D carnegie quotes be a good lifeguard. Dale Carnegie: advice and quotes from a great speaker and psychologist. His most famous works

Dale Carnegie (1888–1955) American educator, writer, and human relations specialist.
He stood at the origins of the creation of the theory of communication, translating the scientific developments of psychologists of that time into a practical area, having developed his own concept of conflict-free and successful communication. Developed psychological courses on self-improvement, effective communication skills, speeches and others. His books remain popular to this day. Dale Carnegie believed that there was no bad people, but there are only unpleasant circumstances that you can deal with, and it’s not at all worth it to spoil the life and mood of others because of them.

It's human nature to blame anyone but yourself.

In your dealings with people, do not forget that you are not dealing with logically reasoning creatures, but with emotional creatures, filled with prejudices and driven in their actions by pride and vanity.

There is only one way in the world to get someone to do something... And that is to make the other person want to do it. Remember - there is no other way.

By being genuinely interested in other people, you can win more friends in two months than you can make in two years by trying to interest other people in your specialty.

The surest way to a person's heart is a conversation with him about what he values ​​​​above all.

Each nation considers itself superior to other nations. This gives rise to patriotism and ... wars.

The expression on a woman's face is much more important than her clothes.

A person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.


You are not happy or unhappy because of what you have, or because of who you are, where you are, or what you do; your state is determined by what you think about all this
Of all the unmistakable tricks ever devised by the devils of hell to destroy love, nitpicking is the deadliest. This approach never fails. Like the bite of a king cobra, it always poisons, always kills.

An ordinary person who is happily married is much happier than a genius living alone.

Remember that unfair criticism is often a compliment in disguise. Don't forget that no one ever hits a dead dog.

Of course, your husband has his shortcomings! If he were a saint, he would never marry you.

Act like you're already happy and you'll actually be happier.

The only way to win an argument is not to get involved in it.


Criticism is like a carrier pigeon: it always comes back


If you want to ruin a relationship, you need to start sorting it out.


One way to find happiness is to learn to control your thoughts. Happiness does not depend on external conditions. It depends on the conditions of the INTERNAL ORDER...

Don't imitate others. Find yourself and be yourself.

We all dream of some kind of magical rose garden that lies beyond the horizon, instead of enjoying the roses that bloom right outside our window.

Do you feel like smiling? What can you suggest in this case? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, whistle or purr a tune or song. Act as if you were already happy and that will lead you to happiness.

It costs nothing, but gives a lot.

Criticizing someone, you run the risk of setting fire to a barrel of gunpowder with the inscription pride. - Dale Carnegie

People with hostility accept the desire of an outsider to teach them new things. Present the information so that it seems known before, but forgotten.

Having imagined the worst that could happen, experience it mentally once and boldly begin to act.

Revenge on enemies is a stupid occupation, more damage is done to oneself than to them.

D. Carnegie: “General Eisenhower did not spend a single second of his great life thinking about people unpleasant to him, we should not do the same.”

In business communication, as in politics, it is extremely important to be able to remember the name of the interlocutor the first time.

All those who have risen to the top of glory love to look at the hard way they have done. – Carnegie

What lies beyond the horizon is hidden from view, our task is to act here and now.

Worrying about insomnia is harmful. People do not die from lack of sleep, the body itself will tell the brain when it wants to sleep.

Read the continuation of the aphorisms of Dale Carnegie on the pages:

Our main task is not to look into the foggy distance of the future. but act now, in the direction that we can see.

We should be modest, for neither you nor I matter much. Do you know what keeps you from becoming an idiot? Sheer nonsense. Just a small amount of iodine in your thyroid. If a surgeon cut open your thyroid gland and removed a little iodine from it, you would turn into an idiot. A little bit of iodine, which you can buy at the drugstore on the corner for five cents, is all that stands between you and the psychiatric hospital. Five cents of iodine! You're not particularly proud of this, are you?

If you tell me how you achieve your own importance, I will tell you who you are.

Henry James said: "The first thing to learn in dealing with other people is that they should not be prevented from being happy - the way they want it, unless it prevents us from becoming happy - the way we want it."

Any fool can criticize, judge, and complain—and most fools do. But it takes strength of character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.

