Names of animals of hot countries. Pedagogical workshop. Species diversity in countries with a hot climate


Thick-skinned, clumsy
And huge as a mountain.
Loves water, but don't puddles
The river splashes in the morning.
The lotus eats, the reed chews.
The inhabitant of the Nile is a hippopotamus.

Hippos, or, as they are also called, hippos, live in Africa. They have a thick, clumsy body and a large head. The weight of hippos reaches four tons. The hippopotamus lies in the water for hours, with only its nostrils and eyes exposed.

People have known about the existence of the hippopotamus since ancient times. On the walls of ancient Egyptian temples, scenes of hunting for hippos, which the Egyptians called "water pig", have been preserved. AT Ancient Rome hippos were brought for battles in arenas with gladiators.

Hippos seem clumsy and clumsy. On the shore, they move slowly, moving with their short paws. But as soon as a hippopotamus gets into the water, it immediately transforms! The hippo is an excellent swimmer and diver. Its skin secretes a special liquid of a reddish color, which is why the hippopotamus does not get wet in the water. This liquid is called "bloody sweat" because of its color. The thick-skinned hippo ranks first in the world, overtaking both the rhinoceros and even the elephant!

Hippos live in small herds of 6-15 animals. Behemoths are peaceful creatures, they never attack first. But if the boundaries of their territory are violated, they bravely enter into battle even with crocodiles and put them to flight.

Hippo, hippo,
He has a huge mouth
Something he chews all day, -
Apparently not right.
He is famous in the area
Everyone will say: "Straight shame
hippo appetite
You don't know beautiful!
Who is just visiting here
Would you dare to invite?
(E. Koryukin)

A newborn hippo almost all the time, until he grows up, rides on his mother's back.

Hippos are hunted by poachers, so their numbers have declined. Especially valued by poachers are the fangs of a hippopotamus, which do not turn yellow over time, like ivory.

There are also pygmy hippos in Africa. For a long time they could not be found in the wild. Scientists believed that these were fairy tales told by local residents. Only at the beginning of the 20th century was it possible to catch a live pygmy hippopotamus, whose weight was "only" 300 kilograms. These "mini-hippos" feed on the roots and tubers of plants.


In the heat, taking off your clothes,
Giraffe went to shower.
He leaned over,
Bent over and ... fell off.
(Yu. Parfenov)

Giraffes live in Africa - the tallest animals. The growth of an adult giraffe reaches 6 meters. The giraffe has a light skin, on which large brown spots are scattered. In nature, you cannot find two identically colored giraffes.

The coat of giraffes is smooth, a short dark mane grows on the back and neck. Giraffes have horns - up to 5 horns can grow on their heads - more than other mammals.

Giraffes lead a herd life - 7-12 animals each. The herd is led by the most experienced female. While the rest are grazing, the tall male watches the surrounding area. Keen vision helps him to notice the danger at a distance of up to one kilometer.

Lions prey on giraffes, but they prefer weak or sick animals. And an adult giraffe is able to hit back. With a strong hoof, he can break the skull of a lion.

Grown up male giraffes arrange fights in a dispute for females. Such a fight takes place according to strict rules: first, the giraffes walk in a circle, then they swing their heads and hit each other in the side and back. When one of the opponents is exhausted, the duel ends.

It is difficult for giraffes to eat grass because they have a very Long neck. To eat grass or get drunk, the giraffe strongly spreads its front legs to the sides or bends them at the knees.

The main food of these animals is succulent leaves from the branches of tall trees. The giraffe easily reaches the highest branches.

It is very hot in Africa during the day, so giraffes eat only in the morning and in the evening. And hot time is spent standing in the shade of trees. At night, giraffes lie down on the ground, tucking their front legs and one hind leg under them. Giraffes put their head on the second hind leg. Giraffes are very light sleepers and fall into a deep sleep for only a few minutes.


And walks with his head up,
Not because an important count,
Not because of a proud disposition,
And because he...

Elena Cherdyntseva
Summary of the lesson "Animals of hot countries"


Generalization of children's knowledge about the animals of hot countries.

Educational area "Cognition".



Consolidation of ideas about the animals of hot countries and their features.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic "Animals of hot countries".

Formation and assimilation of possessive adjectives.


