A sure way not to sin. How not to sin? Conversation with a believer What should a person do so as not to sin

All people are subject to the commission of sins, except for the prophets (peace be upon them). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

عَنْ أَنَسٍ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ ، أَنّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ، قَالَ : كُلُّ ابْنِ آدَمَ خَطَّاءٌ وَخَيْرُ الْخَطَّائِينَ التَّوَّابُونَ

« All children of Adam err, and the best of those who err are those who repent. "(Hakim, 3165).

We know the importance of repentance, we understand that it is necessary to repent of sins, maybe we do, but it is extremely difficult to leave sin, to stop doing one or another bad deed to which we are accustomed.

How should we approach sin, repentance, so that we can finally overcome ourselves and stop committing sins?

Without proper awareness that our sin is indeed a sin, a disobedience to Allah, the cause of Allah's wrath and His punishment, we will not be able to make a firm intention to leave sin.

Having made a firm intention to leave sin, one must repent, make sincere tawba and return to Allah. To return to Allah means to begin to worship Him more diligently, to love Him, to show humility before Him.

Frequent prayers and prostrations will help a person to move away from sins. In the Quran, Allah Almighty said:

وَاسْتَعِينُواْ بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلاَةِ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ إِلاَّ عَلَى الْخَاشِعِينَ

(meaning): " And seek the help of Allah in your every matter through full patience and prayer; Verily, prayer is a heavy burden for everyone, except for those who are humble before Allah ... ". (Sura Al-Baqara, 45)

Frequent prayers and prostrations help to stop sinning. At the same time, we need to be patient when pushing us to sin. Sin has its preconditions. For example, the prerequisites for drinking alcohol are the purchase of alcohol, sending it to a place of sale or production, the presence of alcohol drinkers in a company, and the like. It is necessary to give up the prerequisites, show patience, and then it will be easier to leave the sin.

There are people who have a desire to sin when they are left alone, alone with themselves. In this case, it is better not to be alone.

In addition, it is often necessary to make dua, to ask Allah Almighty for help in leaving sins. We often repeat the words La hawla wa la quwwata illa b-llah ”, but many do not know the meaning of these words. They mean: There is no power to abstain from sinful things and to worship Allah except from Allah". Therefore, dua plays an important role in the rejection of the forbidden.

And finally, you should make friends with righteous people. Friendship with the righteous helps us to become righteous, this is a proven tool. Distance from the righteous is a killing poison.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

وعن أبى موسى الأشعري رضى الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال إنما مثل الجليس الصالح وجليس السوء كحامل المسك ونافخ الكير فحامل المسك إما أن يحذيك وإما أن تبتاع منه وإما أن تجد منه ريحاً طيبة ونافخ الكير إما أن يحرق ثيابك وإما أن تجد منه ريحاً منتنة متفق عليه

« Truly, the example of a good and bad friend is like the example of a bowl seller and a man blowing bellows (blacksmith blower). As for the seller of musk, he will either give you something from his goods, or you will buy something from him, or you will feel the aroma emanating from him. As for the one who blows the bellows, he will either burn through your clothes, or you will smell the stench emanating from him. ". (Bukhari, Muslim)

The instructive story of Ibrahim ibn Adaham

“A man came to Ibrahim ibn Adakham (may Allah have mercy on him) and said:

“O Abu Ishaq, I cannot control myself. Please give me something to help me get through this and save my heart.

“If you accept the five conditions,” Ibrahim said, “and you can practice them, your disobedience will not harm you.

- Tell me these conditions, O Abu Ishaq! the man exclaimed.

First condition: when you want to disobey Allah, do not eat anything from the provision that He has endowed.

"But what am I going to eat?" Everything on earth is from Him!

– Is it right to eat what He has endowed, and at the same time disobey Him?

- Not. What is the second condition?

“If you want to disobey Him, leave His domain.

- It's even harder! the man exclaimed. “Where can I live then, if the east and the west belong to Him?”

– Is it right to eat His food and live on His land and still disobey Him? Ibrahim asked.

- Not. What is the third condition?

– When you want to disobey Him, despite the fact that you eat what He gives and live on His land, find a place where He would not see you speaking against him.

How is this possible, O Ibrahim? After all, He knows everything, even the innermost thoughts!

