The insertion of an essence into a person and signs of the presence of another in the body. Energy shifts and their consequences Witchcraft, moving the soul to another body

It is not impossible or unusual for a Yogi with a capital “Y” to move into another body, provided that he finds a suitable replacement. Having moved to another body, a yogi can continue to live in it consciously, preserving all the experience that he received while living in the previous body. This process is known only to adepts; it is inaccessible to the average person.

Forcibly displacing another from his own body is an act of black magic and is contrary to the moral principles of yogis and siddhas, the main one of which is ahimsa - non-violence, love and compassion for all beings.

A common exercise in learning to transfer consciousness consists of contemplating an object. You need to concentrate entirely on it, so that you not only see nothing but it, but also don’t think about anything else. The sense of one’s own personality is gradually lost, and the contemplator begins to identify himself with the object being contemplated. Under no circumstances should we stop there. Having turned into a contemplated object, that is, already experiencing special sensations that may be a consequence of its shape, size and other properties, one must contemplate oneself from the outside, as an object of the external world. Thus, a student who has chosen a tree as an object of contemplation forgets his human nature and feels as if his body is a hard, rigid tree trunk with branches, feels the vibration of the branches, their movement, the vital force hidden in the knees, the circulation of its juices, etc. Then, as a tree that has become a subject, he must contemplate the human being sitting in front of him, which has become an object, examine it and study it in every detail. After this, having transferred his consciousness into a sitting person, he again begins to consider the tree, then he will again contemplate the person as a tree. Alternating movement from subject to object and vice versa is repeated as many times as necessary.

Due to the weakening of enslavement by chitta (consciousness) and comprehension of its mode of action, it becomes possible to transfer consciousness to another body.
The yogi knows his consciousness (chitta). Now the subject (purusha, soul) no longer identifies itself with the false “I” concept. This is “the weakening of enslavement by citta.” The soul, having moved away from the mind, no longer identifying itself with it, having studied the “way of activity of consciousness,” can control other minds. The psyche becomes something separated from the “I”, an obedient instrument. The "I" can move this instrument into the body of another being, even a dead one left by the previous owner.
To gain the ability to do this, a person must first weaken the causes of attachment to his own body (desires, aspirations, habits), and then understand how the mind uses the body (makes it talk, walk, etc.).
Along with the transference of consciousness, the sense organs follow, “just as bees fly after the queen bee and land when she sits, so the sense organs follow consciousness when it enters another body” (Vyasa).

Despite the knowledge of achieving immortality, among the siddhas its implementation was always considered accessible only to the greatest saints who had reached the highest degrees of realization, or to yogis with a happy destiny who managed to produce alchemical potions that make the body immortal. Both have always been extremely rare, very difficult to achieve, and carefully hidden from outsiders.
There was not even any talk of making it widespread and accessible not only to all people, but even to yoga adherents of average abilities. The ancient magical technique of “entering the body of another” was considered more realistic and achievable. In the sacred texts of yoga it is called “parakaya-praveshana”, and in Tibetan it is called “trong-jug”.

From superhuman sources, the divine secret science called by the Tibetans “trong-jug”, which means “transfer and revival”, was revealed to a select circle of the most holy Indian and Tibetan gurus. By means of this yogic magic, the principles of consciousness of two human beings can be mutually exchanged, or in other words, the consciousness which animates or animates one human body can be transferred into the other human body and thereby animate it.

There is a story that circulates in various versions among gurus and helps to understand the possibility of misusing the trong jug technique. Initiated yogis and gurus often tell it to explain their refusal to divulge occult teachings to everyone.

This is the story of a prince and the son of the first minister of Tibet. Both of them were close friends and perfect adepts in the art of trong-jug. One day, while walking in the forest, they accidentally found a bird's nest with several chicks. The chicks had just hatched from the eggs, and the mother bird lay nearby, killed by a hawk. Imbued with compassion for the chicks, the prince decided to help them by using secret magic. He told his companion, the minister’s son: “Please watch over my body while I revive the body of the mother bird and make it fly to the little chicks to feed them.” While guarding the prince's lifeless body, the minister's son fell into temptation and, leaving his own body, entered the prince's body. The reason for this act was revealed later: it turned out that he had long been secretly in love with the prince’s wife.
The prince had no choice but to occupy the body of his false friend. Only a few years later the prince managed to convince the minister’s son to return the body to him and exchange the bodies back. This explains the strict rules commanding that such teachings be kept secret and transmitted only to carefully tested students.

Sri Shankaracharya

This ability was possessed by the outstanding holy yogi, one of the founders of the Advaita tradition, Sri Shankaracharya, who lived at the end of the 8th century AD.
Legend says that Shankara challenged a learned brahmana named Madana Mishra to a philosophical debate and defeated him, but when the brahmana's wife intervened in the dispute and began asking him questions about the erotic treatise "Kama-sutra", Shankara, being a monk, was forced to admit defeat and asked for a month's delay to continue the dispute.
He then separated his subtle body from his physical body and went to one of the regions of India, to the cremation ground where the body of a local king named Amaruka had just died, and revived him to the great joy of the king's ministers and wives. The “resurrected” king showed great interest in the study of erotic art, which he had not seen before, and he also surprised his ministers with new qualities of righteousness and piety, the manners of a yogi, a gentle disposition and a refined intellect.
The chief minister guessed that the king had not come to life, but that the consciousness of some great yogi had entered his body. Wanting the yogi to remain king forever, the royal minister ordered the soldiers to search in all the nearby forests and caves for the motionless body of the unconscious yogi in order to put him on fire, thus making it impossible to return back.
When such a body was found and was about to be burned, Shankara's disciples managed to find him, warning him about it. Instantly leaving the king's body, Shankara returned to his body at the very last moment, when they were ready to cremate him, and the fire had already been lit. In doing so, he burned his hand a little. The story ends with the continuation of Shankara's dispute with the learned woman on the Kama Shastra and his complete victory.

