What is the true purpose of a woman. The purpose and special role of women. Woman is a hearth that needs fire

People's views on the question of women's destiny have changed so much over the past decades, or even a century, that not everyone can answer it.

Many generally believe that being born a woman is a real punishment. Sexual discrimination, infringed rights, early aging, the need to keep a home and give birth to children are just some of what is expected of a woman.

Stereotypes, actively imposed by society today, make it clear that a woman who is engaged only in women's affairs- inferior, limited, narrow-minded and, in general, can’t do anything else. That is why many of the fair sex forget that they have a tender and vulnerable nature, which is not supposed to be the one that drags everything on itself, trying to do as much work as possible (including physical).

By choosing a lifestyle that has been masculine from time immemorial, women poison themselves, spoil their health, and destroy relationships. What kind of happiness can we talk about then? Catering only to society, women do worse for themselves.

Think about it: is Nature so stupid that she made men and women different, not similar to each other? The halves, each of which has certain qualities, exist in perfect tandem, harmoniously complementing each other. Therefore, in order to exist in peace, love and harmony, male and female gender no need to deny themselves, their role in this world.

Let's take a closer look at what the purpose of a woman is, what hinders her. To understand this, you need to find out if the purpose of a man and a woman is different.

What is it like to be a woman?

Someone from above decided to create a woman and a man who would be different precisely in order to complement each other, to be support. There is an opinion that a woman is born for love. But, you can not agree: a woman is love. She was given opportunities that she can use for good:

  1. The beauty. One has only to look even at a very toned male nude and a beautiful nude female body, as it becomes clear that nothing can fascinate as much as the beauty of female outlines.
  2. Ability to negotiate. After all, women are the best diplomats. She is given the opportunity to build and maintain harmonious relationships with other people, if necessary, to negotiate.
  3. natural empathy. Women are able to empathize, understand people and their true desires. They are soft and sensual.
  4. The ability to surround with comfort. Even by hanging cute curtains, putting flowers in a vase or rearranging furniture, women manage to make any place more comfortable.
  5. Intuition. It is unlikely that anyone will argue that in women the sixth sense is much better developed than in men, and the true representatives of the fair sex know how to listen to it.
  6. Emotionality. Women are many times more acutely experiencing all emotions and feelings. Yes, they experience more. But after all, they also experience a feeling of happiness, love and delight many times stronger.
  7. The ability to give life. Bearing children is something that only women can do. Carrying a child under your heart for nine months and experiencing a relationship with him all your life is the greatest gift, miracle, the power of a woman's destiny.

You can say that not all women have the listed opportunities. Well, this is what we are talking about: a true woman who listens to her nature and does not go against it, gets all these opportunities. And those who try to take on men's duties work to exhaustion, deny their essence.

For some, a reasonable question arises: what is left for a woman who does not have male support and who is forced to deal with the hardships of life herself? That's just the point, that radiating truly feminine energy will attract worthy men who are ready to give their beloved everything she needs . You should allow yourself to be weak and tender - the one that you want to patronize, cherish and cherish.

Why do women do what is alien to them?

Women are the helpers of men who make their lives more beautiful, brighter, brighter. They help their loved ones feel stronger by healing their wounds after falls. Women need to be gentle creatures that require protection. Then men want to protect, patronize, be responsible for their chosen one.

But, why then are we trying to become the one who drags everything on herself? Why do we avoid the opportunity to become the one that will be simply loved, and not the one from which feats are expected?

Why do we choose brute male power, forgetting who we are? Why do we spend our whole lives searching better job or recognition? Why do we spend most of our lives striving to become better and more successful in the future than to enjoy life here and now?

Why do we want to find "our" man, yet we find him, and then we begin to change him, "nag" and suppress him? And it's all about the stereotypes that have developed literally in recent years hundred.

You need to accept not only the feminine nature, but also the masculine. Do not cut the wings of your chosen ones, criticizing and controlling them. Let them express their essence.

