George Caning, Lord Brougham, T. Macaulay, Lord John Russell, Lord Kelvin, Gladstone, Hugh Cecil, Lord Salisbury, Rudyard Kipling, Balfour, Lord Rosebery, Halifax, Austen Chamberlain.

In 1812, another club of the ruling elite appeared - “Grillon”. It consisted of the same members as the “Club”, had the same conditions of membership, but only met at a different time. Its most famous members were Gladstone, Salisbury, Balfour, Lord Bruce, Hugh Cecil, Robert Cecil and others.

In 1877, Cecil Rhodes raised the issue of extending British rule throughout the world, including the United States of America. A secret “Round Table Society” emerges, pursuing this goal. In addition to S. Rhodes, it included many prominent figures of the British Empire, including a famous Jewish politician, one of the leaders of world Freemasonry, and a representative of the Rothschild family, Lord Alfred Milner.

In March 1891, after the death of Rhodes, this society came under the leadership of Lord Milner, who ruled it based on the interests of the Rothschilds.

Lord Milner forms a group of like-minded people, which has become the most important tool for behind-the-scenes political management of the world. The Milner Group included such influential politicians as Lord Johnston, Arthur Balfour, Lionel Curtis, Leopold Emery, and Waldolph Astor. This group included not only the British, but also representatives of the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany. A significant part of these figures, like Milner himself, were of Jewish origin.

Lord Milner further strengthens the mondialist character of the Round Table Society. The need for a single world state and the creation of a world government is being promoted. The society had a strong influence on the policies of the governments of England and the Entente countries during the First World War.

Already at this stage, secret Jewish and Masonic organizations begin to build a system of general control over the main areas of society. They seek to replace the spiritual values ​​of Christianity with Judeo-Masonic ideas about the “joy of life.” At first, the press, literature and art, and later the main political institutions of society, fall under the influence of the subversive satanic forces of world Freemasonry. However, until the beginning of the 20th century, many of the plans of the Masonic conspirators collapsed as a result of the existence of the great monarchies - Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian. Until 1914, these monarchies served as the guarantee of Christian development and stability in Europe and the whole world. Having provoked a war between them, the Judeo-Masonic conspirators plunged humanity into a global massacre, which became the beginning of the end of Christian civilization in Europe, having survived to this day in separate islands only in Russia.

After the First World War, the center of secret Judeo-Masonic power moved to the United States. By the end of the 20s, there were more Masons in this country than in the rest of the world. The Jewish organizations of this country were powerful and had enormous financial resources.

The infrastructure of the secret power of the world behind the scenes is born in the family clans of international Jewish bankers, who cover many states with their influence and actually support at their own expense (loans, benefits, subsidies and direct bribery) a significant part of the ruling state elites of the West. “What could be a more convincing illustration of the fantastic concept of a world Jewish government than the Rothschild family, uniting in its composition the citizens of five different states... closely cooperating with at least three governments, the frequent conflicts of which have not shaken the interests of their state banks! No propaganda can create a symbol more convincing for a political purpose than life itself.”

The Rothschilds, Schiffs, Warburgs, Kuhns, Loebs and two dozen other international Jewish bankers already at the beginning of the 20th century formed an invisible community, with its tentacles enveloping the state mechanisms of the leading countries of the world.

In the 20s, the famous Jewish banker P. Warburg (a relative of J. Schiff) and a number of other similar figures called for the creation of a United States of Europe, and in the 30s they supported a plan to unite about 15 countries on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean under one government. Subsequently, already in 1950, P. Warburg admitted at the hearings of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee:

“The last fifteen years of my life have been devoted almost exclusively to the study of the problem of peace. These studies have led me to the conclusion that the main question of our time is not whether the “One World” can or cannot be realized, but only whether it can be realized peacefully. We will have a World Government - whether we like it or not! The only question is whether such a government will be established by consent or by conquest.”

It is on the initiative of these organizations that profound changes are taking place in the structure of the secret Judeo-Masonic power. Along with traditional Masonic lodges, numerous closed clubs and organizations such as Rotary or Lions are emerging, which take on the secret management of various aspects of the society. In most American states and cities, any events in political, social and cultural life, be it elections for governors or mayors, a strike or a major exhibition of artists, are discussed and worked out in the corresponding closed organizations and clubs, and then presented as an expression of public opinion. Such behind-the-scenes power in many cases becomes stronger and more effective than the one operating overtly.

Secret Judeo-Masonic power is internationalizing and acquiring a transnational character. From a handful of conspirators, the Judeo-Masonic power is turning into a comprehensive power structure, a secret world elite that has taken control not only of the states of the Western world, but also of a significant part of the rest of humanity.

By the beginning of the 70s, three main globalist organizations had emerged within the world behind the scenes: the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission.

All these organizations, like the Jewish societies and Masonic lodges that gave birth to them, were secret, criminal, subversive in nature. Their members were selected from high-ranking figures of the same Jewish and Masonic organizations. About 60% of them were Jews.

The power of the world behind the scenes was created with the money of international Jewish bankers. In the United States alone, at the end of the 80s, the total Jewish capital exceeded the value of the country's gross national product and reached 1 trillion. dollars. According to the Wallstreet Journal, the world's behind-the-scenes organ, the five largest US investment banking groups, owned by Leman, Kuhn, Loeb, Goldman and Sachs, owned 23% of the shares of large US companies.

Jewish organizations and individuals belonging to the top of the world behind the scenes pay big money to politicians and government officials, turning them into obedient instruments of their will. This is done not only in the form of direct bribes, but also in other forms: contributions to election campaigns, disproportionate fees for speeches, performances and books, free trips to different countries of the world. In the United States, Jewish organizations provide about 60% of the election funds of the Democratic Party and about 40% of the Republican Party.

The criminal, subversive nature of the activities of members of world behind-the-scenes organizations lies in the fact that, not elected by anyone, not authorized by anyone, they try to decide the fate of all humanity, and consider the riches of our planet as their own property. In common legal language, the activities of the members of these organizations should be considered a criminal conspiracy against humanity. By creating secret, illegal governing bodies, the world behind the scenes and its Jewish leaders oppose themselves to peoples and states, replacing national power with a transnational Judeo-Masonic conspiracy. The new world order, which the secret Judeo-Masonic power is trying to impose on humanity, is not much different from Hitler’s plans for world domination.

There is a deep misconception that the world behind the scenes is some kind of monolithic formation controlled from a single center. In fact, it consists of a number of factions competing with each other for power over humanity. Even among the Masonic organizations themselves, there is an ongoing confrontation between various orders and rituals. And what can we say about organizations expressing the interests of competing banking and financial groups, transnational corporations, and television companies! This whole tangled tangle of behind-the-scenes organizations is united by hatred of Christian civilization (and above all Orthodoxy) and a common passion for enrichment and profit.

Chapter 53

Ideology of the world behind the scenes. - Office of the Jews. – To the United States of the World. – World order of money. – Liquidation of the family. – Education of nomadic people. – Universal computer control. – Biometric cards.

The ideology of the world behind the scenes was nurtured at meetings of secret Jewish organizations and Masonic lodges. It was here that the first projects of the world government, the League of Nations and the United States of Europe were developed. “Isn’t it natural and necessary,” wrote Levi Bing in the Jewish collection “Israelites Archive,” to create a supreme tribunal that examines public affairs, the complaints of one nation against another, makes final judgments, whose word would be law? This word is the word of God, spoken by His eldest sons, the Jews, and before this word all the younger ones, that is, all nations, bow respectfully.”

In 1867, Jewish and Masonic organizations created the Permanent International Peace League. Its secretary, the Jewish Mason Pasen, is developing a project for the formation of an international tribunal that will make final judgments in all conflicts between individual nations.

This organization existed silently for a long time in the silence of Masonic lodges. In connection with the events of the First World War, her ideas were revived through the efforts of the chairman of the council of the Order of the Grand Orient of France, Carnot, who in 1917 addressed his brothers with an appeal:

“To prepare the United States of Europe, to create a supernational power whose task will be to resolve conflicts between nations. Freemasonry will be the agent of propagation of the understanding of peace and general welfare which the League of Nations brings." And finally, in 1927, at a meeting of the Convention of Mixed Freemasonry, it was stated that “it is necessary everywhere and at every opportunity, by speech and deed, to instill a spirit of peace favorable to the creation of the United States of Europe, this first step towards the United States of the World.”

All projects for the creation of the United States of Europe imply a decisive role in them for Jewish and Masonic organizations. The bright ideas of the New Testament are replaced by the racist misanthropic ideology of the Talmud and the Protocols of Zion. The very structure of world and national politics is changing. Its main leader is a secret behind-the-scenes power, based on the rituals and traditions of Judaism and the money of international Jewish bankers. The center of gravity for making the most important political decisions passes from national governments to the hands of Jewish leaders and financiers. National governments are losing power, becoming the second echelon. Unsuspecting peoples bow their heads before the results of policies alien to them. Under the slogans of democracy and liberalism, an unprecedented, most brutal political slavery is being created; dictatorship which can already be seen in the “construction of a united Europe” of the 1990s.

The ideology of modern mondialism continues the logic and figurative style of the racist doctrine of the Zion Protocols - the establishment of world domination by representatives of the “chosen people” and the enslavement of the rest of humanity.

Mondialists operate on the “magic number” of 2000, when, in their opinion, a new world cosmopolitan order will be established throughout the planet. By this time, they believe, the world government will not only control, but also lead all spheres of society, including religious ones.

One of the prominent figures behind the scenes of the world, a member of the Bilderberg Club, the head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the French Jew Jacques Attali, wrote, in fact, the programmatic book for mondialism, “Horizon Lines.” In it, he argues for the need to create a “planetary political power.” The new world order, or as Attali calls it, the trade order, will become universal by the year 2000.

Attali reveals three levels of attempts by the world behind the scenes to dominate humanity, speaks of three types of order, “three ways of organizing violence”: “the world order of the sacred, the world order of power, the world order of money.”

He calls the current stage of development of mondialism the trade order. In this order, everything is bought and sold, and the main, universal value, including in the spiritual sphere, is money.

The new trade and monetary world order “constantly strives to organize a single universal form on a global scale.” In this order, power is measured by “the amount of money controlled, first through force, then through law.”

The cosmopolitanization of humanity is one of the main goals of the world behind the scenes. As Attali writes, “nomadism will be the highest form of the new society... will determine the way of life, cultural style and form of consumption by the year 2000. Everyone will carry their own identity with them.”

By nomadism, Attali understands a society of people deprived of a sense of homeland, soil, the faith of their ancestors and living only in the interests of consumption and spectacles that the television and video screen brings to them. Nomads will be regulated through computer networks on a global scale. Each nomad will have a special magnetic card with all the data about him, and above all about the availability of money. And woe to those who “find themselves deprived of money and who threaten the world order by challenging its method of distribution!”

“The person (the nomad), like the object,” writes Attali, “will be in constant movement, without an address or a stable family. He will carry on himself, in himself, what his social value will be embodied in,” that is, what his planetary “educators” will put into him and where they will deem it necessary to direct him.

According to Attali, the pressure on a person will be such that he will have only one choice: “either to conform to the nomadic society, or to be excluded from it.”

“The rhythm of the law,” Attali reveals, “will be ephemerality (the creation of an illusory world with the help of television and video. - O.P.), the highest source of desire will be narcissism (self-satisfaction, self-enjoyment. - O.P.). The desire to be normal (typical, like everyone else - O.P.) will become the engine of social adaptation.”

