Possible discharge during pregnancy. Changes in discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, causes of deviations Discharge in pregnant women in the second trimester

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and exciting periods in the life of a future mother. However, not all representatives of the weaker sex, it proceeds smoothly. Many women have to deal with various problems. Most often, pathologies occur in the first or last third of pregnancy. From the information provided, you can find out what the discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy says. Let's say right away that they can be the norm or a sign of pathology.

discharge rate

This period of gestation lasts from 14 to At this stage, the placenta is already fully formed in the woman's body. It supplies the baby with nutrients and vitamins. Also, the placenta carefully guards the growing fetus. It does not allow various toxins and aggressive substances to adversely affect it.

Allocations in the second trimester during pregnancy are recognized by doctors as an absolute norm. Indeed, at this stage, hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. Gynecologists say that the discharge can be quite heavy, but they should never cause discomfort. The consistency of the mucus is predominantly watery, but at times it is replaced by a creamy mass. The discharge may be clear or white. They do not cause itching, burning and have no smell. Now let's try to figure out which discharge in the second trimester during pregnancy is considered pathological.

yellow slime

(in the second trimester or at another time) almost always talk about pathology. The most common cause of their appearance is inflammation or infection. Note that it is the second trimester that is the most favorable time for the treatment of such processes. Often, the expectant mother is prescribed antimicrobial and antibacterial agents. What medications can eliminate discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester? Photos of some drugs will be presented to your attention. The most commonly used drugs are in the form of suppositories based on metronidazole. Oral antibiotics with amoxicillin may also be given.

In some situations during pregnancy in the second trimester are normal. They may appear due to allergies to synthetic fabrics or new intimate hygiene products.


White discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester almost always becomes a sign of thrush. In this case, the mucus acquires the consistency of cottage cheese, it can fall out in pieces or periodically liquefy. The expectant mother feels a burning sensation, itching, discomfort. Note that more than half of the fairer sex are faced with thrush while waiting for the baby.

Treatment of thrush is a must. Usually, expectant mothers are recommended oral medications (Flucostat, Diflucan) or vaginal suppositories (Terzhinan, Pimafucin). It is also possible to use folk remedies, but doctors strongly advise against experimenting.


Abundant liquid, water-like discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy is sometimes a bad sign. At the end of this period, there is already a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid in the woman's uterus. For some reason, it may pour out or begin to leak already at this stage. In this situation, the expectant mother needs to urgently call emergency help. With timely access to doctors, there is a chance to keep the pregnancy for a few more weeks (until the moment when the child is viable). Otherwise, the woman begins premature birth.

Second trimester of pregnancy: brown discharge

If the expectant mother notices drops of blood on her underwear during the second trimester, then this may be a signal of various pathologies. So, in the presence of erosion on the cervix after sexual intercourse, a pink liquid may be noted. The same discharge occurs after examination by a doctor with the help of mirrors.

If a woman has been previously diagnosed, spotting may be a concomitant symptom. With them, you need to consult a doctor and follow all the recommendations.

Brown can be the result of detachment of the fetal egg. The resulting hematoma simply opened up and began to come out. If a woman notes heavy bleeding, accompanied by weakness, then it is necessary to call a medical ambulance. Most likely, we are talking about the exfoliation of a child's place. Almost always in this case there are In the second trimester (the photo of which is presented to you), this condition is dangerous because it can lead to death.


You have learned what discharge occurs in the middle of pregnancy. It is worthwhile to carefully monitor your well-being throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Follow your doctor's advice and don't self-medicate. At the slightest disturbing symptoms, contact a qualified specialist for advice.

Remember that now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the life of the unborn baby. Easy pregnancy and childbirth on time!

Vaginal discharge in a woman during pregnancy causes anxiety in expectant mothers. In most cases, the vaginal secret is the norm, but sometimes it may indicate some kind of pathology, so it must be treated carefully. Any discharge must be reported to the doctor.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge

Allocations in the second trimester become more abundant than they were in the early stages. This is due to the fact that the size of the fetus increases significantly, so the load on the woman's genitals increases. The mucous tissues of the vagina react to this load with an abundant secretion.

In addition, in the second trimester of pregnancy, the formation of a mucous plug occurs, which will protect the uterus from various infections. The production of mucus increases, part of it comes out of the vagina in the form of whites.

