Project in the second junior group “All professions are needed. All professions are important. Abstract of OOD on the topic: Professions. Junior group Conversations about professions 2nd junior group

Tatiana Smirnova
Project in the second junior group “All professions are needed. All professions are important"


Participants project: pupils second junior group No. 1, teacher Smirnova T. A., parents of students.

Children's age: 3-4 years

Relevance of the topic: Ideas about professions a child’s experiences are limited by his limited life experience. To expand knowledge about diversity professions it was decided to create a parent-child project on the topic:"All professions are needed. All professions are important".

Therefore, if we create and implement project then:

We will contribute to the development of sustainable interest in the role of adult labor in the life of society.

We will formulate children's ideas about moral and ethical standards.

We will cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions.

Orientation in the ocean of human activities is the most important a link in the child’s social adaptation. That is, the formation of children’s ideas about the world of work and professions– this is a necessary process that is relevant in the modern world. And start getting acquainted with professions need specifically from family: from mom and dad, grandparents, what is closest to children.

Target project: Introduce children to diversity professions and the importance of work in any professional activity, involve parents vocational guidance for children.


1) To form an active interest in the work activities of adults.

2) To form in children ideas about different professions, show significance professional activities of adults for society and children.

3) Continue to introduce children to their parents' professions.

4) Cultivate respect for each other.

5) Introduce children to literary, artistic, and musical works on the topic.

Implementation stages project: implementation project designed for 9 months.

1) Preparatory - design stage

Creation of a subject-development environment – ​​September

2)Practical stage

Show how much professions exists – October – March

3) Summarizing - effective stage

Summarizing project – April

4) Presentation project

Reflect project task - May

Products project activities:

Folder “ Professions”

Photo collages “ My parents' professions"

Album “Poems about professions"

-Little books on the topic: "Who to be?"

Expected Result:

Children's knowledge of such professions as a cook, doctor, seamstress, hairdresser, janitor, driver (chauffeur)

Children's understanding of the significance of these professions

Ability to organize role-playing games based on existing knowledge

Showing appreciation and respect for the work of adults

List of used literature:

1)”Getting to know professions” N. Z. Zharenkova, O. V. Murtazina 2014

2) “Introducing children 3-5 years old to the world around them” T. N. Vostrutskhina, L. A. Kondrykinskaya

3) Encyclopedia “I explore the world”

Publications on the topic:

“All professions are needed, all professions are important.” Summary of an open lesson in the middle group Program content: 1. Teach children to name the city, the Republic. 2. Continue to introduce children to the kindergarten and its employees, name them.

Summary of the parents' living room in the preparatory group "All professions are needed, all professions are important" Goal: to generalize and consolidate children’s ideas about professions. Objectives: To introduce children closer to the professions of their parents, their work; Unite.

Open event in the preparatory group “All professions are important, all professions are needed” Goal: formation of cognitive actions when becoming familiar with professions. Objectives: - Develop independence, initiative, creativity.

Project: “All professions are needed, all professions are important!” Duration of the project: short-term Type of project: informational - creative.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten. Repets Prepared by teacher: Duryagina Larisa Dmitrievna.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar “Kindergarten No. 172” Project.

Summary of the lesson “Professions” in the second junior group

Subject : « Professions »

Target : To consolidate children's knowledge aboutpeople's professions .

Tasks :

Educational :

Summarize children's knowledge aboutprofessions ;

Exercise children in naming and distinguishingprofessions ;

Improve children's ability to understand and answer the teacher's questions in individual words and simple sentences.

Developmental :

Develop coherent speech, the ability to answer in complete, common sentences;

Develop memory and attention.

Educational :

Arouse interest in the work of different adultsprofessions ;

Stimulate attention and endurance with the help of visual material;

To instill in children respect for the work of adults and a careful attitude towards its results.

Methods and techniques :

Visual : examination of illustrations on the topic, various toolsprofessions

Verbal : explanation, clarification by the teacher;

Literary word - questions for children, hints, reminders, teacher's conclusion.

Practical : simulation activities, excursions to the medical office, dining room.

Preliminary work :

1. Conversations aboutprofessions , parents' professions .

2. Writing short stories“Who will I be when I grow up?” ;

3. Reading poems : B. Zakhoder"Cooks" , Poems for the little ones"ABOUT professions » ,

4. Reading fictionliterature : V. Mayakovsky"Who to be?" , D. Rodari“What do crafts smell like? What color is the craft?”

