Letter w. sound w. Summary of the lesson “Sound and the letter Zh” for children of the senior group Tasks with the letter f

Summary of the lesson "Sound [Ж] and letter Zh" for children senior group

Lexical topic: "Insects"

Educational area: Cognitive speech development.

Type of: Joint activity of the teacher with children.

Form of organization: group.

Target: introduce children with sound and letter J.

Educational area - communication.

Program content:

Correctional and educational tasks:

Teach to characterize sound[g] according to acoustic and articulatory features ( consonant hard, voiceless sound» ).

nuchit children recognize and write letter Zh.

Correction-developing tasks:

- reinforce concepts: vowel sound, consonant sound;

Develop fine, articulatory motor skills children;

Develop at children phonemic perception;

Develop visual perception;

Reinforce the concept of place sound in a word;

Exercise children in the selection of sound [g] at the beginning, in the middle of a word;

Correctional - educational a task:

To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, to complete the task.

preliminary work:

Presence Exercises sound in a word;

Word selection exercises for a given sound;

learning nursery rhymes "Bug";


Demo material.

Picture of a buzzing beetle; blue and red magnets; cartoon.


Mirrors; sound house; cardboard bugs; leaflets with tasks; Pictures.

Org. Moment Hello! Have a seat! Guys today the buzzing beetle flew to visit us, what do you think, what is his favorite sound?

So today we will study sound [w];

Who will tell Buzz about this sound?

Characteristic sound [g] - consonant, because there is a barrier teeth, tongue

Voiced, because the neck vibrates

Solid, indicated in blue.

Articulation gymnastics And now, we will show Buzzer what exercises we can perform to sound [f]: fence, bagel, spatula, cup, lick delicious jam, focus, horse, fungus, accordion.

Phonemic hearing Now let's catch sound [w], cooked palms:

[w, b, p, f, n, k, w, h, m, f, s, f]

[za, ma, zha, ka, zhu, shi, mu, zha]

Guys look at the board, there are pictures in front of you, name those pictures in the names that are not sound [f](bee, butterfly, caterpillar, grasshopper)

Well done! And the remaining pictures need to be settled in house:

1 entrance - pictures from sound [g] at the beginning of a word

2 entrance - pictures from sound[g] in the middle of a word

Dynamic pause I don't buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I walk

I don't buzz when I work

And I buzz when I spin.

Acquaintance with letter Now we will go to visit Aunt Owl and get acquainted with letter Zh:

Cartoon with aunty owl.

Memory training Memorized words from sound [zh]?

BUT Remember the letter Z?

What does she look like?

How many elements does it consist of?

Gymnastics for the eyes We put a bug on the index finger (the back is straight, the head does not move, we follow it only with our eyes):

Prescribe letter Zh; we move the finger to the right, up, to the left, to the right, to the bottom, to the right.

Work on the leaves Take the leaves and turn them over, what is drawn there?

draw paths with letter Zh, find letter F in words and circle in a circle, draw a square where it stands sound [g] at the beginning of a word, middle or end.

Bottom line Guys, tell me you liked today on lesson? What did you like the most? Remembered letters Zh? Our Buzz is like letter Zh? He gives you his coloring pages so that you do not forget him and letter Zh.

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Good day, my dears!

Today I post only practical material to study the letter "J". There is no need to repeat the techniques already described by me in previous posts.

Letter "Zh"

Merry Poems

This letter is wide And looks like a beetle. And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle

Makes a buzzing sound: w-w-w!

The Firebird is not an easy bird.

The Firebird is a golden bird.

Long-legged crane

Waiting for mom on the road.

The bear cub was frightened, the hedgehog with the hedgehog and the hedgehog, the siskin with the siskin and the chick,

Swift with a haircut and a haircut.

From above, like an important count,

A giraffe was looking at me.

The beetle flies over the meadow,

He is tired of walking

* * * Silently the beetle sat in the groove, Silently the beetle crawls on the grass.

And when he flies

He will buzz, he will buzz.

. * * * The bug-beetle answered the lesson. Instead of the words "the stream murmurs"

Wrote "beetle buzzing".

G. Vieru

It's hot... Harvest... At the boundary A sheaf will rise like a letter AND,If a sheaf, like a belt,

We will tie with a spikelet.

V. Stepanov

It - AND, and this is To.

Whole beetle and half beetle.