– Is it right to disobey Him when you eat what He gives, live on His land and know that He sees all your actions?

- Of course not! the man replied. - Tell me about the fourth condition.

- When the angel of death comes to take your soul, tell him: "Give me a reprieve so that I can repent and do good deeds."

But he won't accept my request!

“Then if you cannot keep death long enough for repentance, and you know that when it comes there will be no delay, then how can you hope to be saved?

What is the fifth condition?

- When the angels of hell (ban) come to you on the Day of Judgment to take you into the fire, do not go with them.

"They won't leave me!" the man exclaimed.

"Then how can you hope to be saved?"

Enough, enough, Ibrahim! I ask Allah for forgiveness and turn to Him!

The man's repentance was sincere, and from that time on he was diligent in worshiping Allah and avoided bad deeds until his death. ". ("At-Tawwabin", Ibn Kuddama)

information with friends!

Can a person not sin?

Fish live in the salty sea, and they are not salty. In the world - a man, he can live and not sag - not to sin. There are people who live holy... But our holiness, of course, is relative. It is said: "The Lord alone is sinless" (0tkr.15,4), and we people are sinners. But there are sins and sins. There are serious sins, there are minor ones, there are bodily, spiritual, mental... The main thing is to realize your unworthiness before God and try to live according to the commandments, not to condemn anyone, not to exalt yourself...

Who is more sinful - Adam or Eve? Man or woman?

You can't put the question like that, there are sinful men and women, there are saints... For some reason, many people think that a woman is more sinful because Eve tempted Adam to sin. We will tell the women in the decision... Yes, sin entered the man through Eve, she gave Adam the forbidden fruit to taste. But, let's see: which of them sinned more? Who endured the greater temptation? Who tempted Eve? The highest angel who was at the Throne and knew many secrets from God; though he is fallen, he is still an angel. She couldn't resist him. He seduced her: "Pick the forbidden fruit and you will know everything, you will be like God." And Adam listened to the weakest vessel - Eve. The husband trusted his wife and ate the fruit. Recall that salvation also came through the wife - the Virgin Mary - the Pure Vessel, the Incontainable God fit into Her ...

Before God, everyone is equal - both man and woman. Before God there is neither male nor female, and in heaven all holy people will be in renewed flesh, like angels.

Why does the Lord punish?

The Lord is the fullness of Love, He never punishes anyone. Love cannot punish. When we sin, we punish ourselves. Which way? For our sins, the grace of the Lord departs from us, and we fall into the power of demons. And we put ourselves at risk of punishment. But the Lord does not punish anyone. The word "punishment" has the following meaning. Parents instruct their children to obey, behave morally - do not smoke, do not swear, do not swear, do not drink. If the child fulfills the order of the parents, then everything will work out for him in life. And if he does not fulfill the instructions of his parents, he punishes himself. He got into a fight - they start a case against him in the police. Stole something - the same thing. That is, the person punishes himself.

My friend's little son is a sleepwalker - he suffers from somnambulism. What is it - demonic possession or mental illness?

When a person commits a sin, he injures his soul, becomes mentally ill. Previously, before the 20th century, we did not have psychiatric hospitals. There were temples and monasteries for the soul-sick. When a person committed a sin, he came to church, repented, took unction, took communion and received spiritual healing. But as soon as churches and monasteries were closed, mental hospitals immediately began to open. If a child is sick, then parents need to check their lives; it means that it is necessary to repent of all sins, get married, remember everything. If a child is 10-15 years old, he must be confessed, he can be offered a council, receive communion, and pray to his parents. Everything is interconnected. Not only parents, but also all neighbors, brothers, sisters, must repent, get married, live in peace, become church people. The family is one body. One member fell ill - everyone suffers.

When people sin, they suffer not only themselves, but also nature. There was a hurricane at the beginning of summer. Do you associate this event with our sins?

When people begin to blaspheme, open satanic temples, begin to serve the devil, then nature itself can no longer tolerate it. In Moscow, such a hurricane Passed by that it uprooted the trees, more than forty thousand trees were damaged. This is God's warning. The people must come to God, repent, begin to serve Him with their lives. Otherwise, we may end up badly. The Lord Himself through natural disasters calls us to repentance and to a pure life.

