I dreamed of planes in the sky: what does the dream book say? Why be late for a plane in a dream? Why dream of being late for a plane Dreaming of being late for a plane

Dream interpretation of being late for a plane

An airplane is a symbol of ascension, air; personification of a bird. The concept of an airplane contains the idea of ​​​​separating such fundamentals as the earth - mother and flight.

Dream symbolism

As long as a person has existed, he always has a desire to break away from the earth’s firmament and soar like a bird upward, to the heavens. That’s why in our dreams, in our subconscious, images of machines that can lift us into the air pop up. The symbolic meanings of the airplane are freedom, lightness, heavenly power. If the dream scenario involves being late for a plane, then what is this dream for, the dream books will tell you.

Alternative interpretation

This metal bird does not have a deep, long-standing connection with centuries. Accordingly, this aircraft does not have a magical connotation of this kind, because the first aircraft appeared in 1903. Classic interpretations associate being late for a plane in a dream as losses due to miscalculations, an irreversible process of time.

Miller's Dream Book

If you were late for a plane in a dream

The psychologist interprets the dreamer's lateness for a flight as a missed opportunity to receive important information or some news in a timely manner.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the psychoanalyst, when the dreamer dreamed that he was late for his flight, it means he is implementing a really failed project. A draft step-by-step instruction that is not rewritten in full, with correct calculations and corrections, will be the reason for this failure.

The mark in the sky left by the airliner for which the sleeper was late predicts the deterioration of family relationships. Something was missed, which can lead to infidelity on the part of the other half.

Modern interpretation

Current dream books associate this situation with doubts, which are inspired by an insurmountable fear of something, missing out on chances.

Loff's Dream Book

According to the pastor, if he happened to be late for his flight in a dream, this indicates the existence of irrational fears in the dreamer, which he has not yet been able to overcome.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The esotericist interprets this situation as a sudden reason that will interfere with the fulfillment of desires and the embodiment of planned ideas.

Danilova's Dream Interpretation

The literary critic points out that the phenomenon of being late for an airliner in a dream emphasizes the fact that sexual relations for the dreamer were like Olympic competitions. Everyone wanted to stand out and eventually get a championship medal. This entailed a lack of the most important thing - sincerity, which resulted in a cooling of feelings.

Dream plots

If you didn't have time to board the plane

Dreams in which the sleeper is late for an airliner characterize his current inner world. They encourage you to be more realistic, to set more prudent goals, and not to rely on fortune. However, the reasons for being late are different, the interpretation of dreams also varies if:

  • being late out of despair;
  • as salvation;
  • to be late on purpose;
  • not an accurate watch.

If you dream that being late for a plane happened out of despair, without having a choice, it means that in the process of implementing some enterprise, mistakes were made in the calculations. The situation began to get out of control. However, it's not all bad. You need to submit to the current moment without doing anything. Everything will resolve itself, although a little later.

Sometimes in a dream the dreamer had to hurry with all his might so as not to be late for the flight, and arrived at the airport on time, but still failed to catch the plane.

Such dreams exclaim that flight can be fatal. There is a possible risk of falling, explosion, or possible capture.

Why do you dream about how the dreamer deliberately, slowly getting ready for the airport, was stalling for time in order to be late for the flight. This is a reflection of emotional fatigue, overload. In life you need to take a time out. To make important decisions you need a fresh head, fresh thoughts, so go on vacation.

Why do you dream about a plot where you were late for an airliner because the clock was slow? Means that your competitors will be one step faster.

For a man, a dream where he had to rush to the airport, but was unable to make it in time for the departure of the flight due to a broken watch, predicts difficulties with potency.

Why do you dream that, guided by the tower clock, you are late for the airport? This means that in the near future a situation will occur that will force you to change your usual way of life.

Readers' dreams

The plots of dreams can be so twisted that they require a complex interpretation step by step. On the forum you can find a similar dream plot that may have been present in your dreams and find out the transcript. Here is one of such dreams.