Development of general motor skills, auditory attention, visual perception, creative imagination, verbal and logical thinking. The development of the ability to compare animals on essential grounds. The development of coherent speech (the ability to describe animals)


Raising interest in wildlife, skills of cooperation, activity. Cultivating positive motivation for classes.

Equipment: A poster depicting Africa, subject pictures depicting animals from hot countries, split pictures, panama hats, a magnetic board.

Preliminary work: a story on the topic, reading poetry, watching TV shows about animals of hot countries, drawing animals of hot countries.

Carrying out GCD:

Do you guys like to travel? (Answer children). Today we will go on a journey to a distant hot country called Africa. What do you think this country is? (Children: it is very hot there, there is a lot of sand and it is hot, there is little water, etc.) That's right, well done!

Look, I have Panama hats in the rivers. Why do you think we need them on a trip? (Children: so as not to bake the head, there was no sunstroke.) That's right, well done! Let's put them on now to go on our journey. Well, here we are ready. But that's just on what or on whom we will go on a trip, because it will be difficult for us to walk on foot. (children are shown a picture) (children: on a camel). Correctly. Did you know that a camel is a very hardy animal. It can go without water for a long time and feed on thorns. Camels are also called the ships of the desert, since their movements are smooth, like those of ships. Let's sit with our backs straight and imagine how we eat on a camel, do not forget that the movements should be smooth. Well done. On our way we will meet various animals and complete tasks.

Exercise 1"Describe the animal"

The first animal we met was the giraffe. What do you know about the giraffe (Children: it has a long neck, long legs, it is spotted brown, etc.) Right! And the giraffe is considered the tallest animal, it is as tall as a two-story house. Thanks to this growth, he can get the leaves of trees from the very top.

The second animal is the zebra. (Children: the zebra is striped, looks like a horse, lives in packs, etc.) Well done. But thanks to this color, zebras are almost invisible in the thickets of grass. And zebras live in herds to feel safer.

The third animal is the elephant. (Children: A large animal, it has large ears, a nose. There are large tusks, it is gray, etc.) An elephant's nose is called a trunk. With the help of a trunk, he can get fruits, leaves and lift heavy trees. Also, to cool down, elephants take a shower, pouring water on themselves from their trunks. With the help of tusks, he defends himself from enemies.

The fourth animal is the lion. (Children: this is the king of beasts, he is strong, a predator, he has a big mane, etc.) Lions also do not live in packs. They live with their small family. Lions do not hunt alone, but unite. So they can catch more prey. And if the hunt was unsuccessful, lions can take food from other animals.

The fifth animal is the Behemoth. (He is big, kind, he has small ears, a big mouth, etc.) Well done. But the hippopotamus is also called the hippopotamus. He can eat a large number of herbs. The hippopotamus is a thick-skinned animal.

Physical education minute "about animals":

In Africa, giraffes do this! (stretch your neck and stand on your toes)

Colored parrots with wings byak-byak-byak (we wave our hands up and down)

And boas in a bundle zhuh-zhuh-zhuh (we make a motor)

And the elephants stomp top-top-top (we stomp our feet)

And ears clap clap clap (clap hands)

Task 2"Find out who's hiding"

Children are divided into 3-4 teams. For each table, for each team, they are given split pictures, from which they need to assemble one whole image of the animal. Name which of the animals hid and describe it.

Task 3"Let's count the animals"

Now let's count the animals we saw in Africa. First met us:

Giraffe - one giraffe, two giraffes, five giraffes.

Zebra - one striped zebra, two striped zebras, five striped zebras.

Elephant - One huge elephant, two huge elephants, five huge elephants.

Lion - one predatory lion, two predatory lions, five predatory lions.

Hippo - one hippo, two hippos, five hippos.

Task 4"Funny Riddles"

The teacher reads riddles, the children guess and show where this animal is located on the poster.

1. You will see him - it is immediately clear.

The king of beasts - it's dangerous to joke.

Terrible roar and formidable look,

Didn't even cut the mane (lion)

2. He has big ears,

He wears a long trunk.

Though strong, but good-natured,

Because it is ... (elephant)

3. This beast is kind of strange,

Neck like an arrow at the crane

To reach the herbs with your mouth

fold in two (giraffe)

4. He loves to lie in the mud,

From a huge open.