Reading time 7 minutes

In almost every religion, in many philosophical treatises and teachings, the question of why we come to this world is raised. Is there a purpose of human existence, is there a certain purpose for every rational being, what is the male and female purpose in this world. There are many opinions on this matter and they are extremely multifaceted - some great minds believe that you need to completely surrender to the hands of God and rely only on his decisions, others adhere to the theory that man is the crown of nature and the creator of all things, is born with a specific purpose.

According to most psychologists, the main purpose of each individual is to be happy. And in order to achieve this, all life path should be based on continuous self-development. The main life goal of each person should be the realization of their capabilities, their inner potential. After all, if each person will be in his place and do what he does best, then the results of his work will undoubtedly benefit all mankind.

But that's about individuals. Any society is divided into groups - by gender, ethnicity, age. And in this article we will focus specifically on women's destiny. What is its difference from the male, what functions and responsibilities are considered in modern world exclusively female, in which areas of activity the weaker sex can be most successfully realized.

A people cannot be conquered if the hearts of women keep its roots. And as long as that is the case, it doesn't matter how strong the conquerors are and how powerful their weapons are. © From the folklore of the Cheyenne Indians

It has long been believed that it is the female energy that has creative power. A woman is unique if only because she is capable of childbearing, so to speak, of creating new people. After all, what can be considered a miracle, no matter how the birth of a new person. Since ancient times, women have been rightfully awarded the title of the keeper of the hearth. Mother, mistress, wife - a classic manifestation of the female incarnation at all times. The world of women is fundamentally different from the world of men. Softer and more flexible by nature, the representatives of the stronger sex have long directed all their efforts to creating and protecting the family and home, unlike men, whose nature is sharpened more likely to engage in physical labor, military craft, or those areas of social structures that require strength and firmness of character.

Of course, in world history there were also female warriors (for example, Joan of Arc, as a specific person, or a tribe of Amazons, as a generalized image), and heads of state (an impressive list, to start, which can be, for example, from the ancient Egyptian queen Neithhotep to today's female presidents like Kersti Karjulaid in Estonia or Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović in Croatia), and female scientists (like the famous radioactivity researcher Maria Skłodowska-Curie or Gertrude Eliot, the great biochemist who gave the world a cure for malaria). , leukemia and herpes). But rather, such examples are exceptions to the generally accepted model of female destiny.

Features of the female image, behavior and character, distinctive from the male

The role of women in a patriarchal society

From ancient times to late XVIII century in society there was a generally accepted model of the family, where the husband was unconditionally considered the head of the family, and the wife and children were subordinate to him. The patriarchal position of the entire society did not give women the opportunity to realize themselves in the male world.

The main and only, according to the society of past years, the task of every woman was to get married and give birth to healthy offspring. There was no question of any education or a prestigious job - these were privileges only for men. Cases of domestic violence were not uncommon in a patriarchal society. Many women were content only with the role of the guardian of the hearth, but there were others who did not want their female destiny to be limited only to family and life. The emergence and development of such a movement as feminism has radically changed the role of women and their place in the world. Feminists strongly disagree that women's destiny is to please the strong half of humanity, to be a housewife and give birth to children.

Contrary to popular belief, love does not take up much space in a woman's life. Her husband, children, home, pleasures, vanity, secular and sexual relationships, promotion on the social ladder mean much more to her. © Simone de Beauvoir, ideologist of the feminist movement

Feminism is a political and intellectual movement in which women fought for equal rights with men. For the first time this term arose at the beginning of the 19th century, but the main ideas and theories are found both in ancient culture, and in the Middle Ages, and during the Renaissance.

The women of the first wave of feminism demanded the right to vote and political equality with men. Their demands were satisfied in 1920 in the United States, when the nineteenth amendment to the Constitution was adopted. In the 60s, the second wave of the women's rights movement rolls in, which leads to some kind of social revolution. This time the theme of the rallies is domestic violence, free exploitation of domestic female labor, restriction in the choice of a place of work. Women rebelled against the limitation of their lives only to household duties and family care, while men owned the whole world.