I have enough problems of my own - I have no time to worry about the fact that God did not reward everyone equally with the mind.

Any fool can stand up for his mistakes - most fools do just that.

A strong desire to learn something is already 50% of success.

My days are darkened not by the fact that love is gone,

Every person is a fool for at least five minutes a day. Real wisdom is not to exceed this time limit.

In this world, there is only one way to earn love - stop demanding it and start giving love, not hoping for gratitude.

Ted, he said, I want you to look at your life like an hourglass. You know that thousands of grains of sand are at the top of the hourglass; and they all pass slowly and regularly through the narrow lintel in the middle. If you or I cause more than one grain of sand to pass through this hole at a given time, the clock will be ruined. You, me and all other people are like this hourglass. When we get up in the morning, there are hundreds of things to do that day. And if we do not do these things one at a time in a certain period of time (like one grain of sand passes through a narrow hole), but strive to do everything at once, we will undermine our physical or mental strength.

Criticism is like a carrier pigeon: it always comes back

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "No matter what expressions you use, you can never say anything that doesn't characterize you."

And yet it [a smile] cannot be bought, it cannot be begged, it cannot be borrowed or stolen, because it is worthless in itself until it is given away!

If you want to find happiness, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving itself brings.

We wouldn't even think about interrupting stranger and exclaim, "Oh my God, are you going to tell that old story again!" It would never occur to us to open our friends' mail without permission or pry into their personal secrets. And only the members of our own family, that is, the people closest to us, we dare to offend for trifling blunders.

The deepest property of a person is a passionate desire to be appreciated.

The surest way to a person's heart is a conversation with him about what he values ​​​​above all.

Do you have a boring life? Then give yourself wholeheartedly to work for what you believe in, live this work, die for it, and you will find happiness that you always thought was inaccessible.

When we hate our enemies, we give them power over us - they affect our sleep, appetite, blood pressure, our health and our happiness ... Our hatred does not harm them, but it turns our days and nights into nightmares

“I will only go down this path once. So let me now do some worthy deed or show kindness towards any human being. May I not delay or miss the opportunity to do this, for I will never tread this path again.”

The ability to speak is the shortest way to fame.

Ultimately, marriage is nothing more than a series of ordinary episodes. And woe to those couples that do not take this circumstance into account. Edna St. Vincent Millay once summarized this thought in one of her short poems:

In your dealings with people, do not forget that you are not dealing with logically reasoning creatures, but with emotional creatures, filled with prejudices and driven in their actions by pride and vanity.

Each nation considers itself superior to other nations. This gives rise to patriotism and ... wars.

Emerson said, "Every person I meet is superior to me in some way, and in that sense I can learn from him."

Here it is human nature in action: the guilty blame anyone but themselves

A person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.

Of all the unerring tricks ever devised by the devils of hell to ruin love, nitpicking is the deadliest. This approach never fails. Like the bite of a king cobra, it always poisons, always kills.

Each of us, whether a butcher, a baker or a king on a throne, likes people who admire us.

The burden of the future, added to the burden of the past that you take on in the present, makes even the strongest stumble along the way.

An ordinary person who is happily married is much happier than a genius living alone.

Criticism is a dangerous spark that can set off an explosion in the powder keg of pride.

You can win more friends in two months by being interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to interest your special one.

Now take out your penknife and cut out the following quote. Stick it inside your hat or on a mirror where you can see it every morning while you shave:

Own toothache means more to a person than a famine in distant China that killed a million people.

To flatter means to tell a person exactly what he thinks about himself.

A smile costs nothing, but gives a lot. It enriches those who receive it without impoverishing those who give it. It lasts a moment, but sometimes it remains in memory forever. No one is rich enough to do without it, and there is no such poor person who would not become richer from her. It creates happiness in the home, generates an atmosphere of goodwill and serves as a password for friends.

Abe Lincoln once remarked that "most people are only as happy as they choose to be."

There is only one way in the sublunar world to influence another person: it is to talk to him about what is the object of his desires, and show him how to achieve this.

You are happy or unhappy not because of what you have, or because of who you are, where you are, or because of who you are, where you are, or what you do; your state is determined by what you think about all this.

Confucius said, "Don't complain about snow on your neighbor's roof unless your own threshold has been cleared."

And the fact that she left little by little.

