How to put things in order in life. “No to the mess!”: the most useful books that will help to put things in order in the house and in life. Decluttering course

Before changing your life, make an assessment. Are you living right? What kind of life would you like? Are you happy? How to achieve the goal of living differently? Read on to find out how to put things in order in your life and where to start.

Where to begin?

Those who do not know how to put things in order in life and affairs should take advantage of further advice. Take a notepad and write down all the things you want to do this week. Schedule everything by day so that it happens one by one. Label both important and not-so-important things:

  1. If you want to study at the university, write the subjects you would like to study, the region and city you plan to go to, the university.
  2. If you are not satisfied with work or earnings, look in your free time for a more suitable or promising job that would be to your liking and would be suitable for finances.
  3. Give up smoking and alcohol, because, before you blink an eye, you will be addicted. And thoughts will turn into an amorphous mass.
  4. If there are any problems, do not be shy and do not be afraid to ask for help from loved ones, because they will always support you in difficult times and help you make the right decision.
  5. Do not hide your love for your parents and friends: they will be happy to hear and feel it.
  6. Change the scenery, solve a significant problem. If a quarrel arose with a person whom you did not want to offend, then you need to apologize to him.
  7. Find a use for your ideas.
  8. Direct all your energy into a cause that will be useful and bring pleasure.

Hang this plan in a prominent place and stick to it. Delete completed tasks. The same list can be compiled at work at the beginning of the work week or day. Also, the plan will be a good helper when shopping, so as not to forget anything.

How to put things in order in life and thoughts?

All the problems that one has to go through are problems from the head, that is, from internal attitudes. And you need to remember one simple rule - if there is no order in the head, then there will be no order in business. A disorganized person never has enough time for anything, so plan your day to keep up with what you have in mind and what you want to do.

Throw away the excess

First of all, in order to put things in order in life and in the house, you need to get rid of everything unnecessary. It is necessary to throw away things that are not needed, do not bring any benefit and pleasure, and will not bring in the future. You also need to make an audit in each room, closet, nightstand, shelf. If it is a pity to throw something away, then you need to think about whether this thing will be needed later, in a new, well-established life. Every old thing is the past that you don’t need to remember, because you only need to go forward, these are dreams that never came true. Therefore, you need to get rid of old unnecessary items in order to make room for something new, better.

And do not delay this process. Do a general cleaning in the house - this will be the first step towards order. Do not regret anything: neither about things thrown out, nor about deleted files. Be the master in your head and in your life. Forget about the past, because it is left behind. It’s good if you remember bright moments from your previous life, and not the bad ones that are increasingly visiting your head. Let go and forget past failures, because by returning to them, you can lose today's happy moments and emotions. Clear your head of unnecessary, unpleasant memories, it is better to keep in mind those moments that brought happiness and joy. You need to clean your head regularly, because bad thoughts absorb good ones, dominating them. Breathe deeply and calmly. Better breathe with your belly.

find time

Everyone knows that if there is order in the head and everything is sorted out, then everything in life is as it should be. Often people say that there is not enough time to do what they would like to do. And first of all, you need to think (when, for example, you came home from work) what you are doing, what you are wasting your precious time on. After all, it can be used with benefit and pleasure.

We stabilize relations

You also need to put things in order in the relationship. Many people complain that something does not suit them in their existence, but they themselves do nothing to change. And many of them start new life from Monday. But then Monday came, and the man did nothing, did not change anything. We must always think about what can be changed today, what to achieve, because, as we remember, thoughts materialize. The power of positive thinking is that it gives a person hope.

It is thanks to thoughts that a person moves forward, does not stand still. When a person does not believe in anything, he does not have a road to the goal and to the realization of a dream. Don't be lazy. Do things that will change your life. Don't be afraid of life changes. If fear takes over will, then you will continue to be afraid and continue the life that is so boring. So you can doubt until the end of your days, but this will not lead to anything good. Don't procrastinate on certain tasks. If you don't do it today or tomorrow, you'll never do it again.