Most men do not accept and reject the idea of ​​feminism. Perhaps the reason for this is the echoes of ancient stereotypes, or they introduced the male gender to misunderstand the essence of women's requirements. After all, there is an opinion that outwardly unattractive women become feminists, who are simply not able to find a husband for themselves, therefore they are embittered at the entire strong half of humanity. Of course, this opinion is far from the truth. Here is what famous feminists respond to such an opinion:

There are many ridiculous myths about what it means to be a feminist: all feminists allegedly hate men, demand that members of the movement give up everything “girly” (for example, dresses, heels and hair removal), despise housewives and want to take all the power in the world for themselves. None of these myths are true, or at least they are not true in all situations. © Danica Johnson

Feminism is not a curse word. It doesn't mean you hate men, it doesn't mean you hate girls with nice legs or tans. It doesn't mean you're a bitch or a lesbian. It only means that you believe in equality. © Kate Nash

In our time, women have gained complete independence - they have the right to education, they can choose their place of work, they have sexual freedom, they independently decide on issues of marriage and childbearing. In the conditions of the modern world, any woman can choose who to be - a mother or a housewife, a politician or a businesswoman.

Women's destiny in the modern world has ceased to be limited to patriarchal clichés. But more often you have to not choose one thing, but combine everything together. Housekeeping and family care, in the main, remained in the care of women. Plus, added work and social work. But even such social multitasking does not detract from the great achievement of humanity - gender equality.

Guided by the words of Michelle Obama that “no country in the world can truly prosper if it suppresses the female potential and loses the power of half of its citizens”, we can say that gender equality is a big plus not only for women, but also for society and the state as a whole. Since, for example, the number of labor resources increased, and with it, productivity began to grow upwards.

In conclusion, we can conclude that the main female destiny is still the continuation of the family, for the simple reason that, apart from women in the world, there is no one else to perform this function. But this is not the only goal in the life of any of the fair sex. Women's destiny, first of all, is to live their lives honestly and with dignity, as well as to find their place in society. Someone sees happiness in the birth of children, and someone in science or politics. The only and main duty of every person is to be happy and benefit society.

Hello dear readers!

Today I would like to talk to you about a very serious topic - about Destiny. The question of self-realization, Destiny is currently of interest to almost every person, except for those lucky ones who managed to find harmony and find their own Path. However, most of us do not have such a strong connection with the Higher Intelligence, such sensitivity to the desires of our own heart, and also the courage to easily understand what is the role assigned to us in this world and play it.

Immediately make a reservation that we will talk about women's destiny. Since I have been interested in Vedic knowledge for more than a year, it is from the position of the Vedas that I want to tell you about the Women's Path.

Vedic sources say that there are several levels of fulfillment by a woman (and a man) of her Destiny. And without realization at all levels, a woman cannot feel true happiness. What are these levels?

The first part of the purpose of a person on this planet is connected with his gender. This means that in order to fully realize herself, a woman must become a woman (a man - a man), i.e. at the first level of fulfilling her Destiny, a woman should become a good wife and give birth to children. Let's look at these two points in more detail.

In order to become a good wife, a woman, first of all, needs to find a husband and fulfill her feminine duties towards him. The main responsibilities of women in marriage:

  1. Take care of your body - cleanliness and beauty. This is necessary in order to pacify the mind of the husband who is engaged in realization in the outside world. After numerous stresses at work, a man needs to relax, while good wife helps him forget about the difficulties with his attractive appearance, soft smile, etc.
  2. Treat your husband right. This can include a whole range of women's duties - from accepting your beloved man as he is, to the absence of criticism against him, showing true admiration for him and expressing gratitude for everything he does for a woman, family.
  3. Be obedient to your husband. This means respecting the word of your husband, accepting his authority, obeying him, trusting him.
  4. Be faithful to your husband and keep your mind pure. Here we are talking about fidelity to the beloved man, not only on the physical, but also on the mental level. In fact, this is a magical item that can create in family relationships real miracles. When a man feels on a subtle, invisible plane (and men feel this, believe me) that a woman is faithful to him with all her being, his behavior changes very much - a man feels more confident in his abilities, imbued with greater tenderness for his woman, his earnings increase … By the way, Vedic knowledge says that the power of female fidelity is so powerful that it can change the bad fate destined for a man.
  5. Cook food with love. Despite the fact that most of the top chefs in the world are men, according to the Vedas, cooking is a purely feminine task and a purely feminine austerity. This is due to the fact that nourishing loved ones with your love is not only the main task of a woman, but also her main talent, and through food, as you know, all the energy invested in cooking, all love, is transmitted.
  6. Create a cozy atmosphere in the house. This means regularly monitoring the cleanliness of the house, ensuring relative order (those who have children know that it is impossible to achieve ideal order with them, and it is not necessary). Ideally, decorate the house with self-made items - napkins, curtains, tablecloths, pictures, etc. Put fresh flowers on the tables.
  7. Cleanliness and neatness. This means being careful in your clothes and the clothes of your loved ones, taking care not to leave dirt and mess behind. This also applies respectful attitude to environment(do not throw garbage, sort waste, etc.).

Farther. A woman must be realized as a mother. This point is beyond doubt in connection with female physiology. I want to add that, according to Vedic knowledge, for a woman to be fully realized in motherhood, she needs to have at least three children. In the modern world, unfortunately, there are quite a few such cases, and not only because of low level life, but also because of women's misunderstanding of their purpose, stereotypes and orientation to external values, unwillingness to “steam” all their lives. And I honestly, sincerely admire those women who have many children, live in harmony with them and understand that there is nothing more important than raising worthy personalities, that no career, no bank accounts and no “freedom” can compare with the importance this task.

This is the first level of female self-realization. Without its implementation, one cannot speak of true satisfaction and female happiness. So if you don't know what your purpose in this world is, go to that level and see what you can do to increase your level of satisfaction with serving your loved ones in your life.

At the second level, female self-realization consists in the manifestation of the talents and inclinations of a woman in the outside world. However, this does not mean that a woman should disappear at work all day. Ideally, a woman should have a favorite (be sure to love!) Activity, to which she devotes time every day without compromising her duties in the family. Those. it is desirable that this be work at home (next to the children) and that it does not take more than 3-4 hours.

Have you noticed, by the way, that so many women find a way to fulfill themselves in the outside world after having children? I know enough of such cases. This is explained by the fact that the woman, as it were, has already fulfilled her destiny at the first level, and the second one becomes available to her.

The last level of Destiny is related to our relationship with God (the Higher Mind, the Universe, Life). The task of every person - both women and men - is to remember that we are all, first of all, not bodies, but Souls.

I hope that today's topic was interesting and useful for you. I wish each of you to understand and find your feminine destiny at all levels!

Being human is a lot

but being a woman is even more so.

M. Larney

Being born a Woman is a great blessing. There is an opinion that a woman is born for love.

And I would say - Woman is the embodiment of Love. And it really is! When a woman is happy, she is able to embrace the whole world. I think that every woman had such moments of happiness and falling in love with the world, when you want to give your radiant smile to every leaf, every insect, and, even more so, to the people around you. The more a woman connects with her true nature, the more often she feels this way.

So what is the sacred purpose of the Woman?

In my opinion, the main purpose of a woman: become the embodiment of love. And share this love in all the ways that are available to her: through relationships, through children, through creativity, through work ....

When a Woman acts out of a state of fullness with this Love, and not out of a sense of deficit, that's when she finds that same Feminine Happiness.

And a woman gains inner freedom when she does everything with Love. Often the concept of women's freedom is replaced by the idea that you need to "free yourself" from women's duties or men. But, realizing this, a woman falls into even greater "slavery", she goes against her nature. But freedom for a woman is to fill with Love everything she touches, in the awareness of the sanctity of her female roles.

Woman is harmony . This is what creates the atmosphere, gives shape. It is the Woman who is able to complete everything “to the whole”, to the harmonious.

A woman is one who wins without a fight .

She dances life. And the more sincere her dance is, the stronger and more beautiful it is.