5. Making riddles.

6. Examination of illustrations and didactic material.

7. Verbal didacticgames : « Professions » , “Who has what?” , "Who's doing what" , “What’s extra?” , "Collect a picture"

Independent activity :

Coloring pages aboutprofessions and their attributes ;

Material :

Illustrationsprofessions , magnetic board, bag, pan, ladle, board, scissors, comb, hair dryer, wand, whistle, hammer, brick, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, steering wheel, keys, tape recorder, song melody.

Vocabulary work :

Cook, ladle, pan, hot, delicious, sweet, fragrant, hairdresser, scissors, comb, hairdryer, policeman, rod, uniform, whistle, security, builder, hammer, brick, doctor, treats, temperature, injection, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, chauffeur, driver.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Motivational and incentive stage

1. "Greetings" .

Educator : So everyone has gathered. We can begin! But first, you need"Hello" say!

Let's say"Hello" hands - children wave their hands.

Let's say"Hello" eyes - children blink their eyes.

2. Game"Quiet-loud" .

Educator : Now let's say it in a whisper(loud quiet) .

Educator : Guys, please sit down on the chairs.

II.Main stage

1. Conversation based on illustrations.

Educator : - Guys, today we will talk aboutprofessions .

Whichprofessions you know ?

Children, look at the picture and tell me who is depicted in it?

Children : Cook.

Let's say together that this is a cook.

All : Cook.

Give the cook food :

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes...

And then

Delicious food awaits you.

Who is the poem about?

Children : About the cook.

What does a cook do?

Children : Cooking soup(hot) , compote(delicious, sweet) ; fries cutlets (fish or meat, scrambled eggs; bakes casseroles(curd, fish) ; makes salads; bakes pies(fragrant)

A tour of the kitchen.

Children : Hairdresser.

Let's say together that this is a hairdresser.

All : Hairdresser.

Give me scissors, a comb,

He will do your hair.

Hairdresser for sure

Will give you a modern haircut.

Children : About the hairdresser.

What does a hairdresser do?

Children : Cuts hair, dyes hair; does beautiful hairstyles.

Children : Police officer.

Let's say together that this is a policeman.

All : Police officer.

If you are in trouble,

Phone number 02 was dialed.

The police will come to you

He will help everyone, he will save everyone.

What does a policeman do?

Children : Responsible for security, maintaining order.

Well done boys! Now, let's look at the next picture. Who is depicted on it?

Children : Builder.

Let's say together that this is a builder.

All : Builder.

He puts the bricks in a row,

He is building a kindergarten for the children.

Not a miner or a driver,

A builder will build a house for us.

Who is the poem about?

Children : About the builder.

What does a builder do?

Children : Builds a house, school, kindergarten, garage, fence, gate, erects a bridge.

Well done boys! Let's look at the following picture. Who is depicted on it?

Children : Doctor

Let's say together that this is a doctor.

All : Doctor

If your ear hurts,

If your throat becomes dry.

Don't worry and don't cry -

After all, the doctor will help you.

Children : About the doctor.

What does the doctor do?

Children : Treats patients, measures temperature, gives an injection, listens to the heart, prescribes medicine.

Excursion to the medical office.

Well done boys! Next picture. Who is depicted on it?

Children : Driver.

Let's say together that this is the driver.

All : Driver.

What else can you call the driver?

Children : Driver.

Traffic rules,

He knows without a doubt.

He instantly starts the engine,

The driver is speeding in the car.

Who is the poem about?

Children : About the driver.

What does the driver do?

Children : Drives a car, carries people, food, garbage.

Excursion to the laundry.

Excursion to the music director.

So you and I rememberedprofessions . Now let's play.

2. Game"Who needs what"

(Prepare accessories in a bag for eachprofessions .)

Guys, identify by subjectprofession .

Children take out from the bag items that are necessary for a particular activity. In the subject, children must nameprofession , in which the item is used.

(saucepan, ladle, board, scissors, comb, hair dryer, wand, whistle, hammer, brick, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, steering wheel, keys.)

3. Physical education minute. "We are drivers"

Let's go, we'll go by car. Simulates steering movements.

We press the pedal. The leg is bent and extended.

Gas on, off, imaginary lever

We look intently into the distance. Place your palm to your forehead.

"Janitors" clean off the drops, bend your arms at the elbows in front of you,

Right left. Purity!

The wind ruffles my hair. Move your fingers above your head.

We are drivers anywhere! Raise your thumb up.

Board game "World of Profession".

III.Final stage. Reflection.