Clumsy, thick-skinned,

Looks a little like a pig (hippopotamus)

5. She has a striped dress.

And it suits her very well:

So that the enemies do not see.

Do you recognize this horse? (Zebra)


Well done! You have completed all of our tasks. This is the end of our trip to Africa. What animals did we meet today, what new did we learn about them.

It was very interesting for me to travel with you. And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Goals: clarify with children the names of animals of hot countries and their cubs; clarify external signs, their structure, what they eat, characteristic habits; form possessive adjectives, compound words; to teach children to understand and explain the meaning of popular expressions; consolidate the vocabulary on this topic.

Equipment: demonstration material - pictures depicting animals from hot countries; handout - pictures depicting any part of the animal's body.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

In the jungle, the ringing flies everywhere,

If the elephant trumpets in full.

The giraffe has a long neck

And see everything around him.

A zebra has a horse's mane,

She is a good friend to everyone.

And in the desert in the morning

The kangaroo jumped lightly.

From the sun everything sparkles in the eyes.

A tigress lies with the cubs.

In distant Africa for all

The brave lion answers.

2. Conversation about animals of hot countries

Who do you think we are going to talk about today? (About animals.)

Where do you think they live? (In Africa.)

Close your eyes and imagine Africa. Desert ... Around - yellow, fine, delicate, like powder, sands, then gray, weathered stones. The sultry sky breathes heat. No water, no bush of greenery. This is Africa. And next to it is a solid wall of tropical forest: trees, bushes, lianas. The leaves are thick and juicy. Birds fly like on the magical flowers. It's always dark and humid here. The roar of predators and the squeal of monkeys are heard. This is also Africa.

In addition to Africa, there are other hot countries - Australia, India, South America, where these animals live.

There are two types of elephants: African - the largest animals. Indian - less. The elephant is a huge animal. His skin is wrinkled, naked, without wool. The trunk is long and elastic. Elephants use it to pluck plants and bring them to their mouths. From the trunk, elephants pour water on themselves or sprinkle dust. If you teach an elephant, he will be a good helper: uproot trees in the forest with fangs, drag large stones from place to place. The elephant is a very intelligent animal. The speech therapist makes a riddle:

Who has one horn? Guess... (Rhinoceros.)(The picture is exposed.)

Why is it called that?

And who is this? (Hippopotamus.)

Children compare two animals. (Differences: the rhinoceros spends most of its time on land, and the hippopotamus in the water. The color of the rhinoceros is black and white, while the hippopotamus is brown. The rhinoceros has horns or a horn, but the hippopotamus does not. Similarities: they are herbivores. They feed on foliage, grass, roots, feeding at night.)

The picture "Kangaroo" is exposed.

Children talk about this animal and the speech therapist summarizes:

Kangaroo is an Australian animal. It moves in leaps, it has powerful strong hind legs and a tail with which it maintains balance. On the stomach of a kangaroo is a bag with a small cub located there. Kangaroo is a herbivore.

The speech therapist makes riddles: This is some kind of strange beast, Neck, like an arrow at a crane. In order to reach the herbs with your mouth, it will add up in two ... (Giraffe.)(The picture is exposed.)

striped horses,

african horses,

It's good to play hide and seek

In the meadow among the grass.

lined horses,

Like school notebooks

Painted horses

From hooves to head. (Zebra.)(The picture is exposed.)

Children compare two animals. The picture "Camel" is exhibited.

Camels are of two types: one is two-humped. They live in hot loose sands. Camels can endure hunger and thirst the longest. On their backs they have humps filled with fat. They can live a week without food and drink - fat will feed them. Camels feed on dry grasses and leaves of desert plants.

What other animals of hot countries do you know?

What can you tell about them?

3. Didactic game "Who has whom?"

A lioness has a lion cub, cubs.

A tigress has a tiger cub, cubs.

The elephant has a baby elephant, baby elephants.

The giraffe has giraffes, giraffes.

A camel has a calf, a camel.

Kangaroos have kangaroos, kangaroos.

Zebras have zebras, zebras.

4. Physical education "Wonderful transformation"

Dily-dily-dily - crocodiles appeared, Children depict a dormant crocodile.

Motes-motes-motes - hippos appeared . They show how hippos walk, how wide they open their mouths.

Afa-afy-afy - giraffes chew leaves. Children stretch up, imitating giraffes.