The great adept of Tibetan Buddhism, Marpa, nicknamed the Translator (1012-1099), perfectly mastered the technique of transferring consciousness. The texts of this tradition describe how Marpa openly demonstrated the transference of consciousness seven times in Tibet and once in India.
His son Dharma Dode, who had to leave his body due to an accident, escaped rebirth by being transferred by Marpa into the body of a dove. In the body of a dove, he went to India. There he found a thirteen-year-old boy from the Brahmin class who had just died and entered into him, reviving his body right during the funeral rites. The Brahmin servants saw a dove fly up to the body of the boy, bow his head, and then die. Immediately after this, the boy came to life in front of the shocked servants and went home. The young man was given a new name, Tiphupa, which means dove.

Borge Baba

In our time, the famous yoga teacher Swami Rama, founder of the Himalayan International Institute for the Scientific and Philosophical Study of Yoga in the USA, in his book “Life Among the Himalayan Yogis” describes the case of the outstanding yogi Borge Baba, who lived in India.
“When I was sixteen years old, I met an old adept named Borge Baba who lived in the Naga Hills. He was going to Assam and decided to see my teacher, who was then living with me in the Gupta Kashi cave, five or six miles from the city. This adept was a very thin man. He had gray hair and beard and white clothes. His demeanor was very unusual. It looked like a completely straight, rigid bamboo cane. The adept was a frequent guest of my teacher, whom he visited to receive instructions on higher spiritual practices. More than once the topic of his conversations with my teacher was body change. I was young then and knew little about this special practice called parakaya-praveshana. No one has yet spoken to me openly about this yogic process...
…When the time for our departure from the cave approached, I asked him why he wanted to take another body?
“Now I am already over ninety,” he replied, “and my body has become unsuitable for long-term stay in samadhi. Besides, now a convenient opportunity has presented itself. Tomorrow a body will appear in good condition. The young man will die from the bite of a snake and his body will be lowered into the water thirteen miles from here.”
His answer completely disheartened me.
…When I finally got to Assam and met the British chief at his headquarters, he told me: “Borge Baba did it. Now he has a new body." I still couldn't understand what had happened. The next morning I left for my native place in the Himalayas. When I arrived, my teacher informed me that Borge Baba had been here the previous night and was asking about me. A few days later, a young sadhu came to our cave. He spoke to me as if we had known each other for a long time. After describing our entire trip to Assam in detail, he expressed his regret that I could not be present when he changed my body. I experienced strange feelings talking to a person who seemed so familiar to me and at the same time had a new body. I found that his new physical tool had no effect on his abilities or character. This is the same old Borge Baba with all his intelligence, knowledge, memories, talents and manners. I was convinced of this by observing for a minute the way he behaved and spoke. When he walked, he held himself as unnaturally straight as before. Subsequently, my teacher gave him a new name, saying that the name accompanies the body, but not the soul. Now his name is Ananda Baba and he still wanders in the Himalayas."

Often, some people are not even aware of the presence of otherworldly entities in their bodies, because... it happens unnoticed. This phenomenon can be determined only by several signs, which are usually noted by close relatives, but cannot find explanations for changes in behavior or life.

Entity types

There are two types of entities that can take over people’s bodies – low- and high-vibration.

The latter can even be called a person’s friends: they bring benefits and help in solving certain problems, and their settlement occurs as a result of certain magical rituals.

Low-vibration settlers are considered dangerous. They enter human bodies without permission, and live by feeding them with energy, as a result of which people can begin to develop severe chronic diseases and the likelihood of death increases.

Reasons for the introduction of essence into a person

Most often, negative aliens penetrate bodies during the performance of magical rituals, even if they relate to white magic. There are also other reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Conscious infusion of the black essence by the person himself.
  • Bad emotions: anger, envy, hatred, thirst for revenge. They negatively affect human energy and make the protective field more vulnerable.
  • Bad habits and vicious addictions: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, tendency to commit crimes, etc.
  • Decreased spiritual immunity. Each person has his own guardian angel and energy protection, which at times, for various reasons, can weaken or disappear altogether.

We can also highlight a separate reason for the introduction of dark entities - the purposeful infliction of damage on a person. In this case, expelling the alien from the body is very difficult and only experienced magicians can do it.

If you do not kill it in a timely manner, your health may deteriorate and big problems in life may arise, so it is necessary to consult a specialist in time when the first signs appear.

Signs of settlement

The main symptom of sharing is a sharp change in a person’s behavior: calm and positive people can become rude and irritable, apathy and unreasonable fear appear. Thanks to this, the settler’s strength increases, because it is fueled by negative emotions that ultimately lead people to madness, illness and death.

What other signs exist:

  • Chronic fatigue. A person constantly feels exhausted even when he does nothing during the day.
  • Regular panic attacks. They usually bother you in your sleep when you have nightmares.
  • Bad luck. Any, even elementary business ends in failure. What a person could do “excellently” before, now he can’t do it.
  • Uncharacteristic behavior. An optimist can become a pessimist, begin to be rude to others, and often lash out at other people.
  • Soreness. Both mild and severe illnesses may appear, and your state of health will sharply deteriorate.

In this case, first of all, behavior changes: the possessed person may commit inappropriate actions and not be aware of his actions, become more aggressive or prone to depression.

Types of essences in man

There are several types of settlers that usually overcome human bodies:

  1. Lyarva. They appear most often with constant fear and lack of self-confidence. Their goal is to destroy the human biofield; they feed on energy and have practically no intelligence.
  2. Demons. They arise due to bad habits and the constantly changing emotional state of a person. The stronger the dependence on alcohol or drugs, the stronger the demons.
  3. Demons. The most cruel settlers. They disorient a person’s thoughts, forcing them to commit tough and sometimes merciless actions. The donor does not see the difference between evil and good or confuses them, thereby causing suffering and pain to other people.

If they penetrate deep into the energy biofield and greatly destroy it, special rituals will be required.

It is advisable to do them with an experienced magician, but there are several rituals that you can perform yourself, and they will be no less effective.

As you know, entities are afraid of fire and water, so to combat them it is advisable to visit baths and saunas more often. Additionally, it is recommended to light church candles and read prayers.