A. Shibaev

Beetle buzzing:

- I walked and walked,

I found a yellow stone.

- It's an acorn! You're wrong, -

The giraffe says to the beetle.

- Well, hang it on a bough, -

The beetle says to the giraffe.

The beetle buzzes in an iron can - The beetle does not want to live in a tin. The life of a beetle in captivity is bitter.

Pity the poor beetle!

V. Lunin

A fat beetle met a giraffe.

The giraffe beetle did not notice.

Y. Kushak

look at the letter AND

Looks like a beetle

Because she has

Six beetle legs.

V. Kozhevnikov

The snowflake became a letter AND,

The sun won't melt it!

E. Tarlapan

Tongue Twisters

1. The crane would be friends with the toad, if only

I would like the friendship of this toad!

2. Hedgehogs and snakes lived in a living corner.

3. Zhora has a beetle, Rosa has a beetle.

4. A good pie, inside - cottage cheese.

5. A fly buzzed, a spider buzzed.

6. Rusted iron lock.

7. It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

Clean tongues

Zhu-zhu-zhu - let's give milk to a hedgehog.

Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles.

Zhi-zhi-zhi - hedgehogs live here.

Same-Same-Same - the rain has already passed.

Jo-jo-jo - meadow, snow, pie, cottage cheese.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Live for people, people will live for you.

2. Where friendship is valued, there the enemies tremble.

3. To live life is not a field to cross.


The game "Who is more?".

1. Think of words that start with the letter "Zh".

Firebird, giraffe, frill, waistcoat, journalist, gendarme, crook, juggler, jury, pearl, jockey, colt, railroad worker, painter, crane, dwelling, tenant, life, rod, magazine, priest, acorn, greedy.

2. Name animals, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, in the name of which there is a sound [ and].

Hedgehog, giraffe, crane, snake, beetle, toad, swift.

3. Think of any words with the sound [ and].

checkbox, animal, heat etc.

The game "Who is more attentive?".

1. Find the same sound in words: snakes, swifts, hedgehogs, snowflake, beetle, skis.

2. Get up (raise your hand) every time you hear the sound [ and] in words: cat, scissors, heron, skis, suitcase, brush, lock, hanger, hedgehog, fox, mice, beetle, wolf, pencil, roof, snakes, shield.

The game "Tell me a word."

Rhyme game.

Come up with rhymes for the word beetle. (Bow, bough, spider.)

The game "Syllabic auction".

1. Think of words with a syllable Ms..

(Lark, heat, sting.)

2. What word will you get if you add the sound [ and] to the words:

aba, - uk, - life, - ongler, - aloba,ar, - give, - eat, - silt, - muddy, - rumble?

The game "The letter is lost."

Find the missing letters in the words:

lu - a, stu - a, sa - a, ro - b, lo - ka, but - ka etc.

The game "The fourth is superfluous."

Define the extra word:

Crane, acorn, giraffe, hedgehog.

Beetle, lark, already, fat.

The game "Syllabic Lotto".

Think of words with syllables:

Zha - heat, toad, lark.

Zhu - beetles, cranes.

Zhi - giraffe, lived, fats.

The game "The sound got lost."

Dropped the doll from my hands

Masha rushes to her mother:

- There creeps green l uk (beetle)

With long mustaches.

The game "Ladder".

The game "From one word - several."

The game "The word is lost."

Make up as many new words as possible from the letters of the given word.

Lark - crow, thief, leather, var, crane, moat, mink, bark, knife.


Task 1. Write in the boxes the names of these animals.

Task 2. Guess the riddles and fill in the crossword puzzle

1. Like a tree covered in needles. (Hedgehog.)

2. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.

He lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (Fox.)

3. He sleeps in a lair in winter under a large pine tree,

And when spring comes, wakes up from sleep. (Bear.)

4. Who wanders in the cold winter, angry, hungry? (Wolf.)

5. Made a hole, dug a hole.

The sun is shining and he doesn't know. (Mole.)

6. During the day he sits like a blind man,

And only evening - for robbery. (Owl.)

7. Small stature, long tail,

Gray coat, sharp teeth. (Mouse.)

8. Jumps on the branches, but not a bird,

Red, but not a fox. (Squirrel.)

9. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest,

He walks boldly and easily, his horns spread wide. (Elk.)