We-we-we - elephants splash water. They puff out their cheeks, as if gainingwater, then, sprinkle.

Yany-yany-yany - monkeys are jumping along the branches. Children imitate jumpingmonkeys.

5. Didactic game "Add a word"

In Africa live dexterous, tailed... (Monkey.)

Africa is home to large, thick-skinned... (Hippos.)

In Africa live strong, maned ... (Lions.)

In Africa live shy, fast, striped... (Zebras.)

In Africa, spotted, long-necked ... (Giraffes.)

And also hardy, two-humped ... (Camels.)

And huge, strong... (Elephants.)

6. Didactic game "Whose is it?"

Children have pictures on the tables depicting any part of the animal's body. Whose mane? - lion. Whose neck? - giraffe. Whose tail? - monkey. Whose trunk? - elephant. Whose hump? - camel.

7. Didactic game "Make a word" Formation of compound words.

The giraffe has a long neck - what kind of giraffe?

The hippopotamus has thick legs - ... .

The lion has a thick mane - ... .

The monkey has a long tail - ... .

A camel has two humps - ... .

The elephant has big ears - ... .

Guys, very often people are compared with different animals or their behavior, appearance, to show what kind of person he is, what features of external resemblance he has with this animal, or it looks like he moves, behaves with others, eats. I will now give you such definitions, and you explain to what kind of person it suits.

"Lion's Mane". (About a man who has a magnificent, huge hairstyle on his head, a lot of hair.)

"Crocodile Tears" (So ​​you can say about a man, a straitshedding tears.)

"Stomps like an elephant." (This is a man with a heavy gait.)

"Skin like a hippo." (About a man who cannot be surprised by anythingvish.)

"Monkey antics". (So ​​they say about someone who likes to grimace.)

"Turtle step". (A person who walks very slowly.)

"Wolf Appetite" (A very hungry person.)

8. Summary of the lesson

Fixing material

I. Know the names of animals in hot countries, their structure, external signs, what they eat, characteristic habits. Clarify why animals are called "domestic" and "wild". Choose an epithet for each animal. Be able to name the family of animals.

For example: tiger - tigress - tiger cub - cubs.

Write a story about an animal.

I. Grammatical structure of speech and word formation.

Education plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

Formation of compound adjectives.

For example: A giraffe has a long neck - a long-necked giraffe.

Formation of possessive adjectives. For example: Camel hair - camel hair.

Forming nouns with a suffix -isch.For example: The giraffe has a nose and the elephant has a nose.

5. Formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

For example: giraffe - giraffe.

6. Agreement of numerals with nouns. Didactic game "Count".

For example: one kangaroo, two - ..., three - ..., four - ..., five kangaroos.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Zebra: A zebra is actually black with white stripes, not the other way around, as some people think. Each zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes, similar to human fingerprints. A zebra cub recognizes its mother from a drawing. Tsetse flies attack any moving warm object, even a car. An exception is the zebra, which the fly perceives as just a flicker of black and white stripes. Zebras are deprived of horns and other means of protection, fleeing from predators. Once in the environment, they defend themselves with their teeth and blows of hooves. A pursued zebra can travel at 80 kilometers per hour, but not for long periods of time.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Newborn baby elephants can stand immediately after birth, but they are blind and hold on to their mother with their trunks so as not to get lost. At first, elephants suckle milk and drink water with their mouths, not with their trunks. The oldest elephant lived to be 82 years old, although they usually live between 50 and 70 years. Elephants have poor eyesight but an amazing sense of smell. An elephant's trunk has over 40,000 receptors. Elephants can and love to swim! Elephant tusks are elongated incisor teeth, this is ivory, because of which poachers exterminate them. On hot days, they flap their ears to keep it cooler. While walking, elephants move their legs on one side of the body at the same time. The only mammal that can't jump is the elephant. The elephant is the national animal of Thailand.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

The hippopotamus is a heavy and clumsy animal. The skin is thick, almost naked, very hot in the sun. From the heat, he escapes in the water. He is great at swimming and diving. On his feet, between his toes, he has swimming membranes. This is a herbivore, he loves aquatic vegetation. Likes to graze at night. Hippos live in herds. They really like to travel along the rivers. Sometimes they reach the sea and swim away for many kilometers from the coast.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