If it is not possible to visit the sauna, you can simply take a moderately hot bath using candles, aroma lamps with lavender oil or incense.

Ritual to eliminate entities

This ritual is one of the most popular even among magicians and guarantees almost 100% results. It is best to perform it while the moon is in its waning phase:

Some people attend prayer services held in monasteries to cast out demons. If a person is possessed, during the deduction his behavior changes dramatically: he may start crying, swearing, screaming and even rush to fight the priest.

Protective amulets

To prevent demons from entering the body, you can use various protective amulets. It is desirable that they are inaccessible to the eyes of others. They can be spoken beforehand before wearing, and then their strength will increase several times.


To enhance its effectiveness, you can speak it: “Give me strength, little pin, so that other people’s envy does not jinx me and evil things do not curse me.”.


To prevent financial setbacks, you can do the following:

  • In the evening we place a coin in the ground in a pot with a healthy plant. The earth will feed money with positive energy. It is recommended to do this during the waxing moon;
  • In the morning we take out a coin, mark it so as not to confuse it with others, and put it in our wallet.

Red thread

Red threads are used to protect against damage in many Eastern cultures. To protect yourself from the evil eye and otherworldly creatures, you can hang it above the front door, or wear it on your left hand as a bracelet, but in the latter case it should be wool.


If you need a universal talisman, a ring is best suited for this. In some families, it is customary to pass on jewelry by inheritance and, if something untoward happens to its owner, it must be cleaned. To do this, just rinse the ring in salt water, but so that it does not corrode its coating.

Bag of salt

Salt protects against the evil eye, damage and dark forces. You can make a bag of salt and leave it at home, or carry it with you. How to prepare the amulet:

  • We make a small bag, pour salt into it and tie it tightly so that it does not spill;
  • We say: “ salt for happiness, salt for troubles»;
  • Place the pouch in your pocket or bag.

If the salt spills out while being worn, it means that the amulet protected against troubles that were about to happen. In this case, throw a pinch of crystalline powder over your left shoulder and prepare a new bag.

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In recent years, scientists' views on the structure of the World have changed greatly. Today, the concepts of the structure of matter and man that they propose allow us to speak confidently and partially explain the possibility of the emergence and life of “uninvited guests” in the human body, but the role and consequences of their activities are clearly underestimated, and most often are simply not considered.

My practice of working with patients shows that the reason for the origin of many diseases of the physical body, mental disorders, family and work troubles, speaking in everyday language, lies in the conditions imposed by the essences on the human body. Our Planet is the intersection of positive and negative Worlds (energies), which we consider as good and evil.

Entities are woven from negative energies of black-gray and dirty-colored tones. They have intelligence, possess multifaceted extrasensory and psychic abilities and can manifest them through the human body. With the energies given to me, I manifest them, come into contact with them and determine what they are made of. What power do they have, where do they come from and who do they serve, what are their goals, and what are the timing of their programs.

When the essence manifests itself, sharp changes occur in a person in his appearance, gaze, voice, and behavior. During the dialogue with the entity, I build ways to expel it. The practice of exile and the experience of negotiations allow me to draw the following conclusions. Energy entities inhabit and connect to a person at the time of stress, damage, curses, meditation, through the sleep channel, during alcoholic and drug relaxation, when a person creates a field of envy, evil, resentment, hatred, slander within himself.

By moving into a person (in any of his organs), energy entities make “connections” and pull positive energy from a person (feed on his energy), influence the course of his thoughts, actions and actions. The human body begins to deteriorate, and the person himself turns into an experimental creature, sick and suffering, both physically and mentally. There are also other symptoms: inside a person feels a moving lump (of various sizes), someone’s evil obsessive thoughts.

Many have now rushed to master magic and are turning to “specialists” in casting spells on death, eliminating rivals, casting love spells... But none of them thinks about the fact that at this moment he becomes a guide or servant of the forces of evil. After an examination by doctors, for example, a woman came to me with a complaint about the deterioration of her health (gradual loss of vitality). Doctors could not determine the cause. During manifestation, I discovered that a black channel stretches from her into space. I discovered the reason for the origin of this channel: a year ago I went to a “specialist” to cast a love spell on my husband. After her repentance, awareness and several sessions, her health returned to normal.

Due to the new energies that come to Earth, many people have their third eye opened, they begin to see what is invisible to ordinary people. It must be remembered that the forces of evil are always active, they can appear in the images of saints, relatives, loved ones, loved ones... Appearing in a dream or in reality, the entities pull in the energy of love through these images, causing a person to suffer. For the woman, the image of a man in black constantly appearing in her dreams created a strong feeling of fear. And there are many such examples; in all cases, images of evil spirits appeared at the sessions.

No wonder the Bible says: “The time will come when the angels of darkness will appear to people in the robes of angels of light.” Over the years, in the spaces manifested through humans, many different laboratories have been discovered for the cultivation of robotic entities, viruses of various diseases, computer viruses for planting and destroying human consciousness, programs for destroying love and families, and human spirituality. And this is being done by the forces of evil to capture our Earth (they say it is a very beautiful planet), enslaving people. Their program is “More evil and discord on Earth.” We all need to think seriously, cleanse ourselves of internal evil, envy, flattery, cunning, servility, passion and help people, cleanse ourselves of these vices, do not forget to pray, only then will we protect ourselves and our beloved mother - the Earth.

About foul language.

There are words that bring Light. Everyone around them perceives them correctly, without duality. Swear words are initially constructed in a negative plane. By pronouncing them, a person is already a generator for generating negative energy. In the case when a person swears too often, an “entity” of the demon level is attracted to him, which can move in and live inside him, only increasing the generation of obscene expressions. Both at the level of words and in thoughts, intentions.

There is an opinion that swearing is an integral part of the Russian language. In my opinion, this position is incorrect. Obscene expressions, as a rule, do not cause anything but persistent rejection among spiritual people. And fortunately, they are absolutely not interested in whether swearing is such an integral part of their native speech; they are always ready to stop foul language. I was well acquainted with the problem of foul language even in childhood. If you build a conversation with your child competently and confidentially, he will tell you about everything that worries him and what he is afraid to tell his parents. Often, when presenting a situation, I see a child swearing with obscene words, and I ask a specific question. Most often, it is recognized immediately.