10. He wears a colorful robe in his forest chamber.

He heals trees, knocks - and it's easier. (Woodpecker.)

11. You won’t say the word “shove” to me,

I'm not a cat, but... (lynx.)

12. White in winter and gray in summer.

He does not offend anyone, but he is afraid of everyone. (Hare.)

Task 3. What is the name of the girl, which consists of the first sounds of the names of objects. (Jeanne.)


And so my dears in the section learn letters appeared additional material acquaintance with the letter "J"

I wish you successful learning of letters! Please leave your comments if it was useful practical material and artistic word, of this article.

Words with J sound

Z sound at the beginning of a word.


Toad, frill, greedy, greed, greedy, thirst, jacket, zhaleyka, sting, pathetic, pitiful, sting, complaint, plaintive, complain, pity, gendarme, genre, heat, slang, fry, fry, hot, hot, brazier, fry, firebird, jasmine, harvest, reaper, huddle, gasp, jockey, juggler, lark.


chewed, yellow, bile, millstone, hard, burnt, pulp, zhor, zhokh, acorn, burnt, gutter, perch, hard.


beetle, swindler, swindler, swindle, crane, magazine, journalist, scold, creepy, horror, shriveled, sting, sting, bug, bug, ground beetle.

Zhi (zhi)

Alive, live, flayer, live, painting, belly, animal, tenacious, animal, livelihood, alive, liquid, liquid crystal, liquid, love of life, life, lived, vest, tenant, sinewy, dwelling, vein, residential, living space, housing, bench press, honeysuckle, fat, grow fat, rich, fatten, wen, inhabitant, life, life, live, live, live, Zhytomyr.


The same, chew, rod, desire, desire, gelatin, nodule, jelly, iron, iron, iron ore, piece of iron, wife, turn yellow, yellowness, yolk, jaundice, yolk, stomach, cutesy, affectation, pearls, pearl, wife, married, married, marry, marry, groom, female, woman, ginseng, pole, stallion, asp, vent, sacrifice, gesture, cruel, tin, token, burn, burn, gutter, burning.

Z sound in the middle of a word.


Skin, puddle, fire, firefighter, run, respect, leave, fry, tremble, bed, mug, rein, tremble, lawn, clothes, husband, snake, no hedgehog, lawn, couch, Snezhanna, fry, press, give birth, boundary , unclench, give birth, hedgehogs, respected, dagger, money, bear cubs, leader, counselor, harvest, pajamas, fire, fireman, run, hold, tremble, lie, terrible, eggplant,


Burn, iron, burnt, jump, circle, friend, flag, pie, hedgehog, little book, hedgehog, paper, hacksaw, burn, leg, engine, heavy, meadow, tinned, boot, cottage cheese, set fire, horn, alien, gooseberry, hedgehog.


I’ll say, page, hedgehog, put, sesame, see, cut, knit, smear, smear, peel, buzz, ground beetle, buzz, buzz, judge, punish, report, jacket, lampshade, openwork, wander, walk, make friends, lie, I will show, I will.

Zhi (zhi)

Dinner, knife, man, puddles, make friends, circle, hedgehogs, pressure, knife, reins, mode, waiting, weapons, bums, skis, fawn, ginger, a dozen, similar, bait, pushing, red, mode, profit, profit, bait, acquired, pressure, press, impose, cut, lie down, spin, strain, alert


Already, worse, closer, blackberry, ice cream, necklace, dragee, annually, beige, beige, plot, lower, burn, it seems, alert, cerebellum, survey, maybe, tension, tension, chew, kindle, ryazhenka, mummers, mummers, conjugation, sliding, really, respect, bookcase, sentence, position, multiplication, service, couch potato.

Sound Zh in a confluence of consonants.

Goon, chewing gum, waiting, miser, blind man's blind man's eye, squint, meal, reaper, reaper, reaper, reaper, priest, jug, chewing gum, chewing gum, tourniquet, flagellum, burning, wait, lot, unexpected, wander, assert, breeches, jam, horseman, jumper, gentleman, genie, jeans, jeep, jungle, emery, raincoat, holder, hold, hold on, twice, southern, gambler, foreign land, christmas, Angela, cuff, orange, engineer, neigh, arson, bourgeois, obsessed, deceitful, horseman, liar, pseudoscience, set fire to, everyone, important, paper, garage, citizens, multi-storey, courageous, massage, wet, installer, guard, rain, skin, false, complex, urgent, alarming, insignificant, cake, shoemaker, artist, sheath, scissors, road, careful, necessary, friendly, friendship, service, necessary, skier, cobblestone, beach, litigation, southern, blizzard, taiga, reliable, youth, draftsman, near, lower, mobile, prestigious, bookish, between, formerly, clothing, hope, contiguous, rebellious, gentle, polite, coastal, diligent, coast, careless, once , obsession, rewarding, exercise, citizen, enmity, hollow, foot, need, Luzhniki, ski track, three times, four times, careful, ignoramus, money, embankment, thrifty, ignoramus, win, princess.