It may sound strange, but relationships, like closets, need to be audited. You need to think and carefully consider those people who surround you. After all, the main thing is not the number of friends, but their quality, their attitude towards friendship. Look around and pay attention to your surroundings: maybe some people are taking up space in your life for nothing?

Gotta get all the rubbish out of my head

The inability to plan time, the turmoil of thoughts and chaos in the head prevent you from filling your life with energy flows.

The first rule is to be able to forgive. When you forgive yourself and other people, you get rid of misunderstanding and resentment.

The second requirement is to rid yourself of the fear that lives in your head and thoughts. After all, fear is an obstacle on the way to a better life, because of him you feel unnecessary to society, he will confuse, interfere with the achievement of your goal. Postponing such a struggle for later is wrong: you need to do it here and now, no matter what.

It is necessary to clearly present the action plan and the final result, this is how luck and success are attracted. You can not regret anything, because the past cannot be returned. Positive and joyful events will help move forward, and bad moments and memories will keep you in uncertainty and negativity. We must live in the present tense, because it is the only real now.

But is it that easy?

The work of eliminating garbage is not easy, but it is necessary for every person to get rid of the negativity in life. The most difficult technique is to get rid of the burden of past years and look at events from a different perspective. Psychologists recommend looking inside yourself, remembering some bright moments from childhood, remembering what the reaction was at these moments, whether they brought joy. Write down your experiences on paper to make it easier to analyze them. Summarize the past month or year. Consider what they did or did not do or did not have time to do. What mistakes were made.

Plan for the day

It is very important to put things in order in the daily routine, to exclude unnecessary items that only take time. Delete unimportant letters in social networks and e-mail, clean folders on your computer. Learn to control your thoughts.

The main thing in this process is not to sit still, but to do everything to realize the dream. Appreciate every day and every moment lived now. Get rid of negative thoughts that lower self-esteem. Drive out of my head the thoughts “I can’t”, “I can’t”, “I can’t”.

It is necessary to try to form a positive outlook on life. Gradually catch thoughts and listen to them, analyze whether this is your opinion or a stereotype that society has imposed. By following this advice, you will learn to gradually control your thoughts and emotions. You should not pay attention to the opinions of other people: it is impossible to please everyone, to be good for everyone, because the majority will still remain dissatisfied with you. You need to look only at yourself and build behavior based on your life principles and priorities. Stop looking at other people, their actions and behavior, live your life and appreciate it, because we live once.

Develop and improve

First you need to deal with the dream and turn it into a goal. Further - to act and move towards the goal. After all, if you do nothing, nothing will happen.

It is advisable to give up alcohol and bad habits. Start going to the pool, allocate time in the daily routine for a walk in the fresh air. This will help to bring health back to normal, and, accordingly, thoughts. Strive to become better than you are now, change yourself and change your life and habits.

The key to a good mood for the whole day is to wake up in the morning, force yourself to think about something good, listen to pleasant music and eat something healthy and tasty for breakfast. So it is better to clean the refrigerator from junk food and unnecessary medicines, because to some extent, cleanliness in the refrigerator and in the house is cleanliness in the head.

Start engaging in mental exercises that will develop your worldview. Crosswords, chess and sudoku will help keep the brain in order, and, accordingly, life. Also start reading books. Write a list of books you would like to read.

Make work on the mistakes of the past. Learning from mistakes is also an experience. Look into your soul and try to understand yourself, to understand whether you live correctly, what you are doing wrong. You need to appreciate and correctly evaluate your capabilities. By revealing them, you can find an occupation in life that will help change it.

We part with unnecessary things

Learn to part with unnecessary things, do not become attached to them just because it is a memory of someone. If dust has accumulated on an object, it must be thrown away: it is no longer needed and only takes up space. It's the same with clothes. If you don’t wear some thing for a year or two, then it’s time to send it to the trash or give it to someone without regretting what you have done.

If there are some items that you want to leave, then you need to start wearing them, even at home. For yourself, you also need to dress beautifully, and not in stretched sweaters or husband's T-shirts. You need to drink tea or coffee from cups, put food on beautiful plates, and not on holidays, but every day - simply because the soul so desires.

