Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child 28 full weeks of pregnancy

Week 28 is the second week of the third trimester. Mom is already long term, she is getting more and more tired, immersed in her own thoughts and reflections...

At the workplace, many women become uninterested, which is quite natural: after all, childbirth is just around the corner, and in just a couple of weeks - maternity leave. In case of multiple pregnancy, it occurs now - at 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Fruit size

At week 28, the baby's length is about 36 cm. In size, it can be compared to a zucchini.

Baby's weight

At this stage, the weight of the fetus is about 1050–1100 g.

Fetal development at 28 weeks of gestation

The formation of the baby’s bones is completed, his respiratory system is improving (for the child to breathe on his own, surfactant is already enough - a special substance that prevents the alveoli from sticking together during breathing), and the brain is growing. Now we can assume which hemisphere will be the dominant one in the fetus: in right-handed people the left hemisphere is more developed, in left-handed people the right hemisphere is more developed. The membrane covering the opening of the pupil dissolves - a child at 28 weeks not only opens and closes his eyes, but also blinks. The motor activity of the fetus reaches its peak - during the waking period the baby makes at least 10 pushes per hour.


Heartbeat is the most important indicator of the condition of the fetus. At week 28, the heart rate is 140–160 beats per minute.

What does the fetus look like at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

The baby's skin becomes softer and smoother. The cartilage of the nose and ears remains soft. In girls, the labia majora do not yet cover the labia minora, but in boys, the testicles have already descended from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum. The skin is covered with protective lubricant and lanugo (vellus hair).

Body changes and new sensations for women

The growing uterus in late pregnancy puts pressure on the veins in the pelvic area and disrupts blood circulation in the lower extremities. As a result, mothers at 28 weeks often encounter such a phenomenon as varicose veins during pregnancy. This disease occurs in almost every third woman expecting a baby. And with subsequent pregnancy, the likelihood of unpleasant symptoms increasing. However, most often the dilation of the veins is still temporary and after childbirth the pregnant woman’s condition returns to normal.

How does varicose veins manifest? The venous walls become thinner, the lumen of the vessels increases, small blue-purple spider veins appear on the legs, and the veins themselves often appear. The reasons for the development of varicose veins can be not only genetic predisposition, but also poor nutrition, prolonged exposure to the sun, and excess weight. During an “interesting situation”, surgical treatment of the disease is contraindicated - the doctor prescribes special ointments and gels for the patient, which have an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect.

Weight gain

Excess weight significantly complicates the pregnancy process. Now my mother is gaining an average of 350–400 g per week. This is approximately 50 g per day. As a rule, women who tend to be overweight and older mothers exceed the specified standards. By the end of week 28, the total weight gain is about 8.8 kg.

Mom's belly

The belly is already large at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Due to strong tension, the skin of the abdomen becomes dry and begins to itch. This means that she now needs active hydration. Special creams (choose those that do not contain dyes and are almost completely free of preservatives!) or plain olive oil will help relieve abdominal itching during pregnancy. The latter, by the way, is also an excellent remedy against stretch marks.

Tests and ultrasound

Starting from the 28th week, the woman will visit the gynecologist more often - once every two weeks. Before the visit, she needs to have her urine tested, and directly during the examination, the doctor will measure the pregnant woman’s blood pressure, abdominal size, height of the uterine fundus, ask her to step on the scale, and listen to the fetal heartbeat. Recently, at this stage, doctors also recommend doing a glucose tolerance test during pregnancy, which is one of the methods for diagnosing diabetes. The fact is that during pregnancy, approximately 50% of women may develop so-called gestational diabetes mellitus; After childbirth, it most often goes away, but it is impossible to allow the disease to develop while waiting for the baby.

As for ultrasound, at 28 weeks it is performed only for medical reasons.