Another reason for changes in discharge in the 2nd trimester is an increase in the amount of estrogen in the blood. This hormone helps to thin the mucous secretions, so its increased concentration in the body increases the fluid flowing from the vagina (we recommend reading:).

What discharge is considered normal in the 2nd trimester?

It is difficult to say unequivocally which discharges are normal and which are not, because each woman's vaginal secret can be different. It depends on the age of the woman, her weight and the general condition of the body.

Doctors believe that normally the discharge should be watery, sometimes creamy, similar in consistency to liquid snot. Physiological secretions after the 12th week of pregnancy are white or colorless. The main sign that whites are not caused by pathology, but by the characteristics of the body, is that they do not cause itching and are not accompanied by pain. Physiological mucus does not have a sharp, repulsive odor.

Pathological discharge

If vaginal discharge begins to cause discomfort, is accompanied by pain in the genital area and smells bad, this should be reported to the doctor. Such symptoms may indicate an allergic reaction of the body to drugs, infections, pathologies of fetal development, or cervical erosion. In addition, liquid discharge during pregnancy is also a symptom of amniotic fluid leakage.

Copious clear discharge

If the secret has become so plentiful that the woman has to use sanitary pads, and at the same time it looks like transparent liquid snot, the woman should be alarmed and consult a gynecologist: a clear, odorless secret may be a sign of a decrease in the concentration of progestogen hormones in the blood. This happens when there is a disorder in the function of the ovaries or placenta.

The condition is dangerous in that it can cause a miscarriage, since gestagens support the activity of the placenta. A particularly dangerous symptom is pain in the uterus against the background of heavy discharge.

One of the pathological causes of watery discharge in the second trimester is the leakage of amniotic fluid, which can begin as a result of damage to the amniotic sac due to infection or due to trauma.

Sometimes it happens that the expectant mother does not attach much importance to the fact that she accidentally stumbled and fell. At the same time, her water begins to flow out drop by drop. The amount of fluid in this case is so meager that it is impossible to notice any special changes in the secretions. However, this is very dangerous for the fetus, as it can lead to the development of septic complications.

It is very difficult to determine the presence of water in vaginal whites without a special examination: they have neither a special color nor a smell. Most often, leakage is asymptomatic.

Yellow or orange discharge

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester is an alarm signal (for more details, see the article:). If the secret has acquired a bright yellow or orange color, it means that an infection has begun to develop rapidly in the vagina.

Another pathological reason for the color of the secret in yellow is an increase in the level of progesterone. This can occur in women taking hormonal drugs. Their expectant mothers are prescribed in case of too low levels of hormones, which are produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary.

Such drugs are prescribed in the early stages - up to 7 weeks. Then a placenta is formed in the uterus, which can also produce the necessary hormones and compensate for ovarian dysfunction. If the causes of the orange color lie in hormonal preparations, then in addition to the unusual color of the discharge, the woman should no longer be disturbed by any discomfort.

In other cases, the bright color of the whites signals an infection of the external genitalia. As a rule, it is accompanied by sensations of burning or itching, swelling of the vulva, pain in the abdomen from below.

Green discharge

Discharge like snot during pregnancy is most likely associated with infectious inflammation in the genitals. Pus, a product of the work of chlamydia or other bacteria, gives the green color to the secretions.

With chlamydia, in addition to the green secret, a woman has painful urination and a burning sensation in the vulva. Another characteristic symptom of the disease is the discharge of a drop of pus from the urethra in the morning. If the disease is started, whites will acquire a repulsive purulent smell.

Discharge with pus also occurs with bacterial vaginitis, which is accompanied by pain, itching, burning in the vaginal area. Profuse leucorrhoea, similar to snot and having a disgusting smell, is allocated. The disease can harm the fetus: especially alarming symptoms are the cessation of movement, a change in the fetal heartbeat, uterine tone, and pain in the lower abdomen. With such signs, it is urgent to contact the antenatal clinic.

White and beige

Milky white discharge or a beige secretion is a known sign of a fungal infection. The disease is caused by fungi of the Candida species, which normally always live on the vaginal mucosa. Even in the early stages of pregnancy, the protective forces of the female body are reduced, which leads to the rapid reproduction of pathological fungi. Candidiasis is characterized by abundant white or beige discharge of a curdled or kefir consistency with a characteristic odor of something sour.