1. Children's story aboutdad's profession .

2. Final questions

What are you likeprofessions remembered ?

What did you like?

Conclusion : Allprofessions are needed , Allprofessions are important .

municipal government preschool educational

establishment of the city of Novosibirsk

"Kindergarten No. 238 combined type"

Novosibirsk – 136, st. Kyiv 7/1, tel./fax 340-22-30

INN 5404154277 KPP 540401001 OGRN 1025401486604

Lesson summary "Professions"

in the second junior group

Educator: Vorontsova O.V.

Last name, first name of the teacher: Brazhkina Antonina Vladimirovna.

Subject: Social and communicative development.

Age: 3-4 years


  • Introduce children to such professions as cook, doctor, hairdresser, their work processes, and assistant objects;
  • To instill respect for work, to create a desire to work;
  • Activate children's speech.


  • paintings from the cycle "Professions" : "Doctor" , "Hairdresser" , "Cook" ;
  • doll, bag with toy items: hair dryer, thermometer, syringe, saucepan, comb, scissors, tools, frying pan.
  • 2 bowls, in the basket there are models of products: onions, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, apples, lemons, pears;
  • tape recorder and disc with a song "The sound of the wind..." .

Integration of educational areas: cognition, socialization, communication, music, physical education.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator - Guys, now you all go to kindergarten, and when you grow up, you will work (some are a doctor, some are a teacher) just like your parents work now. Do you know who they work for?

Kirill, what does your mother do? (answer)

What does she do at work? (answer)

Polina, what does your mother do? (answer)

What does your mother do at work? (answer)

Well done boys. Your parents have very interesting necessary professions. And now I invite you to go on a journey to the country of Professions.”

And we will fly there on a magic carpet.

Educator - Well, we arrived in the country "Profession" . Look, they are already waiting for us here. It’s very interesting who we will meet here, who we will get to know!

The teacher shows a picture "Doctor" .

Who is this guys? (answer)

Why did you decide so? (answer)

Where does the doctor work? (answer)

What is he doing? (answer)

How does he treat? (answer)

Is a doctor a necessary profession? (answer)

Right. This is the important profession we became acquainted with.

Now we'll play a game “What’s extra?”

We continue our journey. Everyone get on the magic carpet (flying on the carpet).

I really want to know who else lives in this country!

Someone else is waiting for us here. I'm very curious who it is!

The teacher puts up a picture "Cook" .

Who is this, guys? (answer)

Why do you think so? (answer)

Where does the chef work? (answer)

What does he have in the kitchen? (answer)

What does the cook do? (answer)

Let's play with you.

A game “What for what?”

The teacher places two pots and a basket of vegetables and fruits in front of the picture. (dummies).

Here are two pans. In one we will select products for compote, and in the other we will select products for soup. Nastya, choose any product from the basket.

What is this? (answer)

Should we put the apple in compote or soup? (answer).

So sort out all the products.

Well done boys. They did an excellent job.

Do you think the profession of a cook is necessary and important? (answer)

We continue our journey.

Who will we meet here? Listen to the riddle (riddle about the hairdresser.)

Who is this, guys?

Where does the hairdresser work?

What does a hairdresser do?

What items does he need for work?

Let's play a game with you "Collect a picture"

So our journey to the country of Professions has ended. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten (flying on a carpet airplane)

Did you enjoy the trip? What professions did you learn about?

While we were flying, they brought us a package. Want to know what's in it?

There are some objects here.

The teacher takes one object out of it (tools, syringe, etc.)

The game is being played "What for whom"

What is this? (answer)

Who needs a comb (syringe, etc.) needed for work? (answer)

That's right, guys.

So are all objects.

Well done boys.

Did you guys like our trip? (answer)

What professions did we meet?: doctor, hairdresser, cook.

We found out that all professions are important and necessary for us.


develop cognitive and speech activity of children.


expand and consolidate children's knowledge about professions.

Encourage children to talk about the work activities of professions familiar to them (doctor, hairdresser, educator, cook, teacher)

Expand children's vocabulary through nouns (names of objects - tools of labor of various professions)

Develop auditory attention and the ability to solve riddles.

Cultivate respect for all work and the desire to work.

Integration of educational areas:

speech development, cognitive development, communicative development, physical development.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal, visual, practical, playful.

Vocabulary work:


Using ICT to show pictures of people in different professions.

A package containing items for different professions. Ball

Preliminary work:

reading poetry, looking at paintings, reading stories about professions, excursions to the kitchen, medical office, laundry, observations, conversations.