Many women complain that, they say, they don’t have feminine qualities, and they don’t know how to do all these “female things”. It's a delusion. Every woman "knows how" to be a woman. It is only necessary to discard everything that prevents natural nature from manifesting itself freely.

And there is no need to "make a Woman out of yourself." This is again a male approach. The man does. A woman "allows to be."

Of course there is, common features inherent in the feminine nature, but there is no single correct stereotype of a woman. Every woman is unique and beautiful. Imagine if all flowers aspired to be roses or tulips. And it's great that there is such a variety of them!

The problem of many women now is the reduction of the concept of femininity to manifestations of only external beauty. But how many examples of “cold beauties”: well-groomed and dressed, 90 * 60 * 90 and “feet from the ears”, but something is missing ...

The fact is that the fair sex now often use purely feminine things (they follow the figure, go in for fitness, go to beauty salons) for typically masculine self-affirmation! Something like: "and I'm better than others", "look how I can", "that's what I really am." And a man feels next to such a woman either in constant oppression (“what can I give her if she can do everything without me”), or in a state of constant tension - competition as with a man. But it really makes a beautiful woman State of the Feminine.

The need to constantly run somewhere exhausts the Woman. Energetically, it is like a full bowl. And if this bowl is constantly shaken vigorously, little will remain inside. That is why typically "male achievements" and constant action so emotionally drain a Woman.

To maintain energy fullness and integrity, it is necessary to correctly prioritize:

In the first place is the woman herself. What does it mean?

Give yourself time to be in a state of peace and inner silence.. At such moments, in addition to replenishing the supply of energy, a woman is able to hear: your desires, your needs, your feelings, your body. Meditation, self-care procedures, walks in nature are suitable here. Taking a fragrant bath has a great effect on well-being.

Realization of your desires. And for a woman, it means more to understand what she wants and to express her desires in an accessible form for others (especially for a man).

Creation. It is very important for a woman to express herself creatively. The female nature is “written” in the right hemisphere of the brain, which, unlike the logical left, is responsible for sensations. For her, it is not so much the result of creativity that is important, but the process itself. Dancing, singing, drawing and everything that corresponds to the desires of the soul. The main presence in the creative process, the state of "here and now", a certain amount of spontaneity. This very well reveals and liberates female sensuality.

Self-development. These can be trainings and auto-trainings, women's practices, yoga, books, developmental communication and much more.

In second place is the relationship with a man. Not just a man, but a woman paired with a man.

In third place are children.

On the fourth - implementation in society.

This does not mean that one cannot arise in a woman's life before the other. It's about priorities here.

It happens that earlier a woman had the opportunity to make a career, but the family has not yet been created. There is nothing wrong here. It is bad if, if necessary, to choose between family and work, a woman chooses work. Or completely goes into society, not noticing worthy men around him. Or maybe in the presence of a family, be indifferent to the creation of home comfort, coming home only to sleep. As a result, we later wonder why many houses become cold and uncomfortable, and it is the presence that fills the family nest with warmth. female energy. It is also wrong to postpone motherhood or even abandon it in favor of a career.

Another example of incorrect prioritization is the abandonment of one's own needs, or inattention to relationships with a man, in favor of children and complete withdrawal into the mother's state.

Remember, dear women, another property of female nature is the more relaxed a woman is, the more effective she is.

And it is also very important to remember that it is important to do everything in a feminine way. And behave like a woman with a man, and with children, and with others, both at home and at work.

Fluid, sensual, soft, caring, sensitive, tender, light. And with all this, there is a feeling of deep Self-worth as a Woman .

Perhaps now you have a question: “everything is clear at home, but at work - how to behave feminine? Especially if a woman is in a leadership position?”

And I will tell you, my dears, it is possible.

Moreover, if the leader is a Woman and acts on the basis of her feminine nature, everyone is comfortable in this organization. She often acts motherly towards the workers. Not like an immature mother spoiling her child, but like a loving and wise woman: where necessary she will encourage, where necessary she will severely punish, but she will do it without scandals and screams, but with love.