Nutrition at 28 weeks of pregnancy

In the third trimester, you should limit your intake of salt (no more than 5 g per day), liquid (no more than 0.8 l per day), potatoes, flour dishes and sweets. The diet of a pregnant woman at 28 weeks should include soups (preferably vegetable soups in beef broth), fish (pike perch, cod, navaga, hake, sea bass, ice fish), cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley), fermented milk (low-fat cottage cheese, natural yoghurts) and rich fiber products (vegetables). But the consumption of some fruits should be minimized. Thus, pregnant women are not recommended to eat grapes - they cause increased gas formation in the intestines and contribute to rapid weight gain (this applies to both mothers and future children). The same applies to citrus fruits, as well as exotic fruits: you don’t want your child to have a tendency to allergies in the future? As British scientists have found, this tendency can be “programmed” in the fetus at the molecular level and is most often a consequence of poor nutrition during pregnancy.


The best option is when a woman receives vitamins naturally, that is, through food (so do not forget to eat properly and nutritiously during pregnancy!). If there are not enough vitamins and microelements, a doctor prescribes them. Vitamins A, C, D, E, as well as iron and iodine are especially important at week 28.

Sex at 28 weeks pregnant

In the third trimester, the mother’s libido decreases - the woman is very tired during the “interesting situation”, and the large belly makes her clumsy and clumsy. In some cases, sexual intercourse even causes pain. The reason for their occurrence is again psychological: the pregnant woman is afraid of harming the baby (with her kicks the baby constantly reminds her that there are “three of them” in bed), and it is the woman’s fear that most often underlies the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Don't torture yourself: if you're not in the mood to make love at the moment, explain everything to your partner. He will definitely understand you: men (with rare exceptions) treat pregnant spouses very tenderly. In this regard, psychologists even identify a special gene in them, which is “responsible” for the feeling of attachment to the expectant mother.


There are many signs and superstitions associated with pregnancy. There is nothing surprising in this - every woman wants to give birth to the strongest, healthiest, most beautiful baby in the world! What if someone or something can stop this? For example, a common and at first glance completely simple activity - knitting - has, in the opinion of our superstitious grandmothers, an extremely negative effect on the fetus. Is it so? From a medical point of view, there is nothing wrong here. On the contrary, knitting helps you relax, it calms you down, and sets you up for future motherhood (for example, for a newborn at 28 weeks you can knit cute booties or a charming beret). But in ancient times it was believed that if a pregnant woman knits (makes, in other words, knots), she “knits” a knot on her child’s umbilical cord. Of course, such a statement is completely absurd, but if you are superstitious, we still don’t recommend knitting: you don’t need to once again disturb yourself or those around you with endless questions and doubts.

Beauty and accessories

The child takes the maximum of useful substances from the mother’s body. Therefore, it is not surprising that at week 28, some women complain that their hands have become dry and their nails are brittle. Expectant mothers need to regularly use nourishing hand creams (before applying them, carefully read the composition: cosmetics for pregnant women should include mainly natural ingredients!). For brittle nails, a sea salt bath is great. To prepare it you will need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, which must be dissolved in 200 ml of warm water. Dip your fingertips into the solution for 10-15 minutes. Experts recommend doing such baths daily. Two weeks are usually enough to achieve the desired effect.

If we talk about the duration of pregnancy in terms of obstetric months, then now you are in the 7th obstetric month.

At week 28, the fetus is exactly 26 weeks old. Before this, a pregnant woman can gain from 7.5 to 11 kg.

If a baby is born this week, he will receive a birth certificate, and a child who was born before this date and died was considered a miscarriage.

What happens at 28 weeks

Umbilical cord length at this stage it is from 30 to 100 cm. It is white in color, and many blood vessels pass through it inside. The umbilical cord contains 2 umbilical arteries and an umbilical vein.

The baby can be positioned in the uterus as he pleases, since there is still plenty of space and he still has time to occupy and remain there until birth.

During this period, fat begins to be deposited on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. If after giving birth you stick to proper nutrition and lead an active lifestyle, then you will successfully get rid of fat.

Possible risks

If a woman gives birth this week, then the chances of saving the baby’s life are quite high.