With thrush, women are very worried about itching in the perineum. If the disease is prolonged, the vulva becomes swollen and painful.

Beige leucorrhoea can signal the development of a bacterial infection in the vagina. Characteristic symptoms will help to distinguish a bacterial infection from a fungal one. Bacterial vaginitis is accompanied by a more liquid, abundant secretion, homogeneous in consistency, which exudes the smell of spoiled herring. This secret irritates the mucous membrane of the genital organs, which makes sexual intercourse painful.

Dark brown discharge

The secretions turn brown due to the presence of clotted blood in them. The safest reason for the appearance of a brown secret is the fixation of the fetal egg on the wall of the uterus. In the process of this attachment, the uterine capillaries are damaged and a little bleeding occurs.

In the second trimester, a similar secret may be the result of increased uterine tone. Sometimes brown spots on underwear appear due to erosion.

Dark discharge against the background of pulling pains in the abdomen in the second trimester should be a cause for serious concern, because they indicate big problems in the fetus (we recommend reading:). Such whites occur with placental dissection, inflammatory processes on the reproductive organs and other pathologies, accompanied by minor bleeding.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a brownish daub on linen is a harbinger of an approaching birth. In the 3rd trimester, the development of brown discharge is a reason to hurry to the maternity hospital.

Bloody issues

The blood released from the vagina indicates that bleeding has begun inside the reproductive organs. The more pink and red veins in the vaginal mucus, the more dangerous the symptom. Very often, such discharges signal placental abruption, placental presentation, and the threat of miscarriage.

Often, after bleeding, profuse bleeding begins. In this case, there is a threat not just to pregnancy, but to the life of the mother: significant blood loss can be fatal for her. If spotting is detected, a woman expecting a baby should seek emergency medical attention.

Pinkish mucous streaks in the whites are considered the norm only at the 8th month of gestation. They indicate the preparation of the body for labor.

How to reduce the risk of discharge?

If any pathological leucorrhoea appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. Modern medicines and medical devices have a wide range of capabilities, thanks to which doctors can save a pregnancy even in the most difficult situations. The expectant mother herself can also prevent the appearance of bad discharge.

Preventive measures include:

  1. Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene. This measure helps prevent the development of pathologies such as bacterial or candidal vaginitis. It is also recommended to use special hypoallergenic pads for expectant mothers that do not cause irritation. To avoid the appearance of thrush, it is necessary to wear underwear made from natural fabrics.
  2. Compliance with the regime of work and rest. Nervous disorders and physical overwork undermine a woman's immunity and contribute to the development of various diseases.
  3. Proper nutrition. For the health of the expectant mother and her child, good nutrition is extremely important. A woman needs to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals so that the vessels do not become brittle and all systems can work in an enhanced mode necessary for bearing a fetus.
  4. Avoid crowded places, take care of yourself. For women in position, even minor bumps and bumps can do a lot of harm, so if possible, it is better for them to avoid public transport during rush hours and not go outside once again on ice.
  5. Sexual rest. If there are any problems with pregnancy, a woman should refrain from sexual intercourse with her husband for a while.

Vaginal secretion from the genitals is typical for women at any age. During different phases of the menstrual cycle, the secret changes its consistency, the percentage of mucus and water, the presence of cells.

Many diseases are characterized by a change in color, consistency and volume of secretory masses. In a pregnant woman, the hormonal background and the functioning of organs change. The most indicative for diagnosis are discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, which indicates both the normal development of the child and the occurrence of pathology.

The regulation of all processes in a woman's body is under the control of the nervous and endocrine systems. The ovaries (internal genital organs) are the main sex gland of the female body, which are engaged in the production of not only eggs, but also hormones - estrogen and progesterone. The normal synthesis of these substances is due to an adequate intake of vegetable and animal fats in the body.

Vaginal discharge consists of secretions from the glands of the vaginal mucosa, secretions from the cervix, as well as a small amount of exfoliated old cells (epithelial cells). During a normal menstrual cycle, the concentration of biologically active substances in the blood changes in different phases. In the first phase, the synthesis of estrogens prevails, which contribute to the development of the inner layer of the uterus, making it "soft", preparing for the implantation of a fertilized egg. In addition, the action of estrogens is aimed at the maturation and growth of cells of the vaginal mucosa. Normal secretions in this phase are viscous and clear.

After the onset of ovulation (on the 14th-15th day of the menstrual cycle), the second phase begins, in which the predominant synthesis of progesterone occurs (it helps to carry the pregnancy). Progesterone provides functional changes in the endometrium of the uterus and the formation of the decidua during pregnancy. In addition, it reduces the production of cervical (from the cervix) mucus, the secretion becomes milky white.

Norm indicators

Normal discharge during pregnancy is viscous, clear or milky white. In the body of a pregnant woman, regardless of the period, there is an accumulation of progesterones in the blood due to the synthesis of the corpus luteum of pregnancy in the ovaries and in the placenta.

Important! During conception, the sperm enters the egg, fertilizing it. For the full development of the fetus from two cells, contact with the mother's body is necessary. On the 7th day after conception, the embryo implants into the wall of the uterus.

If a woman has fragile capillaries located superficially (the properties of the vessels are the same both on the hands and in the internal organs), the process of introducing the fetus may be accompanied by minor bleeding. The blood may be dark brown in color. The appearance of such secretions in the second trimester of pregnancy is considered the norm. If the discharge in the second trimester is accompanied by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstruation, then you should see a doctor.

A progressive increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood, reduces the level of water in the vaginal secretion. Therefore, a small amount (daily volume up to 5 ml) of a transparent, low viscosity, colorless and odorless vaginal secretion during pregnancy is considered the norm.

In the second trimester, secretion in the form of mucus may appear. In its consistency, it is similar to egg white and looks like snot. A woman after 12 weeks may find jelly-like transparent or slightly whitish spots on her underwear. The amount of vaginal secretions may be small or large. It all depends on individual characteristics. Mucous discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester is the result of hormonal changes. After 12 weeks, the hormone estrogen begins to be actively produced, so treatment as such is not prescribed. If in the second trimester the watery discharge is abundant and causes discomfort, then doctors recommend using sanitary pads.

A change in the amount, viscosity, color of the vaginal secretion may indicate the development of gynecological diseases.

Pathological discharge

Disturbances in the hormonal balance in the female body affect the quantitative indicators of secretions in the second trimester. They are usually plentiful and scarce. In addition, often a decrease and increase in the level of progesterone and other pregnancy hormones (human chorionic gonadotropin - hCG; placental lactogen - PL) are accompanied by a change in the color of the vaginal secretion.


Transparent abundant discharge in pregnant women indicates a decrease in the level of progestogen hormones. This condition occurs due to functional failure of the ovaries or placenta. In addition, the consequence of the violation may be a spontaneous abortion, since the action of progesterone is aimed at maintaining the tone of the uterus and placental blood flow. Symptoms may include severe weakness, pain in the lower abdomen.

orange or yellow

Yellow discharge is considered dangerous. Bright yellow or orange discharge during pregnancy indicates the development of an infection in the vagina. Yellowish discharge during pregnancy is often due to high levels of progesterone. Most often, this condition occurs in women who take gestagens (Dufaston, Utrozhestan).

Important! The appointment of drugs at the beginning of pregnancy is due to a reduced level of hormones that are synthesized by the corpus luteum in the ovary.

After 7 weeks, the insufficiency of ovarian progestogens is compensated by the placenta. Therefore, taking drugs in this period can cause hyperprogesteronemia, in the presence of which light yellow discharge appears in the second trimester of pregnancy. Similar discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, odorless, occurs without accompanying symptoms.

A change in the color of the vaginal secretion is most often associated with diseases of the external genitalia.


Green discharge during pregnancy is often associated with chlamydia, a sexually transmitted infection. The causative agent of the disease is Chlamydia trachomatis. In the development of chlamydia, there are signs of damage to the urethra: painful (acute, cutting) frequent urination, as well as a sensation of itching in the perineum. As the pathology develops, greenish discharge during pregnancy may have a fetid odor. Chlamydia is also characterized by a symptom of the "morning drop" - purulent discharge from the urethra during morning urination. It is impossible to ignore greenish discharge during pregnancy.

A green vaginal secretion may indicate an infection of the vagina (colpitis). The nature of the secretion comes to the fore: thick, green, with a characteristic purulent odor, which causes itching and irritation of the perineum. For the pathology of the fetus (during the transmission of infection transplacentally or due to prolonged hypoxia) are characterized by:

  • abdominal pain;
  • impaired movement and fetal heartbeat;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

White and beige

White discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, accompanied by discomfort, also requires special attention. The cause of their occurrence can be candidiasis (thrush) - a fungal pathology caused by the development of colonies of Candida albicans in the vagina. The occurrence of pathology is most often associated with a violation of the general immune resistance of the body to infections, as well as a violation of the normal genital microflora of a woman and the acidity of the vaginal environment. Symptoms of thrush are profuse white discharge. This is usually milky or white thick discharge with a sour smell. In its consistency, the vaginal secretion resembles cottage cheese or kefir. Itching and burning of the genitals are also added to the symptoms.

Important! Bacterial vaginosis is another vaginal disease that is characterized by the appearance of beige discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy.

The causative agent of the pathology is Gardnerella vaginalis. Risk factors for the occurrence of pathology are the use of antibiotics, frequent change of partners, stress, and previous inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. The vaginal secretion with vaginosis is abundant, homogeneous, milky in color with a sharp "fishy" smell. Often, the pathology is accompanied by burning and itching in the perineum, discomfort during intercourse.


A woman may experience watery discharge in the second trimester. Trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The causative agent is Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomonas vaginalis). There are acute and chronic course of the disease. Abundant liquid discharge in the second trimester is a characteristic sign of trichomoniasis.

Pathology is also accompanied by symptoms of frequent and painful (“rezi”) urination. If transparent discharge during pregnancy began to cause discomfort, then this is due to the addition of a fungal infection (“superinfection”).


The most alarming symptom in gynecology is spotting during pregnancy. The occurrence of this condition is due to acute or chronic pathology. Blood during pregnancy is most often associated by gynecologists with chronic erosion of the cervix. Damage to the integrity of the integument due to a constant increase in the size of the uterus causes rupture of thin capillaries and the occurrence of bleeding. In addition, with erosion, a traumatic factor is sexual intercourse.

Cervical erosion in pregnant women can develop as a result of hormonal changes, stress, changes in the shape of the uterus. It is found during examination on the gynecological chair. Erosion appears at the initial stage in the form of pink discharge from the vagina. To determine the treatment regimen, the specialist diagnoses the cause of erosion. If it is not caused by a vaginal infection, then treatment is suggested to be postponed until the postpartum period.

Cervical erosion (Click to view)


In the second trimester, brown discharge is often viscous and with a strong odor, which is considered a sign of serious illness. Dark brown discharge during pregnancy is a reason for emergency hospitalization. The slightest delay can cause impaired fetal development, chronicity of the process and, in the worst case, termination of pregnancy.

Infections and inflammatory processes

Despite the mucous plug that closes the cervical canal, infections can be a serious threat to the baby. During life, the bacteria release toxins that pass through the blood to the fetus. This can pose a threat to the health of the mother, the child and adversely affect the outcome of pregnancy in general. Therefore, when registering, a smear is taken for the bacterial purity of the vagina.

How to determine the presence of an infectious agent? Its presence is reported by a vaginal secret. A clear or pale milky secretion, odorless or with a sour smell, is a normal discharge during pregnancy. They usually do not cause discomfort. In the mother's body, the production of hormones increases every day, and they stimulate the production of secretions. Milky, white, translucent, transparent discharge in the absence of any unpleasant symptoms should not cause concern. However, if they are excessively abundant, leakage of water should be excluded.

Important! Any changes in color, consistency and smell of secretions can signal the development of an infectious process. Abundant discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester may be greenish in color.

The source of their appearance can serve as trichomonas, gardnerella, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, thrush. If the vaginal secret is accompanied by itching, burning, a feeling of sand in the vagina, it is urgent to take a smear and start a course of treatment. Occasionally, the green color of the discharge becomes due to the development of allergic reactions or vaginal dysbiosis. Then infectious microorganisms will not be detected in the smear and additional studies will be required to clarify the diagnosis.

In the presence of yellow discharge, an inflammatory process develops with the participation of trichomonas, chlamydia, gonococci, Escherichia coli or staphylococci. Yellow thick discharge may be the result of purulent inflammation in the pelvic organs. Therefore, consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is required. Yellow liquid discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy is the result of an increase in estrogen production. They require correction of hygiene procedures (frequent change of linen, refusal of scented pads and hygiene products).