2 sounds Zh in one word.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, goo, Buzz, thirst, crave, pearl.

Word combinations and phrases with the sound Zh.

Toad in a puddle, residents of Zhitomir, yellow frill, beige frill, heavy barge, hot on the brazier, neighing of a foal, gendarme is waiting, waiting for a husband, stung with a sting, buzzing of a beetle, sorry for a lark, leather jacket, southern heat, yellow acorn, desire to live, sting, weekly magazine, weekly magazine, terrible complaint, sorry for the snake, sorry for the crane, bug buzzing, expectation of birth, hedgehogs on the lawn, terrible fire, hard millstones, burnt jacket, leather jacket, terribly hot, tender skin, beige jacket, rogue cheats, paper beetle, jasmine wither, Zhenya's frill, yellow pajamas, fry pies, yellow beetle, put sesame, residents' complaints, counselor fled, ground beetle dwelling, giraffe skin, wife has pearls, crop of acorns, sinewy animal, life on the bed, chew jelly, yellow acorn, closer to the bear cub, hard acorn, glutton bear cub, the bug is alive, husband's vest, tie it tight, heavy hacksaw, wife in pajamas, book on the couch, you can have a horn, pathetic juggler, juggler juggles, fat roast, lark near the puddle , jug not for frying, harvest at the boundary, live and not grieve, make a bait, Zhenya and Zhora, a resident is alive, friendly residents, live revitalizes, animal life, put a little book, counselor in a puddle, counselor in a jacket, bourgeois mug, put a bug, wet skin , snakes live, used reins, women on the jury, respect my husband, jelly trembles, harvest of rye, a terrible bug, desire to chew, buzz and not grieve, chew gum, put it on a couch, scolded a swindler, go out to the bank, Jeanne's scissors, wander on the lawn, cut with scissors, greed, Zhenya's flag, the necessary piece of paper, in each piece of paper, the reins tremble, press the piece of paper, pie with cottage cheese, ran away from the bear cub, smeared fat, the reaper waited, circled on skis, reaps the harvest, cruel groom, liquid yeast; deceitful friend, jacket folded, openwork frill, brave beetle, p I’m eating a hedgehog peel, Zhanna is having dinner, I see a fireman, put on gooseberries, I see a hedgehog, put on makeup, I see my wife, I burned my stomach, a blackberry pie, my friend set fire, set fire to a piece of paper, a hedgehog pie, a little blackberry, put on saffron milk caps, the jar is rusty, the conductor conducts, chewed clothing, similar mode.

My wife put mushrooms in the brazier for frying.

I'm closer to the cottage.

I knit my husband a yellow jacket.

Jeanne had a yellow jacket.

The crook terribly cheats and lies.

Report it as it should be.

Zhenya lived on the floor below.

The hedgehog runs across the lawn.

Already in a puddle.

Angela has a pearl necklace.

The beetle is buzzing...

The skier runs along the track.

Zhenya chews blackberries.

A crane is circling over a puddle.

Tansy smells gentle.

Zhenya's father is an artist.

The husband is waiting for his wife.

The teddy bear chews the rye.

Put gelatin in jelly.

The installer needs a hacksaw.

Every year a Christmas tree is decorated.

Zhenya has live snakes.

Can't sting.

The hedgehog needs a bug for dinner.

The vest has no cuffs.

Jeanne has a leather jacket.

A woman chews gum.

Zhanna and Zhenya are having dinner.

Hedgehogs are waiting for their mother hedgehog.

Zhanna has a paper toad.

The bug buzzes over the jasmine.

A friend takes care of the house.

In a foreign land, life is still worse than at home.

I chew gum.

I will express a common desire to live together.

I need a yellow book.

Zhora presses the emery.