To achieve something, you need to work tirelessly

A person controls his life, his thoughts and his mood. And it depends on him whether life will change for the better. If you remember this, it becomes easier to live.

After talking with many people, the experts determined that it is important to work hard on yourself. And it doesn't matter if it's a great work or small things. If it leads to success, then it is needed. People leave a lot of reviews about the usefulness of such a technique: “How I put things in order in my life and head”, “I managed to let go of the past and achieve my goal.” And they all point to the fact that such a scheme really works. A little work and everything will work out. After interviewing one of the women surveyed, it was found that in order to change her life, she:

  1. Didn't expect Monday.
  2. Got out of the house.
  3. Everything planned out.
  4. Found a hobby.
  5. Improved relationships with others.

And within ten days, real changes took place in her life.

1. Get rid of old papers
If you're anything like me, your house is littered with all sorts of papers - all sorts of notes, old recipes, junk mail, notes to yourself. Get rid of all this. Destroy paper in a shredder, this way you will achieve order and security in your home.

2. Mentally prepare yourself for upcoming changes by imagining your ideal self.
What do you most admire? How do you see your future? What do you want to be? Imagine yourself as such a person.

3. Remember that unexpected events can be a boon
As the Dalai Lama once said: “Remember that not getting what you so longed to receive sometimes turns out to be amazing gift good luck".

4. Ask people you admire how they got to where they are today.
I have always admired my grandfather. Understanding how he started his business, how he overcame difficulties throughout his life and how he improved his life, helped me to achieve my own prosperity.

5. Give up alcohol, cigarettes and other vices
Perhaps they are crutches for you, distorting a healthy view of the world. And the money saved by purchasing these harmful substances, you can use it for something nice, like traveling.

6. Get rid of negative elements in your life, be it people or jobs you don't feel like doing.
If you have friends who upset or overwhelm you, there is no need to continue this relationship just out of a sense of duty. Break those ties and get rid of failures.

7. Start every day with a clean slate, make new list business over a cup of morning coffee
A clear understanding of what you have to do today will help you stay on track.

8. Put your house in order and get rid of all unnecessary things
Not only from old recipes, as mentioned earlier, but from all that rubbish that belongs in sales, in a garbage dump, or which can be given to the poor.

9. Practice keeping personal information simple
Creating a simple file cabinet and sticker folder system is something that doesn't require the services of a personal secretary and can make your life a lot easier when you're looking for the information you need.

10. Buy groceries for the week at the most convenient time for this.
Make a list, budget, and buy only the essentials to save time and money.

11. Take a proficiency test to reveal your strengths
If your career hasn't worked out and you don't know where to start to get off the ground, this method will be very helpful in identifying your strengths and heading in the right direction.

12. If you have problems, consult with professionals
Many struggle with the dead shadows of the past or carry a heavy emotional burden that keeps them from moving forward. Work with this burden, get rid of it and move forward with the help of professionals.

13. Review and get rid of expired medicines and food
The last time I did this, I found everything from a 3-year-old packet of spices to a 5-year-old aspirin.

14. Develop Your Own Diet Emphasizing Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits
Proper nutrition produces an amazing effect on the overall energy level of the body.

15. Take vitamins
Vitamin nutritional supplements help reduce the possibility of developing many diseases, including oncology and osteoporosis.

16. Design a complex exercise by including your favorite activities like dancing or cycling
My friend prefers yoga, and I prefer football. Keep fit in your favorite activities, it will give results.

17. Make an appointment with the doctor you've been putting off for a long time.
How easy it is to put off going to a doctor, such as a dentist, until a sharp pain compels you to do so. However, preventive measures are very important for maintaining the overall health of the body.

18. Do Mind Exercises
Crosswords, Sudoku and other word games are more than just an entertaining pastime. They have been proven to improve mental performance in general.

19. Publish your own book
Now, with the development of the Internet - technology, it has become much easier to do. You can post your ideas on the Internet and earn money from it. I publish my own books on the internet.