There was also a tornado in Ivanovo. This city is special, the city of the first councils, and we say - the last ones. Of course, it was necessary to pay for these terrible sins. After all, from here the whole infection went through the country. That is why this disaster was allowed. I heard the figure - ten thousand people suffered.

Sorrows, tornadoes, floods, the Lord calls us to repentance, the correction of our lives.

How to gain patience? How to deal with sin if it stings incessantly, with impunity?

It is very valuable that a person intends to fight. It happens that a person is so overwhelmed with vices, passions, and they torment him so much that he begins to transgress the commandments of God.

Imagine: a man fell off a cliff. If he does not have time to cling to the stone, then he will fly down. Everything is arranged in the same way in the spiritual life. If a person

broke in one temptation, that is, he committed some kind of sin, he immediately needs to repent before the Lord. Otherwise, this sin, like a snowball, will attract other passions, other sins. And until I get to confession, I must ask the Lord: "God, be merciful to me a sinner! Forgive me and have mercy! I have sinned, transgressed Your commandment! Lord, forgive me and have mercy on me!" And at the first opportunity, without delay, go to confession to the priest, to bring repentance.

What is the value of confession? When we come and repent, we complain to God about the devil who has tempted us, attacking us, the Lord forbids him to lead us into temptation. The Lord knows: what we had not seen in ourselves before, we found, discovered a vice in our souls, repented of sin, confessed to Him, and He, by His great mercy, forgives us our impurity, our sin and gives grace-filled strength to fight it sin.

Patience is our first helper in the fight against passions. For the first time, it is hard for a person to gather his courage and give up his intention to sin. After repentance, he can fall again, and then he needs to repent again. And so on until the time comes and the person completely gets rid of this passion. Prayer and contrition of the heart are especially important in falls.

The great Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky was deeply devoted to Orthodoxy. However, he had a weakness - a passion for playing roulette. He went abroad and played there. I could not get rid of this passion. But one morning I woke up, felt a complete disgust for the game. The Lord had mercy on him and freed his soul from pernicious gambling passion. Why? Because he constantly repented of his weakness.

We need to learn to endure ourselves without losing heart, without despair, and constantly work on ourselves: "Good deeds, work will grind everything in life."

A person in confession constantly repents of the same sins. He hates sins, fights and repeats anyway. What else to do to defeat them?

The most important thing is that a person should hate sin. This is the very center! If we do not love sin, then we will quickly get rid of it.

The Lord has blessed us with many gifts, such as giving us the gift of anger. Do you hear? Gift! So that we would be angry against the devil, against evil spirits, so that we would stand strong in their attacks. And we have perverted this gift: we sin, we are angry against our neighbor. We have been given the gift of zeal for God. And we are not jealous of holiness, but of our neighbor. This is sin. We have been given greed as a gift of thirst for God, for everything holy, but we are greedy for earthly delights. We need to improve and, most importantly, to hate sin.

And this requires determination. In youth blessed Augustine he could not get rid of one sin in any way, and only when he became a mature spiritual man did he understand why the sin did not leave him. He lacked determination, a sincere desire to be freed: “I prayed, asked to be delivered from sin, and in the depths of my soul, as it were, I said: “Deliver me, Lord, from sin, but not now, later. Now I am young, I want to live. "I did not say these words aloud, but somewhere in my mind this thought was."

I am ashamed to pronounce some of my sins before the priest. I can only cry out daily: "Lord, forgive me, damned one." Will He remove from me those sins that I name before Him?

Of course, we must constantly repent before God, ask for forgiveness. But we do not know if He has forgiven us or not. The Lord left us on earth the clergy, gave the first Church - His disciples-apostles - the power to forgive and bind sins. The sacrament of confession comes from the apostles.

On the day of the Last Judgment, the Lord will forgive us all sins, except for the unrepentant ones. You need to cast aside shame and confess your sins before the priest. Our bad deeds burn with shame. We must be ashamed to sin, but not to be ashamed to repent. If you are sick and cannot go to the temple, invite the priest home. We do not know when our death hour will come, we must be ready to meet it at every minute. It is necessary to repent boldly. Here we only in the presence of a priest - one person - name our sins. And at the Last Judgment, unrepentant sins that we are ashamed of will sound before all the saints, before the Angels. The whole world knows them. Therefore, the devil inspires us to be ashamed of them, so that we do not repent. While the blood is still flowing in the body, while the heart is still beating, while the mercy of the Lord is with us, we must confess unrepentant sins.