Zhora works as a journalist in a magazine.

I'm waiting for the birth of a hedgehog.

The fireman runs to the fire.

The pajamas don't have cuffs.

Beetles buzz over tansy.

Zhenya and Zhora live together.

I can work with a hacksaw.

The firefighters ran to the fire trucks.

Hedgehogs lived at the foot of the mountain.

The beetle under the orange lampshade buzzed and buzzed.

The pole was reinforced with cobblestones.

The tokens were placed in paper bags.

We had to wait for the jury's decision.

The toad lived and lived in a liquid puddle.

Waiting and catching up - no worse.

We live and eat bread.

To live life is not a field to cross.

Not to fat - to be alive.

Heat creates wind, coolness creates rain.

Runs like fire.

Live, live and make good.

Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

Live and don't grieve.

Snakes do not live where hedgehogs live.

Hedgehogs do not live where snakes live.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

Poems with J.

zh-zh-zh, zh-zh-zh

There is a hedgehog at the hedgehog.

zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

Somehow I came to eat.

zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi

Show me the hedgehog.

zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

I am not friends with snakes.

zh-zh-zh, zh-zh-zh

Already away from the hedgehog.

zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi

floors in our house.

zh-zh-zh, zh-zh-zh

There are two floors below me.

zh-zh-zh, zh-zh-zh

There are two floors above me.

same-same, same-same

What floor am I on?

fire trucks

Five fire trucks in a row

waiting guys.

Five cars already

waiting for firefighters in the garage.

It was Zhenya's birthday.

Zhenya was waiting for his birthday

uncle Zhora, aunt Dasha,

Misha, Masha and Natasha.

At this time the store

gets a hundred cars.

On the shop window

bright red car

how it burns with fire. About her

recognized by all five guests.

Each visitor from the store

carried a fire truck.

Because something together in a row

five cars and waiting for the guys.

Zhenya is also waiting. There are five of them.

Come play.


I don't ask the greedy man for anything.

I will not invite a greedy person to visit.

A good friend will not come out of the greedy,

You can't even call him a friend.

I am Akim.

One step, two steps,

left, right shoe.

I teach Alyoshka

stomp a little.

G. Lagzdyn.

A beetle buzzes over the honeysuckle.

Heavy casing on the beetle.

E. Blaginina

Above Zhora a beetle, buzzing, circling.

Zhora is trembling from fear.

Why is Zhora trembling so?

Quite fearlessly, the beetle buzzes.

A. Starodubova.

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner,

where are you sticking your nose?

Zhu-zhu-zhu! Zhu-zhu-zhu!

I'm putting things in order.

A. Maslennikova.

"Zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm sitting on a branch,

I keep repeating the letter Z.

Knowing this letter firmly,

I buzz in winter and summer."

bug beetle

answered the lesson.

Instead of the words "the stream murmurs"

wrote "beetle buzzing".

G. Vieru.

Rain, rain, rain!

All fields soon fields!

Spare no water, water the gardens.

V. Suslov

The stream is running, running, running!

The stream is trembling, trembling, trembling!

Creek, where and where?

I run to the river from under the ice.

V. Suslov.



"Zhu" yes "zhu" -

flew into a circle


june beetle,

rhinoceros beetle,

swimming beetle,

son beetle

and beetle father

ground beetle, beetle-bug -

all caught in my net!

hedgehog and fox

A hedgehog runs along the tracks, but glides on the ice.

The fox tells him:

Let me translate!

The gray hedgehog answers:

I have two pairs of legs - I'll cross myself!

S. Marshak.

Don't hate frogs

Here's a toad, a toad! Let's run away!

Natasha and Maya are trembling.

And the toad answered them: - Eh, you!

After all, I'm not bothering you.

We live quietly by the water

we eat insects, midges.

From toads to kids there is no trouble,

as there is no trouble from cats.

You don't have to hurt frogs

And there is nothing to run from them.

Hedgehog story

There was a boundary across the field.

There we met a hedgehog.

We looked at the hedgehog

Not screaming or screaming.

We looked at the hedgehog

keeping mouths closed.

We looked at the hedgehog

he ran away from us...

N. Slepakova

beetle and ox

The beetle buzzed in the thick sedge,

the ox lay in the sun.

The beetle buzzed, buzzed, buzzed.

The ox lay, lay, lay.

