There are strange literary associations. "My hut is on the edge, I don't know anything." There are strange literary associations Russian people and a famous saying

0 Sometimes, some once heard proverbs do not go out of our heads. You begin to wonder about the meaning and origin of such an expression. Although the context of its meaning is quite clear and transparent. For this purpose, a separate section has been created on the site, in which various mysterious phraseological units are deciphered. Bookmark our resource so that you can visit us again in the future. Today we will talk about a fairly popular proverb among the people, this My house is on the edge, which means you can read a little later.
Before I continue, I want to introduce you to a couple more informative news on the topic catchphrases. For example, what does it mean to sharpen Lyasy; how to understand the expression pitch darkness; what does Tyutelka in a tyutelka mean; the meaning of pulling the rigmarole, etc.
So let's continue what does my hut on the edge mean?

My house is on the edge- in an allegorical sense, means that the person who uttered these words does not care about anything, he does not care what is happening around.

My house is on the edge- means that a person wants to stay away from ongoing events.

Synonym My hut on the edge: it's not my business; does not concern me; don't want to know; heard nothing.


My hut is on the edge, there are enough problems of my own.

My hut is on the edge, I am the first to destroy the enemy.

Even the Ukrainians themselves say that their main principle is my hut on the edge.

Hut- means a village hut, the word comes from the Scythian language "kata" - "dugout", from the root "kat", which means "dig", that is, literally - "dug out in the ground"

Versions of origin

First version. This saying completely sounded like "My hut is on the edge, I don't know anything." Once upon a time, the wealthiest and most conscious citizens settled in the center of the village, and everyone else built their houses around them. At that time, all the main events took place in the central part, where there was a well, and there was a small square. However, those who lived on the outskirts, learned about all the news one of the last, that is, being on the outskirts, they know little about what is happening.

Second version. Initially, this phraseological unit meant the exact opposite of what we considered in the first version. In the distant times of the formation of Russia as a state, life was hectic, and it was safest in the center of a town or village. Therefore, the most courageous settled precisely on the edge in order to take the blow. bad people if they want to attack the settlement.
In that distant era, houses were lined up in one chain near the well-trodden tract. Various people walked along this road, including robbers. It was easier and more imperceptible for evil people to get close to the outermost house in order to rob it and take with them everyone who could be in it.

Usually, when the village gathered veche, then it began to discuss important matters relating to all residents. The owner of the house located at the edge of the meeting, who was present at the meeting, listened for a while to what the chairman was talking about, and then with the words " My hut is on the edge, then you will retell what you decided He quickly left. Usually this meant that his task was to protect the village, and therefore he could not leave his house, even for the sake of very important and urgent matters.

By reading this article, you have learned My hut is on the edge

Previously, the saying “My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything” was extremely condemning. She talked about an antisocial personality, ridiculing her. This phrase was attributed to a person who took the position "it's none of my business, it does not concern me." Dictionaries interpret the meaning of the proverb: it’s not my business to get out, my business is small, my hut is on the edge, step back, my business is side. Such a position was not accepted by society, therefore it was ridiculed in a saying. However, times are changing, and the personal space of a person has expanded so much that the position of isolation of one person from the problems of other personalities has reached such proportions that pretending that nothing in this world concerns you has now become a very popular position. I cannot agree with this state of affairs.

Civic, social, public and other activities are our duty. Here it is worth bringing the most interesting historical fact: originally in Russia, where this proverb was born, the hut on the edge, in the literal sense of the word, was occupied by the strongest and most courageous resident of the village. Because that was it weakness, from which locality the enemy could get in. Therefore, when they chose where to settle, the last dwelling went to the most heroic personality. However, this fact did not give rise to the saying, unfortunately.

In life, it is better to take an extreme position because it is the most dangerous than because from there it is worse to hear what is happening with other people, and therefore you can pretend that you simply did not know that someone was in trouble and someone was calling for help. Because if your hut is on the edge, then when you yourself need the participation of others in your life, then they may not hear you either.

Therefore, it can be argued that a separate position only at first glance seems strong and safe. The extreme hut is still the most convenient for attack, and the isolated individual is still the weakest. The advantage of her position is valid only as long as they are not attacking her and at a distance from her - there is a chance to join the winners and convince them of their usefulness. Shameful and cowardly, but sometimes a saving position. I'm sure it's very unpleasant to live as a coward.