Don't criticize, judge or complain.

Never try to settle scores with your enemies, because by doing so you will do yourself much more harm than they do. Do like General Eisenhower: never think for a minute about people you don't like.

The late John Wanamaker once admitted: “Thirty years ago I learned that it was stupid to grumble. I have enough trouble with my own shortcomings to still be annoyed that God did not take care to evenly distribute the mental faculties among people.

An alarmed and harassed individual who is unable to adapt to the cruel real world breaks all contact with environment and goes off into his own fictional world. Thus, he tries to free himself from anxiety and unrest.

Isolate the past! Let the dead past bury its dead... Isolate the yesterdays that lighted the way for fools to the grave. The burden of the future, added to the burden of the past that you take on in the present, makes even the strongest stumble along the way. Isolate the future as hermetically as the past… The future is in the present… There is no tomorrow. The Day of Man's Salvation is today.

Always remember that children love to listen to the conversations of adults - and be on the lookout ...

The secret of our unhappiness is that we have too much leisure to think about whether we are happy or not.

Promises are usually worth little.

Isolate the past! Let the dead past bury its dead

Criticism is useless because it makes a person defensive and, as a rule, seeks to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous because it strikes at his pride, hurts his sense of self-importance and causes resentment.

No one needs a smile more than those who have nothing left to give!

As Dr. Johnson stated, "God himself does not intend to judge a man until the end of his days."

To flatter means to tell a person exactly what he thinks about himself.

When a person starts a war with himself, he is already worth something.

It is very easy to break a small lonely person, but when his soul draws strength from God, he becomes invincible.

One of the most dramatic features of human nature is our tendency to put off our plans.

Three subjects are the most interesting in the world... Sex, property and religion. With the first we can create life, with the second we sustain it, and with the third we hope to continue it in another world.

“When the struggle starts within the person himself, then he is worth something,” said Browning.

One grain of sand - in a unit of time, one thing - in a certain period of time ...

one peasant woman, after a hard day's work, placed an armful of hay in front of her men. And when they indignantly asked if she had lost her mind, she replied: “Well, how could I know that you would pay attention to this? I have been preparing food for you men for twenty years now, and in all this time you have never let me know that you are not eating hay!

The French philosopher La Rochefoucauld said: “If you want to have enemies, then surpass your friends; but if you want to have friends, then let your friends excel you.”

Our peace of mind and joy of being do not depend on where we are, what we have or what position we occupy in society, but solely on our frame of mind.

Many people graduate from colleges having learned to read Virgil in the original and mastered the mysteries of calculus, but not having the slightest idea how they themselves think.

Showing your friendship first is the surest way to the human mind

A person rarely succeeds in anything if his occupation does not give him joy.

Politeness is such a quality of human nature that helps not to notice a broken gate, but pay attention to the flowers behind this gate.

Many call the doctor when all they need is an audience.

People are ruled by pride and selfishness, and driven by vanity and prejudice

Tell about yourself all that your accuser is going to do, and you will deprive the wind of his sail.

“The greatness of a great man is found in the way he treats small people,” says Carlyle.

Be busy. It is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.

Why should we do this?

Rudeness is the cancer that eats away at love. Everyone knows this, and yet it is well known that we treat strangers more politely than we treat our loved ones.

To flatter means to tell a person exactly what he thinks of himself.

Criticism is useless because it makes a person defensive and, as a rule, seeks to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous because it strikes at his pride, hurts his sense of self-importance and causes offense in him.

Thought is the greatest power.

The more significant a person is, the more satisfaction people get who offend him.

Three subjects are the most interesting in the world... Sex, property and religion. With the first we can create life, with the second we sustain it, and with the third we hope to continue it in another world.

1. It's human nature to blame anyone but yourself.

2. A person who talks only about himself thinks only about himself

3. If you want to be a good conversationalist, be a good listener first.

4. Remember that the person talking to you is hundreds of times more interested in himself, his desires and problems, than in you and your affairs.

5. Let people feel they matter and do it sincerely.

6. If you are wrong, admit it right away and frankly.

7. In your relationships with people, do not forget that you are not dealing with logically reasoning creatures, but with emotional creatures full of prejudices and driven in their actions by pride and vanity

8. There is only one way in the world to get someone to do something... And that is to make the other person want to do it. Remember - there is no other way

9. By being genuinely interested in other people, you can win more friends in two months than you can make in two years by trying to interest other people in your specialty.