Why are we embarrassed to name a shameful sin? Our pride and pride get in the way: "What will Father think of us?" Yes, every day the priest has a stream of people with the same sins! And he will think: "Here is another lost sheep of Christ returned to God's flock."

When a person speaks freely about his sins, does not make amends for them, laments, cries, the priest has great respect for the penitent. He appreciates the sincerity of the penitent.

Sins do not need to be piled up in the soul, as in a piggy bank. Who needs them? When repentance is real, it is easy for both the person and the priest. And "in heaven there will be more joy over one sinner who repents" (Luke 15:7). If we came to the doctor's office, said minor minor illnesses, and hid the most life-threatening wound, we can die; spiritual wounds are no less dangerous for our spiritual life, our soul, and the soul is more precious than the body.

If we previously concealed shameful sins, deliberately hushed up, then all our previous confessions are considered invalid, the sacrament was not performed. All the sins, named and unnamed, remained in the soul, and even more sin was added - hiding sins at confession. This is stated in the breviary: "Behold, child, Christ stands invisibly, accepting your confession, if you conceal any sin, you will have a special sin." You can fool a priest, but you can't fool God. And if after such "confessions" you also take communion, then communion will be in condemnation. For this, it will be especially asked at the Last Judgment.

Why do we sin?

Why do we so often do things that sometimes we don't even want to do?

We could justify ourselves by being human. That we are weak, and Jesus knows this and condescends to us. But for some reason it's getting less and less. make excuses. Probably because it is getting worse and worse to distinguish the line between human weakness and conscious sin.

But in fact, any sin, even the smallest one, is nothing more than a renunciation of God, even the smallest one. It is the minute, day or hour that we live without Him. Not because we are not afraid of hell - we believe that He will forgive. But because we are not afraid to live these days, months or minutes without Him.

Like an unfaithful husband or wife, when we sin, we return home. But our hearts are somewhere else. Not because we are not afraid of exposure. And not even because we need sin so badly. Just because we don't need holiness too much...

One often hears that sin is sometimes not so much a crime, not so much the fulfillment of an evil intention, but a mistake ... And sometimes in many ways this is true. We do not want to sin, we are tired of sinning, we are tired of sinning, we have a firm intention not to repeat our previous sins. But circumstances are selected in a certain way, a situation arises that is tempting for us, and we fall ...

From what? Here, probably, you can always talk about a whole range of reasons. And about sinful habits, easily acquired, but difficult to get rid of. And about weak will, lack of determination to resist their passions "even to the point of blood." And about lack of faith, which deprives us of God's help when we need it most. And about the depravity of our nature, the general inclination towards sin for people.

But there is another reason, which is somewhat apart from the others and is most of all "responsible" for sin as a mistake.

Why do we sin? Roger Foster Sin is a universal human problem. We all sin. But have you ever wondered why this is so? Why are we unable to make a deliberate decision never to sin again and to obey God in everything from now on? The apostle Paul eloquently expressed the confusion that seizes us when we fall into sin: “For I do not understand what I am doing: because I do not what I want, but what I hate, I do” (Rom. 7:15). Not everyone wants to sin. But everyone sins. Why is it so? Why do we so often break God's standards and fall short of our own expectations? The reason is as follows Greek word, which is usually translated by the verb “sin”, literally means “to miss, not to hit the target” - i.e. violate the standards of righteousness set for us by God. Paul uses it in the same sense when he complains that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23).

Hell is a vast space that God specially equipped for the torment of sinners who got there: frying pans with boiling oil, cauldrons, devils with pitchforks, unquenchable fire ... In short, fiery hell. Is it true that the heavier the sins of a deceased person, the more terrible the suffering that his soul undergoes in hell after death?

In the teachings of the Church, there is no talk of any frying pans. Here is how he writes about the cause of hellish suffering Reverend Isaac Sirin: “I say that those who are tormented in Gehenna are struck by the scourge of love! And how bitter and cruel is the torment of love! ... The sadness that strikes the heart for sin against love is more terrible than any possible punishment. It is inappropriate for anyone to think that sinners in Gehenna are deprived of the love of God. Love is the offspring of the knowledge of truth, which (in which everyone agrees) is given to everyone in general. But love, by its power, acts in two ways: it torments sinners, as it happens here for each other to endure from a friend, and it rejoices with itself those who have done their duty.

We all have "favorite sins" that for some reason we can't overcome. And when we lose our last hope and stop believing that we will ever be able to cope with them, where can we find the strength to overcome our weakness?

When I served a mission full day in Southern California, a member of the Church who served fourteen years as a bishop shared a secret with me: “We all have sins reduced to a few of our favorites.” This made me very worried. Do Latter-day Saints really “love” certain sins and deliberately repeat them despite their harmful consequences? I thought, “Wickedness has never been happiness” (Alma 41:10).

However, I soon realized that I had been committing the same sin for most of my life. Let's be honest - don't we all do it? Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon state that “all have sinned” (Romans 3:23) and “We have all gone astray like sheep” (Mosiah 14:6).

How to stop sinning with the same sins?

Peace be with you, dear visitors of the Orthodox website “Family and Faith”!

What to do if a person has sins that he is aware of, but cannot stop doing them? If such man goes to Confession, then wouldn’t it be hypocrisy: to repent of sins, knowing that he will continue to sin again in the same way?

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev answers:

“Confession is often compared to medicine. This is a really good comparison. When do we go to the doctor for help? When the disease has already passed, or when we feel that we cannot be cured of it?

In the first case, going to the doctor is pointless, but the second case is just ours. It is then that we need to go, run to Confession, when we understand that on our own, we cannot do anything about our sins. And there is no hypocrisy in the fact that a person recognizes this.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko

However, she went to another room.

Often christian churches subjected to various kinds of condemnation. One of the most poignant sounds like this: why do I need a church if there are the same sinners as everyone else?

“You invite me to church, but I know from yours such and such. They showed themselves not at all from the Christian side. What should I do in the church if some church members are worse than unbelievers? If God is what your members imagine Him to be, then I don't need such a God at all.” This accusation, unfortunately, is well founded. I would like to answer such questions. But first, let's talk about the church.

The church was created by Christ. It is not a stone, wooden, or brick building. The church is more of a spiritual entity. A church cannot be measured by the strength of its walls, the richness of its decorations, or even the list of its members. The eternal church is made up of the elect and the redeemed eternal Christ people whom God the Father has made His children.

Why does a Christian who understands grace, when placed in a situation in which he is faced with the choice to sin or not to sin, choose “not to sin”? There are at least three answers to this question.

1. A person who lives by grace realizes that he now has a new nature. He is now drawn not to sin, but to holiness. We have died to sin: how can we live in it? Don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore, we were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. For if we are united with Him in the likeness of His death, then we must also be united in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing that our old man was crucified with Him, so that the body of sin might be abolished, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died has been freed from sin.

Does God forgive if we commit the same sin over and over again?
Question: Does God forgive if we commit the same sin over and over again?

Answer: To best answer this question, we must consider two compelling passages from Holy Scripture. The first we find in the book of Psalms: "How far from sunset is the dawn, so He removed our sins from us" (Psalm 103:12). One of the most effective techniques that Satan uses on Christians is to convince us that our sins are not really forgiven, despite the promise of God's Word. If we have sincerely accepted Jesus as our Savior by faith and still have an uncomfortable feeling about whether true forgiveness exists or not, then we may fall under demonic attack. Demons hate it when people are released from their hands and try to sow seeds of doubt in our minds about the reality of our salvation.

They say because the Devil tempts. His task is to win as many souls as possible. And our sins help him win our soul. That is, when we sin, we become closer to him and move away from God. he only needs this, so that a person would move away from God, the farther the better. Every soul has its own price. But not every soul can be bought. Souls, for example, alcoholics or drug addicts, are very easy to win, Such souls are worth little. That is, a person who abuses alcohol or uses drugs destroys himself and thereby commits a sin. Each person is created in the image and likeness of God. The devil wants to take revenge on God through us. To become stronger at the expense of us. And indeed, his power is now quite large. But it is in our power not to allow him to expand his influence. Everyone sins, because any person is not perfect by nature. Therefore, he cannot help but sin. Looking at everything that is happening, it seems that evil cannot be defeated and there is no end to it.

Better than any words...