Is it about huts and villages now? Of course not. This is an analogy for our life with you and what place we choose for ourselves in it. A small example: when we pass by garbage lying on the road, we are the same resident of the hut on the edge. After all, we pretend that he did not notice. Or that it's none of our business to raise it. Or what... anyway, we act like it's none of our business. Because even if we believe that it is not our task to raise it, being socially active and socially useful individuals, we must make efforts to ensure that the one who is obliged to raise it does this, and the one who should not throw it does not threw. That is, you need to behave in such a way that it changes, one way or another, but your street is clean. It's the same with a poor, needy, elderly person. It is the same with a bribe taker official, a thief leader, a desperate sinner neighbor, and so on.

You need to make efforts, invest yourself in this world, and then the world will respond to you with changes. “We shouldn’t bend under the changing world, let it bend under us,” is the motto strong people capable of making positive changes in the life around them. Well, unfortunately, not only positive ones, but all the more so it is necessary to understand that destructive enemies do not lead a passive lifestyle and do not take a cowardly position. They go and take this world while we pretend it doesn't concern us. We are not concerned with a drug addict from our yard, we are not concerned with a pedophile who lives in a neighboring entrance, we are not concerned with a teacher who teaches children sexual promiscuity ... It does not concern us, as long as we are not talking about our children.

But when we have children or our children have children, then it will be too late. Look at the countries where it's already late! There were also people living there who didn't care. It seemed to them that pedophilia, alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual perversions would never enter their clean, comfortable and morally healthy homes. Their hut was on the edge ... Now they are trying to protest, but it's too late. I hope that if they change and do not give up their positions, their world will again become morally and morally pure. But they have been weak for too long.

Countries dominated by "inhabitants of the outskirts" are simply destroyed, conquered, enslaved. Because there are no heroes, and if there are, then no one supports them. Why were heroes needed, and why did having a hero decide the outcome of a battle? Because he alone could defeat everyone? No, because his courage, determination, courage infected others, giving them a powerful incentive to surpass themselves. But people who profess the principle “I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, I’m generally busy” cannot be charged, they don’t want to, they turn their backs on both the fight and the hero, only so that they don’t have to change anything in themselves. Until it's too late.

Here it is appropriate to recall one parable.

One day the mouse noticed that the owner of the farm had set a mousetrap. She told the chicken, the sheep and the cow about it. But they all answered: “The mousetrap is your problem, it has nothing to do with us!”

A little later, a snake fell into the mousetrap and bit the farmer's wife. In an attempt to cure her, they prepared chicken soup for his wife. Then they slaughtered a sheep to feed everyone who came to visit the sick woman. And, finally, they slaughtered a cow to adequately feed the guests at the funeral.

And all this time, the mouse watched what was happening through a hole in the wall and thought about things that “have nothing to do with anyone”!

The moral is simple: if something doesn't directly affect you, don't think it won't hit you in the head.

Hut on the edge not only ends up being a weak position. She is shameful and unworthy, and she did not stick to a believing person.

Russians hide a lot of interesting things folk sayings. Their interpretation is an exciting activity for both specialists and non-professionals. We propose to consider in our article the well-known saying: “My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything” - its meaning and meaning.

Fear the silence of indifferent people

There is a maxim that teaches that indifference should be feared more than negative emotions, it seems like this: “With the tacit consent of the indifferent, all troubles on earth occur.” It’s not that we defend those who don’t care about everything, but we remind you that the indifferent preach non-action and cannot, for example, do evil. Thus, they, of course, may be to blame, but on an equal footing with someone else.

The saying “my hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything” haunts the same vice.

Usually people who lived on the very edge of the village said so, that is, their hut was really on the edge. Then, over time, such a physical location turned into an almost metaphysical and figurative one and began to express a certain principle of a way of life.

Russian people and a famous saying

Actually, as N.A. Berdyaev: "The soul of a Russian person is of a collective nature, and the soul of a European is of an individual nature." And remember the peasant communities, Soviet Union when people were almost forcibly tied to the team and turned inside out and presented to the public even the most intimate and secret events of their personal lives. There was, for example, such a thing as "comrades' court". Its main meaning is to make some moral assessment of a person's behavior, even his personal, private life. Then many would probably like to say: “My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything” - but it was impossible.