10. The surest way to a person's heart is a conversation with him about what he values ​​​​above all

11. Each nation considers itself superior to other nations. This breeds patriotism and ... wars

12. The only way to win an argument is to avoid it.

13. Of all the unmistakable tricks ever devised by the devils of hell to destroy love, nit-picking is the deadliest. This approach never fails. Like the bite of a king cobra, it always poisons, always kills

14. An ordinary person who is happily married is much happier than a genius living alone.

15. Remember that unfair criticism is often a compliment in disguise. Don't forget that no one ever hits a dead dog.

16. Of course, your husband has his shortcomings! If he was a saint he would never marry you

17. If you want to find happiness, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving brings

18. Remember that happiness does not depend on who you are and what you have; it just depends on what you think

19. Act like you're already happy and that will actually make you happy.

20. A dog is the only animal that does not have to work for its existence.

21. Only a dog lives without giving anything but love

22. If we want to make friends, let's do something for this that requires our time, energy, selfless feelings and consideration for others.

23. But in order to understand and forgive, it is necessary to master the character and develop self-control

24. Instead of judging people, let's try to understand them

25. Hospitals in the United States have the most patients suffering from mental illness than all other diseases combined

26. If you are over fifteen years old and live in New York State, you have a one in twenty chance of being admitted to a psychiatric hospital in the next seven years of your life.

27. Do you feel like smiling? What can you suggest in this case? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, whistle or purr a tune or song. Act as if you were already happy and that will lead you to happiness.

28. In this world, everyone is looking for happiness, and there is only one way, one the right way to find it. It's control over your thoughts

29. Happiness does not depend on external conditions, but depends on internal ones

30. Draw in your mind the image of that gifted, worthy and useful person what you would like to be, and the image supported by your thought will hourly and every minute transform you into such a person.

31. A man without a smile on his face should not open a shop

32. Remember the name of the voter - the art of governing the state. To forget means to be forgotten

33. In business life and special contacts, the ability to remember the right name is almost as important as in politics.

34. Remember that for a person, the sound of his name is the sweetest and most important sound of human speech.

35. Our peace of mind and joy of being do not depend on where we are, what we have or what position we occupy in society, but solely on our frame of mind

36. If fate gives you a lemon, try to make lemonade out of it.

38. Be sincere in your evaluation and generous in your praise.

39. Don't cut sawdust

40. In this world, there is only one way to earn love - stop demanding it and start giving love, not hoping for gratitude

41. Only a few people think logically. Most of us are biased, prejudiced, infected with prejudice, jealousy, suspicion, fear, envy and pride.

42. Criticism is like a carrier pigeon: it always comes back.

43. Criticism is useless because it makes a person defend himself and, as a rule, strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous because it strikes at his pride, hurts his sense of self-importance and causes resentment.

44. Criticism is a dangerous spark that can set off an explosion in the powder magazine of pride.

45. Showing your friendship first is the surest way to the human mind.

46. ​​Three subjects are the most interesting in the world... Sex, property and religion. With the first we can create life, with the second we sustain it, and with the third we hope to continue it in another world.

47. Never try to settle scores with your enemies, because by doing so you will do yourself much more harm than they do. Do like General Eisenhower: never think for a minute about people you don't like

48. When we hate our enemies, we give them power over us - they affect our sleep, appetite, blood pressure, our health and our happiness ... Our hatred does not harm them, but it turns our days and nights into nightmares

49. To flatter means to tell a person exactly what he thinks of himself.

50. Here it is human nature in action: the guilty blame anyone but himself

51. The expression that a person wears on his face is much more important than the clothes he wears.

52. What makes you happy or unhappy is not what you have, not the features of your personality, nor the place where you are and not what you are doing, but how you think about it.

53. Actions speak louder than words, and a smile carries a message: I like you, you make me happier, I'm glad to see you!

54. Listening carefully is the biggest compliment we can give a person.

55. The ability to listen to an interlocutor is just as important in personal life as in business communication.

56. The eternal complainer and the most fierce critic will instantly calm down if they get a patient and sympathetic listener.