Some children say that they do not say bad words out loud. They are present in their thoughts. This is usually associated with the infusion of an “essence.” But children are unable to distinguish where their thoughts are and where others’ thoughts are invested. Over time, having lost control of consciousness, they begin to use foul language. In conversations with children, I always explain what swear words mean and what destructive power they have. I recommend taking a piece of paper in a cage, and if swear words are spinning in your head, write them on the piece of paper until your head becomes clear and free of them. Then fold it in four and burn it with the words: “As this piece of paper is burned, so my swear words are burned.” And so you should work on yourself every day, several times a day, until there is no swearing in your thoughts or words. I recommend that parents initially monitor this tendency in their children and take measures to eradicate it.

Essences of fear in dreams.

Many of those who come to see me tell me their dreams. It is rare to find a person who does not pay attention to his dreams or does not have them at all. And it often happened that unpleasant events occurred after they had dreams that they felt were meaningful and memorable. During sleep, the mind that controls our body is switched off. The body rests, gains strength, we do not control what is happening to us. Having accumulated sufficient experience, I now know that a sleep channel passes through a person, connecting him with other worlds, and through this channel an impact can occur on the consciousness and subconscious of a person - a kind of laying down of programs for his further perception of the world around him and behavior. Dark forces do not miss this opportunity, and then the further implementation of their programs is entrusted to this person. If he believes in the future reality of his negative dreams and inspires this confidence in others by communicating with them, then he takes the next step towards the materialization of these dreams, and he himself becomes a conductor of dark forces.

So, a woman came to me, alarmed that she often sees dreams foreshadowing troubles and misfortunes for her friends, and these dreams, as a rule, come true. By nature, this woman was a sympathetic and friendly person. Having seen someone close to her in a dream, she was in a hurry to convey to people the content of her dream. She was very worried that the predicted misfortunes were coming true, and a tense situation was developing around her. They began to be afraid of her. I asked: “Are there positive, good dreams?” - she replied that it was very rare. I began to get to the root of what was happening and asked if she was seeing the same dream several times? It turned out that there was such a dream: some kind of chase, a feeling of fear and danger. This dream was distinguished by its clarity and, repeating from time to time for twenty years, took a lot of strength from her, while the inner feeling of fear increased. Then this recurring dream gave way to a series of “prophetic” dreams, which further intensified her inner anxiety and fear, and they brought her to me.

I asked her to remember that dream in all its details and through these memories I mentally entered the space of dreams from twenty years ago. When this space was manifested, it turned out that at that time she had been damaged, and dark forces connected to her, which blocked her consciousness and organized their own channel from negative energy - the channel of negative dreams. Through this channel she saw everything very clearly and, being a sensitive person, she succumbed to the reality of dreams and their fears.

Instead of fighting her fear, she began to spread it among her loved ones, rushing to tell them her dreams in every detail. She absorbed the negative information she received as a program and gradually became a conductor of these negative programs. A fear was happening inside her and growing, which went beyond her limits. After working with the woman, I removed the damage. Her dreams disappeared. Herd life is returning to normal. She stopped feeling the wary glances of her loved ones. I felt more warmth and love from them.

About the infusion of dead souls into the bodies of the living.

On one of my usual visiting days, a young woman came to see me. Her appearance was unhealthy: pale face, dull, lifeless eyes. A casual conversation began, from which one could understand that her life from the outside, whether at work or at home, might seem prosperous, but she was increasingly engulfed in a state of complete indifference. By nature, she is an energetic person, she tries not to succumb to a bad mood and does everything for this, suppressing internal apathy and blues, but she is afraid that she will not have enough strength for a long time, since a feeling of dead space begins to arise around and inside her. Work has begun. By showing her space and asking her questions along the way, I began to find out the cause of her condition. I ask:
— Which of your friends, loved ones or relatives, recently died or drowned?
“I had a childhood friend,” he answers, “we were family friends.” The relationship between us was very close and warm, but he died in a car accident, which happened before my eyes. His name was Andrey. I was very upset about what happened, and then I began to see him in my dreams. We talk as if in reality, just like before. But lately I began to notice that I often use his words or do things the way he would do them. I even started talking like him. There are also a number of incomprehensible phenomena. Andrey often had headaches, and now I have the same headaches. And yet, I began to notice that I had become very coarse, and that I had masculine character traits. All this bothered me very much, and I decided to turn to you.
The session continued. The woman felt icy cold in the area of ​​her solar plexus and abdomen. Her stomach began to retract, as if trying to stick to her spine. I began to examine this cold clot of energy, already knowing that it was the energy of a dead soul; I was familiar with the coldness of this energy. I ask a question:
- Who are you?
“Andrey,” the woman gives me the answer, having heard these words inside herself.
- Why did you possess a living person? - I ask persistently, reproachfully.
“During the disaster, I died instantly,” Andrei says through the woman, “my soul flew out of my physical body, and for some time I could not figure out what happened. From above I saw my friends who were driving in the car behind me. I saw how they ran up to my body in fear, I saw their grief. But I didn’t have enough energy, I acutely felt its need and headed towards this woman. I didn’t know what to do, and... I entered the body. Now I understand that I did it illegally, no one gave me permission, but I didn’t find any other way out then. I feel guilty, I understand that the living do not need dead energy, especially not her, because I treat her with great respect. I now pray to God to take my soul and am very grateful to the angels who led me to you. I beg you to help my soul go to God.
Andrey said goodbye to his loved ones through me. I conveyed some wishes to my family and asked everyone for forgiveness. The heavenly channel was lowered to him, and the angels took him away. At the moment when the dead soul left the woman’s body, she sobbed heavily, but his soul was separated from her body, immediately followed by a deep breath, exhalation, and the woman’s sensations completely changed. Her eyes sparkled and filled with life, light, joy.