And then he asked: - Tell me,

why are you buzzing like that?

The ox beetle answered with fervor:

Clearly, I'm buzzing for good reason.

I live and do not grieve

because I'm buzzing!

P. Voronko.


Mouse in a green mug

boiled millet porridge.

Dozen kids

looking forward to dinner.

Everyone got a spoonful -

not a grain left!

S. Marshak.

What do sparrows sing about?

What do sparrows sing about

On the last day of winter?

We survived! - We survived!

We are alive! We are alive!

V. Berestov.

two suns

Spring day has come


I run out onto the porch.

Sun in the sky

Sun in a puddle

Both shine in my face.

V. Solovyov.

Can't find mushrooms

I walk, I walk, I walk

I can't find mushrooms

And still in the basket

only red fly agaric.

V. Uncalled.


A hedgehog walks without tracks,

does not run from anyone.

From head to toe

all in thorns hedgehog.

How to take it?

A. Kapralova.


Zhenya celebrates the birth -

Anniversary eight years old!

Presented by the guests to Zhenya

cannon, tank and pistol.

And just like the real one

as is the case with soldiers,

black, brand new, shiny,

with a round disc automatic.

The guests ate cheesecakes,

Zhenya played in the room -

he is a military toy

understood in parts.

What have you done, Zhenya?!

Did you break everything? What a nightmare!..

I have disarmament! -

the hero of the day shouted loudly.

S. Mikhalkov.


Rain, rain, more fun!

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Rain, rain, more -

greenery will be thicker.

Just don't get us wet

don't knock on our window.

bear cubs

The bear cubs did not know

that prick hedgehogs,

and come on with hedgehogs

play like cubs.

Suddenly the cubs in tears:

Hedgehogs - splinters!

Hedgehogs scared

carry tongs and knives

and let's get on with it

take out the thorns.

E. Kotlyar.

In the woods

I have been walking in the forest since morning.

I was soaked with dew.

But now I know

about birch and about moss.

About raspberries, blackberries,

about the hedgehog and about the hedgehog,

who have a hedgehog

all needles tremble.

N. Matveeva.


At the market, the hedgehog bought boots.

Boots on the leg - yourself,

a little less - to the wife,

with buckles - son,

with fasteners - daughter.

And put everything in a bag.

How many legs does a hedgehog have in a family?

And how many boots did the hedgehog buy for them?

Where are the fasteners?

Summer in a zoo cage

the teddy bear is very hot.

Good in this heat

take off fur clothes.

He's looking for a clasp

to take off your clothes.

O. Krieger.

The beetle buzzes: - I walked and walked,

I found a yellow stone.

- It's an acorn! You're wrong, -

The giraffe says to the beetle.

- Well, hang it on a bough, -

The beetle says to the giraffe.

G. Sapgir.

Hedgehog with hedgehog and hedgehog

Harvest blackberries.

red fox

He also wants to have fun.

Kuma thought:

The hedgehogs have darkness.

E. Orphan.

couch potato red cat

He took care of his stomach.

I want to eat

Too lazy to turn around.

Here is the red cat waiting

Maybe the bowl will creep up?

There in the rye, between the red.

I once sat on a hedgehog.

And I thought: "The hedgehog looks like

For freshly cut rye.

And I deliberately sat on the rye

And I realized: a hedgehog looks like rye.

M. Bertenev.


The crane would be friends with the toad, if only

Wished friendship this toad.

V. Lunin.

Lived together, lived quietly

Hedgehog, hedgehog and hedgehog.

Hedgehog with a hedgehog for hedgehogs

Saved up everything.

Here is a hedgehog by the path

He sees a mushroom on a thick leg.

Mushroom big hedgehog needs:

Waiting for a hedgehog mushroom for dinner.

The hedgehog wished:

- Do not feel sorry for the hedgehog, legs!

And the hedgehog ran away

She was holding a mushroom in her paws.

There was a yellow leaf in a puddle.

A hedgehog will string a leaf on needles,

Runs closer to the hole

There will put for hedgehogs,

Let them stay warm in winter!

I. Lopukhin.


The crane took the acorn,

He threw an acorn and caught it.

He will probably soon

Be a circus juggler.

A. Pudval.

From feet to ears

Washes Zhenya hot darling,

Both crown and belly

Wife will pour water over the shower.

Hot rain washes Zhenya

From head to toe,

Washes the neck, washes the ears,

What a good shower!

I. Lopukhin.

And live in an apartment with us

Two grass snakes and two hedgehogs

All day they sing over us

Two friends siskin.

And about our two snakes,

Two hedgehogs and two siskins

Know in our new home

All twelve floors.

S. Mikhalkov.


If you haven't lived

Near the blackberry

But if you lived

Near the strawberry, -

So you're used to

strawberry jam,

And completely unusual

Blackberry jam.

M. Yasnov.

Stories, texts with sound J.

Stories with pictures.

(The adult reads the sentence, showing a picture so that the child can add the word where it is required. The second time the adult reads the entire sentence, highlighting the sound being worked out with his voice, the child repeats after him. In the first case, the child practices the sound in the word, in the second - in sentences Then the child himself makes up a story.)


Once Zhanna saw a big orange (beetle).

Dad, what is this (beetle)? Jeanne asked.

This (beetle) is a ground beetle, - answered dad.

Jeanne wanted to catch (a beetle), but he buzzed, buzzed and flew away.


Everyone knows what it is (a giraffe).

The (giraffe) has long legs and a neck.

Do you think this (giraffe) lives in Africa?

No, Zhenya and Zhanna saw this (giraffe) at the zoo.

Once Zhenya watched a movie about (a giraffe).

stories with questions.

1. Once Misha and Zhanna went skiing to Luzhniki.

Who...? Where...? With what...?

There were two tracks on each track.

What's there...?

Therefore, Misha and Jeanne could ski side by side.

To whom...? On what...?

2. The counselor Natasha once walked with Timosha and Seryozha past a rye field.

Who...? With whom...? Past what...?

Suddenly, on the boundary, Seryozha saw a snake.

Who...? Where...? Whom...?

This one now lives in a school in a living corner.

Who...? Where...?

3. Zhora found a hedgehog mink under the stump.

Who...? Whose...?

There were five hedgehogs. They were waiting for their mother.

Who...? What they were doing...? Whom...?

Zhora just stroked the hedgehogs and left.

Who...? Whom...? What did you do...?

The hedgehog did not like it, and she took the hedgehogs away.

Who...? Whom...?

When Zhora again ran to the old stump, the hedgehogs were no longer there.

Who...? Whom...? When...?

4. One day Zhenya and Zhora were lying on the beach sunbathing.

Who...? What they were doing...? Where...?

“Let's go for ice cream,” suggested Zhora, “otherwise it’s very hot.”

Who.,.? What did you suggest...?

And they ran to the ice cream stand.

What have they done...? Where...? Why...?

5. Zhora has a lot of books.

Who...? What...?

They are on the shelf.


Zhora saves books.

Who...? What...?

Sometimes he even changes the yellowed covers for them.

What is he doing?

6. “Mom, can I iron your yellow jacket?” - Zhenya asked

What...? Who asked...? What did you ask...?

"No, you don't need a jacket. You will burn it. Iron your daddy's pajamas."

What did you answer...? Why…?

7. Once Zhenya Zhukov saw a horse Ryzhukha with a red foal on the lawn.

Who...? Whom?.. With whom?..

Zhenya came closer and wanted to stroke the foal, but Ryzhukha did not allow it.

Who...? What did you do...? What do you want...? What did...?

Zhenya and the hedgehog.

Zhenya has a hedgehog. During the day, the hedgehog waits for darkness under a bookcase. Zhenya cooks food for her prickly ball every day. But in order for the hedgehog to eat, you need to lure him out from under the cabinet.

Jenny was wrong.

Write, Zhenya, what animals do: a hedgehog, a bear cub, a crane, snakes. Zhenya smiled and wrote. And here's what he did: The hedgehog climbs trees. The little bear is crawling. The crane is prickling. Already fly. Zhenya, of course, was joking and deliberately made mistakes. Fix them.

Who is the owner?

The big black dog's name was Beetle. Two boys, Kolya and Vanya, picked up Zhuk from the street. He had a broken leg. Kolya and Vanya took care of him together. And when the Beetle recovered, each of the boys wanted to become his sole owner.

One day they were walking through the woods. The beetle ran ahead. The boys argued heatedly.

My dog, - said Kolya, - I was the first to see the Beetle and picked him up!

No, mine, - Vanya was angry, - I bandaged her paw and dragged delicious pieces for her!

My! My! both shouted.