Already now, behind-the-scenes figures are creating mechanisms for global control over humanity. The highest scientific and technological achievements in the hands of the Jewish leaders are transformed into means of establishing the most cruel slavery and oppression in world history. The vanguard of this “work” is the United States. In this country, every resident from the day of his birth becomes a number in a computer network. All data about it is entered into a computer accounting system. His number is present on all documents, certificates and bank accounts.

At the first stage, it is planned to make the entire population of the United States, and then other countries, forced owners of plastic cards with a permanent number coded under the name of the owner-creditor. The owner's name becomes the property of the computer network, and as long as the owner uses the plastic credit given to him, computers will keep a constant record of his purchasing and credit statistics. In addition to financial and credit operations, computers collect and systematize information of a social, professional, spiritual, ethnic, religious, political, legal, moral and educational nature for every person born and living on Earth.

President B. Clinton, speaking on US national television, showed such a card to television viewers, advertising its “extraordinary advantages,” without saying anything that it would become a means of monitoring a person and an electronic dossier on him.

At the next stage, it is planned to implant a special electronic “chip” (biocard) into each person’s hand, on which the same information will be recorded as on a plastic card. If the latter can be thrown out or lost, then it is no longer possible to throw away the implanted biocard. A person's location can be found at any time. Every inhabitant of the Earth will fall under vigilant and comprehensive control. Biomaps will be read by scanners installed on special Earth satellites that constantly scan the entire globe and can monitor any carrier of the implanted “chip.” Telephone lines and other communication channels will be subject to the same global control.

As implanted biocards become more common, they will become the only means of payment. Cash will be effectively abolished. And all purchases and sales, receipt of salaries and income, and payments will be made cashless using a biocard. A person who avoids having a biocard implanted will not be able to buy or sell anything. He is destined to die of hunger if he does not obey the dictates of the masters of life.

What was also predicted in the Apocalypse is coming true. John the Theologian says that with the advent of the power of the Antichrist, all people will be branded with his seal. “And he did this, that everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—should receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. And that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for his number is 666” (Rev. 13:16-18).

In 1997, the US government announced its intention to invest $500 million in a program to create a universal computer network. It is assumed that every home in the country will have a computer-TV connected to the Internet. This computer will control the entire house, and payments for all services and taxes will be made through it. About 40 of the world's largest companies (mostly American) are working on a biometric card project, without which the “home-computer” will not be able to function, since it will be controlled by a central computer via the Internet.

As an experiment, the State Department, CIA and National Security Agency provided every Mexican citizen with a biometric plastic card to register to vote. Subsequently, a card of this type will apparently be used to register US citizens.

The Internet, as a useful information network, is turning into a tool for complete control over an individual. The introduction of biometric cards with all the indications of the human body - diseases, weaknesses, addictions - will make it possible to turn a person into an instrument of political and social manipulation. Experienced specialists, possessing biometric card data, will find a way to influence human biological parameters. Thus, a person becomes an inhabitant of the illusory world of computer science, where real facts are replaced by fantastic ideas and fictions. Research shows that addiction to the Internet and virtual reality is a way of avoiding pressing life issues, difficulties and sorrows, which, in turn, leads to mental disorders. Affected people usually experience drug withdrawal symptoms if they are deprived of their hobby for even a few days.

Chapter 54

Council on Foreign Relations. – From the Warburgs to the Rockefellers. – The teachings of Allen Dulles. – Center for World Russophobia. Universal principle of Freemasonry.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the largest global organization behind the scenes, uniting the most influential people of the United States and the Western world: former and current presidents, ministers, ambassadors, high-ranking officials, leading bankers and financiers, presidents and chairmen of the boards of transnational corporations and firms, university leaders (including leading professors), the media (including mainstream journalists and television commentators), Congressmen, Supreme Court justices, military commanders in America and Europe, NATO generals, CIA and other intelligence agency officials, UN officials and major international organizations.

The CFR was founded in 1921 by leaders of Jewish organizations and Masonic lodges in the United States who participated in the Paris Peace Conference. These Masonic conspirators were looking for new forms of influence on the peoples of the world and strengthening US influence on world politics.

At the origins of the CFR are the Jewish leaders of the Round Table Society, which was transformed in May 1919 in Paris into the Institute of International Relations with branches in France, England and the USA. The latter became the organizational basis of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The creation of the Council on Foreign Relations as a shadow, behind-the-scenes political organization was carried out in parallel with the construction of the structures of an open international organization - the League of Nations.

However, until the end of the Second World War, the role of the CFR was relatively limited, and a certain disunity and inconsistency was felt in the activities of Jewish organizations and Masonic lodges. Secret organizations were torn apart by a serious struggle for power and division of influence. In addition, European politicians were worried about the hegemonic claims of the United States. The situation changed in 1947 with the intensification of the West's Cold War against Russia. In this war, the United States took the leadership position. In the new conditions, the Council on Foreign Relations gradually turned into the main strategic center for waging the West's Cold War against Russia. It was during this period that many of the Pentagon and NATO generals, figures from the CIA and other intelligence agencies became members of the Council. The initiative to launch a nuclear strike on Russia was developed within the walls of the CFR, and among its ranks were all the most important leaders and ideologists of subversive activities against our country: from A. Dulles (president of the CFR, 1946-1950, and earlier, 1933-1944, secretary of the CFR) , Baruch, Morgenthau to G. Kissinger (director of the CFR, 1977-1981), 3. Brzezinski (director of the CFR, 1972-1977) and R. Pipes. In the Cold War against Russia, leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations actually identified US national interests with the state interests of Western Europe, tying the latter's foreign policy to the hegemonic aspirations of the United States.

The management system of this mondialist organization is built on the principle of a corporation - on the one hand there is a chairman and vice-chairman, on the other - a president and several vice-presidents. The current work is performed by the executive director and secretary with broad powers. In addition to the executive director, there is a number of simply directors responsible for a certain area of ​​​​work (there are more than 30 of them - respectively, directors). The treasurer and the director of scientific research are allocated to separate structures.

The first president of the Council was a freemason of the highest degree, D. Davis, and among the first directors were such prominent Jewish politicians as P. Warburg, O. Kahn, I. Bauman, W. Shepardson, E. Gay (at the same time secretary), P. Cravath. Since 1933, the latter was replaced as secretary by the future founder and director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, who had already held the position of one of the directors of the CIA since 1927.

The subsequent development of the Council on Foreign Relations takes place under the star sign of Allen Dulles, who becomes its key figure in the organization of work and methods of activity. Combining the posts of secretary and one of the directors, A. Dulles has been vice president since 1944, and president of the CFR from 1946 to 1950. Even after moving to the post of director of the CIA, Dulles did not leave his director's seat on the Council until his death. As vice-president of the Council, A. Dulles, secretly from the USSR, negotiates a separate peace with representatives of fascist Germany, hoping to agree with them on a joint struggle against the Russian people. Immediately after the war, already being president, Dulles at one of the Council meetings proclaims a new doctrine of subversion against Russia:

“The war will end, somehow everything will be settled and settled. And we will throw everything we have, all the gold, all the material assistance or resources, to fool and fool people.

The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our assistants and allies in Russia itself.

Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out. From literature and art, for example, we will gradually erase their social essence, wean artists, we will discourage them from engaging in depictions, or researching or something about the processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theater, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality. We will create chaos and confusion in government management...

Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone; they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness, drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, we will spread all this deftly and imperceptibly...

We will undermine generation after generation in this way... We will take on people from childhood and adolescence, we will always place the main emphasis on youth, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them. We will make spies and cosmopolitans out of them. This is how we will do it.”

Since the 50s, David Rockefeller has gradually become the new key figure of the CFR. Director of the CFR since 1949, vice president since 1950, chairman since 1970, D. Rockefeller is growing into the main coordinating figure of the entire world behind the scenes, possessing power that, in fact, even American presidents never dreamed of. Rockefeller's power and influence increased as the world's behind-the-scenes activities expanded through the creation of new mondialist organizations, the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission.

In 1962, Rockefeller gave a keynote public lecture at Harvard University, “Federalism and the Free World Order,” in which he advocated the creation of a global state led by a single federal government. In his constructions, he relied on the ideas of the American “Founding Fathers,” who put forward a “universal principle” capable of uniting the whole world into one.

In the mid-80s, D. Rockefeller as chairman and Lord Winston as president of the CFR were replaced by new figures. The prominent Jewish industrialist and public figure P. Peterson becomes the chairman of the CFR, and the famous freemason J. Swing becomes the president (since 1993, this place has been taken by the Jewish New York Times columnist L. Gelb). Rockefeller himself still remains the invisible ruler of all mondialist structures, coordinating and directing their activities.

About 60% of all members and up to 80% of the leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations are people of Jewish origin. Almost all CFR members belong to Masonic lodges or Rotary-type clubs.

There are no Christian priests on the Council, but rabbis are abundantly represented, for example Herzberg (Emmanuel Synagogue), L. Leviveld, A. Schneier (honorary chairman of the World Jewish Congress), as well as the chairman of the Zion Home for Pensioners L. Sullivan. One of the prominent places on the Council is occupied by the head of the world Jewish Masonic lodge "B'nai B'rith" G. Kissinger. Decisions in support of Israel and Jewish organizations are automatically and out of turn stamped by the leadership of the CFR. According to witnesses, the meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations, in terms of the nature of the participants, resemble the congresses of the World Jewish Congress.

The Council on Foreign Relations today includes the entire political, economic and cultural elite of the United States. All the largest and transnational corporations of the Western world are represented: General Motors, Boeing, General Electric, Chrysler, Xerox, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Dow Chemical, Shell ", "IBM", "Lockheed", "Chevron", "Procter & Gamble", "ITT", "ATT", "Texaco", "Dupont", "Exxon", "McDonell Douglas", "Kodak", " Levi Straus, Mobile Oil, as well as almost all the largest banks and financial groups.

The main financial regulator of the Western world, the Federal Reserve System and the New York Stock Exchange, is under the absolute control of the CFR. All Fed leaders are members of the Council on Foreign Relations and regularly report to the top of the Council. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Federal Reserve System itself and its main parts - Boston, Atlanta and Cleveland - are headed by the largest functionaries of the CFR.

Universities and scientific institutions are represented in the Council by their leaders and leading professors. Universities such as Columbia, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, California, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology play a particularly important role in the work of the Council.

The Council on Foreign Relations has complete control over all major media outlets, especially television. Council members include the heads of CNN, NBC, CBS, Free Europe, USIA, New York Times, Newsweek, Washington Post, U.S. . C. News and World Report, Christian Science Monitor, Reader's Digest, Time, Wall Street Journal, Foreign Affairs, Associated Press, as well as major publishers and the Association of American Publishers.

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations is located in New York, on the corner of 58th and 68th streets, in a building named after the famous Masonic figure Harold Pratt. Directly opposite the headquarters of the world behind the scenes is the Russian (former Soviet) consulate.

Chapter 55

Bilderberg Club. - The brainchild of American intelligence services. – A means of controlling the ruling elites of the West.

The emergence of the Bilderberg Club is primarily associated with an attempt by the Judeo-Masonic elites of Europe to somehow restrain the US claims to leadership of all world politics, which was assumed by the Council on Foreign Relations, which consists mainly of Americans. On the other hand, American politicians willingly took part in the Bilderberg Club, as they hoped to more actively and directly influence the “powers that be” in Europe. The real creators of the Bilderberg Club were the American intelligence services. In 1948, on their initiative, the American Committee for United Europe arose, whose chairman was W. Donovan (former head of the Office of Strategic Services), and A. Dulles (Director of the CIA) as vice-chairman. Working in the same team with them was another career American intelligence officer, D. Retinger, who was called the “gray eminence” in diplomatic circles. He was the Secretary General of the European Movement, through whom the CIA transferred money for subversive activities in Europe.