Usually, when a person dies, a channel is lowered over him, through which the angels send his soul to the place determined for it according to earthly developments. In the case of sudden, instant death, this may not happen. This is what happened to Andrei’s soul. The soul can move into a person whom the deceased loved very much. This is a difficult test for the soul, and it, being in a hopeless state, can move into the body of a loving person, it attracts this soul. If the soul is burdened with heavy, negative energies of its sins, then it can be kidnapped by dark forces. The moment a person passes away is one of the most important. The Church helps believers. But any person can be caught by sudden, sudden death. Take care of your soul.

Conversation with the entity.

After reading the book “Take care of your soul and body,” a young man came to the reception. His name was Oleg. He could not explain why there was no place for love, joy in his life, and literally all actions were subordinated to some kind of program. Inside he felt a constant struggle, anxiety, fear. At the same time, sometimes it seemed to him that he was very strong, powerful, and his brain was able to work like a computer. The feeling of superiority over people led to a strong understanding that he could somehow influence people and subjugate their will to himself. This feeling of internal division bothered him and made him uncomfortable.

During the session, he began to shake violently, his arms twisted unnaturally, and his head was constantly tilted to the side. It was difficult to straighten up for a short time. I suggested trying to show it to everyone. Oleg agreed without hesitation, because he felt that the symptoms of the capture of the human body by “entities,” which I described in the book “Take Care of Soul and Body,” were inherent to him.

I showed the “essence” and she began to talk to me through a man. I should note that the “essence” turned out to be highly developed. These are rare, you could say I had a good catch that day. It was a robot with some human structures from another space. Having felt the level, I set out to get as much information from him as possible to help people. He was clearly unhappy about being discovered. He moved into Oleg when he was 4 years old. And he lived in the body for about twenty years.

The conversation was interesting and rich. And I decided, with Oleg’s permission, to record the conversation on a tape recorder and bring it to you, readers. My task is to help you prevent possible introductions of uninvited guests into your life and not lose your human qualities and energies, and not become robots. The conversation turned out to be long, more than three hours. We touched on a wide range of issues. For better understanding, it turned out to be advisable to group the entire conversation by topic. Without changing anything, I present the most interesting excerpts from our communication with the “essence”. In the above dialogue, I. is me, and S. is the “entity.”

Starting a conversation. Who is in front of me?

I. Who are you, a man or a woman?
S. Man.
I. From Earth or another planet?
S. From another space.
I. What energies are you made of?
C. Earth, stone, fire.
I. For what purpose did you possess Oleg?
S. I just live, I just exist.
I. What right did you have to inhabit a human body?
S. Why not? Everyone has to live somehow.
I. But the physical body was created by God and no one is allowed to live in it except the Divine soul.
S. Perhaps. But at the moment there is an opportunity, why not take advantage of it.
I. But now Oleg came to me for a session. And you understand that you will be expelled from your physical body.
S. Yes, I see. But you don’t think that everything is so simple and everything will work out right away.
I. If God brought Oleg, then the exile will come with God’s help.
S. Let it.
I. Is your strength falling?
S. I am still strong enough to do whatever I want.
I. What do you own?
S. I can control a person’s thoughts and partially his actions, but not yet permanently.
I. Can you control the thoughts of Oleg or other people?
S. I work with only one person who reports to me.
I. It turns out that Oleg is robotic?
C. Not completely. I can't control everything regularly.
I. You are out of evil, which means that in some moments you control Oleg so that he becomes worse?
S. Some are worse, some are better.
I. It’s better for you, but worse for Oleg. Are you influencing Oleg's soul?
S. Probably not. Rather, I am interested in the energy of the physical body.
I. Tell me, due to what evil is developed in a person?
C. Due to burning out various thoughts in oneself.
I. And emotions?
S. Yes.
I. What are you like? Do you have an image?
C. Mask, shell.
I. So you are a shell?
S. Yes. And protection.
I. Explain.
C. On the one hand, protection. On the other hand, everything that comes from inside and outside remains in me. I release some energies, both inward and outward.
I. What kind of energies are these?
S. Mostly negative and many people feel this way.
I. What is your program?
S. My program is to live on my own and support my life activity at the expense of human energy. If a person cannot support my life, then he will leave.
I.e. Is Oleg alive as long as he can support your vital functions?
S. Yes.
I. Let's say he leaves. What will happen to you?
S. I move into another space.
I. What do you have in front of you there, in your space?
S. Only the owner can know this.
I. Who is your boss?
S. I have never seen him. But this is something very strong. He gives me various orders and wishes.
I. Do you accept them at the level of vibrations?
S. Yes, at the level of vibrations.
I. What is life like in your space?
C. One owner. Everyone is subordinate to him and carries out his will. Whatever he wants according to our law.
I. Is there no other choice?
S. No.
I. As I understand it, you have both men and women?
S. Yes, men and women. Depends on how it is easier for us to interact with a person. We don't know where we are coming from, but we clearly know what kind of person we can interact with.
I.e. do you come to earth for a specific person?
S. If we are told that we can interact with a particular person, then this is always the case.
I. How do you move into a person? How do you come from another space?
S. I can’t answer exactly. I don't have that information.
I. How do you get into a person’s field?
S. Through his environment, parents.
I. Through the parent field?
S. Yes, through parents and people who are often nearby.
I. Do they form a positive or negative field?
C. They form different fields. But, as a rule, a person is already ready to do business with us.
I. So you are creating a negative field. Or does the person creating it provoke another to some actions or thoughts?
S. Or, on the contrary, it does not provoke.
I. And if it doesn’t provoke, does the Person experience stagnation?
S. Yes. And then he is forced to look for where he can get additional information. He must constantly exchange information with someone. With certain people, certain fields.
I. Oleg communicates with different people, works with information at different levels. Are you collecting it?
C. Collection, analysis. Subjugation of those who can be subjugated. Making people dependent on you. Then they weaken and for some reason this benefits me.
I. Are you an information gathering robot?
S. This is one of my tasks.
I. What other tasks?
C. Prepare other people.
I. For the relocation of the same robots?
S. I don’t know who will be moved into them. I speak only for myself. I don't have access to higher information. I only receive final orders. I know that I have received an order and I must carry it out. The one who gives the order is the master.
I. In which organ are you mainly located?
C. Part of the spine and head. My center is in my head. For the rest, I imagine, as I said earlier, something like a shell covering part of the body, the chest. And masks on my face, sometimes I look through Oleg’s eyes.
I. Clarify if Oleg wants, for example, to smile, but you don’t want that. What then?
S. Very simple. This means he won't smile. But this should not arouse the suspicion of others. He should not be an outcast among people, he should be in continuous contact with people.