20. Create a Reading List and Join a Reading Club
Most people complain that they would like to read more, but without a specific plan, you will not find enough time for this. Joining a Reading Club will not only expand your social activities, it will help you implement your reading plan and update your reading list.

21. Find time for solitude every day.
Susan Taylor states that "solitude helps to renew the mind and develop new ideas."

22. Practice breathing exercises or meditation
Stress has a devastating effect on your life and performance in general. I personally, being under the yoke of stress, sometimes forget to breathe. Remember to take deep breaths, this will improve the flow of oxygen to the brain.

23. Be honest in whatever you do or say
Are you able to stand up for all your actions and deeds? If not, analyze all your words and learn to express your thoughts honestly and directly. This will reduce the chances of making mistakes along the way.

24. Learnon thepastmistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. We usually learn a lot from them over the course of our lives. Mistakes that we repeat several times are stored in the subconscious as a life experience and can serve as a good help in future situations.

25. Volunteer to help people
Helping others is a worthy way to improve your own life.

26. Learn foreign languages ​​or pick up a new hobby

27. Read biographies of people who will inspire you.
To develop new ideas, try to understand how others managed to get their lives in order.

28. Talk to strangers
Unexpected conversations are sometimes surprisingly inspiring.

29. Reconnect with friends and family who live far away
Call those you miss but keep putting off contact. The Internet and Skype are at your disposal, even a simple online conversation will help restore the lost connection.

30. Change your toothbrush
Old Toothbrush- storage of bacteria.

31. Get more sleep
Sleep is often neglected, while sleep is a source of energy, good mood and cheerfulness.

32. Drink at least 6 cups of water a day
A sufficient amount of fluid in the body allows you to maintain a high level of energy.

33. Build your photo collection
Store photos and in electronic format and in photo albums. If your family has the same order as mine, then you have a lot of shoeboxes full of photographs that only take up space.

34. Be interested in the arts and people of art in your area
By visiting art galleries, you can meet artists, and such acquaintances stimulate the mind.

35. Sign up for a hobby club
A friend of mine took a serious interest in aeromodelling and became so immersed in it that he got a commercial aircraft pilot's license. You never know when a simple hobby can become the main occupation and meaning of life.

36. Keep a calendar with notes
A constant visual reminder in front of your eyes can be very helpful. All people have different memory capacities.

37. Don't put off problematic conversations
Learn to solve problems quickly and specifically. This will help reduce the level of nervousness and anxiety.

38. Make a to-do list and focus on the things you enjoy the most
If you have recently lost the understanding of what is most valuable to you in life, it will be useful to take the time to identify what in life gives you the most pleasure. Strive for this as much as possible.

39. Spend more time on outdoors
Nature has a valuable influence on us - it calms the soul and clarifies thoughts. Hiking in the forest or rock climbing of any difficulty level gives a feeling of pride and perfection.

40. Attend public lectures
It can be scientific lectures or any others. They help keep up with the times, keep up with life, keep abreast of the events taking place in the world and make future plans accordingly. The activity of consciousness is a help in all areas of life.

41. Strengthen your muscles
Do massage, it increases muscle tone and improves blood circulation. Then the newly received energy will help you in your routine work.

42. Make laughter an important part of your life
Hang out with friends more often with whom you can have a good laugh, or just watch your favorite comedies. Laughter acts like exercise and is known to prolong life.

43. Set aside a little time every day for idleness.
You can read, draw, or just sit and stare at one point if you feel like it. Such a pastime calms the brain and allows you to feel new ideas.

44. Plan a vacation when you need it

45. Use new entertainment ideas
You don't have to be Martha Stewart to throw an amazing party; and a minimum of effort - and as a hostess or host of the holiday you are on top. This will give you confidence.

46. ​​Throw away old clothes that no longer fit you.
Many of us squeeze into old clothes that are no longer relevant, which does not add to our charm. Feel comfortable in the clothes that suit you best and make you look great.

47. Live in the present, not the past
You can't bring back the past. Move forward and enjoy every moment of your life. Finish what needs to be completed and move on with the experience you have gained.

48. Learn from your mistakes and move forward
Arrange your life by rushing forward, not looking back.

49. Diagnose your car
We periodically turn to doctors to check our body. Also, diagnose your car in time, without waiting until it is too late to repair something. I once got stuck on a road trip in Malaysia and it's not a very pleasant memory.

50. Budget for needed home repairs
Put money into the proverbial moneybox to maintain your home in real time, planning for necessary repairs in the coming year.

Order in life is harmony inside and out, this is a special state in which all events go much better. Today we will learn to put things in order in thoughts, life and destiny.

When something goes wrong, troubles appear, this speaks of the internal problems and contradictions of a person and that it is necessary to clean up his thoughts and actions. All spheres of life are connected energetically. If, for example, you have a mess in your room, then this energetically affects your thoughts and even fate. So let's start tidying up.

Thoughts and emotions

Pay attention to what thoughts you have, what is your inner state? If you have a lot of negative thoughts and emotions, then they will soon bear fruit in your life and worsen it. Learn to track them.

You need to learn to catch the moment when a bad thought or emotion appears. As soon as you catch this negative, start observing it. Observation is one of the best practices for getting rid of bad emotions.

Learn to always be a conscious person in order to see and eradicate negative thoughts and emotions in time.

false beliefs

False beliefs change life not for the better. If you dig deeper, almost all people live in illusions. The world is not at all what we imagine it to be, and the more false beliefs, the more problems.

Being in an illusion, it is very difficult to see the problems in your beliefs, but no matter how you perceive this world and yourself in it, this can be changed. Very good method test beliefs, this is doubt. If you begin to doubt many of your beliefs and begin to critically reexamine them, it turns out that many of them turn out to be false. Many courses and trainings are devoted to changing beliefs. This topic is difficult to cover even in an article, not to mention 1-2 paragraphs.

physical world

Along with putting things in order in thoughts and beliefs, it is necessary to put things in order in the physical space.


Get your workspace in perfect order. No dust, no debris, no foreign objects should not be there. The fewer different items will be in the workplace, the better.

Absolutely every thing has its own energy and its own information that you unconsciously capture, and this affects your life. Keep only what inspires you and reminds you of your goals in the workplace.

A computer

Tidy up your computer. All information should be structured and located in separate folders. The computer now plays a big role in life and there should be order.


The environment is one of the main factors of a person that affects his life. Review your surroundings. Associate only with people who bring you closer to your goal, who make you better and have a good influence on you. It is very important.

Remove from your environment or limit contact as much as possible with those people who are dragging you down.

By changing your environment, you will change your life.

I wish you order in your thoughts and life! Sincerely, .

Can cleaning your home be life-changing in a miraculous way? Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo promises: if you are ready for big changes, the result of cleaning will be a real miracle

Bestseller by Marie Kondo"Life-Changing Magic NaveDecluttering: The Japanese Art of Getting Rid of Unnecessary Things and Organizing Spacetruly changed the life of Emily Clay, the owner of a home in Oregon. She said she got rid of "tons" of clothes and books after reading the book, and although she loves to shop, Marie Kondo's advice kept her from stocking all the shelves and cupboards again. “This book completely changed my view of things,” she says. “If I don’t like some thing, if I have never used it, haven’t read it, haven’t worn it, I get rid of it without hesitation.”

The designer from San Francisco shares the same opinion: “I myself follow the main tenets of Kondo's book and advise everyone to do the same: only what brings pleasure is worth keeping,” she says. - This rule helps me determine the place of things in my heart and my home. It's amazing how much cleaner my house has become since I threw out all the junk."

We are waiting for changes!

However, the definition of "life-changing" is perhaps too bold. Life is changed by such events as marriage, birth, death, moving. Cleaning, even capital cleaning, does not fall under my idea of ​​​​global changes, but Marie Kondo's ideas change the attitude to the house without a doubt.