Using the channels and large financial resources of the CIA, Rettinger was able to enlist the support of many influential figures in Europe, such as Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who did not hesitate to cooperate with the CIA. In fact, the first meeting of the Bilderberg Club was held through the efforts of Retinger, who played a large role in this organization until his death in 1960.

But, of course, Retinger’s real masters were D. Rockefeller, Dean Rusk, head of the Rockefeller Foundation G. Heinz, President of the Carnegie Foundation D. Johnson, and Chairman of the Baruch Corporation D. Coleman who were present at the meeting. A total of 80 people attended this meeting. The first documents of the Bilderberg Club spoke about the creation of a new international order and the implementation of long-term planning for Western foreign policy activities in relation to the USSR and third world countries.

There is no such thing as membership in the Bilderberg Club. Each meeting takes place with a significantly updated composition. Nevertheless, a backbone has formed, the asset of this club, which unites 383 people, of which 128, or one third, are Americans, and the rest are Europeans. Although the latter were given the opportunity to participate in the preparation of important political decisions, the biggest beneficiaries from the creation of the Bilderberg Club were the Judeo-Masonic elites of the United States. They have the politically most mature organization in this club: 42 representatives of the presidential administration, the Department of Defense, the State Department and other US authorities, 25 representatives of major corporations, banks and business circles, 54 representatives of American universities, the media and public organizations of the Masonic type (“ fink tanks"). In fact, the head of the Bilderberg Club, as well as the Council on Foreign Relations, is D. Rockefeller, the formal chairman is the American P. Carrington. In addition, the club has two “Honorable General Secretaries”: one for Europe and Canada, the other for the USA.

The headquarters of the Bilderberg Club are located in New York, on the premises of the Carnegie Foundation.

Club meetings are held in complete secrecy, by special invitation, and the dates of their convening are not announced in the press. The organization of meetings and the safety of participants is ensured by the country in which the Bilderbergers gather - as they began to be called after the Bilderberg Hotel in the Dutch city of Oosterbeek, where the first meeting of the club took place in May 1954.

Any meeting of the Bilderbergers, despite complete secrecy, arouses great interest among the world community. It is impossible to hide the arrival of a large number of famous people in one place, including presidents, kings, princes, chancellors, prime ministers, ambassadors, bankers, and heads of major corporations. Moreover, each of them arrives with a whole retinue of secretaries, cooks, waiters, telephone operators and bodyguards.

At the Bilderberg meeting in June 1997, held at the Renaissance Pine resort near Atlanta (USA), the issue of creating three administrative centers of world government was discussed: European, American and Pacific. Every time, despite such a significant event, the “free and democratic” television and press of the West do not provide any information about it, which clearly demonstrates who pays for this “freedom.”

Chapter 56

Trilateral Commission. – New economic world order 3. Brzezinski. – Subordination of the world economy to Jewish bankers. – “The newest international bondage.”

The creation of the Trilateral Commission in 1973 was associated with increasing rivalry among the ruling elites of the West and the growing economic power of Japan. In the 60s, Japanese politicians and bankers, invited to separate meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations, raised the issue of representing their interests in the world behind the scenes.

Taking into account these new factors, after a discussion at the Council on Foreign Relations, the world behind the scenes makes a decision to create an organization that would balance the interests of different groups of influence of the Judeo-Masonic elites of the world. In connection with this decision, D. Rockefeller instructed the Polish Jew Z. Brzezinski to form the structure of a new organization that would unite the highest political and business leaders of the West.

Continuing the line of such misanthropes and Russophobes as P. Warburg, A. Dulles, D. Rockefeller, G. Kissinger, Z. Brzezinski became another ideologist of the “new world order.”

On March 3, 1975, Brzezinski delivered a policy article in New York Magazine, where he outlined his plan for establishing a new world order. “We must recognize,” said this senior leader of the Judeo-Masonic civilization, “that the world today is striving for the unity that we have so long desired ... The new world will take the form of a global community ... At first this will especially affect the economic world order.” The Masonic conspirator substantiated the need for leadership of the world behind the scenes, which, through the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, will influence the economy of the planet. “We must create a mechanism for global planning and long-term redistribution of resources (in favor of the Western world - O.P.).” It was this direction that became the main one in the activities of the Trilateral Commission.

The Trilateral Commission was created in three parts - Western European, North American (USA and Canada) and Japanese. In terms of the number of members, the largest was the North American one, amounting to 117 people (excluding Canada), of which 32 people represented the American President, the State Department, the Department of Defense and the US Congress. American corporations and banks were especially well represented (47 people).

From Japan, 84 people participated in the Trilateral Commission, mainly heads of leading Japanese corporations (Mitsubishi, Toyota, Toshiba, Sony, etc.) and banks.

The largest European delegations of the Trilateral Commission were Italian (26 people), French (22 people), German (21 people), English (19 people). Belgium was represented disproportionately to its size - 26 people; at least 30% of the members of the Trilateral Commission were Jews.

Behind-the-scenes decisions made by members of the Trilateral Commission have become a kind of laws for politicians in all Western countries. As American Senator B. Goldwater wrote, David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission is “the newest international bondage,” a mechanism for subordinating US policy to the interests of international bankers.

Already from the first years of its existence, the commission showed its political power by nominating D. Carter as a candidate for US President at one of its meetings. Together with the Council on Foreign Relations, the commission mobilized the finances of the largest banks, pressed the influence buttons of the media under its control, and thus achieved the election of Carter.

The headquarters of the Trilateral Commission is located in the same building as the headquarters of the Bilderberg Club - on the premises of the Carnegie Endowment.

In 1996, I visited the buildings where the headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission are located. I was struck by a kind of chilling atmosphere around them, an iron, inhuman order, well-trained numerous guards, suppressing any attempts to enter the “holy of holies” of the world behind the scenes. My requests for some clarification about the activities of these organizations were met with incomprehensible, rigid answers from short-haired fellows who reminded me of the militants of the Nazi Reich.

Chapter 57

World Forum. – Gorbachev’s call for globalization of the management of humanity. – Legalization of the ideas of a single world state and world government. - "Council of the Wise."

More successful in this sense was my personal acquaintance with another behind-the-scenes organization - the World Forum (Gorbachev Foundation). The headquarters of this organization is located on the West Coast of the United States, in San Francisco. Continuing my research into the geography of global organizations behind the scenes, I drove along a street with the characteristic name Masonic street, which led me to the shore of the Pacific Ocean, where, among the shady palm trees on the territory of the former US military base, the Presidio has been carrying out subversive work against the peoples since 1992 world Gorbachev Foundation, which received a new name in 1995 - World Forum.

The creation and further development of this organization are directly related to the activities of both the largest mondialist structure, the Council on Foreign Relations, and US government agencies and intelligence services.

The decision to create the Gorbachev Foundation was made at the Council on Foreign Relations. Moreover, the emergence of this Fund was preceded by a complex procedure. At the very end of 1991, two members of the Council on Foreign Relations, D. Garrison and A. Vossbrink, were tasked with forming a special organization that would serve as a cover for the subversive policies of the United States in the territory of the former republics of the USSR. This organization was called the International Foreign Policy Association and is registered by the US Agency for International Development as a private voluntary institution “promoting the transition to democracy and the market in the former Soviet republics.” The activities of the “association” were limited to organizing the transport of humanitarian goods to Russia and Georgia. Through this “association,” the US Department of Defense sent food, medicine, and discarded clothing and uniforms that had been stored in Pentagon warehouses to Russia on its military aircraft. Under the cover of these actions, taking advantage of the fact that the contents of the planes were not inspected, and the people arriving on them were allowed in without visas or registration, the CIA and US military intelligence transported a large number of new agents and special equipment to our country.

Three or four months after the creation of the Association, the same D. Garrison and A. Vossbrink received permission from the former USSR President Gorbachev to create a Foundation in his name. The new organization arose on the basis of the staff of the same International Foreign Policy Association.

For two years, both organizations - the Association and the Foundation - exist like Siamese twins in two persons, but under one leadership.

After the creation of the Foundation, Gorbachev toured the United States, where he spoke to numerous audiences, declaring that with the fall of the USSR, the world had entered a qualitatively new stage of development. The destruction of Russian civilization marked the victory of a new global civilization. The old paradigm of historical development is being replaced by a new one.

Gorbachev met with US Presidents D. Bush, R. Reagan, D. Carter, R. Nixon, and former US Secretary of State D. Shultz. At a meeting with President Reagan, Gorbachev assured him that he would do everything to achieve a “new integrated global civilization” controlled from a single center. Apparently, it was at these meetings that the tasks and stages of creating a single world government and the complete subordination of humanity to the leaders of the Judeo-Masonic civilization were mainly determined.

In the fall of 1993, the Gorbachev Foundation, both Russian and American, together with the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, held a series of international meetings to discuss the steps that need to be taken during the “historic transition period” from the old type of civilization to an integrated global civilization. It was the Gorbachev Foundation (USA) that in the same 1993 raised the question of the need to create an international organization that would take control of all the religions of the world - the so-called Organization of United Religions.

The plan to establish global control over humanity was carried out under the guise of the “Global Security Project” put forward by the Gorbachev Foundation. This project, declaring the indisputable truths of building a world without wars and conflicts, provided for a sharp strengthening of the power of supranational international organizations, and above all NATO. In fact, in a slightly camouflaged form, complete control over humanity, according to the project of the Gorbachev Foundation, was transferred to the hands of the United States and its allies in the North Atlantic bloc.

It is not surprising that the Global Security Project was approved by the Council on Foreign Relations on October 19, 1994. At the same time, the CFR decided to transform the Gorbachev Foundation (USA) and the International Foreign Policy Association, headed by D. Garrison, into one new globalist structure - the World Forum (MF). By forming this new structure, the world behind the scenes, as it were, legalizes the idea of ​​a single world state and world government. The MF is tasked with a gradual movement towards the creation of a “global state” and “integrated global governance”, as well as preparing world public opinion to think about the “progressiveness” and “necessity” of these steps.

The first IF conference, held in September 1995 in San Francisco (USA), was attended by many representatives of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Club, the Trilateral Commission, as well as many Masonic lodges. It is symbolic that the MF meetings were held in the large conference hall of the main Masonic temple in California. A ticket for the right to participate in the conference (five days) cost 5 thousand dollars (including meals and hotel). The words “new world order", "world government", "global governance". For example, one of the main theorists of the world behind the scenes, Z. Brzezinski, stated that “the globalization of world governance is not an act of good desire or good will, but an inevitable process” that must be controlled. The MF is created to control this process. Gorbachev himself at this conference proclaimed the era of a new civilization. In his book, In Search of a New Beginning: The Development of a New Civilization, released to coincide with the opening of the conference, he declared that “the time has come to develop an integrated global policy.”

Gorbachev puts forward the idea of ​​“consensus” between the future world government and nation states, proposing that the latter renounce their sovereignty in favor of international laws that will dictate to all the inhabitants of the Earth “common beliefs, values, standards, way of life,” formulated by a group of world leaders. Gorbachev proposes to select 100 people of “innovative thinkers”, whom he calls the “Global Brain Trust”, or “Council of Wise Men”, instructing them to gather annually in the Presidio to manage the global processes of humanity. The former General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee proposes to create an Earth Charter - a Bill of Rights of the Planet, by which people all over the Earth will be obliged to live.