Beauty is in the understanding of “essences”.

I. Earth is a very beautiful planet, do you like it?
S. Beauty is a subjective concept.
I. I understand. In your understanding, what is beauty?
S. Beauty is a manifestation of strength. Just a show of strength.
I. Well, give me an example.
S. For example, there is some person. Not Oleg, but someone else. And I managed to suppress him, he came under my influence. I like this picture. It's beautiful, you'll agree.
I. I don’t understand this. I don’t understand how you can find beauty in the enslavement of a person.
S. Then tell us about your understanding of beauty.
I. Beauty is the work of the soul, its emission of light energies. The space that is inside a person reaches the level of the Universe. And the person himself harmonizes everything around him and develops his worldview. This is the powerful energy of a pure, unpolluted soul. This is beauty.
S. I don’t understand.
I. I know you don't understand, but it's beautiful. That is why you take advantage of the opportunity, especially during childhood, to block souls. You know that in the future they can become strong, they will receive enormous potential, range, if they are not enslaved. Agree?
S. Perhaps.
I. Heavenly Father is the Creator. The soul is a part of it, and it creates through a person.
S. Well then. The only thing I can say is that we are beings of different planes and with different energies. The creator of the soul interests me insofar as he can prevent me from controlling a person.

The struggle between “entities” for a person.

I. Are there many “entities” on earth?
S. Yes.
I. Do you struggle with some of them?
S. If it is noticeable that something exists in a person and it is something quite weak, then if there is an order from the owner, this “essence” can be supplanted.
I. Are you pushing these people out?
S. Yes
I. Where do they go? Are you destroying them?
S. We are only displacing. They go somewhere outside, leaving an empty space. I'm not interested in where they are moving.
I. Is there a struggle for the human body?
S. Yes.
I. What about the animals? Do you also inhabit animals? Or do they contain a different kind of “entity”?
S. I suppose a different kind. My attitude is to live in a human community. It’s quite difficult for any dog ​​to subjugate people, you’ll agree.
I. Unfortunately, there are some people who have already begun to submit to animals. This is already present on Earth. I came across it.
S. Well, there is something to work on.
I. There is an eternal struggle going on around man. It turns out that the human body, like a computer, is a complex system. And you need to be able to manage this system. If you manage incorrectly, then, therefore, you are subject to some universes.
S. Correct. Any error in the program leads to various consequences.
I. Then why are there no rules on Earth that clearly define what exactly a person is?
S. Who needs this? Who needs to write such rules?
I. It turns out that a person is like a laboratory, and certain experiments are carried out on him?
S. Everyone has their own goals. I have only one, perhaps someone is guided by others.
And good. Streams of Light energies flow through me, and I really want the human body to be freed from any “entities”.
C. Exempt for what? To be controlled by some other force?
I. No. The body has a soul. It is important to give it development. Then your worldview will develop. The energies of Love and joy will become the norm for a person. People will begin to strive for harmony, respect for each other, for everything Light. Man was created by the Heavenly Father to be happy. Created on the living, beautiful planet Earth. The human soul works for creation, and you only work for destruction.
S. Well, what about creation? Agree that man is created in such a way that sooner or later he will collapse. We are destroyed from the moment we are born.
I. Why do people get destroyed?
C. There is probably such a program.
I. But who caused the glitch in the program? The soul is infused into a person at the moment of birth, right?
S. Yes.
I. It is created to make a person happy. The Bible says the same thing.
S. The Bible says a lot. I have become familiar with this work. Yes, there were people and righteous people who lived, if my memory serves me right, for 800-900 years. But then they left. Because they had their own program. They could not help but leave, since the body is not eternal, it was created that way. This means that there is a program for destroying the body. Is not it?
I. The destruction program may exist, but the point is different. I'll continue the thought. A person is given a soul at birth. The soul on Earth evolves, gains experience, and then leaves for another space. This living substance goes into the Light Space. And the fact is that there are people whose souls function correctly. They live in harmony, Love. There is light around them. Yes, they encounter difficulties and adversity along the way, but they overcome them with dignity. Because they control their body, thoughts, emotions, actions. They, not you, are the “entities.” These are strong souls, strong people. Yes, the body is destroyed. If a person’s soul functioned correctly, then at the end of life’s journey it will go into the Light Space. She will succeed in this easily, because she is filled with Light energies.
S. Very interesting.
I. Yes, yes. At least life is easy for a person without you. It’s not like what Oleg has to do now—it’s hard, it’s difficult. It’s good for you, you are still the owner of Oleg’s body. Therefore, for control, he put into Oleg’s head the persistent idea that a person is initially destroyed from birth. Nothing like this. Oleg came to me so that I could destroy your program. So that he could live happily, get married, raise children and always enjoy life, cultivating Love. That's why he came. And you have no place in his body.
I. Tell me, can you enter the field of another person without his permission?
S. In any case, we need to establish contact and find some kind of gap.
I. Weak spot?
S. Yes. After this, you can make an impact.
I. On Earth this can be attributed to the level of psychology, the ability to establish contact.
S. Yes, contact must occur. I say something a lot. Usually this many words are spoken in four days. I do not like it.
I. Is this a loss of energy for you?
S. Yes.
I. As I understand it, you stand up for life on Earth. If it doesn't exist, then you won't be able to exist.
S. Yes.
I. Tell us about cloning. It is clear that there will be no Divine soul in such a shell. Are these “entities” preparing bodies for themselves? Will you be able to inhabit such a body, or will there be certain protection systems there?
S. Yes, “entities” do this. I don’t know who exactly is behind this. They prepare the shells for themselves. I also don’t know who will inhabit them.
I. What level of information is of the greatest interest to you?
C. Mainly about people's strengths and weaknesses. Something you can pick them up on. Or what they can do to influence us. Interested in everything. We must exist somehow. A person is an ideal option for us.