After birth, the baby will need special care. For this purpose, special equipment and devices are used. For a woman, childbirth can bring a lot of troubles, since the body is not yet prepared for the process itself.

Childbirth at 28 weeks can cause various cervical ruptures, bleeding, etc. Read more about premature birth

A visit to a doctor will help you notice such a serious problem in time as leakage of amniotic fluid. This is extremely rare, but this phenomenon is dangerous.

Leakage indicates that the integrity of the amniotic sac is compromised and any infection can reach the baby. To independently determine the leakage of amniotic fluid, constantly monitor the amount of discharge. Read more about amniotic fluid leakage

How a woman feels at 28 weeks

The baby continues to grow, which causes more and more discomfort for the woman. Changes occur not only in the body, but also in the emotional state of the expectant mother.

Possible physical sensations

This week the woman continues to experience all the delights of pregnancy:

  1. Stomach. The belly continues to grow and this negatively affects the skin, as it stretches and begins to itch. Dry skin can cause stretch marks to appear. In this case, it is recommended to use traditional methods that will help prevent this problem from occurring.
  2. Uterus. Every day it gets bigger and now it is 8 cm from the navel and 28 cm from the pubic symphysis. The uterus enlarges and puts pressure on all internal organs, causing complications in your health.
  3. Breast. At this stage, the veins on the chest become more clearly visible. At this stage, the mammary glands of almost all women begin to secrete colostrum. After birth, about 5 mg of colostrum will be released from the breast; this will be your baby’s first food.
  4. Movements. Starting this week, it is recommended to monitor your baby’s movements several times a day. It is considered normal if you feel up to 10 movements within an hour. You may notice that after you eat, your baby moves more actively. The reason is that after eating, the level of glucose in the blood increases, which affects the activity of the baby. In addition, stress and anxiety influence the child’s increased movements, as adrenaline is released into the blood. There is no need to worry if you feel pain when your baby moves, as he becomes very strong and his blows already cause pain. You can alleviate your condition by changing the position of your body. Read more about baby movements
  5. Painful sensations. Due to the sharp growth of the fetus and the enlargement of the uterus, pain increases. Pain in the back and lower back is caused by softening of the supporting ligaments and joints, as well as a shift in the center of gravity. In addition, the uterus presses on the sciatic nerve, causing sudden aching pain. Pain in the lower ribs is the cause of the child's activity. If a woman feels sharp, severe and cramping pain, then she needs to call an ambulance, as this may be a sign of premature birth.
  6. Training contractions. Sometimes a woman may feel her stomach tightening; most likely, this is the uterus contracting. Training contractions are necessary to prepare the body for future childbirth. You must understand that these contractions have nothing to do with labor. They should be short-term and practically imperceptible. Read more about how to distinguish training contractions from labor contractions.
  7. Edema. Almost every pregnant woman suffers from edema. If they are strong enough and persist for a long time, then you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of late toxicosis. To reduce the appearance of edema, reduce the amount of liquid consumed, no more than 1.5 liters, avoid salt, fried, smoked and spicy foods.
  8. Discharge. this week should not change, and they remain homogeneous, milky and with or without a sour odor:
    1. If the appearance of the discharge has changed and it emits an unpleasant odor, then this indicates that you have an infection. It is necessary to consult a doctor as quickly as possible to get rid of it, since during childbirth the woman must be clean so that the baby does not become infected;
    2. spotting at 28 weeks may be a consequence of placental previa or placental abruption. With such symptoms, you need to urgently call an ambulance, as this can lead to the death of the mother and child;
    3. watery discharge indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, which indicates a violation of the integrity of the amniotic sac. If you notice this change, call 911 immediately.

Possible emotional experiences

A huge number of pregnant women at this stage feel fear of upcoming birth. The main reason for this problem is ignorance and scary stories told by friends.

Fear of the unknown is a completely normal phenomenon; to get rid of it, pay attention to studying information about childbirth and read the relevant literature.

You need to make sure that this is a completely normal process that a huge number of women go through. Read about how to get rid of the fear of childbirth

In addition to fear, many women may experience sudden mood changes, which are caused by changes in hormonal levels.