Individual work.

Sofia Zh. Sofia B-zkr, sounds zh-sh.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, today we brought a package for children to our kindergarten, but it can only be opened if you solve the riddles.

(Children guess riddles.)

Who in days of illness

The most useful of all

And cures us of everything

Diseases? (Doctor.)

Mom will make soup

For kids from different groups,

Deftly molds cutlets

And he will cut the vinaigrettes.

And with such a skillful mother

I am always the most well-fed! (Cook)

Mom does her hair

Trims bangs.

Hair dryers, scissors, combs

It's on her shelf. (Hairdresser)

Mom has it on the counter

Dolls, balls, pins,

Shoes are on the right, fabrics are on the left,

Cups are on display.

Mom is like a queen

In our store! (Salesman)

Well done guys, you completed the task. Our parcel has opened. There are so many different things here!

These items are needed by people of different professions.

Finger game "Professions"

There are many noble professions,

(Connect the fingers of your right hand with your thumb.)

Both useful and pleasant.

(Connect the fingers of your left hand with your thumb.)

Cook, doctor, painter, teacher,

Seller, miner, builder...

(Consistently connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb.)

I’m not naming everyone right away,

(Clench and unclench your fists.)

I suggest you continue.

Guys, do you know who needs these items? Let's name them and try to determine why they are needed.

The doctor needs a thermometer, a syringe, pills.

The cook needs a pan, a board, a stove, and food.

The hairdresser has scissors, a comb, a hairdryer, a mirror for cutting, combing and drying hair.

The seller has scales, a cash register, food, money to weigh, punch a receipt, sell in a store, pay.

The teacher - books, a blackboard, chalk, a globe to teach children.


Children. I also have a ball. Who needs it?

Footballer. Let's play with the ball.

Ball game "Who does what?" The teacher names a profession, the children name an action.

A doctor treats, a cook cooks, a pilot flies, an artist paints, etc.


Children, we have a lot of fruits and vegetables in our kitchen, let the boys select vegetables for soup, and girls select fruits for compote.

The game "Cooks" is being played


Well done guys. Today you learned a lot of new things, and this package also contains a surprise for you - delicious cookies that the chef prepared for you.

Bottom line.

What professions have you encountered?

What do you want to become when you grow up?


1. Conversation with children about the profession of a cook.

Goal: continue develop cognitive activity and interest in the world around us.

Tasks: 1. talk about the profession of a cook.

2. Foster a desire to help adults, show interest in the work of adults, in the process of making and transforming objects; interest in the person who works, the desire to help him, to master simple work actions himself.

3. Show careful attitude towards the results of the work of adults, a grateful feeling towards the person.

Progress of the conversation

Educator: Guys, please listen to my riddle carefully and guess it:

For Egor and Antoshka

I'll cook some potatoes

I'll make delicious cutlets

For the second course - vinaigrette

After all, I love to cook.

Guess me!

Children: Cook!

Educator: That's right, guys, cook. Oh, look who came to visit us... who is it?

Children: Cook!

Educator: Look at her special clothes. Which?

Children: Clothes for a cook.

Educator: There is a cap and a special robe.

Educator: guys, who cooks for you at home?

Children: mother, father.

Educator: where do they cook?

Children: in the kitchen.

Educator: right in the kitchen.

Educator: Guys, we also have a cook in the kindergarten, she cooks for the children.

Educator: and let us also be “Cooks” today!?! Want to?

Children: yes, we want!

Educator: What are we going to cook today: borscht or compote? (right to choose for children)


Educator: what do we need for this?

We play the game “make soup”

Educator: guys, what else does a chef do?

Children: bake cookies!

Educator: Then put on your aprons - we'll be cooks.

Educator: you need to make cookies like this: pinch off a piece of dough, form a ball out of it, flatten it and place it on a tray (I show). Can you handle it?

Children: Yes!

Educator: what a great fellow! We made a lot of cookies, enough for everyone!

Educator: Yes guys, a cook is a person who prepares food. This is an important profession.

2.D/I “Cooking compote”, see appendix

3.P\i “Loaf”

4. Asking riddles

The cook gets up early in the morning. He comes to his work before everyone else, because he needs to have time to prepare breakfast. In the kitchen, the chef has items that help him in cooking. What do you think these objects are?

Admire, look -

The North Pole is inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there,

Winter itself lives there. (Fridge)

Four blue suns

In grandma's kitchen

Four blue suns

They burned and went out.