And such a woman-leader is respected by everyone, and rarely anyone wants to leave her. But just the same, if a woman tries to build a man out of herself, acting harshly and categorically, it is unlikely that anyone will call her otherwise than a “fury” and appreciate this work.

Connected to the uterus .

How can all this be done? How to connect with your nature and feel like a Woman?

The most important and the very first connection with the uterus. The presence of a woman in a woman's body.

In the modern rhythm of life, people spend most of their time "in the head", developing, for the most part, the intellect, and the true female nature is in the uterus, in the heart.

And the very first thing to do is to learn to feel this part of your body. But most women's diseases are primarily a lack of energy and blood circulation in this zone. TO When a woman begins to act like a man, often and actively use logic, forgets about her body, sensuality - her energy is very quickly rebuilt according to the male type. Externally, this manifests itself as internal tension, excessive rationalization, some categorical relations with others, lack of flexibility, excessive planning, lack of creativity and spontaneity.

Naturally, when a man enters the field of such a woman, he subconsciously feels in her "another man", and, consequently, a competitor.

But when a woman is built in a feminine way, she feels inner peace, harmony with the rhythms of her body (elementary monthly cycle), sensuality and sexuality, confidence and rootedness, softness and fluidity, tenderness and love, acceptance, the ability to hear intuition develops, creativity opens up. Getting into the field of such a woman, a man literally “melts”. He intuitively "reads" her energy state and reaches out to her.

And now, I suggest you feel the state of fullness on yourself by doing a couple of the following simple exercises that have a very strong effect.

With regular performance, your well-being can change dramatically. You can do them at any time and in any place convenient for you.

Duration from 3 minutes and above (the upper limit is not limited).

Connection through breath with the uterus and heart.

During this practice, we inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth with the sound "Ha-a-a-a-a." This is a special tantric type of breathing that helps to energize the whole body and balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Sit comfortably with a straight but not tense back (you can also do it while standing - in this case, the legs are slightly bent at the knees). Feet hip-width apart, feet flat on the floor. If possible, touch the floor with bare feet.

Place one hand on the heart center (middle chest), the other - on the lower abdomen.

The eyes are covered.

We exhale through the mouth, mentally lowering our attention to the feet, to the ground. Then we inhale through the nose, inflating the tummy, and raise our attention from the ground up (as if we are filling our body with air from the feet to the crown). We exhale through the mouth, from top to bottom into the ground (while the whole body relaxes from the face to the legs).

Inhale and exhale deep and slow, try to breathe in the stomach, not including the chest. Several such breaths and exhalations.

We breathe as much as necessary, feeling how the energy fills the whole body from the bottom up, and all the tension goes into the ground with the exhalation.

We finish the practice by mentally bringing energy into the uterus - we fold both hands on the tummy. After that, you can open your eyes and stretch sweetly.

Meditation on filling with Feminine Energy.

Sit comfortably with a straight back or lie down. Eyes closed, face relaxed. relaxed lower jaw, shoulders down.

Lower your attention down the abdomen, then even lower - to the area of ​​the intimate organs. Imagine a blossoming flower there - the flower of your femininity, sensuality. Look at him. What colour is he? Try to imagine what the petals feel like, catch its aroma. Feel the dew drops on its beautiful petals.

Now bring your attention to your chest. Imagine that your breasts fill up and turn into 2 beautiful flowers. Look at them. What color and shape are they? What are the petals like to the touch? Feel the aroma.

And now look at all 3 flowers and feel their common scent - the scent of your unique femininity (and at this moment the scent of your pheromones really stands out!).

Imagine how this aroma envelops your entire body from feet to head and penetrates through the top of your head. Your body - like a glass vessel becomes transparent, and you see how the aroma of flowers fills it from the inside.

When all the space inside and outside is filled, mentally cover your vessel, imagining that a white lotus flower is blooming on the crown (neck of the vessel). This is necessary so that the energy is not dissipated, but preserved.

Gradually come back feeling full and refreshed.

Be Healthy, Loved and Happy!

With love, Tatyana Vasilenko


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