Confusing information

A forum member writes that he dreamed of arriving at the airport a few minutes before the end of the security check. Hoping to find information about the flight, I looked at the board and found that it was confusing and very contradictory. Looking around, I hoped for help from those around me. But they did not pay attention to the difficult situation in which the dreamer was. There was a feeling of regret that a lot of time was spent on business on the eve of departure and packing bags. Suddenly the sound of a plane taking off is heard.

Psychologist's comments

You are a very active person, but you waste yourself unwisely. Timely arrival at the airport, and an unsuccessful attempt to get on the plane, indicate your dissatisfaction with the results of your plans. But trying to get on board represents the belief that one of the realized ideas will lift you above the oppressive everyday life.

Confused information from the board is your uncertainty - what will bring you satisfaction, you have not found yourself. The reason for this is conflicting needs that tear you in different directions.

No one comes to the rescue, because you are a collected and active person, in reality. And the bags you pack the day before reflect your strength and time devoted to other people.

Conquer your ambitions, do concrete things, not indirect ones, explore topics that are beyond your ambitions.

A person who is experiencing severe internal and psychological difficulties dreams of being late for a plane. It is possible that the dreamer feels useless and useless in this life. This person makes a lot of efforts, but they are in vain.

What if you dream of being late for a plane?

This dream is often dreamed by people who are very tired and almost exhausted, so they urgently need rest. When in a dream a person runs after an airplane, and it moves further and further away from him, then in reality he is simply exhausted and requires psychological and moral support from his friends and relatives. After such a dream, you just need to take time for yourself, break out of the routine and take care of your nerves, as you can bring yourself to a state of emotional breakdown. You should relax, take as long a vacation as possible and go to warmer climes.

What you dream about being late for a plane is a reflection of the inner state of the human soul. This dream suggests that a person is afraid of possible changes in life, regardless of whether they are good or bad.

A dream about being late for a plane can appear as a warning against some unpleasant event. This dream is a hint that the dreamer is too careless and frivolous, which can have a very bad effect on his real life. This person relies a lot on chance and luck. He practically lives one day at a time and lets all his affairs flow independently. The dream warns you to be careful and not rely too much on fortune, but to take the reins of managing your life into your own hands. You shouldn’t be so careless about serious issues, it can be fraught.

What does it portend?

In a dream, being late for a plane is the personification of strong emotional and internal stress. You shouldn’t rush too much in real life; here you need to take the saying as a rule: “the slower you go, the further you will go.” Being late somewhere in a dream indicates that a person missed something important in his life and really regrets it. He understands that life goes on as usual, and he has not yet managed to do the most important thing at his discretion. And in this situation it is necessary to gather strength, rise and strive to achieve your goal.

A dream about being late can reflect a person’s strong feelings about the changes taking place in his personal life and career. He has to make some important decisions that depress and hurt him very much. Perhaps the person feels useless.

As can be seen from all of the above, a dream about being late speaks of a person’s chronic fatigue and an incredible lack of time in real life. The dream hints that you need to take time for yourself and figure out why everything is not happening as planned and intended.

There can be many reasons for being late for a plane in a dream, but dream books do not take them into account. In this case, the outcome is important to them, and it clearly indicates that the dreamer is not striving for change. Why do you dream about this incident? Renowned psychologists and diviners provide compelling interpretations and advice.


Why do you dream about an airliner? It's time for you to travel, to find yourself in an unfamiliar environment, away from home. But if you dreamed of being late for a plane, this does not indicate objective obstacles, but that you are difficult to climb.

Freud interprets flying in a dream as participation in sexual intercourse; being late for a plane reflects complexes in the intimate sphere, the lack of a full sexual life.

Why do you dream of a failed flight? Dreaming of being late for a plane reflects the need to make difficult decisions. As before, you will find reasons to leave everything “as is” - and miss the moment when there is a real opportunity to change everything for the better - in your personal life or at work.

It is possible that fatigue and depression are taking their toll - as a result of the lack of support. Share your burdens - don't be afraid to ask friends and family for help.

Airplane departure

I dreamed of being late for a plane that was already taxiing to the runway - Vanga’s dream book urges a person to protect himself from people who interfere with creative development.