57. The ability to listen is apparently less common than other qualities of human nature.

58. If you want to know how to make people avoid you, laugh at you behind your back, or even despise you, then here's a recipe for this case: never listen to anyone for a long time. Talk about yourself continuously. If you have an idea while your interlocutor is talking, don't wait for him to finish. He's not as smart as you. Why waste time listening to his idle chatter? Intervene right away and cut him off in the middle of a sentence

59. The unvarnished truth is that almost every person you meet considers himself in some way superior to you, and you will find the right way to his heart if you gently let him know that you recognize the important role that he plays in your life. small world, and acknowledge it sincerely

60. The most striking thing is that people who have the least reason to be pleased with their achievements often compensate for their feelings of inferiority with noise, fussiness and swagger, which make an unpleasant, literally disgusting impression.

61. Instill in your interlocutor the consciousness of his significance

61. Logic is a gift of the minority. Most are influenced by prejudice and prejudice. Many are infected with prejudice, jealousy, suspicion, fear, envy and pride. And people for the most part do not want to change their views: whether it's about religion or hair style, communism or the game of a popular actor

62. The one who was convinced against his will always remains in his opinion

63. In nine cases out of ten, the dispute ends with the fact that each of its participants, even more than before, is convinced of his absolute rightness.

64. You can be right, absolutely right, proving your point of view, but all your attempts to convince the interlocutor will probably remain as futile as if you were wrong

65. In a verbal duel, any person, regardless of his mental development, is almost impossible to change his mind.

66. Never start with the statement: "I'll prove this and that to you." It's like saying "I'm smarter than you"

67. People need to be taught as if you were not teaching them. And present unfamiliar things as forgotten

68. By changing our thoughts, we are able to change our lives.

69. There is nothing more deadly for a speaker than a bored audience.

70. There is only one way in this world to benefit from the past - it is to calmly analyze our past mistakes so that we never repeat them in the future, and then we should completely forget about them

71. Most valuable lesson that I have learned in life is the awareness of the importance of what we think

73. Our mentality has an almost unbelievable effect on our physical strength.

74. If we think about happiness, we feel happy. If we are visited by sad thoughts, we are sad. If there is fear in our thoughts, we are afraid. If we think about diseases, it is quite possible that we will get sick. If we think about failure, we are sure to fail somewhere. If we wallow in self-pity, everyone will avoid us.

75. We should care about solving our problems, but not worry about them

76. Caring means being aware of what our problems are and calmly taking steps to resolve them. To be restless means to go round in circles, futile and infuriating.

77. It's physically impossible to remain dull or depressed if you put on a mask. happy person

78. We may not be holy enough to love our enemies, but for the sake of our own health and happiness, let's at least forgive them and forget their existence.

79. It is natural for people to forget about gratitude; therefore, if you wait for gratitude, you are preparing yourself a lot of grief

80. If we want to find happiness, let's stop thinking about gratitude or ingratitude, and let's do good deeds for the sake of the inner joy that we experience

81. Unfair criticism is often a compliment in disguise

82. The more significant a person is, the more satisfaction people get who insult him

83. When you are attacked or criticized unfairly, remember that often this is done because it gives your offender a sense of self-importance. Often this indicates that you have achieved something and deserve attention.

84. Many people experience a cruel sense of satisfaction when insulting those who are more educated or more successful than them.

85. People don't think about you or me, and they don't care what they say about us. They are concerned only with themselves, they think only of themselves before breakfast, after breakfast, and all the time until ten minutes after midnight. They will be a thousand times more worried about their own small headache than the news of your death or mine

86. Even if it turns out that one of your six closest friends slandered you, ridiculed you, deceived you, stabbed you in the back, do not revel in self-pity

87. Although I can't stop people from unfairly criticizing me, I can do something more important: I can determine whether I will respond to unfair accusations.

88. A petty person becomes enraged at even the slightest criticism, but a wise man seeks to learn something from those who condemn and reproach him and do not give way to him.