  • watch good positive films;
  • find an interesting and exciting hobby;
  • spend time with friends and relatives;
  • go to the cinema, theaters and concerts.

Reviews from women about 28 weeks

Pregnancy progresses individually for everyone, and each representative of the fairer sex has her own feelings, both physiological and psychological.

Anastasia: “Today I started 28 weeks, I gained very little, only 5 kg. My belly is so small that many people don’t even know that I’m pregnant. Besides this, the breasts have not changed either, and there is no point in talking about colostrum, it was never there.”

Svetlana: “Today I had the most restless night of my entire pregnancy, the baby was beating hard. I already started to worry that something was wrong, but closer to the morning, he fell asleep and so did I. Yesterday I got an injection at the doctor, since I have negative Rh, and my husband is positive. The husband’s favorite pastime is communicating with his son; he can spend hours stroking his belly and talking with the baby.”

Irina: “What a joy it is that I will soon be on maternity leave. Even though I love my job, I have less and less strength and fatigue is taking over. This week my back pain has gotten worse. This is my second pregnancy, my first son, now my daughter, everything is as I dreamed. I had a placental abruption in the early stages, I was in the hospital, but now everything is fine.”

Olga: “By this week I had gained 13 kg, for which I got a good deal from the doctor. Now he simply ordered me to stop eating sweets and start eating right. I suffer from severe heartburn, but structured water helps me. When walking, my back gets very tired, so I don’t walk much and rest often.”

Zinaida: “I gained 9 kg and I don’t know why the doctor scolds me for this. I believe that if the body demands it, then it needs it, especially since I don’t eat anything extra high in calories and harmful. The ultrasound showed a girl, but this is not yet certain, as the baby quickly turned over. The husband does not lose hope for an heir. In the morning, the child wakes me up to get up and get dad ready for work, and then falls asleep. I sleep on my left side and because of this in the morning my left hip feels tight. I don’t feel any ailments anymore.”

Christina: “We’re doing fine in terms of weight, I’ve gained 8 kg, although the doctor says it’s too much. I think everything is fine, since I don’t have much of an appetite, I eat as usual, just more of the right foods. In the evenings he suffers from heartburn and the baby becomes more active. I’m waiting for my stomach to drop and become a little easier.”

Hope: “By this time, I had gained 10 kg, although it is completely unnoticeable: my stomach has not changed much, and my breasts, too, are probably taken over by the baby. I feel good, only my appetite has increased and I constantly want to eat something sweet. And then there’s my husband, who brings something delicious from work every day, and I can’t resist. The child is large, which makes it difficult for me to walk and breathe. It’s hard at work, I can’t wait for maternity leave.”

Alexandra: “This week I’ve already become so tired that I don’t know what to do anymore. I decided to go on vacation before maternity leave and go to the sea for a week. The baby is very active, which is even more exhausting. I only gained 7 kg, so my weight is normal. I saw the doctor, they told me that everything is fine, the tests are good, so I’ll rest and everything will be fine.”

Evgenia: “I’ve probably already experienced everything that is possible during this pregnancy: heartburn, toxicosis, severe pain, swelling and emotional instability. I’m very tired, I wish it would all end sooner. The only thing that calms me down is the baby’s movements, which remind me why I tolerate all this.”

Darina: “It’s already 28 weeks and the due date is approaching. I try to follow all the doctor’s recommendations: I go to the pool, do yoga, watch my diet, get a massage. Therefore, the pregnancy is going just fine. I feel good, pregnancy is happiness.”

Fetal development at 28 weeks of gestation

This week the baby's weight is 1.1 kg and his height is 35 cm.

Over the past 2 months, the fetus has increased 10 times. Remember that these values ​​are the norm, but each child develops individually and his parameters may vary.

This week the baby begins to gain adipose tissue, and now he doesn't look so skinny. Due to the fact that the baby is constantly in water, the skin is very wrinkled; in addition, it is still red and covered with a thick layer of cheese-like lubricant. In addition, the body is covered with sprouting hairs - lagoon.