According to Miller’s dream book, to see in a dream how a liner takes off into the sky without the dreamer means postponing the planned wedding or canceling it. Also, the unlucky passenger is not inclined to take risks and prefers “bird in hand” rather than “pie in the sky.” The Dream Interpretation for a Bitch predicts that if you are late for a plane in a dream, a profitable business will not bring profit.

Vanga's dream book prophesies that events will soon occur that will change fate. Seeing a liner take off into the sky in a dream is a sign that you will soon meet your soul mate. Vanga’s dream book also predicts that you will find an unexpected way to make money.

Luggage flew away

In a dream, seeing suitcases packed for a trip symbolizes the time you spent helping others.

I dreamed that they flew away without you: according to Miller’s dream book, this promises quarrels with your spouse or an unsuccessful game on the stock exchange. For unmarried people, their long-planned engagement will be disrupted. In addition, Miller’s dream book notes that such a loss symbolizes liberation from burdensome worries.

Freud interprets baggage as intimate details that you keep secret. Why do you dream about losing him? A well-known psychiatrist believes that information about your personal life will become available to others. I dreamed that it was lost - this is a harbinger of a break with my current partner.

Fly on an airplane. Such a dream can be both ordinary and indicative, since some people are calm about flying, while others are terrified of it. For example, all football fans in America know that the famous commentator John Madden never flies on planes - he travels around the country by bus. Many share his fears, although at night they may well dream of flying. In this case, it is an attempt to overcome irrational fears.

Airplane flights are full of adventure for a sleeper. The feeling of intoxicating delight is usually caused either by the flight itself, or by the dizzying speed and awareness of how air TRAVEL allows you to bring the most remote corners of the earth closer together. You may also experience anxious anxiety when you think about potential dangers associated with flying, such as hijacking. At the same time, it is possible that you will cope brilliantly with the situation.

Fly an airplane. Here there are various options for seeing yourself (or someone) as a pilot. Are you confident in yourself both in your dreams and in reality? If you are flying a plane, it means that you will be able to keep the situation under control in reality.

If the plane gets into an accident and breaks down, it means that you do not feel confident enough in life and, as it seems to you, do not meet the requirements.

Who is on board the plane? In real life, you are responsible for these people, have certain obligations to them, and your control of the aircraft shows how successfully you cope with your responsibilities.

Which feeling - confidence or increased responsibility for the destinies of people - prevails while flying an airplane?

How do other passengers react to your presence - do they accept you, ignore you, or despise you?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Airplane

Flying on an airplane in a dream means you will have to go far and for a long time. Seeing a plane take off into the sky means separation from a loved one.

Imagine that the plane was a toy. There are other toys next to him. And a lot of cars. Turn your attention to these cars.

Interpretation of dreams from

Being late, whether in a dream or in reality, always causes unpleasant sensations, since in most cases it is associated with the destruction of the plans made. In order to understand what such a dream could mean, you should try to remember as many details and experiences as possible.

Why do you dream of being late for a plane?

Often such a dream indicates the existence in real life of fear about any changes. Even being late for a flight may represent the slowness of events. One of the dream books interprets why one dreams of being late for a plane in a dream as a symbol indicating the need to make difficult decisions in one’s personal life. Often such night dreams are seen by people who feel that they are doing something completely useless. In some cases, being late for a plane is a recommendation that it’s time to rest and learn how to manage time.

If you had a dream that you were late for the plane, this indicates the existence of worries about the fact that real activities do not bring any results. For a young girl, such a dream predicts problems in relationships with the opposite sex. The dream book indicates that the reason may lie in the actions of a rival or former lover.

Another option for interpreting a dream about being late for a plane is a warning about problems at work, and this will happen due to the machinations of an opponent. If a person sees such a dream before a real flight, then it is best to cancel the upcoming trip.

The dream interpretation of why you dream of being late for a plane that crashed is interpreted as a good sign indicating that, thanks to the opportunity, serious problems will be avoided. If a dream about being late for a plane appeared before an important event, then you should expect disappointments and problems.

A book like a dream book can tell us a lot. Missing your plane - what does this mean? Visions in which a person is in a hurry somewhere must always be deciphered. Because they can mean something very important.