Proverb and modernity

Now we have the opposite: people help each other only in borderline, crisis situations, when it is already impossible not to help. Otherwise, they prefer to stay in the shadows and go about their business. On the one hand, we can publicly censure such representatives of our nation, but on the other hand, such an increase in individualism is justified. Firstly, because the speed of our life leaves almost no time to solve other people's problems, we would be able to cope with our own. Secondly, there is a possibility that if a person is trouble-free, like a Kalashnikov assault rifle, then he will simply be used whenever the opportunity arises. Therefore, sometimes it is safer to say: “My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything” - and now the time has come for unexpected literary rapprochements.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky

Our well-known humorist and satirist played on a well-known proverb in his work “Fenya, my wife”. There the plot is as follows: a man tells in the first person how he successfully married. When he is blamed for his indifference to almost everything, from political events to a granny who fell on the street, the hero answers in a truly authorial style, when the reader does not understand: is Mikhal Mikhalych joking, or is he completely serious. It's all the same that it's so funny that something like that. If the hero is asked about something, why is this, why is that, he says: "This is not for me, this is for Fenechka." Everything ends eloquently, with the words: “Everything up to Fenichka!”. And it could have ended like this: “My hut is on the edge!” A proverb, as we see, for all occasions. "Hut" Zhvanetsky stylistically in this context does not fit.

Albert Camus. "Outsider"

Now we move on to another author and genre. In his famous novel, the famous Frenchman brought out the image of a person who is indifferent to everything. The novel's refrain is: "I don't care." Camus had his own tasks, he wanted to create a visual image of a man of the absurd, but only specialists know about this. The average reader sees only a very apathetic person in front of him.

The novel begins with the famous lines “Today my mother died. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know. At the funeral, he is tormented by the heat, and in front of the coffin, he is mortally hungry for coffee and a smoke, and an even stronger smoke. In other words, grief does not interest him much. Meursault is not going to shed a tear in the eyes of strangers, and he does not feel any particular loss, his relationship with his mother was cool.

Same story with love. Only the proximity of death brings the hero out of the existential stupor.

Thus, we hope, we have managed to show that the saying "my hut is on the edge" has a universal meaning. In principle, it can be used by both Russian and French, but it is still closer to us both in spirit and style.

My hut is on the edge, I don't know anything.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what "My hut is on the edge, I don't know anything." in other dictionaries:

    Razg. It doesn't concern me, it's none of my business. /i> A truncated version of the saying My hut is on the edge, I don't know anything. DP, 621; FM 2002, 580; FSRYA, 504; BMS 1998, 600; Mokienko 1990, 26 ...

    I don’t know anything, I want to spit, one hell, one hell, I don’t care, I don’t care, everything is one, it doesn’t matter what it is, what it is, I wanted to spit, according to the drum, it doesn’t matter, before the lamp, it’s all the same, does it matter, according to drum, it's none of my business, it's all the same, to the lantern, to ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 36 no difference (64) indifferent (119) all the same (58) ... Synonym dictionary

    My hut (hut) is on the edge, I don’t know anything. Wed My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything, that’s the motto of every Molchalin. Saltykov. Mr. Molchalins. 1. Wed. They talk a lot, a lot ... What am I? of course: my hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything. Pisemsky. Thousand souls. 2,… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Wed My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything, that’s the motto of every Molchalin. Saltykov. Mr. Molchalins. 1. Wed. They talk a lot, a lot... What am I? of course: my hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything. Pisemsky. Thousand souls. 2, 8. Cf. My hut on the edge I don’t know anything, answered ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Women, southern, western hut, hut; hut, nka, khatishka; huts; hut, house, hut; the hut can be: turluch or wattle, reed, mud hut, beaten, earthen and lime, log, made of wild stone. | Hut, vyat. chamber, room. | hard. hut ... Dictionary Dalia

    Broken house. Jarg. corner. A thieves' den or safe house opened by the police. TSUZH, 20; BBI, 28. Blatnaya hut. Jarg. corner. Thieves' den or safe house. BBI, 29; Bulls, 198. Large hut. Jarg. school School. VMN 2003, 144. The dog had ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings