Death of the sun. Scientists have predicted the imminent death of the sun and earth after anomalous flares. The death of the Sun will be accompanied by a more significant galactic event

The sun will become brighter. Radiation will increase and destroy our planet to hell.

And it will be like this...

Astronomer Ron Miller decided to talk clearly about what the death of a star called the Sun would look like with all the details.

The average temperature of the Earth's surface will increase from 20 From to 75 C. The oceans, of course, will evaporate, and the planet will become a lifeless desert.

As already mentioned, through 1 .1 billions of years, the Sun will run out of hydrogen. But the Sun uses hydrogen, processing it into helium, which means the core of the Sun will consist of waste helium.

The helium will become unstable and begin to collapse under its own weight. The core of the Sun will become denser and hotter, the Sun will increase to more than one and a half times its current size, and will shine twice as brightly.

Over the next 700 million years, the Sun will not become brighter, but will continue to “grow” until it becomes twice as large as it is now. Can you imagine such monstrous dimensions?

On the other hand, having increased, it will begin to cool. A little.

A little bit. From the surface of the Earth, the Sun will appear as a huge orange ball hanging in the foggy sky.

True, no one will most likely see this. Well, maybe a couple of mutant cockroaches, known for their incredible survival abilities.

Through 1 .2 billion years, the Sun will begin to “deflate”, and its mass will decrease by more than a quarter. Of course, due to the fact that the mass of our star will change, the attraction will change, and the planets will change their orbits.

Venus will move away from the Sun at approximately the same distance that the Earth is now at, and the Earth will “move away” even further. But this is not for long, very soon the Sun will again begin to inexorably increase and, as a result, will turn into a red giant - its size will be 166 times more than it was (this is almost like the orbit in which the Earth is now moving). Mercury and Venus will simply burn in the giant's flame.

Mountains on Earth will melt and flow as hot lava flows. And the swollen red Sun takes up half the sky.

But even cockroaches won’t see this.

And, although this will bring inevitable death to all the “inner” planets, on more distant planets a new life will literally begin. In Europe, for example, the ice will melt, and the climate will become surprisingly comfortable...

And Pluto will bathe in the sun’s rays - the sun in the sky of this planet will be much larger than we now see it from Earth.

When the Sun reaches its maximum size as a red giant, its helium core will warm up to 100 million degrees. This is enough to start helium synthesis.

And when this happens, the helium atoms will begin to chaotically collide with each other, producing incredible amounts of energy in the process. At first it will seem that the sun has received a new life - it will begin to decrease, but will still remain in 10 times more than it is now.

Just as helium is formed by combining hydrogen atoms during the proton-proton cycle, when helium atoms combine, new chemical elements will begin to form - oxygen and carbon, for example. And as these new elements accumulate in the solar core, the star will again begin to “swell” before our eyes and double in size again.

And eventually, the helium will run out completely. Without fuel, the Sun will finally begin to die for real.

The last remnants of helium and hydrogen when they “collapse” will increase the size of the Sun by 180 times and will make it a thousand times brighter. This will be the last "breath" of our star.

After which it will sharply decrease by half. The loss of mass will throw Venus and Earth - or rather the firebrands that remain from them - even further into space.

The thin shell of helium surrounding the carbon-oxygen core of the Sun will become unstable. The sun will begin to pulsate strongly, like, say, a police flasher.

And each such “pulsation” will threaten the Sun with the loss of its mass. The last impulse will literally “blow away” the remnants of the outer surface of the star.

All that will remain is a bare core, roughly the size of Earth as we know it today. It will be very hot, but it will be residual heat - nothing will feed it.

And like a coal in a cooling fire, it will gradually cool down until it simply turns into a piece of cold space stone.

Then, from the remains of our planet, which burned to the ground, it will be possible to see the white dwarf into which the Sun turned. But, of course, no one will see, no one will appreciate it.

By that time, our system will be irrevocably dead.

The sun will not die as a result of an explosion at all - it will change gradually until it is destroyed. We have compiled a description of this process into a fascinating collection.

Increase in Earth's surface temperature

1. In about 1.1 billion years, the Sun will begin to change. As the hydrogen fuel in the core is used up, combustion will occur primarily at the surface, causing the star to shine much brighter and the increased radiation to have a devastating effect on our planet.

The average temperature of the Earth's surface will rise to approximately 75°C. The oceans will evaporate and the planet will become a lifeless desert.

All hydrogen is converted to helium

2. When the Sun uses all the hydrogen to create energy, it will convert it into helium, and eventually there will be a lot more helium. Helium is an unstable element, so it will begin to collapse. The Sun's core will become even denser and hotter, the star will increase in volume by one and a half times and become twice as bright as it is now.

Over the next 700 million years it will continue to grow, and after that it will cool slightly. From the desert surface of the Earth, the Sun will appear as a huge orange ball hanging in the foggy sky.

The sun will lose about 1/4 of its total mass

3. At the age of about 1.2 billion years, the Sun will lose about a quarter of its mass, and then the orbits of the planets will change: Venus will be in approximately the same orbit where the Earth is now, and the Earth itself will move even further away.

The sun will turn into a red giant

4. Eventually, the Sun will turn into a red giant - it will increase in size by about 166 times, and its “crown” will reach the place where the Earth’s orbit used to be. Mercury and Venus will already be absorbed by the star by this time. On Earth, mountains will begin to melt and flow, and colossal red-hot streams and seas of lava will form. The huge red Sun will obscure half the sky.

Life will begin on other planets

5. Although the “inner” planets will inevitably die, life may arise on distant worlds. For example, the ice of Jupiter’s satellite Europa will melt, and Pluto will finally have enough sunlight and heat.

Destruction of carbon and oxygen

6. When the sun reaches its maximum size, its core will heat up to a temperature of 100 million ° C, and this will cause the synthesis of helium. Helium atoms will begin to collapse and a colossal amount of energy will be released. The sun will again begin to decrease in size, although it will never reach its original size. This will continue for the next 110 million years. After this, as a result of a nuclear reaction, new elements will appear - oxygen and carbon. When enough of them accumulate in the core of the Sun, it will again double in size. Finally, the helium core will remain again, carbon and oxygen will be destroyed, but there will be enough energy for the death itself to begin.

All the inner planets will disappear

7. The sun will steadily increase in size until there is no more helium and hydrogen left. It will be 180 times larger and thousands of times brighter than it is now. A huge amount of material will be thrown into space, and almost half of the mass will be lost. The inner planets will be nothing more than a memory by then.

Have you ever thought about exactly how stars pass away? Not people who imagine themselves head and shoulders above the rest, but real majestic fiery spheres in the black emptiness of space? Those born beautifully cannot fade into oblivion quietly and unnoticed - they will die just as beautifully.

Let's take as a current example the closest star to us called the Sun. Did you know that the process of his death is so extended in time that it can even be divided into as many as 8 stages?

The first of them will begin in just 1 billion years. Gradual changes await the sun. Due to the spent hydrogen fuel inside the core, its surface will begin to glow brighter, and this new radiation will have a detrimental effect on our planet. The average temperature on the Earth's surface will jump to 75 degrees Celsius. The oceans will evaporate, and if by that time all intelligent civilizations (not necessarily human ones) have not moved to new worlds, they will disappear along with other representatives of life on Earth.

Then the hydrogen in the Sun is transformed into helium, due to the destruction of which the solar core will become much hotter and denser, and the star itself will not only increase in volume by 1.5 times, but will also glow twice as brightly as at the moment. This will continue for another 700 million years, during which the Sun will increase in size. After its surface has cooled somewhat, from the Earth it will appear to be a giant red ball hanging in the foggy sky.

The third stage will manifest itself as a loss of stellar mass, as a result of which the orbits of all the planets surrounding the Sun will shift. Venus will move to where the Earth now rotates. Accordingly, our planet will be even further away.