It doesn't matter how you feel about magic, which is constantly emphasized in this book. However, the volume of sales of this book around the world can indeed be called supernatural. It spent 23 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list in the Advice and How-to Guides category. Named Best Book of 2014 on Amazon in the Crafts, Home & Garden section. Since its first edition last fall, the book has been in print 13 times and has sold two million copies. Looking at these numbers, one can conclude that people are really desperate to change the existing order of things. Let's see if Marie Kondo delivers on the promise made in the bold title of her book.

Two key rules

After many years of practice, a Japanese space organizer has developed her own method. The essence is simple, but applying it can be incredibly difficult (I speak from my own experience), because people would never want to part with their own things.

So, the two key premises of Marie Kondo's method boil down to the fact that that only those things that fill the heart with joy should be kept at home. And in the process of cleaning, you need to work not with rooms, but with categories of things.

Keep what you love

Kondo often uses the phrase "sparkle with joy" when talking about things dear to his heart. Summarizing what has been said, we can draw the following conclusion: if you do not like a thing, get rid of it. The difficulty lies in, as they say, separating the wheat from the chaff and distinguishing between the concepts of “happiness” and “attachment”. In his book, Kondo offers a rather hard way to do this.

Deal with things, not rooms

One of the main ideas that distinguishes the Kondo method from all others is that you should sort things into categories. For example, instead of cleaning out the dressing room, you need to deal with all the clothes that are in the house.

Usually it is stored in several places: in the dressing room, chests of drawers and wardrobes in bedrooms and children's rooms, in the hallway and even in the attic. Marie Kondo's work experience has shown that if you clean each room separately, it will be an endless process. Therefore, everything that is in the house must be divided into categories and deal with each of them. On the first page of his work, the author writes: “First, you need to reject everything unnecessary, and then clean up the whole house once and for all.”

And this is only the first tip, and the book is quite large - as many as 216 pages. We asked Marie Kondo for an email interview and she succinctly formulated for us basic principles of his method .

Cleaning step by step

Meet Marie Kondo at the beginning of cleaning the dressing room of one of her clients. In her world, the path to cleanliness and order begins with an idea of ​​how you want to live. In her interview, she described this process in stages.

1. Think about what the ideal life is. In other words, how do you want to live.

2. Collect things of the same type and put them together. For example, put all your clothes on the floor. Kondo suggests starting with clothes, then books, and finally documents.

3. Ask yourself if each item exudes joy.“Take the thing in your hands, feel it and try to feel if there is joy in it,” writes Kondo.

4. Sort and put things away. Determine a suitable place for each item in advance.

Seems too easy, doesn't it? But Kondo finds the method difficult because many of us fill things with emotion. Sometimes we get attached to things we don't like simply because they were given to us. We let books and papers pile up on the table in the hope that someday we will read them. We flatly refuse to throw away unsuccessful purchases, because we regret the money spent. “The essence of my method is to take an impartial look at your own good and decide what is really important from everything accumulated over many years,” writes Kondo.

Now you understand how difficult it is. In response to all doubts, Kondo quotes the words of Princess Elsa from Frozen: let go and forget.


This is a photo of one of Kondo's clients' room before cleaning. For many of us, shelves filled to capacity and endless bags of things are a familiar picture.

And Marie Kondo has seen it hundreds of times. She urges people to forget those things that fill closets (since they are hidden there, then no one needs them), not to become attached to items that may be needed “someday” (for Kondo, “someday” means “never”), and be sure to give your things to those who need them, so as not to feel guilty about getting rid of them.


The same room after the Kondo cleaning. The publisher was worried that photographs of the homes of Kondo's Japanese clients might frighten Europeans. Indeed, after the table has been moved to another room, and most of the things thrown away, this room seems empty.

However, what seems spartan to one person may be called ideal by another. This is how Kondo describes his own home: “At home, I feel a sense of bliss, even the air seems fresher and cleaner. In the evenings, I like to sit in silence and think about the past day over a cup of herbal tea.

Looking around, I see a painting that I love very much and a vase of flowers in the corner of the room. My house is small, and there are only those things that have a place in my heart. This lifestyle brings me joy every day.”