89. Nothing ages prematurely like stress and fatigue. Nothing will break your youth and beauty like fatigue

90. Our emotional mood causes fatigue to a much greater extent than physical stress.

91. We rarely get tired doing something interesting and exciting

92. Walking ten blocks with a grumpy wife can be more tiring than walking ten miles with your adoring lover.

93. Does everyday self-talk seem stupid, frivolous, and childish? No, on the contrary, this is the very essence of sound psychology

94. By talking to yourself every hour of the day, you can learn to control your thoughts.

95. Set your thoughts in a positive way, and any work will seem less unpleasant to you.

96. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

6 rules to follow to make people like you:

1. Be genuinely interested in other people
2. Smile! After all, this simplest way make a good first impression
3. Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves - this is the easiest way to become a good conversationalist
5. Talk about what interests your interlocutor
6. Instill in your interlocutor the consciousness of his significance and do it sincerely

Twelve rules, the observance of which allows you to persuade people to your point of view:

1. The only way to win an argument is to avoid it.
2. Show respect for the opinion of your interlocutor, never tell a person that he is wrong
3. If you're wrong, admit it quickly and decisively.
4. Be friendly from the start
5. Make the interlocutor immediately answer you "yes" (Socratic rule)
6. Let your interlocutor do most of the talking
7. Let your interlocutor believe that this thought belongs to him. This will help you get cooperation
8. Sincerely try to look at things from the point of view of your interlocutor.
9. Be sympathetic to the thoughts and desires of others
10. Appeal to nobler motives!
11. Make your ideas visual, dramatize them. It makes movies, it makes radio. Why don't you do it?
12. Challenge, touch a nerve

Nine rules, the observance of which allows you to influence people without offending them and without causing them feelings of resentment:

1. If you must point out a mistake to a person, start with praise and sincere recognition of the person’s merits
2. Point out the mistakes of others not directly, but indirectly
3. First talk about your own mistakes, and then criticize your interlocutor
4. Ask the interlocutor questions instead of ordering him something
5. Let people save their prestige
6. Praise people for their smallest success and celebrate their every success. Be "heartfelt in your appreciation and generous in your praise"
7. Create a good name for a person so that he begins to live in accordance with it
8. Use rewards. Give the impression that the bug you want to see fixed is easy to fix; make what you encourage people to do seem easy to them
9. Make sure people are happy to do what you have to offer.

A well-known speaker, psychologist and educator, propagandist of friendliness, Dale Carnegie, despite his extensive knowledge, died alone by committing suicide.

How to treat his works is the choice of everyone. Someone finds helpful tips Carnegie and very successfully builds relationships with people, while others consider his ideas naive and stupid.

In any case, even if in practice Dale Carnegie did not correspond to his own theory, he owns quite a lot of wise statements with which one cannot but agree:

  1. Every person is a fool for at least five minutes a day. The real wisdom is not to exceed this time limit.
  2. If you want to collect honey, don't ruin the hive.
  3. The burden of the future, added to the burden of the past that you take on in the present, makes even the strongest stumble along the way.
  4. A smile costs nothing, but is highly valued ...
  5. If fate gives you a lemon, make lemonade out of it.
  6. When a person starts a war with himself, he is already worth something.
  7. Of course, your husband has his shortcomings! If he were a saint, he would never marry you.
  8. Be busy. It is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.
  9. The expression you wear on your face is far more important than the clothes you put on.
  10. If you want to change people, start with yourself. It's both healthier and safer.
  11. Imagine the worst consequences that your act can entail, come to terms with them in advance and act!
  12. Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
  13. The secret of our unhappiness is that we have too much leisure to think about whether we are happy or not.
  14. For wise man every day a new life begins.
  15. Many call the doctor when all they need is an audience.
  16. Always remember that children love to listen to the conversations of adults - and be on the lookout.
  17. People are not interested in me or you. In the morning, at noon and in the afternoon they are busy with themselves.
  18. No tomorrow. The Day of Man's Salvation is today.
  19. Don't be afraid of enemies who attack you, be afraid of friends who flatter you.
  20. Here is human nature in action: the guilty will blame anyone, but not himself.
  21. Fear does not exist anywhere else but in your mind.
  22. Know how to take the position of another person and understand what he needs, and not you. Whoever manages to do this will have the whole world.
  23. A strong desire to learn something is already 50% of success.
  24. Act like you're already happy and you'll actually be happier.
  25. In this world there is only one way to earn love - stop demanding her and start giving love without expecting gratitude.