Some consequences of the influence of "entities".

I. The long-term practice of my work allows me to conclude that most of the “entities” strive to destroy people. You may be an exception, but that doesn't matter. Tell me, do you have information about their varieties on Earth?
S. I don’t have one.
I. And I see that there is.
S. I saw some, but I can’t say how many there are. I just know that they exist. There are aggressive ones who try, being in a person, to quickly destroy him.
I. Are there those who bring people to psychiatric hospitals?
S. These included.
I. What are these “entities”?
S. Having taken possession of a person, they do not focus on him. Execute their program. As they unfold, they trample the subtle structures, the physical body of a person. Some people can resist, but some quickly turn off some centers, and he becomes what he becomes.
I. Robotic?
S. Someone yes. And for some, the “essence” leaves, leaving an empty shell.
I. Is soul capture taking place? Or something different?
S. I personally have not encountered such people, I cannot say. The only option that I observed was that a strong “essence” came into a person and trampled certain centers inside him. She received a large amount of energy during the destruction of a person and then left the body. What was left of the man was a twisted shell.
I. What, then, is a person like?
C. He remains a person unable to perform any functions. Sometimes it is destroyed on the physical level, and then cannot be restored, sometimes on the mental level. In this case, he can still be helped to return to reality by feeding him with energies, if he concentrates them on the destroyed place.
I. Thank you for the information, interesting conversation. Do you know what pleases me most?

This penetration is spontaneous (by itself) and deliberate(on a tip from an enemy doing nasty things to you).

Spontaneously - how is that? And so

Here's a set of warnings:
1. in moments of severe mental and physical exhaustion,

2. in moments of “blackout” of consciousness (fainting, shock, overdose-overdose to the point of “passing out”),

3. when in potentially dangerous geopathogenic places (cemeteries, places of mass death,

4. black places of power, anomalous zones),

5. when “playing” in all sorts of “esotericism” - incorrect meditation,

6. incorrect astral travel,

7. calling spirits,

8. incorrect approach to occult practices (including practices of gaining energy and “expansion” of consciousness of any kind),

9. I will especially dwell on the pernicious habit of the Soviet people of organizing drinking parties in cemeteries on memorial days - with vodka (well, that’s how it’s supposed to be!), hysterical tears, quarrels, belching in the bushes and “catching up” at home.

It is on such days and under such circumstances that you can drag a whole bunch of settlements from the cemetery, even the most dangerous type - the settlement of a dead person.
This is how it can happen.

Now in parts

1. When exhausted, our protective barrier will not be able to contain the “viral attack” of those astral entities that are driven by only one motive - “eat!” You are food, a source of energy that you need to reach, get to, suck on or penetrate inside - to the energy centers. So, most often, astral vampire entities penetrate the “protective barrier” - “larvae”, which, like mosquitoes, drink the energy and fall off on their own. And when you restore your strength, your energy will simply “squeeze” them out of your energy field.

Visions in states of fainting, hallucinations and visions while “high” or intoxicated - this is travel to the astral world. The visions of alcoholics and drug addicts are not just “glitches” - many see and contact astral entities that come to them in the form of “glitches”.

3. When located in places of a geopathogenic nature. In these places the concentration of astral energy is higher than in other places. And most often this energy is black. What else could it be, for example, in a place of mass death, or in a place of occult events and sacrifices of a “black” cult. And there spirits, demons, and astral dead live. And if you are energetically weak, then you can come out of there not only with impressions, but also with a load in the form of a new room.

4. Esoteric games. Many have already paid for violating the rule “If you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the water” on the esoteric front. The main problem here is the word "wrong". Incorrect methods of gaining energy (where you can, like a vacuum cleaner, “pump up” both good and bad energy, without being able to distinguish between them). Incorrect methods of meditation and expansion of consciousness, the practice of “channeling”, contacts with “higher worlds and entities”, when your consciousness can be “thrown” only God knows where, and to whom you will open your consciousness - only God knows.

Incorrect work with the world of spirits (mediumship, calling spirits, communicating with the world of the dead, “shamanism” according to books) - you get into their world voluntarily, on their territory, and if you make a mistake, then you can not only earn a connection, but and obsession in its purest form.

I am a supporter of cremation after death, so that “dead” zones in the form of cemeteries do not multiply on earth, which are vampire zones and breeding grounds for potential threats to the living. There is a type of negativity called “attachment to a dead person.” This also applies to subdivisions. And it can be both voluntary and intentional.

Spontaneous. You have come across many such cases - “who did you leave me for, how will I live without you, take me with you, I will also lie in the coffin!” Yes, this is a case of stress after the death of a loved one. And that's okay. But some actually climb into the coffin, and life ceases for them, and the memory of the deceased ceases into the cult of the deceased, and they ask the deceased to take them with him, or to come to them. The dead should be released, not kept to ourselves. And sometimes they “interrogate” that this dead man is dead in body, but his spirit is not released. And such an astral “zombie” clings to what it is so strongly drawn to itself, and draws energy from the living. As people say, “he took it to himself.” Yes, yes, even to the point of death.

But there is also the opposite. When it is not the living who hold on to the dead, but the dead who hold on to the living. People who were bastards during life remain bastards after death. Witches, vampires, and misanthropes leave behind such a clot of energy of anger that does not disappear even after death. He was a vampire during his life, he will cling to the living (for food) even after death, if you don’t “close the doors tightly” behind him - perform a funeral service for him, clean out the house, and pray-pray-pray for him. It is precisely such people who most often remain in the world of the living in the form of phantoms. These are examples of spontaneous settlements.

Now - about intentional settlements

As the village witches say, “to plant the devil.” In many types of “black” conspiracies, they turn to both Satan and spirits - demons, demons, devils - for help. According to the principle “You give me, I give you.” Give something, sacrifice it to the demons, and they will do the work for it - “twist, harm, destroy, quarrel,” and so on.