The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling.

No need for sun until tomorrow. (Gas stove)

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. (Spoon)

Among spoons I am a colonel.

And my name is... (Ladle)

There are four legs under the roof,

Above the roof - soup and spoons. (Table)

Hard, full of holes,

Prickly, clumsy.

What will they put on her back?

She will immediately devour everything. (Grater)

When it boils, steam comes out,

And it whistles and bursts with heat,

The lid rattles and knocks.

Hey, take me down! - shouts. (Kettle)



Cheerful cook

I'm cooking


Nothing tastes better -

He's the only one like that.


Anywhere -

Not great

And not small.

Up I

Threw him up -

And he caught it.

He's an acrobat.

Like a circus performer,

With agility






To you

Can't see



Semyon Ostrovsky


And today in our group

There will be a new game:

All the girls are cooks

And the boys are cooks.

We put on robes

Head caps.

And saucepans with scoops

They were laid out on the tables.

Our cubes are potatoes,

And a carrot is a pencil.

Even a ball will become a bow -

Our soup will be delicious.

Let's salt everything, stir it,

Let's pour it into plates.

Let's have fun planting the dolls

And we'll feed you before bed.

Today we are cooks,

We are chefs today!

But we’ll wash the plates,

After all, the game is over.


Give the cook the following ingredients:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.

Sergey Chertkov

The cook is creating at the stove,

It's like he soars on wings.

Everything is seething around him,

The kitchen is his forge.

Each of his creations -

Just a fairy tale, delicious,

Thoughts, creativity flight.

Anyone who has tried it will understand.

6.Sr/i "

Tuesday“Profession – doctor”

1.Excursion to the medical office“Profession – doctor” - introducemedical professionsand a nurse, cultivate a respectful attitude towards kindergarten staff, develop children’s powers of observation; replenish children's vocabulary with medical terminology, activate verbs, teach children to answer questions fully, find as many words as possible for answers in the process of communication.

2. Conversation

Doctors are very smart and kind people, they know a lot about every disease, about every medicine. They help people who are sick.
Sample dialogue (you can do without it):

Adult: Have you ever been to a doctor?
Child : was)
IN: What are people called who visit a doctor?
R: Patient.
IN: Do you remember what doctors usually dress in?
R: They wear white coats and a white cap on their heads.
IN: Who works at the clinic?
R: Doctor, nurse
IN. Would you like to know who else works at the clinic?
R: Certainly.

Then let's start our tour and get to know those who work at the clinic.

So, we go into the clinic and the first person we see is registrar (new word).
Who is a registrar?
This is a very necessary person in the clinic. His office is called
registry (new word). He registers all patients for an appointment with a doctor and issues a special sheet - a coupon. The coupon states when the patient needs to see the doctor and which office to go to. At the reception you can call a doctor at home or get a certificate.
All medical records are also stored in the registry.

IN: Do you know what medical cards are?
IN: This is a special notebook in which all the vaccinations that were given to the patient and all the diseases that he suffered from are recorded.

Let's get coupons from the registrar and go to other doctors. (Prepare coupons and hand them to the child one at a time).

So let's look at our first coupon. He's seeing a pediatrician.
Who is this pediatrician ? (new word). This is the doctor who treats children, in other words, a pediatrician. He watches the child from birth, monitors his height and weight. If a child is sick, he examines him, listens to him, takes his temperature, then prescribes the necessary medications, making sure that the treatment is successful.

Well, we visited the pediatrician, and now let's look at our next coupon. He's going to the doctor otolaryngologist (new word). But this name is very complicated, so this doctor is often called ENT (new word).
Let's find out who an ENT specialist is and what does he treat? This doctor treats the ears, nose and throat. Usually, when children are sick, they first go to the pediatrician. And, if the disease is not complex, the pediatrician treats it himself. But if the disease is serious, then the pediatrician issues a referral to an ENT specialist.

We also have a coupon, let's see which doctor he goes to. This doctor's certificate, which is called ophthalmologist (new word).
Let's go to the ophthalmologist's office, there is a poster on the wall with pictures and letters for testing vision (print the poster in advance and show it to the child). This profession is also called such a complex word as
ophthalmologist (new word). This is a doctor who, as you may have guessed, treats our eyes and deals with diseases related to vision. He helps you choose glasses or contact lenses, checks your eye health using various devices, and in case of serious illnesses, prescribes treatment and prescribes medications.