Contents [Show]

Esoteric dream book

Missing your plane - what does this mean? Firstly, it is worth considering this symbol from an esoteric point of view. An airplane is considered a positive sign. And soaring into the sky, too, even if the person was late for it. Standing on the sidelines and watching him soar up means that soon all your plans will come true. And if the dreamer has been planning to do something for a long time, it is worth starting to implement it. And you can be sure that everything will work out without any restrictions or obstacles.

And when you dream of a plane landing, this is a good sign for people who are already finishing their work. Everything will be fine, and your goals will be achieved. And the result will undoubtedly please you. Especially if the landing was successful.

Watch from the side

What can the English dream book tell you? Missing the plane and standing watching it disappear into the sky is a sign of fateful changes that will soon overtake a person. It's all about symbolism. According to the English dream book, airplanes are considered to reflect lofty dreams, the desire to create and do something inspiring, ambitious plans and the desire to escape ordinary life. Such a vision is often dreamed of by those individuals who never miss favorable opportunities and constantly act.

There are other interpretations. For example, such a dream: planes in the sky that are not passenger, but military. In the subconscious, of course, all this is not associated with anything favorable. And the interpretation is appropriate. Such a vision means a difficult situation, strained relationships with family or friends, the appearance of envious people and ill-wishers in life. Sometimes even unrequited love or futile attempts to achieve success. In general, nothing good.

There is another interesting interpretation given by the English dream book. Being late for a plane, seeing that there are a lot of them at the airport and not being able to find yours, is a vision with deep meaning. It tells a person that he should not be scattered on several things at once and try to keep up with illusory opportunities. Otherwise, you may lose the bird in your hands. So it's better to concentrate on one thing.

Preparing for the flight

There are other meanings that this dream can have. “I’m about to leave on a plane - why would that be?” - Many people ask this question. So, this means that something is interfering with the implementation of a person’s plans. A person will have to “sit in the waiting room” for some time until “flight weather” returns to his life.

Seeing a white plane take off is a sign of trouble or missed opportunities. If a bride sees such a dream, then this is a bad sign for her. And he promises a failed wedding.

When a person gets ready to fly, this is a special sign. For an accurate interpretation, it is necessary to remember what feelings he experienced at that moment. Maybe anticipation of happiness or fear with nervousness. Often people dream about how they left something at home during their preparations, and something very important. This is a signal from the subconscious. The dreamer should get rid of his fears, uncertainty, and excessive caution. All this only prevents him from “spreading his wings” completely.

Miller's Dream Book

What does it mean to be late for a plane in a dream according to this book of interpretations? This is a signal, as they say, from the unconscious. The person is probably very busy in reality. He is constantly haunted by tight deadlines, he has little time, he is simply afraid of not being able to do everything. Also, being late for a plane in a dream is a special symbol. Usually it means that a person, due to his busyness, does not have time to devote time to some very important part of his life. Perhaps he has not communicated with his loved ones and family for a long time. Or I completely forgot about such a concept as self-expression. This vision may also mean missing out on a successful and favorable opportunity to improve your career, financial condition, or personal life.

But if a person managed to take his seat before takeoff, then this is a good thing. This means that success will still come to him. However, you will have to contribute to this and make some efforts to achieve your goals.

Ancient book of interpretations

This dream book can tell you a lot of interesting things. Being late for a plane means difficult situations arise in your personal life. But for men and women the interpretation is slightly different.

When a girl sees that she does not have time to take her place, this means that his ex-lover or ex-wife may stand between her and her chosen one. And it’s far from a fact that a man will be able to resist and refuse at least a simple meeting. In this case, the girl should remain calm and not start a showdown with hysterics and scandals. This could end badly.

If a man sees such a dream, then he should also be wary. Perhaps someone has already had their eye on his chosen one, and it is possible that this “mysterious stranger” is not in his own circle.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you had a dream that you were late for a plane, it means you need to prepare for the fact that someone really wants to slander the dreamer’s honest name by spreading dirty gossip about her. Sometimes this vision also concerns the girl’s work. There are probably people who are ready to intrigue in order to get her position or to “snatch” a piece of a bonus, a profitable project or something else. Therefore, you should be more careful in communicating with colleagues, be less frank and generally be vigilant.