“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2)

I want to tell you about one incident that I remember from my youth. Many years ago, I was visiting friends at the dacha. The host family was large - five adult children, grandmother, unusually a wise man high righteous life and grandchildren. The summer was hot, the windows in the house were open, and then a squirrel ran into the house. Children and grandchildren began to chase after her, turned everything upside down, and one granddaughter excelled most of all. But then, finally, the squirrel disappeared, everyone calmed down, and the poor grandmother, exhausted, lay down to rest.

Suddenly, her granddaughter came up to her and said in a whisper:
- Grandmother, and the squirrel is in that room, on the bed under the covers ...
The tired grandmother could not stand it and got angry with her grandson:
- Stop thinking, leave me alone. The squirrel ran away a long time ago, and I want to rest!

The book of Archimandrite John (Krestyankin) "The experience of building a confession" consists of two parts - "The experience of building a confession according to the 10 commandments" and "The experience of building a confession according to the beatitudes."

With this publication we are finishing the first chapter - sins against the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth commandments.

Fourth Commandment: Remember the Sabbath

“Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy: six days you shall do, and do all your works in them, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath of the Lord your God.”

Hebrews 10:26-27:

“For if we, having received the knowledge of the truth, sin voluntarily, then there remains no more sacrifice for sins, But some terrible expectation of judgment and the fury of fire, ready to devour opponents.”

In the early apostolic church, members who constantly sinned by arbitrary sins were anathematized, that is, cursed, and excommunicated until the coming of Christ. It was believed that these sins, subject to repentance, would be forgiven by God on the day of judgment.
Hebrews 6:4-6
"For it is impossible for those who have been enlightened once, and have tasted the gift of heaven, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, and who have fallen away, to renew again with repentance, when they again crucify the Son of God within themselves and swear at Him"
We are talking here about "believing people" CONSTANTLY MAKE ARBITRARY SINS.
Such people cannot be renewed with repentance!

We tend to err and stumble. We are not perfect, and neither are our actions, words and intentions. But, being people of faith, we can always strive for the best, for improvement and distance from the sinful. Thanks to the mercy of the Almighty and the light of Islam, we can gradually get rid of our sinful nature. If we do not resist sin, it will weaken our souls and distance us from Allah Almighty. About the need for self-control, Allah Almighty said: “He who was afraid to stand before his Lord and restrained himself from passions, Paradise will be a haven” (79: 40-41).

A person is not perfect, but his self-control can become perfect. Sins can be avoided if you control yourself and take into account some points:

1. Know your enemy.

The most important strategy in confrontation is to know your enemy. The more you know your enemy, the easier your fight will be. Life is a struggle against shaitan - the enemy of our souls. We must study him and know the tactics he uses to lead a man astray.

2. Strives for the help of the Almighty.

Allah helps those who seek Him. You take a step towards Him, and He runs towards you. Allah is always near. At any time of the day, we can turn to Him with a request. Ask Allah to protect you from the evils, temptations and temptations of this world and give your heart an iman that will not allow you to fall into sin.

3. Devote time to Allah.

Daily communication with the Almighty (remembrance, prayer, reading the Koran) is the main rule of self-control. A person who devotes himself and his time to Allah is protected from evil and endowed with good. Dedicate more time to Allah and religion, this will allow you to focus on the main things and hold on tight to the raft.

4. Avoid situations that can lead to sin.

A Muslim should be very careful to avoid sins and situations that can lead to them. Very often a person does not intend to sin, but the situation and environment in which he finds himself contributes to this. Therefore, by moving oneself away from such situations, a person protects himself from sin.

5. Know the consequences.

Sin is an obstacle that separates a person from Allah and, as a result, can make us a slave to our desires, thereby destroying our entire life. Many lives are destroyed just because people overstep the boundaries of the forbidden set by Allah. Remember that Allah has blessed us with a healthy body and a sound mind, and ingratitude for this will lead to severe punishment.

6. Remembrance of Allah.

Often thinking about something leads to the fact that it comes to life. Therefore, avoid bad thoughts that will cause temptation. Try to think positively and fill your thoughts with the remembrance of Allah, which will bring goodness into your life.

7. Immediate repentance.

If you stumbled and committed a sin, then you should remember that sin does not lead a person out of religion. The mercy of Allah is greater than any sin, while repenting, we are aware of what has been done and ask sincere forgiveness from the All-Forgiving and All-Merciful, expressing our humility and submission.