So here's our last coupon. Written on it dentist (new word).
Let's go to his office. A dentist is a dentist. He treats teeth and gums; corrects the bite if the teeth have grown incorrectly; helps, gives advice on what to do to prevent teeth pain. A dentist teaches adults and children how to brush their teeth correctly. There is no need to be afraid of this doctor, but we need to visit him regularly, and then our teeth will always be beautiful and white.

There is one more medical worker I would really like to tell you about, this is nurse (new word).
Every doctor has a nurse. A nurse is the main assistant to any doctor. She helps the doctor, and sometimes spends more time with the patient than the doctor himself. The nurse takes tests, gives injections, gives vaccinations, issues certificates and referrals to other doctors, and fills out sick leave forms. Follows all doctor's orders.

Well, our excursion to the clinic is over.

Let's remember all the doctors we met today.
- What is the name of a doctor who treats children?
- Which doctor has a sign in his office that allows you to check your vision?
- Which doctor teaches you how to brush your teeth correctly?

- which doctor should you contact if your ear, neck or nose are very sore.
- What is the name of the medical worker who issues coupons to doctors?
- what is the name of a medical worker who takes tests, gives injections and vaccinations?
- where does the registrar work?

We talked to you about doctors who treat children. But there is also a doctor who treats animals. It is called vet (new word) and he works in veterinary clinic (new word).
This is also a doctor, only an unusual doctor. His main task is to examine the animals, prescribe them treatment and the necessary vaccinations. A person in this profession must be very kind and love animals, because in order for an animal to allow him to treat itself, it must feel that the person does not want to harm it.

So we became acquainted with the profession of a doctor. In fact, doctors have many more specialties. Gradually we will get to know others.

3. Reading the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” by K. Chukovsky.

4. For children and toddlers: poems about a doctor (doctor)


Children's doctor early in the morning

Puts on his robe

He washes his hands under the tap,

He calls the guys into the office.

And then in the heat and cold,

Like Doctor Aibolit,

Through the whole huge city

The doctor on call is in a hurry.

We are not afraid of flu, sore throat,

acute respiratory infections, chickenpox, measles,

Doctor - minister of medicine

Will conquer any illness!


Masha and mom are so similar:

Mom is a doctor, and so is Masha.

Smears iodine on the bear's ears,

And the greenery is a pig’s tail,

He puts a thermometer on the little bunny,

Treats a baby fox's throat.

But not bears and bunnies.

Mom treats, and the boys.

Here, the working day is over,

And the mother returned home.

Mom is very tired

Maybe I should call the doctor?

No, she just needs rest

Let him lie down and rest,

Well, Mashenka gives her dinner

He will serve it and take it away.

Katyusha - doctor

Katyushka has a stern look.

What do you have? Does your stomach hurt?

You should get some treatment

There is a hospital for this.

I'll prescribe you pills.

They are sweet like candy.

Our Katya will be a doctor.

Let's wish her luck.


(One day in the life of a doctor. From the series “For kids about professions.” Recommended illustrations are indicated in brackets.)

1. (The girl plays doctor with toys. Mom sits next to her and helps “treat” the animals.)

Masha and mom are so similar:

Mom is a doctor, and so is Masha.

Smears iodine on the bear's ears,

And the greenery is a pig’s tail,

He puts a thermometer on the little bunny,

Treats a baby fox's throat.

But not bears and bunnies.

Mom treats, and the boys.

2. (A doctor in a white coat washes his hands under the tap in his office. Someone looks into the slightly open door.)

Doctor-mom to work

Comes running very early

Puts on his robe

He calls the guys into the office.

3. (In the doctor’s office, a baby is laughing in the mother’s arms.)

The little one laughs loudly

A toothless mouth up to the ears.

Everything's alright baby

Let him grow up healthy!

4. (The doctor looks at the boy’s throat.)

The doctor looks at Sasha’s throat:

How are you doing, my friend?..

Well done, your sore throat is gone!

Drink raspberry tea more often.

Tanya is crying, covered in greenery -

I tried to scratch the rash.

Yes, the girl has chickenpox

Everything will be over in five days!

6. (It’s raining, under an umbrella the doctor is in a hurry to attend a call.)

In slush, snow, heat and cold,

Like Doctor Aibolit,

Through the whole huge city

The doctor on call is in a hurry.

7. (A seriously ill child is lying in bed. The doctor is talking to one of the adults.)

The temperature has risen

The child has a wheezing sound in his throat.

You need injections and medicine

I'll write it down, it looks like the flu.