And these demon spirits, upon order, are sent to the ordered victim, and according to the “contract-agreement” they penetrate the astral body of a person, “live” in it, and destroy it. During cleansing, I had many cases when a person spoke in a different voice from another person, and saw images of the one who harmed him or what “sits” in him. And it “twisted” people during purges - when entities came out.

So look, remember, observe based on what was described above - could something get into you to find the answer to the question - where do my strengths go, why sometimes “the devil pulls me by the tongue”, why am I sometimes “not myself “Where do such actions that are unusual for me come from?

Obsession is the complete and comprehensive subordination of a person’s mind to something that acts with the aim of causing harm - to a person or others. Another name is demonic possession. Symptoms of obsession include:

♦ inappropriate and previously unusual behavior,
♦ seizures - violence, hysteria, tearfulness, panic, fear,
♦ speech from another person (often in different voices, with different intonations and stylistic features),
♦ aggression (the desire and intention to harm others) or auto-aggression (the desire and intention to harm oneself, even suicide),
♦ seizures, convulsions, epileptic seizures without “epi-syndrome”,
♦ loss of control over the body,
♦ aggressive or panicky attitude towards church, prayer, religious symbols,
♦ mental disorders - hallucinations, delusions, split personality, psychosis, altered and trance states of consciousness,
♦ “voices” that give commands and control behavior,
♦ decrease or increase in pain sensitivity, phantom pain,
♦ sudden, unpredictable and inexplicable disturbances in physiological indicators - strength level, weight, body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, sweating, etc...

What exactly is “obsession”?
This is the penetration into the human energy body of an entity whose level of energy exceeds the level of human energy, and thereby, being stronger, suppresses the mind, consciousness, and will of a person, making him a controlled “puppet.”
What entity? These can also be independent, thinking astral entities, which are called “demons” and “demons”. This could be the spirit of a living person - a witch, sorcerer, psychic - who volunteered to harm the victim.

How do they, these different “entities,” gain control over a person, making him possessed? It's simple. As Lenin said, “First you need to seize the telephone, telegraph, post office, train stations”..., that is, put all the most important centers of “self-government” under your control. The principle of diffusion. The penetration of someone else’s energy into a person’s “native” energy, its subsequent merging, and then the concentration of someone else’s energy.

And then - whoever is stronger wins. Surpassing the energetic potential of a person, the essence “suppresses” a person’s energy centers - his chakras, penetrates the subtle bodies of a person, and resubordinates these centers to himself, like a hacker - communication nodes in electronic networks. Obtaining consciousness administrator rights.

And thus, having gained control over consciousness, and having received the right to declare its “I”, the entity begins to give commands (or rather, energy impulses) to subtle bodies, to energy centers (chakras). And from there - into the nerve centers and consciousness. And the consciousness and “I” of a person are tied “hand and foot.” A person is blocked inside himself. And they “pull” him by his arms, legs, brains and tongue. The man became an “avatar” for the entity that became his master.

And the victim’s psyche receives a “viral attack”, which is why it can “switch off” or even simply “burn out” and lose its protection and shock absorption functions. And the behavior of the possessed is almost always very, very similar to the behavior of a psycho. And what is characteristic is that it is unconscious to the person himself. He often won’t remember how he behaved, what he said and did. Or - for him it will be “behind a veil of fog.”

Moving in- this is a negative impact that comes to a person from the astral world. These are mainly demons, energy vampires, energy entities.

There are essences that a person lives with all his life, and can cope with them on his own - these are the so-called own essences.

Own entities– these are our negative thoughts, actions, words, actions. There are entities transplanted from the astral world specifically to cause harm. As a rule, they are housed by magicians and sorcerers upon request. Entities do not have a physical body, but have consciousness. I can smell them very well. Each essence has its own smell.

The inhabited entity can manipulate a person, give him all sorts of tasks, and, in case of disobedience, punish him with illness. Energy entities feed on anger, hatred, envy, greed, jealousy, malice. They force a person to do bad things.

You've probably heard the following saying: “The demon has led you astray.” It is not beneficial for demons for a person to change. If a person stops drinking alcohol, the demon will have to look for a new victim, which they do not like to do. Therefore, they force, persuade, intimidate in order to remain in this particular body.

A case from my own practice:

A young man came to see me, and after five sessions he admitted that the entity talked to him every time he came to see me for a session. She said: “Well, why are you bothering her! She's only ripping money off you, don't you understand? You and I feel so good together! Don’t go to her, let’s go get a bottle and let’s sit down. And don’t go to work, your mother feeds you.” After the session, she tells him in a half-dead voice: “Don’t leave me, if you leave me, I’ll kill you!” “Only after three courses of rehabilitation, the voice disappeared. Well done guy, he stood it!

If you have these symptoms, immediately contact a specialist, don’t delay, don’t be skeptic, don’t drive yourself crazy:

  1. Severe fatigue, loss of energy, lack of vitality;
  2. There is no strength or desire to work, do household chores, or put yourself in order. First, laziness arises, then there is a reluctance to wash, clean, answer phone calls, or communicate with anyone. The person completely withdraws into himself;
  3. Aches all over the body. Doctors cannot make an accurate diagnosis. It gets worse every day;
  4. Epileptic seizures;
  5. Obsessive states, thoughts, voices, hallucinations;
  6. Manipulation of consciousness, a person ceases to control himself;
  7. Division in affairs, feelings;
  8. Fears and panic attacks;
  9. Depression;
  10. Complete indifference to life, work, family;
  11. Thoughts about suicide;
  12. Homicidal thoughts;
  13. Alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction;
  14. Pain of unknown origin;
  15. Inappropriate behavior (strange manners, gestures, obscene language).

You will say that many suffer from this. Yes, of course, and moreover, they live with it and don’t even suspect that demons are preventing them from starting a family, finding a good job, having a child, or having good income. It is beneficial for demons for a person to suffer, get sick, humiliate himself, cry, and find himself in various unpleasant situations. After all, this is their food.