AFTER: The same kitchen after Marie Kondo. Radical transformation, right?

But what about considerations of necessity?

“A lot of people find it difficult to follow the rules of Marie Kondo,” says Kaylie, a San Francisco space planner. ─ I like some of her ideas, but not all of them work.” How, for example, to put into practice the idea that you need to keep only those things that cause joy? “Any home is full of things that have nothing to do with happiness, but are simply necessary,” says Kaylee.

Kondo talks about the right things, but her definition of the necessary goes beyond the usual notions. For example, what to do with textbooks and manuals for the operation of equipment? They can be found on the Internet.Books you haven't read? Give it away, you'll never read them anyway. Gifts from loved ones that you don't use? Free yourself from them too.

Real example from California

Kaylie is sure that many people find it difficult to follow Kondo's advice in everything. In order not to be unfounded, we turned to Susie Schoaf, a San Francisco resident, who won free consultation Marie Kondo. In this picture you can see Susie (left) in her 84 sq. m during a meeting with Marie Kondo.

This is a photo of Susie's living room after Marie Kondo's visit. “You can laugh, but I really wanted to clean things up for a long time,” says Susie, who has heard of Marie Kondo's method but hasn't read her book. - I inherited many things from my parents, and I myself like to collect finds from flea markets. Things accumulated until it became difficult to move around the house. Something had to be done about this.”


Although Susie usually borrows books from the library, she has a soft spot for art and design albums and guides to foreign countries. This is what her bookcase looked like before she started cleaning with Kondo.

The prospect of getting rid of a lot of her things scared Susie a little, but she knew that she could keep what she truly loved, and this thought calmed her.

“She started by removing all the books from all the shelves on the first and second floors,” says Susie, who herself was shocked at how many books she actually had (Kondo gives many such examples in her book). “She didn't judge me,” Susie continues. “But when I saw how many books I had accumulated, I realized that I wanted to cope with this avalanche and wholeheartedly accepted the method of Marie.”

“Before debriefing, Kondo patted each book and said that was how she wakes them up,” recalls Susie. - Then we sat on the sofa and began to take one book after another. Through a translator, Marie asked me about each book if it radiated joy. If I said "yes", we put the book in one pile, if "no" - in another. We looked through 300 books that day and got rid of 150.”

When all the books were taken apart, Kondo offered to bow to the books with which it was decided to say goodbye and thank them.

In his book, Kondo says that thanking things for their service is an important part of saying goodbye to them. “When you say thank you to the things that have served you well, you are relieved of the guilt of throwing them away and feel grateful for the things that were allowed to remain,” she writes.

AFTER: The very thought of throwing away so many books is embarrassing to many. But whatever you think, admit it: this bookcase looks much better now. “I donated seven boxes of books to the Library Friends Foundation. It means a lot to me. And I'm sure that, as paradoxical as it may sound, going through each individual book has sped up the process and helped me understand which ones are really important,” Susie shares.When Susie and Marie sorted out the books and left only their favorites, there was enough space on the shelves for photographs and decorative items. And, importantly, now they can be seen better.

“The books you liked when you bought them may become useless over time. Information in books, articles and documents doesn't stay relevant for long, says Kondo. ─ When you put on the shelves only those books that cause joy, it is easier for you to understand that you no longer need the rest. And then everything is simple: the fewer books on the shelf, the easier it is to maintain order.

“Now my drawers look beautiful inside and out,” Susie laughs.

Cleaning as a path to success

How to become an international star in the field of space organization? In the first part of her book, Kondo tells how she started her path to success. Since childhood, she has been obsessed with cleanliness and clearing debris. “When I was five years old, I read my mother's magazines about home economics, and this sparked my interest in everything related to the house,” she says.

At school, for the first time, she realized what her main mistake was. Before Mari discovered The Art of Throwing Things by Nagisa Tatsumi, her experiments sooner or later turned into a vicious circle. She cleaned one room, then moved to the next, to the next - and so on until she returned to the first, where everything started all over again. “It seemed to me that no matter how much I cleaned, it didn’t get better. In the best case, the process of removing the rubble came later, but it still came,” she says.