However, the luminary will not stop there. It will continue to expand until its surface reaches Earth's orbit, consuming planets along the way. Scientists estimate that the magnitude of this new red giant will be 166 current yellow dwarfs. If our distant descendants fly to Earth to study the panorama, they will see that the Sun occupies half of the sky, and on the planet, from its unbearable heat, mountains melt, volcanoes erupt, and entire seas of lava are formed.

The fifth stage may bring with it not only death, but also the emergence of life on distant planets and their satellites, where the ice will finally melt. We are talking about Jupiter's satellite Europa and Pluto.

Over the next millions of years, the Sun will begin to shrink again, with its core reaching a temperature of 110 million degrees Celsius when it reaches its maximum size. However, it will never reach the original size of a yellow dwarf. The carbon and oxygen that emerged inside in combination with the helium core can be considered the immediate beginning of the end.

Before disappearing completely, the Sun will increase in volume again and occupy an area 180 times larger than its current size. It will also burn incredibly brightly again. In this case, large quantities of its constituent substance will be ejected into outer space, almost half of the star’s mass will be lost.

How the luminary will destroy our planet

A series of powerful solar flares attracted the attention of scientists and alarmed many of our fellow citizens. What is this, what is it fraught with? And don’t such active processes occurring on the star closest to us mean the beginning of any serious changes that could threaten earthly life in the foreseeable future? We tried to find answers to such questions with the help of research physicist Ivan Nazarenko.

September 2017 claims a place in the list of natural records, thanks to the powerful “cannonade” created by the Sun. One powerful outbreak, another... Powerful streams of electromagnetic energy that hit the Earth... Scientists warn of possible negative consequences in the form of communication failures, accidents on transport systems, and deterioration in the well-being of weather-dependent people. But could something more global follow?

Irreversible changes occur on the Sun throughout its entire “life” – millions of years. These are the laws of physics,” emphasizes Ivan Nazarenko. – In the end, quantitative changes will turn into qualitative ones, and our luminary, having exhausted, so to speak, an energy resource, will die. The overwhelming majority of experts believe that this may not happen very soon - in 5-8 billion years.

However, some of their colleagues are much more pessimistic and predict the likely onset of an imminent “solar demise.” They indicate the possible development of processes on the Sun, which will lead to a supernova explosion. As a result, the outer solar shell will explode and for some time will emit energy in enormous quantities - the same amount per second as the Sun released in normal mode over the previous 10 thousand years.

Some of the supporters of this version believe that one of the signs of the beginning of a supernova transformation is, among other things, powerful flares on the Sun.

– Could this process take a long time? In other words, will there be enough solar life for our lifetime?

– Scientists do not have a common opinion here. For example, the Dutchman Piers van der Meyer once stated that the Sun would go supernova in 2010. He called the discovered noticeable increase in the temperature of solar matter one of the arguments in favor of precisely this development of events. However, as we have seen, the Dutch researcher, fortunately, was mistaken. Although the processes of activation on our luminary have recently been noticeable. Among them, of course, are the current very powerful outbreaks. However, to be honest, we still cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question - will the Sun die in the foreseeable future? We still know too little about the star closest to us and what is happening to it.

– Can you imagine what the picture of the death of the Sun will look like if the gloomiest forecasts come true?

This is easier to do than to predict its “longevity.” Taking into account the distance to us from the star, earthlings will see its explosion about eight minutes later. The entire sky will be engulfed in a glow from the bright white flame emitted by the exploding star. The power of this glow will be such that night on the planet will disappear. Most likely, all living things - including people - will die at this first stage of the cataclysm.

Following this, streams of radioactive radiation will fall on the Earth - so powerful that the earth’s magnetic field cannot protect against them. Radiation will complete the destruction of flora and fauna. And all traces of their existence on the planet will then be incinerated: under the influence of anomalous solar radiation, the temperature on the Earth’s surface will quickly rise to 3-5 thousand degrees. All the water will evaporate and form a thick cloud cover at an altitude of tens of kilometers from the “ball”. But this is still only a “preliminary apocalypse.”