Important! Light yellow discharge during pregnancy, if it is watery and profuse, is sometimes a symptom of amniotic fluid leakage. Therefore, when they appear, it is necessary to do a test for the flow of amniotic fluids.

Pink discharge, like beige, can be a variant of the norm. At the same time, they can talk about the development of bacterial vaginosis, the threat of abortion. Their appearance requires consultation with a specialist. Often, after pink discharge, brown, and then bloody, appear. This is how spontaneous miscarriage develops. Therefore, it is better not to delay the visit to the doctor.

Treatment of infections that cause mucous discharge of green, yellow, brown color should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a physician. Now there are many antibacterial agents that are absolutely safe for the mother and fetus in the second trimester of pregnancy. But the choice of such a remedy should be made taking into account the health of the mother and the stage of development of the fetus.

Possible reasons

The vaginal secret in the second trimester can be of a different nature. The causes of the appearance of pathological discharge can be:

  • placenta previa;
  • cystic skid;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • placental abruption;
  • risk of miscarriage.

Discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester should not contain blood, bloody particles or threads. Any bleeding most often speaks of premature detachment of the placenta, which threatens the life of the fetus. Such conditions are often observed after 24 weeks with complete placenta previa. In this case, hospitalization and complete rest are necessary.

Placenta previa occurs when the fetal egg is low in the uterus. When the internal os of the uterus is blocked, blood can be released from the vagina by the placenta. The area of ​​the pharynx during the growth of the uterus is subject to the greatest stretching. As a result of stretching, the vessels of the placenta break away from the uterus and bleed. In the presence of any spotting, it is necessary to take a horizontal position and call an ambulance.

The cystic drift develops as a result of genetic abnormalities of the fetus. This disease occurs infrequently. According to medical statistics, the diagnosis of "cystic drift" is made by 0.05% -0.2% of older pregnant women or multiparous women. Symptoms of pathology:

  • bleeding with blisters;
  • the size of the uterus is larger than expected;
  • lack of heartbeat and fetal murmurs.

Important! Only specialists can diagnose the disease for a period of 10 weeks or more.

In the uterine cavity, another fetus can sometimes develop in the fallopian tube. In the early stages, it is almost impossible to determine such a pathology. Its detection requires powerful ultrasound machines and good specialist training. Often, an ectopic pregnancy begins to manifest itself later, when the fetus in the tube reaches a size that already exceeds the ability of the tube to stretch. In this case, the fallopian tube ruptures and blood appears in the secretions. The woman experiences acute pain in the lower abdomen. Urgent hospitalization required.

Placental abruption can occur at any stage of pregnancy. It is always accompanied by bleeding. In this case, bleeding can be external or internal. The external manifests itself immediately, and the internal can manifest itself in the form of weakness, palpitations, pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting and nausea. The cause of abruption of the placenta, experts call a variety of - from a nutritional deficiency of a pregnant woman to abdominal trauma and placenta previa. Placental abruption threatens the life of the child.

In the second trimester of pregnancy with symptoms of detachment, they try to maintain and extend the gestation period to full-term. With detachment of more than 30% of the area, the fetus may die, as a deficiency of nutrients and oxygen occurs. The pregnant woman is hospitalized for maintenance therapy.

The threat of miscarriage develops as a result of any previous pathological process. In the second trimester, with the threat of interruption, in addition to bloody discharge, a woman can observe jelly-like discharge, lumps in the form of mucus. As a result of increased tone, parts of the cork leave the cervix. Abundant liquid discharge may be a symptom of water leakage resulting from damage to the membranes. Dehydration of the fetus threatens its death.

Any future mother is apprehensive about any changes in her body. In most cases, they turn out to be unjustified.

But still, there are situations that you should pay attention to and seek medical help as soon as possible.

These situations include discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy. Of course, they do not always indicate pathology, but you still should not lose vigilance.

What is considered normal?

The amount and nature of discharge at different stages of pregnancy may vary. Normal can be considered those that are odorless and do not cause any discomfort.

However, they are colorless or sometimes white. This is what the discharge rate looks like in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge

Abundant vaginal discharge in pregnant women can become due to:

  1. Taking certain medications;
  2. The development of thrush;

If this fungal infection occurs, they will have a cheesy character and a sour smell. Thrush is well corrected by a change in lifestyle (in particular, remove synthetic underwear and thongs), as well as a change in your diet.