However, after reading Tatsumi's book, Mari realized that she urgently needed to reboot the entire system. She returned home and locked herself in her room for several hours. In her book, she writes: “When I graduated, I had eight full bags of clothes that I never wore, textbooks from elementary school and toys that I haven't played with in years. I even threw away my collection of erasers and stamps. I honestly admit that I forgot that I have all these things. After the analysis, I sat on the floor for an hour and wondered why I even kept all this junk. ”

This very question started own business with clients who wait for their turn for several months. As a result, he also led to the writing of a book that became a bestseller in many countries.

Does it really work?

So we return to the question posed in the title of this article: can cleaning change our lives?

Of course, Kondo thinks he can. “The whole point of my method is to teach people to understand what is important in their lives and what is not,” says Marie. ─ Following my advice, you will understand what things make you feel happy, which means you will know exactly what you need to be happy.

Readers like Emily Clay agree: “The book made me think about how much stuff I have and how much I really need. I don’t regret at all that I got rid of a bunch of unnecessary things, although it’s unpleasant for me to remember how much money I spent in vain. Getting rid of unnecessary things to some extent freed me, - admits Emily. “Now, instead of buying new bags or shoes, I save money for a trip to Italy.” published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

In order not to be one of those who are always dissatisfied with themselves and their lives, it takes only a month. Give it to yourself, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

It often happens that the whole day we do nothing important, and by the evening we are already exhausted. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years... And it seems like we are spinning all the time like squirrels in a wheel, but nothing really significant! And we don’t really devote time to ourselves, and we rarely find time to talk with our neighbors for real, and not formally. Why is that? Yes, because we are trying to do everything, instead of doing the most important thing. Let's put things in order in 30 days! Plan for every ten days.

The first decade - slowly but surely!

Perhaps you are waiting for me to say - in the first ten days we make a big plan? Not! We start to change everything right now. In the first ten days, make some important improvement that you can afford here and now. Buy a blender if you were going to make smoothies out of vegetables, throw out all unnecessary things, make your first drawing on a right-brain painting, or buy a comfortable sofa. In general, solve some problem, do what you feel for yourself. Now it remains to plan something like this for absolutely each of these ten days that will still be in your life, and write it all into a diary.

The second decade - five important areas of life!

In the second decade, identify five key areas - what is really important to you? These can be tasks for three months, six months or a year - as you prefer. For example, one's own beauty and attractiveness, health, relationships with loved ones, increasing income, and so on. Next, write down what you can do in each area in the next ten days, and what you want to ideally achieve. And, of course, in these second ten days, again make some small but important change (see first decade).

The third decade - we are establishing a lifestyle

Life itself cannot be adjusted abruptly and immediately, but it is possible to gradually adjust the way of life. For those who want to understand what I mean in more detail - watch the film "Peaceful Warrior". So, now for each day of the week, plan to do something for one of the five key areas. For example, buy new mascara on Monday (beauty), Tuesday - do not spend money on nonsense (increase in income), and so on. As for Saturday and Sunday, plan one of the days for various unforeseen things and “finishing”, and on the other, just do nothing. That is, get out of your obsession, take a walk in the park. In general, do anything, just do not spin like a squirrel in a wheel. I want to say right away that this does not mean that on Monday you are engaged only in beauty. It's just that this is a key matter, even if it is small, and it must be done almost first. This is the tune of the day!
Now it remains only to gradually form all the above habits. And do not scold yourself if something does not work right away. When you scold yourself, you take a lot of energy! It’s better to tell yourself that a habit is not so easily developed. And if at least 2-3 days a week you carry out the plan, then soon you will be able to follow it more often.

Instead of an afterword

I also highly recommend getting into the habit of honesty. How much time and effort is taken from us by false promises that we are not going to ever keep. Just say "I'll think about it" if you can't say no right away. And then tell them what you decided not to do. Avoid false explanations as to why you decided to say no. You don't have to explain. Apologize and say the reason is too personal!