Due to the explosion, the Sun will “swell” many times, and the streams of plasma emitted by it will collapse on the Earth. This dynamic impact will cause our devastated, charred and melted planet to be knocked out of its orbit and set off on an unpredictable flight beyond the solar system.

However, other scientists argue that the Earth and at least some of its inhabitants still have a chance to survive a solar cataclysm. According to these predictors, the most likely process is in which the Sun will first turn into a red giant, and then, having ejected part of its matter into the surrounding space, become a white dwarf. With such a metamorphosis, our planet can be “pushed” by solar radiation to a greater distance from the star, and it will begin to rotate around it in an orbit with a large radius, which will ultimately protect the Earth from excessive overheating. There is a chance that these new conditions for the existence of the Earth in circumsolar space will be suitable for preserving biological life on the surface of the planet. Although we must not forget that with such an “emergency evacuation” our “ball” may collide, for example, with Mars. Here the chances of survival and preservation of the planet are zero.

As Nazarenko said, according to some scientists, periods of particularly high solar activity can influence events occurring on Earth, exacerbating the “negativity.” Here are just a few examples from the collection collected by the researcher.

The maximum solar activity was noted in 1937-1938. In this period:

On May 6, 1937, the world's largest German airship, the Hindenburg, crashed near New York;

On June 11, the trial in the “case of Marshal Tukhachevsky” ended in Moscow, which began large-scale repressions in the army;

in July, Japanese troops invaded China, during the war, Mikado's soldiers brutally killed many civilians;

On July 29, 1938, fighting between Red Army units and Japanese troops began in the Far East in the area of ​​Lake Khasan;

From November 9 to 10, Kristallnacht occurred, when mass pogroms took place against Jews in Germany.

The solar “peak” of 1969 “came back” with a whole series of successful and failed coups d’etat and assassination attempts on state leaders:

On January 22, during a ceremonial meeting of the crews of the Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 spacecraft, an attempt was made on the life of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L. I. Brezhnev;

On January 25, in North Yemen, the military tried to overthrow the government, but in the end they failed, all the conspirators were killed;

On March 25, under pressure from the high command of the army, the President of Pakistan, Field Marshal Ayub Khan, resigned;

On October 15, in the city of Las Anod, an unknown person in a police uniform shot the President of Somalia, Abdirashid Ali Shermark, and after that a military coup took place in this country;

in early December, unsuccessful coup attempts occurred in Libya and Sudan, one after another.

"Peak" of solar activity in 1979:

On January 16, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale occurred in the Iranian province of Khorasan;

in February–March, a short-lived but very fierce Sino-Vietnamese war broke out;

On August 11, two Tu-134 passenger planes collided over Dneprodzerzhinsk, killing 172 people, including football players of the Pakhtakor team;

On November 9, for ten minutes, the world was on the verge of a nuclear war due to a computer malfunction in the American NORAD system;

At the end of December, Soviet troops were brought into Afghanistan, and Afghan President Hafizullah Amin was killed during the storming of the palace.

"Peak" 1989:

On April 9, in Tbilisi, troops dispersed a rally attended by more than 60 thousand people, killing 16 people and injuring hundreds;

On June 4, two passenger trains burned down near Ufa as a result of a gas pipeline explosion, killing 575 people and injuring more than 670.

Another solar maximum occurred in 2000-2001:

On November 11, a stop train fire in the Austrian ski resort of Kaprun killed 155 people;

September 11, 2001 - the largest terrorist attack in the United States, hijacked airliners rammed the World Trade Center towers, killing about 3,000 people;

On October 4, a missile launched from the Crimean training ground during Ukrainian air defense exercises accidentally shot down a Russian airline Tu-154 passenger plane, killing 78 people;