On the last day of the conference, a discussion about the role of the UN in the future “global governance of humanity” unfolded between the major figures behind the scenes of the world - Bush, Thatcher and Gorbachev - who were present at the congress. From this discussion it became clear that the world behind the scenes is not satisfied with the current state and organization of the UN, because the composition of its delegations is formed on a national basis and the participating states send their delegates at their own discretion. A significant portion of representatives of UN member states are not subject to the dictates of the world behind the scenes and are inclined to make independent decisions that correspond to their national interests. The world government, expressing the position only of the countries of the Judeo-Masonic civilization, seeks to limit the capabilities of the UN, turning it into a technical apparatus for implementing decisions made by the behind-the-scenes rulers of the world. Thus, M. Thatcher openly stated at the 1995 conference that the most important world problems should not be left to the UN - they would be solved by a new, more suitable organization. When raising the question of a world government, global figures behind the scenes are not going to base it on the UN principle of fair representation of the national forces of all countries. They strive to create a supranational body that has the right to trample on the state sovereignty of any country and to use military force against those who do not submit. According to the plans of the MF members, the personal composition of the world government will be determined not by the peoples of our planet, but at secret meetings of such globalist structures as the Bilderberg Club, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.

The world behind the scenes uses the UN as a technical tool to influence the free peoples of the world. At the World Forum conference, the world population control program, carried out by the UN World Bank jointly with the US government, was approved. The main goal of the program is to ensure a sharp reduction in the birth rate in countries not related to the Judeo-Masonic civilization. This program covers about 100 countries of the world, providing for a variety of measures, including forced sterilization of men and women. One of the main people responsible for carrying out this inhumane program is the director of the World Bank D. Wolfensohn, an influential person behind the scenes of the world, director of finance for the Rockefeller Foundation committee, one of the leaders of the Bilderberg Club and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The next MF conference was also held without much publicity at the beginning of October 1996 in the same place, in San Francisco. It was opened by a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, one of the leaders of the international Jewish Masonic lodge "B'nai B'rith", President of the Carnegie Corporation David Hamburg.

The general spiritual crisis of humanity was viewed at the 1996 International Conference not as the destruction of Christian civilization by the Judeo-Masonic world, but as the resistance of a significant part of humanity to attempts to impose cosmopolitan values ​​and an alien way of life on it. In the reports of religious philosophers S. Kean, M. Palmer, and the figure behind the scenes of the world, D. Hamburg, whom I already mentioned, the Western system of values, based primarily on Jewish culture, was considered as a starting point for all humanity, and any opposition to it was seen as an outdated, reactionary view of life.

S. Keen, for example, proposed the following solution to the Earth’s environmental problem to the MF: “If we cut the world’s population by 90%, then there will be no people left to cause environmental damage.” This proposal was met with thunderous applause from those present.

The most important distinguishing feature of all the conferences convened by the MF was their anti-Christian orientation. Figures behind the scenes of the world seemed to demonstrate their negative attitude towards the Testaments of Jesus Christ. The position of Christianity was not reflected in any of the reports. Many speeches were dominated by the views of representatives of the “New Age” religion, which is, in fact, a satanic-pantheistic teaching close to atheism. Most of the speakers expressed the satanic complex of the “builders of the tower of Babel,” declaring the “truths” of the religion of the future, in which there will be no place for the Commandments of the Savior, but only the convenient ideas about God of a cosmopolitan businessman, seized by the passion of acquiring wealth at the cost of suffering and even death of most of humanity.

The elite of followers of the “New Age” religion, to which the president of the MF D. Garrison himself belongs, was represented at the conference of this mondialist organization by such famous names in the Western world as the “New Age” musician D. Denver, actors S. McLain and D. Weaver , writer (mainly satanic-mystical books about the transmigration of souls) D. Chorpa, founder of the Esalem Institute M. Murphy, futurist D. Naisbitt, director of the Institute of Peace R. Muller, head of the Dianetics sect B. Hubbard.

The representative of the New Age religion, D. Denver, actually opened the first conference by performing a ritual song in the spirit of the New Age together with a children's choir. In all the main issues, the “New Ages” set the tone: the guru-philosopher S. Keene spoke about the problems of regulating the Earth's population, the leading speakers at the conference were V. Garman (president of the Institute of Spiritual Sciences, guru of psychedelic drug addiction of the 60s), D. Shigen, M. Murphy.

By the beginning of 1997, the structure of the governing bodies of the Ministry of Finance was fully formed. General management was carried out by President D. Garisson and Chairman of the Board M. Gorbachev, who consisted of 17 co-chairmen and a board of 10 people. Under these governing bodies were the International Coordination Council of 44 people and the San Francisco Coordination Council of 16 people. The operational management of the organization was carried out by a directorate of 14 people. The total number of people in the leadership of the MF was 100 people, apparently a mystical figure for M. Gorbachev, since even at the first conference of this organization he spoke about the need to create a World Brain Trust, or “Council of Wise Men” of 100 people.

So, who entered the “Council of Wise Men” formed by the world behind the scenes and M. Gorbachev?

M. Gorbachev's co-chairs, in particular, were members of the Council on Foreign Relations, former US Secretary of State D. Baker and M. Edelman, member of the Bilderberg Club, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands R. Lubbers, member of the Trilateral Commission, former Prime Minister of Japan Y. Nakasone, widow Prime Minister of Israel L. Rabin, widow of the traitor to the Arab people A. Sadat - D. Sadat, one of the world pillars of the cosmopolitan information system, member of all possible structures of the world behind the scenes T. Turner.

The directorate, in addition to the already mentioned members of the Council on Foreign Relations D. Garrison and A. Vossbrink, included S. Donovan (President of the Esalem Institute, “New Century”), D. O'Neill (President of the Center for Leadership Renewal), T. Rabin (President of the Focus Media information corporation), B. Sedlikh (President of the Raychem corporation).

The Council under the Chairmen of the International Federation included such well-known figures from the world behind the scenes as members of the Council on Foreign Relations: former Majority Leader in the US Senate (1988-1994) D. Mitchell and former Senator (1969-1993) A. Cranston, President of the American Academy of Sciences B Alberts, futurist and writer D. Naisbitt.

Members of the Council on Foreign Relations stood out in the International Coordination Council: L. Brown (president of the World Watch Institute), F. Master (chairman of the Gorbachev Foundation in the Netherlands), S. Rinesmith (president of Rinesmith and Associates), A. Villar (Director of Latin American Business Reports magazine), V. Welch (Editor-in-Chief of World Times magazine).

Thus, the “wise men” of Gorbachev’s “Council of Wise Men” were predominantly representatives of the world behind the scenes, and above all the Council on Foreign Relations, which left no doubt about the mondialist character and tasks of this organization. This is also confirmed by the composition of the MF’s sponsors, including such global Masonic structures as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Global Society Foundation, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the CNN television company, as well as corporations whose leaders are part of the global backstage: “ Chevron, Johnson & Johnson, Packard, Prodigy, Occidental Petroleum, British Airways, etc.

Chapter 58

Nomenclature of the world behind the scenes. – Its number and composition. – Infrastructure of secret power. – Russian commissars of the new world order.

The total number of figures in the four main organizations of the world behind the scenes is, according to my calculations, at least 6 thousand people. These are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Club and the IF.

However, it would be incorrect to classify all these people as part of the world government. Our research shows that there are no more than 500 such people among 6 thousand. These are the people who make up the top of all the organizations listed above, who have enormous power to make global decisions on issues of international politics, economics and culture.

The remaining 5,500 perform two important functions: first, they are a kind of council under the world government; secondly, the infrastructure of secret power and influence of the behind-the-scenes world government in all spheres of human life (Diagram 1).

Of course, the circle of agents of influence behind the scenes of the world is much wider. It covers not only the actual members of the main mondialist organizations, but also many other structures (not to mention secret Jewish organizations like B'nai B'rith and Masonic lodges) created or controlled by figures from the world behind the scenes. There are tens of thousands of such agents of influence in the world. In the USA alone there are dozens of organizations close to the world behind the scenes. Among them, special mention should be made of the Carnegie Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Brookings Institution, the Kissinger Association, the Asia Foundation, the Aspen Institute, the Center for International Policy, the National Policy Center, the Center for International Policy Development, the Foreign Policy Association, the Hudson Institute, the American National Institute, the American Institute Entrepreneurship, International Development Council.

Scheme 1

Spheres of influence of the secret world government

The world behind the scenes has created a kind of power nomenklatura, more effective and flexible than the one invented by the Jewish Bolsheviks in the USSR. A person who becomes part of one of the world's behind-the-scenes organizations secures a high political or business career for the rest of his life. Depending on the conditions, he is transferred from the chair of the bank director to the chair of the president of a corporation or special fund. He is supported in parliamentary elections. He becomes the head of a trade union or the chief of a magazine or television company. For example, CFR member L. Branscombe, director of Harvard University, then finds himself in the chair of director of the Mobil Oil Corporation, and eventually occupies a high government post. D. Kirkland is transferred from the post of director of the CFR to the chair of the president of the AFL-CIO trade union association. However, in many cases, leaders of global behind-the-scenes organizations combine their posts with high positions in politics or business. Thus, D. Burke is the director of the Council on Foreign Relations and the director of the IBM Corporation.

The most influential figures behind the scenes of the world are those who are simultaneously members of its three main organizations - CMO, BC and TK. There are only 23 such people, among them - D. Rockefeller, G. Kissinger, 3. Brzezinski, B. Clinton, D. Corrigan, Lord Winston, R. McNamara (diagram 2).

About 150 members of the world behind the scenes are simultaneously members of two organizations. Among them, for example, is the well-known D. Soros (member of BC and CFR), as well as the president of the famous television company CNN in the West, V. Johnson (member of CFR and TC).

Members of the world's behind-the-scenes organizations are the main nomenklatura reserve for the selection of the leadership of international organizations. All high-ranking representatives of the United States and Western countries at the UN belong to the world behind the scenes. At least one member of the Council on Foreign Relations (in the mid-90s, this was D. Thornburgh) is listed as a kind of commissar of the world behind the scenes under the UN Secretary General, with the rank of his deputy.

High-ranking members of the world behind the scenes head the International Trade and Tariff Organization (GATT) (P. Sutherland, member of the BC and TC), the World Bank (D. Wolfensohn, member of the BC and CFR), the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Under their control are the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the Nobel Committee. The destruction of the Slavic state of Yugoslavia, under the guise of peacekeeping activities, was carried out by T. Stoltenberg, head of the UN commission, member of the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission.

The anti-Slavic, anti-Russian, anti-Orthodox orientation of the world behind the scenes, clearly identified from the very beginning of the activities of their organizations, created a whole “school” of behind-the-scenes Russophobic politicians. Without exception, all US ambassadors to our country were supporters of the Cold War against Russia and advocated the dismemberment of the USSR. All of them, starting with the Cold War ideologist D. Kennan and A. Harriman, were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Active figures in the secret subversive war against our country during the years of “perestroika” were American ambassadors D. Matlock (member of the BC and TC), T. Pickering (member of the BC and CFR), R. Strauss (member of the CFR), S. Talbott (director of the CFR , member of the TC). I'm not even talking about such well-known architects of subversive activities against Russia as Z. Brzezinski, D. Soros, R. Pipes, D. Simes.

Scheme 2

Modern organizational structure of the world behind the scenes - the secret world government
Composition of the world behind the scenes

Of the former socialist countries, members of the main organizations behind the scenes of the world are the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs A. Olechowski (Bilderberg Club) and the former President of the USSR M. Gorbachev (Trilateral Commission). However, the latter's membership in this organization did not last long. The world behind the scenes, having encouraged him to betray his homeland, nevertheless did not really trust the traitor. Gorbachev's current participation in mondialist structures (except for the World Forum, in which he plays a key role) comes down to the functions of a consultant (informant). The same role is played by Gorbachev’s associates in the destruction of the USSR E. Shevardnadze, A. Yakovlev, G. Popov, A. Sobchak, G. Burbulis and similar figures. However, their time has run out.