Suddenly, two huge shepherd dogs jumped out of the forester's yard. They rushed at the Beetle and knocked him to the ground. Vanya hurriedly climbed the tree and shouted to his comrade:

Save yourself!

But Kolya grabbed a stick and rushed to Zhuk's aid. The forester ran up to the noise and drove the sheepdogs away.

Whose dog? he shouted angrily.

Mine, Kolya said. Vanya was silent.

(According to V. Oseeva)

Lost on the beach.

Once on the beach there was a loss. The crab's gills were stolen. The crab did not want to live without gills. Who stole the gills? Many have seen the yellow toad chewing something. Yellow toad - greedy! The toad stole the gills. The crab filed a complaint against the toad. But Toad, however, claimed that she did not take the gills. But they did not believe the yellow toad, and no one felt sorry for her ...

(According to N. Voronel, R. Mucha)

Greedy frog.

Once upon a time there was an important Beetle, a cautious Already and a greedy Toad. Once an important Beetle says to Uzhu:

We need to paint the roof.

You can paint, - says the cautious Oh. - What kind of paint?

Yellow, - the Beetle said importantly.

But we don't have yellow paint.

Then orange.

And no orange either.

Let's go ask the greedy Toad. She has a whole barrel of orange paint.

And the greedy Toad at that time was eating jam from a jug. She saw that Beetle and Already were coming to her, quickly hid the jam and sat waiting.

Hello, Toad! Will you give us orange paint to paint the roof?

I won't give it, - replies the Toad. - It's a pity the paint.

Beetle and Already with nothing left, and Toad again began to jam. Then the Bumblebee flew in and buzzes:

Give me some jam, Toad.

I won’t give it, sorry for the jam.

Oh you greedy! - Bumblebee got angry and how he stings the Toad. Frightened Toad - Jump into the orange paint barrel! All orange came out and cries orange tears:

Have pity on me!

But no one felt sorry for the greedy orange Toad.

About friends.

The chicken had few friends. He is a suit, friends by color. If yellow, then a friend. If gray - no. If it's brown, then no. The chicken saw the yellow thread and followed it. I walked and walked and saw a yellow caterpillar.

So are you my yellow friend? - said the chicken.

Yes, it's me, - the caterpillar grumbled, - yellow friend.

What are you doing here?

I pull a yellow phone.

What for?

Can't you guess? The bluebell that lives in the forest and the bluebell that lives on the lawn decided to call each other.

Ding day, ding day! - so the bells rang to each other all day long and wished for rain and sun.

Do they have nothing more to say? the chicken laughed.



In a small house with a large door lived a bee Zhu-zhu-zhu. She did not offend anyone, she was not friends with anyone. One lived. Once a careless wind came up and slammed the door of the bee house. A bee spun near the door - it is impossible to open. Hands are busy with a heavy bucket of fresh honey. Who will help open the door? Ants are busy with work - anthills are being built. The grasshopper can’t either: he trains in jumping. Beetle put on airs - horror! Don't worry, don't annoy! Get off! Only drones flew in, as if on fire. Yes, do not help, but profit from someone else's honey. And the bee Zhu-zhu-zhu had neither a door, nor a house, nor a drop of honey. Here is the horror! Suddenly the bees flew in - friendly, polite. They surrounded the poor thing. Support in trouble. And the bee Zhu-zhu-zhu began to live happily in a new house with new girlfriends. No worse than others - a hard worker.

(According to B. Livanov)

Writing a story on a topic.

1. A hedgehog, two snakes, white mice and a red squirrel lived in a school living corner. Once Seryozha brought his little brother Zhenya to school to show him a living corner. At this time, for some reason, the counselor Nadya called him, and Zhenya was left alone in a living corner. He was a great inventor. And he wanted to release all the animals into the wild.

Tell us about how he did it, how the animals ran around the school and how the guys caught them. How did this story end?

2. Dad and Zhenya went skiing. Dad helped Zhenya put on her skis and said: “Go ahead on that ski track, and I will catch up with you. Zhenya went along the ski track and suddenly saw a small black dog running along the neighboring ski track. "Bug! Bug! Zhenya shouted. “Wait for me!” But the bug didn't pay any attention to him. Then Zhenya took off his skis and ran after Zhuchk. And that one is from him.

Tell me about what happened to Zhenya then. How did dad search and find him?