If a person managed to be late for a plane in a dream before an upcoming flight in reality, then this is a sign from above. It is best to cancel your planned trip. This is what the modern dream book thinks. It is not a fact that problems will arise with the plane, but it is quite likely that something will happen during the trip (a person will forget some important thing, financial misunderstandings will arise, there will be no room in the hotel, etc.).

In general, if a person who is afraid of airports and “air” travel dreams of an airplane, there is no need to worry. These are only his subconscious fears. After all, as you know, a person is controlled by psychology, so everything will be fine.

According to Vanga's book of interpretations

If you dreamed of an airplane, it’s time to think about yourself, your morale and health. Most likely, the dreamer is very exhausted, and a loss of strength has become the norm for him a long time ago. He probably wants to achieve some heights so much that he has completely forgotten what rest is and doesn’t take care of his health at all. Well, there is probably something preventing you from achieving your goals. This could be any circumstance, for example. In this case, you should take a “time out” and rest. When a person begins to go about his business again with renewed vigor, rested and inspired, he will notice that they have gone uphill.

But this is not all the interpretation of dreams. Being late for a plane before some important event that is about to take place in real life is a sign of defeat. There is a high probability that everything will fall apart because of envious people. Therefore, so that all the work does not go down the drain, you need to be prepared for any turn of events. Forethought in this case will not hurt.

Autumn dream book

And for those who are sick, what does sleep mean? Being late for a plane means that recovery, unfortunately, will not come soon. However, if he rose into the sky, and then something went wrong and he crashed, the illness will recede.

By the way, if a person simply sat in the waiting room and watched the plane rapidly soar upward, this is a sign of rapid career growth. But if the plane takes off unsuccessfully and crashes, it’s a bad sign. It promises the collapse of hopes and the complete failure of all plans.

If you dream about this before leaving, it means the person is afraid of the planned trip for some reason. But don't worry - everything will end well. You just need to carefully prepare for the trip, and everything will turn out well.

According to Freud

And finally, a few words about why the dreamer dreams of a plane that has flown away and did not wait for the dreamer, according to the book of Freud’s interpretations. This dream book interprets such a vision as a person’s passivity, his complete inertia and lack of any initiative. Probably, the dreamer does practically nothing in reality (more precisely, he has no desire). Or he is waiting for prospects, opportunities, a miracle. Well, the dream book advises not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to have a good rest and start thinking about what it is time to do with your life.

But to feel a real fear of not being able to catch the plane in a dream is a sign of fears in reality. But they do not concern getting into an air vehicle, but something else. The dreamer is afraid that he will not have time to do something very important. Well, it's worth doing this as soon as possible. He will manage to do it in time, but it is not a fact that at the right time and in the right place.

As you can see, there are a lot of interpretations. And which one is worth listening to is everyone’s business. But one thing can be stated with confidence - having woken up after such a vision, you should look through the dream book and find an explanation. Who knows, maybe it was a sign from above?


Moving in a dream symbolizes a subconscious desire for change. Aspiration upward – the desire to reach the top, to overcome obstacles. Why do you dream of being late for a plane? Psychologists say that this dream image reflects an internal reluctance to change, adherence to familiar attitudes and way of life. Let us consider in detail the symbolism of sleep.

Image of an airplane in a dream

The airplane is compared to images of birds and freedom. Rise up - strive for new heights in your life, have a high dream and goal. Respectively, miss your plane - miss the chance to change your life, achieve your goal and realize your dream.

Psychologists also compare being late for an airliner to unrealistic goals., which the dreamer has set before himself, and offer to “return to earth.” Dreams about the impossible have a bad effect on the psyche as a whole, spending nervous energy into emptiness. Take off your rose-colored glasses and look at the world sensibly and critically - set achievable goals. If you are not active and quick, late dreams may indicate this quality of character - it needs to be changed.

Now consider the meaning of what we saw according to the reasons for the delay:

  • the watch failed;
  • unseen circumstances;
  • interference from strangers;
  • intentional lateness.

Being late due to circumstances and be confronted with a fact - you made mistakes in organizing your business and did not take into account important points. The collapse of the case is a consequence of mistakes made on your part. Now we need to wait for changes without doing anything - the situation will improve in the right direction over time.