Continues the brain is actively developing, its mass increases. At this stage, convolutions and grooves appear in the cortex.

Actively working heart, now it makes up to 150 beats per minute. When the baby hears his mother's voice, his heartbeat increases.

Lungs fully formed, but they are not ready for independent breathing, since a sufficient amount of surfactant has not yet accumulated, which prevents the alveoli from sticking together during breathing.

The cartilages that are in the nose and ears are still soft. The nails continue to grow, but they have not yet reached the tips of the fingers.

Baby is wonderful opens and closes eyes, but now the pupillary membrane is no longer present.

Now there are many more taste buds on the baby's tongue than there will be after birth. Thanks to this, the child can now sense the most subtle tastes.

At week 27, the baby’s eyes are already framed by thin and noticeable eyelashes. In addition, eyebrows begin to appear, and hair on the head continue to grow.

Bone tissue continues to strengthen, which means that mommy needs to take care of the tissue that the child and herself need.

This week the endocrine system is actively developing, in which growth hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland, is of particular importance. The adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas are already starting to work fully.

Fetal ultrasound photo

Photo of a 3D ultrasound of a fetus at 28 weeks:

Helpful Tips:

  1. Sign up for . There you will receive all the necessary information about childbirth and child care.
  2. It is recommended to sleep on your left side with your knee bent to your chest. This body position will be comfortable for both mother and child.
  3. Don't lie low, lead an active lifestyle. Remember that the movements should be smooth and you should not feel any discomfort.
  4. To avoid urine leakage when laughing, sneezing or bending over, support your stomach with your hands from below.
  5. To relax, take baths, light aromatherapy candles, ventilate the room and relax.

Proper nutrition

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is very important that your meals are balanced and regular. To do this, it is recommended to eat at least 5 times daily.

In addition, it is important that the portions are small, since it is not recommended to overeat during pregnancy.

The number of calories that must be consumed should not exceed 3100 kcal per day.

Most of the calories should come in the first period of the day. To avoid eating something unnecessary, think through the menu in advance. Eating before bed is generally not recommended, but if you are very hungry, then drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple.

This week you can talk to your doctor about future births, clarify whether painkillers will be used and find out if you have allergies. A woman should learn the essence of all the procedures that will await her during childbirth.

Video about 28 weeks of pregnancy

The pregnancy calendar says that the 28th week is the final week in the second trimester. This milestone is associated with pleasant changes in the life of the expectant mother - she is going on maternity leave. It is at this stage that significant changes occur in the fetus - muscle tissue begins to actively grow. But there are also unpleasant moments associated with this period - most cases of miscarriage and premature birth occur during this period. Such complications can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of the gynecologist who monitors the pregnancy and follow other common, generally accepted rules of conduct during this period.

Features of fetal development at 28 weeks

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby’s body and its internal organs are almost formed, and active growth of muscle tissue begins. This means that the baby will gain its basal weight, with which it will be born and begin its life. In addition, other equally important processes occur:

· the formation of reproductive organs - testicles begins,

· eyes begin to react to bright light from outside,

· nails grow on the fingers,

· some babies begin to grow hair on their heads,

· subcutaneous fat is deposited,

· the first grooves appear in the structure of the brain.

In addition, at 28 weeks the baby begins to actively develop his hearing organs, and he likes to listen to music, mother’s and father’s voices, he learns to recognize them. Many pediatricians believe that it is during this period that an ear for music and taste are formed, and a strong bond is formed between the baby and parents.

The weight of the baby, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, during this period already exceeds 1 kg, and his height can reach 35-38 cm, and he has little room in his mother’s stomach. Trying to turn around, move his legs and arms, the child may cause pain to his mother, but these sensations are indescribable.

External changes in a pregnant woman at 28 weeks

During this period, the expectant mother should carefully listen to her feelings and carefully monitor changes in her body. By what time of day a child is active, you can predict his character, and this is not a folk sign, but the observations of medical specialists. A baby who prefers to move and roll over during the day will be calm. Children who kick their mother at night are born mobile and active.