How not to sin?- this is perhaps the most important question of those people who seek help from an Orthodox psychologist. After all, it is important not only to realize that sin leads to trouble, but also to have firm intentions to abandon sin, whatever it may be. The following conversation with a Christian helps to understand the intricacies of the question of how to learn not to sin.

Andrew: When we talk about the Bible, dictionary not the best helper. The Bible interprets itself, not people. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that hell, the underworld, is a place of eternal torment.

Mila: Oh… it would have been better said! Otherwise, it somehow relaxed me, I need to be afraid so as not to sin, when sin in itself is pleasant and under the guise of goodness.

Andrei: Fear is the worst motive in a relationship with God. Fear is a tool of Satan. The Bible says that there is no fear in love.

Mila: That's it ... the concept of salvation from torment and from Satan, from his power, and love - it was! How not to sin?

Andrei: Think more about Christ, about His character, love for you, about His mercy, purity, righteousness, holiness.

Mila: Yes, I only think about it all)))

Andrew: Well done. 🙂

Mila: You see, this does not prevent you from doing what you were doing. I have more fear of being unemployed than before hell. How not to sin, I do not know. And fear is from lack of faith ...

Andrey: When you read the Bible, try first of all to see God, his character. Especially the Gospels will help in this. After reading it, it is impossible not to love Jesus. 🙂

Mila: I love Christ! He is the ideal of man and man.

Andrew: "If you love me, keep my commandments"

Mila: here the evil one slips me thoughts that, they say, it's okay - work as you worked, one does not interfere with the other

Andrew: Don't be afraid. 🙂 God will never leave you. 🙂

Mila: In general, the struggle is on)

Andrei: The whole Universe is at His disposal, all gold and silver is His. 🙂 And without a fight, nothing. We are either at peace with our self and the spirit of this world, but at enmity with God, or at peace with God, but at enmity with Satan.

Mila: You know... I'm afraid to be left without money.

Mila: And unclaimed ...

Andrei: Unclaimed?! 🙂 Oh! You don't know how much work God has in store for you! 🙂

Mila: You know what general advice, how to get rid of sin?

Pray and sin if you cannot live without sin, and sooner or later it will become disgusting to sin. At some points, this happened, but in terms of work ... so far it has not quite worked out. I’m just afraid of not paying for my studies, so I’m dragging out time. And my husband, it’s clear that he won’t leave me because of this ...

Andrei: Liberation from the slavery of sin does not happen in one day, but it must happen ... Some become coarse in heart, waiting until it becomes disgusting to sin and get used to sin. “Ephraim became attached to idols. Leave him ... "(c)

Mila: Thank you, you are a real healer of the soul, I'm talking about this " O! You don't know how much work God has in store for you! 🙂 »

Andrew: God is a Healer. 🙂 “We are worthless slaves. What needed to be done, they did "(c)

Mila: yes, yes, I agree) all praise be to the Lord)

Andrei: His Spirit comforts and encourages us. 🙂 Glory to him.

Andrew: You need to decide. And you will see His wisdom and power! 🙂

Mila: I will make up my mind when I even pay for my studies. Otherwise, the husband will definitely not pay for my whims, according to his understanding.

Andrey: I.e. is your husband more powerful and richer than God? 🙂

Mila: On the contrary, he resigned himself to my eternal students, but I have no right to pull money from my family. Moral. It's hard enough for him to support us. Tell me, is Satan giving me these thoughts? Should I trust God and quit abruptly?

Andrew: Well, then hope in God. If you really need this study and blessing, then God will provide payment. I lived for a year without a salary, and did not need anything. 🙂

Mila: You lived by yourself.

Andrei: That is, God has enough money for me alone, but if more, then He already has financial problems? 🙂 We have a problem - we do not see a way out of the impasse. And God, by the way, also has a “problem”: He has thousands of ways out of this dead end for us, and now He decides which of these thousand to choose. 🙂

Mila: Yes, I agree 🙂

P.S. Without going into disputes over the existence of hell, as taught Orthodox Church and the actual interpretation of the Bible by the evangelists, it should be noted the basic rule that allows you not to sin, and it is described in Scripture.