Deliberately stalling to miss your flight– your psyche is overloaded with experiences and emotional shocks. Now is not the time to make important decisions; you need rest. Postpone your planned task until favorable times and take a vacation.

Being late for a flight because the clock is behind– competitors will be quicker and intercept your idea on the fly. Try not to advertise your intentions, do not share information and always be on guard. For men, this dream can warn of problems with potency.

If you checked the time using the tower clock and missed your flight, a change in the usual way of life awaits ahead. Something unexpected will burst into your life and make drastic changes.

Plots in dreams

  • What other scenes might you see in your dream? See being late for a flight due to your own sluggishness– you often miss opportunities due to laziness or slowness.
  • Be late due to the intervention of another person– you spend time solving other people’s problems and pay little attention to yourself and your family. This will bring family problems over time.
  • Seeing an airliner take off– you missed the chance to change your destiny or realize your dream. If you are late for a plane with a group of tourists, your friends will help you in difficult times and will not leave you alone with your problems.
  • You missed your flight and business trip was disrupted? This plot foreshadows troubles that will lead to financial losses.
  • Late for a reason traffic jams– your career success is doomed to failure. Either competitors will interfere, or circumstances will be unfavorable. Being nervous in a traffic jam means getting a reprimand from your superiors for ineffective work.
  • Crying because your flight is late- to an unpleasant period in life that has to be experienced. If in a dream being late brought joy, in real life a person will learn a useful lesson from unfortunate circumstances.
  • Missing a plane that crashes en route- a favorable sign. In real life, the dreamer will avoid trouble and come out unscathed. However, next time be more prudent so as not to get yourself into trouble.
  • Create a scandal because you are late on a flight - there will be a conflict with loved ones in real life. This could be quarrels with family, friends or spouse. Be mentally prepared for this event and try not to incite conflict.
  • You managed to reach the plane's ramp and got to the salon at the very last moment? In real life, you will be able to correct mistakes in advance and prevent trouble.
  • Did you remember that forgot important documents, came back for them and missed the flight? In real life, your mistake or bad deed will be documented. This could be revenge from a work colleague or the envy of rivals.
  • Missing your flight for a reason losing your own luggage- you will have to endure a series of failures that will result in financial losses.
  • If you are deliberately delayed and prevented from catching your flight– in real life, expect the machinations of competitors who will make every effort to tarnish your reputation. To prevent malicious actions by enemies, do not trust anyone with important information.

If your friends don't share the frustration of missing your flight, the reality is that you are surrounded by indifferent people. At a difficult moment, you will be left alone with your problems, and no one will lend a helping hand. Keep this in mind.

If on the eve of your flight you had a dream about being late for your flight, this sign to postpone travel. The subconscious mind warns: either the flight will end in disaster, or another accident awaits you. Return your tickets for this flight.

A failed flight in a dream may reflect your fear of making a big decision. You are stalling for time, afraid to take a step forward - the subconscious defines this state as an image of a failed flight. To avoid making a responsible decision, you constantly find reasons to justify it.

Psychologists consider this dream as a reflection of emotional intensity and mental stress. If you are worried about career growth, experiences will not help you move one step higher. Adequately assess the situation, calm down and develop an action plan. Otherwise, accumulated stress can result in prolonged depression.


By looking at our dream book, you will find out why you dream of being late for a plane. If you have more than once had a dream in which you are rushing to board an airliner, but do not have time to jump into it, then the dream book will help you understand such a dream and find out what it means.

Dreaming about being late for a plane | What do psychologists say about such a dream? | Who was late for the plane in a dream? |What emotions did the dreamer have? |Why do you dream of being late but still catching your plane?

What do psychologists say about such a dream?

  • About a man who often dreams that he is late for the plane, psychologists and psychiatrists unanimously say that his nervous system is severely exhausted, and such a person urgently needs rest.
  • Doctors recommend that such dreamers think more about themselves and not about others. They should not take everything to heart.
  • You also need to sleep at least 8 hours a day and leave the house somewhere a couple of times a week just to relax and unwind.

Who was late for the plane in a dream?