8. (Mom is resting after a hard day at work. Masha either sets the table for dinner, or sits next to her, hugging her mother. In the background is a bandaged bunny, a bear with a thermometer, etc.)

Here, the working day is over,

And the mother returned home.

Mom is very tired

Maybe I should call the doctor?

No, she just needs rest

Let him lie down and rest,

Well, Mashenka gives her dinner

He will serve it and take it away.

5.SR/I “Hospital” “The doll Katya got sick”

6. Lesson

Getting to know your surroundings.

Topic: "The work of a doctor. About the profession"


- “Continue to educate children to understand the value of health.”

Educational objectives are to introduce children to the medical profession and to bring them to the understanding that they are our friends. To give an idea of ​​the role of drugs in the treatment of illness, to form a conscious attitude towards one’s own health.

Developmental tasks - to develop the ability to overcome fear of a doctor, not to be afraid of a white coat or medical instruments.

Educational objectives are to form a positive attitude towards the medical profession, cultivate empathy, understanding for patients, and a willingness to treat themselves.

Health objectives - to continue working on the prevention of colds.

Material: Doctor doll, suitcase, tools, bunny.

Progress of the lesson:

1. There is a knock on the door, a doctor doll comes in. Teacher: holds a doctor doll in his hands and speaks for him:

Hello, children (children say hello). Guys, who is this? (doctor, children answer). Why do you think - doctor (children answer - white coat, white cap, suitcase). Doll doctor asks how is your health? If someone needs to be cured, my suitcase has everything for this (shows).

Educator: talking about the doctor’s work (what tools are in the suitcase)

What is the thermometer for? (children answer) injection, bandage, cotton wool, tablets, brilliant green. (I explain what is needed for what) I tell you that putting a thermometer on does not hurt. Also, the doctor just needs to listen to the breathing with a tube to help the baby. And brilliant green is a helper for wounds, you don’t have to be afraid to smear it, but you just have to be patient a little and the wound will quickly go away. A spatula is needed to look at the neck when it hurts, how do we show the neck? what sound do we pronounce? (children pronounce the sound (aaa))

Educator: tells a story: - Once upon a time there was a doctor. He loved his job very much. One day a doctor came to a kindergarten to give vaccinations to the children. The children were all brave, they were not afraid of injections. Only one girl burst into tears and said: “Go away, bad doctor, you hurt me.” The doctor left the kindergarten very sad. A small bird was jumping in the grass near the road, and it could not fly, its wing was broken. The doctor picked up the bird, bandaged its wing, and gave it medicine. The bird flew into the sky and said: “Thank you, good doctor.” The doctor thought for a long time whether he was good or bad? What do you guys think: is the doctor good or bad? Why? (children express their opinions). I ask a riddle:

Don’t be afraid of the pediatrician, Don’t worry, calm down, And, of course, don’t cry, It’s just a child’s... (answer: doctor). I’m telling you that doctors don’t want harm to children, but only want to help.

2.Play the outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain”

Guys, when the sun is shining you can go for a walk. It's fun to clap, stomp, play in the kindergarten. But the cloud frowns and threatens rain. Let's hide under an umbrella and wait out the rain. (We open the umbrella, the children hide)

Teacher: draws the children's attention to the wet bunny. I couldn’t get off the bench; I was completely wet. The bunny coughs and sneezes. What happened to the bunny guys? (the children answer that he was ill). The doctor left us his suitcase. Let us treat the bunny, set a thermometer, listen to him, give him medicine and put him to sleep.

Children continue to treat the dolls themselves.


Profession hairdresser

(pictures are displayed on the typesetting canvas - teacher, salesman, cook, driver, seamstress)

1. Didactic game "Who's doing what?"

A doctor treats, a teacher teaches, a salesman sells, a seamstress sews, a cook cooks.

Now try to guess the riddle?

Who will do the hair?

Hairdryer, brush and comb

The curls will curl lushly,

He will brush his bangs with a brush

Everything in his hands is burning

Who will change the appearance? (hairdresser)

So today we’ll talk about the profession of a hairdresser.

2. Story about the profession . Hairdressers work in hair salons and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, covered with a special cape, washed with shampoo, and then trimmed using a comb and scissors. For a female client, the hairdresser can style the hair with a hairdryer and brush, or he can curl the hair into curls and cover it with a special hairspray.

A hairdresser must have good health (after all, he has to spend the entire working day on his feet) and love for people, have a desire to bring joy, to make people more beautiful.


Where does the hairdresser work?

-What does a hairdresser do?