Today, a new cohort of agents of Western influence and traitors to the Motherland plays a special role in the activities of mondialist organizations. These include, first of all, people with dual Russian-Israeli citizenship. Until recently, all the key figures of Yeltsin’s criminal-cosmopolitan government had this status: former Prime Minister S. Kiriyenko, deputy prime ministers Chubais, Nemtsov, Urinson; ministers Yasin, Livshits, Berezovsky, as well as many other high-ranking officials of the Russian White House. These people, possessed by a pathological hatred of Russia and a boundless passion for profit, feel like missionaries of the “chosen” people in our country and therefore behave like the Israeli invaders in Palestine. The nature of their mission is known from the Protocols of Zion and does not require much explanation.

Almost half of Russians believe in a secret world government! More precisely, 45 percent. This is data from a recent survey by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM).

“These 45 percent of our fellow citizens are essentially right, but they are wrong in form.” There is no such form as a “secret world,” says historian Andrei Fursov in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, who has been studying the world’s elites for many years. — But closed supranational structures of global coordination and governance are a reality. These structures often dictate their will to governments, parliaments, and individuals. But they in no way represent a single body of the world elite.

What is the world's elite?

The world elite is a collection of families of monarchs (not all, of course), the old European aristocracy, bankers and industrialists. They are connected with each other by business, family and occult ties, organized into closed lodges, clubs, commissions, etc. A kind of family-business web that has existed in its current form for 150-200 years.

Is the Queen of Great Britain entering there?

Of course. Like the royal family of the Netherlands, a number of ducal and count families of Italy, Germany, and Austria. These are not at all decorative figures, relics of the Middle Ages, as they are often depicted, but one of the segments of what British Prime Minister B. Disraeli called “masters of history”, and our wonderful writer O. Markeev - “masters of the world game”.

God forbid! If Clinton said that the only thing Obama was good for was bringing coffee to bed for him and his wife, then in relation to the world elite, Barack is something like taking out the chamber pot. What are presidents and prime ministers in the West? High-ranking clerks whom the world's elite hired to serve their interests and placed in high chairs. Moreover, as a rule, special forces from the world elite look after the clerks. Like, for example, Colonel House under US President Wilson and the “assistant” of British Prime Minister Lloyd George, Lord Lothian. In reality, it was the president and prime minister who were with their “assistants.” A rare exception is Bush Sr. and his underage son as US presidents. The Bushes are part of the world's elite, they are distant relatives of the British Queen, they run the Skull and Bones society (an offshoot of the Illuminati) in Yell. But, I repeat, this is an exception. As a rule, presidents and prime ministers come from the middle class, which is looked down upon by the elite, especially in Anglo-Saxon countries. Let's remember the story when Thatcher announced the name of the fifth member of the Cambridge Five (high-ranking Englishmen - Soviet agents - Ed.) - Blunt, who, apparently, was the illegitimate son of George V, i.e. uncle of the current queen. The Windsors of Thatcher did not forgive this. The bourgeois woman (as another representative of the “gentleman class”, who then lived in Moscow, described her) eventually had to resign - also because of the attack on her owners.

And Bill Gates, one of the leaders in the Forbes ranking of the world's billionaires - is he among the world's top?

Well, of course not, like all other representatives of “young money”, including Russian-speaking oligarchs. For all of them, the world elite has one phrase, according to Moidodyr: “Go home and wash your face.”

But why is the myth of world government so persistent?

This myth did not arise out of nowhere. Swiss and Jewish bankers and the Illuminati spoke about the need to create a world government at the end of the 18th century. In the twentieth century, this was stated as a specific task by such representatives of the world elite as Warburg, N. Rockefeller, the ideologist of mondialism J. Attali and many others. And although a world government has not been created, the leadership has moved in this direction.

Will it work?

I think no. The world is too big and complex to be controlled from one center. This is the first. Second: the world elite is not united. Clans compete with each other, and in the post-capitalist world there is not enough room for everyone. However, the top two or three dozen Families will come to an agreement. However, this is not enough to create a world government. Something else is needed. For example, reduce the world population from the current 7 to 2 billion; devastate a large part of the planet with wars, epidemics and famine; chip the majority of the population; standardize, level out national cultures; destroy the existing education system and all types of identity - national, family, racial, gender, human-species (transhumanists deal with the latter). In the West, the destruction of identities is in full swing. But there is Russia, China, India, the World of Islam, Latin America, where all these “stunts” will not work, where civilizational (self-)murder in the spirit of the modern West, headed by the United States, is flying into the abyss of History is impossible. In this regard, it should be noted that behind the current confrontation between Russia and the United States/supranationals in Ukraine, among other things, lies a conflict between two projects for the future, two world orders: human and anti-human. After all, it is the Russian Federation, with its nuclear power, that still guarantees a certain Equilibrium in the world, Balance, and serves as a military shield for BRICS. But this is a separate topic.

What about the “golden billion”?

To a large extent, this “thing” is like the hearth painted on canvas in the fairy tale about Pinocchio. About 30-40 years ago it was assumed that the inhabitants of the North (USA, Western Europe), numbering no more than a billion, would lock themselves in the “North” fortress (on both sides of the North Atlantic) and from there they would rule the world. However, the neoliberal counter-revolution of the 1980s-2000s, with its pursuit of maximum profits, buried the “golden billion” project in its original version. The dollar clouded the mind, and masses of people from the South were sent to the North in order to exploit cheap labor: Latinos in the USA, Africans, Arabs, Turks in Western Europe. Now the South has firmly established itself in the North, where a most acute contradiction has arisen, fraught with a terrible explosion. On the one hand, there is an aging, non-poor, declining and de-Christianizing population, a significant part of which is mired in vices and perversions (drug addiction, homosexuality). On the other hand, there is a young, poor, socially angry, family-values-oriented Muslim (in North America - Latino-Catholics) population. Sooner or later, between these two “blocs” the Leninist question of “who will win” will arise, and a “great hunt” will begin. And then instead of the “golden billion” there will be “golden millions” who will try to live either in impregnable floating cities, or in mountain fortresses, or somewhere else. The “golden billion” as a strategy of the world elite is a thing of the past.

Other conspiracy theorists reduce all events in the world, up to the civil war in Ukraine, to a confrontation between the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Whichever one of them wins will rule the world!

Indeed, recently this line of confrontation “Rothschilds - Rockefellers” has been actively emphasized. Such a confrontation really exists. It played a big role in the 20th century, running like a red thread through its most important events, including the world wars, where the winning side was on the side of the Rockefellers. It is interesting that this confrontation began in the Russian Empire - in the Baku oil fields. There, the Rockefellers “sponsored” strikes by workers in the “zone” owned by the Rothschilds. And the strikes were organized by the Bolsheviks of the Fioletov group, where Koba-Stalin played the most active role. The Russian Empire with its Baku oil, or more precisely, the Western owners of “black gold”, was the main competitor of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil at the beginning of the twentieth century. As a result of the revolution of 1917, Standard Oil (more precisely, the cluster of companies into which it was formally divided in the USA) became the absolute leader. The Rothschilds directly “entered” the USSR only after Stalin’s death, although the USSR was in constant contact with companies associated with them (for example, De Beers of the Oppenheimers). Stalin's USSR worked very actively with the Rockefellers, especially in the first half of the 1930s, but after the death of J. Rockefeller in 1937, the intensity decreased. The second coming of the Rockefellers (and with them the Warburgs) in the USSR took place in earnest in 1973, almost coinciding with the election of Yu.V. Andropov a member of the Politburo.

Very interesting! Well, what about the current stage of the struggle between the Rothschilds and Rockefellers?

Everything is more complicated here. Firstly, in addition to the struggle, there is cooperation: both clans are represented in almost all any serious behind-the-scenes structures, although on the issue of world currency, the contradictions, at least for the moment, are essentially irreconcilable. Secondly, the playground of the world elite is not limited to the Rothschilds and Rockefellers - there is the City of London, the Vatican, Arab and East Asian “houses”. I'm not even talking about the symbioses of clans, large states and transnational companies, which dramatically complicates the picture. Finally, thirdly, something tells me that just as the “right” and “left” were manipulated by the same individuals and groups, the same may be true with the “Rothschild-Rockefeller” couple according to the principle of “a Nanai boy fighting a bear” "

Maybe someone who is even richer than them?

This or these “someones” are not necessarily richer. Money is just a function of power, which is based on one or another system of ideas - secular, and more often occult. Information and energy are more important than matter, and metaphysics are more important than physics. Sapienti sat.

Many people believe that the world is ruled by Freemasons. They are the ones who killed Peter III, carried out the October Revolution and destroyed the USSR, they are the ones who rule the world.

Well, Freemasonry really played a big role, especially in the 18th - 19th centuries. The “Freemasons” educated the human material that played a leading role in the era of revolutions of 1789-1848. in the West and came to power. However, the nationalization of Freemasonry created a number of problems. Since the end of the 19th century, new forms of organization of closed supranational structures have been required, more adequate to the new era of global struggle for power, information and resources. We are talking about the “Group” (or the “We” society), which was created by S. Rhodes and developed by A. Milner, and other structures. Nobody canceled Freemasonry; it continued to play a certain, sometimes significant role, but ceased to be the only and dominant form of conspiracy structures. So, in the Russian revolution, the Freemasons of the Grand Orient of France lodge acted very actively (through Kerensky), but there were other forces associated with British intelligence, the Rockefellers, the Americans, the German General Staff and, of course, Russian counterintelligence, which bet on the imperially oriented Bolsheviks . The resultant of these forces is the October Revolution.

After the Second World War, a need arose for a new “generation” of closed organizational structures, and they appeared: Bormann’s Fourth Reich, the Bilderberg Club, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission... Many of their members remained Freemasons, Illuminati, Bnaibritites, etc., but the structures were fundamentally new, “tailored” for new tasks.

Well, what about the worldwide Jewish conspiracy, which not so few people believe in?

The basis of the legend of the “worldwide Jewish conspiracy” (Scottish Rite Freemasons made a major contribution to its development) is the fact that since the middle of the 19th century, Jews have been very active in the financial sphere, in the media, in science, and have largely taken a leading position in these areas . Moreover, it was Jewish capital that connected Great Britain and the United States, which had been at odds for a hundred years before, at the turn of the 20th centuries. The Jewish world diaspora is indeed a serious force, but it is far from the only one.

All major forces have their own long-term plans. Some call it a conspiracy, I prefer the term “project”. World history is a battle of Projects, their resultant.

Unfortunately, Russia, with the exception of the Stalin period, did not have its own Project.

And the famous Comintern?

The Comintern, which was allegedly dissolved in 1943 (since 1936, Stalin had been leading the matter towards this and towards establishing control over the assets of this left-wing globalist organization) is not a Russian project. In general, it must be said that from the very beginning, many foreign elements were built into the “USSR project”, realizing the interests of various powers and structures (primarily closed ones). As history has shown, Stalin managed to suppress this artificiality only for a while, but after his death it gradually regenerated. Coupled with the interests of the degenerated Soviet nomenklatura, this factor played a big role in the liquidation of the project, or rather the totality of projects (which never became a system) of the USSR.

What can you say about reptilians, Andrei Ilyich? This topic is very popular now in America. Although he is already walking in Russia. Two serious doctors of science assured me that power on the planet was seized by aliens from the planet Draka or Nibiru, who took on human form. All Western presidents are reptilians. But they can be recognized by their characteristic special features. The Internet is full of videos of these reptilians in the White House, etc.

I love science fiction, fantasy. But I don’t want to comment on the version launched by the American Ike. I think such versions are deliberately spread in order to divert attention from the real secret control structures. And to compromise the very search for hidden mechanisms of the historical process as a whole, including ancient history and the mystery of the origin of man.

Then let's talk about very real structures, for example, the Bilderberg Club. Many people call it the secret government of the Earth. Once a year, high-ranking Bilderberg members gather in Rockefeller or Rothschild hotels, discuss the current problems of humanity behind closed doors, and make their decisions.

Real power is secret power. And the Bilderberg Club is visible, they even have a website. Bilderberg is a facade organization of the world elite. The club was created in 1954 to reconcile the old European elite, both those that supported Hitler (“Ghibelline line”) and those that fought against him (“Guelph line”) with the Anglo-Saxons and their integration into their project in general and “European Union” in particular. Today, the Bilderbergs are testing those questions that are posed in a really closed, often informal mode.

A sad anniversary awaits us in December. 25th anniversary of the “historic” meeting between Bush and Gorbachev in Malta. Formally, it marked the end of the Cold War. In fact, Gorbi and his team shamefully surrendered the USSR and the entire socialist camp there to the West. Soon the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century happened - the collapse of the Soviet Union. The place of betrayal was clearly not chosen by chance: the island is the patrimony of the powerful Order of Malta. The two main bestsellers of the early 21st century, clearly promoted on a global scale by some very influential forces, also give rise to vague suspicions. Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code is about the Knights Templar and Opus Dei. JK Rowling's Harry Potter saga openly advertises the Order of the Hospitallers. There is a strong opinion that it is the orders, founded many centuries ago, that secretly direct the course of world development.

They don't direct - they just try. Moreover, both in conflict with each other and in the fight against the Anglo-Saxons. The name of the new Jesuit pope “Francis” is a kind of gesture-symbol of the reconciliation of old opponents, the Jesuits and Franciscans in the face of pressure from the Anglo-Saxons. An ally of these two orders is the Order of Malta, whose long-standing specialization is mediation between the Vatican and MI6, the CIA. The Order of Malta is an element of the Vatican system. Yes, the surrender of the socialist camp and the USSR to the Americans and supranationals in the person of Bush Sr. took place in Malta, but Gorbachev flew to Malta from a meeting with Pope John Paul II, who blessed “Gorby” for the surrender of the social system and the country. The hierarchy is obvious.

An attempt to convince people that some separate structure is the Bilderbergs, the Maltese, the Freemasons, the Rothschilds, etc. they rule the world alone, taking them away from the real mechanisms of global governance, from the Network as a whole, replacing it with private cells. Another trick is to hide entire structures (corporations, banks) behind specific individuals or parties. Thus, National Socialism is presented to us as an act of the NSDAP and Hitler and Co. In fact, the creators of National Socialism and the Third Reich project were primarily Anglo-American bankers and industrialists, corporations such as I.G. FarbenindustrieAG.

You can read more about how these structures created the first form of the European Union—Hitler’s “Third Reich”—in Dmitry Peretolchin’s very interesting book “World Wars and World Elites.” It was released in the series “Games of the World Elites. Andrey Fursov recommends reading" (Book World publishing house) We conceived this series specifically for the publication of works about the world elite and its structures.

Works by Alexander Shevyakin about how the USSR collapsed, Alexander Ostrovsky about Stalin and perestroika, and Vladimir Pavlenko about the Club of Rome. All three authors are excellent. I also highly recommend the novels of Oleg Markeev and Alexander Gera, which clarify the picture of the world. By the way, Hera and Markeev died under unclear circumstances...

And the last question: what awaits us? Victory for the organizers of the world government?

Hardly. There are clan, ethno-civilizational and - still - state interests that are difficult to reconcile. So that the Chinese or Muslims would go under a world government? And the Russians won’t go either. It is realistic to reduce the number of closed supranational structures, each of which will control its own macro-regional bloc. And this is far from the realities of world government. Moreover, when the world collapses - and the world of capitalism collapses! - Although they are saved not alone, they are not all together, but in flocks. We are waiting for the struggle of “packs” - very different. And old, very ancient, and relatively young. Closed societies, once they arise, as a rule, do not disappear, they are transformed, be it the priestly organizations of the ancient Middle East, the Triads, the Templars, the Masons, the Illuminati, the Anglo-Saxon clubs, the Comintern, the Fourth Reich and many others. Matter (people), energy (money) and information (ideas), having united, acquire suprahuman, suprasocial qualities and begin to exist on their own, carefully protecting themselves, their borders and convincing the world around them that they do not exist as organizations. Another thing is that over time they transform, take on new forms (“the snake” sheds its old skin and bites its own tail), and enters into bizarre relationships with each other and façade structures. But the day comes when, in a crisis, the decisive battle for the Future is approaching, and closed structures come to the surface and (or) make themselves known. I think this is precisely why the sharply increased volume of printed materials about secret societies is connected. The future is coming, and the one who grabs the trump cards will win...

haile_rastafari in Information for thought: TREASON IN THE VATICAN.

“True teaching can only be about Truth” (c).
/Mahatma Gandhi/

Good day, dear colleagues.

Today's food for thought will be VERY serious. And very large in volume. But I highly recommend that you master it. We will talk about recent events in the Vatican related to the unexpected abdication of Pope Benedict XVI and the gloomy, without the slightest exaggeration, terrible situation that lies behind it. And it does not concern only the Roman Catholic Church. It concerns the whole world and, first of all, us.

We offer you a serious two-hour lecture. But, in fact, an incredibly interesting and informative story about the situation and the incredible betrayal committed by agents of influence of international Jewish organizations within the Roman Catholic Church against Christianity and European civilization as a whole. An excursion into history, a detailed analysis of the political background of the events and an overview of the elites who participated in it.

Yes, the Jewish crown is a very rare thing on this blog. The reason for this “rarity” is the extreme frivolity of those who write about it. You know why I don’t like the so-called. "kike-eaters"? Yes, mainly for two reasons. Firstly, what they basically tell is outright idiocy. All this “eating babies” (tm) and “adding blood to matzah” (tm) is not for me, sorry. Well, and secondly, all these stories (extremely encouraged by the main characters of the stories themselves) actually have the goal of distracting attention from what is really happening. There is no blood in the matzah and devouring of the blond ones by the baby. However, what REALLY is is no less beautiful. And this is precisely what all this cruel nonsense is designed to divert attention from.

However, this was a lyrical digression. Before you start watching, I want to briefly tell you about the person giving the lecture.

She is not a charlatan or an online chatterbox. Not a half-crazy “magician” in a “chief tyrant” and an embroidered shirt “a la Russe”. She is a serious, world-famous scientist who teaches at the most elite university in the country. And this man talks in a calm, academic tone about a global conspiracy. Moreover, he tells things that no conspiracy theorist has ever dreamed of. The truth is sometimes more interesting than any fantasy.

By the way, for especially concerned citizens, I will say that everyone is free to perceive the personal political views expressed at the end of the lecture by Madam Associate Professor. It's not about them, but fundamentally about other things.

Spend two and a half hours watching. You won't regret it, my friends.

“The sons of Seth were seduced by the beauty of the daughters of Cain” (c).

Couldn't have said it better...

You know, friends, based on the results of watching, I personally can say one thing: my picture of the world has changed. And I adjusted my views on many things. And I very rarely say this

Now I want to make a few informational points to you for a more complete understanding of the situation. So that you can better navigate the material and know what exactly we are talking about.


Original taken from yamaha3


To some extent, very, very approximately, speaking in modern terms, the world behind the scenes can be likened to a peer-to-peer peer-to-peer network, where there is no single center, and all participants have equal rights, act together, solving a common problem, but each solves it differently -in his own way, independently of others, although in close interaction with them. At the same time, the participants do not have any agreed upon plan of action and most often no one even has any idea what exactly the other participants are doing to achieve the goal.

But I personally prefer another analogy that arose when there were no traces of peer-to-peer networks. The world behind the scenes is something like a huge anthill covering the world. And the members of the world behind the scenes are ants, each of which in itself, separately, means nothing, and its actions acquire strength and meaning only when combined with the actions of other ants. Each ant does not ask other ants what he needs to do and does not share his plans with them, and other ants do not tell him about their plans, they just know that this caterpillar should be there before sunset, and everyone moves her there to the best of her ability and skill.

If you catch such an ant, then for the person who caught it it will be an ordinary ant, no different from other insects, and the caterpillar that it pushes will look like a very ordinary caterpillar. Nothing and nothing will reveal that this ant belongs to some special anthill on which the fate of the world depends.


In English it would probably be possible to express this idea more simply and clearly. There are three verbs “to be able” there, having different semantic nuances. But in Russian there is only one – actually “to be able”, and therefore the nuances of meaning are lost.

But I'll try. In Russian it should sound something like this:

“God can do everything, but God can’t do everything.”

This paradox is probably known to churchmen, although I have not heard them discuss it.

God can do anything! Including creating a whole world and establishing the laws of nature and the universe for this world. But as soon as he does this, he will immediately cease to be omnipotent, and will be forced to obey the laws of this world, which he himself created. Because if he breaks these laws, he will thereby destroy the world he created.

Therefore, the Lord, being inside the world he created, has no greater capabilities and no greater power than any of its inhabitants. And any Roman gopniks can easily nail God to the cross and leave him to die in agony with complete impunity.

In order to somehow patch up the gap in the pattern that arose because of this, Christians divided God into three hypostases: God the father, who can do everything, God the son, who can do nothing, and God the holy spirit, who looks at this couple and laughs at them into a non-existent mustache.

One Trantor and two Foundations

It is no secret that in the past, human civilization more than once reached a high level of development, but each time this development was interrupted and civilization rolled back. For many ancient civilizations, all that is known is that they “existed,” but no details survive. There were a great many such “destroyed” civilizations, both legendary ones, like Atlantis, Hyperborea, Ancient Indian Aryans, and quite historically reliable ones: Sumerian, Minoan, Harappan...

Material evidence that has come down from those civilizations to our times sometimes baffles contemporaries. The Antikythera mechanism, 2nd century BC, European technology would not have been able to reproduce until the beginning of the 17th century. The Nerbian disk, 16th century BC, required for its production knowledge that appeared in Europe only in the 16th century AD. And modern technologies are still unable to manufacture and join stone slabs of such dimensions and with such precision as was done in the ancient Baalbek veranda. What if we add all sorts of legendary, but at the same time quite real, evidence to the material ones? Like the ancient Indian epic, which describes in detail the action of a superweapon, very reminiscent of an atomic one...

However, even without my explanations, it is clear that over the past thousands of years (and maybe tens of thousands of years, how to say) humanity has consistently created highly developed civilizations, which just as consistently and suddenly collapsed. Moreover, each time the catastrophe was so total that humanity sometimes rolled back in its development to a state of complete savagery, leaving no traces in memory and only a few material artifacts popping up here and there, indicating that it all happened.

So, the goal of the World Behind the Scenes is to ensure that never again in the history of mankind does such a “crash” happen and another civilizational rollback does not occur.

It was for this purpose that the World Behind the Scenes was created by one of the previous civilizations. It was a very developed civilization, and although technologically it was inferior to the modern one, in the field of sociology, biology and some other areas (which simply have no analogues in modern civilization) it was much ahead compared to the modern world. I can only say that many things that obviously exist, but cannot be explained by science - acupuncture, siddhis, trance techniques - are just pitiful echoes of that civilization that have survived to this day.

The science there (if, of course, it can be called science in the modern sense) was able to figure out and find the patterns of all previous civilizational catastrophes. But she did not have time to save her own civilization; the end was approaching too quickly.

Let's agree that I will call her "Rotnart" (Trantor on the contrary). Not because it was actually called that, but simply so as not to repeat “That Great Ancient Civilization” every time.

In Rotnart, in fact, people were not divided into races, nations, smart and stupid, and other completely insignificant things from there point of view. People differed in the biological characteristics of the brain and in the specific capabilities of their intelligence. Depending on these possibilities, people were divided into groups associated with some animal. There were, for example, cat people (leopards), monkey people, snake people. Of course, this did not mean that some animal people were worse or better. Simply belonging to one or another animal totem contributed to one or another type of activity. Snake people, for example, were good at interpersonal communications, cat people were good at research and all sorts of risky activities. It was something like a division into castes, but the castes were completely equal.

It was precisely the specific features of the intellect of snake people (echoes of which were preserved in some Eastern cultures in the form of a wish for “snake wisdom”) that made it possible for them to work in the World Behind the Scenes. Only for snake people, and no one else. That is why in the modern World Behind the Scenes only people who, according to the Rotnart classification, are classified as snake people work.

Snake people, who are they?

When a physiologist says that the brain of all people is structured almost the same, this applies only to the higher parts of the brain, which actually make a person human.

But in the ancient, primitive sections of the brain: the tonsils, midbrain and forebrain, differences between different people are sometimes very noticeable, both anatomical and biochemical. The same amygdala can differ in size from one person to another by several times.

So it is precisely in these ancient parts of the brain that the differences lie, with the mention of which I began this essay. Not even all mammals have a new cerebral cortex with developed convolutions. But everyone has ancient, primitive sections - people, birds, amphibians, and dinosaurs. And if a person, for example, had particularly developed sections that gave him the same, special properties that are inherent in cats, in Rotnart he was classified as a clan of cat people. And if inherent in reptiles, then to the clan of snake people.

Rothnart's science (although it was not science in the modern sense) knew much more about the functioning of the brain than modern physiology. She knew that the “thought” did not necessarily have to be located directly in the “thinker’s” brain, that it could be taken beyond it.

They knew that reptiles and birds can, under certain conditions, “synchronize”, combine the work of individual areas of their brain with the same areas of the brain of other individuals and directly exchange information. And yes, this is not at all what is commonly called telepathy. This is a phenomenon of the same order when a dog suddenly jumps up and runs to the door when the tram with its owner is just approaching the stop.

So, a small part of people in the old primitive sections of their brain retained the ability, inherited from dinosaurs, to synchronize like this with similar parts of the brains of other people. These are precisely the people who belonged to the caste of Snake People in ancient Rotnart. And it is they who form and support the modern World Behind the Scenes.

World control panel.

The world's Behind the Scenes can be likened to a surgeon who breaks a patient's leg in order to correct an orthopedic defect using the Illizarov apparatus. The patient experiences great inconvenience from the device and consoles himself with the thought that when the device is removed, he will be able to walk without limping, run and jump over puddles. And so the device is removed and the former patient runs, jumps over a puddle, and lands directly on a stretcher in which he is being dragged to an operation to replace a heart valve, the defect of which became noticeable only when the patient began to run. And he still doesn’t know that the drugs he will have to take to prevent the artificial valve from thrombosing will cause him anaphylactic shock, which, when relieved...

The World Behind the Scenes is calm as a lion, he sees the future, he knows that everything will end well, that the patient will live and be healthy. And he also knows that if he had not augmented the patient’s leg with the help of Ilizarov’s apparatus (which is where it all actually began), within a week he would have stumbled and fallen under a tram. But the patient does not know this and curses the day when he agreed to the operation.

The caterpillar principle.

Why did you decide that the course of events in world history is natural?

Civilization has been developing all the time under the supervision and influence of the world behind the scenes. It would never have arisen in its present form if it had been allowed to develop naturally. It would not have arisen at all!

This, of course, does not mean that civilization developed according to the plan of the World Behind the Scenes, and that the World Behind the Scenes decided for you what and how you should do. This would be simply impossible for the reason that the World Behind the Scenes itself does not know at all what and how to do.

Let me remind you that your civilization is not the first, that there were many attempts before it and they all ended in failure. So the answer is clear: if we had not interfered, the population in the world would now be at most five hundred thousand people, and they would live by gathering, hunting and the most primitive agriculture. As has happened more than once.

...The ants are dragging the caterpillar to the anthill... - he said. - Why do you think they pull it in different directions?

Because I have no mind, I say. - If they had figured out to drag everything in one direction, they would have dragged it faster and would not have wasted their energy.

You think so?
- Aren't you?

And then he said something simple and amazing:

If the ants were all pulling in one direction, the caterpillar would not move at all.

- Because they do not drag along a pre-paved road, but through gullies and potholes... If everyone pulled in one direction, the caterpillar would get stuck at the first grass... You can drag in one direction only if the road is previously paved. And if there is no road, then you have to pull in different directions. And then if the caterpillar hits an obstacle that will extinguish the efforts of those who pulled straight, then it is those who pull sideways that will pull the caterpillar to the side, and it will go around the obstacle. But since everyone has the same goal - the anthill, and they know where it is, and everyone wants to go there, then all their efforts will still lead them where they need to go.

We sat quietly and thought. It turned out that he was right.

Elementarily right. It's funny. Hey ants! And we considered them cretins...

/Mikhail Ancharov/

This is exactly how the World Behind the Scenes works. When a dangerous situation arises, a huge number of Backstage Ants rush to eliminate it, and each one pulls in its own direction.

You may ask, how in general, how does the World Behind the Scenes know that a danger has arisen?

The next few paragraphs are not a literally accurate description of the process, but a kind of allegory, allegory, indirect description using the meager possibilities that written and audio language provides.

In the brain of every living creature (that has a brain) there is a certain synchronization center, let’s call it a “Portal”. It is this center, and not the cerebral cortex, that gives us what can be called the word “Intelligence”. The cerebral cortex, which is now considered the haven of intelligence and the main thinking organ of a person, is just an interface; in computer language, it is a “bus” through which information flows between the Portal and your consciousness.

But the main volumes of mental work do not occur in the cortex of your brain; they occur, relatively speaking, “somewhere” outside of your brain. Where is this “somewhere” located and how does it work... we just need to know that this “somewhere” exists, and the connection between your brain and this “somewhere” is carried out through the Portal, and information is transmitted through the cerebral cortex.

Everything that concerns your consciousness, your “I” - all of this really sits directly in your brain. All subtle thought processes, your “will”, everything that is responsible for making decisions - it all happens in your brain. But at the same time, everything that happens in this brain of yours, everything that is connected in your “I” is only a few percent of the total volume of mental work.

A huge amount of mental work (more than 90% of it) is grunt work - standard and typical operations - and that’s exactly what happens outside your brain. A very simplified and exaggerated analogy can be drawn: you perform an act of will in your brain - you decide that you need to multiply two numbers, but the process of multiplication itself - a standard operation - occurs in this very “somewhere” outside of your brain. At the same time, a certain code appears on your portal, containing a request for the required operation - multiplication and the initial data - numbers that need to be multiplied. After “somewhere” multiplies your numbers, a code containing the result will appear on the Portal. You accept it and use it, not noticing that the multiplication operation itself took place outside your brain.

As I wrote earlier, the World Backstage is made up of Snake People, people whose brain Portals operate in a different mode and who, due to this feature, can see (and see) the codes flashing on the Portals of all humanity. We do not know what these codes mean, what data is transmitted using them, but we have signs that allow us to recognize “dangerous” ones among these codes.


I always mention in my essays the huge information base to which members of the World Behind the Scenes have access. And he repeatedly emphasized that the main part of a person’s thought process takes place not in his own brain, but in some external “superbrain”, the interface to which is the “gray matter” itself.

In fact, this is all somewhat exaggerated. This “base” is not a base in the usual sense, and the “superbrain” is not a brain at all.

I still couldn’t find the words to describe in understandable language what it is and how it works. And then I found in the notes of my good friend, Alexander Venedyukhin, a brilliant analogy, which is perfectly suitable for explaining the inexplicable.

Look, everyone knows that there is such a number - pi. Many people even know what it is equal to - 3.14. And those who studied well in high school also know that the number of significant decimal places is not 14, there are much more of them, the number pi is infinite.

From a mathematician's point of view, the number pi has two remarkable properties, it is Computable and Irrational. Actually, Pi is not the only such number, there are a dime a dozen of such numbers, but we will talk about Pi because it is the most famous.

The word Computable means that Pi can be calculated to any precision, to any significant sign. And the word Irrational means that the number Pi consists of non-repeating fragments and is infinite. Truly infinite, unlike the Universe, the number of atoms in which is limited.

Infinity and non-repetition means that no matter what arbitrary sequence of numbers we take, this same sequence of numbers will definitely someday be found in the infinite number Pi.

But Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” is, in fact, the same sequence of numbers. This means that if we take a sequence of numbers corresponding to the “War and Peace” file in Word format, then this sequence will definitely appear someday in the number Pi. It will also appear in the form of a text file, and in the form of scanned pages of a book.

This means that somewhere out there, in the depths of the number Pi, “War and Peace” is stored in all imaginable formats, and in all languages, including alien, ancient, dead, and future ones that have not yet been born. This means that somewhere in the depths of Pi there are photocopies of all editions of War and Peace. Including those that have not yet been published, including those that will never be published, but nevertheless - digital sequences corresponding to their scans will definitely be found in the sequence of the infinite number Pi, as, indeed, any arbitrary digital sequence ...

This means that in addition to “War and Peace”, hidden in the depths of the number Pi are all the books ever written by humanity, and which have not yet been written, and which will never be written - they are also there. All textbooks and reference books are stored there and there are answers to any questions that may come to your mind, as well as to questions that will never occur to you.

If the number Pi had a navigation system that allowed asking a question to get to the point where the desired answer was contained, the number Pi would be the ideal super-fast computer. Because the task of any computer is precisely to provide answers to questions.

And not only this!

Somewhere there, in the depths of the number Pi, there is a digital sequence that describes in detail your entire body and all your thoughts at a given moment in time. And in all past moments of your life, and in all future moments. And also, in those possible moments that will never come in your life, but could come if you behaved differently and made different decisions.

Somewhere there are stored the lives of all people, born and unborn, living now or not living, in all possible options, lived and not lived, happened and did not happen. This is you now, in this life - a representative of the office plankton, bullied by your wife and offended by your boss. And there, in the depths of the number Pi, there is a version of your life when you are a laureate of eight Nobel Prizes and the most authoritative person on Earth. That option could also happen if one day the flow of time turned towards the desired branch. And it turned to where you sit in your pants in the office. But this is here, and there, in the depths of the number Pi, all these options for your life are true and have equal rights. Because the number Pi is timeless.

And someday, your distant descendant, who wants to fly to planet XXX, a million light years from Earth, instead of boarding a starship and poking holes in space, will simply find out from which position in the number Pi the digital sequence begins, describing his arrival on planet X and will move to this point.

However, no, I got carried away. The last paragraph is pure fantasy. The number Pi (as well as any other irrational arithmetic number) actually stores comprehensive information about everything in the universe and beyond. But you do not have access to this information. There is no navigation system! Not only do you not know the points from which the sequences of numbers you need begin, but you will never be able to find them out. After all, in order to move to the desired position of a number, we must know this number accurate to this very position. That is, this number must first be calculated. And we will calculate an infinite number endlessly.

This was all prelude.

Now about the World Behind the Scenes.

Knowledge bases that store all the information about the universe, about its past, present and future, they not only “can exist,” but they really exist, right here and now, here they are! They surround you on all sides, and the fact that this knowledge is inaccessible to you is not a problem of the existence of such bases, but a problem of access to them.

For the existence of such a base, it is not at all necessary to have some kind of material storage facility where this base would be located. And accordingly, there are no material restrictions on the size and functionality of such a database. Such a base can exist on its own, outside of time and matter, just like the number Pi.