  • If you had such a dream young girl who is not dating anyone, then fate hints to her in such a way that she needs to be more decisive and should already opt for the guy who is the nicest of all.
  • If a girl who was about to have a wedding was late for the plane in a dream, then this is not a good sign. The dream suggests that the wedding will not take place.
  • If a married lady dreamed that a plane was leaving without her, then misunderstandings may arise with her husband. Even divorce in this case is not excluded.
  • If a young guy dreams of a plane taking off into the sky, then this portends him easy money.
  • If an older man has such a dream, it means that the dreamer prefers “a bird in the hand” rather than a “pie in the sky.” This applies to both women and work. We advise such a man to take risks more often and live as his heart tells him. Don't be afraid of change and you will certainly become happy!

What emotions did the dreamer have about being late for the plane?

  • If you dreamed that you were late for the plane, but at the same time experienced joy, then such a dream suggests that your plans may be disrupted due to your oversight. You should be more serious.
  • Crying in a dream because you are late for a plane speaks of your desire to change your life for the better, but still you do not dare to take a brave step and are very afraid of change. You are afraid to do something, and then you regret it. It's time to quit this bad habit and become bolder.
  • Worrying and rushing to catch a plane in a dream speaks of your fussiness. You often hesitate and cannot understand how to live correctly. You strive to look like the right person in the eyes of others and thus live not your life, but the lives of others.

Why dream of being late but still catching your plane?

  • Hurrying as hard as you can to catch your plane in a dream means that you are used to putting everything off until later.
  • At the very last minute you decide on something important and thereby shock everyone. you become unpredictable person. Some people like this character trait of yours, but others are repelled by it.
  • At this rate, you will become a person who cannot be relied upon, because at the most crucial moment you can let a person down.

This is what you dream about being late for a plane and now you know what the dream is hinting at.


Dream: You arrive at the airport in a panic, knowing that you only have a few minutes left to get through security and board your plane. You impatiently look at the board and find information about your flight, but it is very confusing and contradictory. You look around and look for someone to help you, but no one pays attention to your predicament. You regret not coming earlier, but you had to pack so many bags and do so many things before leaving. Your heart sinks because you hear the sound of a plane taking off.

The meaning of the dream “Being late for a plane in a dream”

If you dream that you are late for a plane, it means that you are worried that in real life your plans do not bring you the satisfaction that you expected. Airplanes are vehicles of air, and they symbolize the ideas that float in your limitless imagination. Trying to catch a plane means that you hope that some of your ideas will take off and lift you above everyday life. Although in your dream you may be panicking about catching your flight, in real life you are likely to be well organized and have created something of a schedule for yourself to achieve your goals. You're nervous because no matter how organized you are, you can't get any closer to realizing your highest aspirations.
Trying to get past security shows that you often fail to realize your personal ambitions because you find it difficult to give up the security of everyday existence. The confusing information on the departure board indicates that you are not entirely sure what exactly will make you happy in this life. You may have conflicting needs that are pulling you in different directions. No one notices your difficulties because you always seem to be such an organized and capable person. The bags you've been packing and the errands you've had to deal with before leaving means you're spending a lot of time and energy caring for other people and not paying enough attention to your own needs.

Your actions after the dream

This dream tells you that you need to take some action to achieve your goals. Although you create all kinds of schedules for yourself and plan your activities, you often feel frustrated when happiness and satisfaction do not come as planned. The reason is usually that you are filling your life with different activities instead of taking specific and targeted actions that will take you where you need to go. By keeping yourself busy, you end up avoiding your ultimate goal, and to get where you want to go, you will need to start exploring areas beyond your safety territory.

Prerequisites for the dream “Being late for a plane in a dream”

Getting to the airport and preparing for the flight can often take longer than the flight itself. As a result, we feel like we are constantly pressed for time before boarding a plane because there can be so many unexpected obstacles and delays. Also, planes leave at specific times and to specific destinations, and they are either waiting on the ground or already flying through the air, so we use them as a symbol of opportunities that have a limited time range. Before air transport was invented, people dreamed that they missed the time of the tide or some natural phenomenon that was associated with opportunities in agricultural activities.