By external changes in a pregnant woman, you can track the condition of the fetus and predict the risk of premature birth. Gynecologists consider alarming signals at this stage

sudden weight gain,

· change in taste preferences,

decreased activity, weakness,

constant irritability

deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails,

presence of severe shortness of breath with minimal exertion,

· a persistent feeling of thirst.

Most women look great during this period of pregnancy. This can be achieved through careful selection of diet, appetite control, and long walks in the fresh air. In the later stages, you need to visit a gynecologist regularly, and during examinations, describe all your sensations, point out even minor external changes.

Well-being of the expectant mother - the norm and deviations

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman should pay attention to any physical ailment, psychological nuances of her character, external changes and internal sensations, no matter how insignificant they may seem. At this stage, the pregnancy may stall, and this can only be prevented by regularly visiting the doctor.

The belly and mammary glands of a pregnant woman at 28 weeks begin to enlarge, which can cause stretch marks. This can be prevented by using emollient creams with a neutral composition, without harmful chemical ingredients and herbal components that can cause allergies.

Sharp growth of the fetus and enlargement of the uterus can cause pain in the lumbar region. If the pain intensifies and turns from periodic to constant, you should immediately consult a doctor. Severe pain in any part of the body should be alarming, since pregnancy can provoke the development of thrombosis.

At week 28, most pregnant women experience swelling. Only a doctor, but not a neighbor, relative or friend, has the right to give recommendations for their elimination and prevention. Doubtful drugs or folk remedies should not be used under any circumstances.

This period is characterized by the appearance of training contractions. In this way, the woman’s body prepares for childbirth. The norm for training contractions is to last no more than a few seconds, the symptoms are not painful, barely perceptible. If your health worsens significantly during training contractions, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to watch out for at 28 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, the second and last trimester of pregnancy ends and begins. Most mothers by this period already have a significant increase in weight and continue to gain weight, becoming clumsy and clumsy. It is important to be very careful, try not to get injured, and not plan any serious matters that require increased concentration and instant reaction.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, medical experts recommend being wary of problems such as

· oligohydramnios,

· premature birth,

· anemia in mother.

Oligohydramnios (lack of amniotic fluid) develops against the background of metabolic disorders in the mother's body, infectious diseases, due to delayed fetal development. Symptoms of oligohydramnios are leakage of amniotic fluid, nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Premature birth can be triggered by the anatomical features of the structure of a woman’s uterus, an imbalance in the production of hormones, multiple pregnancies, gestosis (late toxicosis), and a sharp increase in the tone of the uterus. The risk of preterm labor can be prevented by seeking immediate medical attention when the following symptoms occur: bleeding, severe abdominal pain, dizziness or fainting, or muscle weakness.

To exclude the development of complications at week 28 is the main task of the pregnant woman, the gynecologist and obstetrician observing her. The expectant mother must strictly follow the following rules:

· Monitor blood pressure daily,

· monitor the intensity of fetal movements and consult a doctor if there is any deviation,

· prevent colds and infectious diseases, if the temperature rises, immediately call a doctor,

· eat properly and regularly, do not adhere to starvation diets, but also do not overeat.

Not only the pregnant woman, but also her loved ones should control the situation. Their task is to create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the house, not to provoke stressful situations, not to expose the expectant mother to danger, and not to allow her to do hard work around the house, in the garden or in the garden. But this does not mean that a woman should lie down all the time; she must be moderately active. In addition, it is important to ensure her safety in terms of the environment - take the pregnant woman out of town, organize her leisure time in such a way that it is useful and interesting. The emotional background has a great influence not only on a woman’s health, but also on the intrauterine development of the baby, becoming the basis for his health, intelligence and character.

The 28th week of pregnancy is the seventh month, the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy.

Unborn baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy

A 28-week-old child cannot yet live independently - primarily due to underdevelopment of the lungs. But it is easier to deliver him if he is born during this period than in the previous month. This will require special equipment and the efforts of neonatologists. After all, the baby has another 12 weeks to grow and develop.