  1. Bacterial vaginosis. At the same time, watery discharge in the second trimester is accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  2. The occurrence of erosive processes on the cervix;
  3. Allergic reaction to hygiene products or thermal irritants. Immediately after the stimulus is neutralized, they disappear on their own;
  4. Leakage of amniotic fluid. To exclude such a diagnosis, the doctor will conduct an analysis. In addition, pay attention to the article Signs of leakage of amniotic fluid >>>

The doctor can determine the exact cause of the appearance of copious discharge in the second trimester by taking a series of tests.

Varieties of secretions

Depending on what kind of discharge in the second trimester bothers you and the strategy for further action will depend.

Green discharge

In most cases, the appearance of green discharge in the second trimester indicates the development of chlamydia.

This sexual infection is very dangerous for the fetus, and therefore requires immediate therapy.

  • The causative agent of the disease affects the urethra, so the expectant mother complains of frequent urination, accompanied by cutting sensations (also read the article on the topic: Frequent urination during pregnancy >>>);
  • In addition, she may be tormented by itching in the perineum;
  • Over time, green discharge with a characteristic unpleasant odor joins the manifestations of the pathology.

Another reason for the green secret can be colpitis. In this case, the mucus will be excessively thick with a purulent smell.

brown discharge

A symptom of dangerous pathologies can be brown discharge in the second trimester.

Since they are capable of threatening the condition of the fetus, a woman is shown mandatory hospitalization and long-term treatment. This condition can cause a violation of the development of the baby or even lead to termination of pregnancy.

White discharge

White discharge in the second trimester may be due to candidiasis.

In most cases, the cause of the development of the fungus is a decrease in the body's immune defenses, a violation of the acidity in the vagina, as well as the microflora that inhabits it.

  1. In this case, the consistency of the secret will resemble cottage cheese;
  2. Among other symptoms of pathology, burning and itching in the perineum are distinguished (all symptoms and treatment options are described in detail in the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>).

Another cause of white secretion is bacterial vaginosis.

Its development can be provoked by the expectant mother taking antibacterial drugs, a stressful situation and previous diseases of the genital organs.

The discharge is milky in color and has a strong odor. Vaginosis is always accompanied by itching, burning and discomfort during intercourse.

yellow discharge

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester may indicate an increase in progesterone levels.

Most often, this is faced by those who have previously taken hormonal preparations based on gestagens.

In this case, no discomfort will disturb the expectant mother. But sometimes the yellow tint of the vaginal secret becomes a consequence of the development of the pathology of the external genital organs in a pregnant woman.

Mucous discharge

Abundant mucus from the genital tract may indicate a decrease in the amount of hormones of the progestogen group due to improper functioning of the ovaries or placenta.

Important! Since the main task of progesterone is to improve placental circulation and support uterine tone, its deficiency can provoke spontaneous abortion at any time.

If such a violation occurs, the woman will experience pain in the uterus and severe weakness.

Watery discharge

If the expectant mother has a discharge resembling water, the doctor will first of all conduct an analysis for trichomoniasis.

  • The disease occurs when the Trichomonas pathogen enters the body as a result of unprotected intercourse with an infected partner;
  • Pathology can occur in acute and chronic forms;
  • With an exacerbation of trichomoniasis, abundant watery discharge occurs.

Sometimes a fungal infection can join this, which causes even more discomfort and can harm the fetus.

What to do? How to react?

No matter what color of discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy worries you, you still have to pass a series of tests to rule out the most dangerous diseases.

To minimize the occurrence of unpleasant situations, try to adhere to the following rules:

It is very important to avoid stressful situations, eat well and be attentive to your own health. What else can help?

  1. Daily hygiene procedures should be carried out exclusively with children's hypoallergenic soap;

Any flavored products for intimate areas are prohibited at this stage, as they often provoke various allergic reactions.

  1. Refusal of flavored sanitary pads, which can cause allergies;
  2. Underwear must be made from natural fabrics. In addition, it should be comfortable, and wearing it should not cause discomfort;
  3. During this period, douching is prohibited, which leads to leaching of beneficial microorganisms from the vagina;
  4. During sexual intercourse, it is recommended to use a condom as a reliable protector against genital infections;
  5. Avoid strenuous exercise, especially lifting heavy objects.