A black rhino is not black, and a white rhino is not white at all. The color of the rhinoceros depends on the color of the ground in which they tend to wallow. The rhinoceros has 1-2 horns, but this is not the limit - there are animals with 3 and even 5 horns. Rhinos have poor eyesight but a keen sense of smell. Animals are active in the evening, at night and early in the morning. Rhinos can hardly swim. Rhinos eat plants.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

The giraffe is the tallest animal, loves plants, acacias, his tongue and lips do not feel thorns. They live in herds and are guarded by the male. They have a sensitive ear, they are very shy. For them, a person is dangerous (giraffe meat - for food, skin - for products). In captivity, they miss the open spaces. They love to run on the savannah.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Lion LIONS live in large lion families in prides. The leader in the pride is an old experienced lion, he can be recognized by his thick and luxurious mane, lionesses do not have a mane. The lion and lioness can rightly be proud of their amazing tail. It looks so long and thin, and even at the end it is decorated with a brush. The tail contains extraordinary strength: it can become hard as an iron rod or strike like a powerful whip. But, the most interesting thing in the brush, there is a spike, similar to a claw, hidden there. Lions hunt with the whole family and one zebra or antelope is enough for them for several days. They will never kill an animal just like that, they hunt only when they are hungry, and then they sleep sweetly and for a long time. Lions love their children very much, often play with them, caress, lick them.


In preparation for school, introduce your child to animals that live in different parts of the globe. Today I suggest you read to your child about some animals living in hot countries.

What animals live in hot countries?

The monkey, the lion, the elephant, the kangaroo, the camel, and many more animals live in hot countries and are wild animals, because they live separately from people and get their own food.

Of all animals, monkeys are the most similar to humans. Perhaps that is why children and adults love to watch them. Monkeys play with pleasure, have fun chasing each other and building funny faces.

The monkey has a long tail with which it clings to tree branches. With her hands, she deftly plucks bananas and other fruits from them. The monkey is very smart. For example, if she needs to reach for a juicy and tasty fruit that hangs too high, then she will take a stick and knock it down. No other animal can think of something like this.

The lion is a very beautiful and formidable animal. He is incredibly strong and can knock down even a bull to the ground with one blow of his paw. The lion's roar is so loud that you can go deaf from it. No wonder the lion is called the king of beasts.

The lion has a large shaggy mane and a tufted tail. Most of the time he rests or guards his family. Hunting is usually a lioness. She is slightly smaller than a lion and has no mane.

Lions feed on the meat of animals caught on the hunt. Having had a good meal, they can eat nothing for several days.

Be sure to watch wonderful cartoons about lions: The Lion King, The Lion and the Turtle, Boniface's Vacation.

The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. It is good that he is not a predator yet, otherwise other animals would have had a hard time. The elephant feeds on leaves and fruits of trees, twigs and grass.

The elephant has huge ears, thick legs and a long trunk, which he uses like a hand: he picks fruits from trees, pours water over him. The skin of an elephant is very thick. Even the sharpest thorns cannot pierce it.

The elephant is not afraid of anyone. After all, if he gets angry, he can simply trample his enemy. Therefore, other animals, and even a lion, treat him with respect and always give way.

Kangaroo is one of the most amazing animals on Earth. A kangaroo has a warm soft bag on its stomach, in which its cub hides. He is born very tiny, smaller than your little finger, and immediately crawls into his mother's bag. Only six months later, he gradually begins to crawl out. When the cub turns one year old, he leaves his mother's pouch forever.

Kangaroo world champion in long jump. With one jump, he can easily jump to the other side of the street! And all this thanks to strong long legs. But with the help of short front legs, kangaroos sometimes push or fight with each other, like real boxers.

Kangaroos usually feed at night. They eat grass or tree leaves.

Perhaps you saw on TV how a camel slowly wanders through the hot desert with a person or heavy load on the back. It seems that he seems to be floating on sandy waves. Perhaps that is why it was called the "ship of the desert."

The camel is very hardy. He easily tolerates terrible heat and severe cold. A camel can go without drinking for several days, and go without food for even more. The hump in which food is stored helps him not to die of hunger. The camel eats a wide variety of food and even thorns.

When you see a camel in the zoo, don't go near it. Camels are great at spitting!

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