Fetal growth by the end of the 28th week of pregnancy is 35 cm, weight 1000-1300 g.

A baby in the womb has periods of activity and periods of rest. Its activity is associated with the behavior of the mother. If she is active and moves a lot all day, then the child calms down with the rhythm of the mother’s body, and the woman may not notice his movement.

Photo from the movie "Life Before Birth"

The child’s activity increases in the following cases:

in the mother's resting state. As soon as the mother calms down, the baby begins to push with his heels, elbows and knees. Therefore, most women feel the baby’s movements better at night, during rest;

  • after the mother has eaten. A child can be active as a result of an increase in the level of glucose (sugar) in the mother’s blood after eating;
  • as a result of the mother's experiences and stress. In some pregnant women, the baby's activity is stimulated by an increase in the level of adrenaline in the mother's body when she is nervous.

A developing baby is most active between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. Between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy, fetal activity becomes constant, with distinct periods of rest and movement.

It is necessary to take into account the individuality of the child, who has his own rhythm of movement and development. Your child may be very quiet or restless. Therefore, you should not worry about the apparent irregularity of the child’s movements. A sign of alarm will be a sharp decrease in fetal activity or its cessation altogether.

From 28 weeks of pregnancy, you should monitor fetal movements twice during the day: once in the morning, when activity seems too little, and once in the evening, when activity tends to increase.

To control the baby's movement, count all movements: pushing, moving, turning over. In 10 minutes you should feel 10 movements. But this is an average calculation. But if you don't count 10 movements within an hour, lie down and rest by drinking some milk or eating something. Then try counting again. If you do not count 10 movements within the next hour, this may indicate some kind of problem with the fetus, so call your doctor immediately.

The closer the due date, the more important it is to monitor fetal movements.

Don't worry if your baby suddenly pushes you hard in the rib or stomach, or in the cervix. This happens because he has already developed enough and become stronger. You have to endure the pain. But if it is difficult to endure, try changing the position of the body or you can calm it down in the same way as a born child - rock it. This will probably cause his balance to become unbalanced and the attacks will stop for a while.

Pushing the baby in all directions can be taken by the mother as a sign of multiple pregnancy (twins). An accurate diagnosis of multiple pregnancy can only be established with a special examination. Therefore, there is no need to speculate. The sensation of multiple pregnancy may occur due to movements

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby takes a large amount of vitamins, microelements, and nutrients from the mother’s body. It is important that all of them are present in the food consumed and vitamin supplements.

Vitamin A (retinol). The daily amount is 2500 IU. Participates in the formation of visual rods and cones, prevents congenital blindness in a child. Supports placenta function. Beneficial for the mother - improves skin condition, prevents brittle nails. Retinol deficiency is determined by excessive dry skin, the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth, and decreased visual acuity. Products - cod liver, chicken eggs, butter, cottage cheese, carrots.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine). The daily amount is 1 mg. Participant of protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism. Ensures proper functioning of the nervous system and heart. Prevents the development of polyneuropathy. The deficiency is determined by the weakness and irritability of the expectant mother. With severe deficiency, indigestion occurs. Products: rye and wheat bread, spinach, potatoes.

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in the city:

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). The daily amount is 2 mg. An important participant in metabolism. Necessary for complete hematopoiesis in the fetus, participates in the formation of protective antibodies. The deficiency is determined by cracks on the lips, dry mouth, and the appearance of skin rashes. Products: beef liver, mushrooms, chicken eggs, buckwheat.