And if you are now ready to accept both as truth, then perhaps you will accept it as truth if I tell you that the huge (but not infinite) “base” of knowledge that the World Behind the Scenes uses exists on its own , outside of time and space, being essentially the same pure abstraction, but at the same time it can be accessed using a special navigation system.

This “base” stores all the knowledge of the universe (it can be said to be the universe itself). Not only the World Behind the Scenes is connected to this “base”, all living beings are connected to it, through this very navigation system. It is in this “base” that the memory of any living being is stored, it is with it that living beings communicate through a portal in their brain, and it is this supercomputer that performs the lion’s share of the work that is attributed to the human brain.

And it is this “base” that is the means of communication for the Behind the Scenes, allowing them to unite and synchronize their mental efforts.

The only difference between an ordinary person and a Backstager is that the World Backstager has more efficient means of navigating the base. While an ordinary person can usually select to call only 2 of the 42 transitions available at a time in the navigation system, the Backstage can call and process many transitions simultaneously, within one operation. This allows the Behind the Scenes not only to synchronize with each other, but also to gain direct, instant access to information that the average person may only have access to occasionally, as a result of sequential, and usually very long, movement through the “base.”

I guess I'll end here. I probably should have talked in more detail about the knowledge “base” and how navigation through it works. But to do this, I will first need to tell you what so-called “time” actually is.

But I have not yet found a suitable allegory to explain this.

The structure of the world behind the scenes

If the Rockefellers are primarily an “oil” dynasty, then for the Rothschilds the main thing is gold and other precious metals. These are their main spheres of influence and control. Therefore, the Rothschilds began by undermining the dollar, with the goal of replacing it with gold (we admit that from this point of view, the “decoupling” of the dollar from gold backing, carried out by R. Nixon in 1971, looks somewhat different than we are used to). The main lever for this is the price of gold. It is established not by the market, but by directives. Since the mid-1940s, daily, without breaks on weekends and holidays, twice a day, the London Precious Metals Market Association has carried out so-called “fixings”, in which five banks participate: the head bank of the British branch of the Rothschilds N. M Rothshild & Sons, a close to their French branch Societe Generale, Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp. (HSBC), which grew up in the 19th century in the drug trade, and is also a global leader in gold and precious metals trading, Scotia Mocatta, a division of Scotiabank Global Banking & Markets. These fixings are carried out, of course, on the site of N..M Rothshild & Sons and, moreover, it was this bank that invariably presided over them until 2004 (and then pharisaically went into the shadows).

In 2011, experts from the University of Zurich, having conducted a thorough mathematical analysis of the connections between the leading companies on the planet, as mentioned above, discovered that all processes on the planet related to the economy are, in fact, controlled by one giant corporation. That is, we can safely talk about the existence of a shadow government, which includes well-known companies.

If only 1% of the inhabitants of the Earth own 43% of the property on the planet, if only 0.01% of the super-rich decide everything on this planet and determine whether to ruin humanity to the last thread with the help of artificially provoked financial crises and stock crashes, or to allow it to exist for some time longer. that time, they constitute the so-called “world government” that conspiracy theorists are talking about. Is it so? The governance structure of the modern world is much more complex than conspiracy theorists imagine. First of all, this is the coordinated management of the world economy, in which both international organizations and international capital participate, primarily large financiers - both individual states and associations of the world's leading powers.

In full view of the general public, world problems are solved at the UN, at meetings of the G7, the G20 and other international forums. But real policy is developed and directed in completely different structures, which are spoken of as working bodies of the “world government.”

"Bilderberg Club". In modern conditions of globalization, organizations such as the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission, created by D. Rockefeller, have acquired significant weight.

The first meeting of the Club took place in May 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek (Holland), hence the name of the organization. The Bilderberg Club is the most closed structure of the global Western elite. It was created by Prince Bernard Leopold Friedrich Eberhard Julius Kurt Karl Gottfried Peter of Lippe-Biesterfeld, husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. The prince is a very curious person. From an ancient Germanic family. A famous adventurer, he loved risk. He served as an SS officer in the intelligence service of the German chemical concern I.G. Farben, with which the emergence of Nazism in Germany is associated. Married a Dutch princess. Later he tried to build bridges between the Third Reich and the British elites. They say that Ian Fleming, Bernard's friend, copied his James Bond from him. He died in 2004 at the age of 93, but all this time he remained a regular at the club, which was financed by D. Rockefeller from its founding. Today Bernard's daughter is a member of the Club.

Since 1954, club meetings have been held annually in different countries. If in Europe - most often in Rothschild hotels, in the USA - in Rockefeller hotels. These are three-day conferences attended by more than 100 leading representatives of the highest circles of financial and international organizations, industry, politics, trade unions, military, scientists and the press from Europe and North America. The Bilderberg headquarters are located in New York, on the premises of the Carnegie Foundation, with a branch in Geneva. Any Bilderberg meeting, despite complete secrecy, is a world sensation. It is known that behind closed doors of the club decisions are made that will affect the destinies of the whole world. According to Jim Tucker, editor of the conservative newspaper American Free Press, members of the Bilderberg Group, in addition to all other global vicissitudes, organize wars, and also elect and remove political leaders. Meetings are governed by the Chatham House Rule. This is the Royal Institute of International Affairs - the most important British "think tank" in the world for the study of international relations. Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor affiliation of speakers or attendees may be disclosed. The Bilderberg Club is built on the principle of a Masonic lodge; its structure includes three circles. The “outer circle” is quite wide and unites up to 80% of meeting participants. Members of this circle know only part of the real strategy and true goals of the organization. The second circle, much more closed, is the Steering Committee, consisting of 35 people familiar with the tasks of the group by approximately 90%. The innermost circle is the Advisory Committee, consisting of approximately ten people who thoroughly know the true goals and strategy of the organization and have full authority over the affairs of the group between its annual meetings. As the Italian magazine Europeo wrote in 1975, “despite the diversity of their composition, on the whole the Bilderbergers are a kind of super-government, reshaping the governments of Western countries in their own style.” Currently, regular members of the club are Edmund de Rothschild, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Kissinger, Richard Holbrooke, Etienne Davignon, Henry Heinz, Romano Prodi and some others. It is believed that the club's assets unite 383 people, a third of whom are Americans - representatives of the US Presidential Administration, the State Department, major corporations, banks and business circles. The bulk of the funds coming from TNCs and Western secret services, through which the Bilderberg Group operates, comes mainly through shell companies and banks located in the Bahamas, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Switzerland. The names of those who finance the club cannot be established with certainty. It is only known that astronomical sums are spent on financing the activities of the Bilderberg Group. Club members gather once a year for 4 days, usually in May - June in different cities or in castles in complete secrecy. Each meeting, which is attended by about 120 people, takes place with a renewed composition. All discussions are conducted behind closed doors; only “our own” journalists are allowed there. No information comes out: it is forbidden to write anything down at Bilderberg meetings; It is prohibited to make press statements or disclose discussions taking place at these meetings. Leading media moguls either attend club meetings or send their representatives and are well aware of the program of meetings (for example, the New York Times, Financial Times), but never talk about it on the pages of their publications. D. Rockefeller’s famous words were spoken in 1993, when he thanked the editors of the largest Western media for remaining silent for almost forty years: “It would be impossible for us to develop our plan for the whole world if it were made public.” in those years. But the world is more complex and is ready to move towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of the world's intellectual elite and bankers is undoubtedly preferable to the national self-determination practiced in past centuries. It is therefore our duty to keep the press in the dark about our convictions, which constitute the historical future of our century."

Although the general public will learn about the next gathering of Bildebergers only after its completion, it is impossible to hide the arrival in one place of the most famous people in the world, including presidents, kings, princes, chancellors, prime ministers, ambassadors, bankers, and heads of major corporations. Moreover, each of them arrives with a whole retinue of secretaries, cooks, waiters, telephone operators and bodyguards. As a gesture of goodwill, Mixed News reported, Bilderberg is demonstrating "transparency" by publishing the names of the participants. However, this list is not true. Although the list includes those who attend all conferences, it does not include those who attend the meeting behind the scenes. The names of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton never appeared on the invitation list for the club's 2008 meeting, also held in Chantilly. Nevertheless, there are sufficient grounds to believe that both of them were present at the conference ( The Rockefellers have not only financial, but also enormous political capital. Nelson Rockefeller was Vice President of the United States under Nixon. David Rockefeller, along with the Rothschilds, was one of the founders of the Bilderberg Club of the highest Western elite, which many consider to be a branch of the secret “world government”. A third of the club's members are political figures. The rest are from industry, finance, academics, communications, employment and trade union leaders.

The club has 130 regular members. Most of them are influential people in politics, business and banking, as well as editors-in-chief or owners of leading Western media. Entry to the annual meetings of this club is by personal invitation only. The club's active members include 383 people, of which 128, or one third, are Americans, and the rest are Europeans and Asians (Japanese, Koreans, Singaporeans, representatives of Taiwan and Hong Kong). It is believed that the Bilderbergers own 30 percent of the total wealth created by humanity. Even the partially known list of Bilderberg members is striking in the abundance of representatives of the world's powerful elites, mostly from America, Canada and Western Europe. These are such famous names as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, and other influential heads of state senators, congressmen and parliamentarians, Pentagon and NATO generals, members of European royal families, iconic media personalities. Other participants are gradually being introduced there, such as first the senator and then US President Barack Obama. This group is always well represented by the heads of the American Council on Foreign Relations, the IMF, the World Bank, the Trilateral Commission, the European Commission, as well as powerful bankers from the US Federal Reserve, the President of the European Central Bank (Jean Claude Trichet) and the Governor of the Bank of England (Mervyn King). For half a century, not a single agenda for the annual Bilderberg meeting became public or was covered in the press. The powerful barons of the “fourth estate” pledged to keep everything secret. Bilderberg is the world's most exclusive club. No one can just buy a membership there. Only the Group Management Committee has the right to decide who to invite to the club, and in any case, applicants must be supporters of the One World Order government, a government consisting of the most powerful elites. In accordance with Club Management Committee rules, invited guests must arrive alone; no wives, girlfriends, husbands, boyfriends. Personal assistants (meaning security and bodyguards) under the protection of the CIA or other secret services) cannot attend the conference and must eat in a separate room. Guests are also expressly prohibited from giving interviews to journalists or divulging anything that happened during the meeting. The host government of the meeting provides complete security. The meeting procedure, in accordance with the Chatham House Rules, allows those present to freely express their views in the relaxed atmosphere of knowing that nothing said will be disclosed to the public.

Nevertheless, information about what is being discussed in this secret club of moneybags has recently become public more than once. Thus, one of the most famous experts on the secret societies of the “world behind the scenes,” Daniel Estulin, spent fourteen years researching the influence of the Bilderberg Group on business and finance, global politics, war and peace, and its control over world money and resources. His book, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, was published in 2005 and updated in 2009, becoming a bestseller. “Imagine a private club,” writes Daniel Estulin, “where presidents, prime ministers, international bankers and generals mingle closely, where messages from mentor fathers ensure that everything goes as it should, and where people start wars, remake markets, and where Europe (and America) can say things it will never say publicly.” It was in this club that many political figures of the highest rank were born. Thus, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was invited to the club in 1991. There, David Rockefeller told him why the North American Free Trade Agreement, Endulin writes, was a priority for Bilderberg, and why the group needed him to support the agreement. The following year, Bill Clinton was elected president,” and the TTFA went into effect on January 1st. Other examples are similar and show how many political figures were included in powerful governments and placed in other key positions.

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PART V The Empire of the World Behind the Scenes

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