-What tools does he need to work?

-What should a hairdresser have?

Finger gymnastics

Give me scissors and a comb
He will do your hair

Master for sure

Will give you a modern haircut.

3. Guessing riddles about the tools of a hairdresser.

    Two ends, two rings

In the middle of the carnations (scissors)

    In this small thing

Warm wind settled in (hairdryer)

    I walk - I wander not through forests, but through mustaches and hair

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears (comb)

- Guys, well done, you guessed everything correctly!

- Look, a boy Petya came to visit us, who will tell you how he went to the hairdresser.

Poem "About the Hairdresser"

The hair became like a mane,

Apparently it’s time to get a haircut...

The hair salon is beautiful

Lots of light, mirrors...

They pointed me to a chair,

Before I had time to say: “Oh!”
They sparkled and flew

Scissors overhead.

I came there shaggy

And not a shorn ram,
And I left neatly

And a handsome boy.

Hairdresser Uncle Sasha

He told me: “Don’t forget our hairdresser, come and don’t get overgrown.”

The hairdresser can do everything:

If you want, he will shave your head or remove your bangs,

Or he’ll trim his temples – he’ll trim them however you want.

He knows his job

Who wants to get a haircut?

That will help without any problems.

Summary of the lesson.

What profession did we meet today?

4. plot - role-playing game "Barbershop".

5.reading works

Lika Razumova


Who's the hairdresser today?
Let me be there.
I'll do your hair
For example, like mine.

Sit in front of the mirror
I'll tie a cape
And, of course, first of all
I'll comb my hair carefully.

Now let's curl the bangs
On big curlers,
Let's braid the braids on the side,
We will tie the tail behind.

Let's fix it all with varnish
Or hair gel,
Let's put lipstick on your lips
And we'll powder our nose a little.

I did everything perfectly
Praise me.
After all, now my girlfriend
She became better than she was.

6.D/i “What is boring for a hairdresser to work with”

ThursdayProfession driver


The driver of a passenger car carries people, and a truck driver transports various goods. But both of them must perfectly know the structure of the car and skillfully control it, especially on the streets of a big city, where there are a lot of cars and pedestrians.......


“Why does a person need transport?”

"Who controls what"

"Rules of conduct in transport"

“Where my dad works.”

2.Reading stories :

"The Story of a Little Car" L. Berg, "Svetik - tricolor" T. Alexandrova.

Reading poems :

“Once upon a time there lived a dump truck” A. Barto, "The wind blows across the sea" A. Pushkin, “Dad’s holiday is the most important” S. Marshak.

3. Physical education minutes


The truck is carrying sand,

People are surprised:

“That’s a miracle - miracles,

There is sand in it for the sky.”

They walk in a circle, pretending to hold the steering wheel in their hands.

They stop, turn to face each other, spread their arms, and make a surprised face.

Tilt your head to the right - left 2 times.

They stretch on their toes, raising their arms up.

-To drive a car, we need to pump up the tires (simulation of movement with the sound shhhhh)
Pour gasoline into the gas tank (simulation of movement)
And let's go to the store (“travel” around the room)

4.Sr\i "Chauffeurs".

5. Machine design

6. Monitoring traffic (while walking)

Target: introduce the work of a driver, cultivate a positive attitude towards the work of adults.

Progress of observation: Who drives the car? What did you bring to kindergarten? What else do they carry in cars? What types of cars are there? How to drive the car?

7. Didactic game “What do people drive?”

Goals: assign the names of modes of transport.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows cards with pictures of transport, the children name it, say what you can ride, fly, swim on.

Didactic game “How the transport makes noise”

Target: activate children's speech

Progress of the game: - Guys, let's remember and pronounce the sounds that we hear from transport:

    The car tires rustle on the road sh-sh-sh-sh

    The car is stuck in a ditch and skiddingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz jzhzh-jzhzh

    The pilot starts the airplane engine r-r-r-r-r

    Start the motorcycle d-d-d-d-d

    The plane flew o-o-o-o-o

    A train chug-chug-chug passes by

Didactic game “Pick a tool for repair”

8. Finger gymnastics

"Our fingers are tired"

Our fingers are tired Intensely work with fists of both hands

They held the steering wheel very tightly. They clench and unclench their fingers.

And now we will rest. They wave both hands in front of them.

And let's go for a walk.

Walked, walked, walked, with index and middle fingers

We arrived at the workshop. they sort through, they go. And the big fingers are ringless

press the ring and little fingers to the palm