Vitamin B3 (niacin). The daily amount is 25 mg. Part of enzymes, improves blood microcirculation. Prevents intrauterine hypoxia. Deficiency is determined by indigestion, brittle hair and nails. Products: rye bread, potatoes, beets, buckwheat, beef.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). The daily amount is 2.5 mg. Important for the formation of fetal blood cells. Useful for the expectant mother - improves mood, makes it easier to fall asleep, and reduces nausea. Deficiency is determined by sleep disturbance, bad mood, and muscle spasms. Products - potatoes, carrots, nuts, apples, oranges.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid). The daily amount is 400 mcg. Supports the functioning of the nervous system, is part of hormones and nucleic acids. Reduces the risk of developing eclampsia. Deficiency is determined by excessive irritability, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Products - bran, whole grain bread, chicken eggs, yeast, herbs.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). The daily amount is 4 mcg. Prevents the development of anemia in mother and fetus, maintains blood pressure in women. Normalizes nervous activity and emotional state. Deficiency is determined by burning and redness of the tongue, goosebumps, and tingling in the fingertips. Products: beef liver and kidneys, egg yolk, sea fish, cottage cheese, kefir.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The daily amount is 75 mg. Strengthens the immune system, protects against colds. Prevents vascular fragility, reduces the risk of uterine bleeding. Improves iron absorption. Deficiency is determined by dry skin, hair loss, and bleeding gums. Products - potatoes, gooseberries, oranges, lemons.

Vitamin D (calciferol). The daily amount is 400 IU. Provides absorption of calcium and phosphorus, participates in the construction of bone tissue. Deficiency is determined by joint and bone pain. Products: cod liver, egg yolk, cottage cheese, milk.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). The daily amount is 10 IU. Prevents cell damage, stimulates the formation of antibodies. Part of hormones, skin collagen and cartilage. Supports placental blood flow. Deficiency is determined by muscle weakness, dry skin, and the appearance of skin rashes. Products: beef liver and kidneys, sea fish, potatoes.

Vitamin H (biotin). The daily amount is 50 mcg. Supports the functioning of the fetal nervous system. Regulates glucose utilization, reducing the risk of developing gestational diabetes. Deficiency is determined by the oiliness of the skin, the appearance of acne, and dandruff. Products: beef liver, nuts, sunflower seeds.

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Iron. The daily amount is 3 mg. The main component of hemoglobin, prevents the development of anemia and intrauterine hypoxia. Reduces the risk of premature birth. Deficiency is determined by weakness, dizziness, bleeding. Products - meat, apples, buckwheat, pomegranates.

Iodine. The daily amount is 200 mcg. Supports thyroid function. Prevents the development of congenital cretinism. Deficiency is determined by weakness, fatigue, swelling, and decreased mental activity. Products: sea fish and algae.

Calcium. The daily amount is 1000 mg. The main component of bone tissue. Provides bone hardness and reduces the risk of fractures. Deficiency is determined by brittle hair and nails, bone pain. Products: milk, cottage cheese, kefir, greens.

Potassium. The daily amount is 5000 mg. Provides oxygen saturation of the body and prevents intrauterine hypoxia. Regulates cardiac activity and maintains blood pressure. Deficiency is determined by a feeling of rapid heartbeat and unstable blood pressure. Products: tomatoes, dried apricots, herbs, bananas.

Cobalt. The daily amount is 3 mcg. Reduces the risk of anemia, regulates nervous activity. Improves sleep and mood. Deficiency is determined by irritability and skin rashes. Products: sea fish.

Magnesium. The daily amount is 300 mg. Part of hormones, supports cardiac activity. Prevents muscle cramps. Deficiency is determined by irritability and insomnia. Products - cheese, nuts, rye and wheat bread, greens.

Copper. The daily amount is 1.5 mg. Necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, some hormones and enzymes. Participates in metabolism. Deficiency is determined by weakness and paleness of the skin. Products: beef liver, buckwheat, seaweed.

Sodium. The daily amount is 1500 mg. Responsible for water balance in the body, regulates cardiac activity. Deficiency is determined by dry mouth, thirst, and muscle cramps. Products: salt.

Chromium. The daily amount is 25 mcg. Reduces the need for sweets, reduces the risk of developing gestational diabetes. Chromium deficiency is rare. Products: milk, nuts.

Important! A multivitamin complex must be chosen on the recommendation of a doctor - your obstetrician-gynecologist and/or therapist.